Scroll down for all 2004 meeting minutes
Board Members in Attendance: George Wolfberg, Normal Kulla, Gilbert Dembo, Harry Sondheim, Paul Glasgall, Ted Mackie, Patti Post, Margaret Goff, Steve Lantz, Christine Deeter, Larry Jacobs, Mark Kremer, Sam Stigler, Stuart Muller, Michael Kane, Mary Cole, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Norma Spak
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Community Room of the Pacific Palisades Public Library. Paul Glasgall read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Approval of the minutes for the meeting on December 11, 2003 was deferred.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. Patti Post was delayed and the Chair gave her report. As of December 11, 2003 the balance in the Checking account was $8,409.23 and the Savings was $4,785.55.
3.2. Organizational Representatives and Alternates — No update.
3.3. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office, Officer Ragsdale, Area Organizational and other government Representatives.
Monique Ford introduced Councilwoman Miscikowski’s new aide Andrea Epstein.
LAFD Battalion Chief Daryl Arbuthnott, accompanied by his assistant Joe W. Hill, announced that Battalion Chief Dennis Waters and Inspector Stolp would appear at January 22 Board meeting to discuss the fire threat to the Palisades posed by 25 years of brush accumulation.
It was announced that the Palisades branch of the American Legion was providing a new flag at the library to replace the one that was recently stolen.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Continued consideration of proposed reversible lane improvement on Sepulveda.
Senior Traffic Engineer Kang Hu and Traffic Engineer Ken Husting of the Regional Surface Transportation Improvements Division of LADOT made a presentation in support of reversible lane improvement project between vicinity of Getty Center Drive to Skirball Drive. Mr. Hu and Mr. Husting argued the improvement would relieve traffic congestion and improve the safety of bicycle transit.
Appearing in opposition were Aaron Kirsch and Susan Gans from Citizens for a Safe Sepulveda. After extensive discussion, serious questions remained about whether or not the project would enhance or reduce the safety of bicycle traffic and vehicular traffic generally on Sepulveda. Also, the scope of project appeared too limited to attain its intended purpose of reducing traffic congestion. It was noted that traffic expert Barry Kurtz and Transportation Advisor Steve Lantz opposed the project.
Norman Kulla renewed his motion to oppose the project continued from the December 11 Board meeting to obtain input from Marguerite Mautner Perkins renewed her second. The motion carried 9 in favor, none opposed, with 2 abstentions.
4.2. Update from ad hoc Dog Park Committee and announcement from representative supporting a dog park at a beach in Santa Monica — Deferred.
4.3. Proposed revisions to Community Service Award Guidelines — Deferred.
4.4. Temescal Canyon/YMCA Update — Deferred.
5. New Business.
5.1. Criminal activity, vicinity of El Medio-Erskine.
Community meeting held December 15, 2003, Report by Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale. Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale, accompanied by Reserve Officer Mark Dundore, introduced Captain Mike Chambers, commanding officer of LAPD West Los Angeles Division. Officer Ragsdale distributed to the board a seven-page handout plotting on a map the crime in Pacific Palisades for the month of December 2003; a map plotting crime by basic car response for December, 2003 for WLA (excluding Pacific Palisades); a description of crime by crime type for the month of December 2003 for Pacific Palisades, and a like report for WLA as a whole for the week 12/28/03 to 1/3/04; and basic car map for area patrolled by seven basic cars assigned for patrol in WLA. After briefly describing the handouts, Captain Chambers then made a brief statement to the effect that: LAPD agrees that additional police should be deployed; however, given the police deployed to WLA, the Pacific Palisades gets its fair share. Of the neighborhoods in the 64 square miles in the division, Pacific Palisades is the safest.
The Captain then discussed the two recent most serious crimes. Two male Hispanics driving a silver Pathfinder were responsible for one incident and they are the subjects of an investigation involving several communities. The other the Captain believes was committed by a male black and was an isolated incident. Captain Chambers discussed that car doors, house doors and alarms should be set to make more difficult property crimes of opportunity, which he described as the most prevalent form of theft.
He announced that he will explore initiating “motorized foot beat” in the Palisades beginning the end of January 2004, where officers are on patrol, but “off the radio” (so not pulled out of area).
He also announced that temporarily he has one additional Senior Lead Officer available in the division who will be assigned to the Palisades. This will probably increase coverage 4 to 5 hours per day in the Palisades.
Questions were then taken from the Board and audience. The discussion was extensive; covering the recent Miami Way attempted robbery, whether or not there is ongoing gang activity (transitory occasionally with no permanent presence in Palisades), graffiti, and seasonal cyclical nature of recent crimes (crime tends to increase during period between Thanksgiving and New Years), co-operation with LAUSD police and private security. Two key points emerged: the community felt strongly it was entitled to increased visible police presence in the community; the allocation of police was being adversely impacted by budgetary constraints.
Norman Kulla moved, and Marguerite Mautner Perkins seconded, a motion for the Chair to direct a letter to our Councilwoman that expresses the Board’s support for a 24/7 police presence in Pacific Palisades, and if budgetary constraints require increased revenue for the City of Los Angeles to do so, this community supports increasing revenue if dedicated to public safety. The motion passed 6 in favor, 2 opposed, with 4 abstentions.
5.2. Proposed vehicle access gate (s) – Asilomar.
Numerous neighbors appeared in opposition to installation of a gate on Asilomar proposed to enhance public safety. Dr. Mark Kelly stated that his proposal for a gate was misconstrued; the matter was only in the investigative or exploratory stage. He stated that LAPD had proposed the gate in response to his proposal for installation of a turnaround. Senior Lead Officer Ragsdale stated there had been no reportable crimes on the bluff, against either person or property. He stated that he believed concerns were quality of life or nuisance type problems related to public use of the bluff.
A number of neighbors indicated that they had not been consulted about Dr. Kelly’s efforts and wanted to be included in the process to find solutions to any ongoing concerns. There was general agreement to such effect and matter will continue under study by the Council office and the City.
5.3. Requested guardrail installation on Palisades Drive — Deferred.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Board Members in Attendance: George Wolfberg, Carl Mellinger, Gilbert Dembo, Arthur Mortell, Barry Kurtz, Ted Mackie, Patti Post, Kurt Toppel, Barbara Kohn, Christina Porter, Larry Jacobs, Michael Kane, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Stephi Magur, Paul Glasgall, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Norma Spak, Louis Cozolino
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. at the Library Community Room.Michael Kane read the purpose of the Community Council. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Minor corrections were made to the minutes for the meeting of December 11, 2003.The minutes for January 8, 2004 were approved as presented.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. Patti Post reported that as of November 3, 2003 the balance in the Checking account was $4,785.55 and the Savings was $8,900.40.
3. Organizational Representatives & Alternates — Deferred.
3.3. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office.
Kevin Keller, the new chief planning deputy in the council office attended. His number is 213-485-3811 and email at
3.4. Parking Enforcement at Pali Elementary.
Arthur Mortell stated that the city is not allowing parents to park in the no parking area in front of Palisades Elementary, and stated that it is necessary for them to do so in order to pick up their children. Gilbert Dembo suggested that the street be made one way because the busses are stacked on both sides making it impossible to get by. This subject will be addressed at a future council meeting.
3.5. Larry Jacobs reported that on Monday the 26th there will be a meeting of the Tourism and Entertainment City Council Committee and there has been no notice on the City Council Meeting Agendas.
3.6. Cancer Society.
George Wolfberg announced that there would be a fundraising relay race meeting at 870 Monument on Monday, January 26.
3.7. Parking Enforcement.
George reported receiving a letter from a Palisades resident complained that they were having difficulty getting parking enforcement on Antioch on Sundays. The letter was given to Mo Blorfroshan from DOT for follow up.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Proposed revisions to Community Service Award Guidelines — Deferred.
4.2. Presentation of Plans for Palisades Landmark Condominium Project.
Ken Kahan, a developer with California Landmark, presented his intentions to develop the area known as 17331 Tramonto Drive into an 82-unit condominium project, which will involve the demolition of an existing 20-unit apartment building. He stated that the company purchased the property in 1999 and has spent the time since the purchase obtaining entitlements and stated the process took approximately two years longer than expected because of the unstable condition of the hillside. The development of the proposed project will include a fix for the eventual landslide that will occur if nothing is done to prevent it.
Mr. Kahan, his attorney, Ben Resnick (a land use attorney) and JBZ Architects involved gave an overview of the project and the environmental impact report (EIR) and stated that the architectural company had extensive experience with hillside projects and showed photographs of their most recent hillside projects.
Mr. Resnick reported that the project would be heavily conditioned upon the EIR. In response to many questions regarding the geological impact of the project it was suggested that those questions be directed to the geologists that were involved in the EIR, although it was noted that the safety of the upslope homes was their number one concern when addressing the issue of removing replacing the dirt during construction.
There were concerns voiced in regard to the planned haul route when removing the dirt from the site. Mr. Kahan and Mr. Resnick stated that the haul route would be [note: word missing] and assured every one that the utmost care and consideration would be taken to mitigate any inconvenience caused by the dust, traffic and noise caused by the construction. Mr. Resnick requested that the community members who are concerned about the existing condition of the road and how it will hold up to the increased use during construction suggest a solution.
Mr. Resnick noted that there will be no affordable housing in this project. He explained the ins and outs of how development and affordable housing work and informed the council that Landmark has opted to take advantage of its ability to defer this requirement to another project as allowed in the affordable housing rules.
Barbara Kohn asked if Landmark would be working with the developer of the 29 condo unit (Palmer Project) on Castellammare at the foot of the slope as the 29 units are at the bottom of the slope are the two developments being considered together with regard to the stabilization of the slope as presented at a previous Community Council Meeting. Mr. Resnick represents the Palmer Project as well as Landmark. Kohn also referenced three new single family residences projects at the top of the slope, on Revello. Mr. Kahan answered that the two projects (Palmer and Landmark) are not connected in any way but that they would cooperate as needed to assure safety, etc. to the neighborhood. The geologist for both projects is John Irvine of The Byer Group.
There will be 130,000 cubic yards of dirt removed and 100,000 cubic yards that will replace it. It is estimated that it will take 25 truck trips per day during peak hours and 85 trips at other times. It was stated that the project would be competed in 18 to 20 months from now.
There were many concerns about the community’s ability to communicate with the developer during construction. Among other remedies, a bond or an escrow account between the developer and the community to insure that any problems are dealt with appropriately. It was suggested that there be a meeting between the developer, the geologist and all interested parties to address all of their concerns. The Chair will furnish email address to the developer so he can arrange these meetings.
4.3. Requested guardrail installation on Palisades Drive — Deferred.
4.4. Temescal Canyon/YMCA Update — Deferred.
5. New Business.
5.1. Report from LA City Fire Department on fire hazard reduction in the Palisades.
Division Commander A.C. Purvis and Battalion Chief Dennis Waters attended along with Inspector Lori Stolps. Chief Waters gave a detailed explanation on how and why the Palisades is at such high risk. He noted that we have 4 medium water-carrying helicopters and two heavy lifts that carry a greater load. It was noted that parking in our neighborhood is critical to fire safety. Residents must make sure that there is room for the fire trucks to pass by. This is particularly noticeable when trucks involved with construction block access.Monique Ford said that it is the Street Use Inspectors job to make sure that the trucks are complying with the rules. Marguerite Perkins Mautner will follow up with Monique Ford on this issue.
Chief Waters and Inspector Stolps furnished hand outs addressing the brush clearance issue and stated that if your property is noncompliant it is possible to get a fine of $242 and if you still don’t comply the FD will hire someone to do it and charge you as much as $715. Chief Waters’ phone number is 310.575.8509 if you need to call regarding the fire danger of certain roof materials.
There was discussion about the difficulty of coordinating brush clearance with the properties that have boundaries with State owned properties. According to Inspector Stolp the State will not fund brush clearance of its properties. Glenn Olson is the person who deals with the State on these matters.Apparently the FD has been trying to get the State to deal with this for years.
Walt Young of the MRCA – SMMC reported that this year and in the future the SMMC has the funding to do the brush clearing up to the City Standards.The city standard is 3,200 feet from any structure. Fire assessment districts will now be cleared to the City Standards. Caveats: Some selected parcels where the slope is too steep, the mudslide and rock slide danger of removing the brush outweigh the fire danger. If the owners do not remove their brush first then the City cannot get to the brush they have to remove.
5.2. Temescal Canyon Parking Restrictions (Sunset to Bowdoin). After presenting a background summary, Stuart Muller made the following motion, which was seconded by Kurt Toppel: “The Pacific Palisades Community Council requests that City of Los Angeles DOT install Tow Away-No Parking Midnight to 5 a.m. daily signs along Temescal Canyon Road from Sunset Blvd. to the Los Angeles City Temescal Canyon Park and that City of Los Angeles Parking Enforcement and Police Department diligently enforce all parking restrictions along all of Temescal Canyon Road, from Sunset to the Pacific Coast Highway.”
After much discussion regarding whether large commercial trucks and RVs will once again take advantage of parking overnight in this area now that Aldersgate lodge and the Pacific Palisades Womans Club have successfully petitioned to have overnight parking restrictions removed from the areas adjacent to their properties, Margerite Mautner moved to table the motion. It was agreed that this subject will be revisited in three months in that there are apparently no violations being committed at this time. Bill Damerall, the manager of Aldersgate Lodge, offered to monitor and address the issue on an individual, vehicle by vehicle basis. Mo Blorfroshan of LA DOT agreed to replace the parking restriction signs that DOT mistakenly removed on the east side of Temescal Canyon Rd between Bowdoin St and Haverford Ave.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.
Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): George Wolfberg (Chair), Arthur Mortell, Patti Post, Harry Sondheim, Steve Lantz, Norm Kulla, Norma Spak, Larry Jacobs, Todd Ferrier, Stuart Muller, Jean Gold Friedman, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Mary Cole, Ted Mackie, Louis Cozolino, Michael Kane, Stephi Magur.
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. Chairman George Wolfberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and appointed a board member to read the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of January 22, 2004 were adopted with the following changes: (See revised paragraphs at end of these minutes.)
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported that there is $9,060.40 in the PPCC checking account and $4,787.17 in the savings account.
3.2. Organizational Representative and Alternatives — No announcement.
3.3. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office, Officer Ragsdale — No Representatives present.
3.4. Temescal Dumping.
Stuart Muller announced that dumping of wood on the sidewalks of Temescal Canyon road has resumed.
3.5. City Budget.
Norman Kulla updated the Board regarding the February 19th LA City meeting over the Budget..
3.6. Water Treatment.
February 26th Bureau of Sanitation meeting regarding water treatment announced — No volunteers to attend.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Proposed revisions to Community Service Award Guidelines (Jeannie Gold, Chair).
Norman Kulla made the motion to adopt proposed changes and Marguerite seconded. Motion passed. (Approved Guidelines attached.) [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.]
4.2. Requested guardrail installation on Palisades Dr. — Norman Kulla withdrew this item.
4.3. Citywide Alliance Sponsorship.
The Board voted to support Norman Kulla’s motion, with Mary Cole’s second, to have the PPCC co-sponsor a forum with the Citywide Alliance regarding crime and the City budget..
4.4. Transportation and Senior Center Questionnaire Results.
Carol Hurley briefed the Board on the data collected from the Questionnaire co-sponsored by PPCC and Palisades AARP. The questionnaire was sent out to 11,000 households with the last newsletter. Steven Lantz will assist the committee in compiling the results to determine the next course of action. Results are posted on the PPCC website or contact Milton Weiner @ 310-454-3329.
4.5. Dog Park — No Announcement..
4.6. Temescal Canyon/YMCA Update.
Announcement regarding postponed Coastal Commission Hearing and City Attorney Review of parceling process.
5. New Business.
5.1. Presentation by California Wildlife Center.
Joint presentation by Glenda Singer of the Center and by Michelle Cullens Director of Conservation Programs of the Mountain Lion Foundation, who showed a Powerpoint presentation on the lions who live in California and gave tips on how we, as a community, can learn to co- exist with native wildlife including the two mountain lions that live in our area and coyotes. For detailed information visit or call 310-454-1395, On The Edge.
5.2. PPCC April Meeting Schedule.
The Board voted to hold one official meeting in April; on the 8th. Members were encouraged to attend the Community Service Award event on the 29th. Former board member Mike Skinner will be honored for his inspirational work in spearheading the community-funded development of the Palisades Recreation Center Field of Dreams project.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm.
ITEM 2 — Corrected paragraphs from minutes of January 22, 2004 [changed passages are italicized].
Presentation of Plans for Palisades Landmark Condominium Project: Ken Kahan a developer with California Landmark presented his intentions to develop the area known as 17331 Tramonto Drive into an 82-unit condominium project, which will involve the demolition of an existing 20-unit apartment building. He stated that the company purchased the property in 1999 and has spent the time since the purchase obtaining entitlements and stated the process took approximately two years longer than expected because of the unstable condition of the hillside. The development of the proposed project will include a fix for the eventual landslide that will occur if nothing is done to prevent it..
Mr. Kahan, his attorney, Ben Resnick (a land use attorney) and JBZ Architects involved gave an overview of the project and the environmental impact report (EIR) and stated that the architectural company had extensive experience with hillside projects and showed photographs of their most recent hillside projects. Mr. Resnick reported that the project would be heavily conditioned upon the EIR. In response to many questions regarding the geological impact of the project it was suggested that those questions be directed to the geologists that were involved in the EIR, although it was noted that the safety of the upslope homes was their number one concern when addressing the issue of removing replacing the dirt during construction..
There were concerns voiced in regard to the planned haul route when removing the dirt from the site. Mr. Kahan and Mr. Resnick stated that the haul route would be assured every one that the utmost care and consideration would be taken to mitigate any inconvenience caused by the dust, traffic and noise caused by the construction. Mr. Resnick requested that the community members who are concerned about the existing condition of the road and how it will hold up to the increased use during construction suggest a solution..
Mr. Resnick noted that there will be no affordable housing in this project explained the ins and outs of how development and affordable housing work and informed the council that Landmark has opted to take advantage of its ability to defer this requirement to another project as allowed in the affordable housing rules. Barbara Kohn asked if Landmark would be working with the developer of the 29 condo unit (Palmer Project) on Castellammare at the foot of the slope. as the 29 units are at the bottom of the slope are the two developments being considered together with regard to the stabilization of the slope as presented at a previous Community Council Meeting Mr. Ben Resnick represents the Palmer Project as well as Landmark. Kohn also referenced three new single-family residences projects at the top of the slope, on Revello. Mr. Kahan answered that the two projects (Palmer and Landmark) are not connected in any way but that they would cooperate as needed to assure safety, etc. to the neighborhood. The geologist for both projects is John Irvine of The Byer Group.
There will be 130,000 cubic yards of dirt removed and 100,000 cubic yards that will replace it. It is estimated that it will take 25 truck trips per day during peak hours and 85 trips at other times. It was stated that the project would be competed in 18 to 20 months from now.There were many concerns about the communitys ability to communicate with the developer during construction. Among other remedies, a bond or an escrow account between the developer and the community to insure that any problems are dealt with appropriately.It was suggested that there be a meeting between the developer, the geologist and all interested parties to address all of their concerns. The Chair will furnish email address to the developer so he can arrange these meetings..
Revised February 12, 2004.
The purpose of the Community Service Award is to honor long term and continuing outstanding volunteer service by an individual to a Pacific Palisades neighborhood or to the community-at-large..
Any organization or individual in the community may nominate a candidate. There is no limit on the number of nominations an individual/organization may submit. Only nominations submitted specifically for this award are eligible for consideration, although the nomination may be supported by materials written for other awards. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council at PO Box 1131 or by email to the Chair of the PPCC in accordance with the time frame suggested below..
