Scroll down for all 2003 meeting minutes
MINUTES FOR JANUARY 9th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): George Wolfberg, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Paul Glasgall, Ronald R. Silverton, Norma Spak, Norman Kulla, Barry Kurtz, Kurt Toppel, Larry Jacobs, Stuart Muller, Gilbert Dembo, Jean Gold Friedman, Carl Mellinger, Ted Mackie, Lorraine Oshins, Daniel Slate, Byron Brooks, Sam Stigler, Richard Bletcher 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the December 12, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted. The minutes for the meeting of November 14, 2002 had been distributed by email earlier in the day and consideration was deferred until the Board had the opportunity to review them. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer was absent but advised through the Chair that there was no significant change since the last report. 3.2. Selection of Area Representative Alternates. The Chair announced that alternate vacancies remain for Areas 6 & 7. 3.3. Status of Organizational Representative Designations. Daniel Slate was welcomed representing the YMCA. Ron Silverton was welcomed as an Advisor who shall serve in such capacity until he shall serve as organizational representative for American Legion Post 283 commencing October 2003. 3.4. Entertainment Industry Development Corporation (EIDC) Update. Larry Jacobs reported that he had circulated an email to approximately 140 parties involved in 90 community organizations inquiring of their interest in drafting a letter to the City Council regarding the EIDC. He had received responses from 20 groups indicating interest in addressing the current film permit process. Larry will draft and circulate a letter to these interested groups that will reflect his previously expressed concerns of the role our elected representatives have played in allowing the EIDC to get out of hand. Larry will keep us informed as progress occurs. 3.5. Letter Received from Chief Zoning Administrator re 1250 N. Capri Dr. This matter concerns the proposed installation of a cell phone antenna by AT&T in the form of a monopalm adjacent to trees in a parking lot of Riviera Country Club. Representatives of AT&T and concerned residents made presentations to the Board at our prior meeting. The Board had requested that the Zoning Administrator continue the hearing to allow residents the opportunity to obtain and present further information. The Chair stated that the written response of the Zoning Administrator explained that the hearing could only be continued upon the request of the applicant under current practices. This was in part due to managing a busy calendar and in part due to avoid the appearance of manipulation in favor of one side or the other. The Chair announced that Councilwoman Miscikowski had met with concerned residents today and agreed to write a letter requesting additional technical information from AT&T. There was discussion that the residents objected on health concerns, namely that radio-waves from antenna were potentially carcinogenic, but that health concerns was not considered by hearing due to federal pre-exemption by FCC of health effects from radio-waves. Nonetheless, the several members of community expressed viewpoint that despite federal pre-exemption, if health concerns were substantive, the PPCC should continue to take appropriate action nonetheless. Bill Bruns then raised the question of whether or not the Board was not going to oppose the antenna based upon the precedent of not granting exceptions to height limitations. The antenna will be over sixty feet high while the height limitation is thirty-two feet. A discussion ensued. Carl Mellinger, an arborist, stated that he’s familiar with these monopalms and “they fool me quite regularly.” He pointed out that times change, people rely on cell phones extensively today and we need to consider all the facts. Jack Allen stated the Board considers the issue on a case-by-case basis. Kurt Toppel moved, and Lorraine Oshins seconded, that the Board expresses its opposition in principle to any variation to the existing height limitations for structures. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 2 opposed, 2 abstentions. The Chair will send a letter to the ZA and the Council office expressing the Board’s view. 3.6. Beach Bike Path Improvement – Fiji Way. The beach bike path is nineteen miles and runs from Will Rogers to Torrance. Barry Kurtz is working on a project (sponsored by the County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works) to close.27 mile gap where the bike path travels on Fiji Way in Marina del Way. If funded and constructed, the entire19 mile path will be a “class one” bikeway. The bike path subject to the project is a lower rated “class three” bikeway. The PPCC is already on record as supporting a project to extend the path through the Bel Air Club parking lot to the City limit at Coastline Drive. The Chair asked whether this project would compete for the same funds as the extension project. Barry Kurtz noted that the Fiji Way project would be a lower priority project and should receive funding in a different cycle from the extension project. On motion of Norman Kulla, seconded by Gilbert Dembo, the Board unanimously approved the bike project. The Chair is to write a letter to the appropriate party indicating our support. 3.7. Revisiting the Neighborhood Council Certification Issue. Norman Kulla recommended the Chair appoint a committee to reconsider certification as L.A. City Neighborhood Council. Kulla stated that Viet Tran of Mayor Hahn’s office had recently suggested in a speech to the Palisades Optimist Club that it would be possible to do so and reserve the PPCC’s right to challenge city action. Kulla stated that he understood each certified Neighborhood Council would be receiving something like $50,000 to $70,000 per year, which could be used to benefit the local community. Kulla had asked Tran to investigate and report back to him if there were any restrictions on the use of these funds, and if so, to describe them. A discussion ensued where strong objection was raised to reconsideration. Arthur Mortell stated it was immoral for the City in this budget crisis to allocate any funds to neighborhood councils, and we shouldn’t accept such funds in any event. Several Board members stated the PPCC had the ability to raise funds from the local community as needed and agreed that we should not pursue funding from the city. Additional objections involved changing the process as well as legal form of the PPCC to comply with certification guidelines. The viewpoint was also expressed that not being certified gave the PPCC greater influence due to its independence and history of open dialogue with our elected public representatives. Also, the Chair has been invited to participate and observe events held by the City for certified community councils. The discussion concluded by several Board members encouraging Kulla to monitor the situation and report back if circumstances warrant further discussion. 3.8. Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy Renewal. This matter was deferred. Chair Emeritus Harry Sondheim encouraged the Chair to review last year’s materials, which he believed he had delivered to the Chair. He asked the Chair to contact him if he could not locate the materials. 3.9. New VNOC – Rustic Canyon Park. The Chair announced that Councilwoman Miscikowski and the Department of Recreation & Parks invited all interested persons to a community meeting to consider future improvements at Rustic Canyon Park at 7:30 P.M. on January 13, 2003 at the Park. This meeting will focus on the new Proposition K funding and establish the new VNOC [community oversight committee]. 3.10. 3-1-1 Non-emergency Phone Number. The Chair inquired if members of the Board or community had tried to use the new 311 non-emergency city phone number. Several persons indicated they had successfully done so. The Chair indicated that 311 is not working for some 454 prefixes. The Chair is following up with the City. 3.11. Sunset to Via left Turn Signal. At Jack Allen’s request the Chair will invite a representative from the City Traffic Engineer, preferably “Mo,” to attend our next meeting to discuss the proposed Sunset to Via de la Paz left turn signal. Carl Mellinger stated the red curb at the Post Office also should be discussed. Members asked the chair to add other community-related DOT issues to the request. 3.12. Traffic Safety Concern at Self-Realization Center. Paul Glasgall asked that this matter be added to the agenda. Due to the length of the meeting the matter was deferred to next meeting. 4. Old Business. 4.1. City of L.A. Street Furniture Project. Cheyenne Pierce, Real Estate Manager, and Maria Landin, Real Estate Coordinator, for Viacom JC Decaux Outdoor Street Furniture made a presentation regarding the City of Los Angeles’ Street Furniture Project. Los Angeles has signed a $150 million twenty year agreement with their company to provide local communities in Los Angeles with public amenity kiosks, vending kiosks, automatic public toilets, and transit shelters. This furniture is provided in various designs and colors. Advertising is sold to private industry and displayed on the furniture to fund the project. Gilbert Dembo, on behalf of Palisades Beautiful, stated they do not want billboards that the community finally succeeded in removing being replaced by street furniture with advertising. His organization is working on a master plan, which will reflect that the proposed street furniture is not compatible with what the Palisades community is trying to accomplish. Dembo stated they had MTA surveys, which reflected low bus ridership but a multitude of bus benches at PCH and intersections at Sunset as well as Temescal. Ms. Pierce indicated that their program did not represent bus benches. She recommended calling Lance Oishi (213-847-5139) of the Bureau of Street Services to request removal of any objectionable bus benches. Kurt Toppel, on behalf of PRIDE, stated opposition to advertising on kiosk, benches or other street furniture. Naidu Permaul, a resident and member of PRIDE, stated that the specific plan provided for no bench signs. He stated that he believed this program represented an erosion of stated standards. Byron Brooks stated that numerous students at Palisades High School use public transportation to go and return from school. When it rains these students must stand for extended periods of time waiting for a bus. He welcomed the installation of the type of transit shelter provided by the L.A. Street Furniture Program if placed on Sunset near the corner of El Medio where many students catch the bus. He indicated there might be other suitable locations. He stated such transit shelters would be very appealing for students waiting for the bus. Another citizen who resides and works in the Palisades stated she would welcome transit shelters of the kind described. She also indicated that the shelter and lighting these facilities provided would be much appreciated. She stated perhaps this would encourage more Palisadians to use public transportation and reduce pollution/congestion from automobiles. Ms. Landin pointed out that the public amenity kiosks have no private advertising but the transit shelters do. Chair Emeritus Harry Sondheim inquired what the cost would be to purchase the advertising on a transit shelter and if the community could do so. In this way the community could obtain the shelter’s benefit but choose to keep the advertising space blank. Ms. Landin did not know but expressed willingness to investigate and reply. Several Board members stated their support for transit shelters (with advertising, preferably without) where appropriate and suitable to address the shelter and lighting needs of students and residents who depend upon public transportation. Ms. Landin and Ms. Pierce that each community can do what they want and were not required to participate in the program. However, Councilperson Miscikowski makes this decision. Miscikowski has sent a letter to the Chair indicating she will consult with the PPCC and make her decision based upon the input received. Gilbert Dembo moved, and Carl Mellinger seconded, a motion to send a letter to Councilperson Miscikowski indicating the PPCC’s support of PRIDE in the removal of advertising from all bus benches in the Palisades and to replace them with benches without advertising. The motion passed, twelve in favor, with one abstention. Gilbert Dembo moved, and Carl Mellinger seconded, a motion that the PPCC not accept any transit shelters, kiosks, or automatic pay toilets offered by the L.A. Street Furniture Program at this time, but will continue to study the matter. The motion failed. Six voted in favor, six opposed. The Chair appointed Gilbert Dembo, Larry Jacobs, Kurt Toppel, Byron Brooks and Carl Mellinger as a committee to further consider street furniture for the Palisades and recommend back what, if anything further, should be done. The Chair is to advise Councilwoman Miscikowski of the foregoing. 4.2. Coastal Commission Hearing re Request from Sea View Restaurants dba Gladstones for Retroactive Approval for Use of Public Parking Lot and Viewing Deck by Private Restaurant, and to Maintain an Arched “Gladstones-4-Fish” Monument Sign (Application #5-91-141-A4) — This matter was deferred. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on January 23, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. Minutes taken by Norman Kulla sitting in for the Secretary. _________________________
MINUTES FOR JANUARY 23rd 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Arthur Mortell, -Patti Post, -Jack Allen, -Harry Sondheim, -Margaret Goff, -Barry Kurtz, -Alice Karl, -Larry Jacobs, -Stuart Muller, -Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Jean Gold, Friedman, -Bob Jacobsen, -Ron Silverton, -Ted Mackie, -Lorraine Oshins, -Norman Kulla, -Byron Brooks, -Paul Antieri, -Jennifer Cron, -Peter Partain, -Tony Sain, -Todd Ferrier 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the prior meeting, January 9th and of a former meeting, November 14th, were adopted. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. There is $8,306.12 in the PPCC checking account and $4,776.71 in the savings account. 3.2. Selection of Area Representatives – No update. Status of Organizational Representative Designation – No update. 3.3. Will Rogers State Park Landscape Plan EIR. Mauricio Vecchione is reviewing the documents. 3.4. 15601 Sunset Blvd. YMCA Parcel Map Approval (Map LA NO. 7245) & Coastal Dev. Permit (CDP 98-004/ZA 98-0229 (NC), effective 1/30/03, unless appealed). YMCA to brief PPCC on Plans at meeting of February 13. 3.5. 17331 – 17333 Tramanto Dr. Draft EIR. PPCC has one copy; others are available at Room 763 City Hall, Brentwood Branch and WLA Regional Branch Library. At least one page of Harry Sondheim’s letter regarding the project is missing from the EIR Appendices; deadline for comments: March 3. Chair will send correction to City Planning. 3.7. 649 N. Resolano. Applicant, Ronald Swepston, is Appealing City’s denial of a Coastal Development Permit. Coastal Commission to hear appeal 2/7/03 in San Diego (Permit A-5-PPL-02-282). Harry Sondheim asked the PPCC to re-send a letter to the Coastal Commission asking that they schedule meetings locally for local issues. 3.6. Los Angeles City Council Meeting in CD 11. Gersten Pavilion at Loyola Marymount on February 19th at 6:00pm. 4. Old Business. 4.1. Coastal Commission Hearing re Request from Sea View Restaurants dba Gladstones for Retroactive Approval for Use of Public Parking Lot and Viewing Deck by Private Restaurant, and to Maintain an Arched “Gladstones-4-Fish” Monument Sign. (Application #5-91-141-A4). Jack Allen reported that Gladstones’ permit expired in June of 2001. Arched sign does not have a permit. Parking costs between beach goers and restaurant patrons varies. Restrooms are not clearly marked that they are open to the public. Commission staff recommends 1) Parking lot monitoring program; 2) that the lot remain open to the public; 3) Removal of arched sign and elimination of “Gladstones” from the public parking sign. Jack Allen suggested that the Pacific Palisades Community Council support staff recommendations. Arthur Mortell made the motion and Lorraine Oshins seconded: “PPCC goes on record supporting Coastal Commission Staff recommendations.” Tony Sain made a second motion, also seconded by Lorraine Oshins: “PPCC recommends that whatever penalties there are be enforced (regarding sign infractions).” Both motions were approved by the Board. Barry Kurtz met with Caltrans & LAPD over the left turn out of Gladstone’s and reported that Caltrans may take out some parking to open visibility. Also looking into a possible left turn at Sunset but this solution raises other potential technical problems. 5. New Business. 