Scroll down for all 2002 meeting minutes

(Reverse calendar order:  Dec. 2002 – Jan. 2002)


Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):

George Wolfberg Jack Allen Larry Niles
Scott Wagenseller Barbara Kohn Norma Spak
Norman Kulla Kurt Toppel Margaret Goff
Larry Jacobs Todd Ferrier Marguerite Perkins Mautner
Stuart Muller Ted Mackie Peter Partain
Gilbert Dembo Lorraine Oshins Jennifer Cron
Paul Antieri Tony Sain
1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

1.1    Moment of Silence for Passing of Frank Wilson.

The Chair announced that former Chair Frank Wilson died during the week.  The Board observed a moment of silence in his memory.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the November 14th meeting had been sent to the wrong email and their adoption was deferred.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer was absent and no report was submitted.

3.2    Selection of Area Representative Alternates.  This matter was deferred.

3.3    Status of Organizational Representative Designations.

New Education alternate Tony Sain was present and welcomed.

3.4    Proposed Installation of a 62′ “Monopalm” Cellular Antenna at Riviera Country Club.

Marty Zimmerman on behalf of AT&T and Cindy Sage on behalf of neighboring Riviera residents made presentations.  Mr. Zimmerman is President of MMI Titan, Inc. ( Cindy Sage is the owner of SAGE Associates, Environmental Consultants (  Mr. Zimmerman appeared in support of AT&T’s pending application for a conditional use permit, Case No. ZA2002-5107(CU).  Ms. Sage appeared in opposition.

Mr. Zimmerman stated that small cellular antennas like the one proposed are essential for providing cell service to the community.  He pointed out there is no AT&T cell service in Topanga Canyon because of inadequate cellular antennas.  He stated that the closest home to the proposed cellular antenna on the Riviera site was 200′ away.  The proposed monopalm antenna had the appearance of a palm tree and presented no health hazard.

Ms. Sage stated that the proposed antenna would generate potentially cancer causing radio-frequency radiation.  She stated further testing was necessary to assess the proposed antenna’s land-use compatibility.  There was extensive discussion of differing governmental standards defining what are safe levels of exposure for humans.

The conditional use permit at issue requests a height exception:  62′ instead of the allowable 32.’  A variance is not requested.

There was extensive discussion involving Mr. Zimmerman, Ms. Sage and the community about alternatives and dangers.  It was noted that proposals to construct cellular antennas near Paul Revere, the Methodist Church and Calvary Church had been withdrawn due to community opposition.  Ms. Sage noted the reorientation of a Nextel antenna at the Summerland-Carpenteria fire station due to sleep disorder complaints by fire fighters after installation.

Mr. Zimmerman stated that Riviera Country Club has not yet signed the necessary lease.

On motion of Barbara Kohn, seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner, the Board unanimously passed a motion to write a letter to appropriate Los Angeles city authorities requesting postponement of the scheduled December 19, 2002 zoning hearing so neighboring residents can obtain further information of the impact of the cellular antenna upon the residents.

3.5    Newsletter Staffing.

The Chair invited volunteers to assist in getting out the PPCC newsletter within the next several weeks.  Stuart Muller, Peter Partain and Ron Silverton volunteered.

4.0    Old Business.

4.1    Coastal Commission Hearing re Request from Sea View Restaurants dba Gladstones for Retroactive Approval for Use of Public Parking Lot and Viewing Deck by Private Restaurant, and to Maintain an Arched “Gladstones-4-Fish” Monument Sign (Application #5-91-141-A4) — This matter was deferred.

4.2    Proposed construction of a 4,400 square foot dwelling at 649 Resolano Drive (ZA 2002-4168 (CDP)).

The Chair announced that the Zoning Admisistrator report had been received approving the request subject to several conditions..

5.0    New Business.

5.1    Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Outgoing Board Members.

Certificates of appreciation were presented to outgoing Board members Bernadine Holtzman, Larry Niles, Scott Wagenseller, and Neven Karlovac.  A special certificate of appreciation was presented to Marguerite Perkins Mautner for her efforts on behalf of the Board’s annual potluck dinner.

5.2    Presentation of Community Service Award to Deborah Held.

Debbie Held was presented the Community Service Award for her dedicated service to AYSO.  The tremendous growth and success of this soccer program is a direct result of her efforts.  Viet N. Tran presented a certificate from Mayor Hahn recognizing Held as an outstanding volunteer.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on January 9, 2003 at 7:00 P.M.

Minutes taken by Norman Kulla sitting in for the Secretary.


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
-George Wolfberg  -Arthur Mortell  -Patti Post  -Maurizio Vecchione  -Harry Sondheim  -Gilbert Dembo  -Larry Jacobs  -Stuart Muller  -Marguerite Perkins Mautner  -Lorraine Oshins  -Norman Kulla  -Jennifer Cron  -Carl Mellinger  -Kurt Toppel  -Bob Jacobson

1.0     Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting were adopted as corrected. A correction is noted as received by email from Barbara Kohn. Stuart Muller moved and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded.  Motion was accepted unanimously.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $8,309.49 in the PPCC checking account and $4,774.77 in the savings account.  Printing costs for the Newsletter have yet to be paid.

3.2    Selection of Area Representatives Alternates.

There continue to be vacancies in areas 6 & 7.

3.3    Status of Organizational Representative Designations.

Alternate vacancies continue for Chamber of Commerce and Education.

3.4    Final Call for Community Service Award Nominations.

Nominations must be received by this evening to committee:  Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner and Peter Partain.

3.5    Cancellation of DOT Pacific Palisades to Downtown Commuter Express (Route 430).

Over a year ago DOT begun discussion about canceling route with the Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office. The current proposal is to abandon service altogether –because the estimated 11 average riders are too low to justify the route. DOT has claimed that ridership did not increase despite advertising programs. Mr. John Redmond, representing the riders challenges that the City ever embarked in any kind of community promotion, and that the low ridership is due to lack of information about the route. He indicates that there are at least 11 Revere students that ride the bus regularly and challenges the estimate of 11 riders on average. Additionally DOT was criticized for having taken a decision without community feedback or riders’ feedback, and without offering any kind of notice period.. A suggestion was also offered as an alternative that DOT consider consolidate the two daily buses into one – leaving at least one daily service to the Palisades.

A question was asked by the Council on the exact route, to which the DOT representative Mr. David Rapinski explained that route starts at Sunset and PCH follows Sunset to Church lane – under freeway, to Sepulveda, UCLA and to the DOT park & ride, then on to the 405 Freeway, the SM Freeway to downtown along Grand, through the financial district to Union Station.. He then added that LADOT buses sit 43 people and that this route has averaged 6-12 people according to DOT surveys. LADOT is canceling this service to reallocate resources to other routes – LADOT operates 350 vehicles across 50 routes. He reminded everyone that the RTD used to run the 430 service – and found it to be an underperformer, and they proposed to cancel the route – city decided to step forward and LADOT took over the route. The 430 route has been a weak performer – Never reached triple digit ridership – in 1994 DOT introduced another park & ride lot and added two more buses to attempt to increase ridership – but route is still not performing. With the Councilwoman it was decided that significant ridership begins at the park & ride route — and the DOT proposal offers a rerouted 431 to pick up service. This will add 27 minutes to commute time.