Community Service Award Committee:.
The Chair shall appoint a Committee of not less than three (3) current members to review the nominations and select one or more persons to receive the Award. Prior to the Committee selecting persons for the Award, the Committee Chair shall circulate by E-Mail to other current members of the Board a list of those persons who have been nominated and ask that if any member of the Board desires to submit comments about any nominee, they should submit any comments to the Committee Chair within five days..
The recipient must be an individual. Each recipients service should be of a voluntary nature and not merely the beneficial outcome of official or business-related work that the recipient is engaged in..
The Award: The award shall be chosen and prepared by the Committee and presented to the Recipient(s) at the Annual Pacific Palisades Community Council December Pot-luck Meeting. The Recipient(s) and their family members shall be guests of the PPCC. The Palisades Americanism Parade Association [PAPA] shall be notified of the names of recipients so they may be included in the Annual July 4 Parade. (Notify PAPA @ PO Box 1776, PP 90272).
First October Meeting: Distribute Award Guidelines and discuss the Award. Submit Press Release to relevant publications soliciting nominations. Second October Meeting: Appoint Nomination Committee.
Deadline for receipt of nominations: The Saturday after the second Thursday in November.
November Meeting: Committee announces award winner(s), notifies the winner(s), notifies the Press (including Santa Monica Mirror, Brentmedia Publication (90272), Palisadian-Post and other local media if appropriate) and the Board of Governors.
Winners are invited to the December Meeting Pot-luck. Award Presentation.
Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): Arthur Mortell, Gilbert Dembo, Stuart Muller, Christina Porter, Michael Kane, Mary Cole, Harry Sondheim, Stephi Magur, Jean Gold Friedman, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Larry Jacobs, Norman Kulla, Ted Mackie
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. In the absence of the Chair, Vice Chair Arthur Mortell called the Board meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Approval of minutes of the February 12, 2004 was deferred.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Patti Post was not present. It was reported that as of February 26, 2004 the balance in the Checking account was $4,785.55 and the Savings balance was $8,900.40.
3.2. Organizational Representatives & Alternates Selection Update. No update — Deferred.
3.3. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office.
Monique Ford attended the meeting representing Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office. She had no specific announcements.
3.4. Cab Drivers in the Palisades.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner expressed concern about the Palisades elderly populations ability to use their vouchers for cab rides. She stated that the elderly ladies that she knew in the Palisades said that the cab drivers were very rude and did not show up on time to take them on a short ride when needed. Monique Ford of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office agreed to talk to Phil Aker at the Department of Transportation to see if there is any way to reprimand them.
3.5. Street Furniture.
Gilbert Dembo expressed his concern about the benches in Palisades Village. The contract for the current vendor is coming to an end. At that time they will have to remove their benches and Palisades Pride will replace them. Mr. Dembo reminded the board that the it voted to replace advertising benches as P.R.I.D.E. benches become available. It was established that the revenue from the advertising on the benches goes to the Citys General Fund. The contact at CalTrans with regard to benches on PCH is Sameer Haddadeen. Monique Ford provided information and said she will research what future steps are needed.
4. Old Business.
Norman Kulla stated that there is strong interest in the Dog Park by Palisades Residents but there is also a strong amount of opposition with regard to people who want the Dog Park; but do not want it any where near their house. Norman Kulla said that there is a need for more community support to establish a Dog Park. The site of most interest is the former proposed Occidental Petroleum Drill Site along PCH [Oxy Site]. He said that the Palisades Post will make a suggestion in a future article to take out the trail that leads to the houses, put up a fence, therefore mitigating the dog traffic through the residential neighborhood and solve the ongoing homeless problem that exists in the same area at the same time. Arthur Mortell acknowledged and thanked Norman for his efforts in this matter and for heading up so many different committees.
4.2. Cell Sites.
Norman Kulla reported there have been three meetings with interested and involved parties and another planned this month. There are memos circulating between interested parties and Tony Sain has continued to be involved. Norman’s feeling is that the outcome may be an effort to change Local State and Federal law to make the system more unified. The industry is as frustrated as the community is. There was discussion on the lack of consistent regulatory efforts.
4.3. Preferential Parking.
Todd Ferrier questioned Monique Ford about the progress of the Preferential Parking issue. Ms. Ford stated that the City is still going through the process of establishing a preferential parking area around the village. Ms. Ford assured the council that Todd Ferrier would be included in any meeting held by the City regarding this issue.
4.4. Proposed Condominium Project on Tramonto.
The City Planning Advisory Deputy Committee hearing will take place on March 17. Ken Kahan will be speaking with his attorney and geologist at the March 11th PPCC meeting. Discussion of the haul route and staging of the hauling trucks will be discussed at that meeting also.
5. New Business.
5.1. Crossing Guard at Bowdoin and Via de la Paz.
Arthur Mortell expressed concern about the fact that the crossing guard at Bowdoin and Via de la Paz had been discontinued by the City. There is now only one crossing guard for a very congested area.. He thanked Monique Ford for her participation on this matter but said that there has been no progress made on this issue. The response from the City is that I may take a year to get another crossing guard. Arthur mentioned that much of the congestion was caused by traffic from Village School. Stuart Muller said that problems with Palisades Elementary School dismissal procedures have been long standing, and include double parking on Via de la Paz. The Village School seems to have established an effective volunteer crossing guard program to supplement the city guards, and he suggested that Palisades Elementary explore implementing such a program as soon as possible.
5.2. Public Information Officer.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner volunteered for the position of Public Information Officer with a stipulation that it did not include the responsibility of producing the Newsletter.
5.3. Parking Enforcement.
Frank Muldanado, the officer in charge of Department of Transportation parking enforcement in the Palisades attended the meeting. There was much discussion regarding the area in the 15400 block on Antioch. The curb is painted red and he was questioned as to why there is no parking in that area. He agreed that the street is wide enough. Gelsons has asked that it remain a no parking zone. The ingress and egress to Gelsons on Via de la Paz between Sunset and Antioch was discussed and it was agreed that there is a definite problem.
Stuart Muller moved that we request that the DOT make a determination as to whether we can have metered parking in the current no parking zone on 15400 block of Antioch. The motion was seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner and approved by the board. Monique Ford will follow up. Arthur Mortell will write a letter to Mo Blorfroshan. Norman Kulla made a motion to send a letter to Gelsons requesting a traffic coordinator. Arthur Mortell seconded; and it was approved by the board.
Officer Muldanado gave his phone number, 310-312-3504, and asked that we call him if there is a problem with parking.
At the request of Youth representative Michael Kane the Council posed for a picture for his school committee.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): George Wolfberg, Patti Post, Gilbert Dembo, Paul Glassgall, Norma Spak, Ted Mackie, Norman Kulla, Kurt Toppel, Barbara Kohn, Margaret Goff, Larry Jacobs, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Mary Cole, Mark Kremer, Stephi Magur, Louis Cozolino
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Barbara Kohn read the purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes for February 12, 2004 were approved as presented. The approval of the minutes for February 26, 2004, was deferred.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. Patti Post reported that as of March 4, 2004 the balance in the Checking account was $7,913.77 and the Savings was $4,707.93.
3.2. Organizational Representatives & Alternates Selection Update.
On motion of Kurt Toppel, seconded by Gil Dembo, Steve Boyers was unanimously approved as Area 7 Alternate.
3.3. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office.
Kevin Keller, the new chief planning deputy in the Council office, attended. His number is 213-485-3811 and email at Mr. Keller indicated that he was appearing for Monique Ford, who wished to report: 1) An ADA compliant wheelchair ramp has been approved and will be installed at Mt. Holyoke and Via de las Olas; 2) Landscaping enhancements at PCH & Temescal have been approved by Recretion. & Parks, but no start date has been announced; 3) The messaging Board at Pali Hi has been corrected to turn off at 7:30 p.m. Gilbert Dembo requested that the ten bus benches at Temescal & PCH be removed, which Mr. Keller promised to report to our Councilperson. There is also a potential no smoking at beach ordinance under discussion. The public hearing at City Planning for 17331-3 Tramonto will be held at 1:00 pm, Wednesday, March 17, 2004, in Room 1020 at 200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles.
3.4. The Chair Announced:
He received a letter from Sharon Morrill of 530 Swarthmore opposing any dog park in the Palisades, which he referred to PaliDog liaison Norman Kulla; LA’s Integrated Resources Plan (IRP) is holding a series of community meetings about alternative solutions for water, wastewater and runoff – call 323-342-6233 for attendance; the Pacific Palisades Garden Club is scheduled April 25, 2004 for this year’s Garden Tour (for further information contact Linda Rosetti at 310-459-8751, or; complaints about construction activity for the Getty Villa project should be telephoned to (877) 625-4282. Thank you notes to the Board were received from Margaret Goff for flowers sent following her recent surgery and from Norma Spak and Frances Tebbits, Community Service Award winners; and nominations are being accepted for the Golden Sparkplug Award.
3.5. Citizen of the Year Dinner.
Bill Bruns announced that the Citizen of the Year Award will be presented to Mike Skinner who spearheaded the Palisades Field of Dreams project at a gala dinner to be held at the Riveria Country Club on April 29, 2004. The whole community is invited and every effort has been made to keep the cost of the dinner as reasonable as possible. Tickets are available from the Palisadian-Post.
3.6. EIDC.
Larry Jacobs reported that a group of neighborhood representatives had a productive meeting with Councilperson Martin Ludlow and that matters were moving in a positive direction.
3.7. New WLA Captain.
Patti Post reported that she had invited new WLA Captain Vance Proctor to visit with the PPCC but had not yet been favored with a reply.
3.8. Junior Women’s Club Donation Acknowledged.
On the suggestion of Gil Dembo, seconded by Mary Cole, the Chair agreed to write a letter to the Junior Women’s Club expressing the community’s appreciation for their recycling their fundraising back into the community.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Presentation of Plans for Palisades Landmark Condominium Project.
Ken Kahan a developer with California Landmark presented his response to community requests to modify his proposal to develop the area known as 17331 Tramonto Drive into an 82-unit condominium project, which will involve the demolition of an existing 20-unit apartment building. He stated he had established a Hotline to receive community input or complaints at 310-234-8880. The project has been redesigned to preserve view corridors for existing houses and condominiums. He stated that earth movement involving excavation and compaction will take approximately six months if construction begins at 7 a.m., but if the community prefers an 8:00 a.m. start time he will comply, but this will extend this phase construction by one to one and one-half months. They will provide a traffic flagman to address traffic during construction and install sensors triggering illumination on project property that will alert the traffic exiting from the project of approaching traffic coming down the hill. He will purchase and provide living air filters to all impacted residents to help control dust contamination during construction. He will also provide Friday sweeping of all impacted residents balconies, and upon inquiry, agreed to provide car wash vouchers and window washing weekly. He agreed to resurface potholes during construction and upon completion to repave from the project to Los Liones. If residents allow tiebacks on or under their property then they can be named as additional insured on Kahan’s insurance policy to facilitate easier claims processing without litigation. Kahan explained that subsurface and surface water from Revello would be channeled to storm drains that will contain filters to be maintained by the homeowners association to form as part of his project.
Mr. Kahan presented a PowerPoint presentation outlining the foregoing. His architect, Eric Zuzick, AIA, presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the view corridors. Dan Weedon, Kahan’s landscape architect, explained the proposed landscaping. John Irvine of the Byer Group, Mr. Kahan’s geologist answered questions from the audience. Mr. Kahan’s attorney, Ben Resnick (a land use attorney) requested that the Board support the project. Barbara Kohn indicated her opposition and no motions to support the project were made. There was community opposition to the scope of the project and the risk the project presented to hillside homes in the vicinity of the project. Mr. Kahan was thanked by the Chair and one citizen in attendance for willingness to listen to the community and respond to express concerns.
5. New Business.
5.1. Discussion of how the PPCC Board of Governors desires to receive input, if any, from candidates for the office of Councilmember from the 11th District for the term beginning July 1, 2005.
Barbara Kohn moved, and Gil Dembo seconded a motion to host a forum of the candidates six months prior to the election. There was consensus that it would be a good idea to hold a forum with candidates after the Presidential election. It was pointed out that the Presidential Election would be held in November 2004, and that the Councilmember election would be held in March 2005. The Chair suggested that it might be best to leave to the next Council responsibility for setting the format for how the candidates could address the concerns of community. Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved, and Larry Jacobs seconded, that the matter be tabled until after July 2004. It was unanimously agreed that the matter be tabled.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): George Wolfberg, Stephi Magur, Harry Sondheim, Arthur Mortell, Patti Post, Paul Glasgall, Christina Porter, Larry Jacobs, Barbara Kohn, Norma Spak, Stuart Muller, Norman Kulla, Mary Cole, Steve Boyers, Kurt Toppel, Michael Kane, Todd Ferrier, Louis Cozolino, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Margaret Goff, Ted Mackie, Jean Gold Friedman
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Library Community Room. The Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council was read by Council Secretary Christina Porter. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of February 26 were approved as corrected and the minutes of March 11, 2004 approved as submitted
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. Patti Post reported that as of March 25, 2004 the balance in the Checking account was $7,843.77 and the Savings was $4,787.93.
3.2. Golden Sparkplug Award Update.
The Committee will include Larry Jacobs, Harry Sondheim and Ted Mackie. More appointments to be announced. The Chairman announced that the deadline for receipt of nominations is March 27, 2004. There are 3 nominations so far.
3.3. Community Council Secretary.
The Chairman announced the need for additional secretarial assistance for the Council. He requested that any possible candidates contact him.
3.4. 311 Program.
Chairman George Wolfberg reported a problem with the 3-1-1 City Services Hotline. Among other instances of failure, the one discussed at length was an incident that occurred in Palisades Basin at the junction of Temescal Fireroad and Trailer Canyon (Michael Road access). Kurt Toppel reported that there are power lines running through the canyon. At one particular time it was reported that there were sparks flying off of them, at which time a call to 3-1-1 failed to connect with the City. A city representative attending the meeting, David Dizon, reported that it was a problem with Verizon software and that you can even contact the 3-1-1 hotline via your cell phone from most areas when you have no success with the landlines. Mr. Dizon agreed to contact Verizon again to urge speedy restoration of the 3-1-1 service.
3.5. Riviera Speed Hump.
Marquerite Perkins Mautner reported that a resident in her area (the Riviera) reported that there had been a speed hump placed at the base of their entryway making it difficult for some people to safely access the walkway. The resident is now in the process of contesting its placement. Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski explained the process of how the location of speed humps are chosen and approved. It was agreed that the placement of this particular speed hump had been an oversight and that the resident should pursue its relocation. Councilwoman Miscikowski gave suggestions on whom to contact.
3.6. DWP Proposed Changes to the Santa Ynez Reservoir.
Area 2 representative Norman Kulla reported that the DWP has requested a meeting to be held at the Summit Club on April 19, 2004 from 6:30 9:30 PM to discuss the proposed aesthetic changes (covering) to the reservoir that will be required when the chemical used to purify the water is changed from chlorine to Chloramine (Chlorine and Ammonia). There have been reports that Chloramine leads to a heightening of lead content due to the leaching of lead from some water pipes.
3.7. City Wide Alliance Meeting.
Norman Kulla reported that there would be a meeting of the City Wide Alliance on Saturday March 27, 2004 and at the annual NC Congress on Saturday May 22 2004. Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa and Sheriff Baca will both be speaking on a proposal LA County sales tax increase to fund additional law enforcement resources. Councilwoman Miscikowski stressed that a two-thirds favorable vote is required for passage.
3.8. Integrated Resources Plan Briefings.
Chairman George Wolfberg reported that the City is holding a series of briefings regarding alternative plans for infrastructure improvements to meet the anticipated higher governmental standards and increased quantity of wastewater and urban runoff in the next 20 years. George attended the first of the current series fo briefings on March 23 with more scheduled through April 7. He indicated that, depending on the alternative ultimately selected there could be and increase our annual property taxes from the current $24 per year to $204 to $228. In addition, the water bill surcharge for equipment of $21 per month could increase by $8 to $11. Councilwoman Miscikowski explained that the meeting was about improving the existing storm drain system. She said that the City wants an integrated resources program to make sure that the storm drains are cleaned up and that it will require a significant amount of money. There is consideration for a clean water bond to be put on the November ballot. Councilwoman Miscikowski stated that there is a great need for community support for such placement to occur. Chairman George Wolfberg reported that one alternative proposed is a storm drain runoff treatment plant in Santa Monica Canyon similar to the one now operating at the Santa Monica Pier. A local architect [Alejandro Ortiz] sent the City a sketch of a system that would include piping Santa Monica Canyon runoff out past the surf line. The proposal was forwarded to the IRP team and to Monique Ford of Councilwoman Miscikowskis office.
3.9. Temescal Canyon Road Storm Drain Replacement.
The Chairman also reported that LA County Bond Issues 500 and 501 will provide funds for the major improvement in August of the storm drain system located directly underneath Temescal Canyon and one just up the coast. This announcement provoked additional discussion on the coordination of projects between government agencies due to the waste of funds used to for the recent resurfacing of Temescal Canyon, which will have to be redone after the storm drain improvements. Councilwoman Miscikowski assured us that within the City there is a long standing process to coordinate such projects, but that sometimes projects of outside agencies, as in this case, fall through the cracks. Monique Ford will follow up to assure that the road is repaved. [This follow up revealed that all work will be performed via man hole access and the street will not be cut.]
3.10. Mail Box Thefts in Santa Monica Canyon.
It was reported by Chairman Wolfberg that there has been several thefts from homeowners mailboxes in Santa Monica Canyon and that the Police are investigating. If you have any information or questions regarding these thefts please contact George.
3.11. Proposed New Residence at 201 Entrada.
Chairman Wolfberg reported that a proposal for a 45 feet high residence was turned down by the Zoning Administrator.
3.12. 17331-17333 Tramonto Drive.
Norma Spak stated that the time for comment to the City Subdivision Unit on the proposed development had been extended for two weeks.
3.13. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office, Officer Ragsdale, Area Organizational and other Governmental Representatives.
Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski attended the meeting with her deputy Monique Ford. Although she participated in much of the meeting, the purpose of the visit was to discuss the City Budget, safety and other issues. Please see Old Business for details.
