The following are motions and positions adopted by PPCC, from 2023 forward, arranged by topic (in reverse alphabetical order).  Positions taken from 2014 to 2022 can be found at Motions/Positions — 2014-2022.  For information about earlier positions, visit the PPCC minutes (Documents/Minutes of Previous Meetings) or contact

WRAC-recommended Motions*
See WRAC Motions — from 2023

VHFHSZ – Evacuation Routes & Density*
June 20, 2023 — Letter Opposing SB 423 (to Assembly HCDC)
June 20, 2023 — Letter Opposing SB 423 (to Assembly NRC)
October 12, 2023 — Letter re Affordable Housing Streamlining (note:  correct CF# is 23-0623)

Vehicle Dwelling*
January 31, 2024 — Letter Supporting CF 23-0914
(See also WRAC-recommended Motions above and RV Parking below)

Urban Forest*
September 14, 2023 — Opposition to “100% Natives”; ref. Position Paper
September 18, 2023 — Letter Opposing CF 22-1469
December 1, 2023 — Letter re Protecting Tree Canopy
May 14, 2024 — Letter supporting CF 24-0548 (re tree removals)

Tramonto Slide/PCH Lane Closure
May 28, 2024 — Letter re slide and EIR request
(See also Castellammare (Tramonto) Project and Hillside Construction/Regulation below)

Temescal Canyon Rd.
August 27, 2023 — Letter Requesting Restriping

Sign Ordinance/Digital Signage*
See Signage Positions– from 2023
(See also Scenic Highways/IKE/AdvertisingDigital Advertising/Billboards/Metro TCN below)

Scenic Highways/IKE/Advertising*
January 24, 2023 — Letter Opposing IKE Program
May 24, 2023 — Letter to Board of Tourism (restated IKE opposition)

RV Parking
January 31, 2024 — Letter Supporting CF 23-0914
(See also WRAC-recommended Motions and Vehicle Dwelling above)

Potrero Canyon Rim Construction*
April 24, 2023 — Letter to Planning  (restated opposition/15245 DePauw)
May 4, 2024 — Letter to Planning (rim construction position/351 Alma Real)

Potrero Canyon — George Wolfberg Park*
See Potrero Park Positions — from 2023
(See also Herbicide (Cheetah Pro) Use below)

Planning & Density*
See Planning & Density — from 2023
(See also VHFHSZ – Evacuation Routes & Density above)

(Scroll down to Miscellaneous Statements below/end of topic listings)

March 9, 2023 — Letter to SWRCB  (support LADWP Mono Basin rights)

July 12, 2023 — Capt. Heredia Commendation Letter

LAMC Sec. 41.18*
January 23, 2023 — Further Letter re 41.18
June 15, 2024 — Letter Opposing CF 21-0329-S5 & Supporting 41.18
July 8, 2024 — Support CF 24-041-S1 (report on impact of Grants Pass)
(See also WRAC-recommended Motions above &  Homeless Overnight Camping/Dwelling below)

Homeless Overnight Camping/Dwelling*
January 23, 2023 — Further Letter re 41.18
September 19, 2023 — Amicus Support Letter (Grants Pass case); ref. BCC Amicus Brief & Appendix; SCOTUS Docket (all briefs)
July 8, 2024 — Support CF 24-041-S1 (report on impact of Grants Pass)
(See also Vehicle Dwelling  and LAMC 41.18 above)

Hillside Construction/Regulation
January 25, 2024 — Letter to CD11 re construction impacts
June 27, 2024 —  Letter re hillside construction guidelines 
June 28, 2024 — Letter supporting HCR District designation

Herbicide (Cheetah Pro) Use
May 2o, 2024 — Letter re Herbicide Use at Potrero Canyon
(See also Potrero Canyon – George Wolfberg Park, above)

Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Enforcement
February 19, 2024 — CF 24-0055 support letter
(See also Environment and Climate below)

Film Shoots – No Smoking
January 28, 2023 — No Smoking Letter

Environment and Climate
February 19, 2024 — CF 24-0055 support letter
(See also Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Enforcement above)

Dog Park*
March 13, 2023 — Letter to CM Park (support Dog Park)
January 11, 2024 —Letter to RAP Commission (support Measure A funds)

Digital Advertising/Billboards/Metro TCN*
See Digital Advertising — from 2023
(See also Scenic Highways/IKE/Advertising and Sign Ordinance/Digital Signage above)

Construction Noise
February 8, 2024 — Letter re Construction Noise Thresholds

Congestion Pricing
June 15, 2024 — Letter Opposing Congestion Pricing
(See also WRAC-recommended Motions above)

Coastal Access for Potrero Canyon Park*
January 23, 2023 — Lateral Trail – Thanks to Rep. Lieu
January 27, 2023 — Lateral Trail – City & State Collaboration
March 9, 2023 — Lateral Trail – BOE funding
October 13, 2023 — Position re Bridge Project (advance to pre-design phase)
(See also Potrero Canyon – George Wolfberg Park, above)

Coastal Zone Matters*
See Coastal Zone Matters — from 2023
(See also Planning & Density and VHFHSZ/Evacuation & Density above)

Castellammare (Tramonto) Project
April 2023 — Letter to WLA APC (re Castellammare development)
October 2023 — Further Letter to WLA APC (position restated); related M Levy PLUM submittal 4/28/24
May 2024 — Letter re Slide and EIR Request
(See also Tramonto Slide/PCH Lane Closure and Hillside Construction above)

Cannabis Dispensary in Brentwood (Cookies)*
March 2023 — BCC/PPCC Joint Position Statement

Canyon Elementary School
November 28, 2023 — Letter Eequesting Crossing Guard

Brentwood/PPCC Joint Positions*
March 2023 — Joint Position on Cannabis Dispensaries
September 2023 — Letter in Support of BCC Amicus Brief (Grants Pass)
(See also Cannabis Dispensary and  Homeless Overnight Camping/Dwelling above)

Miscellaneous Statements*
March 3, 2024 — Welcome RAP Commission
June 20, 2o24 — Congratulations Sen. Allen
July 8, 2024 — Letter of Condolence, Flo Elfant, past PPCC Chair and Citizen of the Year

(*Note:  Earlier PPCC motions & positions from 2014 to 2022 can be found at Motions/Positions — 2014-2022 — including additional positions related to several of the above topics, as marked with asterisks.*)

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