5.1. Department of Transportation Briefing (requested). The West LA Traffic Engineer was invited to discuss traffic safety issues including on Sunset Blvd at various locations including (SRF and Ralphs “No Left Turn” driveways), the Post Office red curb zone, Via de La Paz and Palisades Drive (see SRF, above); signal placement and timing at West Channel Rd and at Chautauqua and PCH. Traffic Engineer Mo Blorfroshan delivered the report and responded to questions. Issues: Audience Member suggests a 4 way stop at Drummond and Toyopa. Jack Allen responded to Mr. Blorfroshan’s report that a traffic study recommends installation of a left turn signal at Via De La Paz and Sunset, but only for the westbound lanes. Jack told Mr. Blorfroshan that the eastbound lanes require a left turn signal and Mr. Blorfroshan agreed. When a large car or truck is in the westbound pocket, the drivers in the eastbound pocket are unable to see oncoming traffic. Jack Allen reported that a few years ago, the DOT approved an eastbound left turn signal. Protective-Permissive will not apply here – this will be a Protective light only. As for SRF, Mr. Blorfroshan will see that a right turn only sign is placed at the bottom of the stop sign. Marquerite Perkins Mautner suggested that plastic markers be placed in the divider to keep people from turning left onto Sunset. Mr. Blorfroshan reported that the issue with the Post Office parking problem is an enforcement issue. There is nothing that can be done structurally. The audience and board did present ideas, several of which create other problems. Suggestions included: permitting parking in a white zone to be painted there; installing a curbside mailbox across the street [apparently already exists], around the corner [also a red zone], or in the alley [there is a curb drop off at the former PO site]; removal of the East bound left turn lane, so the parking can be restored in front of the PO [creates other traffic problems because of the number of persons wishing to make this turn]; changing existing meter parking to only 15 minutes [this already has been done for the nearest meters]; removing parking across the street and moving lanes over [creates other problems including moving the bus zone; installing signs [already marked “tow-away”]; and strict enforcement with publicity. Barry Kurtz suggested painting a chevron pattern along the curb to create a disincentive. Patti suggested placing a dummy patrol car in the vicinity. Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale stated that he would put a call in to Parking Enforcement to request an increase in enforcement and he told us that he issues many tickets here but that people still take the risk. Mr. Blorfroshan indicated that PCH is under Caltrans jurisdiction. The state will have to deal with at PCH and Chautauqua. To discuss issues regarding this intersection members may call Sameer Haddadeen @ 213-897-9102. Stuart Muller moved that the Board to send a letter to Caltrans regarding a complaint at Chautauqua made by a member of the Audience. Letter will ask Caltrans to evaluate solutions over left turn jam. Seconded and passed. Arthur Mortell mentioned the problem at the Signal at Castellammare and Sunset where drivers are paying attention to the light at Sunset and running the light at Castellammare and Sunset. Other Board members mentioned the same problem and Mr. Blorfroshan will investigate. The Von’s parking lot was also discussed in reference to the parking lot exit not lining up with the intersection. A problem is created by a city utility that is in the way of a new driveway. The Board thanked Mr. Blorfroshan for responding so quickly to it request and asked the Chair to send a letter of appreciation to the appropriate City officials. Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm. Minutes taken by Vice-Chair Arthur Mortell in the absence of the secretary. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 13th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Arthur Mortell, -Patti Post, -Harry Sondheim, -Margaret Goff, -Barbara Kohn, -Norma Spak, -Todd Ferrier, -Larry Jacobs, -Stuart Muller, -Barbara Richman, -Carl Mellinger -Tony Sain, -Ron Silverton, -Ted Mackie, -Susan Orenstein, -Norman Kulla, -Mark Elswick, -Sam Stigler, -Gilbert Dembo, -Scott Wagenseller 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the prior meeting, January 23rd, were adopted as submitted, with one abstention [Stuart Muller]. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. There is $8,746.85 in the PPCC checking account and $4,777.60 in the savings account. 3.3. Status of Organizational Representative Designation – No update. 3.4. Emergency Notification System. Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale, LAPD’s liaison with the Palisades community, explained LAPD’s new community alert system and invited participation. Those in attendance were invited to complete and submit sign-up forms to receive email alerts. Email alerts will be sent to notify Palisades’s business people and residents of criminal activity in their neighborhood. The Palisades has been divided into five reporting districts for this purpose. Sign-up forms can be obtained at the Chamber of Commerce (15330 Antioch), the West LA Police Station (1663 Butler Avenue, LA, Ca 90025) or my emailing Officer Ragsdale at Officer Ragsdale may also be reached at 310-575-8423 or his cell phone, 310-509-7002. To obtain further information on the program on the web go to and click on WLA Pacific Palisades. You may also contact Officer James Merle at (310) 575-8431 or Captain Richard C. Wemmer (310) 575-8400, Commanding Officer of the West Los Angeles Community Police Station, if you have any questions or suggestions. 3.5. Golden Sparkplug Award Nominations. Nominations are due March 14, 2003. Criteria and procedure are available on PPCC’s website, 3.6. Getty Construction Notice. The Getty Villa Project will begin construction on February 17, 2003 per a notice received by the PPCC. The notice states “that grading, shoring and mass excavation activities should be complete by early fall 2003 when building construction will get underway. Barring unexpected delays, the overall project should be complete in the late summer of 2005.” Complaints about construction activity should be telephoned to (877) 625-4282 which will be staffed by Getty security personnel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The notice promises response to complaints made during 7:00a.m. –5:00 p.m. within one hour and the next business day by 10:00 a.m. for complaints made in the evening or weekends. 3.7. Calendar Giveaway. Area 5 representative Todd Ferrier, a publisher, offered free 2003 calendars to anyone present at the PPCC meeting. The calendars came in two formats, desktop and wall, by artist Susan Wallace Barnes. Todd can be reached at 1-800-992-3006 or . 3.8. Los Angeles City Council Meeting in Council District 11. The City Council will meet at Gersten Pavilion at Loyola Marymount on February 19th at 6:00pm. A City Information Fair will be held from 5:00-6:00 p.m. 3.9. DONE Congress of Neighborhoods to be held 4-5-03 at LA Convention Ctr. The PPCC has been invited to attend DONE’s Congress of Neighborhood Councils on Saturday April 4, 2003 at the LA Convention Center. The Chair, Norman Kulla, and Tony Sain will attend. The Chair said five representatives are invited so two more members interested are invited to contact the Chair. Registration is from 9-10 a.m., and the event is from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3.10. Newsletter Status. The Chair announced that printing of the newsletter was completed Friday and should be in the mail Monday or Tuesday. The Chair thanked Stuart Muller, Ted Mackie and Norman Kulla for their assistance. 3.11. Library Opening. The new Pacific Palisades City Library will open on Saturday February 22, 2003. The Riviera Masonic Lodge No. 780 invites the public to the Cornerstone Dedication at 9:30 a.m. and the Board of Library Commissioners invites the public to the Grand Opening Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. 4. Old Business. 4.1. Briefing by YMCA on Plans for Property at 15601 Sunset Blvd (@Temescal Canyon Road). Mark Elswick, Palisades-Malibu “Y” Director, stated the plans for the property at 15601 Sunset Blvd are threefold: 1) to fence around the property with a nice looking (not chain link) fence of not less than six feet height for security and safety; 2) continue current property uses, namely pumpkin sale, Christmas tree sale and children’s day camp; and 3) no build policy for not less than ten years. The Metropolitan Y will own the property and have ultimate control on use, policy, and practices. The local seventeen-member board will exercise control subject to the downtown Y’s superceding authority, which has not been exercised to Mr. Elswick’s knowledge. Should the Y want to sell the property the Conservancy have first right of refusal, and if declined, the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation & Parks has second right of refusal. In ten years the Y will consult with the community and propose a use compatible with then current needs and wants. It was announced that ten names have appealed the decision to allow splitting of the property from the Conservancy and recording of title in the name of the Metro Y. There was discussion in which several citizens urged the Y to commit to keep the property as open space permanently. Mr. Elswick acknowledged that there had been discussion of constructing a regional aquatic center of between 44,000 and 66,000 square feet on the property. He stated all proposed development project of this nature have been deferred for consideration for at least ten years. There was extended discussion about the community’s desire to maintain the property as open space, but no agreements or proposals were identified for further consideration. Per February 27, 2003 approval of minutes, the following supplemental information submitted by Stuart Muller was made part of the minutes: “Re: YMCA Parceling Off Parkland 4.2. EIDC. Larry Jacobs was thanked for developing a letter being circulated among forty community organizations to address ongoing concerns regarding the operation of EIDC. 4.3. Street Furniture Committee. The Street Furniture Committee continues to investigate and evaluate proposals. The Committee’s report will be forthcoming in the future. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm. Minutes taken by Norman Kulla in the absence of the secretary. Next PPCC Meeting, February 27 in the Oak Room at Mort’s, 1035 Swarthmore. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 27th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Arthur Mortell, -Patti Post, -Maurizio Vecchione, -Ronald Silverton, – Barbara Kohn, -Norman Kulla, -Larry Jacobs, – Todd Ferrier, -Stuart Muller, -Jean Gold Friedman, – Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Bob Karl, -Tony Sain, – Ted Mackie, – Lorraine Oshins, – Richard Bletcher, – Jennifer Cron 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the prior meeting were adopted as corrected. A correction is noted as received from Stuart Muller. Patti Post moved and Stuart Muller seconded. Motion was accepted unanimously. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. As of 2.27.03, there are $7,396.85 in the PPCC checking account and $4,777.60 in the savings account. 3.2. Selection of Area Representatives Alternates. There continue to be vacancies in areas 6 & 7. 3.3. Status of Organizational Representative Designations. There are no representatives from the Chamber of Commerce. Tony Sain to assume Education co-alternate. 3.4. Final Call for Community Service Award Nominations. Deadline is March 14th for nominations to be received by George Wolfberg. 3.5. Green LA – DWP Meeting on March 27. A meeting notice has been received relating to solar energy and energy efficiency – contact George Wolfberg if interested. 3.6. PPCC 30th Anniversary Event, March 13, 2003. The PPCC will be celebrating its 30th anniversary at the next meeting, on March 14th. The celebration will coincide with the PPCC meeting again in the library. Councilwoman Miscikowski will be in attendance; PPCC would like to invite all prior Chairs to attend as well. The State Assemblywoman Pavley’s office also indicates attendance. 3.7. Illegal Dumping on Palisades Drive. Stuart Muller reports that there are hundreds of blue-green bags in piles around Palisades Drive. The Councilwoman’s office has received a complaint and will report back. 3.8. Removal of Temescal Storm Drain Construction Signs. Stuart Muller reports that signs still remain in the Temescal storm drain construction area because testing of the new systems is on going. This is expected to last 60 days. After that, they will be repaving Temescal for about 600 ft. from the base. 3.9. Palisades Elementary. The School has provided the PPCC with their School Safety Plan. Tony Sain took the plan for review. 3.10. Area Planning Commission Meeting re: YMCA. The YMCA proposal was granted and residents expect to appeal to the APC on March 19 at 4:30PM – APC meeting will occur at the Parking Enforcement Building on Exposition Blvd. The grounds for appeal are the lack of requirements for the EIR. 3.11. Getty Construction. The Councilwoman’s office announced that a public hearing will be held, at a date to be announced by the Building and Safety Commission, relating to the routes for the excavation work at the Getty. The PPCC has requested the Councilwoman’s office to advise us when the hearing date/time is set. 3.12. Announcements from the Councilwoman’s Office. The Councilwoman’s office reported that they will waive the library use fee normally charged by the Library for use of its meeting hall, in connection with future PPCC meetings, on grounds that the PPCC is a community service group. In response to the issues raised by the PPCC in relation to filming in the Palisades, the EIDC has offered to come and address the community concerns. The PPCC will take the offer under advisement. 3.13. Announcement from the LAPD. The LA Police Department invites all residents to attend the “Semi Annual Basic Car Meeting” on Wed. Mach 12 at 6:30PM at the Stoner Park Community Room, 1835 Stoner Avenue. Senior lead officers, patrol officers and detectives will be on hand. A presentation on the consent decree will be given. 3.14. Concerns about Business Practices on Swarthmore. A member of the public reported that McDonald Properties on Swarthmore has allegedly been refusing to renew leases of existing businesses on Swarthmore. Specifically Emerson cleaners was alleged to have lost its lease. Stuart Muller added that the landlord has had a history of not collecting trash and of leaving the alley parking surfaces poorly maintained. George Wolfberg commented that the trash pick up issue involves restriction due to noise. 3.15. Neighborhood Councils. George Wolfberg reported having attended an early notification group meeting. He can provide details if anyone is interested. 3.16. Vagrancy Problems. A report was made that a number of vagrancy incidents have occurred on Corsica Dr., as reported by the Palisades Post. The incidents included a burglary. 3.17. Insurance. George Wolfberg reported that the PPCC insurance is expiring and fees might be raised. Without objection Wolfberg stated that he would pay the new policy if the increase did not exceed 25%. 4. Old Business. 4.1. Letter to Councilwoman re EIDC. Larry Jacobs has developed a standard letter to be sent by Community groups to their local Council member, the County, the Mayor, and the Controller. This letter was developed in cooperation with 150 representatives of over 90 community organizations including Community Councils, Associations. Larry Jacobs is asking the PPCC and HOA to endorse the letter. Larry Jacobs moved to authorize the PPCC to send the letter to Cindy Miscikowski. Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 4.2. Promotion of the 430 Commuter line – an Update. DOT representatives Phil Akers and bus rider/ expert marketing volunteer Steve Lantz reported that the DOT had run an ad in the Downtown News, although the ad was nonspecific to the Palisades. The marketing program was held up by DOT’s changes in contractors, which occurred on Feb 2nd. A new schedule/brochure has been prepared, (draft samples were circulated) and the DOT is asking for help in distributing printed copies to the community. Additionally DOT is planning an ad in the Palisades Post. A number of Board members offered spelling and technical corrections to the draft schedule/flier. DOT indicates it will update the document. Arthur Mortell indicated that Kehilliat Israel is shown as a Park & Ride location, and he very much doubts whether the Temple has any available parking. DOT indicated it would take it out. Patti Post advised DOT to contact the Chamber of Commerce to effect distribution at local businesses. Members of the audience also indicated they would do grass root distribution. DOT indicated that current publicity had increased ridership slightly, or approximately 3-5 new riders. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR MARCH 13th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Arthur Mortell, -Patti Post, -Harry Sondheim, -Kurt Toppel, -Barbara Kohn, -Norma Spak, -Todd Ferrier, -Larry Jacobs -Stuart Muller, -Paul Glasgall, -Richard Blumenberg, -Tony Sain, -Ron Silverton, -Ted Mackie, -Mary Cole, -Norman Kulla, -Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Sam Stigler, -Gilbert Dembo, -Lorraine Oshins, -Richard Bletcher, -Bob Jacobson 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Library Community Room with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. PPCC Anniversary Observed. The Chair began by thanking Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski for facilitating use of the new Library Community Room to celebrate PPCC’s 30th Anniversary, and hold regular meetings in the future. Although she was unable to attend, the Chair also thanked Bobbi Farberow for making Mort’s Oak Room the PPCC’s home away from home during construction of the new library. A plaque from the PPCC Board will be presented to Bobbi at the nearest opportunity. Prior PPCC Chairs Bob Schibel (1978-79), Gloria (Stout) Johnson Nedell (1979-80), Joan Graves (1987-89), Flo Elfant (1989-90), Randy Young (1992-94), Shirley Haggstrom (1996-98) and Harry Sondheim (2000-2002) were in attendance and offered historical perspective with their congratulations. Letters of congratulations from the first Chair Robert Abernethy (1973) and Chair Sandy Schaefer (1983-85). were read aloud by the Chair. Cindy Miscikowski presented a certificate of recognition on behalf of the City Council, Viet Tran presented a certificate on behalf of Mayor Hahn, and Jenny Toder presented a certificate from the State Assembly on behalf of Assemblywoman Fran Pavley. All participants noted the spirit of democracy and community over 30 years of dedicated advocacy by and for the citizens of the Palisades now serves as the model for neighborhood councils for all of the Los Angeles. 3. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the prior meeting, February 27, were not submitted. 4. Announcements and Concerns. 4.1. Treasurer’s Report. As of Thursday, March 13, 2003, the Council had $6,253.93 in checking account and $4,777.60 in savings account. 4.2. Selection of Area Representatives. Laurie Frost was unanimously approved as Alternate Area 6 Representative. 4.3. Status of Organizational Representative Designation. Mary Cole was welcomed back to the Board as representative of the Chamber of Commerce. 4.4. Golden Sparkplug Award Update. The Chair announced nominations would be accepted up until 3a.m. Saturday, March 15, 2003. Ted Mackie was appointed Chair of the Golden Sparkplug Award Committee, and Barry Kurtz, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, and Norman Kulla were appointed to the committee. Criteria and procedure are available on PPCC’s website, 4.5. Early Morning Trash Removal Adjacent to Residential Zone. Todd Ferrier stated he had received complaints from Pam Halderman and others that every morning there is commercial trash pick-up circa 6:15 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. A discussion ensued in which it was noted that the Code provides that construction may not commence before 7 a.m. in residential neighborhoods. Reserve Officer Mark.Dundore appeared on behalf of Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale. Officer Dundore reported that the Code proscribes trash pick-up before 6 a.m. and after 9 p.m. He introduced himself as someone who grew up in and lived in the Palisades for thirty years. He will be in the Palisades to assist Officer Ragsdale four days a week. He reported that Officer Ragsdale has contacted Consolidated Refuse who is the sole commercial trash collector in the Palisades. Consolidated has agreed not to collect prior to 6:30 a.m. Stuart Muller moved, and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded, a motion that unanimously carried authorizing a letter be written to the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the PPCC Board expressing concern about trash pick-up for merchants near residences and requesting restrictions on early morning pick-ups. Todd Ferrier agreed to write the letter. 4.6. Complaint of Excessive Location Filming Impacting Residents on El Medio. Larry Jacobs reported that progress is being made on recourse for neighbors with complaints of excessive filming. Note: Cindy Miscikowski in her remarks congratulated Larry on his efforts. She also reported her intention to move that the Los Angeles City Council create a citizen oversight committee or commission for the EIDC in the near future. A discussion regarding excessive filming on the 500, 600, 800 & 900 blocks of El Medio ensued. On the positive, residents Elaine & John Rabuchin of 650 El Medio have delivered to neighbors a letter thanking the, for their patience and announcing their intention to limit future filming at their home in the interest of continuing good relations. 4.7. Trash left on Palisades Drive. Stuart Muller renewed his objection to the unsightly appearance of trash bags left on Palisades Drive approximately 1 mile north of Sunset. Paul Glasgall and Norman Kulla stated they had independently conferred with Edward Headington of Cindy Miscikowski’s office about this problem. Paul and Norman explained that there has been a recurring problem of failed clean up of Palisades Drive by the City. In this instance, after many requests, the City had provided some clean-up but then failed to timely remove the refuse packaged in the offending trash bags. Edward Headington reported that he had spoken to the appropriate parties in the City and that he expected the trash bags would be removed in the next several days. 4.8. City of Los Angeles Free Bicycle Rack Program. The Chair announced a free City bicycle rack program described in a letter from Councilwoman Miscikowski. The letter was provided to Bill Bruns who agreed to publish the contents in the Palisadian-Post. 4.9. Out-of-order Restroom, Topanga State Park Trailhead @ Via Las Palmas. Gail Didden, a resident, complained that the bathrooms have been out-of-order for six months in the parking lot on Via Las Palmas that provides access to Topanga State Park Trailhead. She determined that new pumps are required and available for installation but an electrician has been unavailable for installation. The Chair has communicated with the responsible parties who have agreed to remedy this deficiency in the near future. 4.10. West LA APC Agenda. The Chair announced that the March 19 West LA APC Agenda contained two notable action items: 17045 Posatano Road (Staff recommends denial of an over-height fence of 5′ versus 3-1/2′ allowed by code); and the lot split for the YMCA parcel (ten appeals have been filed in opposition to approval). 4.11. Chautauqua-Sunset Center Divider Project. Kurt Toppel announced that PRIDE had obtained necessary City approvals for the beautification of the concrete center divider on Sunset near Chautauqua. $47,000 is available for the project and a $47,000 bid has been received to do the work. A minor project to remove the existing asphalt is needed. PRIDE will be working to assist Eagle Scouts candidates by identifying prospective community beautification projects. 4.12. Antique Street Market on Sundays. Edward Headington reported that the temporary permit for the Antique Street Market for Sunday on Antioch has expired. Jennifer McColm was not timely informed of efforts to obtain her input into the City’s consideration of the extension or renewal of the permit. Mark Geller, a local jewelry merchant, has objected to the continuation of the Antique Street Market. A discussion ensued questioning the merits of the Antique Market, including the disadvantage of having two streets blocked off on Sunday and the street market’s competition with small local jewelry and antique merchants. Ted Mackie and Harry Sondheim objected to the process, which did not appear to include any community, ie, PPCC Board, input, instead relying on private meetings with merchants opposing the street market and Jennifer McColm. Chairman Wolfberg commented that he had been contacted by one of the merchants last fall. This merchant objected to Antique vendors selling identical items to those carried in his store. In 20-20 hindsight, the Chair stated it would have been better to bring the matter to the Board at that time. After discussion, the merits of the matter were deferred and it was agreed that all interested parties will be invited to the March 27, 2003 PPCC open public meeting to consider all viewpoints. 4.13. 311 in Service. Viet Tran inquired if anyone had been unable to use the new 24/7 311 City information service. Hearing no objection, Mr. Tran announced that by calling 311 a live person would promptly answer and refer any request for city service to the correct party. 5. Old Business — There was no old business. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm. Minutes taken by Norman Kulla in the absence of the secretary. Next PPCC Meeting, March 27, 2003 in the Library Community Room, located at 861 Alma Real. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR MARCH 27th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): George Wolfberg, Patti Post, Harry Sondheim, Paul Glasgall, Ronald R. Silverton, Norman Kulla, Larry Jacobs, Todd Ferrier, Stuart Muller, Laurie Frost, Mary Cole, Carl Mellinger, Alice Karl, Tony Sain, Gilbert Dembo, Lorraine Oshins, Bob Jacobson 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes for Meetings of February 27, and March 13, 2003. The minutes for the February 27 meeting were not available and were continued. The March 13 minutes were approved as corrected. [Spelling of Jenny Toder’s name] 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported as of March 27th ’03 a Checking account balance of $11,114.34, and a Savings balance $4,778.38. 3.2. Selection of Area Representative Alternates — This matter was deferred. 3.3. Announcements from City Officials. Edward Headington from Councilmember Miscikowski’s office reported on various topics. Officer Chris Ragsdale reported on Traffic Engineer Mo Blorfroshan summarized the status of issues brought up at the January 23rd meeting and answered questions. PPCC Board member Larry Jacobs gave an update of filming issues. Alice Karl invited Board members to the Garden Tour to be held on April 6th. Board Member Gilbert Dembo reported about the Street Furniture issue. Chair Wolfberg briefly summarized several items: 3.4. Golden Sparkplug Award – Update. The Chair congratulated the winners: Larry Jacobs, Carole Kenney, Nelson Clay Willis, who will be honored at Citizen of the Year banquet April 24. 3.5. Clearwater Mural. Stuart Muller briefed the Council on plans to upgrade and complete the Clearwater Mural at Sav-On. [First] Stuart showed pictures demonstrating that the mural is suffering damage from Skateboarders -“grinding” and Dumpsters – scraping. He is working on a number of proposed solutions to repair and prevent further damage. No firm decision has been made regarding what will best serve these two purposes. However, Stuart reported he is very passionate about this project and will continue to diligently pursue its preservation as he has done for the past 6 years when he started the project. Additionally Stuart reported on completing the mural on the Reyes Abobe Panels and having the support of Save-On and possibly some of the vendors to support an Ice cream social if and when new mural is completed. The board agreed to support the plan and application for grant funding for completion of the mural. PRIDE will supervise the project. 3.6. Proposal for Board Handbook. George Wolfberg passed out an outline of a proposed Board handbook. Board members support the project in a brief discussion of the need for such a document to guide and inform future Chairs and board members. 4. New Business. 4.1. Discussion of the Process for Approving the Antiques Market. Antioch businessman Mark Geller summarized the concerns of most of the merchants on Antioch Street. The issue was two-pronged: [First] was the concern of the some of the PPCC Board who felt such issues should be brought up in front of the Board prior to final decisions. However, the point was moot because the market closure resulted from the termination in January of the permit. The permit holder was Jennifer McColm, who was invited to attend this meeting and elected not to attend. It was concluded that better communication between PPCC Board and merchants on Antioch is needed in the future to rectify such issues. [Secondly] Mr. Geller noted that the merchants on Antioch had a petition of 13 out of 14 merchants to no longer hold the antique market, due to lack of true antiques being sold and merchant and market vendors competing by selling the same merchandise. Mark noted that the Antioch merchants are not so much opposed to having an antique market on Antioch as they are having a market that does not sell antiques and calling it an antique market. Thus Mark proposed, if ever a new proposal to have an antique market he would like to see a committee verify that true antiques are what is to be sold. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held in the Library Community Room on April 10, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. Minutes taken by Todd Ferrier sitting in for the Secretary. _________________________ [MINUTES FOR APRIL 10th 2003 not submitted/unavailable] |
MINUTES FOR MAY 8th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): George Wolfberg, Harry Sondheim, Barbara Kohn, Norma Spak, Margaret Goff, Larry Jacobs, Stuart Muller, Paul Glasgall, Katy Lain, Jean Gold Friedman, Tony Sain, Ted Mackie, Norman Kulla, Ron Silverton, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Sam Stigler, Gilbert Dembo, Lorraine Oshins, Richard Bletcher, Bob Jacobson, Scott Wagenseller 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Community Room with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes for Meeting of April 10, 2003. The minutes of the April 10, 2003 meeting were not received. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report — The Treasurer was not present and no report was presented. 3.2. Selection of Area Representatives Update – No update. 3.3. Announcements. Edward Headington of Councilman’s Miscikowski’s office reported that the Councilwoman’s office was working with Bob Jeffers of PRIDE to facilitate demolition at City expense of median on Sunset at Chautauqua to save expense for PRIDE’s median beautification project at that location. Lorraine Oshins announced that three members of founding Clearwater family would review the history of the Palisades at the Historical Society’s May 21, 2003 annual meeting to be held at Aldersgate Lodge, 925 Haverford Avenue at 7:30 pm. Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale reported upon recent vandalism at Canyon and Palisades Elementary Schools. He requested that the community report all incidents of criminal behavior as extra patrols and attention can only be deployed if LAPD has knowledge. Scott Wagenseller announced that Saturday was Law Enforcement Day and that longtime Palisades community leader R.B. Wilken would become the Palisades first Honorary Sheriff. He invited everyone to join the festivities at noon Saturday on Via de la Paz. 3.4. EIDC Progress. Larry Jacobs reported that a major step forward in renegotiating the process for neighborhood input into EIDC’s film permitting would take place before the Education & Neighborhood Committee of the City Council on Monday, May 12, 2003 at 10 a.m. on the tenth floor of City Hall [later moved to the third floor Council Chambers]. The Chair agreed to personally attend. 3.5. Report of the Nominating Committee. In the absence of Nominating Committee Chair Patti Post, Marguerite Perkins Mautner gave the report of the nominating committee. Other committee members were Mary Cole, Todd Ferrier and Harry Sondheim. “The following are nominated as officers of the Board for one year terms to take office on July 1, 2003: George Wolfberg, Chair; Arthur Mortell, Vice Chair; Patti Post, Treasurer; and Christina Porter, Secretary. Nominations are open until the June 12 PPCC meeting, when the election shall take place. Any board member wishing to nominate a candidate to any of the officer positions can make a nomination until such time as the nominations are closed.” The Chair will confer with the existing student representatives about continuing service and report back to the Board. 3.6. Proposed 3-lot Subdivision @ 425 Mt. Holyoke. Barbara Schelbert, a neighbor to proposed project, appeared to request the Board’s support in opposing the proposed 3-lot subdivision at 425 Mt. Holyoke. She reported this lot has a long history dating back to 1978 when a permit was initially approved for one house. The Chair will place the matter on the Board’s May 22 agenda and to invite the owner/applicant to appear. 4. Old Business. 4.1. Early Morning Trash Removal Adjacent to Residential Zone. Pam Halderman thanked the Board for its recent efforts to support later daily commercial trash pick-up behind Swarthmore. Unfortunately, the pick-up that formerly began at 5:30 a.m. now begins at 6 a.m.. This is still too early. The neighbors request that trash pick-up begin not earlier than 7:30 a.m. Stuart Muller encouraged Ms. Halderman to approach the trash collectors clients, the merchants, to request later pick-up. Discussion ensued. It was noted that there was later trash pick-up on the opposite side of Sunset, near Robek Juice and Noah’s Bagel. There was a suggestion to obtain noise level measuring equipment to check if the dbl level exceeded noise ordinance requirements. Ms. Halderman agreed to make these efforts and return to the Board if she desired some further action by the Board.? In addition, the Chair will send a letter to Mort’s seeking assistance. 4.2. Zoning Appeal, AT&T Riviera CC Cellular Tower. Mary Tanner reported that the hearing officer at the zoning appeal approved an exemption from the height limitation and approved the AT&T monopalm cellular tower at Riviera. She requested that the Board restate its opposition to the 62″ cellular tower at Riviera as violative of the 30′ height limitation.. On motion by Stuart Muller, seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner, the Board unanimously reaffirmed its support for the 30′ height limitation and authorized the Chair to write a letter of support to such effect. 