Power Outages. Monique Ford reported that she sent a letter to the manager of the DWP regarding the power outages during the most recent storm.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Report from Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski.
a) Lower Temescal Canyon Brush Clearance. Councilwoman Miscikowski reported that she met today with the Recreation and Parks Department regarding brush clearance on Lower Temescal Canyon. There intention is to clear the area and prep it for planting with the next four to six weeks.
b) Via de las Olas. Councilwoman Miscikowski reported that she and Monique Ford met with resident representatives of Via de las Olas regarding the slope protection. At the meeting City engineers presented what steps were being taken to monitor the slope and committed to return in 40 days to replace the current bulkhead at the base of the slope near Friends Street; in addition to repairing the street to correct water runoff problems.
c) Police Coverage. It was acknowledged that the Palisades currently has two dedicated patrol cars and several motorcycle policemen covering our area. Councilwoman Miscikowski mentioned that although local Area Police Commander Michael Chambers, who committed to the two patrol cars in the Palisades, is being transferred, his successor, Captain Vance Proctor, has made the same commit-ment for an indefinite period. The only reason we would have a problem maintain-ing both cars is if the overall police force falls below the current watermark of 9,200 officers, which Mayor Hahn has pledged to maintain. One reason it was so difficult to get the second patrol car is that the City of LA has been under a very strict Fed-eral Consent Decree to deal with renegade police officers and has been given until June 30th of this year to show the Federal Government that the police department has changed systemically. Upon showing compliance to the decree the City will be able to free up those officers that are now dealing with the administration and enforcement of the decree, allowing them to return to patrolling the city. There was discussion regarding the recent assault on the bluffs and Sheriff Bacas recent early release of prisoners and its possible effect on our City.
d) Beach Smoking Ban. There is a new proposal for the City of LA to ban smoking on the beaches. Councilwoman Miscikowski requested the councils consideration of such a ban. How to enforce it was the most significant concern raised. She believes that if the law is passed the citizens would abide by it.
d) The Budget. Councilwoman Miscikowski stated that the Governors commitment to lower the vehicle license fee has had a devastating effect on many city agencies/programs depending on that income, has contributed to a hard budget freeze and that 2004 will be a severe year with regard to the budget.
e) Priority Budgeting. She also stated that within this severe year the Mayor would be doing priority based budgeting; meaning that only the most necessary programs will be maintained and that possibly cultural programs may be the first to go. In the past three months the Mayors office has reached out to the community to find out what their priorities are.
f) Homeland Security Dollars. There was discussion about how the city is reimbursed for any homeland security dollars that are spent. The Councilwoman assured us that LA is being reimbursed but that the reimbursement is not done on a per capita basis; the same amount of money goes to smaller towns. Recently the Federal Government set up a high risk overlay providing more dollars to the higher risk areas but she felt that LA was not getting its fair share of Homeland Security Dollars. Chief Bratton has established a Homeland Bureau comprised of approximately 200 people. He has spent a lot of time creating networks that will connect LAPD with all the important government entities that deal with homeland security to make sure that our officers are well educated on what to do in case of a terrorism warning.
g) Coastal Plan. Harry Sondheim requested information about the Coastal Plan. The Councilwoman stated that because of the hard budget freeze there are not enough people to complete the plan. She stated she hoped to complete the first stage of the coastal plan prior to leaving office. A concern is that the Venice LCP had been turned down by the Coastal Commission.
h) Increase in Sales Tax. There is a proposed ballot measure to increase sales tax by $.005 to supplement the Police Department. If necessary petition signatures are obtained by June it could be on the November ballot. Concerns were raised on how to assure that the funds raised by this increase would be appropriately distributed. The Councilwoman assured us that the City has had relative success in making sure that bond money raised goes to the original purpose for which it was deemed, due to oversight committees assigned to that task. They would also enforce proportional distribution and that no old money would be taken away from the police force just because there was much needed new money coming in.
i) News Rack Ordinance. Due to the proliferation of news racks in the City, particularly in scenic corridors, the City is creating a mandate for new standards and colors of the news racks. It was suggested by the Palisadian Post that existing news racks for local papers receive priority in the process and not be shut out by larger metropolitan or national papers.
j) Joint Pole Agreement. Norman Kulla stated that he has been working with the Brentwood Community Council regarding cellular site issues. He believes that the there is no regulation/enforcement of the distance between a utility pole transmitter and a residence. He stressed that it is below the radar of regulation and the exception within the Joint Pole Agreement needs to be studied. Councilwoman Miscikowski informed Norman that Debbie Dyner is well informed on the matter and to connect with her regarding this matter.
k) Dog Park. A question was asked about the Citys lack of enforcement of the leash law. Councilwoman Miscikowski stated that signs will be posted at the Pacific Palisades Recreation Center, Potrero Canyon, Via de las Olas and Rustic Canyon Park listing the location of off-leash dog parks in the Westside. Leash law enforcement will be stepped up after signs are posted.
l) Potrero Canyon Project. Councilwoman Miscikowski announced that it will be proposed to sell two lots on the Huntington Palisades side of Potrero Canyon to obtain additional funding to continue the Potrero project and that Coastal Commission approval will be sought. The two lots are in an area that is stabilized as indicated by the two years that have elapsed since completion of adjacent slope stabilization, meeting Coastal Commission criteria. The Recreation and Parks department will be invited to a future meeting to give a comprehensive update on the project. Councilwoman Miscikowski stated the Kathleen Chan, former director of the project, had been promoted to Acting Superintendent of Planning and Construction of the department.
5. New Business.
5.1. Report from Recreation and Parks on water damage to Palisades Gymnasium Floor.
Valley Region Superintendent Kevin Regan appeared for the department along with maintenance supervisor James Ward and Steve Barklow of the Pacific Region. Mr. Regan reported that a gauge on the fire sprinkler system had become damaged as a result of basketball activities in the gym. There was a construction flaw in that the there were no guards on the exposed gauge and valves although Building and Safety had approved the plans for the facility. Park staff turned off the water within five minutes and called 9-1-1. Since the valve was below the gauge, water continued to flow as the system drained after staff closed the valve. The fire department was called and all hands worked to brush the water off of the floor and fans were activated to dry the floor for the next several days, but the floor was too wet to be saved and must be replaced at an estimated cost of $76,000.
Stuart Muller inquired about the placement of unprotected/exposed drinking fountains at each end of the gym floor and complained that a leaky roof had previously damaged the floor in the new gym and that the floor in the old gym had been ruined by water on two occasions. Mr. Regan stated that he could not justify past actions but that the department had made a thorough loss prevention survey of the facility to avoid future problems. The drinking fountains inside the gym will be removed.
In response to comments by Louis Cozolino, Mr. Regan indicated that a drain valve had now been installed above the gauge along with appropriate guards over the valves, gauges and sprinkler heads to avoid a future flood. Mr. Regan also stressed that he will guarantee these problems will never happen again. The estimated time to replace the floor is 60-90 days with extra time required because of the bleachers. Councilwoman Miscikowski is working with the department to obtain a funding advance from Proposition K to expedite the repair process.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 PM.
Members Present: George Wolfberg, Shephi Magur, Harry Sondheim, Patti Post, Robert Blake, Stuart Muller, Christina Porter, Maguerite Perkins Mautner, Barbara Kohn, Norma Spak, Norman Kulla, Mary Cole, Ted Mackie, Kurt Toppel, Louis Cozolino, Todd Ferrier, Margaret Goff
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Area 4 Alternate Representative Robert Baker read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of March 25, 2004 were approved as corrected.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there has been no change since the last meeting.
3.2. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office.
Monique Ford reported that the DOT has decided to put a four-way stop sign at Haverford and Bowdoin and that there has been no more talk about making Haverford a one way street. The City requires that at least a 70% of the neighbors in the area must agree to the one-way street and the lead person does not think that can be accomplished.
The Department of Recreation and Parks is upgrading their reservation system at all of the parks. The current system is down and the new one will be implemented on April 12, 2004.
3.3. Officer Chris Ragsdale.
Officer Ragsdale reported on the following:
a. There has been an arrest in the case of the mail thefts in Santa Monica Canyon. The perpetrator was tied to other burglaries in the area and a crime spree in Hollywood.
b. The Police Department has a citywide goal to reduce crime by 20% and encouraged us all to work together to accomplish this. He gave several examples of how citizens can help.
c. LAPD has been working with the Park Rangers in dealing with the transient population in our area. There is significant work and success in the Santa Monica Canyon and Chautauqua Areas.
3.4. The Golden Sparkplug Awards.
The Golden Sparkplug award winners were announced: Bob Jeffers and Dr. Roger Wood. Chairman Wolfberg extended thanks to Council Members Mary Cole, Ted Mackie, Larry Jacobs and Harry Sondheim for volunteering for the Selection Committee. Also thanked was Ted Mackie for obtaining the golden sparkplugs from Denton Jewelers. The plaques will be handed out at the Citizen of the Year Dinner at the Riviera Country Club on April 29, 2004.
3.5. Appointment of a Nominating Committee.
Per Article VII of the Bylaws. Patti Post (chairperson), Ted Mackie and Marguerite Perkins Mautner will be on the Nominating Committee. Nominations will be open until June 10, 2004 when the election of officers will be held. June 10 is also the last day for Area Representatives to submit written notice of intention that they will be running for a new term.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Captain Vance M. Proctor the West Los Angeles Area Commanding Office of LAPD.
a. The Captain opened extending condolences to our community. There was a collision that killed two people on Temescal Canyon the previous Friday night. Monique Ford reported that the driver of the vehicle was on his cell phone and that there was a pending investigation. There was discussion on the Citys protocol regarding a fatal traffic accident. The Captain said that LAPD has been working with Council member Patti Post to find ways to get the community more involved in traffic control in our area and that the City is trying to train more officers on the radar gun.
b. The Captain explained that he is committed to keeping the second police car in the Palisades. He gave credit to senior lead officer Chris Ragsdale, explained what his duties are and how to contact him.
c. He stated that crime in the city was reduced by 20% last year even with a police force that is one of the most understaffed in the county. He stated we should have a minimum of 15,000 officers.
d. He handed out a sheet with crime statistics and stated that the Palisades is one of the safest communities in the City.
e. Crime Prevention Efforts. It is the Captain’s experience that Neighborhood Watch is the most effective crime prevention tool and the least expensive, and supported this view with several examples. Officer Ragsdale is working with the Palisadian Post to keep the community informed of any crime in the Palisades. There is currently an Email community alert system in place in the West Los Angeles Area with over 700 names. This was funded by an organization called PACT (police and community together). Edie Lear runs the program that provided the computers to get this system up and running.
f. Volunteer Surveillance Team. It is the LAPD’s intent to recruit 50 community members to keep an eye on certain locations in the area. This will entail bringing reserve officers to work with these volunteers and train them. At this time there are only seven reserve officers in the West LA area although the department is working on training more. Initially the volunteers will be working on school truancy and curfew violations. There was discussion on the expertise of reserve officers and the role they play.
g. Comstat. This an idea brought in by Chief Bratton from New York. It is a computer schematic of all the areas in the community. The system facilitates communication among officers of all crime going on in their area to keep them focused and aware of crime trends that may change rapidly.
h. Federal Consent Decree. This holds the Police force to a 95% compliance rate. It is currently taking up a good amount of the forces resources. They are working very diligently at this time to comply so they can free up those resources that are so desperately needed in other areas.
i. Web Cam Surveillance. Chairman Wolfberg inquired about the LAPDs position on installing a web cam in the area and stated that it has been offered by one of the residents of the area where the arrest for the mail box thefts was made. Captain Proctor gave examples of other communities that have web cams and explained that they have to be positioned in public places with a person to monitor them. It was agreed that a time-lapse camera is a possibility.
j. Speed Trailer. Palisades Highlands representative Norman Kulla requested that the commander be more specific about how we could better use these trailers and stated that we would like West LA to have their own trailer. The cost is approximately $15,000. Issues of having our own include where to house it (a city facility is best in order to avoid any liability issues) and how to raise the funds to purchase one. The possibility of having a reserve and/or city volunteers to handle it was discussed. Captain Proctor will report back to Patti Post regarding this issue.
k. Detective Follow up. Council Member Harry Sondheim wanted to know about detective follow up. The commander stated that because of budget issues detective follow up is prioritized and there is also an issue with personnel turnover. New Detectives are rotated to give them more experience. It is the senior lead officers in the community that create the stability that promotes the follow up.
l. Council Member Kurt Toppel wanted to know if, when calling the 3-1-1 number, callers would be given a referral for an emergency number if necessary. Monique Ford will follow up.
Questions read by Robert Baker for Larry Jacobs:
1. What response time can be expected by the police in the event of an emergency? The commander stated that it was 10 minutes. He cited the deployment formula and said that there are 244 sworn officers in his area, not all on duty at the same time.
2. Will a person calling for help be advised of an estimated time of arrival? Generally not. He encouraged us as a board to take a tour of the dispatch center and listen to some of the calls that are taken. You can go to also and listen to calls.
3. What should a person do in the event that the police do not respond in a timely manner? The commander stated that every situation is different. Officer Ragsdale said it is better to call the general police department dispatch number 877-275-5273 or the local station at 310-575-8401 first to let them know you have an emergency and not to call 911 from a cell phone as it goes to a central CHP number. Then call his cell phone, 310-622-3980.
There was discussion about solicitors in the area and noted that it was not illegal for them to be in our area soliciting even though they may be actually looking for criminal opportunities. Officer Ragsdale said the best option is community awareness. Officer Ragsdale urged residents to remove the possibility for opportunistic crime by keeping cars locked and valuables out of sight.
5. New Business.
5.1. Greetings from the Palisades Postmaster, Joe Harris.
Mail Theft: The postmaster suggested that the best way to deal with mail theft is Neighborhood Watch. He said that if there is a problem it is best to contact LAPD instead of the post office because they have a much faster response time. The closest postal police force is in Marina del Rey.
There was a general discussion on mail delivery in the Palisades. It seemed the biggest problem is the lack of consistency of mail carriers. The postmaster stated that they carry a lot of weight and this promotes injury. There are many auxiliary routes (not a full route) and these are handed off to different carriers depending on who is out with an injury. Mr. Harris stated that since he has been the postmaster it has been his goal to establish earlier delivery and reduce the wait times in the store. He stated that he has been successful in those areas. The delivery time to the PO Boxes has been inconsistent because the regular box handler has retired. The postmaster stated that they will never get the delivery to PO boxes by 8:30 AM because mail is delivered to the station later than previously was the case, but 10:00 AM is a possibility.
You can call the postmaster at 310-454-9904. Do not call the 800 number. The delivery supervisor is Rory Ramos.
5.2. New West Charter Middle School.
Representatives from New West Charter Middle School currently located at 11625 W. Pico Blvd. in West LA, attended the meeting to present their plans to open an expansion location for their school at the old Santa Ynez Inn on Sunset, an approximate 1.5 acre site. The representatives were David Eagle, Chairman of the Board, Jennifer Wen, AIA Architect, Dr. Donald Gill, Principal and Executive Director and Patrick Ramsey, Real Estate Attorney. Jennifer Wen gave a brief overview of their plans for the remodel of the existing building on the site showing plans.
There was discussion about traffic and the impact on the community. There was discussion of the possible installation of a stoplight at Las Liones and Sunset. Monique Ford the representative from Council Woman Cindy Miscikowski’s office stated that the Councilwoman is very much in support of the schools proposed new site but is equally concerned about the impact of additional traffic. The school representatives stated that there is currently a traffic study being conducted and that the schools mandatory carpooling (no less than two kids from different families in each car) and bussing from their current location will all but completely mitigate any additional traffic issues. The community is invited to a Q&A at Morts at 7 pm on April 22 and to visit the site on Saturday April 24 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Members in Attendance: George Wolfberg, Margaret Goff, Christine Deeter, Arthur Mortell, Larry Jacobs, Gilbert Dembo, Patti Post, Stuart Muller, Mark Kremer, Christina Porter, Jean Gold Friedman, James Watt McCormick, Norma Spak, Steve Boyers, Louis Cozolino, Norman Kulla, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Michael Kane, Kurt Toppel, Mary Cole, Stephi Magur
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Treasurer Patti Post read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of April 8, 2004 were approved as corrected.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $6,162 in the checking account and $4,289 in the savings account.
3.2. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office.
Monique Ford reported the following.
a. Dave Gadelia will replace Cheryl Gray as director of the Palisades Recreation Center.
b. The actual paving on Sunset will not take place until May 19, 2004.
Norman Kulla requested that she look into having the stages of repaving and re-striping of Sunset be closer together.
3.4. EIDC.
Larry Jacobs reported that he has received reports from citizens regarding the outrageous behavior of some film crews working in the area, prompting several attempts to contact LA City Councilman Ludlow, chairman of the City Council Committee on filming issues. His attempts included sending a certified letter, which was refused delivery. Larry stated that the full responsibility of the behavior of the film crews lies with the City Council..
3.5. Temescal Canyon & PCH.
Stuart Muller reported that he is attempting to contact a decision maker regarding the addition of another left hand turn lane (onto the southbound side of PCH). He intends to continue to follow up but feels that there will be an issue regarding the allocation of the land between Cal Trans and the County Beaches and Harbors Department..
3.6. Parking Around Marquez Elementary.
Kurt Toppel reported that the Homeowner association surrounding Marquez Charter Elementary has been meeting to discuss the parking overflow of the school. One of those meetings was attended by the City traffic engineer Mo Blorfroshan, Chairman of the Community Council George Wolfberg, and Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowskis Office representative Monique Ford. The school is investigating the possible lease the lot located just west of the school that is owned by the Department of Water and Power, to deal with the overflow.
3.7. Oil Pipelines Underneath Revere Middle School.
Vice Chairman Arthur Mortell reported that there is an oil or gasoline pipeline that runs underneath Revere Middle School and has contacted the Principal of the school and Shell Oil representatives in regard to where it lies and how it is being maintained. He also stated that there is another line running underneath Sullivan Canyon that is owned by Union Oil. Arthur is not sure which pipeline is running oil and which run is running gasoline. Arthur will attempt to contact the responsible City Franchise agency in order to clarify.
3.8. Old Electrical Equipment.
Kurt Toppel reported assorted power outages in our area. In response to Kurts inquiry the DWP said that the existing equipment was not designed to handle the increasing demand for electricity. Chairman Wolfberg received a copy of a letter to Councilwoman Miscikowski from the DWP regarding this matter stating that it is less expensive to replace the equipment than to repair it.
3.9. New Calvary School Representative. Laura Kahrilas was introduced as the new representative to the PPCC for Calvary Christian School. Christine Deeter announced that there will be a community-wide event this coming Sunday from 4PM to 6PM at their new athletic field.
3.10. Catering Trucks Noise Violations.
Marguerite Perkins-Mautner reported complaints from citizens in her area about the noise violations committed by the food trucks catering to construction workers in the area. It was suggested that the contractors tell their workers not to work with the catering trucks that commit such violations. Stuart Muller will give a phone number to report violations.
3.11. Granny Flats.
Gilbert Dembo stated that there is a bill going through the legislature right now the will enable Granny Flats to bypass the local zoning ordinances. He requested that the issue be added to the next meeting’s agenda and would like someone from the State to be invited to brief us on the situation..
3.12. Refurbishing of the Beaches.
Chairman Wolfberg reported that refurbishing of our beaches will begin in September.
3.13. Fran Pavley – will be at the Farmers Market on Sunday to meet with constituents.
3.14. Expansion of the Federal Building.
There will be several public meetings regarding the planned expansion of the Federal Building to house the FBI, the first of which is on May 20th in the cafeteria of the building.
4. Old Business.
Norman Kulla reported that he has been speaking with an expert on the biological effects of radio frequencies generated by wireless cell sites. Because the regulatory authorities are doing nothing about it there is a proposal to buy equipment that measures the frequencies and be trained on how to use it. The money will need to be raised for this project.
4.2. Nominating Committee.
The nominating committee reported that Norm Kulla has been nominated for Chairman of the Board and Kurt Toppel for Vice Chairman. There is no nomination for Secretary. Patti Post was nominated to be Treasurer. The Chair announced that the nominations will remain open until closed on June 10 when the vote will be taken. The new officers will take office on July 1, 2004.
4.3. Potrero Canyon Development and Improvement: Status and Future Plans.
Kevin Regan from the Recreation and Parks Department along with Kathleen Chan and Jane Adrian from the department gave the PPCC an overview of the project with a Power Point presentation. The many facets of the project were discussed at length. The cost of the project to date has been approximately $30,000,000 and it is estimated that it will cost another $13M to complete. The initial dollars were spent on the sub-drain system; design, cost of real estate and change orders prompted by different parts of the approval process as well as the filling of the canyon.
Landscaping: The original landscaping budget (1991) was $15 million. It was to include a Riparian habitat using a recirculating stream that would require a pump. It was reported that the city would not be able to afford to maintain the pump and that there is now discussion on the possibility of using seasonal water and irrigation to create the required (by the Coastal Commission) Riparian habitat. Another mandate by the Coastal Commission is that canyon portion of the facility be passive.
