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Voting Members in Attendance:  Maryam Zar, Allison Holdorff Polhill, George Wolfberg, Richard Cohen, Peter Culhane, Sue Kohl, Rick Mills, Danielle Samulon, Richard Wulliger, Lou Kamer, David Card, Janet Anderson, Gilbert Dembo, David Kaplan

Voting Alternates:  Barbara Kohn, Richard Blumenberg, Kelly Comras

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Brenda Theveny, Lindsay Conner, Lilliana Zar & Eli Safaie-Kia (standing in for Youth Advisor, Amir Ebtehadj)

1.    Certification of Quorum.  Chair Maryam Zar called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm and certified that a quorum was present.

2.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  David Kaplan read the Council’s Mission.

3.    Introduction of the Board and Audience.  The board and audience were introduced.

4.    Approval of Minutes & Upcoming Meetings.  1) Approval of Minutes – May 10, 2017 [approved].   2) Upcoming Meetings – 6/14/18:  Candidates forum and election of officers for 2018-2019 term.  The Chair announced that Incumbent Elected Representatives must notice their intention to run for reelection, to the Chair, before the start of the 1st June meeting, in writing.  6/28/18:  Presentations and thanks to outgoing Chair and other officers, as applicable; Measure A update from RAP supervisor in charge of the project, Bill Jones. Additional topics may be announced.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Chair announced that the agenda was as distributed.

6.   Treasurer’s Report.  Richard Cohen (Treasurer) reported that our bank balance is $38,894.65 and that there were no significant transactions.

7.    General Public Comment on local issues.

7.1.    Marge Gold:  plans are moving forward for the spruce up of the village. Lou Kamer advocated getting the crosswalks and curbs painted, and pushed to get things done.

[7.2.]   Daphne Gronich:  suggested individuals who want to be a sponsor for the parade, or take part in the parade, to go online at, and apply by June 4th.  Kathleen Jensen asked for the community to build more floats.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair.

8.1.1.    Nominations for Officer elections are open until 15 minutes prior to the end of the meeting.  [See Item 11 below.]

8.1.2.    Incumbent elected representatives must inform the PPCC Chair in writing prior to first Board meeting in June (6/14/18) if they plan to run for re-election as elected Area reps to the PPCC Board (Bylaws, Attachment A, Sec. 3.D.2). Failure to notify the Chair will result in the inability to stand for re-election.

8.1.3.    Conflict of Interest Policy (comparison to City Boards and other NCs; the need for us to develop guidelines at PPCC).  Richard Cohen said the Bylaws Committee had considered this in years past and declined to pursue it.  Barbara Kohn affirmed that people did not wish to disclose their interests. Chair raised the idea of a conflict of interest form or policy that would be simple enough to be suitable for our board (of volunteers and otherwise professionals in life) yet dissuade conflict. She asked Lindsay Conner, Legal Advisor, to weigh in on the issue. Lindsay said he recognizes the countervailing concerns but believes a policy could be crafted to suit the board, and is within the Bylaws to do.

8.1.3.    LUC Meeting on June 26th, at 6pm.  Guest: Krista Kline, Planning Deputy, CD11.

8.1.4.    Appointment of five-member Election Committee (per Bylaws Attachment A):  Andy Frew, David Card, Barbara Kohn, Richard Blumenberg & Kelly Comras.

8.1.5.    Upcoming Summer meeting dates: July 26 and August 9.  The August meeting will include a public Candidates Forum featuring all candidates running for Elected Representative positions at PPCC, as prescribed by the Bylaws.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    George Wolfberg, Vice Chair, reported he had just come from an LAUSD-sponsored meeting regarding the Canyon Charter Elementary School Bungalow Removal and Replacement project.  The meeting was well attended and the community is engaged. Allison Holdorff Polhill added that she would reach out to LAUSD facilities people to come to a PPCC meeting and report on the plans.