The Council asked if LADOT has available any commuter vans that could be used instead of the bus, to which Mr. Rapinski replied that LADOT does not.

Larry Jacobs inquired if the MTA routes to downtown can offer an alternative, to which representatives from the riders indicated that the route take 1:45hrs along surface streets. The Council asked if at least one bus could be kept, as proposed by the rider representatives. LADOT replied that one bus would not be cost effective based on how DOT contracts for driver services.  A question was asked about the 38 school buses that are sitting idle at the high school most of the day – and how feasible could be to use them in support of this route. LADOT indicates that the charter does not allow it.

Harry Sondheim asked why LADOT would make a decision without asking the passenger or try to find ridership?  LADOT indicated that they did survey the passengers.

The audience asked about the load factor of a median route in system, to which the LADOT representative answered that the route is 13% lower than average– based on a system  median of 38-40% seat utilization (with this not being its best performance). It was then pointed out that if all riders where combined on one bus rather than two, we would be average.  LADOT indicated that cost would still be the same due to the way services are contracted.

The Council asked what initiatives were taken by LADOT to increase ridership. LADOT indicated that they did destination marketing, advertising the route in downtown circulars and billboards, as well as with downtown-based employers. Mitchell Lorenzo the PM for LADOT – pointed out again that 50% of riders are boarding at the Park & Ride stop – the reroute will still offer those passengers their service. The audience pointed out that a 27 minutes addition to the commute time is not an alternative.  Phil Ackers– also of DOT explained that LADOT’s mission is to reduce long-distance commuting, and therefore they do not consider short-distance riders, such as the Revere students. He added that DOT would discourage short-distance riding of its bus, as there are MTA alternatives for short distance.. The Council took objection to the statements, and encouraged DOT to listen to the wishes of its riders, and that their attitude does not seem to foster good will with the Community and the DOT’s own customers.

A member of the audience, who is also a rider criticized the marketing effort of LADOT, and indicated that the City provided no notice to allow any kind of community grassroots effort to attempt increasing ridership. He asked that the City delays implementing the cancellation for a period of at least six months to allow him and his fellow riders to help increase ridership.  The Council asked the representative of the Councilwoman when was this matter first considered – to which Craig Bullock replied that the matter was under review for a year. The Council expressed its dissatisfaction that the Community was not involved in providing either feedback or assistance to resolve this vital issue.

Arthur Mortell moved that the Council adopt the following resolution:

“The PPCC requests that the City of Los Angeles fund line 430 through June 2003. We ask that the City of Los Angeles fund a community-based marketing plan, developed with input from riders of line 430, with the purpose of increasing ridership. We request that both the LADOT and the ridership of the 430 deliver a progress report to the PPCC by April of 2003.”

Motion was seconded by Gilbert Dembo. Motion was adopted unanimously.

3.6    Pot Luck Dinner.

A sign up sheet is being circulated.

3.7    City of Los Angeles Street Furniture Project.

A package was received from Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski describing various bus shelters, kiosks, and other street furniture to be installed by Viacom Decaux at bus stops at various intersections on Temescal, PCH and Sunset from the beach to Capri.

3.8   Coastal Commission De Novo Hearing re: 17633 Castellammare Drive.

Tthe West LA Planning Commission decision approving Ben Leeds’ project was thrown out by the Coastal Commission which will hold a new hearing starting from scratch in the future.

3.9    Getty.

Mr. Murdoch, attorney for plaintiffs, confirmed that they have excluded the PPCC from the appeal filing.

4.     Old Business.

4.1    Adoption of New Articles of Incorporation.

This completes the merger of the PPC Foundation into PPCC as new Federal law allows a small amount of lobbying by tax exempt organizations without harming our tax exempt status. Arthur Mortell moved that the articles be accepted, Barry Kurtz seconded and the motion was accepted unanimously.

4.2    Alternatives for Sidewalk Repair.

The Board of Public Works was requested to send experts to discuss sidewalk trees and the City’s strategies for sidewalk maintenance. City representatives in attendance included Thomas Thomas, Acting Assistant Director, Dennis Weber, Superintendent for Special Projects, (tel. 213-485-6632, email:, and Greg Monfette from Special Projects.  The City provided a presentation relating to the City’s sidewalk policies. They discussed the creation of a new Citywide program for sidewalk repair, in effect since the 2000-2001 budget. Current buidget allows repair to approx. 46 miles of the city’s worst sidewalks. In the 2001-2002 budget an additional 98 miles was approved.. In 2002-2003 the total was brought to 118 miles. This should be compared with the City having 6,000 miles of sidewalks. The program has pioneered a number of cutting edge repair techniques, including Grind Sidewalks, Meander Sidewalks, Enlarge Tree Well, Reduce Sidewalk Width, Rubberized Pavers, Sidewalk Ramping and Rubberized Sidewalk.

Stuart Muller asked why, in light of the program, sidewalks are in still in such state of disrepair. City Representatives indicate that despite effort, overall budget is still minimal given the total citywide sidewalk network.

The Council inquired about the City’s policy for tree trimming – City indicated that there is a cycle based on the type of tree that is generally a 7-year cycle – again budget is an issue. Member of the audience commented on trees in the Palisades not having been trimmed for 20 years.

Members of the audience asked about tree removal. The City indicates reluctance to remove trees unless special circumstances exist. Overall the City will try to preserve trees and sidewalks. Tree removal is only one element of a program that includes lots of other options. Additionally the City is encouraging homeowners to perform maintenance by issuing no-fee “A” permits.

Members of the audience flagged that Galloway has a severe problem.

Harry Sondehim asked how to report problems to the City and Dennis Webber suggested that people use the hotline number, 800-966 CITY to request service.

Larry Jacobs inquired on the effectiveness of the asphalt ramps, expressing the opinion that they had limited usefulness. City representatives indicated that for some types of damage these can be effective. They are also using grinding as an alternative.

A representative from Palisades Beautiful indicated that their organization planted 1,500 trees – but the City has lack of budget for pruning – a question was asked about pruning being performed on a more timely schedule. City representatives suggested that there is a request for budget for structural pruning – which would involve species-specific cycle – but budget and staffing are significant issues – he asks that the Community be an advocate to the Councilwoman for funding.

Stuart Muller asked what is budget for all sidewalks and what is the liability cost. City indicates that 118 miles at $21M is annual budget.