One audience member pointed out that the existing sub drains are not properly capped creating a danger to children and that there are tumbleweeds collecting in the area creating a potential fire hazard. There will be community meetings to allow for input from the community regarding the design of the park. The preliminary design is in place. It includes the landscaping, route of the road, hiking trails (separate from the road). There will be access to the canyon from the bluffs through easements on lots that eventually will be sold.
Lot Sales: It was reported that the funding to complete the second phase of the project is dependant upon the sale of some residential lots owned by the City. However; there is still work to be done before the lots can be sold including how they will be sold, and specific deed restrictions that will apply. There is a planning committee in place to focus on what the deed restrictions will be. It was also reported that Building and Safety requires that the lots be certified for stability. That certification requires that they be compacted. It was reported that that all of the existing lots are well over 90% compacted. The standard size of the lots is 50×100 feet. Debbie Dyner will put a general call in the Palisadian Post prior to July. The lots will be sold by auction and are expected to bring fair market value.
Proposition K Funds: There was extensive discussion on the use of Proposition K funds that were earmarked for Potrero Canyon. It was reported by the City representatives that it was all used for this project.
A Walk Bridge: It was reported that a walk bridge over PCH has been proposed. The cost was estimated at $1.9 million 13 years ago.
Norman Kulla moved that prior to their submission to the Coastal Commission, the PPCC Board urges Recreation & Parks to share with the PPCC any amendments proposed regarding Potrero Canyon project and seek the community’s input. Any such amendments should be delivered to the Chair of PPCC. The presentation by Rec & Parks at the May 13, 2004 meeting, does not constitute compliance with this request. The motion was seconded and approved.
4.4. Overnight Parking on Temescal Canyon.
Mr. Demerel of the Aldersgate Retreat passed a petition to allow overnight parking on Temescal Canyon. Stuart Muller presented that it encourages larges trucks to park there overnight. Mr. Demerel stated that there have been no violations in the past 6 weeks and that he puts notes on cars and trucks when they park there illegally. A motion was made to write a letter to MO to restore the 3-hour parking rule on the Palisades High property between Bowdoin and the Womans club parking.
4.5. Proposed Summer Concert Series at the Palisades Recreation Center.
A resident who lives next to the Recreation Center, Rob Weber reported that the Palisades Junior Womens Club gave a grant the Recreation and Parks Department to plan a summer concert series in the park. The series will include outdoor amplified music to include, Salsa, Jazz, etc. on a few Saturdays and Sundays during the summer. Mr. Weber reported that he spoke with Debby Rowland in Kevin Regans (Recreation and Parks Dept) office regarding this matter. Kevin Regan stated that Debbie Rowland would instruct Cheryl Gray not to continue with the concert series without community input. Additionally he encouraged us to work with the new senior Rec and Parks Director for the Palisades, David Gadelia. Kevin Regan assured the council that he would not permit amplified music if the community does not want it but requested that we work with the park advisory board. The park advisory board will meet next Tuesday at 7:30 PM. Stuart Muller requested that the Community be part of the hiring process for the Park directors. Kevin Regan let him know that that is not City policy.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Members in Attendance [including Alternates]: George Wolfberg, Margaret Goff, Kurt Toppel, Ted Mackie, Larry Jacobs, Norman Kulla, Norma Spak, Stuart Muller, Mark Kremer, Laurie Frost, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Michael Kane
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Ted Mackie read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of May 13th were approved as submitted.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Chair reported that the checking account balance is $10,192 and the savings account balance is $4,289.
3.2. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office.
Monique Ford:
Asked for community input regarding location of bike racks [contact Laurie Frost our Board liaison].
Stated that De Pauw St. from Swarthmore to Earlham meets criteria for one-side-only parking,
That a request for one-side-only parking on Ravoli Dr. had been withdrawn, but would be considered if so requested by the Fire Department,
That repair of the cement stairway and the wood stairway from Adelaide to Entrada has been approved and work should begin shortly.
Reported that the City would reduce the number of bus benches, which have proliferated along PCH.
3.3. Other Announcements.
S. Muller reported on the 6/18/04 meeting of the Palisades Rec. Center Park Advisory Board, when the concert issue was to be discussed. Only one PAB board member, Chairperson Stacey Feldman, and Park Director Cheryl Grey were present. In response to the question “Did the PAB vote to approve the Concert Series” Chairperson Feldman stated that the PAB doesnt vote to support anything. It exists to serve the Park Director and to provide advice that will help the Director achieve the goals she sets. Muller pointed out that the Director controls the agenda, and that the Board is chosen by, and serves at the discretion of, the Director. Director Grey stated that she felt that she had no need, and was not required by the Brown Act, to publicize the PAB agenda, other than to post a copy of it at the front entrance to the park office, in spite of The Palisadian-Post’s repeated requests over the years that copies of the agenda be regularly mailed to them for publication. Muller opined that the Rec. Center Director and the PAB are not functioning to protect the communitys interests, and that Park Directors do not really want public input in the decision making process, but rather want to operate with bureaucratic autonomy. Muller stated that L.A. Rec. and Parks and the local park have for years exhibited, a pattern of self-serving resistance to community input and involvement in the park management decision-making process that effects us all. Muller also pointed out that the main entrance to the Recreation Center is currently at times being restricted to one lane, creating a traffic and safety hazard. M. Ford will investigate.
S. Muller discussed efforts to include an additional left turn lane going southbound on the PCH from Temescal Canyon Road during the redesign of the Will Rogers State Beach parking lot. County Beaches and Harbors, and L. A. DOT support the project. Caltrans is yet to be heard from. Laurie Newman, Senior deputy to Sen. Sheila Kuehl offered to assist in this effort and will contact appropriate city, county and state officials.
3.4. The Chair reported:
That the nominating committee had made its report per the bylaws on May 6th, and that additional nominations may be made until the election of Council officers on June 10th.
There will be a Coastal Commission hearing on the Bel Air Bay Clubs expansion plans on June 10th. Kurt Toppel will attend and represent the PPCC.
DWP is seeking a community representative to facilitate communication with the Department.
After a complaint re vehicles parking on the island in the Library Parking Lot creating a dangerous situation for legally parked vehicles attempting to exit marked spaces, the Library will have the curb painted red.
The City will conduct a training class on the Navigate LA geographic database program if there is sufficient interest.
The DOT/watch the road program will be set for a future agenda.
3.5. Filming Issues.
Larry Jacobs reported that since the City Attorney’s office has recently held that film production companies cannot be compelled to work through the EIDC, some productions may now be getting permits directly from the City. The EIDC now seems to be confused as to what its authority is [as well it should be]. This may now present us with the opportunity to seek redress through Cindy Miscikowski’s office.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Potrero Canyon Development.
Stuart Muller distributed and discussed a map showing the boundaries of three adjacent open spaces in Area 6: Temescal Canyon Park, Potrero Canyon Park and the coastal area between them, from Via de Las Olas to the PCH. Muller urged the creation of the Palisades Bluffs Preserve in this last area, to protect it and maintain it in safe condition, and to create a place where people and nature can gently interact. Muller referred to the entire area as the Pacific Palisades Coastal Parks.
Los Angeles City Recreation and Parks representative Jane Adrian began by announcing that her branch of the Department of Recreation and Parks was being transferred to the Bureau of Engineering and that she may no longer be in charge of the Potrero Canyon project. Ms. Adrian went on to explain that Phase II, filling the canyon is complete except for the repair of two landslides, which will require about $1.2 million. The City, lacking funds, would like to sell the 33 properties it owns on the canyon rim, but is prohibited by the Coastal Commission from selling any of these properties until restoration of the canyon is complete. The City plans to ask the Commission to lift this requirement on the condition that the City agrees to place the proceeds from property sales in a designated account. Ms. Adrian distributed the draft of a motion proposed to be made to the City Council by Cindy Miscikowski to create this separate account.
Board members and the audience pointed out that the draft (a) did not specifically state that the sales proceeds are to be spent in Potrero Canyon, (b) that placing all 33 properties on the market at once would disrupt neighborhoods with dozens of near simultaneous construction projects, (c) that to date the City does not have a plan for the canyon, (d) in the absence of a plan there is a risk that the sales proceeds will vanish leaving the project incomplete.
The following motion of Norman Kulla, seconded by Ted Mackie, passed unanimously:
“The Pacific Palisades Community Council
1. Opposes the sale of 33 residential lots as presented in the draft motion received by the Board on May 27, 2004, under signature of Councilperson Miscikowski;
2. Supports the sale of a sufficient number, but no more, of the City owned developed (improved) lots in Potrero Canyon to fund the completion of Phase II, but not Phase III;
3. Supports the sale of such additional City owned lots in Potrero Canyon, incrementally and sequentially taking into account the environmental impact upon the surrounding neighborhood, as is necessary to fund Phase III only after further input from the community is sought by the City regarding the design and plan of Phase III, the PPCC Board approves such design and plan, and such design and plan includes, but is not limited to, the following particulars:
a) Entrance to the park
b) Permanent funding for park maintenance
c) Restoration of riparian habitat
d) Parking
e) Bathrooms
f) Recreational pads
g) Construction of a walk bridge from the mouth of Potrero Canyon over PCH to beach parking
h) EIR of project upon abutting neighborhoods
I) Landscaping
j) Permissible uses
4. All funds raised by such lots sales shall be deposited into the proposed escrow account and all such deposits shall be used exclusively for the Potrero Canyon Project until completion of all phases.”
4.2. Consideration of Summer Concerts at Pacific Palisades Rec. Center.
A proposal to hold outdoor concerts at the Recreation Center for four hours on four Sunday afternoons is opposed by neighboring residents and the residents on Hampton Place are threatening legal action. A separate proposal has been made by the Chamber of Commerce to show films on eight Saturday nights on the Field of Dreams. The Palisades Rec. Center Director was not in attendance, for the second consecutive council meeting. S. Muller reported on the 6/18/04 meeting of the Palisades Rec. Center Park Advisory Board, as detailed under 3.3 above. A motion by Marguerite Perkins Mautner to oppose both proposals was tabled with her agreement pending receipt of more details of the proposals.
5. New Business.
5.1. Assembly Bill 2702 — Proposed State preemption of local zoning to permit second dwelling units on R1 zoned property.
This proposed legislation is intended to increase the supply of affordable housing by preempting local ordinances that place restrictions on creation of granny flats in areas zoned for single-family residences. Assemblywoman Fran Pavleys’ representative Louise Rishoff began the discussion by announcing that although Fran opposes the bill, it has been approved by the Assembly. Laurie Newman, Senator Sheila Kuehl’s representative, told the Council that Senator Kuehl remains undecided on the issue. The Board and audience expressed concerns about the bill’s impact on the Palisades, particularly that the bill
-Does not require that the property be owner-occupied thus essentially legalizing duplexes in areas now zoned R1.
-Preempts local regulation of such matters as parking.
-In areas such as the Palisades largely zoned R1, the bill would nearly double the number of allowable housing units further stressing our traffic and infrastructure problems.
-By making no mention of CC&Rs the bill leaves these contracts in legal limbo.
No member of the Board or the audience spoke in favor of the bill.
Ted Mackie moved that the Council oppose AB 2702 and that the Council so notify Senator Kuehl, Assemblywoman Pavley and Governor Schwartzenegger. The motion passed with one abstention [Kremer].
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Members and Alternates in Attendance: George Wolfberg, Stephi Magur, Harry Sondheim, Sam Stigler, Arthur Mortell, Larry Jacobs, Christina Porter, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Barbara Kohn, Norma Spak, Stuart Muller, Norman Kulla, Mary Cole, Ted Mackie, Kurt Toppel, Laurie Frost, Todd Ferrier, Margaret Goff, Gilbert Dembo
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Stephi Magur read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of May 27, 2004 were approved as corrected.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $10,632 in the checking account and $4,789 in the savings account.
3.2. Announcements.
Officer Ragsdale reported the following:
a. Crime Downturn. Crime is down significantly in our area with the exception of some burglaries in the Santa Monica Canyon most of which were auto related, e.g., breaking into a vehicle to steal the cell phone that was left in a visible location.
b. Police Response Time. Police response time has improved significantly to seven minutes. This lower response time was achieved by making every important call a code 3, meaning that it is permitted for the unit responsible for patrolling the area to use their lights and siren to get through traffic. This was implemented by Chief Bratton.
c. Leaf Blower Enforcement. He has met with a group to discuss leaf blower enforcement issues.
d. Palisades High Graduation. The Police Department will be working with the Palisades High School Police at the graduation ceremonies.
e. Volunteer Surveillance Team. There has been a good turnout of volunteers for the new volunteer surveillance team being formed.
f. Fire on Via de la Paz. There was a fire apparently started by juveniles behind the Letter Shop on Via de la Paz. It was never reported by the fire department to the police department as arson. According to Officer Ragsdale the Fire department has its own centralized arson investigators and does not contact the Police. There is no system in place for this type of communication between the two departments.
A motion was passed unanimously to contact Cindy Miscikowski to make her aware of this lack of information sharing and to request she follow up to make a change in policy so Senior Lead Officers, at a minimum, are routinely notified of all arson investigations in their assigned area. The chairman will send a letter.
g. Vandalism by Local Kids. Officer Ragsdale reported that most of the malicious vandalism in town is done by local kids. The meeting place for these kids to hang out or the hub is behind Baskin Robbins in the parking area. Officer Ragsdale is looking into taking parents of the local youth on ride alongs. Arthur Mortell and a member of the audience reported drag racing and the use of bottle rockets late at night, specifically in the Alphabet streets. Officer Ragsdale suggested that if this is being done after curfew to call 877- 275-5273.
h. Second Patrol Car. The second patrol car is only part time now. It is active in the Palisades 3 to 4 days a week from 2:00 PM to 2:00 AM, with exact schedule dictated by anticipated workload.
i. Trash Can Fires. Advisor Sam Stigler, reported that there has been a rash of trash can fires at Pali High. Officer Ragsdale has been aware of these and speculated that it was not related to the Via de la Paz fire.
j. Bank Robbery. There was a bank robbery at First Federal Bank on the corner on Castellammare and Sunset about three weeks ago. The Robbery was committed by a very organized group/gang that targets our region. The FBI bank robbery division is investigating the crime.
k. Traffic Trailers. There has been no progress made on getting a speed trailer. Norm Kulla made a motion to send a letter to Cindy Miscikowski’s office (he will write it). It was seconded and unanimously approved.
3.3. Area Representative Candidates.
The Chair announced that the following Area Representatives have indicated that they are candidates to succeed themselves, as color-coded in yellow highlighting on the board sign in sheet: Barbara Kohn, Todd Ferrier, Stuart Muller, Jean Gold Friedman, and Marguerite Perkins Mautner.
3.4. Operation of the New Skate Park.
Harry Sondheim asked if there have been any problems resulting from the opening of the skate park and Officer Ragsdale responded that there were none.
3.5. Bel Air Bay Club Improvement Project.
Kurt Toppel attended todays hearing of the Coastal Commission regarding the Bel Air Bay Club improvement project. The alignment of the intersection on PCH between the upper and lower Bel Air Bay Club locations is included in the approval. The issue of right of way for the bike path in front of the lower club was discussed (it has not been funded yet). The Club is providing right of way to restore the highway shoulder at the east end of the property lost many years ago after a landslide. This eventually will enhance safety of cyclists and pedestrians who now must traverse in the traffic lane.
3.6. Shrubs on Sunset.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner reported that there are overgrown shrubs in the walkway along Sunset from Allenford to Capri, Amalfi to Brooktree in addition to the Ocean Avenue extension. It was suggested that it be brought to Cindy Misckowskis attention. The Chair will contact Bureau of Street Services to investigate.
3.7. Movies in the Park.
There will be a meeting with Arnie Wishnick and David Williams, the president of the Chamber of Commerce who is a proponent of a Movies under the Stars program. Palisades Patrol will provide security for the event(s). Clean up will be done by Chrysalis Streetworks and the American Legion will provide the food. It is planned for 6 consecutive Saturdays in the summer beginning in the middle of July. Screening will begin at dusk and admission will be free. There was a sound check done and some park neighbors are concerned and objected to the sound level. It was suggested that the movies be held in a different venue in the Palisades each week to take the burden off of the homeowners surrounding the Park. Gilbert Dembo suggested that the movies be played inside the Gym. Stuart Muller made a motion to send a letter to Kevin Regan at the Recreation and Parks department, with copies to the Chamber of Commerce and Cindy Miscikowski’s office stating that the PPCC would like a presentation before the commencement of the program. The motion passed by a vote of 11 in favor 1 opposed and 1 abstained.
3.8. Election of Board Members.
Stephi Magur and Todd Ferrier were appointed to count the votes. Norman Kulla was elected Chairman; Kurt Toppel was elected Vice Chairman and Patti Post Treasurer. There were no nominations for secretary.
3.9. Library Beautification Award.
The Library is getting a beautification award at the Chamber of Commerce awards dinner however it was pointed out that the Library exterior has not been maintained very well. The Library Association has hired Chrysalis to maintain the Library Exterior.
4. New Business.
4.1. Five Most Important City Issues.
The City Controller’s Neighborhood Council liaison group has requested the PPCC make a determination of the five most important City issues. The five issues chosen were:
- The Cost of Housing
- Transportation
- Provide and maintain more playfields for children and youth
- Filming and the EIDC
- Dealing with Homelessness
Mark Kremer and Harry Sondheim have agreed to attend the Controller’s meeting on June 23, 2004.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Members in Attendance [including Alternates]: George Wolfberg, Arthur Mortell, Patti Post, Barbara Kohn, Kurt Toppel, Ted Mackie, Larry Jacobs, Norman Kulla, Norma Spak, Stuart Muller, Laurie Frost, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Stephi Magur
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. at the Library Community Room. The Chair read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of June 10, 2004 were approved as corrected. Please note: the proper phone number for nonemergency police response is 877-275-5273.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that the checking account balance is $10,632.22 and the savings account balance is $4,788.98.
3.2. Presentations.
- The Chair thanked Vice Chair Arthur Mortell for his service on the Community Council, commended him on his relentless efforts toward a safer community and a better environment and presented him with a certificate of appreciation.
- Incoming Chair Norman Kulla, on behalf of the Board of Governors of the Community Council, presented an engraved plaque entitled Certificate of Appreciation and Approval to the Chair for his service.
3.3. Other Announcements.
The Chair announced that Area 7 Representative Jean Gold Friedman was absent due to a death in the family and Chair Emeritus Harry Sondheim was absent to attend a funeral. With regard to noise issues, Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale reported that there is no cut-off time for violation of noise laws – they can occur at any time. Citizens were advised to call the City’s non-emergency number, 877-275-5273, early if they wished to report a violation. Officer Ragsdale also assured the community that the recent highly published flashlight beating of an arrestee in Southeast L.A. was being taken seriously by the department and multiple investigations are ongoing.
3.4. The Chair reported:
- That Vice Chair Arthur Mortell’s efforts to obtain a crossing guard at Via De La Paz and Bowdoin Street had succeeded: after investigation the City Department of Transportation qualified under the Supplemental Warrants criteria and a crossing guard will be assigned.
- The DWP has responded to the PPCC re Santa Ynez Reservoir initial environmental study.
- That this is the twelve straight meeting missed by Theatre Palisades and the Chair declared their seat vacant pursuant to Article X, Section 3 of the bylaws. On motion of Patti Post, seconded by Stuart Muller and unanimously carried the incoming Chair was authorized to identify and notify the appropriate organization under the bylaws to select a Representative.
3.5. Continued Search for Board Secretary.
On motion of Kurt Toppel, seconded by Patti Post, and unanimously carried, Karyn Weber was elected Secretary of the Community Council and welcomed as an officer of the Board of Governors. Karyn was in attendance and accepted her position.