8.2.2.    Allison Holdorff Polhill, Secretary, reported that the photographs hanging in the library community room (where we are gathered) are the work of Pali High photography students.  Rick Steil, photography teacher, told her the head librarian from downtown LA would be coming to attend the show on May 25th from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, along with the Pali High Jazz Band.

She further reported that:

  • Kenter construction continues.
  • Revere is installing two hydration stations.
  • Canyon will be removing and replacing bungalows, but not increasing capacity.
  • Paul Revere culmination is at Pali High on June 8th
  • Pali High Graduation is June 7th  5:30 pm – Board Member Nick Melvoin will be attending and speaking.

8.3.    From At-Large and Area Reps.

8.3.1.    Lou Kamer, At Large representative, reported that he is working with a group of residents to organize a community-based “spruce up” of the non-Caruso owned areas of the Palisades business district to make the area more attractive and inviting in time for the “Palisades Village” Grand Opening.

Traffic in the Palisades: For the past 2.5 years, the Palisades Chapter of The Waze Connected Citizen’s Partner Program has been exchanging traffic data with WAZE and LADOT.  This data shows an increase in overall travel time and in ”cut-through” traffic in the residential neighborhoods. Lou will work with LADOT and other departments to suggest changes to mitigate these trends.  He is also working with Safe Routes to Schools to redraw the maps in light of the Caruso Development.

8.4.    From Organizational Reps.

8.4.1.    Janet Anderson, AYSO (Recreation Category), reported they now are 50%/50% with boys and girls.

8.4.2.    Sandra Eddy, Friends of the Library (Culture & Aesthetics Category).  Announced a patio bookstore pop-up sale on Friday June 8th.

8.4.3.    David Card, American Legion Pacific Palisades Post (Service Clubs), reported that the Rotary Club of Pacific Palisades gave 11 students received scholarships totaling $5,000, some to students at PCHS and Revere;  the American Legion Post 283 Pacific Palisades also gave $2,000 scholarships (each) to students in area schools.

To commemorate Memorial Day there will be a Ceremony at the Westwood Veterans Cemetery; 10,000 scouts will place 90K flags.

8.4.4.    Gilbert Dembo, Temescal Canyon Association (TCA), reported that there was secret meeting from the County of LA to put up a microwave antenna in the State park.  The Chair suggested he contact Stephanie Cohen at the County to see what happened that the community was not informed. Gil said he would do so.

The National Park Service is doing a count on the use of park services and they are looking for volunteers.

8.4.5.    Barbara Kohn, Pacific Palisades Residents Association (PPRA), reported that the PPRA Annual meeting will be held on June 12th, from 6-8 pm at the Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club and will focus on CA Coastal Act. Guests will hear from planning and coastal experts to discuss local coastal laws and planning issues. Dinner will be served.

Kohn announced that PPRA is joining the legal battle to appeal the approval of the eldercare project in the Highlands.

8.5.    From Government Offices/Representatives.

8.5.1.    LAPD Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore reported that has been an increase in thefts of Prius Catalytic converters.

8.5.2.     Office of Congressman Ted Lieu, Janet Turner, Field Supervisor.  Janet reported that Congressman Ted Lieu’s HR 5573 Robo Call Act attempts to resolve inaccurate caller information and the problem of calls from scammers who “spoof” real phone numbers in an attempt to get unsuspecting residents to pick up the phone.

The FAA authorization (budget) includes a provision to reduce noise pollution.

Three bills passed in the house: The Music Modernization Act, VA Mission Act, and the Hack Your State Dept. Act.

8.6.     From PPCC Advisors.

8.6.1.     Youth Advisor – Eli Safaie-Kia and Lilliana Zar [in the absence of Amir Ebtehadj] gave a thorough report detailing schools events, including Paul Revere and Palisades High School Graduations, and more.