Alex Man, a resident, commented that there is never any estimate from the City on replacement value for taking out a tree – should consider value to property. Should look at environmental and energy factors as well. It has been estimated that 10,000 trees will be removed – this is a huge value. And other benefits should be considered because there is a 20-year catch up time for new trees, as they represent a very important resource on which our own survival is important. He expressed the opinion that trees are a public resource and should be treated as such.

Carl Mellinger moved that the PPCC should send a letter to the Councilwoman to support increased funding for tree trimming and repair and decry lack funding to date and express concern.  Norm Kulla seconded. Motion was passed unanimously.

4.3    Planned Construction at 216 Amalfi Drive.

The homeowner and Mr. Mo Blorfroshan representing the DOT were present. DOT reports that they are responding to letters sent out – as well as concern from Coastal Commission. The homeowner is present and pledged support to any DOT traffic mitigation requests.  Representative of DOT has investigated site and has required a flagman – and the homeowner has agreed to the requirement. Marguerite Perkins Mautner expressed concern that, with parking, Amalfi is a one-lane street. Flagman would cause cars to backedup on three curves.  In response, the homeowner suggested that she can use walkie-talkie – will have signage – and blockage will be minimized and coordinated with LAUSD. The Council asked if parking could be restricted during work? DOT expressed the opinion that this would take away parking from residents. Arthur Mortell asks that a heavy equipment stationing point should be established to avoid a build-up with trucks waiting. He asks if the owner is willing to commit to establish a staging area. Arthur Mortell recommended that the Council recommend establishing a requirement for the homeowner to implement traffic mitigation measures including requiring a staging area.

5.    New Business.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Temescal Canyon Park Dining Hall on December 12, 2002 at 7:00 P.M.


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):

George Wolfberg Arthur Mortell Patti Post
Norman Kulla Kurt Toppel Stuart Muller
Tipi Weiner Bob Jacobson Lorraine Oshins
Larry Jacobs Barbara Kohn Marguerite Perkins Mautner
Todd Ferrier Katy Lain Peter Partain
Alice Karl Ted Mackie Richard Blumenberg
Gilbert Dembo Jean Gold Friedman Mark Elswick
Sam Stigler Larry Jacobs T.R. Gregory.

1.0     Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0     Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting (October 10, 2002) and of the meeting of September 26, 2002 were adopted.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1     Treasurer’s Report.  There is $7,934.23 in the PPCC checking account and $4,773.25 in savings.  All bills have been paid.  Receipts deposited since the Newsletter was mailed exceed costs of the Newsletter by approximately $600.

3.2    Selection of Area Representative Alternates [Areas 6, 7 & 8].

Barbara Richman was unanimously approved as Area 8 Alternate Representative.   Selection of alternates for Areas 6 & 7 was deferred.

3.3    Appointment of Community Service Award Nominating Committee.

The Chair appointed Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner and Peter Partain as the Community Service Award Nominating Committee.  Nominations are to be received by November 14, 2002.

3.4    Alternatives for Sidewalk Repair.

Stuart Muller handed out Palisades Beautiful brochures, displayed photographs of some notable sidewalk damage due to tree root problems, and led a discussion regarding alternatives for sidewalk repair.  Stuart stated that homeowners are responsible for maintenance of sidewalks.  The Palisades Beautiful brochure provides a list of street tree designations; permit information and contact information for tree care maintenance.  Larry Jacobs agreed that the general rule is that homeowners are responsible for maintenance of sidewalks.  However, Larry stated there is an exception for street trees. The city is responsible to cut roots, fix the sidewalk and do other necessary repairs when a street tree damages a sidewalk.  No one appeared for Palisades Beautiful.

Bob Benjamin of 1161 Galloway stated he is at war with a tree that continually breaks his pipes.  He stated he spoke with Dorothy Bissell of Palisades Beautiful.  He received an estimate for $3600 from a recommended vendor to trim the subject tree roots and repair the sidewalk.

Alex Man pointed out the benefits of trees to air quality and suggested someone get in contact with LA Conservation Corps. whose mission is to preserve trees.Stuart agreed to speak to Dorothy Bissell of Palisades Beautiful and urge that they expand their mission from the planting of trees to include maintenance of trees.

The Chair will invite the City Bureau of Street Services and conservation corps to discus policy and alternatives at the Board meeting of November 14.

3.5    Planned Construction at 216 Amalfi Drive.

Chair Wolfberg indicated he had written a letter to Councilwoman Miscikowski on behalf of the Santa Monica Civic Association requesting assurance of a safe construction site and with minimal disruption to the neighborhood and Bob Cavage of PPRA had also written seeking mitigation.  Councilwoman Miscikowski’s planning deputy was invited but was unable to appear before the PPCC Board tonight due to scheduling conflict, but has referred referenced letters to DOT.  A discussion ensued with concern expressed by various parties about the traffic impact during construction with large construction vehicles on essentially a one-lane road, dust control, and ingress-egress for emergency vehicles.

Lisa Bittan, whose property is immediately above the project, circulated a newspaper article showing extensive damage to the hillside and her property from a landslide circa 1998.  She expressed serious concern about impact of drilling for 15 required caissons on this unstable hillside.

Patti Post moved, Norman Kulla seconded, and a motion unanimously carried to invite Ms. Miscikowski and all appropriate city department representatives to attend next PPCC Board meeting to explain how construction will be managed to assure safety of children from nearby Canyon Elementary, and address traffic issues and geology concerns.

3.6    Notice of Intent to Adopt MND re Palisades Skate Park.

Chair Wolfberg noted recent New York Times article regarding a study that showed that if protective gear is worn, skate boarding is safer in a Park environment.

3.7    Letter from Upper Riviera Homeowners Association re Bulldozed Deep Cut in Public Access Road at 1541 Casale Road [Winston Salser].

Letter circulated from Nina Rosenfield, President, Upper Riviera Homeowners Association. expressing concern regarding bulldozing on public access road.  Chair advised the City has been requested to explain action.

3.8    Coastal Commission Appeal – 17633 Castellammare.

Your representative, Jack Allen, will monitor the hearing before Coastal Commission at San Diego Doubletree on November 5, 2002 regarding proposed development at 17633 Castellammare Drive, Ben Leeds applicant.

3.9    Will Rogers State Beach Debris.

Barbara Kohn reported that the PPRA has requested an investigation by the California Attorney General into suspected criminal activity involving this sand replenishment project.  Barbara noted that the beach is currently partially fenced off.  She also noted that despite the passage by the Board of Supervisors of Supervisor’s Yaroslavsky motion to remove the material dumped on the site, the objectionable material had not be removed.  Instead, this potentially hazardous material has been spread south on the beach.   Barbara further noted that the requested test results have not been released to the public.