4. Old Business.
4.1. PPCC Board Handbook Status Report.
The Chair announced completion of the PPCC Board Handbook and distributed handbooks in binders to the incoming board officers. Haldis Toppel has volunteered to prepare map inserts to reflect the boundaries of each area. The Board thanked the Chair and further thanked Webmaster Ted Mackie for his improvement maintenance of the community council’s website.
5. New Business.
5.1. “Movies Under the Stars.”
The Chair summarized the status of the “Movies Under the Stars” project as follows:
- The project was proposed simultaneously by a community member and Chamber president David Williams.
- Chamber is putting up $22,000 for event.
- Original proposal for eight consecutive Saturday nights was reduced to six and further reduced by Park Advisory Board [PAB] action on Tuesday to a four evening pilot program
- Event security by Palisades Patrol
- Cleanup by Chrysalis Streetworks
- Food sponsored by American Legion
- Target audience: families who would come after 6 to spread out bankets on the field of dreams and bring or buy food or snacks
- Film starts at dusk—a little after 8:30
- Needs approval by park board and department
- Use of sound may require City Council approval
- Many objections raised, most appear to have been answered by the above information with two exceptions:
- Some of the 70 notices that went out were not received, were blurred by sprinklers and some residents did not get notice because it was a holiday weekend
- There were suggestions by some that other parks including Will Rogers, Rustic Canyon, Temescal Canyon be used—However the proponents have stated that these locations have no lights and/or it is against state policy in some places.
- Another suggestion was to use the gymnasium as an indoor viewing alternative or using Swarthmore [rejected for not meeting the desired park-like setting].
- Final issue comes down to sound level—a first test was tried with two speakers resulting in complaints. A second try with several speakers will be made.
- John Wirth, a community member who proposed the program is here tonight. We have only heard from neighbors and not from proponents, so I will ask him to correct any misstatements I may have made and update us on what has happened since the PAB approved the project tuesday night. It is not my intention to repeat the over two hour discussion that occurred at the PAB.
- Monique Ford and officer Ragsdale are here to fill us in on the sound regulations that may apply.
John Wirth appeared on behalf of the sponsoring organization, the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Wirth is not a Chamber member. Chamber representatives are attending an award dinner tonight. He reported there was nothing new to report since Tuesday’s, June 22, 2004 hearing of the Park Advisory Board, which approved a four event pilot project on a vote of 7 to 1. Mr. Wirth indicated that it was the sponsor’s intent to make the project amenable and enjoyable for everyone in the community. A wide-ranging discussion ensued.
Barbara Kohn asked three questions: What was the position of the Huntington Homeowners Association or similar organization regarding the project? What arrangements had been made for parking? What was the decibel level of the program? Mr. Wirth replied that David Williams, President of the Chamber, had told Mr. Wirth that a representative of the local homeowners association was in favor; the parking would consist of the recreation and parks lot in front of park but not the lot off Frontera (to keep noise, traffic, etc. minimized for adjacent homes), Library, and possibly Ralph’s; he did not know decibel level.
There was discussion as to whether or not the sound level would be within applicable noise limits of pertinent Municipal Ordinance provisions. In this regard, Kevin Reagan, Superintendent of Recreation and Parks, was in attendance and addressed this issue. He stated he had consulted with the City Attorney about compliance with specific provisions of noise ordinance but not received an formal opinion. The City Attorney did indicate that Rec. & Parks could issue permits for the use of the park under LA Municipal Code and the City Charter allowing use of amplified sound. He indicated Rec. and Parks would probably issue the permit for the four event series proposed.
There were various discussions both for and against the project. There was general support for the idea of the project but differing ideas about the impact of events upon neighborhood. There was general unhappiness with the process embarked upon by the Chamber because it had failed to bring the matter early in the process to the Community Council. There also was unhappiness with the PAB process and lack of prior notice for PAB meetings and of sound testing as undertaken by the sponsor. After extensive discussion, it was moved by Stuart Muller, seconded by Norman Kulla, that the Board of Governors adopt a resolution to the following effect: the Board of Governors of the Community Council supports a pilot program now scheduled for four Saturday nights, commencing July 24, 3004, with movies under the stars to be held on the Field of Dreams at the Palisades Recreation Center, with the proviso that the sponsoring organization, the Chamber of Commerce, makes a continuing good faith effort to evaluate and reevaluate the impact of the programs upon the surrounding community and minimize such impact, including noise, parking, security, clean-up, traffic management. The sponsor is encouraged to take a fully consultative approach with the community, notify the Chair of any planned sound tests, and make adjustments as warranted to minimize undesirable impact upon the surrounding neighbors of the park. The motion carried, eight in favor, three opposed.
5.2. Discussion and possible support of Mar Vista Neighborhood Council proposal for access by local councils to cable television coverage.
On motion of Norman Kulla, seconded by Stuart Muller, the motion unanimously carried to support the Mar Vista Neighborhood Council resolution in support of access by local councils to cable television coverage.
5.3. Inclusionary Zoning — Deferred.
5.4. Car Wash Noise.
The Chair and incoming Chair appointed Stuart Muller committee chair to address unwarranted noise from car wash with Brenda Bannerman appointed as committee member.
5.5. Position alternatives re Draft #21 of Neighborhood Council Election procedures — Deferred.
Meeting adjourned by Chair at 9 p.m.
The next board meeting will be held in the Library Community Room on July 22nd.
Members in Attendance: Norman Kulla, Steve Lantz, Stuart Muller, Kurt Toppel, Mary Cole, Laurie Frost, Patti Post, Sam Stigler, Michael Kane, Karyn Weber, Barbara Kohn, Stephi Magur, George Wolfberg, Norma Spak, Steve Boyers, Jack Allen, Larry Jacobs, Barbara Richman, Richard Blumenberg, Carl Mellinger, Gilbert Dembo, Ted Mackie, Margaret Goff, Louis Cozolino, Paul Glasgall, Todd Ferrier
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Library Community Room. The Chair read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (the “PPCC”). Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of June 24, 2004 were approved as submitted.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $11,795.57 in the checking account and $4,789.78 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from the Chair included:
a. Debbie Dyner of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office had a baby boy.
There will be pro and con presentations regarding the LAX Master Plan at the September 9, 2004 PPCC meeting.
The Ad Hoc Santa Ynez Reservoir Committee will be meeting again on August 5 with representatives from DWP.
The California Coastal Clean-Up Day will take place on September 18th, 9a.m. to Noon (register online at ( or call 1-800-HEAL BAY, ext 221).
The Mayor’s Budget Day for neighborhood councils will take place on July 31st from 8:30 a.m. to Noon, City Hall – 200 n. Main St., Los Angeles, 99912.
The West L.A. Police Department will celebrate National Night Out with a BBQ on August 3rd at Stoner Park.
Former Chair Shirley Haggstrom notified the Chair there has been vandalism/graffiti at Los Liones Park; Rec & Parks has informed the community that repairs of the gym floor at the Palisades Recreation Center will be completed by mid-October or at the latest, November 1.
A citizen request for a bus bench at Sunset and Baylor has been referred to PRIDE; PRIDE informed the Chair they are addressing a maintenance problem with newly landscaped median.
The CityWide Issues Group has announced a list of issues considered important by neighborhood councils for further evaluation. See for further information.
The Vice Chair announced that faulty equipment was discovered in the Santa Monica Mountains and will be repaired by the DWP as soon as possible. The Chair thanked the Vice Chair for his initiative to head-off a potential fire danger to the community.
b. Letters were received by the PPCC regarding opposition by Edward and Gisela Moriarty to AB 2702, the “Granny Flats” proposed legislation and concern from “anonymous” for homeless encampments below Via De Los Olas; the Department of Interior plans for fire management of Santa Monica Mountains are the subject of a National Park Service draft environmental impact study. The Chair announced that he had referred the letter to Bob Cavage for review and input. Bob has provided invaluable contributions to fire protection in the past.
c. Zoning Matters. Arthur Mortell announced that the Coastal Commission Meeting decided that substantial issues exist regarding the YMCA land on Sunset in Temescal Gateway Park and a de novo hearing will be held at a future date. This issue is not on the Coastal Commission’s agenda for August and will most likely be discussed in October. The PPCC is on record as opposing the development at 425 Mt. Holoyoke and we received a package with information regarding such development. The Chair announced that zoning variance applications had been requested for 17719 W. Castellammare Drive, Case No. ZA-2004-3632-CDP-ZAD and 545 N. Marquette, Case No. ZA-2004-3660-ZAA.
d. Announcement of Candidates for Position of Area Representatives:
a. Area 1: Barbara Kohn (incumbent) – unopposed
b. Area 2: Paul Glasgall, Ron Silverton
c. Area 3: William Niemann, Richard G. Cohen
d. Area 4: Harry Sondheim – unopposed
e. Area 5: Todd Ferrier (incumbent) – unopposed
f. Area 6: Stuart Muller (incumbent) – unopposed
g. Area 7: Jean Gold Friedman (incumbent) and Nanette Fabray MacDougall
h. Area 8: Marguerite Perkins Mautner (incumbent) – unopposed
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
a. Report from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office: The Chair read a report from Monique of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office, who was not in attendance. The report is attached to minutes. [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.]
b. Officer Ragsdale was not in attendance, but Paul Glasgall inquired of the editor of the Palisadian-Post why recent major crimes (home robberies) have not been reported in the Post. The Chair, Chair Emeritus and editor all indicated that they read the Crime Alerts emailed by LAPD. They believed all the recent major crimes had occurred in Brentwood, not the Palisades. Mr. Glasgall urged further inquiry.
3.5. Report of Committees.
a. Car Wash Noise Committee. Stuart Muller reported that Palisades Gas and Wash Company, which in turn is owned by USA Petroleum, own the car wash. A pro bono audio expert measured the decibels emitted by the car wash from across the street and it is out of compliance with city noise ordinance. The car wash was cited by Building and Safety in January 2004 and the owners told Stuart that they have tried to deal with the noise. Stuart has given them suggestions regarding planting, etc. to update their noise control. Stuart agreed to continue to monitor and report back to the Board.
b. Cellular Site Committee. The Chair reported that the Committee will have an expert measure RF radiation that emits from the Sprint site near 16820 Sunset at the July 28th cell site committee meeting. Sprint has volunteered to pay for this. For the future, the Committee may purchase equipment to do the measuring or require cellular companies to undertake measurements. In addition, recommended administrative practice and legislative changes will be forthcoming intended to protect the public health and aesthetics as well as promote better cell service in the Palisades-Brentwood area.
c. Other. The Chair will be forming a Bylaws Review Committee; anyone interested in participating should notify the Chair. The Cultural Ethics Board seat is currently vacant. The next organization in rotation for this seat is PRIDE. The Chair has requested Naidu Permaul, PRIDE President, to designate a representative and alternate at PRIDE’s earliest convenience.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Harry Sondheim reports on Citywide priorities meeting with City Controller.
On July 10th, former Chair Harry Sondheim attended a meeting with the City Controller and 30 neighborhood councils (NCs) to discuss the NCs’ top five priority issues. The consensus top five priorities: public safety, economic development (including housing), streets and sidewalks, transportation and parking and recreation and parks. It was discussed whether inclusionary zoning overrides local plans. Harry reported that some portions of either district or local plans in conflict with inclusionary zoning would be overridden under current proposal. The Chair said that the PPCC will address inclusionary zoning on its agenda. Harry reported that there were so many questions and comments that many issues really weren’t discussed. The City Controller said that she will audit the Planning, Building and Safety, Parks and Recreation and Public Works departments. It was suggested that PPCC should have subcommittees to get involved in these audits and that we should contact Rudy Gonzales of the City Controller’s office. Patti Post, Stuart Muller and George Wolfberg volunteered.
4.2. Preferential Parking.
DOT’s Emilie Baradi and Council deputy Mark Edwards: LADOT’s preferential parking associate Emilie Baradi presented an outline of the process of obtaining preferential parking and entertained questions from the crowd. She explained that LADOT had received a letter of interest with more than 2/3 of the residents on four blocks in Palisades favoring a preferential parking district. She stated that LADOT had performed surveys and studies finding occupancy of 75% or more of available parking spaces of which 25% or more were non-residents vehicles (address/zip code of registered owners) at time of surveys. She reported that the current preferential parking request by Palisadian residents was not for more restrictions, but rather for obtaining permits for existing restricted parking. A question was asked about how permits could be purchased. Ms. Baradi answered that each resident could purchase three permanent annual permits for $15 each, two transferable visitor permits for $10 each (for four months), and one-time use guest permits for $1 each. Permits can be purchased at 9911 W. Pico. Ms. Baradi also answered questions regarding whether all blocks with preferential parking had to be adjacent (no) and whether anyone living within the district could buy a permit and park anywhere in the district (yes). A comment was made regarding whether preferential parking would worsen the existing parking shortage. A comment was made in support of preferential parking that caregivers are required to leave children in the house and move their cars every two hours. The speaker asked for a stop to the concentration of inconvenience to some residents and a spreading out of minimal inconvenience to all. Other points raised included the adequacy of enforcement of existing restrictions and that proposal failed to address core problem: lack of available parking. The discussion was summed up by the Chair as weighing the inconvenience of certain residents being unable to park for longer than two hours in front of their house versus the inconvenience that providing essentially private parking for residents where public parking is already inadequate. Barbara Kohn mentioned that the PPCC had requested a color-coded map of the proposed preferential parking district detailing existing and proposed restrictions. This was not provided. Accordingly, the Board and community were unable to evaluate the impact of the proposal.
The following motion was proposed by Barbara Richman and seconded by Karyn Weber:
” At least two weeks prior to a public hearing a color coded map of the proposed preferential parking district identifying existing and proposed restrictions shall be provided to the Chair and press for distribution to interested parties; if no such information is received two weeks in advance of such hearing, the hearing shall be delayed until two weeks after such information is made available to the public and press.”
Ms. Baradi agreed that a big map will be made available in the Pacific Palisades Library. Mark Edwards of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office agreed to delay the hearing if necessary (according to the above motion). The motion was passed 13 for, 1 against with the Chair and Carl Mellinger abstaining.
4.3. Inclusionary Zoning — Should PPCC take position? Item deferred until next meeting.
4.4. Movies in the Park Update.
Sounds testing has been completed and four speakers will be used to limit the volume used. Parking will be sufficient. Stuart Muller reminded everyone that this is a test and we’ll see how it goes.
4.5. Cancellation of Commuter Express Route 430 Remaining Service.
Director of Transit Operations of LADOT addressed the meeting. He said that there has been a history of previous attempts to cancel this service. The LADOT had a third party evaluate services and found Route 430 had the poorest performing service. There was a rider alert in July and there will be a public hearing on August 11th at 6:30 at the Henry Medina W. L.A. Parking Enforcement Facility, 11214 W. Exposition Blvd. 2nd Floor. Questions were asked regarding attempts to market the route and about rerouting the service to include students traveling to Loyola High School. Mr. Rzepinski would not answer the questions. He said that both questions had been addressed before and that he could not answer them as preparations had begun for the public hearing. Patti Post proposed the following motion:
“Whereas the LADOT did not market Line 430 since the last proposed cancellation;
“Whereas the Council requested on October 3, 2003 that representatives of City Councilwoman Miscikowski and LADOT meet and consult with the Task Force to discuss their concerns and ideas prior to any public hearing to propose cancellation of Line 430;
“Whereas the LADOT did not meet or consult with the Pacific Palisades Community Council’s (“Council”) Transportation Task Force created by the Council in October of 2003 (the “Task Force”):
“Whereas DOT has set a public hearing for August 11, 2004 proposing cancellation of Line 430;
“Whereas DOT has not provided the Task Force or the Council with any substantive information in support of the cancellation nor DOT’s report to be discussed at the public hearing, notwithstanding the Task Force and Council’s request for same;
“Whereas the riders of Line 430 have suffered from unreliable service since October of 2003 to date;
“Whereas suggestions have been made and ignored to increase ridership, including marketing and service changes;
“Whereas, one highly regarded local citizen wrote a letter LADOT offering to liaison with parents of the Palisades to facilitate a minor service change to service Loyola High School, which letter did not receive a reply;
“Now, therefore the Council requests that such public hearing be delayed until the aforementioned issues can be addressed by LADOT with the Task Force and the Council:
“Further, in the event of a public hearing Patti Post is authorized to represent the Council at such hearing.”
In addition, the Chair will send the motion to Councilwoman Miscikowski and ask her to delay the hearing. Motion passed unanimously, no abstentions.
5. New Business.
5.1. Ratification of Bill Nieman as Area 3 Representative.
A Motion to ratify Bill Nieman as Alternate (and serving as Representative as Kurt Toppel was elected Vice Chairman) for Area 3 until election (i.e., for August and September meetings). Motion passed 14 to 0 with Patti Post abstaining.
5.2. Advice and Consent of Ron Dean as Legal Counsel.
A Motion to Consent was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Lou Cozolino. The motion passed unanimously.
5.3. Park Lighting response to request for input from Bureau of Street Lighting.
The Chair reported that he had asked Stuart Muller to discuss this with the Palisades Recreation Center Park Director. Any discussion deferred until next meeting.
5.4. Consideration of Tree Ordinance proposal.
Mitchell Lachman asked the PPCC to consider a tree ordinance to save trees from being torn down. Carl Mellinger thanked Mr. Lachman for bringing up an interesting subject but told him that we need more information. Mr. Lachman has been given the opportunity to return with a more formulated idea.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.
In Attendance: Norman Kulla, William Niemann, Stuart Muller, Kurt Toppel, Mary Cole, Laurie Frost, Patti Post, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Walt McCall, Karyn Weber, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, George Wolfberg, Larry Jacobs, Carl Mellinger, Todd Ferrier, Ted Mackie, Norma Spak
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. at the Library Community Room. The Chair read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (the “PPCC”). Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of July 22, 2004 were approved as circulated with minor spelling corrections.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $13,098.40 in the checking account and $4,790.21 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from the Chair included:
a. New PPCC Members Walt McCall (for PRIDE as Cultural, Ethics and Aesthetics Organization Representative) and William Niemann (Area 3) were introduced. McCall is taking his seat early due to the absence of representation for this seat this year and last. The final ballot for area representatives was announced as follows:
Area 1: Barbara Kohn
Area 2: Paul Glasgall, Ron Silverton
Area 3: William Niemann, Richard G. Cohen
Area 4: Harry Sondheim
Area 5: Todd Ferrier
Area 6: Stuart Muller
Area 7: Jean Gold Friedman, Nanette Fabray MacDougall
Area 8: Marguerite Perkins Mautner
The new term begins on October 1st. The deadline for ballots will be September 28th.
The Chair has appointed Norma Spak to the Getty Villa Community Relations Council. The first meeting will be on September 13th at 6 p.m. at Mort’s Oak Room. Norma Spak has been appointed by Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski to the Conservancy Board to decide upon the expenditure of MRCA funds.
The comment period regarding the cancellation of Bus Line 430 has been extended until September 16th, so PPCC will defer this matter until the September 9th agenda.
Flo Elfant is soliciting contributions to defray the cost of the disaster folders she has made available at Palisades Public Library.
Send any contributions to the Palisades Chamber of Commerce, 15330 Antioch Street, Pacific Palisades, 90272 and indicate that the contribution is for disaster folders.
The Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy Advisory Committee will meet on August 30th at 7:30 pm at the Los Angeles River Center and Gardens, 570 West Avenue Twenty Six, Los Angeles, CA 90065 and will include a field trip of the East San Rafael Hills at 4 pm.
The Historical Society has announced its New Year programs and solicits your membership.