4.3. Street Furniture. Gil Dembo reported that the Street Furniture Committee, in conjunction with PRIDE, had requested that Viacom-Decaux, owner of Palisades’ various bus shelters, replace the existing twenty year old bus shelters with new shelters. The letter also notified Viacom that the community was not interested in additional shelters but would like to move the location of several existing ones if new replacement shelters would be installed. Viacom responded that they would be unable to install new shelters for another six years. Mr. Dembo further reported that PRIDE has written a letter to Norman Bench requesting removal of all bus benches on the north side of Sunset because they are unsightly and unused. Mr. Dembo noted that Norman is in violation of its contract terms requiring that 10% of all bench advertisements have a public service message. 5. New Business. Proposed speed humps. Paul Konkirati and Mario Enriquez of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation appeared and responded to questions about approved proposed speed humps at: Almalfi Dr., between Spoleto Dr. to Upper Mesa Rd.; Almalfi Dr., between Romany Dr. to Napoli Dr.; Almalfi Dr.between Romany Dr. to Sorrento Dr.; Radcliffe Ave., Bowdoin St. to Haverford Ave.; Ocampo Dr., Almoloya Dr. to Drummond St. The City’s approval of speed humps for all locations was approved following delivery of documentation evidencing approval by owners of 75% of the property frontage in each block as well as approval by traffic engineers following traffic study. The humps are to be constructed in form and height that satisfy fire department criteria. On motion of Gil Dembo, seconded by Tony Sain, the Board supported installation of the speed humps as approved by LA DOT. School Security Update. Tony Sain, Education Representative, reported that there were increasing security concerns at Canyon after discovery of broken beer & broken alcoholic bottles on campus. LAUSD Police Sergeant Armando Farias apologized for security lapse at Canyon’s most recent annual celebration of Cinco de Mayo. He explained that budgetary constraints restricted deployment.? However, he urged that any reports of trouble will be responded to if made directly to the Watch Commander at 213-625-6631. He indicated that LAUSD officers coordinate their efforts with LAPD. Meeting Room Acoustics. Ted Mackie brought up the issue of room acoustics, which has been a continuing problem. He asked a neighbor who is an acoustical engineer to look at the room and learned that the installation of sound-dampening material on the hard surface above the picture hanging area would solve the problem. While using amplified sound also would solve the problem, the provision of numerous microphones would not be cost effective. The Chair will follow up and contact the Central Library Administration. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Minutes taken by Norman Kulla in the absence of the secretary. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR JUNE 12th, 2003[Officer Chris Ragsdale letter/comments on minutes attached] Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Arthur Mortell, -Harry Sondheim, -Kurt Toppel, -Todd Ferrier, -Stuart Muller, -Laurie Frost, -Ron Silverton, -Ted Mackie, -Barry Kurtz, -Mary Cole, -Norman Kulla, -Robert Baker, -Jean Gold Friedman, -Carl Mellinger,-Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Lorraine Oshins, -Mark Elswick, -Bob Jacobson 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Library Community Room with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting, April 10th, were not submitted. Minutes of the meeting, May 22nd, were approved. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. There is $6,765.58 in checking account and $4,779.85 in savings account. 3.2. Selection of Area Representatives — No Update. 3.3. Mt Holyoke. The “Save Our Slopes’ Campaign was successful in its efforts to halt construction on the Mt Holyoke slopes. The Coastal Commission voted unanimously to refuse the pending building permit. However, the party seeking the building permit might appeal the Coastal Commissions decision. 3.4. “Crime Wave.” Stuart Muller brought to the Council’s attention the “crime wave” developing in the Palisades. Specifically the crime wave seems to be centralized in the Bowdin and Haverford areas. Stuart mentioned 8 separate infractions and would like the Council to discuss this issue. 3.5. Impact of Earth-haulers. Stuart Muller would like to know the impact of having Earth-haulers staging in our community, from such things as traffic, noise and engine smog. This issue will be on the agenda for June 26th. 3.6. Recreational Center. Stuart Muller asked for a report from the new Park Director on the status of park activities. 3.7. Bus Line to LAX. Stuart Muller brought to our Council’s attention that the Venice and Mar Vista Community Council have elected to support the extension of the Bus Line to connect their communities with LAX. Stuart proposed to have the Palisades also connect to the bus line that connects to LAX. 3.8. Palisades Dr. Norman Kulla announced that the debris and over-growth on the median on Palisades Dr. is still in need of maintenance and cleanup. Edward Headington from the Councilwoman’s office was to look into this. Since Mr. Headington has left the office Kristen Montet from the Councilwoman’s office will take over Edward’s efforts and look into this issue. Additionally, a concern was brought up about the Truck Staging on Palisades Dr. It was announced that Santa Monica has an “Anti-staging” ordinance, possibly the Palisades should have one as well. 3.9. Homeless Woman on Bus Bench. Marguerite Perkins Mautner had a concern with the woman who has taken up a semi-residence on the bus bench located on Ocean Ave. and Entrada. Marguerite?s concern is for the woman “living” there and causing a potential nuisance to our community. Officer Ragsdale will be notified of the woman’s bench residence. 3.10. City Ordinance to Remove One Hearing on Regional Projects. Kristen Montet reports that the City ordinance to remove one hearing on regional projects was opposed by Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski’s office. [MOTION] Norman Kulla proposed the following motion for the PPCC to support Cindy’s office in opposing a change to eliminate one hearing and reduce the review process. This motion was seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner and unanimously approved by the board. 3.11. Median Beautification at Sunset and Chautauqua. Kurt Toppel reports that even though a large amount of asphalt was recently discovered under the median, construction will move forward with assistance of the Bureau of Street Services. Kurt reported that construction should commence on July 15th. 4. Old Business. Early morning commercial trash removal: A report given by Kristen Montet, the representative for Cindy Miscikowski, stated that this issue was still being looked into by the Councilwoman’s office. Acoustical options for meeting room: The architect for the Library is identifying materials for sound proofing the upper walls of the meeting room. Status of plans for YMCA: Mark Elswick and Kristen Montet reported on the status of the covenant for the 10-year no build period for the “Y” property on Sunset Boulevard. Stuart Muller mentioned that 10 years is a very short period of time and he felt it would be better to know now what the YMCA has in plans for the parcel, no matter the plans. Mark stated that presently, port-a-potties and a storage bin are placed on the site as well as a fence on a temporary basis for the summer camp that is taken down after the Christmas tree sale. The intent is to protect the children and safeguard the trees and pumpkins. A more permanent fence is the only thing planned for the next ten years. Kristen Montet stated that the City Attorney is drafting the “No Build” convenant that should be completed in about one week. Arthur Mortell mentioned that there were plans discussed among the masters swimmers about the proposed aquatic center. The parcel is zoned open space and only a fence can be erected. Norm Kulla mentioned he would like to see the language on the condition to state who can sue. Regarding the fence design, Mark mentioned he would have PPCC look at the design that the YMCA chooses. 5. New Business. 5.1. Election of Officers for One-Year Term. The board unanimously voted for the following Officers for one-year term: Chairman – George Wolfberg, Vice-Chair – Arthur Mortell, Treasurer – Patti Post, Secretary – Christina Porter. The vote was taken according to the by-laws by secret ballot. 5.2. Caltrans Plan for Prohibiting Left Turns from Gladstones and Vons. Barry Kurtz reported on the plans by Caltrans to prohibit left turns from both the Gladstones and Vons parking lots on to the coast highway. Vehicles from Gladstones would have to make a u-turn at a trailer park to proceed North on the highway. There was much discussion on the problems on Sunset Boulevard at the Vons driveway where turning is sometimes dangerous. The Council voted that a letter be sent to the appropriate City agency to investigate the possible realignment of the driveway or re-signalization as is done in Santa Monica on 20th and Montana. 5.3. Alternatives for Pickup Locations. The board discussed how to handle the increase in firewood that is left for the community. Carl Mellinger proposed to have more signs on Temescal to stop dumping and offered his services to help curtail the dumping. It was noted that if the community does not pick up the wood, the City comes by and picks it up. Kristen Montet, the representative from Cindy Miscikowski’s office, mentioned that the City Enforcer is looking into the issue and asked for public assistance to spot dumpers. The Council office will continue to evaluate alternatives. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm. Minutes taken by Todd Ferrier in the absence of the secretary. ATTACHMENT: ITEMS 3.4 and 3.9 — Letter from Officer Chris Ragsdale Dear Arthur Mortell and Board members, I will not be able to attend the meeting scheduled on Thursday, June 24, 2003, but wanted to address some of the concerns and issues mentioned in the agenda for the council. The “crime wave” has subsided since the beginning of June. Regarding agenda Item 3.4, I believe the incidents that Stuart Muller is referring to is the series juvenile related robberies and crimes that were occurring during or after school. Several suspects who were students were identified and arrests were made in connection to most of those incidents. Many were students and some local residents of the Palisades. In regard to the pattern of burglaries that the community was alerted to in May, those have also ceased at this time. There have been several related arrests that have been made during the increased patrols in the area. One resulted from a traffic stop related to the door to door solicitors that were canvassing the area of Bienveneda Drive north of Sunset Blvd. They were driving a vehicle with no license plates and one suspect was wanted in connection to other thefts. A suspect who was acting suspiciously was detained and arrested in the Marquez area who was wanted on a fugitive burglary want/warrant. Two additional suspects were apprehended and arrested in the 16100 block of Pacific Coast Hwy in connection with several burglaries. Another suspect was arrested in connection to a series of burglaries in the Brentwood area that may also be connected to many of the Palisades burglaries. Detectives are continuing to investigate to connect as many of the crimes as possible by prints, possession of stolen property or property pawned. An arrest was made in connection to the gang related shooting incident at Pacific Coast Hwy and Sunset Blvd after a lengthy investigation. Additional suspects are being investigated. In regard to agenda Item 3.9, I am familiar with that situation and I have referred that to the transient detail to address during my absence. Since she falls more under the mental illness category and isn’t outright violating any municipal ordinances it is a little more complex to handle and may require further assistance from the city attorney’s neighborhood prosecutors office, department of mental health and other social services. I hope you find this information helpful for your meeting and I look forward to addressing any further issues when I return. Sincerely, _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR JUNE 26th 2003[Larry Jacobs letter re EIDC attached] Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -Arthur Mortell, -Patti Post, -Harry Sondheim, -Kurt Toppel, -Todd Ferrier, -Stuart Muller, -Ron Silverton, -Barry Kurtz, -Mary Cole, -Barbara Kohn, -Norma Spak, -Larry Jacobs, -Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Gilbert Dembo, -Byron Brooks, -Sam Stigler 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. In the absence of the Chair, the vice chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Library Community Room with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meeting, June 12th, were approved. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. There is $6,765.68 in checking account and $4,779.85 in savings account. 3.2. Selection of Area Representatives — No update. 3.3. Recruitment for New Youth Representatives. Sam Stigler updated the Council regarding his search for new Youth Representatives to fill the role of Byron Brooks and Jennifer Cron who are graduating. Sam mentioned he has located another student who is interested and now has to find one additional representative who attends a private school. Some comments from the Council to notify and attract an additional Youth Representative were as follows: (1) Place a ad in the Post, (2) Barbara Kohn- Send a letter to the Principals of the Private Schools in our area since the students are currently on vacation. Arthur Mortell the Vice Chair said he would send a letter to such Principals. 3.4. Officer Chris Ragsdale. Since Officer Ragsdale was on vacation during this meeting he sent an email to all parties regarding last meetings mention of a possible crime wave. The email mentioned that some arrests have been made that have possible links to what some are calling a crime wave. Please see his email to get details of arrests. 3.5. Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office. There were no new announcements from the Councilwoman’s Office 3.6. EIDC Update. Larry Jacobs had an update for the Council regarding his meeting with the KPMG. ATTACHED to the email of the minutes are Larry’s Questions and Arguments to the KPMG. Larry shared with the Council some of the Horror Stories other cities have had to put up with in filming in their communities. 3.7. Paliskate Event. A letter was read to the Council regarding the event being hosted by Paliskate. The event was new news to the Council and many members felt like they should have been notified earlier. A discussion ensued regarding how events that take place in the Village really affect the whole community of the Palisades not just the shops on Swarthmore. The Council felt strongly about not canceling a Farmers Market and a motion by the Council was addresses but was dismissed for not meeting a quorum. Additionally the Council wanted to know more in regards to the times, noise and expected attendance. Since this PPCC meeting, new news has been furnished. (According to Cindy’s office, the Paliskates event has been issued a permit for July 20 between 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM on Swarthmore. It will be held in the Farmer’s Market area. Over 51% of businesses on the street have approved of the event, but not the 100% approval needed for a City fee waiver). 3.8. Future Meeting with Veterans Affairs. The VA has plans for construction to the VA grounds for new buildings. Many unknowns on this construction were not addresses and such The Council asked the Arthur Mortell to write a letter to ask the VA visit with the Council and discuss its construction plans. The Letter received regarding the Vons driveway issue:? The WLA Costal Development Review has received the letter George sent to them and they are considering the issue at hand the Vons Market driveway versus Castellammare Dr. 4. Old Business. 5. New Business. 5.1. Los Angeles City Ethics Commission Presentation. The Council received a wonderful in-depth presentation from Ethics Commission Executive Director – Leanne Pelham, and Communications Director – Barbara Freeman. The Commission gave a description on how the Ethics Commission was created and operates. Furthermore the Council learned of the Ethics Comission’s victories. The Council asked the Ethics Committee to describe to the Council how this council can work and support their efforts. Many discussions ensued and much was learned. Some questions from the Council were: (1) How does the Commission receive complaints, (2) How can Neighborhood Councils work with the Ethics Committee? (3) And the issue regarding the PPCC being a Private Council and what does that mean in regards to having Public Council members having to report their financial interests to make sure that a conflict interest does not ensue. Our Council members do not have to report financial interests due to the fact that we are a ?Private Council. (4) The Ethics Commission said they would report back to the PPCC regarding if any of the Viacom lobbyists are present or past City Employees. 