Barbara moved, Stuart Muller seconded, and a motion was unanimously carried that:

“The PPCC Board expresses its concern that the Dept. of Beaches & Harbor representatives were not forthcoming about the quality of materials placed on Will Rogers beach in their presentation to the PPCC Board (October 10 meeting).  Their statements were in conflict with video evidence presented by community observers (also on October 10).  The PPCC Board notes that on following day, on motion of Supervisor Yaroslavsky, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to remove the material.  This followed the October 9 letter to the Supervisor from Pacific Palisades Residents Association requesting the removal of the debris.

“The PPCC urges that an investigation be conducted concerning the Dept. of Beaches & Harbor sand replenishment practices:  What occurred at Will Rogers should not be repeated in Pacific Palisades or in any other beach community in Los Angeles.”

Chair to write letter to Supervisor Yaroslavsky expressing the community’s concern, requesting an investigation and report back to PPCC.

3.10    Getty Decision.

The Chair noted that the PPCC had withdrawn as a party litigant to the Getty matter.  A recent article by the Palisadian-Post referenced the PPCC as a party litigant.  Bill Bruns, editor of the Palisadian-Post, pointed out that the recently released Appellate Court opinion lists the PPCC as a party litigant.  The Chair will contact Chair Emeritus Sondheim to inquire and cause appropriate steps to be taken to remove the PPCC as a party.

3.11    Temescal Canyon Storm Drain Diversion Project Signage.

The Chair reported that he is working with City Engineer project coordinator Andy Flores to address traffic signage problems relating to ongoing Temescal Canyon construction.

3.12    Planning for Pot Luck Dinner.

Chair Wolfberg reported that Stewart Hall was unavailable on December 12, 2002 for the annual PPCC Potluck dinner.  Discussion ensued regarding changing the date of the dinner to either December 5 or December 19 in order to continue using the traditional Stewart hall location.  Alternately, members of the council could personally contribute monies and cater the event at Mort’s.  Barbara Kohn and Jeannie Gold Friedman will comprise the Dinner Committee and will consult with Bobbie Farberow regarding pricing and availability and report back regarding this alternative.  The Chair will contact the Temescal Canyon Park Management to investigate alternatives.

3.13    Pending Installation of “Edge Lines” on Entrada Drive.

The Chair reported that “edge lines” are to be added on Entrada Drive from Canyon School to Adelaide.  These white lines will make the roadway appear smaller and are intended to slow traffic for safety purposes.

3.14    West L.A. Area Planning Commission Agenda for October 30, 2002.

The Chair announced the West L.A. Planning Commission Agenda for October 30, 2002.

3.15    Appointment of Board Representative to serve on P.R.I.D.E. Board.

The chair announced that Kurt Toppel had agreed to serve as our representative on the P.R.I.D.E. Board.

4.0    Old Business — None.

5.0    New Business.

5.1    Report on Entertainment Industry Development Corporation Activities by Larry Jacobs.

Larry Jacobs read his four page “Report on the EIDC (an essay entitled ‘The Cookie Jar’),” dated October 24, 2002, a copy of which is attached to these minutes [note:  attachment not included/unavailable] and is posted on the PPCC website

The EIDC is the Entertainment Industry Development Corporation.  Larry was a member of a community committee to work with the EIDC to make rule changes responsive to community concerns.  After two years of effort, all recommended changes were rejected by the EIDC in order to “maintain flexibility.”  Larry pointed out and objected to serious conflicts of interests of the elected representatives who sit on EIDC’s board of directors.  He noted that despite the lack of progress with rule changes that the EIDC had not committed any flagrant violation during the two-year period of review.

Lorraine Oshins reported that there have been continuous problems in the Bel-Air Bay tract.  She indicated letters of protest have been sent to EIDC and Councilwoman Miscikowski, but these protests have been ignored.  Larry apologized for not knowing of these problems.

5.2    Coastal Commission Agenda Item re Seaview Restaurants dba Gladstones Restaurant.

The Chair announced that on November 5, the Coastal Commission will consider a partially after-the-fact request from Seaview Restaurants dba Gladstones Restaurant, for continued use for restaurant purposes of existing public parking lot and beach front public viewing deck.  Also a request for approval of “Gladstones 4 Fish” monument sign between public parking lot and public viewing deck.

A discussion led by Barbara Kohn addressed traffic safety concerns caused by left turns from the southerly exit to the Gladstones’ parking lot.  Barbara Kohn noted a recent traffic accident that may have resulted in a fatality was caused by an unsafe left turn.  The viewpoint was also expressed that because of the nearby signal there are traffic breaks that allow a safe left turn and by closing the left turn lane drivers desiring to turn left would turn right and then attempt a more dangerous u-turn on PCH.  The Chair noted that Barry Kurtz is discussing alternatives with the County and with Caltrans, including moving the exit to where the entrance is, at the traffic light.  Barbara Kohn moved, and Art Mortell seconded, a motion to close the left turn lane out of the southerly exit of the Gladstones’ parking lot.   The motion was defeated, five in favor, seven against.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:08p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on November 14, 2002 at 7:00 P.M.

Minutes taken by Norman Kulla, sitting in for the Secretary.


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):

George Wolfberg Arthur Mortell Barbara Kohn
Carl Mellinger Kurt Toppel Stuart Muller
Tipi Weiner Richard Bletcher Lorraine Oshins
Larry Jacobs Ted Mackie Norman Kulla
Gilbert Dembo Jean Gold Friedman Marguerite Perkins Mautner
Byron Brooks Larry Jacobs Frank Wilson for Harry Sondheim

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.  The Chair led the Board and audience in a moment of silence for Mort Farberow.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting were not completed and not adopted.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $7,634.23 in the PPCC checking account and $4,773.25 in the savings account. Mailing costs for the Newsletter have been paid in the amount of $4,796.  Receipts since the Newsletter was mailed have covered costs of the Newsletter.

3.2    Identifying Area Reps Alternates.

Frank Wilson, speaking for the committee appointed per our bylaws to identify and recommend area alternates, announced the decisions of Harry Sondheim, Frank Wilson and Shirley Haggstrom:  First, that Todd Ferrier be approved as Area 5 Alternate, and then per the bylaws be designated Area 5 Representative and second that the following alternates be approved:

Area 1 Alternate:  Norma Spak Area 2 Alternate:  Barry Kurtz
Area 3 Alternate:  Margaret Goff Area 4 Alternate:  Robert Baker
Area 5 co-Alternates:  Katy Lain and Peter Partain

The committee also recommended that Paul Glasgall be appointed as Traffic Advisor and that both Scott Wagenseller and Larry Niles are given responsibilities that will keep them involved with the Council.

Barbara Kohn moved to adopt the committee report and Arthur Mortell seconded.  The Board passed the motion unanimously.

Areas 6, 7 and 8 do not currently have Alternates and the committee will continue its search.

3.3    Status of Organizational Representative Designations and Others.

The Chair will e-mail, to the Board, the newly revised list of Organizations to be represented on the board for the year beginning October 1, 2002.