The City of Los Angeles invites participation in “The Accessible City Expo Community Resource and Employment Fair” on October 7th. Parking is free with a flyer that the Chair will email on request. Arrests have been made regarding the vandalism and graffiti in Los Liones. All arrested were 17-year-old Palisadians. The Chair dated July 27th, 2004 from James L. Combs, assistant general manager of Recreation and Parks regarding the gym floor, received a letter. The Chair received an email from Sue Pascoe who has been working to improve bus service at Paul Revere. PRIDE is working on the replacement of bus benches. AB2702 (“Granny Flats” legislation) was approved by Assembly and Senate yesterday and has gone to the governor for signature. Anyone interested should write to the governor at Todd Ferrier has information regarding Playa Vista. Emile Kadrinka and Kurt Toppel are to be commended for their efforts with DWP in preventing fires that could have been started from sparks on the electrical lines in the Highlands. DWP will present the status of upgrades to the lines at the September 23rd meeting. Kurt Toppel discussed goats in a trailer on Enchanted Way that have been kept there for the last four months. Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office is looking into it and Officer Ragsdale is involved.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
a. Report from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office: Monique Ford of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office informed us that there will be no parking at anytime on the North side of De Pauw between Lombard and Swarthmore; PRIDE has requested the removal of bus benches on Sunset and will replace such benches with PRIDE designed benches; bids have been requested for the accelerated sewer repair of Pacific Palisades and Santa Monica Canyon scheduled to begin in January 2005. Contact Monique for locations. The Chair asked Monique for advance notice of construction.
3.5. Report of Committees.
a. Car Wash Noise Committee. Stuart Muller reported that L.A. City Building and Safety Inspector J. Paternostro reported that the car wash passed the noise level test at 5:15 p.m. yesterday (8/25/04). Muller had a consultant audio engineer measure the noise level again at 5:15 pomp this evening and found it to be within legal limits: it was between 63-66 decibels. The limit is 65 decibels, with a 1-decibel margin of error acceptable. The high-speed fan was not being used during the testing (Later it was determined that the fan runs at only one speed). A Plexiglas screen would reduce the noise by 5 decibels. Muller will continue to work on this.
b. Cellular Site Committee. Laurie Newman of Senator Kuehl’s office has reported back to the cell site committee that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is not exercising any regulatory authority over the Southern California Joint Pole Agreement (JPA). Since Los Angeles City’s Above Ground Ordinance (AGF), which is intended to regulate time, manner & place (aesthetics) of cellular base stations and antennas, exempts facilities installed pursuant to the JPA, there is no effective regulation of these facilities whatsoever, as the committee suspected. With this being confirmed, the committee will now turn to consideration of a legislative agenda to remedy gaps and deficiencies in the regulatory scheme.
4. Old Business.
The map that the PPCC requested at our last meeting is now available for viewing at the Palisades Public Library. The PPCC has not yet received notice of the public hearing, but Monique Ford of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office informed the Board that the meeting is set for September 27th at 7:00 pm at Mort’s Oak Room. Further discussion of the issue was deferred until the September 9th meeting to give people time to review the map.
4.2. Cancellation of Commuter Express Route 430 Remaining Service.
A letter received by the Chair today says that the record will remain open with regards to this issue until September 16th, 2004. The discussion was therefore deferred until the September 9th meeting.
4.3. Movies in the Park Chamber of Commerce evaluation report & community input.
Karyn Weber reported that the crowd control had been handled well and that the Chamber had been receptive to comments regarding the noise. A Huntington resident who lives close to the park commented that the movie and loudspeaker noise was very loud at their house and that the family could not be outside or keep their windows open during the movies. The resident asked that there be no expansion to eight showings. The Chamber reported that they intended to keep the program to four movies next summer. The Chair told the resident to bring his concerns to Kevin Regan of Rec. & Parks and/or work with the Chamber to mitigate. The organizers of “Movies in the Park” thanked all involved and reported that the first night they had 4 speakers and 450 people in attendance. The second and third night they used 6 speakers to reduce the volume and had 600 people in attendance. By the fourth night they had 700 people in attendance. Barbara Kohn had requested a decibel reading and was told that it was 78 decibels.
4.4. Arson Coordination between LAFD and LAPD re Letter Shop fire update.
The Chair introduced this topic by outlining the issue. The fire earlier this year at the Palisades Letter Shop began in the dumpster outside. Workers at Domino’s Pizza and gentlemen in his car reported it. Local Fire Station 69 responded quickly to put out the fire. Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg wrote Cindy Miscikowski to inquire why this suspected arson had not been reported LAFD to LAPD and our Senior Lead Officer. He asked that this “wall of silence” be torn down with respect to public safety matters. The Chair received a reply from George Gascon, Assistant Chief, and LAPD stating that Captain Mark Gozawa of LAFD had conducted an investigation of the Letter Shop matter. He reported that this event was not reported as arson; if reported as arson he wrote that copies of the appropriate report would have been furnished to LAPD.
The Chair made independent inquiry and observed that the log on June 4, 2004 reflects that the Letter Shop event was entered into the log as arson. However, he was told that the $5000 of damage was below the threshold for an arson investigation where, as in this case, there was no witness reports identifying specific suspects. Battalion Captain Mike Little appeared at the meeting on behalf of LAFD. He told the PPCC that his department looks for trends. The fire was reported as “suspicious” i.e., can’t rule out an accident. However, this is not the same “flag” as fraud, injury or heavy damage. When the field officer reviews the fire department report and decides whether to appoint an investigator, it is up to such field officer to “flag” the report. This didn’t happen in the Letter Shop fire.
Ted Mackie asked how difficult it would be to notify Officer Ragsdale of “suspicious” fires. Little said that it was probably not very difficult and that he would make the suggestion that this notification occurs. However, he noted it is difficult to keep track of so many stations and officers. The Chair requested that Chief Little report back to the Chair as to whether or not the notification procedure would be modified as requested and he agreed to do so.
5. New Business.
5.1. Appointment of Newsletter Committee. Stuart Muller volunteered.
5.2. Appointment of Bylaws Committee. Haldis Toppel, Harry Sondheim and George Wolfberg volunteered.
5.3. Article IX, Sec. 2. Rescheduling of November 11 meeting until November 18, 2004.
Stuart Muller moved that the meeting be so scheduled, Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
5.4. Verizon presentation re targeting new technology for Palisades.
Julie Bronstein (Director of Government Affairs), Tom Kormondy (Community Communications Manager), and Francisco Uribe (Director of External Affairs), all of Verizon, presented a new telecommunications initiative to the PPCC. They would like to overlay existing copper wire with fiber optics. Fiber optics would offer more dependable telephone service, DSL and other data services. Questions were asked including whether more lines would be put underground that are now above ground (up to the engineers, but if possible, yes), how long the process will take or how disruptive it will be (up to engineers can’t answer), whether services would be more expensive monthly (no), whether Santa Monica Canyon would be included (didn’t know, will get back to PPCC), whether the Palisades Recreation Center, that now uses SBC, would get email (if infrastructure is SBC, Verizon can’t help), and whether if the power goes out, telephone service would be affected (there would be battery back-up for 4 days). The Chair summed up the discussion by stating that the community response is positive to being included for participation in this new technology program and asked for a timetable. Verizon is still in the planning stages with a target date of one million homes this year. The Chair also asked whether there would be any new above ground facilities and was told that there may be. The Chair stated that Verizon would need to work with the community to determine the location of any new facilities, and Mr. Uribe confirmed Verizon’s willingness to do so and work with the community to minimize disruption.
5.5. Storm Water Report re PCH & Chautauqua Bureau of Sanitation — Deferred until September 9th meeting.
5.6. Tree Trimming Fundraising Proposal, Charlene Baskin of Palisades Beautiful — Deferred.
5.7. Renaissance Academy – Paul McGlothlin, Director.
The Chair introduced Paul McGlothlin and told him that the PPCC supported the school’s academic mission. However, the PPCC was interested in discussing some of the problems associated with the school including parking, a traffic plan, including the proposed shuttle service and provisions for student driving. McGlothlin reported that there would be a shuttle and that they have had discussions with each student regarding prohibitions on driving to school. They are looking for common locations for pick-ups and drop-offs including Ocampo and Alma Real.
The Chair asked whether the shuttles could use the parking lot at the 881 Alma Real building where the school was located. McGlothlin said that was an excellent idea and they were looking at it.
The Chair asked about other drop-off locations. McGlothlin indicated that they had permission to use the library parking lot. The drop-offs would be at 9:00 am. They were also looking at Palisades Charter High School and Palisades Recreation Center. Also, some kids will take the city bus. Patti Post asked for an estimate of how may vehicles would be shuttling and what sizes they would be. McGlothlin said that there would be three school buses.
Carl Mellinger asked how many students had enrolled. McGlothlin said 300. Carl asked how many would be in the area every day. McGlothlin said that about 100 would be at 881 Alma Real and 40 would be at the library.
Kurt Toppel asked about teacher and staff parking and was told they would park at 881 Alma Real.
Other questions included why no notice was given to the community regarding the lease by the school or Cindy Miscikowski’s Office. McGlothlin replied that the school was an acceptable use of the building and that no notice was required.
Karyn Weber asked where the students would eat lunch and where sports facilities would be. McGlothlin said that there was a common area for lunch, but that it was an open campus and students could eat anywhere. McGlothlin also said that they were going to use Pali High for organized sports, but a Pali High coach in the audience said that they would not be able to do this.
Barbara Kohn asked why there had not been an EIR or study to review the impact on the community. Monique Ford said that the building was zoned for schools so none was necessary. Monique said that she had heard from McGlothlin in April 2004 for the first time and the Office suggested that he hire a traffic consultant but this had not been done.
Many more questions were asked from the audience and satisfactory resolution of issues was not achieved. McGlothlin’s contact information is
There was a motion to ask McGlothlin back at a later date (the September 23rd, 2004 meeting – after the school had opened) to continue the discussion. The vote was 12 for with Karyn Weber abstaining.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:13 PM.
Members in Attendance: Norman Kulla, William Niemann, Stuart Muller, Kurt Toppel, Mary Cole, Laurie Frost, Patti Post, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Walt McCall,, Karyn Weber, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, George Wolfberg, David Williams, Louis Cozolino, Gilbert Dembo, Jack Allen, Ted Mackie, Susan Orenstein, Stephi Magur
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Library Community Room. The Treasurer read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (the “PPCC”). Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of August 26, 2004 were approved as corrected.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $13,098.40 in the checking account and $4,790.21 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair announced that a handout with the agenda and pertinent written materials was furnished to each Board member and several additional copies were available for the media and public; the newsletter has gone to print; Larry Jacobs has agreed to be special advisor regarding EIDC matters following expiration of his term as Area 4 representative; The Public Hearing regarding Preferential Parking will take place on Monday, September 27, 2004 at 7 p.m. at Mort’s Oak Room; The Santa Monica Conservancy telephonic meeting regarding Playa Vista/Ballona Wetlands scheduled for September 10th has been switched to September 20th.
Ted Mackie asked about the update on Portrero Canyon and was informed that this update would occur at the October 14 meeting.
Kurt Toppel gave an update on the Renaissance Academy (RA). He complemented the coverage of the Palisadian-Post and thanked editor Bill Bruns. He reported that the school had not yet received a Certificate of Occupancy and gave a status report on efforts to facilitate discussions between affected parties on a cooperative and informed basis. The school’s website is providing details regarding transportation. The Chair added that the Vice Chair, Secretary and Chair had met with RA’s transportation coordinator Susan to give input.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner mentioned that she is in contact with Joyce Whitehead regarding the Holiday Party. Mary Cole will be helping with the party as Marguerite is having surgery.
After discussion about a broken library table, Stuart moved that “PPCC offer to pay for the repair of the library’s table so that the PPCC would have enough room for the whole Board to sit around the table and that Stuart Muller would be responsible for such repair.” Gilbert Dembo seconded the motion. Patti was delegated to do research regarding the table first. The motion passed unanimously with Patti Post abstaining.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives. No representatives were in attendance at this point in the agenda.
3.5. Report of Committees.
a. Car Wash Noise Committee. Stuart Muller reported that USA Petroleum has agreed to plant oleander trees or something similar to reduce noise.
4. Old Business.
The Chair recommended that the Board of Governors not a take a position in light of the lengthy discussions evidencing a lack of consensus at the August 26 meeting. Jack Allen stated that what has been proposed seems to be a reasonable compromise. There will be no or minimal impact on neighboring streets and his only issue is with Carthage. In addition, there is no reason for the district to be so large. However, although he would not oppose the preferential parking, the real issue of lack of parking in the Palisades cannot be swept under the table. Dick Littlestone objected to the two hour parking limit applying on Saturday. Other discussion demonstrated a continuing lack of consensus.
Kurt Toppel moved that “PPCC not take an official position with regard to the preferential parking issue and that it leave the matter to the Public Hearing scheduled for September 27th, 2004.” David Williams seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4.2. Cancellation of Commuter Express Route 430.
Remaining Service consideration of analysis and further action upon recommendations of Transportation Advisor Steve Lantz. The Chair complimented Advisor Lantz for his outstanding written analysis and comment letter submitted to the hearing officer. Mr. Lantz stated that Patti Post was the “ghost writer” of the analysis. He reported that the Brentwood Community Council voted September 7 to support the opposition to the cancellation of Route 430. The deadline to submit written material to be part of record before the hearing officer is September 16th, 2004.
Steve Lantz further reported that LADOT failed to present their report regarding the cancellation of Route 430 at the August 11, 2004, public hearing. LADOT will be submitting its report to the Transit Committee of the Los Angeles City Council, who will review it and then it, will be considered by the entire City Council.
The Chair offered background on the issue for everyone as follows: the PPCC is on record as opposing the cancellation. Patti Post asked if the PPCC could ask Monique Ford to help us get Steve Lantz’ outstanding questions answered (as outlined in his analysis). The Chair said that Cindy Miscikowski had previously supported cancellation, but we could make a further request. Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved that “the Chair write a letter in support of the opposition to the cancellation of Commuter Express Route 430.” The motion was seconded by Barbara Kohn and passed unanimously.
5. New Business.
5.1. Appointment of Bylaws Committee — Deferred.
5.2. Storm Water Report re PCH & Chautauqua.
Daniel Hackney, Bureau of Sanitation, to coordinate City, County and Regional governmental analysis and response to “mystery pond” and “dry weather” storm drain issues. Daniel Hackney introduced Michael Mullin, who runs the public education department at the Bureau of Sanitation [contact information: (323) 342-1576,]. Mullin reported that the engineers are “baffled” by the “mystery pond” at PCH and Chautauqua. The recently completed diversion worked fine last year but this year there was increased flow. Mullin reported that Santa Monica Canyon has the largest of all diversions abutting Santa Monica Bay. He recommends that residents reduce watering of their lawns to reduce runoff. Regarding the pond, it should not be there in terms of the work that has been done. Moreover, recent sampling shows it is dirty, urban run-off. However, the current level is lower than it has been. The size of the diversion strip has been increased.
The Chair asked if this is still inadequate and Mullin answered that his guess is yes. Mullin talked to the LA Public Works department flood control manager and DPW is committed to eliminating the Pond. The Chair asked if there was any way to increase the capacity of the diversion to solve the problem. Mullin: said no. However, there are options for example it is sandbagged right now but no long-term solutions have yet been devised.
George Wolfberg asked if there was a chance the water was from a high water table. Mullin: maybe, but probably not. They will be starting a study. A citizen asked whether or not the water is diverted 365 days a year (Mullin: said no, but new law will require year round dry weather diversion by 2009. He will push for Santa Monica Canyon to be the first within City to comply).
Bill Bruns asked if the Riviera Golf Course is a culprit of excessive runoff. Mullin said no. Bruns asked if pesticides were of concern and Mullin replied that everything was a concern. One dog’s feces would be sufficient to violate bacteria standards. Stuart Muller asked whether the diversion was high enough. Mullin replied it is not feasible to raise it to sufficient height to divert big storms. Kurt Toppel asked that Michael Mullin return to report to the PPCC once the study that he talked about has been completed. Mullin agreed to do so.
5.3. Inclusionary Zoning analysis, recommendations and action re Garcetti-Reyes proposal for City of Los Angeles – Gil Dembo and Don Scott.
The Chair described the proposal as permitting higher density residential development upon specified conditions that pre-empt zoning, specific plans, parking requirements, and CC&Rs. Don Scott, appointed by the Chair as a committee of one to work with Board member Gil Dembo to evaluate the issue, reported that Cindy Miscikowski is a co-sponsor of the bill. Scott reported that the bill requires that all new developments include 10-20% moderate or low-income housing units. Scott agrees that we need more housing, but believes that the bill is seriously flawed in its present form. Scott Chairs the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce special Inclusionary Zoning committee. Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, in a lengthy detailed letter, opposed the proposal in its present form, but offer constructive suggestions.
Gil Dembo thanked Don Scott for his work. He mentioned that developers can increase density by up to 50% (i.e., new developments can be up to 66 feet and parking requirements can be waived). Gil asked if we should follow the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce’s proposal. Barbara Kohn urged further evaluation.
Jack Allen reported that the PPCC had unanimously voted not to support inclusionary housing previously [the Chair will search prior minutes and insert reference in minutes if identified]. Marguerite Perkins Mautner stated that if we’re against AB2702 (Granny Flats), then we should be against this as it’s the same issue.
Ted Mackie asked where Cindy Miscikowski was on the issue currently. Monique Ford reported that she seconded the motion but that the motion has been moving very slowly. She said that Kevin Keller, Miscikowski’s planning deputy, is the expert in their office on this bill and he can come to the next meeting to update everyone and let the PPCC know the deadlines involved. Resident Steve Soboroff reported that there are two proposals. The Garcetti-Reyes proposal was “DOA.” The business community drafted an alternate ordinance and he will send us this second proposal and more information. It was agreed to invite Kevin Keller to the September 23 meeting and further consider appropriate action at that time.
6. General Public Comment.
Paul Herzog spoke about Playa Vista. He reported that we need to know the impact of Phase I before Phase II is allowed. He wants a discussion of the issues transit, open space, commercial space. He wants to be on agenda next meeting. He wants to debate Steve Soboroff and Mr. Milstein, but they have declined. Mr. Soboroff reported that Paul Herzog has sued about this issue 19 times and lost 19 times. Soboroff contends Paul Herzog’s organization wants no housing, but that there are dozens of community councils in support. Lower cost housing is included in the project. Mr. Herzog’s assertion that there needs to be an EIR of Phase I before Phase II construction begins is not true. Mr. Milstein of Latham and Watkins stated that there are no conditions to the beginning of Phase II.