5.2. Staging of Trucks on Temescal Canyon Blvd. The issue was carried over to the next PPCC meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm. Minutes taken by Todd Ferrier in the absence of the secretary. ATTACHMENT: ITEM 3.6 — LETTER RE EIDC FROM LARRY JACOBS QUESTIONS OF A LAYMAN FOR CONSIDERATION BY KPMG June 25, 2003 Mr. Snow: At last night’s hearing in Westwood, I realized, for the first time, the severity of the damages sustained by many business enterprises in Los Angeles. My precious interests lay primarily with residential communities where inconvenience and emotional distress were the issue. Mr. Snow, I would like to ask that you address the following in your report: What are the implications of the City Council having violated the language of its own ordinance enabling infrequent use of property for commercial filming …. in such a manner as to cause a minimum of interference with the enjoyment and use of adjacent property? What are the implications of the City Council’s (and the EIDC Board’s) delegating certain authority to the EIDC and then not overseeing the performance of the EIDC nor responding to the complaints of citizens? What are the implications of the City Council’s joining the Board of the EIDC and entering into a contract with that organization, thus representing the citizens of Los Angeles and the Corporation at the same time? What are the implications of EIDC Board members, who are at the same time City Council members, receiving financial contributions from the Corporation in the light of the various conflicts of interest laws and of Article X of the bylaws of the EIDC and how might this have influenced incumbent oversight responsibilities? In the light of the issues mentioned above, what are the implications with respect to the denial of due process in the abridgement of the rights and privileges of citizens (e.g., closing of streets, highways and sidewalks, interference with business activities, etc.) under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States? Finally, and in the light of all of the above, why would this situation, having gone on for a long time, causing severe and measurable financial damage to citizens, and involving what appears to be intentional collusive conduct, not be subject to scrutiny under any federal law? While I am not a lawyer and do not have answers to the above, I find these questions troubling and in need of attention in order to ensure that the existing abuses in the issuance of street use permits for filming in Los Angeles cease and do not recur. Larry Jacobs _________________________ |
Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Patti Post, -Harry Sondheim, -Arthur Mortell, , -Norm Kulla, -Stuart Muller, -Kurt Topple, -Mary Cole, -Margaret Goff, -Christina Porter, -Norma Spak, -Larry Jacobs, -Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Tony Sain, -Louis Cozino, -Sam Stigler, -Ted Mackie 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Library Community Room. Stuart Muller read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meeting of June 26 were approved. No minutes for April 10. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. There is $6,765.68 in checking account and $4,779.85 in savings account. 3.2. Selection of Area Representatives — No update. 3.3. Recruitment for New Youth Representatives. The search is ongoing for student representatives. George Wolfberg requested a volunteer to recruit youth representatives. The Council Board is looking for Private School representatives. Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Sam Stigler and Mary Cole will form the recruitment committee. An ad will be put in the Post before October 1, 2003. 3.4. American Legion Representative. Mr. Louis Cozolino has replaced Ron Silverton as Advisor and will become the representative for the American Legion on October 1. 3.5. Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office. Monique Ford and Debbie Dyner Harris attended representing Cindy Miscikowski’s office. 3.6. EIDC Update. Larry Jacobs received a letter from Cindy Miscikowski’s office ensuring that the neighbors in the area of filming shall be included in the process. Monique Ford said Councilman Martin Ludlow deals with the entertainment industry but does not know his feelings on the subject. It was suggested that Larry Jacobs talk to Alex in Cindy’s office about this issue. 3.7. Palisades Water Pressure. Marguerite Perkins Mautner announced that she attended a meeting hosted by DWP on July 15 regarding the water pressure in the area of Amalfi and Romany. Maquerite spoke with Tom Billeck the District Superintendent in charge. Part of the underground facilities need to be replaced and it will take approximately 5 months to excavate. She stated that the large truck traffic would be diverted to Capri on- to Romany and Romany onto Capri. This route was chosen to divert the traffic from Amalfi. There are enough trucks using that route. Debbie Dyner clarified that the only purpose for the large trucks was to carry dirt away from the area. 3.8. Recreation Center Carnival. The Palisades Recreation Center is soliciting sponsors for their carnival event. Stuart Muller will follow up. 3.9. New Animal Service Facility. There will be a new animal service facility building at 11361 W. Pico Blvd. 3.10. Palisadian Post 75th Anniversary. An ad for the PPCC will be put in the Post for the Post’s 75th anniversary. The ad was created through the generosity of Tony Sain. Mr. Sain was applauded by the board for his excellent effort. 60 ft Cell Tower. The West LA Planning Commission sent out notice of its decision to turn down the proposed 60 ft. cell tower in the Rivera area. New Executive Committee Member. The Executive Committee of the PPCC has appointed Norman Kulla to the committee. Norman Kulla has accepted the appointment. Environmental Documents for Proposed Project. Kahan Colleth of Palisades Landmark Development is preparing environmental documents for a proposed development of 80 residential units on Tramonto. He has requested a private meeting with one or two members of the committee. It was agreed that he should make any presentation at an open meeting of the Board. Fall Newsletter Committee. Christina Porter has volunteered to head the Fall newsletter committee. Mary, Ted and Stuart have volunteered to be on the committee. Holiday Party. Maquerite Mautner and Mary Cole shall co-coordinate the PPCC Holiday party to be held on December 11th at the Temescal Dining Hall. Arthur Mortell will secure the dining hall. Need more volunteers for this committee. Bike Rack Program. Laurie Frost to coordinate. Rustic Canyon Oversight Committee. There will be a Rustic Canyon Prop. K Oversight Committee meeting on August 7th in the park Library room at 6 PM. Improvements to Via de las Olas. Stuart Muller spoke with John Fagan regarding a L.A. City improvements to the curbs, gutters, and access gates, the resurfacing of the street, and the elimination of water diversion berms (which have been dangerous impediments to pedestrians). Call Stuart with comments. Street Sweeper Staging in Palisades Recreation Center Parking Lot. Karen and Rob Weber live on Alma Real and their backyard is adjacent to the subject parking lot. They came to report the fact that every Tuesday morning between approximately 3:45 and 6:00 a.m. the parking lot is used as a staging area for street sweepers. They stated that the trucks and a scraper make too much noise and that the truck’s lights were flashing. It was noted that a possible reason for this location is that the trucks cannot go up hills and the City Parking Lot was unacceptable because the trucks will be damaged. They said they have been trying to get something done for past six months. They are requesting the PPCC’s help with this matter. Chairman Wolfberg and the Council office will follow up. Peace Monument. Dwight Stone of the “Peace Monument Association” is looking to follow through with the original city plan for a monument in the place where Monument Street meets Via de la Paz. It was stated that this location would not be possible and would like to consider an area in one of the City parks but the location is to be determined. He is thinking of having a contest for the design of the monument. He is considering a $1.00 donation from as many people as possible as a fundraiser for the project. Street Paving. Monique Ford/Debbie from Cindy Miscikowski’s office announced that if someone calls the city they can request that a street be repaved and will be put on a list. Each street that needs to be repaved is given a letter grade based on condition of the pavement. There are various sources of funding and the funding is very limited. The City’s General Fund will fund local neighborhood street. Whitfield Avenue in the Palisades has now been put on the list to be resurfaced as requested by Larry Jacobs. Harry Sondheim stated that he has called about tree roots sticking up on Muskingum and was told that someone would be out to look at it and nobody has shown up. Additional Cell Sites Approval. Norm Kulla requested a coordinated effort to help with gathering information on “cell site health hazards.” There has been a recent approval for a new cell site for Sprint at 1515 Palisades Drive. Cingular is trying to get an approval at the Santa Ynez Reservoir. Debbie Dyner commented that because it is on public land there is a “different” public hearing for this process. Norman will follow up with Monique Ford. Movie Theatre in the Palisades. It was brought to the PPCC’s attention by Sam Stigler, youth representative, of the need for a Movie Theatre in the Palisades. It was agreed to add this matter to the September 25th PPCC meeting agenda. Mayor Steve Guttenberg will be invited attend that meeting. Sam requested that we should tell people who would be interested to attend. Clearwater Mural. Harry Sondheim reported that there are still kids on skateboards damaging the mural. Stuart Muller reported that the 2003 Neighborhood Matching Grant that was being sought to fund measures to prevent damage to the mural was not awarded. Stuart is looking for alternative funding. It was suggested that donations be solicited in the Palsadian Post. Anti-skating devices have been installed at the front entrance to the store as a test. They have proved to be completely effective. Similar devices will now be installed along the base of the mural, paid for by Sav-On The Filming of Pornographic Movies in the Marquez Knolls Area. Kurt Toppel reported that there was a pornographic movie being filmed on Jacon that was visible to everyone. It was agreed that this would be an agenda item for a meeting when Officer Ragsdale is present (the next meeting). George will request officer Ragsdale’s presence at the next meeting. Alternative Transportation for Senior Citizens. Hy Haves requested that PPCC address the issue of alternative transportation for seniors who may be denied a driver’s license or be unwilling to drive. It was suggested to look into the status of “Pali Rider” and stated that the old “DASH” service would not be sufficient to meet their needs because it does not provide door-to-door service. Marquerite made a motion to add to our August 28th agenda a discussion about a new transportation system for the young and old. Norman Kulla seconded the motion. It was agreed that the Department of Transportation (DOT) will be invited to the meeting and we will look into having a representative from Dial a Ride. 4. Old Business. Staging of Trucks on Temescal Canyon Blvd. It was agreed that the staging of the trucks had lessened significantly. Stuart Muller had nothing to report. George will write letter to Debbie Dyner regarding catering trucks and staging. Getty Center Staging of Trucks and Haul Route. Oren Gray of the Getty Center Trust stated that the haul route for the trucks was down Los Liones to Sunset to PCH and all trucks are supposed to be staged on site. Norma Spak stated that the trucks are coming down Las Liones at 40-50 miles per hour; Mr. Gray said he would speak to the contractor. Vons Driveway. Debbie Dyner reported there was an estimate made in 2001 of $103,710 to provide safe ingress and egress and that Mo Blorfroshan of the DOT agrees that safety improvements and realignment of the driveway are needed. The City Engineer has prepared the necessary cost estimate. Debbie stated the next step is to open an official project and that Councilmember Miscikowski will write a letter of request to add this project to the City’s Capital Improvements Program. Debbie will let us know about its ranking when it gets one. Stop Light at Castellamare and Sunset. Ted Mackie commented that people do not see the Stoplight and it is a safety hazard because they go right through it trying to get to the green light at Sunset and PCH. Debbie Dyner will restart the conversation on how to identify funding for the project because it is an immediate safety issue. It was suggested by Arthur Mortell that a stop sign be put at the bottom of Castellammare. It was suggested to put another stop light on the left side of the street. Debbie said it was too expensive and suggested rumble strips as an option. 4th of July Chair Placement. Stuart Muller made a motion that chairs will only be allowed on the street after 6 PM on July 3rd. It was seconded by Tony Sain, and unanimously approved by the Board. 5. New Business. Latest Issues with the Veteran’s Administration. Flora Gil Krisiloff, Chairwoman of the Brentwood Community Council, made a comprehensive presentation on proposed use of the West Los Angeles VA property. She stated that the VA has assembled a land use committee comprised of six healthcare administrators and may propose that the land be used for commercial development. Congressman Waxman is opposing the current land use proposal. At one time there were 109 acres designated for a multi-Century City-type commercial development. Then Senator Cranston (the Cranston Act) prevented the property from ever being sold for development. Someone is trying to overturn the Cranston Act. Ms. Krisiloff’s message was that she is fighting for a more transparent process, a true forum with all stakeholders involved to develop a plan for the future use of the land. It should not be sold for commercial development. Patti Post made a motion for the PPCC to support Congressman Waxman in his efforts to be included in the decision on how the property should be used and agreed that it should be consistent with the purpose for which it was originally donated. Tony Sain seconded this motion which was unanimously approved by the board. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Minutes taken Christina S. Porter, Secretary Next PPCC Meeting, August 28, 2003 in the Library Community Room, located at 861 Alma Real. _________________________ |
Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Patti Post, -Harry Sondheim, -Paul Glasgall, -Norm Kulla, -Barbara Kohn, -Kurt Toppel, -Mary Cole, -Margaret Goff, -Christina Porter, -Norma Spak, -Larry Jacobs, -Tony Sain, -Louis Cozolino, -Byron Brooks, -Gilbert Dembo
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Community Room Norman Kulla read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Changes to minutes of the meeting on July 24 were approved and the minutes were adopted. No minutes for April 10.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurer’s Report. There is $6,773.96 in the checking account and $4,710.07 in the savings account.
3.2. Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office.
Debbie Dyner Harris reported that Palisades PRIDE will begin its Median Project next Tuesday. Project includes removal of existing paved medians at the intersection of Chautauqua and Sunset and replacement with irrigated landscaping. DWP has installed a water meter and Palisades PRIDE will fund the landscaping and irrigation system.
3.3. Village School.
Nora Malone, the Head of Village School, reported that the school has entered into a contract to purchase the site that is now occupied by Yamato Nursery at La Cruz and Alma Real. The school’s intention is to build a Gym/Multipurpose room to be used for Dramatic Performances and Athletic events. She stated that it is not their intention to increase the number of students. The new building will be approximately 16,000 square feet and include approximately 60 subterranean parking spaces. There were questions regarding use of the parking after hours for community events. Her response was that it might be a possibility if there are no liability issues. Contact email:
3.4. Dog Park.
Betty Resnick, a resident of Pacific Palisades. was one of approximately 50 people who attended the meeting to discuss the need for a Dog Park in the Palisades. After a very long discussion and statements from many dog owners and suggestions by Debbie Dyner, the representative from Councilmember Miscikowski’ office, a motion was made by Norm Kulla to form a Dog Park Committee, which was seconded by Tony Sain. The board voted unanimously to approve the motion. Norman Kulla will facilitate the committee’s establishment.,
4. Old Business.
4.1. Selection of Area Representatives — No update.
4.2. Youth Representative Recruitment.
We have received one application from a Pali High Student. Mary Cole clarified that the youth representative could be from public or private school. The Post will run an article recruiting youth representatives in the next issue.