3.4    Community Service Guidelines.

The Chair distributed to the Board copies of the Community Service Award Guidelines.  The Chair asked that persons willing to serve on the nomination committee contact him.  There was no discussion.

3.5    LA County Sand Replenishment Project.

Stan Wisniewski, Director of the Department of Beaches and Harbors for the County of Los Angeles and Joseph Chesler, Chief Planning Director of the same, addressed the Board regarding concerns that the community has expressed over the quality of the infill.  Maria Chong Castillo, Deputy to Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky also spoke.

Stan:  300 truck loads of sand were taken from a new development at Dockweiler Beach.  For 6 days crews observed the offloading of the sand just north of Sunset Blvd.  The crews found no evidence of metals or glass and followed the protocols established to assure the highest quality sand.  One element of the protocol is to sift the sand down to a depth of approx. 18,” thus reducing the size of any remaining debris to about a dime.  Soil testing is ongoing and follows the guidelines set by the EPA, and the Coastal Regional Quality Board.  Stan expressed his concern that some unwanted debris may have inadvertently been placed on the beach.  He assured the Board that measures are being taken to remove any debris that the community might be concerned about.  He assured the Board that concerns over the color of the sand will be allayed due to a natural bleaching process that by virtue of exposure to sunlight, will bleach the sand to the same color as the native sand.  He assured the Board that his department has learned from this experience and will, in the future, sift the sand at its source and then cordon off the area that it is being dumped in to protect people from any inadvertent pollution.  He also told the Board that the monitors did not find any evidence of glass and that he believed that any metal found on the beach could be attributed to offshore groins that occasionally wash up on the shore.  Only about 5,000 of the anticipated 20,000 cubic yards of sand material was placed on the beach before the dumping was stopped.  The Chair asked what depth the sand was spread over the beach: Stan:  4′-6′ on an angular basis. Barbara Kohn asked who is doing the soil testing:  Stan:  An independent contractor from public works.  Barbara:  What is the name of the contractor that the Dockweiler Developer hired to haul the sand?  Stan:  Salter Construction.  Lorraine Oshin:  Is this Construction Dirt? Stan:  No, it tests as sand and it will be bleached-out by the sun.

Joseph Chesler added that there is more silt in the sand than is usual for replenishment.  The Officials then left, after promising to report back to the Board on test results and to continue their efforts at assuring the community a clean beach.

Three residents appeared at the meeting and asked to be heard on the subject.  The Chair granted their request, though there were board members who expressed dissatisfaction with having to revisit the issue.  The residents told the Board that the material dumped is not sand, but dirt; that truck loads of debris, including rocks, rebar, metal spikes, cement caissons, glass, rocks, etc., pollute this dirt and that the sifting process is inadequate in that it only penetrates 6-8,” thus leaving concentrated debris below the dirt.  The residents then showed the Board both pictures and a video of the evidence, including footage taken from the source at Dockweiler Beach.  Some members of the Board voiced their outrage. Some Board members felt that representation by Stan Wisniewski and Joseph Chesler adequately addressed the expressed concern while other Board members voiced their opinion that they had been deceived. Gilbert Dembo made a motion that was seconded by Norman Kulla and was amended, with Gil’s approval, by Barbara Kohn, that: “The Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council draft and send a letter to all appropriate officials expressing our concerns (to be listed by the Chair based on the Board’s discussion).  That the video (to be updated by the residents) provided by the residents of the work on the beach, be included with the above letter.  That the 5,000 cubic yards of earth dumped on the beach be removed in its entirety and replaced with sand of the same quality found on the beach prior to the replenishment.”

The Motion passed with 13 in favor, 1 opposed and no abstentions.

3.6    Agenda Items for West LA APC.

The Chair announced two October 16th Agenda items for the Area Planning Commission that may impact our Community: 1) 15441 Sunset.  Specific Plan Exception – Perpendicular Sign. and 2)  17325 Castellammare.  Applicant appealing ZA Conditions (staff recommends denial of appeal).

3.7    Patrol Signs.

Paul Glasgall expressed his frustration over a new city inspector who wants to see the Bel Air Patrol signage removed from the Highlands, and wants to see the patrol cars removed from the center of the street parking spots. The Chair committed to working with Paul on this issue.

3.8    Announcement from the Mayor’s New West LA Representative.

Viet N. Tran (WLA 310-410-1749 / Downtown 213-978-0739 ) told the Board about the Mayor’s efforts to reach out to LA communities with the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Advocacy.  Viet is the West LA Director.  He told us about the $3,000,000 Indemnification Insurance that will be provided to neighborhood groups that contract with the City for neighborhood improvement projects and he told us about the new 311 information and guidance service being established by the City.  He was well received by the Board.

4.1    Traffic Impact of Temescal Storm Drain Diversion Project Update.

City Engineer Carl Mills, (213) 847-6516 updated the Board on the planned traffic impact of, and mitigation plans for the work associated with the diversion project. He was accompanied by project coordinator Andy Flores (Bureau of Engineering).  The majority of the work is still expected to involve the curb area, bike and parking lane and Eastern most traffic lane of Temescal Canyon Road.  It is still expected that these areas will be closed to all traffic, including pedestrians, for approximately 8 weeks with the barricaded area to extend approximately 150 ft north of PCH.  The work will be ongoing between 9AM and 4PM each workday.  No work is expected on holidays or weekends though they may attempt to utilize the Christmas Holidays for the most intrusive closures impacting school bus departures.

As per Arthur Mortell’s suggestion that the straight only lane might need to be temporarily re-assigned to be a left turn lane as well, to retain two left turning lanes onto the highway, Carl Mills told the Board that LADOT will work with Caltrans to accommodate this request.

As per Arthur Mortell’s request that signs be placed up Temescal and/or on PCH to provide adequate warning of any delays, Carl detailed plans for 2 signs; one located on Northbound Sunset and one located on Southbound Sunset.  Two additional signs will be placed on PCH, one in advance of Sunset Boulevard [the Castellammare Bridge was suggested by Barbara Kohn] and one East of Chautauqua.

Both Andy Flores and Carl Mills outlined the detour route that Pali High officials have agreed to for the School Bus afternoon departure (Sunset to Allenford in Brentwood).  The work that will impact all lanes but one left and one right turn lane will last for 3 weeks.  Byron Brooks asked how much additional commute time will result for the students.  Mssrs Flores and Mills thought it would be a wash considering the expected delay taking the PCH route.

As per the original request by Harry Sondheim requesting advance notification of future projects that would impact the community, Carl informed us that his department is working on establishing new policy guidelines that would do just that.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on October 24th 2002 at 7:00 P.M.

Minutes taken by Vice Chair Arthur Mortell, sitting in for the Secretary.