6.2. Renaissance Academy.
A lengthy contentious discussion between residents, School Director Paul McGlothlin, LAUSD Charter School Development Advisor Peter Misseijer, then ensued regarding impact upon the surrounding neighbors, four nearby, elementary schools, including considerations of public safety, quality of life issues, congestion, transportation, parking, supervision of students, compliance with various legal and regulatory provisions, etc. Participants included Monique Ford of Councilmember Cindy Miscikowski’s office, resident Dick Littlestone, and teachers from RA.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:28 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Barry Kurtz, Stuart Muller, Kurt Toppel, Larry Jacobs, Louis Cozolino, Patti Post, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Ted Mackie, Karyn Weber, Barbara Kohn, Stephi Magur, George Wolfberg, Todd Ferrier, Susan Orenstein, Gilbert Dembo
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Library Community Room was overcapacity at the beginning of the Board meeting, with the majority of attendees present to discuss the Renaissance Academy (“RA”). Prior to the Chair officially calling the Board meeting to order, there was a discussion regarding RA. Kurt Toppel informed the attendees that a committee was being appointed to deal with community issues arising from and with RA. The purpose of the committee was not to solve all problems facing RA, but rather attempt to deal with issues such as traffic, use of the park and other resources, and the interaction of RA and the community. The committee will meet twice a week and produce written materials. The members of the committee will be Kurt Toppel (454-8060;, Bill Bryan of RA (228-6224;, Dick Littlestone (, Arielle Byron, student at RA (, Mike McRoskey (213-613-3728), and Marina Lang of Marlene Cantor’s office (213-241-4259;
The Chair then called the Board meeting to order and read the Purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (the “PPCC”). Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of September 9, 2004 were approved as corrected.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $13,323.91 in the checking account and $4,790.59 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Larry Jacobs and Barry Kurtz who are both ending their service with the PPCC. The Chair thanked Bob Cavage for his tremendous contribution to fire management for the Santa Monica Mountains and Barry Kurtz for his work on the PCH Shoulder Project. The Chair asked for a volunteer to attend the September 29th meeting at the Autry Museum in Griffith Park to monitor the discussion regarding the neighborhood speed radar program and referred interested people to Patti Post for more information. Steve Lantz gave an update regarding Line 430 as follows: The record for the Line 430 hearings was closed on September 16th. Mr. Lantz reported that hearing officer Miles Mitchell rode the line with him and 17 regular riders recently. He told us that there was good discussion with the hearing officer regarding possibilities for the route. The Chair asked Kevin Keller to let Councilwoman Miscikowski know that we really appreciated the initiative of the hearing officer.
The Chair also thanked Sue Pascoe for her efforts to relieve traffic congestion at Paul Revere and incorporate Line 430 into the morning student travel from the Palisades. The Chair also thanked Haldis Toppel for her efforts to incorporate Line 430 in serving the downtown Loyola High School population. Marguerite Perkins Mautner reported that the PPCC Holiday Party will be at Stewart Hall in Temescal Park on December 9th. Kurt Toppel told us that the Marquez Knolls meeting regarding City Council positions will be held on October 18th, 7:00 p.m. at Mort’s Oak Room and all candidates will attend.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives. No representative made announcements.
4. Old Business.
Further analysis, recommendations and action re Garcetti-Reyes proposal for City of Los Angeles continuing input from Don Scott, Gil Dembo, plus Kevin Keller, Planning Deputy, Councilmember Miscikowski’s office. As promised at the last meeting, Mr. Scott sent the Chair on September 9, 2004, a copy of the Chamber of Commerce of Hollywood’s proposal and the CCA (Central City Association) proposal mentioned by Mr. Soboroff at the September 9, 2004, meeting, which the Chair distributed by email to the Board and interested parties on September 10, 2004. Kevin Keller explained Councilmember Miscikowski’s position on the Garcetti-Reyes proposal as follows: Cindy is in support of the concept of inclusionary zoning and mixed housing, especially given the current housing crises. She co-signed the original motion last April, but does not agree with all of the proposals. She has received lots of feedback and is considering it. There is time for discussion as the proposal is moving slowly. She isn’t sure how the specifics of the plan should apply to different areas of the City. Due to some confusion of the definition as used in the proposal, Mr. Keller will try to get a map defining “transit corridor” and send it to the Chair. The Chair stated that there is lots of material and countless positions on the issue. He wants a committee set up to monitor the issue, but doesn’t think that we need to take any action currently. Gil Dembo proposed a motion that the Chair write a letter to the Councilmember recognizing the good intent of the IZ proposal but expressing concern about it’s failure to respect existing planning practices and procedures, Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded the motion. Barbara Kohn expressed concerns and wanted the Board to have the opportunity to give further input. Mr. Dembo and Mr. Scott agreed to work with the Chair to draft and circulated a proposed letter.
4.2. Renaissance Academy Update. See above [item 1].
5. New Business.
5.1. Appointment of Elections Committee.
Stephi Magur, Ted Mackie, Mary Cole, George Wolfberg, and Larry Jacobs were appointed to the Elections Committee; Kurt Toppel will serve as a substitute if anyone so appointed will not serve.
5.2. Power Infrastructure Update for Palisades – DWP.
Tom McCarthy of the DWP reported to the PPCC. He gave a review of the circuits in the Palisades and reported that we have an “elderly” system. Usually problems are associated with “overhead” issues: trees, wind and connections. Starting in November, tree trimming will begin. Mr. McCarthy asked that residents allow the DWP personnel in their yards to do their work. In addition, personnel will use infrared scanners to view “hot spots” or problems along lines. He reported that the Huntington work has been completed, but the main feeds need to be done. Mr. McCarthy asked that the community take caution while driving around crews and said that he would email the Chair two weeks before work is started. In cases of outages, call (800) CALL-DWP. If it is a long outage, contact Kurt Toppel, who will contact the appropriate person at DWP.
Finally, with regard to tree trimming, DWP will advise homeowners with door hangers in advance of work. Mr. McCarthy cautioned homeowners to be careful when trimming trees themselves as the lines carry 48 volts of electricity.
George Wolfberg asked why the lines along PCH are not being put underground. Mr. McCarthy reported that the DWP has no beautification budget. A deal needs to be made with the city and there needs to be an assessment district established. The cost of moving the lines underground is 10 to 1 the cost of fixing the existing problems above ground.
The Chair requested that Kevin Keller share the community’s request for such work with Councilmember Miscikowski. Mr. McCarthy emphasized that the moving of lines underground is a long process. It was agreed that DWP will get the short-term problem solved first. The Chair asked for a follow-up discussion regarding this issue. Harry Sondheim suggested involving Cal Trans and the State Park office. Larry Jacobs suggested contacting Sheila Kuehl who used to have a relevant task force George Wolfberg suggested that the Chair send a letter to Cindy Miscikowski regarding putting the lines underground along PCH.
6. General Public Comment — None.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, William K. Niemann, Stuart Muller, Kurt Toppel, Harry Sondheim, David Williams, Patti Post, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Ted Mackie, Paul Glasgall, Barbara Kohn, Mary Cole, George Wolfberg, Todd Ferrier, Carl Mellinger, Gilbert Dembo, Margaret Goff, Walt McCall
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and Barbara Kohn read the Purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (the “PPCC”). Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of September 23, 2004 were approved as submitted.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $10,260.40 in the checking account and $4,790.59 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair announced that on Wednesday 10/20/04 at 12PM in room 1449 at DWP there will be a meeting regarding the reservoir; the meeting will cover selection of material for the floating cover, tree planters and Landscape Master Plan, and CUP Process/Community Meeting; the restored Clearwater Mural will dedicated at noon, Sunday October 17, 2004; former Chair Flo Elfant will be the community’s ambassador to the City of Los Angeles’s Emergency Preparedness Ambassador Program.
David Williams, the Chamber representative, announced the Village Fair will be held on November 13th with no chili cook off this year to comply with health inspectors. However there will be many pies, etc.
The Chair announced the election results for the new term of Area Reps for PPCC. The results are as follows: Area 1 Barbara Kohn, Area 2 Paul Glasgall, Area 3 William Niemann, Area 4 Harry Sondheim, Area 5 Todd Ferrier, Area 6 Stuart Muller, Area 7 Nanette Fabray MacDougall, Area 8 Marguerite Perkins Mautner.
The Chair announced that pursuant to bylaws he had appointed three prior chairs, George Wolfberg, Shirley Haggstrom and Flo Elfant, as the nominating committee for area alternatives.
Vice Chair Kurt Toppel informed the board and audience that the special Renaissance School committee has been meeting to find solutions, their work continues. The next meeting for this committee will be announced at a later date. There was a statement made from Mr. McCloskey, a member of the committee, expressing concern that the RA committee is not receiving timely notice of things happening at the city level, which are affecting the school. He stated he believed that there has been a parking variance requested. Councilwoman Miscikowski informed the audience that no parking variance has been requested to date. She went on to state that she recognizes concern from both sides of the RA issues and continues to meet with both sides to find long-term and short-term resolutions. However, she did state that life safety is of the utmost importance and must be met.
George Wolfberg announced that he participated in the well-attended Congress of Neighborhood Councils on Oct 9th at the L.A. Convention Center. Chair Emeritus Wolfberg found the Congress very informative and called upon the board to continue to participate. Wolfberg stated he gained insight from the program regarding the handling of graffiti. The Chair stated he also benefited from his attendance and reported he found the program on emergency preparedness most valuable.
The Chair announced that he believed Don Scott also attended and participated in the inclusionary zoning program. Chair Emeritus Wolfberg announced that a person acting as a Gas Co. worker was reported knocking on doors in Rustic Canyon and asking homeowners questions directed to discover when the homeowner would be leaving their home and what forms of security the home has, i.e. dog, alarm etc. The incident was referred to Officer Ragsdale. Stuart Muller thanked Monique Ford for her effort and support in street safety and the maintenance of the Pali High sign.
Patti Post announced that 5 p.m. on Nov 9th at the Henry Medina West Los Angeles Parking Enforcement Facility, 2nd floor, 11214 West Exposition Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064 the Board of Bldg. and Safety Commission will meet. She commented that Bldg. and Safety is attempting to reach out and have the community attend.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner announced the annual potluck will be held on December 9, 2004 at Stewart Hall in Temescal Canyon Park.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Monique Ford announced that the PCH Shoulder Project, which requires $850,000 in total funding, is moving forward. In particular, CalTrans has asked the City for an $110,000 contribution toward the project. Monique further explained that the City should be able to obtain this amount under existing funding for utility relocation.
Officer Ragsdale reported that a collision occurred between a driver and a homeless pedestrian. The pedestrian was killed in the accident. The accident is under investigation. Furthermore he went on to report that crime in the Palisades for the last 3 months is down. He sees no crime trends happening. The crimes that were committed were basically crimes of opportunity. Officer Ragsdale reported that two Renaissance Academy (RA) students were cited for truancy on Haverford recently. He stated it is fairly common to deal with this sort of crimes with all schools throughout the year. He reported that he will be meeting with the dean of RA to address student behavior issues. Officer Ragsdale commented on Bill Niemann question concerning if the LAPD has heard of any threats of school take-overs like the one that happened in Russia. Officer Ragsdale stated that his department is aware of such threats and that the LAPD has found no such threats to the LA community.
3.5. Reports of Committees.
The cell site committee report was deferred to incorporate industry input.
4. Old Business.
Shirlene Sue, Long Range Planning, Los Angeles World Airports, gave an update briefing on the LAX Master Plan. Ms. Sue described how the LAX Master Plan is broken into stages of development and approval. Alternative-D is up for vote. The key green lighted projects that have been approved to date are: to consolidate rental cars, add an intermodal link of the green line to LAX, and widen the south runway. Mr. Denny Schneider of LAX-Community Noise Roundtable appeared to urge LA City Council members to vote no on October 19th when the LAX Alternative-D expansion master plan comes up for approval. Mr. Schneider’s key points were rental car consolidation, intermodal link between green line and LAX, and modifying south runway all are worthy objectives, but there has been a rush to judgment: no final plans have been fully vetted yet approval is being rushed forward. In particular, the location of proposed consolidated rental facility is wrong because it will not maximize efficiency nor achieve objectives, the proposed intermodal link is not properly integrated with transportation matrix present and planned so fails to adequately mitigate traffic deficiencies, and the acknowledged problem with incursion relating to south runway are neither urgent nor necessarily best resolved by proposed change, other alternatives have been put forward by acknowledged experts which are worth further evaluation. Councilperson Miscikowski, a leader promoting the Consensus Plan moving forward to a vote on October 19th acknowledged that Mr. Schneiders points are worth consideration and pledged to continue to work on resolution. However, Councilperson Miscikowski noted that the matter for vote on October 19th would go over to November 28th to address concerns Councilperson Miscikowski further explained that 100% of the funds for the LAX Master Plan must come from the airport itself and there is no ability to use government money.
4.2. Potrero Canyon.
There was a presentation by Councilperson Miscikowski regarding proposed City action, process for community input, and completion of restoration, mitigation and enhancement. The Councilperson made her presentation and acknowledged receipt of Chair Emeritus Wolfberg’s letter written in May on behalf of PPCC. Councilperson Miscikowski agreed with its critique and input. Accordingly, she revised her motion to incorporate two key concepts: (1), proceeds of proposed lot sales to proceed incrementally as needed to complete the project and to go into a newly created Potrero Canyon Trust Fund. This is not the City’s general fund and use shall be restricted to completion of Phase II and Phase III. (2), she will form a Potrero Canyon Advisory Committee to give community input, create deed restrictions to conform future design of improvements to preserve view corridors, appearance and usage consistent with community objectives.
In discussion, at former Chair Sondheim’s urging, Miscikowski agreed that the broader mandate for the committee contained in her letter to Tom LaBonge with her motion would control over the narrow mandate contained in the motion, and that she would change the authorizing language accordingly. Pursuant to Stuart Mullers comments, the Councilperson agreed that the project definition should be broadened to include use of Trust Fund for ongoing maintenance after completion.
Councilperson Miscikowski stated that the Advisory Committee would consist of 15 members. 5 named by PPCC, 5 named by her, and 5 named by Park Advisory Board (PAB). Muller pointed out that in his experience over many years the PAB members, who were appointed by the Park Director to support the projects of the Director, were not elected, and attendance by PAB at PAB meetings was extremely poor. Kurt Toppel and Margaret Goff confirmed Muller’s perceptions as their own. Accordingly, it was agreed by the Councilperson to seek further input from the Chair and Chair Emeritus Wolfberg to find an alternative method of selecting the 5 members she had proposed be named by PAB.
In additional discussions, per suggestion of Carl Mellinger, it was agreed that any deed restrictions be drafted concurrently with the park design to ensure consistency and avoid wasted duplication. Among other things to be determined, it was agreed that the committee should consider view corridors and whether or not to permit assemblage of lots. The Councilperson stated the procedure for sale would initially involve only two lots on the Huntington side of canyon which would be subject to existing Huntington Homeowners Association CC&Rs; the proceeds from these sales should be sufficient to fund additional work through the design phase until the project was ready to proceed to the construction phase of Phase III, thereby giving time for planning and design to first be completed without delaying progress. General Services would conduct the sales to the highest bidder, there would be no management fee for management of Potrero Trust Fund, and Rec. & Parks would handle project. With the foregoing understandings in mind, the Board unanimously supported Councilmember Miscikowski’s approach to the Potrero project and thanked her for her constructive efforts.
5. New Business.
5.1. Distribution of Community Service Award (CSA) Guidelines.
Community Service Award Guidelines were distributed and made available per Bylaws.
5.2. Consideration of creation of transportation/parking Task Force to identify relief and improvement strategies, with input from LADOT.
The Chair Norman Kulla introduced the subject by calling attention to a hand out contained in the packet furnished to the board and public with various announcements and contact information. This one-page “Initial Concepts” for the PPCC Transportation Task Force describes two problems to be addressed: a parking shortage in the Palisades Village; a deficiency in local short haul transportation options as well as inadequate linkage to long-haul public transportation network. The task force will consist of concerned residents and ex-officio representation from various public servants, including LADOT and our City councilpersons office. The Chair asked the Board for volunteers to participate in this Task Force. The final membership will be announced in next weeks Palisadian-Post but the Chair announced the following individuals would be members of committee: Milt Weiner, Wally Miller, Tom McKiernan, David Hibbert, Steve Boyers, David Williams, Steve Lantz and Patti Post
6. General Public Comment — None.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Paul Glasgall, Stuart Muller, Kurt Toppel, Todd Ferrier, Louis Cozolino, Patti Post, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Ted Mackie, Karyn Weber, Laurie Frost, Margaret Goff, George Wolfberg, David Williams, Carl Mellinger, Gilbert Dembo
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:06 pm and Paul Glasgall read the Purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (the “PPCC”). Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of October 14, 2004 were approved as amended.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $15,354 in the checking account and $4,790.59 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair distributed a handout package to the Board, media and public consisting of the Agenda, draft minutes of October 14, 2004 meeting, proposed Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) letter to be adopted by Board and copy of IZ letter approved by Greater Griffith Park NC, email re passage by City Council of Potrero Canyon Trust Fund Motion, notice of 7 p.m., November 9, 2004 meeting of Sepulveda Blvd. Task Force at Skirball, letter from Board of Public Works re: Integrated Resources Plan Reflections Workshop, an invitation re Ballona Wetlands, a flyer for Inspector Carol at Pierson Playhouse from November 5 through December 5, 2004.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner made announcements regarding food and the location for the Holiday Party on December 9, 2004 at Temescal Canyon Parkway’s Stewart Hall. She asked for directional signs and George Wolfberg indicated that he would provide signs used previously. Stuart Muller and Gil Dembo volunteered to clean up.
George Wolfberg announced that Larry Jacobs and he attended a City Council meeting regarding filming and gave a partial update (Larry Jacobs to give full update at November 18, 2004 meeting).
Kurt Toppel reported that David Gadelha tried to get approval for a handball wall, but not enough of the Park Advisory Board was present for a quorum. The wall is ready for installation and is just waiting for approval.
Laurie Frost thanked Stuart Muller for his work and new plaque regarding the Sav-On mural.
The Chair thanked Ted Mackie for his efforts regarding the area boundaries map to be attached to the PPCC bylaws.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Monique Ford was not present and her report will be sent via email next week. No other representative made announcements.
3.5. Reports of Committees, including cell site committee tentative recommendations.
Stuart Muller reported that he replaced the broken caster on the library table. Thank you Stuart.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Inclusionary Zoning approval of proposed letter to City Council.
The Chair offered his proposed inclusionary zoning letter. Kurt Toppel moved that it be passed, Gil Dembo seconded and motion carried unanimously. George Wolfberg suggested that the letter should state that it was considered and approved by the Board. The Chair agreed and stated that it will be posted on our website and so that other Community Councils can see it.
4.2. Potrero Canyon update on formation of Citizen Advisory Committee.
The Chair announced that the Executive Committee will discuss formation of the Potrero Canyon Advisory Committee on Friday, November 5, 2004. The Chair solicited nominees for the Committee. At the request of Harry Sondheim, the Chair will inquire as to whether the motion regarding Potrero Canyon was changed as the Board had requested.
5. New Business.
5.1. Appointment of Community Service Award (CSA) nominating committee.
Deadline for receipt of nominations is November 13, 2004 pursuant to Awards Procedure and winner(s) will be announced at November 18, 2004 meeting: Todd Ferrier, Margaret Goff and Marguerite Perkins Mautner have been appointed as the nominating (selection) committee for the Community Service Award. The Chair announced that November 13, 2004 is the deadline for nominations.
5.2. Tree Trimming Fundraising Proposal Charlene Baskin of Palisades Beautiful.
Charlene Baskin informed the Board that the City of Los Angeles has no funds to care for or trim trees. She reported that Palisades Beautiful has planted 1400 trees in the Palisades since 1974. Charlene requested help from the Board to increase funding for the trimming of trees in the Palisades. In pursuing additional funding, Secretary Karyn Weber recommended emphasizing safety concerns as well as aesthetics of properly trimmed trees.