9.     Reports from Committees [– None].

10.     Old Business.

10.1.     Citywide Sign Ordinance.  Update by Patrick Frank of Ban Billboard Blight.


A coalition to ban billboard blight of sign companies filed a lawsuit against the new regulations.  Sign ordinance should have an environmental review. $13M for income from digital signs has already been included in the budget, without an ordinance yet. Chair noted that this means we can assume there will be a Sign Ordinance forthcoming this year, and we should contemplate how that may impact us here in the Palisades, especially through our parks and recreation centers. Frank explained that Digital signs can be located in various places. New ordinance is respectful of community plans and specific plans. No specific law regarding billboards in city parks. Individuals are forbidden to relocate billboards. Signs can be 20% higher or larger in the PLUM Committee version. Mr. Frank complimented PPCC and its members’ knowledge on this issue, and our engagement.

10.2.    Crown Castle – Michael Cintron from SureSite Consulting presented plans for Small Cell towers in the public right of way.

Several locations have been identified for AT&T and SireSite wants to get community feedback. Crown Castle is a Telecommunications infrastructure company which is now the 2nd largest fiber company in the country. Facts; 50% of all people use their cell phones exclusively. Teleconferences are increasingly popular. Data must be transmitted; need to increase capacity; small cells are being deployed throughout the community. Issue: What is the right infrastructure for this community.

Crown Castle plans to install new fiber and eight small cellular transmitters (see table below). Michael Cintron gave a PowerPoint presentation which showed existing fiberoptic lines and proposed routes for new lines which need to be placed. The PowerPoint included a map with of proposed sites in the Huntington area of the Palisades, as well as two in the Alphabets and one at Entrada/PCH. Three will be on existing utility poles, five new poles are planned. Richard Cohen expressed concern that the proposed sites were just the beginning – that there would be a proliferation of new cell sites. Mr. Cintron acknowledged that a full 5G upgrade would involve many more sites throughout the Palisades. Richard expressed concern and suggested a viewpoint shared by the board: that all new cell sites be designed to accommodate co-location with other carriers so as to minimize the overall impact of the impending system upgrade. Reza Akef asked if Crown Castle can assure PPCC that they will allow others to co-locate, or if AT&T held an exclusive right to the towers. David Kaplan asked for assurances from Crown Castle that they would be open to co-location.

Cintron invited the community to view the locations. Zar suggested Area Reps take the time to see the locations in their area, and said she’d put Cintron in touch with all Area Reps for that purpose. David Card requested a map with street names. Daphne Gronich (audience) asked if Cintron will take into account community concerns about proliferation. Zar restated the spoken concerns anchored in the inevitable proliferation of interest for access to the Palisades and asked Cintron to get back to us with respect to collocation and outreach to other service providers. She pledged to inform our Council office about this exchange and gained an assurance from Cintron that any progress/plans would not take place without PPCC input.  See Crown Castle’s presentation, and catalogue of small cell designs.

11.    New Business.   Catherine Ruddy was nominated for secretary by Kelly Comras and Joann Barry was nominated for Treasurer by Maryam Zar.

[12.]    Adjournment.  Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:11pm.

ATTACHMENT:   ITEM 10.2 — Proposed Cell Site Locations

Proposed current locations (undecipherable from the PowerPoint presentation):

Jurisdiction CROWN ID Type of Pole Structure Owner Current Address CITY  




Los Angeles ATTSMW03 New Pole Crown 14959 Camarosa Dr. Pacific Palisades  



Los Angeles ATTSMW04 New Pole Crown 741 Ocampo Drive Pacific Palisades  



Los Angeles ATTSMW06 New Pole Crown 14901 Ramos Pl. Pacific Palisades  



Los Angeles ATTSMW07m1 New Pole Crown 600 N. Toyopa Dr. Pacific Palisades  



Los Angeles ATTSMW08 New pole Crown 14801 Pacific Coast Hwy Pacific Palisades  



Los Angeles ATTSMW05m1 Utility wood pole DWP 14721 Bestor Boulevard Pacific Palisades  



Los Angeles ATTSMW02m1 Utility wood pole DWP 1290 Monument St. Pacific Palisades  



Los Angeles ATTSMW01m1 Utility wood pole DWP 15321 West Friend Street Pacific Palisades  



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