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
-George Wolfberg   -Arthur Mortell  -Barbara Kohn  -Maurizio Vecchione  -Harry Sondheim  -Robert Baker  -Barry Kurtz   -Allen Bishop  -Larry Jacobs  -Stuart Muller  -Tipi Weiner  -Richard Blumenberg  -Mary Cole  -Ted Mackie  -Lorraine Oshins  -Norman Kulla  -Mike Skinner  -Sam Stigler  -Gilbert Dembo

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.   The minutes of the prior meeting were presented.  Approval of the minutes was delayed to allow Board Members to review.   The minutes were unanimously approved prior to adjournment.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer is out of town so the Chair reported that there is $6,732.92 in the PPCC checking account and $4,711.53 in the savings account.  Mailing costs for the Newsletter have been paid in the amount of $642.78.

3.2    Identifying Area Reps Alternates.

A committee is appointed per our bylaws to identify and recommend area alternates.  Serving on the committee are three former chairs, Harry Sondheim, Frank Wilson, Shirley Haggstrom.  Joan Graves has agreed to fill in, if needed.  Statements of interests received from candidates for the area alternate positions will be forwarded to the Committee.

3.3    Status of Organizational Representative Designations and Others.

A number of organizations which rotate for membership have been appointed:  The Cultural & Ethics seat will go to the Garden Club; Recreation will go to YMCA; Service will go to the Rotary, since the Women’s Club indicated they would be unable to serve; Education will go to Canyon Charter School.

Additionally, the term of the Student Representatives is up.  The Chair noted that the student reps had only served about six months because of delays in the recruiting process.  Harry Sondheim suggested that the term of each Student Representative be renewed for the one year term beginning October 1. Mike Skinner moved, Norman Kulla seconded and the proposal was approved unanimously.

3.4    649 North Resolano Drive, ZA hearing 9/19/02.

Frank Wilson updated the results of the ZA hearing relating to this proposed large home on a substandard, stub lot created by construction of an access road to uphill properties following a landslide.  A home previously was constructed on the other portion of the divided lot.  The location is adjacent to a popular entrance to Topanga State Park and is the last parcel in the area providing a respite and panoramic view for hikers and other Park users.  The ZA hearing had approved the plan with conditions, despite the ruling of WLA Area Planning Commission of the need for a mitigated negative declaration. The AZA is keeping the file open for comment for a 30 day period.

3.5    Traffic Impact of Temescal Storm Drain Diversion Project.

City Engineer Carl Mills, (213) 847-6516, described the planned traffic impact of the work associated with the diversion project. The majority of the work is expected to involve the curb area, bike and parking lane and Eastern most traffic lane of Temescal.  It is expected that these areas will be closed to all traffic, including pedestrians, for  approximately 8 weeks with the barricaded area to extend approximately 150 ft North of PCH.  The work will be ongoing between 9AM and 4PM each workday.  No work is expected on holidays or weekends.  Additional phases will involve sporadic closures of other traffic lanes for approximately two days at a time.

Arthur Mortell suggested that the straight only lane might need to be temporarily re-assigned to be a left turn lane as well, to retain two left turning lanes onto the highway.  Carl Mills indicated he would pass this to DOT.

Barry Kurtz suggested that bike riders will be forced to ride against traffic and some provisions should be made for bike riders. Carl Mills again indicated he would pass the request to DOT.

Arthur Mortell requested that signs be placed up Temescal and or on PCH to provide adequate warning of any delays. Possibly there might be a need for a flagman during peak hours, including the High School commute hours.

Arthur Mortell requested that possibly we should ask DOT to address these issues at the PPCC. Carl Mills indicated he would consult with DOT.

Stuart Muller asked the mitigation strategy should PCH be backed up – Carl Mills indicated that it would be a Caltrans and DOT issue.

Barry Kurtz pointed out that the condition of the pavement in that area of Temescal is very poor.  Can the entire end section be repaved as part of this project?  Carl Mills indicated he would discuss this with the project engineer.

Carl Mills indicated that after January, most of the work would be mechanical and electrical at the pumps, and no visible construction will be ongoing.

Harry Sondheim proposed that PPCC should write a letter to the Councilwoman’s office requesting advance notification of project’s impacting the community, prior to a contract being let-out. This would allow Community feedback that could minimize impact of such projects. Stuart Muller moved and Sam Stigler seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.

The Council requested that warning signs should go up immediately, in order to prepare the community and especially the high schools to expect delays.  Additionally, Stuart Muller expressed concern to the planned gathering of 5,000 people in April – but Carl Mills pointed out that any traffic disruption should be completed well before April.

3.6    Neighborhood Council Update.

New city maps show the Palisades as not participating to the Neighborhood Councils. All councils will be meeting October 5th, 9AM-1PM for the Mayor’s Budget Day and we are invited – see the Chair if you are interested in attending.

3.7    City Early Notification System.

It is now possible for the PPCC to receive early notifications from the City of pending items. The Chair noted that Item 16 of the Dept. Of Water and Power Agenda involves adopting a policy on access/use of water properties, including the Chautauqua Reservoir. Our Committee is asked to review the proposed policy for comment.

3.8    Announcements.

Norman Kula reports if San Ynez reservoir is covered, an alternatative for fire fighting would be a cistern that could impact access to the Lachman Lane emergency fire roads from the Highlands. The matter is to be investigated. further.

The Chair reports that Caltrans is conducting a hydrology study throughout the Palisades with crews spotted as far as the top of Chautauqua. The matter should be investigated.

Barbara Kohn reported that a severe accident occurred on exit of the Gladstones’ parking lot. It appears that both a Right and Left turns are allowed from that exit, creating a hazard. Barry Kurtz has talked to Caltrans and suggested the matter should be looked at.  The Board might wish to call the County as well.  Barry Kurtz will follow up

Barbara Kohn informed the Council that Mort Farberow had suffered a stroke in Wisconsin and was in ICU. Barbara to keep the Council updated. Stuart Muller made a motion for the Council’s statement of support to the family, Arthur Mortell seconded, and the motion passed with unanimous vote.

Arthur Mortell informed the Council that during the prior week the City Sanitation department had been jack hammering the streets at 11PM to 12:30AM on Hartzell in response to a complaint of sewer backup. A significant commotion had ensued because of the noise and the LAPD had been called.

Barry Kurtz informed the PPCC that the MTA will again be considering funding the bike path extension and would like to have the PPCC intervene with the Councilwoman. He stated that based on his studies, as many as 49% of the riders of the bike path, (as measured at Washington blvd.) are commuting to work – justifying MTA’s use of funds for the project.

4.0    Old Business — None.

5.0    New Business.

5.1    Ballona Wetlands Briefing – Bruce Robertson.

Bruce Robertson, President of the Ballona Preservation League, (310) 398-5511, offered his perspective on the impact of the development unfolding in Playa Vista.  He argued that the Ballona wetland is a natural resource important to the entire region, and that the proposed development is likely to significantly impact the ecosystem. According to his report, the proposed development could add 30,000 residences, adding 200,000 car-trips in the area. Lincoln Blvd. could experience an 86% traffic increase, and the 405 freeway would experience a 28% increase in traffic. Additionally he mentioned that the area has geological issues, such as Methane gas seepage that could cause a significant problem for the newly constructed buildings.