Gil Dembo asked Charlene if she was talking about all of the trees in the Palisades and what the cost would be. Charlene confirmed that Palisades Beautiful was concerned with all of the trees in the Palisades and that the cost would depend on the type of tree and the total amount of trees done (i.e., volume discount possible). Charlene stated she spoke to George Gonzales of the City’s Department of Public Works, Street Services. Carl Mellinger encouraged Charlene to also contact and work with Ron Lorenzen of Street Services. Carl reported that the City does not know how long it would take to have all of our trees trimmed. Per Carl, trees cost on average $75-250/tree to trim. Untrimmed neglected trees present a substantial City liability, but the City doesn’t understand the need for proactive action. Carl mentioned he knew of one case in Santa Monica where a fallen tree resulted in a $1 million settlement. A lot of trees could have trimmed in lieu of the foregoing for $1 million. Homeowners can trim trees themselves, but need a permit, issued at no cost, from the City. Gil Dembo suggested that it may be wise to adopt the practice used in the Valley; residents shared the cost of repairing sidewalks with the City and the repairs got done. Carl Mellinger told Charlene to call him and he would give her information regarding websites and contacts that could be of assistance to her. Gil Dembo moved “that PPCC support the goals of Charlene Baskin under the umbrella of Palisades Beautiful to improve the health, safety and aesthetics of the trees in the Palisades.” The motion passed unanimously. Carl Mellinger asked the Chair to send a letter to Cindy Miscikowski with a copy to Street Services to say that there is a need to change how tree care is provided in the City. The Chair agreed to do so.
5.3. Marquez Canyon Low Flow Diversion Presentation Andy Flores, Bureau of Engineering — Deferred until November 18, 2004 meeting.
5.4. Presentation by Bob Bisno of Bisno Development regarding proposed development of nursery property at corner of Los Liones and Sunset Blvd.
Robert Bisno of Bisno Development is in the process of evaluating for purchase and development the property located on the northwest corner of Los Liones and Sunset Blvd., which currently consists of a 10,000 sq. ft office building and a nursery on approximately 2 acres. Bisno stated that the property is zoned to allow for 62,000 square feet of commercial and/or office space, however, Bisno proposes to development 64 condominiums on the site. He believes the primary concerns of the community are geological, traffic and view corridors. They have studied the traffic impact and believe that, based on the Urban Land Institute projections, that commercial/office space would add approx. 5000 car/trips per day of traffic. If the development were retail, it would add 3300. If residential (proposed 64 condominium units), it would add about 400 car trips per day, or, during the morning peak hours, 36 cars an hour. 175 parking spots would be included. The current use involves approximately the same number of car trip as the proposed condos.
With regard to view corridors, the only view that would be affected would be the new “Tramonto” development. There would be a floor elevation of 112 feet and a 118-foot roofline. Three or four of the “Tramonto” units would be impacted. The developers would likely be required to install a traffic light. Dave Hibbard, the architect of the project, explained that the soil is good.
The Chair stated that the Pacific Palisades Specific Plan calls for retail in that location. Kurt Toppel suggested a movie theater. There were discussions regarding the landscaping, the setback and the parking space ratio. David Williams agreed that residential use was a good idea. The Chair encouraged Bisno to contact Andrew Martin, President of the Castellammare Homeowners Association and Barbara Kohn, Area 1 representative, who was absent.
A question was also asked about the proposed height of the building. Bisno reported that the two stories would be 48 feet and the three stories would be 61 feet. They are aware of the height limitation in the Specific Plan (35 feet) and are asking for a height variance. The Chair indicated that there would likely be strong community opposition to any violations of the height limitation.
6. General Public Comment.
Laurie Frost reminded everyone to have coins available on Halloween night to put in the UNICEF boxes.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Paul Glasgall, Stuart Muller, Patti Post, Larry Jacobs, Louis Cozolino, Karyn Weber, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Steve Boyers, George Wolfberg, Bill Niemann, Mary Cole, Norma Spak, Richard Cohen, Walt McCall, Gilbert Dembo, Harry Sondheim, Ted Mackie, Margaret Goff, Stephi Magur
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:08 pm and Bill Niemann read the Purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (the “PPCC”). Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Gil Dembo moved that the minutes of October 28, 2004 be approved, Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported there are $15,791.49 in the checking account and $4,790.59 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair announced that he and Flo Elfant will meet tomorrow morning with Palisadian Rod Habenbuch, who is the head of Los Angeles’ Red Cross, and his staff to formulate a strategy for training for emergency or disaster preparedness. Anyone interested in such training should contact the Chair or Flo Elfant.
The Chair asked for nominations for the Design Review Board for the local community.
The Chair referred to the package of announcements that he distributed and highlighted the draft letter regarding Potrero Canyon and asked for input. He also invited nominations for the Advisory Committee regarding Potrero Canyon.
The Transportation Task Force met last Tuesday with 15 in attendance and had a productive meeting. They will be following up regarding funding for parking options and also a meeting with Pasadena regarding an innovative plan for transportation.
The Chair also announced contemporaneous meetings at Marquez and Paul Revere regarding transportation issues. Monique Ford was attending those meetings.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives. Monique Ford was not present at this point in meeting.
Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale announced changes to deployment in West Los Angeles. West Los Angeles lost a handful of officers and the adjacent Pacific region lost 30 officers. These officers were moved to areas with more significant violent crimes. Non-priority issues will be impacted. Officer Ragsdale also handed out two Community Alerts regarding crime in the area [see attached]. He also announced a reduction of crime in the Palisades by 18.6% year to date. The goal for reduction for the year is 20% and that goal should be met. Officer Ragsdale can be contacted via cell phone at 310.622.3980, WLA Division at 310.575.8423 or via email at
3.5. Reports of Committees, including EIDC update from Advisor Larry Jacobs.
Larry Jacobs reported on the status of the contract between the City and the EIDC. The City Attorney has said that filming companies do not have to go through the EIDC to get permits they can go directly to the City. This is being worked into the contract. Steve McDonald (president of the EIDC) spoke at the most recent committee meeting and said that he is eager to please communities but admitted that enforcement responsibility is not clear. Councilman Craig Smith is asking the EIDC for recommendations for the contract. Councilman Ludlow has promised relief to the public. Larry made three points:
(1) if the City Attorney has ruled that film companies need not use EIDC to obtain permits then the City must announce uniform rules that film companies must follow;
(2) Rules adopted by the City should not be subject to waiver;and
(3) community representatives having no allegiance to the filming industry or EIDC should be consulted about the aforementioned City rules.
Larry felt that the current situation although improved, was too little to late. Larry questioned whether it was appropriate for the City to contract with the EIDC when its announced goal is to “deliver Los Angeles to the film industry” which is adverse to the City’s residents interests.
Stuart Muller reported that the carwash planted ficus trees as an attempt to reduce noise.
There was some discussion regarding high school students in the Village. It was generally recognized that the student population in the Village has greatly increased this school year. The Chair reported that the chair of the board of directors of Renaissance Academy inquired recently how RA students could fulfill the school’s promise to be a good neighbor. It was arranged, with the guidance of Chamber Executive Director Arnie Wishnick, for RA students to clean up the Village Green and other areas. The Chair stated that he was hopeful this would continue. Larry Jacobs mentioned that he approached several well-behaved and attired young people in the Village recently to inquire what school they attended. They responded that they attended RA.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Santa Ynez Reservoir Landscape Master Plan DWP Presentation.
Glenn Singley and Marjar Majee of the DWP presented the Board with the Landscape Master Plan for the Santa Ynez Reservoir. Mr. Singley also outlined several goals for the project accompanying the Landscape Master Plan: water quality, fire safety and aesthetics. Pamela Burton, landscape architect, gave an overview of the appearance of the reservoir and how it would be landscaped to blend the proposed cover for the reservoir into the canyon.
The Chair expressed gratitude to Dr. Herb Conrad, Ph.D., distinguished water quality expert, resident of Highlands, for his continuing monitoring of DWP’s proposals and his critical input protecting all Palisadians during his volunteer service on the citizen advisory committee. At Mr. Conrad’s request, Mr. Singley agreed to provide Mr. Conrad and the community with a copy of the O&M (Operation and Maintenance) plan to be submitted to State Dept. of Health Services which will be a prime protection for the community.
The Chair also introduced another member of the citizen advisory committee, retired aeronautical engineer Bob Cavage, who has worked tirelessly to develop and cause to be implemented an improved brush fire capability for LAFD. This will be done: 1) by keeping operational during construction and thereafter the existing hydrant servicing Bell and 412 helicopters at Santa Ynez Reservoir, and 2) adding a cistern to be installed, maintained and operational for Erickson super scooper use at Chautauqua Reservoir (also known as Palisades Reservoir) prior to commencement of the Santa Ynez cover project and thereafter permanently. Mr. Singley confirmed that the agreed capability had been designed in consultation with LAFD and would be ready at Chautauqua Reservoir prior to commencement of the Santa Ynez cover project. Mr. Cavage had invited Paul A. Shakstad, Chief Pilot, LAFD, to the meeting, who was in attendance. Mr. Cavage asked Shakstad if there was sufficient room for Erickson helicopters to land at the Chautauqua Reservoir and whether lighting was sufficient. Mr. Skakstad indicated the present design was not adequate for the intended use. Mr. Singley has discussed storing a cistern off site and bringing it to Chautauqua when needed. Mr. Skakstad emphasized this would not be sufficient as the time taken to move a cistern by truck and get it into to place would cost critical strategically disastrous time delay. A permanent on site cistern with a high-pressure pump operational with back-up generator to fill the cistern must be in place at all times. Mr. Cavage also expressed concern about grading deficiencies and lack of lighting at Chautauqua site. Mr. Singley and Mr. Shakstad agreed to meet to discuss these issues with Mr. Cavage. Mr. Shakstad also informed the Board that although lighting would be nice, it is not imperative for the helicopters to operate at night.
The covers last for about 15 years. Louis Cozolino reminded DWP their representatives had previously agreed to respond to concerns about potential health hazards, namely lead poisoning, resulting from the proposed change in water treatment. In this regard, the Chair requested assurance that there will not be the same lead poisoning issues experienced in Washington D.C. when they switched from a Chlorine based treatment system (our present system) to a Chloramine (Chlorine plus Ammonia – as proposed for Los Angeles) and Mr. Singley agreed to do so.
The time line for the project includes the formal design period from February to November 2005 (including the Cover). Bids will go out from December to June 2006 and construction will start July 2006.
5. New Business.
5.1. Community Service Award committee announces winner(s).
Marguerite Perkins Mautner announced that Bill Bruns and Carol Hurley were the PPCC’s Community Service Award winners and that the awards will be presented at the December 9th Board meeting to be held at Stewart Hall in Temescal Canyon Park.
5.2. Executive Committee recommends that the Board request Councilperson’s assistance for tree trimming funds; additional recommendations for assistance solicited from community.
Monique Ford of Councilperson Miscikowski’s office recommended to the PPCC that we ask for funds for community projects including tree trimming. The Chair indicated the Charlene Baskin of Palisades Beautiful had requested that her tree-trimming proposal be deferred until the December 9, 2004 meeting for further consideration.
The Chair then recognized Bob Jeffers, who won the Sparkplug Award for his work on the Sunset median for PRIDE, and who presented a proposal to beautify the Marquez shopping area including removing rooftop signs and making it more like Swarthmore with antique lamps with planted baskets. A handout detailing the project to be completed in three phases was discussed. Walt McCall moved that “the PPCC support the concept that PRIDE proposes to beautify Marquez Village and its efforts to obtain funds from the Councilperson’s office.” The motion was seconded by Gil Dembo and passed unanimously.
5.3. Marquez Canyon Low Flow Diversion Presentation presentation by Storm Water Group, BOE.
Andy Flores, P.E., Carl Mills, P.E., and Erik Mercado of the BOE described a proposed Marquez Canyon Low Flow Diversion Project to the Board and audience. The project will minimize pollution into the Bay by pumping dry urban flow from April through October (the “dry season”) into the sewer system for treatment at the Hyperion Treatment Plant and intercept trash year round. Construction is scheduled from June to October 2005 from 7am to 3pm. There will be no lane closures on PCH during the day. The project is estimated to take 140 working days.
5.4. Dial-a-Ride extending service from Malibu to Palisades – Milt Weiner, AARP.
Mr. Weiner is the transportation advisor to AARP. He introduced Khaled Karame of Malibu Yellow Limo to explain the Dial-a-Ride service his company provides in Malibu. They serve seniors between 8:00 am until 4:30 pm. Monday through Friday. Customers call hour before to be transported anywhere within Malibu. He also provides regular service upon with one day advance notice for medical appointments only to Kaiser WLA, UCLA and, mostly, to Santa Monica. There is one vehicle of the three available vehicles with handicapped passenger capability. The service is door to door. The service costs $1 per ride within Malibu and $2 per ride outside. He provides neither emergency nor airport service. The County under Program A subsidizes the program. There are 400 seniors in Malibu eligible for the service. The budget in Malibu is $95,000 to 100,000/annually and supports 18-24 passengers daily. Monique Ford, who arrived during the meeting, agreed to check if there are any City or other governmental funds available for such a program in the Palisades. She will discuss her findings with Mr. Karame and will keep Mr. Weiner in the loop.
5.5. Should the Board support Cultural Heritage Status for Canyon Gas Station?
Quentin Fleming told the PPCC that the application for Cultural Heritage Status was accepted (not approved) yesterday and it will be 60 days before it is approved or not approved. There was discussion of the pending sale, the potential negative economic impact of cultural heritage status upon the buyer and seller to the pending transaction, as well as the historical significance of the gas station. Karyn Weber moved that “the Pacific Palisades Community Council joins with the Palisades Historical Society in supporting the Santa Monica Canyon Civic Organization’s application to the City of Los Angeles for Cultural Heritage Status for the Canyon Service Station in its present form and location and that the Chair transmit the PPCC’s action to the Cultural Affairs Commission and to Councilperson Cindy Miscikowski.” Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded the motion and it was passed 12 to 1.
5.6. Should the Board support cable access for neighborhood/community councils on city controlled cable channel(s)?
Stuart Muller moved, Dembo seconded motion, that the PPCC should support cable access and the motion was passed unanimously. The Chair will write a letter to the appropriate parties evidencing the Board’s support.
6. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors):
Norman Kulla | Bill Niemann | Gil Dembo |
Kurt Toppel | Richard Cohen | Ted Mackie |
Patti Post | Harry Sondheim | Margaret Goff |
Karyn Weber | Todd Ferrier | Louis J. Cozolino |
George Wolfberg | Steve Boyers | Stephi Magur |
Barbara Kohn | Marguerite Perkins Mautner | |
Norma Spak | Mary Cole
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves. The Chair thanked Marguerite Perkins Mautner and Mary Cole for putting on a wonderful holiday party for the PPCC. The Chair also introduced guests Bill Rosendahl and Flora Gil Krisiloff, who are both candidates for City Council.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Kurt Toppel moved that the minutes of November 18, 2004 be approved as corrected (see attached) [note: attachment not included/unavailable], Gil Dembo seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
- Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
- Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported there are $16,627.58 in the checking account and $4,791.41 in the savings account.
- Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational). The Chair announced that consideration of the Potrero Advisory Committee is deferred until January at Councilperson Miscikowski’s request. The Chair is vetting nominees making sure that many differing viewpoints will be represented. The Chair will attempt to schedule a presentation regarding sewer charge increases. The Chair met with Greater Los Angeles Blue Cross Chair Rod Hagenbuch and preparedness expert Robert Novell. Flo Elfant requested that each Area Representative designate an emergency ambassador – this could be the role of the alternate in each area. Such person will receive training and response preparation, etc. Area representatives were requested by the Chair to provide their area designee prior to or at the January 13, 2005 meeting. Carol Hurley mentioned that the AARP could help – talk to Milt Weiner. The Chair asked for volunteers to write articles or help with the preparation of the newsletter to begin preparation within the next month. The Chair referred everyone to his handout package with other announcements and correspondence. The Transportation Task Force met again regarding parking and will meet with Pasadena regarding transportation alternatives on December 17th. Norma Spak reported to the PPCC on home robberies (at gunpoint) that have taken plan in the Castellemare area. Mary Cole reported similar instances on El Medio. The Chair will email such information to Officer Ragsdale. Saturday is the Library Book Sale. Todd Ferrier brought calendars that his company manufacturers for everyone in attendance. The Chair thanked Todd for his generosity.
- Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives — None.
- Reports of Committees, including Bylaws Review Committee. The Bylaws Review Committee met yesterday and includes Jack Allen, Haldis Toppel, George Wolfberg, Harry Sondheim and the Chair.
- Old Business.
- Ratification of Nominated Area Alternates. The Committee chaired by George Wolfberg and including Flo Elfant and Shirley Haggstrom recommend the following alternates:
Area 1 – Norma Spak
Area 2 – Peter Culhane
Area 3 – Richard Cohen
Area 4 – Robert Baker
Area 5 – Katy Lain
Area 6 – Laurie Frost
Area 7 – Steve Boyers
Area 8 – Jodie Rachmil
The Chair moved that such alternates be accepted, Kurt Toppel seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Pursuant to Article VIII, Sec. 1. B. (3) of bylaws, due to Nanette Fabray MacDougall’s inability to serve, Steve Boyers thereupon became Area representative for the remainder of MacDougall’s elected term. Following discussion, Steve indicated he would inquire of former representative Jean Gold Friedman if she would desire to serve as alternate, and if so, Steve indicated his intent to recommend her.
- Update re Cancellation of Express Bus Line 430 – Monique Ford. Monique Ford reported that the Department of Transportation (the “DOT”) objected to ideas proposed regarding increasing ridership (they said that the ideas were not substantiated/could not prove the result would be an increase in ridership). Going forward, the Transportation Committee will listen to the community. The DOT has not issued its final report, so the Transportation Committee has not yet set a meeting. Steve Lantz asked how much notice we would get regarding the meeting. No one has contacted him. Steve requested that Monique let the appropriate people know that they should contact him. He also reported that he thinks Councilperson Miscikowski has been terrific in her support. The Chair mentioned that he would attend the meeting with Steve and be as supportive as possible. Harry Sondheim suggested that Steve meet with the Chair of the Transportation Committee (Villaragosa) beforehand (the Chair agreed to seek such a meeting after the report was finalized). Harry also suggested that Steve find out if any other lines are being cancelled.
- New Business.
- Community Service Award (CSA) presentations. The CSA were presented to Bill Bruns, for his work with youth sports, and Carol Hurley, for her work with seniors. There were also recognition presentations from Jenny Toder on behalf of Fran Pavley’s office and Monique Ford, on behalf of Councilperson Miscikowski.
- Board Action re Chair’s Youth Representative. Stephi Magur, last year’s alternate Youth Representative, was chosen as this year’s Youth Representative.
- Chair requests Board approval of current fiscal year method for selection of Education, Recreation and Service Clubs organizational representation. The Chair announced that the Bylaws Committee would review the selection method for organizational representatives as part of its efforts. This issue was deferred.
The Chair, on behalf of the PPCC, gave a Certificate of Appreciation to Lou Cozolino for his service as Service Club representative since under Article VIII, Sec. 1, A, (4) of bylaws mandates his term as Service Club representative ends no later than December 31, 2004. The Chair expressed his appreciation to Lou for his conscientious service and regret at the end of his term.
- Executive Committee recommends that Board request Councilperson’s assistance for tree trimming funds. Monique Ford indicated Councilperson Miscikowski is supportive of the Marquez project. Charlene Baskin reported that she checked with the City first before asking for the PPCC’s support regarding tree trimming. She does need our support and has prepared a letter to that effect (see attached) [note: attachment not included/unavailable]. The Chair announced that the PPCC has previously given support and the letter is consistent with but more specific than what was asked of the PPCC previously. Karyn Weber moved that the Chair write a letter on behalf of Palisades Beautiful again, consistent with the letter presented to the PPCC by Charlene Baskin. The motion was seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner and passed unanimously.
Charlene Baskin mentioned that the City promised that when they get money, they’d keep it in the Palisades. Harry Sondheim suggested that she get that in writing.
- Should Board become party to LADWP Memorandum of Understanding with Neighborhood Councils? Deferred and Kurt Toppel to discuss with DWP.
- General Public Comment [– None recorded].
The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.
The next meeting is January 13, 2005 at 7:00 PM in Community Room, Palisades Public Library, 861 Alma Real.