4.3. Holiday Party.
It was noted that there is a need for volunteers for the Holiday Party.
4.4. Movie Theatre in the Palisades.
George Wolfberg reported that the Metropolitan Theatre Group has estimated that it would need 40,000 to 50,000 square feet of space for a Movie Theatre. It was agreed that there was not a space large enough in the Palisades for a project of that size. The possibility is still being explored and will be an item of business on September 25th.
4.5. Stop Light at Castellammare and Sunset.
West LA Traffic Engineer Mo Blorfroshan notified the chair that there would be more signs on the pavement and the street at the intersection to better warn drivers of the signalized intersection.
4.6. Street Lights.
George Wolfberg reported that there is very limited financing for streetlights to provide safety at bus stop intersections. The board unanimously approved that a prioritized listing be sent to the Council office for presentation to the Bureau of Street Lighting. Intersections were identified by Larry Jacobs and Gilbert Dembo.
4.7. Commuter Express 431.
Phil Aker from the DOT answered questions and addressed concerns regarding commuter express route 431. He stated that the ridership was down and they are looking for ways to justify keeping that route open. They are trying to work with local riders by marketing the service and looking at alternative routes that might attract more riders.
5. New Business.
5.1. Senior Transportation.
Carol Hurley from the AARP attended representing the senior citizens and indicated that although transportation for seniors in the Palisades has been an ongoing problem that in the wake of the Farmer’s Market incident in Santa Monica it is going to become a much bigger issue. Phil Aker said that there is a discount for people 65 years or older given in the form of scrip, to use public transportation. Carol Hurley will contact Pali Rider and suggest that they contact Debby Dyner from Councilmember Miscikowski’s office to explore how Pali Rider can accept the scrip given to Seniors as payment for services. Steven Lantz who helped fund the Smart Shuttle offered his services for working with the City to get additional transportation to the Palisades. Milt Weiner with the Senior Transportation Action Group has surveyed 200 seniors regarding their transportation needs and will share the results of that survey if needed. Harry suggested we set up a committee to meet with the appropriate people at the City and bring back a report. Steven Lantz will meet with Carol Hurley to further explore the issue. Phil Aker announced an ongoing DASH feasibility study. The results will be out next spring.
5.2. Weeds on Palisades Drive.
Board member Barry Kurtz stated that weeds growing along Palisades Drive present a danger to bicyclists and walkers/runners in addition to being a fire hazard. A motion was made to send a letter to the City Attorney, putting the City on notice regarding their responsibility to remove the overgrowth, which was seconded and unanimously approved by the board.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Next PPCC Meeting, September 11, 2003 in the Library Community Room, located at 861 Alma Real.
MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 11th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Patti Post, -Harry Sondheim, -Paul Glasgow, -Norm Kulla, -Barbara Kohn, -Kurt Toppel, -Mary Cole, -Margaret Goff, -Christina Porter, -Norma Spak, -Larry Jacobs, -Tony Sain, -Louis Cozolino, -Byron Brooks, -Gilbert Dembo, -Marguerite Perkins Mautner 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Community Room. Stuart Muller read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. Changes to minutes of the meeting on July 24 were approved and the minutes were adopted. No minutes for April 10. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurers Report. Checking: $6,774.02. Savings: $4,702.26. 3.2. Announcements From Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office. Measure AB 1212, the Sand Replenishment Bill, has been signed by the Governor It was requested by Arthur Mortell that Monique Ford check with Kristin Montet on the status of the covenant that is being written on the “10 year no build” on the YMCA’s four acres at the mouth of Temescal Park. Monique will follow up with Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Planning Deputy. Assemblywoman Fran Pavely will be have an open house on September 24, 2003 at the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market. Preferential Parking: Monique Ford informed the Council that the idea of Preferential Parking for the residents surrounding Palisades Village. Gilbert Dembo requested that the City not make any decisions without a public discussion before the Community Council. Palisades Drive Clean Up: There has been some progress on the clean up of weeds on Palisades Drive. There were questions as to whether the City would continue the weed removal every year. A special assessment district is being discussed to pay for garbage pick up. 3.3. Cell Sites. It was reported by George Wolfberg that the Executive Committee has agreed to appeal the decision to approve a Cell Site at 1515 Palisades Drive. As proposed by Tony Sain, it was agreed that a community meeting should be held to decide at what locations it would be acceptable to have a cell antenna. Upon agreement by the community, the companies who are interested in a Cell Site in the Palisades will be informed of those locations. George Wolfberg will set up a community meeting for this purpose. Patti Post made a motion to ask for a City Council Review of the Cell site approval process and to follow up with the City to have a more public process in approving Cell Sites. The motion was seconded by Norm Kulla and unanimously approved by the board. [Note: Councilwoman Miscikowski’s staff indicated that the Cell Site, or AGF, ordinance was created over a several year period with much community input and that it was too soon for a review of the process.] 4.1. Selection of Area Representatives — No update. 4.2. Recruitment for New Youth Representatives. The Council has received two applications thus far from prospective youth representatives. The new youth representative[s] will begin attending meetings in October. 4.3. Movie Theatre in the Palisades. This is on the agenda for September 25. Steve Guttenberg who is a big proponent will attend our next meeting. Sam Steigler to explore the use of the Pali High Auditorium. 4.4. Acoustical Options of the Meeting Room. Library Representative Suzanne Grey attended the meeting. Ms. Grey reported that they have a proposal to install full acoustical panels. Tony Sain moved that the Council talk to Fontayne Holmes (who will attend the next meeting) about the following: The motion was seconded by Marguerite and unanimously approved by the Board. 4.5. Dog Park. It was reported by Norm Kulla that there was a separate meeting regarding the Dog Park prior to this meeting. Four committees have been formed and they are: Meetings regarding the Dog Park will be held every two weeks and Monique Ford from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office is working with them in finding a location. There will be officials from the Recreation and Parks Department at the October 9 PPCC meeting. 4.6. Alternative for Franchise Related Senior Transportation Options. Phil Aker reported that it is necessary to have a meeting during regular hours to have the people who can help with this most attend the and that it is important to get the word out for Seniors to participate in any program that is put in place. Mr. Aker will furnish a list of Cab Companies that will take Scrip to be put in the Minutes. [LIST IS AS FOLLOWS: Bell Cab, Beverly Hills Cab, Checker Cab, Independent Taxi, United Independent Taxi, Yellow Cab] Carol Hurley stated that Milt Weiner would establish a committee for senior transportation. Arthur Mortel will be the Contact for the AARP with Norman Kulla’s assistance. Steven Lantz will work with Senior Transportation. The committee will work with Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office for demographic information to get survey to the seniors. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 25th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Norman Kulla, -Richard Blumenberg, -Patti Post, -Margaret Goff, -Tony Sain, -Christina Porter, -Larry Jacobs, -Gilbert Dembo, -Louis Cozolino, -Todd Ferrier, -Ted Mackie, -Paul Glasgall, -Stuart Muller, -Sam Stigler, -Steve Lantz, -Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Barbara Kohn, -Mary Cole 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Library Community Room. Todd Ferrier read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. George Wolfberg informed the council that the minutes for September 11 were not ready and he would forward them when they were. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. Checking: $6,919.82. Savings: $4,783.11. 3.2. Announcements From Officer Chris Ragsdale. Stabbing at Pali High: Officer Ragsdale reported about the stabbing that happened at Pali High School on September 23,2003. The incident occurred off campus at the corner of Junaluska and El Medio . A 9th grade boy, who is also a Palisades resident, stabbed a 10th grade boy who lives in the Mid-Wilshire district. After the stabbing the suspect fled the scene and was followed by the many spectators. He was eventually apprehended and arrested by the police. The knife was recovered and the victim suffered a punctured lung. Transient Detail: During a search for a suspect of a crime, several encampments were discovered in the Canyon adjacent to Temescal Canyon. There will be a clearance of that area on October 8th that will require heavy equipment. The Police Department will work with the Recreation and Parks Department to keep this area clear. The Transient Detail will continue to operate. Reporting a Theft in Progress: Board member Marguerite Perkins Mautner inquired of as to what to do when reporting a theft in progress. While witnessing a theft in progress right on the street in front of her house she called the Police Department and was told that there was nothing that could be done. The person on the phone informed her that the call must come from the victim in order for the Police to respond. Officer Ragsdale will follow up with Marguerite after the meeting. The Chair announced that the 90272 newspaper will be doing a front page article on the PPCC. Newsstand date is October 1, 2003. 3.3. Portable Skateboard Park. The Chairman reported that there will be a portable skateboard park in the Recreation Park 3 days per week. The program was approved by the Park’s PAB [Park Advisory Board] and the department. There are donations being solicited in order to pay for people to supervise when the park in operating. Stuart Muller made a motion for the PPCC to donate $500. The board voted in favor of the donation 9 to 6. However, a two-thirds majority is required to pass the motion. The motion failed. Larry Jacobs will chair a committee consisting of Ted Mackie, Patti Post, Marguerite Perkins Mautner and Harry Sondheim to set guidelines that will allow for the Council to donate money. 4. Old Business. 4.1. Selection of Area Representatives — No update. 4.2. Recruitment for New Youth Representatives. The Council has received five applications from prospective youth representatives. The review committee, under vice-chair Mary Cole, will meet to chose representative(s) on September 27. 4.3. Movie Theatre in the Palisades — Deferred. 4.4. Palisades Drive Clean Up. Paul Glasgall announced that the Dept. of Rec. and Parks had agreed to clear Palisades Drive to the base of all hills, perform weed abatement on all walkways, repair the catch basins, and repair broken fences adjacent to the catch basins. Paul expressed thanks to all who assisted in making this happen including James Ward of Rec. and Parks, Debbie Dyner and Monique Ford of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office. The assembled thanked Mr. Ward for expediting this work and attending the dog park planning meeting held before the Council Board meeting. 4.5. Acoustical Options In the Meeting Room. Fontayne Holmes, who is in charge of Library Construction, presented three options for resolving the acoustical problem with the library community room: 1) replace all of wall covering with fiberglass wrapped in fabric panels; 2) place the panels only above existing wood side panels now fitted for hanging art work; 3) place fiberglass wrapped in fabric panels only on door side and back sides above wood side panels. Ms. Holmes discussed the options with local acoustical engineer Mark Schaffer who has generously offered his expertise to investigate the acoustics of the room. Ms. Holmes and Mr. Schaffer will discuss the matter further in the next few days. The general consensus after discussion was to defer to the library experts’ judgment and hold them responsible to making it right. Barbara Kohn suggested that the Palisades Art Association be contacted for comment. There were also requests to install the custom light fixture designed for the library entrance and to change setting so lights didn’t turn-off at 8:30 p.m. during meeting. Ms. Holmes indicated that this was an energy conservation feature and assured the Council that she do something about the problem with the timer. 4.6. Garbage Can In Front of the Library. Monique Ford, the representative from Councilmember Cindy Miscikowski’s office wanted to know who was responsible for emptying the garbage can located in front of the Library. Ms. Fontayne Holmes did not know but said she would find out. 4.7. DWP Briefing, Proposal to Cover the Santa Ynez Reservoir. Paul E. Liu from the DWP reported that all water supply reservoirs must be covered in order to meet federal guidelines with an expected deadline of June 2007. In order to meet increasingly strict guidelines for drinking water quality, it is necessary to cover all open bodies of water. The proposed landscaping and operational changes will enhance fire-fighting capabilities to protect our community. When the reservoir is covered it will be safe to use a new chemical to replace Chlorine to disinfect the water called Chloramine (a mixture of Chlorine and Ammonia), which is more effective and safer than Chlorine. Water treated with Chloramines cannot be stored in open bodies of water, because of reaction with sunlight.. Mr. Liu brought samples of the proposed material to be used for the cover of the reservoir and stated that, when completed the cover would be segmented. There is testing being done using different colors for a camouflage design in order to help it blend into the environment. There were many concerns voiced with regard to the cover of the reservoir; they are as follows: The effect on the rubber plumbing fittings also is a concern, although Paul Liu stated that the problems with rubber only occur with sustained exposure to higher levels of Chloramines than is needed to protect drinking water. Mr. Liu did not have answers to these concerns and requested a copy of the minutes of this meeting in order to address them at a later date. Pamela Burton, a landscape architect hired by the DWP to “mitigate the ugliness” of the reservoir presented computer-generated pictures depicting the reservoir after the cover has been installed. The pictures of the finished project showed a site that fit into the environment much better than the current site does. The DWP will be responsible for maintaining the cover. Mr. Liu reported that the final environmental report [a mitigated negative declaration] will be filed sometime in October and the public will have full access to it. There will be a public hearing and informational newsletter sent to all Palisades residents. 5. New Business. 5.1. Update on Recycling Options for Pacific Palisades Residents. Daniel Hackney (DHACKNEY@SAN.LACITY.ORG, 213-473-7949), Executive Assistant to the Director of the Bureau of Public Works, a Brentwood resident, explained that it was his job to cut through bureaucracy to assist our community with Bureau of Sanitation problems. Waste water, watershed protection/storm drains and solid waste disposal were the three areas involved. He discussed issues facing the city and the community. As to recycling, LA diverts 60% of its solid waste, far and away the most successful program in the country. He reminded the community that free mulch was available if desired. He advised that green and blue containers were going to be enlarged from 60 to 90 gallons during the next replacement cycle. However, a community can opt for a different size and individuals can request an exchange if they prefer another size. He discussed infrastructure fixes required over the next 10 years, which total $11 billion. Unfortunately, approximately $4-5 billion represents an unfunded shortfall. 5.2. Transportation Report. Carol Hurley announced that she would be working with Steve Lantz who has joined the Council as Transportation Advisor. John Redmond also will be working with Mr. Lantz. Carol Hurley urged that everyone encourage response to the transportation survey to be contained in the upcoming PPCC Newsletter. She thanked the PPCC for including the survey in the newsletter. She announced that Bill Bruns of Palisadian-Post had agreed to promote City Ride and encouraged participation. Meeting adjourned at 9.25 PM. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 9th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Harry Sondheim, -Stuart Muller, -Arthur Mortell, -Norm Kulla, -Larry Jacobs, -Kurt Toppel, -Margaret Goff, -Steve Lantz, -Christina Porter, -Norma Spak, -Louis Cozolino, -Ted Mackie, -Barbara Kohn, -Todd Ferrier, -Jean Gold Friedman, -Barbara Richman, -Christine Deeter, -Mark Kremer, -Michael Kane, -Stephi Magur, -Airley Olgilvie 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Library Community Room. Kurt Toppel read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meetings on September 11th and 25th were approved. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer was not present but sent word via George Wolfberg that the balances in each account are the same as they were at the last meeting and that is: Checking: $6,919.82; Savings: $4,783.11. 3.2. Selection of Area Representatives. The following new representatives were present: Legal Council: George Wolfberg nominated Ron Dean for legal counsel and a motion was made by Kurt Toppel, seconded by Stuart Muller and unanimously approved by the board. Transportation Advisor: Steve Lantz is the new transportation advisor. New Board lists were handed out to PPCC members. 3.3. Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office. Preferential Parking: Monique Ford attended the meeting and responded to the request for information regarding preferential parking in the Palisades residential area surrounding the Village. Ms. Ford reported that the process is in its “infantile stage” and that it is an unusual case in that the requested areas are not in a sequential six block areas. She assured the PPCC board that it will be involved in the process and that she will provide updates as the project moves forward. After several inquiries regarding the permit process were made and Ms. Ford reported that each homeowner will have to fill out an application in order to assess qualification of the area. Additionally, it is required by the City of Los Angeles that 70% of the homeowners affected must approve of the proposed preferential parking district. It was suggested by George Wolfberg that the DOT send an information sheet regarding the City of LA guidelines on what makes a business district and preferential parking. Monique Ford agreed to follow up. Business District Trash Collection: Kurt Toppel requested information regarding trash collection in the Palisades business district and suggested taking funds from parking meter income to take care of the problem. 3.4. Distribution of Community Service Award Guidelines. George Wolfberg distributed a handout with guidelines for choosing recipients of the Community Service Award. Pursuant to the guidelines a nomination committee will be appointed at the next meeting. 4. Old Business. 4.1. Transportation. It was announced by Phil Aker from DOT that Commuter Bus Line 430 will be cancelled on November 3, 2003. Steve Lantz prepared a resolution against the cancellation of this commuter line and it was handed out. Phil Aker, from the DOT, reported that the DOT is updating their public hearing process and that there will be a public hearing to hear objections. There was a motion made by Norm Kulla that the PPCC support the Resolution prepared by Steve Lantz. It was seconded by Stuart Muller. With the concurrence of the maker of the motion and the second, the resolution was amended to change the second bullet of the “PPCC requests” section as shown in boldface to read as follows: “LADOT should assign individuals to a team to work closely, prior to any public hearing, under guidance of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office, with the Pacific Palisades Community Council’s newly created Transportation Task Force to address local transportation issues.” The resolution was approved by the board by 11 in favor with 4 abstentions, and no opposed. Harry Sondheim requested that the resolution be responded to in writing prior to the public hearing, Mr. Aker stated that he did not have the authority to provide that assurance, and that the resolution can be presented at the public hearing and that the DOT will respond in writing sometime following the public hearing. 4.2. Recreation and Parks Department Briefing by James Ward. James Ward, the Grounds Maintenance Supervisor for the Recreation and Parks Department attended the meeting. Dog Park: Mr. Ward announced that he has been working with the Dog Park Committee and informing them of the protocol necessary to have an off leash dog park in the Palisades. Margaret Goff requested that the Los Liones area be removed from the prospective location list for a dog park. Norman Kulla informed the council that the Los Liones location has already been dropped from the list and that there are three alternatives currently on the table and they are: Clean up task force: Larry Jacobs inquired regarding whose responsibility it was to pick up knocked down signs in the Palisades. Mr. Ward stated that there is a vandalism/graffiti task force that goes out on Mondays to inspect park lands and that the best way to report these vandalism, graffiti, and maintenance issues is to call 818-756-8190 and he will dispatch someone to handle the problem. Mr. Ward stated that he would follow up with the clean up of the knocked down signs. Hiring Freeze: It was reported by Mr. Ward that the City’s hiring freeze has impacted the department and that there only 40 of 70 authorized positions in his division currently are filled. Inaccessible Bathroom: Stuart Muller complained that one of the bathrooms in the Palisades Park gymnasium is off limits because it is filled with janitorial and other supplies and that this is inappropriate use of the facility. Mr. Ward stated that the new gym does not contain adequate storage rooms, but that he would investigate to find a way to make the bathroom accessible. 4.3. Firewood on Temescal Canyon. Monique Ford announced that the firewood being dumped on Temescal Canyon is a safety hazard and is illegal. Arthur Mortell made a motion to enforce the law regarding the dumping of the wood; it was seconded by Jean Gold Friedman and passed by the board 14 in favor, 1 abstention and no opposed. 4.4. Acoustical Options in the Meeting Room. George Wolfberg reported that Mark Schaffer our local pro bono acoustical expert has done testing on the room and has recommended that three of the walls be covered with sound absorbing material (cover the wood) that would not include the southern wall. Terri Bromberg brought samples of proposed material/panels. Ted Mackie reported that the proposed covering would not take abuse. Barbara Richman questioned the need for any change. The item is continued for Mr. Schaffer and Fontayne Holmes of the Library Department to complete a final evaluation of materials and options. 4.5. Dogs at Farmers Market. Mr. Ron Silverton of the Highlands comlained to the Board that the market is not accessible to persons walking their dogs. The State Health Code regulates this and provides that (114350(d) No live animals, birds or fowl shall be kept or allowed within 6 meters, 20 feet, of any area where food is stored or held for sale. It was pointed out that there is not adequate room for a corridor to walk dogs along the sidewalk because of the necessary location of the food storage area of the vendors. Mr. Silverton expressed the opinion that this unduly denies the public the right to use the sidewalk area. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. Minutes taken Christina S. Porter, Secretary _________________________ |
Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): -George Wolfberg, -Mary Cole, -Stuart Muller, -Arthur Mortell, -Norm Kulla, -Larry Jacobs, -Kurt Toppel, -Margaret Goff, -Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Gene Smith, -Mark Kremer, -Ted Mackie, -Barbara Kohn, -Todd Ferrier, -Patti Post, -Jean Gold Friedman, -Mark Kremer, -Michael Kane, -Stephi Magur, -James Watt McCormick
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Community Room. Todd Ferrier read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meeting on October 9th were approved as amended.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that as of October 23, 2003 the balance in the Checking account was $6,833.33 and the Savings was $4,703.90.
3.2. New Representatives.
Gene Smith from Theatre Palisades was welcomed as he attended his first meeting as Cultural Ethics representative. Michael Kane and Stephi Magur were also welcomed as Youth representative and Youth alternative representative.
3.3. Announcements.
It was announced that 2010 Video had lost its lease. This is second tenant (dry cleaners being first) on Swarthmore to be evicted with indication of an increased rent anticipated upon releasing.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner, chair of our annual holiday party, invited participation and passed around a sign-up sheet for food and drink contributions to the party to be held December 11 at 6 p.m. in the Dining Hall at Temescal Gateway Park. PPCC meeting to follow at 7 p.m.
Larry Jacobs announced that KMPG has issued its report on the EIDC; he noted that the report did not address the issues of accountability and rule specificity that Larry believes is needed.
Kurt Toppel announced that representatives of PRIDE would meet 9 a.m. at Mort’s next Tuesday (October 28, 2003) with Chamber of Commerce, a representative of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office to discuss creation of a special assessment district or other funding for the $23-26,000 annual cost of the Village clean-up crew. Kurt stated that volunteer contributions by citizens and merchants have been inadequate. He indicated that there is debate about whether or not it is the City’s responsibility clean up trash and maintain the area. He invited the public to attend and participate.
The Chair announced that the PPCC Newsletter had gone out for bid and that the Palisadian-Post had made a very attractive bid for printing.
Flo Elfant announced that she desired to furnish the community with information to facilitate the proposed discussion (scheduled for the PPCC meeting of November 13, 2003) regarding location of cellular towers in the Palisades. Flo distributed copies of a four-page printed document entitled “Federal Communications Commission – Information on human exposure to radiofrequency fields from cellular and PCS radio transmitters.” Flo indicated she would furnish further copies upon request.
The Chair announced that he had been informed by Barry Kurtz of hearings pending regarding public safety issues focused at PCH near the Bel Air Bay Club and the bike path.
Margaret Goff, on behalf of the Historical Society, indicated opposition to the proposed move of the Old Wharf Plaque, a registered historical landmark, which Margaret stated had been in its current location since 1893. The Chair indicated that he understood the plaque’s current location to be since the 1970’s, not 1893, but this matter would be considered at the November 13, 2003 meeting.
Susan Wagner (310-445-4029,, a community resource specialist with the City Attorney’s office, distributed flyers and reported that the City Attorney’s office was offering free rental property management training that explained the rights and responsibilities of owners, managers, and tenants, and gave guidance in how to deal with landlord-tenant problems.
4. Old Business.
Report of Committee on PPCC Donation Policy. In light of the attendance of persons awaiting several agenda items, Larry Jacobs, chair of the committee, proposed deferring consideration of this matter until the November 13, 2003 meeting.
Acoustical Options in the Meeting Room — Deferred.
Appointment of Community Service Award Committee. Jean Gold Friedman was appointed Chair, and Barbara Kohn and Ted Mackie were appointed as members, to determine this year’s winner of the community service award.
5. New Business.
5.1. Proposed Speed Humps on Latimer Road, Upper Mesa to Hilltree, on Amalfi, Minorca Dr. to Napoli Dr., and on Almafi, Spezia Place to Minorca Dr.
Mario Enriquez ( of the City Department of Transportation reported that 81% of affected residents had approved installation of speed humps on Latimer Road from Upper Mesa to Hilltree, 82% on Amalfi from Minorca Dr. to Napoli Dr., and 86% from Spezia to Minorca Dr. He reported that there was insufficient support shown for installation of speed humps on Amalfi from Minorca to Corsica. For each approved area, two approximate 2 5/8″ high humps would be installed, with orders to be issued by the end of October 2003 and construction anticipated to follow two to three months thereafter. Youth representative Michael Kane said that he resided at 756 Amalfi and he expressed regret that his family had signed the petition approving the speed humps. Discussion ensued, with several neighbors appearing in support on the basis that there was a speeding problem on Amalfi, including contractor’s vehicles, which necessitated an effort to get drivers to slow down to reduce the likelihood of a tragic accident causing injury to small children. On motion of Stuart Muller, seconded by Todd Ferrier, with 13 members voting in favor and 4 abstaining, the Board reaffirmed its policy of supporting block effort to obtain speed humps where the necessary community support was secured. Vice Chair Arthur Mortell cautioned neighbors not to be lured into a false sense of security, asserting that speeding needs to be addressed by more traffic enforcement.
5.2. Options for Dealing with Reported Noise and other Catering Truck Violations.
Reserve Officer Mark Dundore reported that catering trucks may stay in a residential location not more than 30 minutes and in a commercial location not more than 60 minutes. He also reported that the unnecessary use of a horn violates Section 27001(a) of the California Vehicle Code. Stuart Muller described a caterer who visited a construction site in his neighborhood who honked his horn ten times each visit three times per day. Comprehensive information on City noise laws and enforcement procedures is available at Appropriate portions of the law can be downloaded, printed out and delivered to an operator of a catering truck to inform him/her of their legal responsibilities relating to noise. Monique Ford, representing Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office, Senior Lead Officer Ragsdale, and community resource specialist deputy City Attorney Susan Strick have all been involved attempting to resolve these issues. Susan Wagner (310-445-4029, appearing for Susan Strick on behalf of the City Attorney’s office, relayed that the City Attorney hearing procedure can be used to help resolve noise violations.
5.3. Briefing on LAX Master Plan by Shirlene M. Sue, Senior Management Analyst, Long Range Planning, Los Angeles World Airports.
Viet Tran, Westside representative for Mayor Hahn, introduced Shirlene M. Sue who played an 8 minute video, presented graphs and handouts explaining Mayor Hahn’s proposed new master plan for LAX. The plan provides for a separation of the airport from drop-off and parking facilities. Several Board and community members expressed concern the impact upon individuals with limited mobility as well as traffic flow in surrounding neighborhoods. Denny Schneider, a board member of the LAX-Community Noise Roundtable appeared to state that many of the airlines and affected community are opposed to the Mayor’s plan. Ms. Sue referred the community to website LAXMASTERPLAN.ORG to give comments prior to November 7, 2003.
5.4. Briefing from LAPD on Speed Trailer Logistics.
Officer Joe Taylor of the West Los Angeles Traffic Division of LAPD described the availability and logistics of speed trailers on the Westside. He explained that each trailer is equipped with a radar device that monitors and displays the speed of oncoming vehicles. Each trailer costs about $15,000 plus $2,500 for a computer that gives the number of cars that pass during the measured period and low fast each vehicle was traveling. They are manufactured in Kansas. There have been vandalism problems, including tipping over, being hit by a car, and rocks thrown at the trailers. There are three trailers in West Los Angeles and the Senior Lead Officer in each community has been trained to move, setup and monitor the trailers. There were three key questions addressed: 1) To save time and effort in setup, can one trailer be dedicated to the Palisades and stored closer to the Palisades, for example, in Official Police Garage (OPG); 2) Can a non sworn officer or someone in less demand than the Senior Lead Officer be trained and authorized to move, setup and monitor the trailer? In this regard, Reserve Officer Mark Dundore indicated that he believed this question should be addressed to Senior Lead Officer Ragsdale with a specific request that Reserve Officers be designated for such assignment; 3) Can the Palisades be put on a regular schedule so that the trailer is moved about the community to obtain maximum impact? Officer Dundore also suggested that Senior Lead Officer be requested to assign Reserve Officers for traffic enforcement to supplement the strategy to deploy the trailers. Officer Taylor agreed to inquire further and report back to the Chair. The Chair agreed to follow up via email with Senior Lead Officer Ragsdale regarding the suggestions to be directed to him.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.