He highlighted his comments by showing a video he produced on the Ballona ecosystem and the development project.

The audience asked for clarification on the different areas of the wetlands and if some of the land has been purchased by the State for preservation; Mr. Robertson indicated that there is an area, so called “C”, of approx. 73 acres, which is owned by the State and a lobbying effort is ongoing to turn it into a Park. Additionally, areas “A” and “B” are owned by the developer but the Trust for Public Land is considering a purchase, but there is a large discrepancy between the asking price and the amount offered by the Trust.

The audience asked if any pending legislation on the subject existed in any jurisdiction. Mr. Robertson indicated that the City of Santa Monica has an advisory supporting the State purchase of the land.

The audience asked what the plans are for schools for the new residents. Mr. Robertson indicated that because of the methane seepage issue, the developer will not be able to build, and has no plans to, build any schools. This might put pressure on area schools and might cause new residents to be assessed a parcel tax.

A comment was made by Barry Kurtz that Lincoln Blvd. has been designated as a super major highway and that a number of mitigation plans are being considered.  He indicated that the County has a Lincoln Traffic Task Force – and multiple lanes are planned for Lincoln in the affected area. Mr. Robertson pointed out that the expansion will only be made in the area of the development, effectively dumping traffic in bottlenecks in Westchester and Santa Monica.

A community question was asked about the current status of sales in the development. Mr. Robertson indicated that he has no visibility on that.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on October 10th 2002 at 7:00 P.M.


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
-George Wolfberg , -Arthur Mortell, -Patti Post, -MaurizioVecchione, -Harry Sondheim, -Norma Spak, -Barry Kurtz, -Scott Wagenseller, -Larry Jacobs, -Stuart Muller, -Marguerite Perkins Mautner, -Tipi Weiner, -Mary Cole, -Bernadyne Holzman, -Ted Mackie, -Lorraine Oshins, -Norman Kulla, -Byron Brooks, -Jennifer Cron, -Carl Mellinger

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting were adopted as corrected.   Chair Emeritus Harry Sondheim pointed our that all references to action of the Council should be to the Council Board, and as such, corrections were made to all such references.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $6,732.92 in the PPCC checking account and $4,711.53 in the savings account.  Printing costs for the Newsletter have yet to be paid.

3.2    Newsletter Status.

The Chair announced that the Newsletter went to the printer August 27, 2002 and was mailed out the Thursday after Labor Day.  The Chair thanked Mary Cole and Ted Mackie for their efforts.   Over two hundred ballots have been received to date.

3.3    Request for PPCC-Sponsored Debate re November Assembly Election.

Candidate Wissot has requested that the PPCC sponsor a debate at the public PPCC Board meeting between him and Assemblywoman Pavley.  Ted Mackie moved, and Mary Cole seconded, that the PPCC Board not organize a debate, but allow all candidates to speak before the Council Board at a public meeting.  There was discussion regarding the allowable time and the appropriateness of the meeting serving as a debate forum.  According to the Bylaws, the PPCC Board may not support or oppose any candidate for office.  On the other hand, the PPCC Board does wish to encourage dialogue between our elected representatives and the community, particularly involving matters where there is consensus.  After discussion that the motion could mean that all candidates for all public office could speak at any public PPCC Board meeting, the maker of the motion withdrew it.  The matter then concluded without action being taken.

3.4    Secession Forum Update.

The Chair announced that the PPCC was co-hosting a forum on L.A. Secession at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 8, 2002 at Wadsworth Theater.  Art Mortell and Patti Post agreed to represent the Board at the forum and to provide any necessary assistance.

3.5    649 North Resolano Drive (Ronald Swepston) – Coastal Commission Hearing.

The City has denied the permit and the applicant, Ronald Swepston. has filed an appeal to the Coastal Commission.  The Coastal Commission has continued the matter as it has not received the background materials from the City so a staff report can be prepared.  Mr. Swepston appeared at the PPCC Board meeting and distributed handouts regarding his proposed project and solicited community input.  He stated a willingness to modify his project to accommodate any community suggestions.   The ZA hearing has been continued from September 9, 2002 to September 19, 2002. Former Chair Frank Wilson summarized that the property in question was a “stub” lot, or a parcel in a RE-15 zone that was less than the required 15,000 square feet in size. The Chair inquired if someone would be attending the hearing upon behalf of interested neighborhood homeowners.  Frank Wilson confirmed that this would be the case, and upon the Chair’s request, agreed to report back to the PPCC Board after the hearing.  Thereafter, no action was taken.

3.6    17633 Castellammare Drive (Ben Leeds).

No action was taken during Coastal Commission meeting of 9/9/02.  Coastal Commission action on the appeal of the PPCC and several other organizations including PPRA is also delayed as the City files have not yet been received.

3.7    National Childhood Cancer Foundation (Julie Halverson).

Charity dog walk is scheduled for Temescal Canyon, Saturday September 28. Applicants had requested that parking be restricted on Temescal during the event hours.  Ms. Halverson did not appear.

3.8    Temescal Storm Drain Division.

Construction is expected to start for the storm drain division at the end of the month and is expected to continue until April. Work similar in scope to the just concluded work in SM Canyon. Traffic flow on PCH is expected to be affected primarily at night.  Stuart Muller pointed out that the descriptive material indicated closures on various lanes of Temescal, not just the North bound curb lane where the majority of the work will occur.  Since contradictory information was presented at the project information web site, , the Chair will contact call responsible parties and investigate further.

3.9    Lake Shrine Closure (Brother Keshavnanda).

The Lake Shrine will be closed beginning with Sept. 30 for approximately two months to allow for the construction of a new access gate. The Temple will remain open and walk in access from the temple will still be allowed but with more limited parking and hours. A model of the new gate was shown.

3.10    Coastal Commission Letter.

The Chair reported that the PPCC letter to the Coastal Commission regarding timing and location of hearings and other issues had not been answered.  Assemblywoman Pavley has sent a follow-up letter in an attempt to get our concerns addressed.

3.11    Selection of Rotating Organizational Representatives.

For the term beginning October 1 the rotating organization seat for a Cultural/Ethics organization would go to the Friends of the Library.  They informed the Chair that they are unavailable to serve, so their seat will pass to the next organization in the rotation, the Garden Club.  Additionally the YMCA will hold the recreational seat.

3.12    Selection of 5-Member Election Committee.

The following members were selected to form the Election Committee:
Mary Cole
Ted Mackie
Arthur Mortell, chair
Lorraine Oshins
Harry Sondheim

On September 26th, the last returned ballots will be collected for counting.

