Introduction: PPCC has one standing committee (the Executive Committee), three committees required under the PPCC Bylaws for specific purposes, and several ad hoc committees. Current committee names and membership are listed below. All ad hoc committees dissolve as of June 30th of each year; on July 1st each year, the Executive Committee’s officer membership is automatically reconstituted and other committees are formed or reconstituted at the Chair’s/President’s discretion and/or as directed by the Bylaws. For further information about committee formation please see PPCC Bylaws & Procedures, or contact
PPCC’s liaisons to regional coalitions, committees and/or government, appointed by the Chair/President under his/her general administrative authority, are also listed below (following the PPCC committee listings).
Standing Committee
(2024-25 term: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025)
Executive Committee:
Function: to act on behalf of the PPCC Board only when immediate action is required and the Board is unable to act, and to give advice and counsel from time to time as requested by the PPCC Chair/President; the officers and Chair Emeritus (automatic committee members) by majority vote appoint the two remaining members (one Organizational and one Area/At-large representative).
PPCC Bylaws (Art. V, Sec. 3)
Sue Kohl, President (Committee Chair)
Quentin Fleming, Vice-President
Jenny Li, Treasurer
Beth Holden-Garland, Secretary
Maryam Zar, Chair Emeritus
Chris Spitz, At-large Representative (elected rep seat)
John Padden, PRIDE/Business Representative (organizational rep seat)
Required “Specific Purpose” Committees
(2024-25 term: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025)
Nominating Committee (Officers Election, 2025):
Function: to nominate PPCC officers who may be elected by the PPCC Board for each new term.
PPCC Bylaws (Art. VII, Sec. 1)
Membership pending (April 2025)
Election Committee (Elected Representatives Election, 2026):
Function: to implement and supervise the public election of PPCC Area and At-large Representatives.
PPCC Bylaws (Attachment A, Sec. 1)
Membership pending (June 2026)
Committee of Three Chairs (Alternates Nomination, 2024):
Function: to nominate Alternate Area and At-large Representatives for election by the PPCC Board, following the election of primary Representatives and/or when vacancies arise during the current term.
PPCC Bylaws (Art. VIII, Sec. 1.C & D)
Maryam Zar, Chair Emeritus (Committee Chair)
David Card (past Chair)
Steve Boyers (past Chair)
Sue Kohl, President (ex officio/non-voting)
Awards Selection Committee (Citizen of the Year and other PPCC Awardees, 2024):
Function: to review nominations and select the person(s) to receive the Citizen and Sparkplug Award(s) and under special circumstances to select a recipient of “Pride of the Palisades” recognition.
Awards Guidelines & Honoree Archive (Sec. 4.a)
Quentin Fleming, Vice-President (Committee Chair)
Sharon Kilbride, Area Seven Representative and past Citizen of the Year
JoAnna Rodriguez, Area One Representative
Karen Ridgley, Area Four Representative
Chris Spitz, At-large Representative and past Citizen of the Year
Sue Kohl, President (ex officio/non-voting)
Awards Event Committee (PPCC Awards Event, 2024):
Function: to coordinate all details and produce the annual event honoring the PPCC Awardees.
Awards Guidelines & Honoree Archive (Sec. 4.d)
Kimberly Bloom, Area Five Representative
Lorie Cudzil, Area Six Representative
Beth Holden-Garland, Secretary
Jenny Li, Treasurer (event financial matters)
Courtney Macker, PPRA/Residents Association Representative
Julia Nilsen, Area three Representative
Sue Kohl, President (ex officio/non-voting)
Other Ad Hoc Committees
(2024-25 term: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025)
Bylaws Committee:
Function: to consider, draft and recommend proposed Bylaws amendments for adoption by the PPCC Board.
PPCC Bylaws & Procedures
Appointment pending
Land Use Committee (LUC):
See PPCC Land Use Committee (LUC) information here.
Function: to help standardize and professionalize the PPCC Board’s consideration of zoning and land use related issues by offering thorough, consistent and well-researched analysis and recommendations to the Board.
LUC Policy & Procedures
Committee email/requests to review projects:
Chris Spitz, At-Large Representative (Committee Chair)
James Alexakis, TCA/Environment Representative
Steve Cron, Area Two Representative
Michael Edlen, Area Three 2nd Alternate
Howard Robinson, retired planning consultant, past PPCC member
Joanna Spak, Area One 2nd Alternate
Maryam Zar, Chair Emeritus
Sue Kohl, President (ex officio/non-voting)
Richard Blumenberg, AIA, Civic League/Civic Organizations Representative (advisor/non-voting)
Liaisons to Regional Coalitions/Committees/Government
(2024-25 term: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025)
Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC)
WRAC Board representatives:
Primary – Chris Spitz (WRAC Vice-Chair)
1st Alternate – Quentin Fleming
2nd Alternate – Sue Kohl
WRAC Committee representatives:
Land Use & Planning (LUPC): Primary – Maryam Zar (LUPC Chair); Alternate – Joanna Spak
Homelessness (HOC): Primary – Cindi Young (PPTFH Co-President); 1st Alternate – Chris Spitz (HOC Vice-Chair); 2nd Alternate – Maryam Zar
Mobility & Transportation (MTC): Primary – Steve Lantz (So. Bay Cities COG Transportation Director & past PPCC Board member); Alternate – Lou Kamer (PPCC Transportation Advisor & past PPCC Board member)
PCH Task Force
Lou Kamer, Transportation Advisor
WLA Community-Police Advisory Board (C-PAB)
Kimberly Bloom, Area Five Representative