Minutes taken by Norman Kulla, acting as Secretary
MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 13th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): George Wolfberg, Norman Kulla, Christine Deeter, Patti Post, Kurt Toppel, Gilbert Dembo, Christina Porter, Larry Jacobs, Ted Mackie, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Margaret Goff, Jack Allen, Jean Gold Friedman, Michael Kane, Paul Glasgall, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Stephi Magur, Barbara Kohn, Mary Cole, Airley Ogilvie, Norma Spak, Richard Blumenberg 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Library Community Room. Gilbert Dembo read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes for the meeting on October 9 were approved. 3 Announcements and Concerns. Treasurer’s Report. Patti Post reported that as of November 3, 2003 the balance in the Checking account was $6,833.33 and the Savings was $4,703.90. Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office. The representative, Monique Ford, was unable attend the meeting. Officer Chris Ragsdale. Officer Mark Dundore attended representing Officer Ragsdale. Officer Dundore informed the council that there are two women thieves coming to houses in the Palisades. He stated that they will knock on an intended victim’s door and ask to use the bathroom, distract the victim and ransack the house. Fire Danger in the Palisades. Jack Allen expressed a concern that there is significant “fuel” in our area creating considerable fire danger. He would like the fire department to address this issue. The Chair will invite the fire department to send a representative to a future meeting. Village Tree Lights. Kurt Toppel stated that Palisades PRIDE is proposing to put ribbon lights on the nine Ficus trees located on Sunset between the Mobil Station and La Cruz and is looking for donations to cover the cost. The cost for the lights will be $3,825. The lights are expected to last approximately 10 years; the electricity cost will be approximately $11 per month. Holiday Party. Marguerite Mautner has a sign up sheet for the Holiday Party and requested contributions of drinks and food, specifically entrees with meat or vegetables. The sign up sheet was passed around. Benefit Assessment District. The benefit assessments are due to be paid in December. The people from the Benefit Assessment District will be invited to discuss how much of the money can be used for the Palisades. 4. Old Business. Report of Committee on PPCC Donation Policy. Larry Jacobs, Chair, Ted Mackie, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Patti Post, Harry Sondheim and George Wolfberg (ex-officio), submitted their report to the Board. After extensive discussion of the Board and with input from community member Susan Nash, Larry Jacobs moved, and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded, that it be the policy of the PPCC “to make one-time-only seed money contributions to requesting organizations up to a maximum amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Organizations that have previously raised funds for themselves or for projects that they have sponsored shall not be eligible for these contributions.” The motion was defeated, 3 in favor, 8 against. Then Larry Jacobs moved, and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded, that it be the policy the PPCC “to make one-time-only seed money contributions to requesting organizations in the fixed amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Organizations that have previously raised funds for themselves or for projects that they have sponsored shall not be eligible for these contributions.” The motion was defeated, 4 in favor, 7 against. Stuart Muller noted for the record that the purpose of the PPCC per the bylaws and read at the beginning of each meeting includes the following: “To assist other organizations in the Palisades which want help in accomplishing their objectives or projects, and which the Council desires to support.” Despite the outcome, the Chair thanked the committee for its effort noting that the committee determined that contributions are permitted under our bylaws and this presentation had led to a full and constructive airing of many important issues about the role and purposes of the PPCC in the community. Acoustical Options for the Meeting Room. The Chair read from an email message received this day from Fontayne Holmes of the Library Construction Office addressed to the Chair and Mark Schaffer, our pro bono acoustical consultant, as follows: “Per Mark’s recommendation, we are proceeding with ordering “Silent Wall” panels floor (top of base) to ceiling on the North, East and West walls and we are leaving the wood slat panels on the South wall. We are including a picture rail at 7.0′ on the three new walls. “The installation schedule will be set by next week. Thank you for your wonderful help on this project.” 5. New Business. Should the community identify preferred locations for cellular antennae? Tony Sain, former education representative on the Board, favored the Board with his appearance to start the discussion that he had proposed while serving on the Board. A wide-ranging discussion ensued with participation by the Board, community and Scott Longburst (, 562-799-9245) President of Trillium Telecom Services, L.L.C., and Adan Madrid (, 562-799-9235) Project Manager of Trillium Telecom Services, L.L.C.. After extensive consideration it was the consensus that a committee be created to develop standards for future cellular transmission sites that would take into account the requirements and capabilities of cellular networks, the community’s health and aesthetic concerns, and report back to the Board. The Chair appointed the following Board members to the committee: Norman Kulla, Jack Allen, and former member Tony Sain. The Chair also appointed the following community members, including former Chair Flo Elfant, Geraldine Scally, Chris Tesari, John Strauss, Soren Eilertsen. Additional interested parties may be appointed to the committee. Upon motion of Barbara Kohn, the Board of Public Works will be requested to continue its public hearing regarding proposed cell sites at 1085 Palisades Drive [subject of a PPCC appeal], 17959 Tramonto [subject of an appeal by six neighborhood residents], 1197 Bienveneda [subject of an appeal by Christopher Cole], 443 Chautauqua Blvd [subject of an appeal by Huntington Palisades Property Owners Corp. Ltd. and Paul Keller]. The representatives of Trillium stated that they would not oppose this extension of time for the first three sites, although they could not speak for Cingular Wireless, applicant for the fourth site. Would proposed relocation of State Historical Landmark #881 by 130 feet from its present location enhance public accessibility and not harm its historical relevance? Joe Chesler, the planning chief for County Beaches and Harbors attended, seeking the board’s recommendation. He informed the PPCC that $7 million has been earmarked for Will Rogers upgrades. Ken Slu is the project manager and it is his duty to maintain the importance of the Historical Landmark. Photos of the landmark where it stands today and sketches of the remodeled lifeguard station and the proposed location for the landmark were provided. Mr. Chesler said that the new location would make the landmark more accessible. The life guard station will not look much different than it does today. Extra storage and a change room for the dive teamwill be provided. The toilets will be moved East and North into a brand new building. Margaret Goff suggested that we get in touch with Ernest Marquez and Randy Young, local historians. The Chairman stated that he has sent emails to Randy and received no response. Mr. Chesler furnished Mr. Marquez’ phone number to the Chairman who telephoned the historian earlier today. Mr. Marquez indicated that a great deal of care had gone in to placing the monument along with rails and ties donated by the railroad and that he was opposed to it being moved. The Chairman noted that the customary roadside signs informing the public of the existance of the historical landmark was lacking. Mr. Chesler volunteered that he would work with Caltrans to obtain proper signage. The Board will schedule an agenda item to brief the community in January on the improvement project. Norm Kulla moved to support that the landmark remain in its original location, seconded by Richard Blumenberg. The board voted in favor of the motion 14 to 1. Mr Chesler thanked the board for its input. Should the PPCC participate in the Citywide Alliance of Neighborhood Councils on Saturday, November 15th, and send two representatives to this open meeting? After discussion led by Chair Emeritus Harry Sondheim, Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved, Kurt Toppel seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the Board authorized joining the Citywide Alliance and that two representatives be authorized to attend the November 15 meeting upon the Board’s behalf. Further, that a resolution in the form attached to these minutes [note: attachment not included/unavailable] be executed by the Chair on behalf of the Board and delivered to the Alliance on its behalf by a representative designated by the Chair. What comments, if any, should the PPCC submit re DWP’s mitigated negative environmental declaration for its Santa Ynez cover project? On motion by Norman Kulla, seconded by Kurt Toppel, it was unanimously carried that the committee consisting of Paul Glasgall, Norman Kulla, Bob Cavage, Ralph Miller, Steven Bost, and Herb Conrad be authorized to submit comments on the PPCC’s behalf requesting further delineation of various points of concern to be specified by the committee its judgment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR DECEMBER 11th 2003Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): George Wolfberg, Barry Kurtz, Arthur Mortell, Ted Mackie, Patti Post, Kurt Toppel, Susan Orenstein, Christina Porter, Larry Jacobs, Mark Kremer, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Michael Kane, Barbara Kohn, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Norma Spak, Mary Cole, Todd Ferrier, Airley Ogilvie, Stephi Magur, Norman Kulla, Gilbert Dembo 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Dining Hall of Temescal Gateway Park. Mark Kremer read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes for the meeting on November 13, 2003 were approved as corrected. 3. Announcements and Concerns. Treasurer’s Report. Patti Post reported that as of November 3, 2003 the balance in the Checking account was $7,882.06 and the Savings was $4,785.55. Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office. Monique Ford attended and presented follow up information regarding Preferential Parking. Please see section 4.1 for details. Officer Chris Ragsdale. Officer Ragsdale reported that there was an arrest made two weeks ago with respect to a string of burglaries in town. The suspect grew up in the Palisades and lives in the 900 block of Bienveneda. He is reported to have a drug habit. Officer Ragsdale believes that the suspect is responsible for many of the recent burglaries in the area. He also reported that there was a crime of violence on Tuesday (December 9, 2003) at approximately 5:15 PM. A Palisades resident who lives near the high school was walking from the bluffs with his two year old son on his shoulders when two Hispanic men approached him and presented a 12? semi-automatic hand gun asking for property and attempted to move victims behind a nearby garage. At that time they saw a car coming and struck the victim in the face and ran. It was reported by the victim, Mr. Bird, that it took 45 minutes from the time of the call to the police for them to arrive. It was reported by others attending the meeting that the Presbyterian Church was broken into just a few nights before and that a similar robbery was conducted recently at the corner of El Medio and Northfield. Haldis Toppel described a situation that occurred in the canyon by her house in Marquez Knolls where she and her husband saw a sniper aiming at an unknown target. She promptly called 911. She stated that it took 30 minutes for five patrol cars to arrive. Fortunately the “sniper” turned out to be playing a game of paint ball. Much discussion followed regarding the lack of police coverage for the Palisades. Officer Ragsdale was thanked for his good work with such a short staff. He stated that his area covers 64 square miles and there is one patrol car allocated to the Palisades. If there is an emergency in another part of the City this car may be pulled out of the Palisades to that location. He said that there is no plan to increase staff even though they are short of officers due to restrictive financial conditions in the City. The officers are frustrated with the long response time but are unable to do anything about it. Officer Ragsdale also reported that the local security patrols are not able to get through to the Police any sooner than we are. It is best to call the police direct. The security guards are not allowed to deal with dangerous situations and are directed to call the police when one is encountered. He pointed out that going through the local security guards will only increase the response time. Officer Ragsdale reported that he will return with an update on the situation at a later date. Selection of Area Representative Alternates — Deferred. Status of Organization Representative Designations — Deferred Holiday Party. Marguerite Mautner thanked Joyce Whitehead, Conference Center Coordinator, for her assistance with logistics and presented Ms. Whitehead with a gift from the Council. Planned Weekend Sunset Resurfacing between Via de Paz and Chautauqua. Danny Leon, Project Manager for the Bureau of Street Services, appeared and explained the planned resurfacing of Sunset Blvd. between Via de la Paz and Chautauqua. The paving will be removed on a Saturday and the new surface will be installed on a Sunday on the same weekend. It will be done the weekend of January 11-12 or 17-18 unless weather requires rescheduling. DOT will be striping subsequently. Sunset between Chautuaqua and Brooktree will be the project to follow. A couple of weeks in advance of commencement informative signs will be put out to give advance notice. PCH and Bel-Air Bay Club Bike Path Proposal Update. Barry Kurtz reported that Bel-Air Bay Club and the County Dept of Beaches have each agreed to make the necessary cooperation for right-of-way and land dedication to permit widening of PCH. This project will restore the shoulder lost when the highway was realigned after a landslide many years age. The result will be safer passage for cyclists and pedestrians along the beach side of PCH. The Chair has written a letter to Caltrans supportive of the project. 4. Old Business. 4.1. Restricted Parking Program – Village Update. Monique Ford from Councilwoman Cindy Micikowski’s office presented a list of the neighborhoods that have sent petitions requesting preferential parking (a copy of which is inserted below). She reported that the permits cost $15 which is used to “help” pay for the staff. Pauline Chan reported that it is not enough to cover the total cost to maintain the permit staff. Proposed Preferential Parking District Summary – 12111/03 Submitted Petitions Carthage St. between Swarthmore and Via De La Paz * 2 Hour Parking 8 a.m.- 6 p.m./No Parking 6 p.m. – 8 a.m. Except by Permit Radcliffe between Haverford and Bowdoin * (only change is except by permit)- 2 Hour Parking 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. Except by Permit Alma Real Drive between Toyopa and Frontera * 2 Hour Parking 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday Except by Permit Monument street between Albright and Bestor * (only change is except by permit) – 2 Hour Parking 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. Monday through Friday Except by Permit Domino Effect If approved, the boundaries of the proposed preferential parking district will extend at least two blocks beyond those blocks that submitted petitions. Before establishing the extended district DOT will seek Council office input. Next Steps DOT will do a parking survey and determine if the proposed district meets the Program Criteria. Requests must be submitted to the Coastal Commission for approval. If the proposed district meets the Program Criteria, the Department will conduct a public hearing to state the boundaries and parking restrictions, survey findings and to receive public comment. Notice of this hearing will go out to most impacted business and residents of the district (within 300 feet) of each proposed district. The following Parking Revenue spreadsheet was reported by Monique Ford: Ms. Ford reported that in the past parking revenues were slated for the particular communities they were collected from. Now they are submitted to the City?s General Fund. There is approximately $80 million in parking ticket funds per year in addition to the parking meter funds. Additionally, it was reported by Ms. Ford that at least 50% of the residents must buy a permit in order to establish a permit area. Temescal Canyon/YMCA Update. Vice-Chair Arthur Mortell stated that he attended the Los Angeles City Council meeting where the YMCA’s parcel map was approved over objection of the FOTC (Friends of Temescal Canyon) He reported that the YMCA did not mention proposed uses other than pumpkin patch, Christmas tree sales and children’s summer camp. Vice-Chair Mortell stated that the Coastal Commission has stayed issuance of a permit pending further consideration. 5. New Business. Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Outgoing Board Members. The Chair presented a certificate of appreciation to former Recreation Representative, Mark Elswick. Presentation of Community Service Awards to Norma Spak and Frances Tibbits. Vice-Chair Mortell presented the 2003 Community Service Awards on behalf of the Council. Should potential funding for the PCH Bike Path extension supported by the PPCC be diverted for a reversible lane improvement on Sepulveda Blvd.? A presentation by Jay Slater, Jeffrey Courion & Susan Gans opposed the DOT recommended project as counterproductive to the interests of bicyclists and motorists. After extensive discussion, Norman Kulla, on behalf of alternate and traffic expert Barry Kurtz, moved that the PPCC write a letter in support of the opposition. A guest, Brentwood Community Council Chair Flora Krisiloff, pointed out that Bel-Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council had voted to support the reversible lane project. Mark Kremer suggested we should hear from an informed source from the DOT. After further discussion, Larry Jacobs moved, Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded, that the motion be tabled until the next meeting to obtain further information. The motion passed unanimously. The Chair will send an invitation to the General Manager of the DOT to explain the project. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. _________________________ |