4.    Old Business — None.

5.    New Business.

Dr. Hamid Arabzadeh, Certified Industrial Hygienist, provided a presentation on toxic molds.  He reviewed briefly publicized case of diseases attributed to toxic molds, including the landmark Cleveland cases of infant lung infections.  Expressed concern that the media might be exaggerating the dangers due to well-publicized court cases. Indicated that the CDC is revising cases, including those in Cleveland where toxic mold was initially found to be at fault.  Stressed that while there are thousands of mold types, only a few produce microtoxins.  Additionally while molds have been linked to allergies, no definitive links with more serious illnesses have been found conclusively. However he recognized that the issue has become one of potential liability and increasingly governmental regulation are covering the issue. In California the Ortiz bill, (SB 732) affects property owners, tenants, insurers and realtors; mandates procedures for disclosure, abatement and limits exposure. In June 2003 a federal statue, (1540), might also be introduced.

Members of the audience asked if the mold toxicity is aggravated by certain types of immunodeficiency or other conditions?  Dr. Arabzadeh indicated that people suffering from depressed immune systems, such as those recovering from organ transplants, as well as those with other forms of immunodeficiency as well as people with respiratory problems such as asthma might be at higher risk if exposed to elevated levels of mold micro-toxins.

Members of the audience asked if there were safe levels of exposure.  Dr Arabzadeh indicated that under 5-6 spores per cubic meter is considered safe.

Some members of the audience criticized the speaker for downplaying the gravity of mold conditions, and told of their personal stories of disease attributed to mold.  Dr. Arabzadeh indicated that he was not downplaying the issues, rather quoting the available literature on the subject.

Questions were asked about abatement techniques for infected areas. Once the microorganism have taken over, few surface treatments are possible and removal and destruction of affected areas might be necessary. He indicated that dry wall used in modern construction contains cellulose, a food source for molds and is particularly at risk.  Air circulation is critical in avoiding mold, and over insulation is a problem.

A question was asked about testing methods.  Dr. Arabzadeh explained that multiple techniques exist, including air sampling with chemical signature techniques, samples under a microscope, and culture samples.

A question was asked about the effectiveness of air filters.  Dr. Arabzadeh expressed doubts on the effectiveness of electrostatic filters, which he indicated only trap large particulates, but not the much smaller mold spores. He indicated that HEPA filters can trap the mold spore sizes, and could be effective.

Mr. Joe Leone of Environmental Sampling Professionals, (Tel 888-437-7837) was introduced by Dr. Arabzadeh and was available to answer further questions from the audience on a one-to-one basis.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on September 26, 2002 at 7:00 P.M.


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
-George Wolfberg  -Arthur Mortell  -Patti Post -Jack Allen  -Barbara Kohn  -Barry Kurtz  -Larry Jacobs  -Marguerite Perkins Mautner  -Mary Cole  -Ted Mackie  -Lorraine Oshins  -Norman Kulla  -Byron Brooks  -Sam Stigler

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting were adopted as submitted.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $7,400.09 in the PPCC checking account and $4,769.69 in the savings account.

3.2    Castellammare Walking Tour – 8:30 A.M., Saturday, August 17, 2002.

Barbara Kohn announced a walking tour of Castellammare for council members. Everyone was invited to meet at the Vons parking lot, 8:30 A.M. Saturday, August 17, 2002.  Given the frequency that the PPCC considers land use issues for this hillside area attendance was strongly encouraged.

3.3    Hearing re Appeal of 17633 Castellammare.

Jack Allen announced a hearing will be held September 10-13, 2002 regarding the appeal of a building permit for the proposed construction of a two story residential improvement with five parking spaces at 17633 Castellammare.

3.4    Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy Meeting, Monday, August 26, 2002.

The Chair announced he had received notice that the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy will hold a meeting at Stewart Hall on Monday, August 26, 2002.  An invitation to the August 19 dedication of Tuna Canyon Park also was received

3.5    Pacific Palisades Film Festival.

The Chair announced that the Pacific Palisades Film Festival would be held at Pierson Playhouse, Sunday, August 18, 2002.

3.6    Area Representative Candidates Announced and Election Balloting Specified.

The Chair announced the candidates for area representative as follows (all had submitted candidate statements):

Area 1 – Barbara Kohn
Area 2 – Norman Kulla
Area 3 – Larry Niles, Scott Wagenseller, and Kurt G. Toppel
Area 4 – Larry Jacobs
Area 5 – no candidates
Area 6 – Stuart Muller
Area 7 – Jean Gold Friedman
Area 8 – Marguerite Perkins Mautner
Margaret Goff, submitted an application for Area 3 Alternate

The Chair announced that area representatives take office the first meeting in October. On motion of Marguerite Perkins Mautner, seconded by Larry Jacobs, it was unanimously approved that the deadline for completed ballots to be received (by U.S. Mail only, per bylaws) was set for September 26, 2002.  Ballots are to be mailed by Labor Day.

4.0    Old Business.

4.1    Further Consideration of Variance for Swimming Pool at 17616 Posetano Rd.

Maged Guirgus, owner of 17616 Posetano, appeared and requested PPCC support for a height and side yard variance preparatory to the proposed construction of a swimming pool at his hillside residence.  Mr. Guirgus had earlier requested the zoning administrator continue the item until after the August 15 PPCC meeting to solicit PPCC support and allow for neighbors in opposition to address the PPCC.  Chairman Wolfberg thanked Mr. Guirgus for continuing the zoning hearing and appearing at the PPCC.

Mr. Guirgus stated that he would install caissons and pillars that would reinforce the hillside as well as support his proposed pool.  Mr. Guirgus stated that he could make the changes he proposes without a variance if he intended to plant a garden instead of build a swimming pool.  The need for a variance follows from a swimming pool being treated as construction of additional square footage to his home.  The variance request sought approval to increase the allowed height from 47 feet to 52 feet, the side yard setback to 7 feet from 9 feet, and the lot coverage to 53% from 49%.

Initially, no neighbors appeared in opposition.  Barbara Kohn and Jack Allen expressed their surprise at this occurrence.  PPRA has opposed the variance.  Neighbors have been in contact with Barbara, who represents the area, and Jack, to whom they have expressed their opposition.  Barbara stated that to support the variance as an exception to the hillside ordinance would effectively place the PPCC in opposition to the ordinance.

Larry Jacobs stated that he did not consider the construction of the retaining wall, etc., as a landside issue because the owner could make the improvements and plant a garden.  Art Mortell countered that the PPCC should defer to Barbara’s judgment since she represents the area and speaks for the residents.

Jack Allen stated that the hardship exception relied upon by Mr. Guirgus is a self-imposed problem through his choice of space usage.    Art Mortell also pointed out that the requested 53% lot coverage was bad precedent.

Dr. William Clearihue, owner of 17700 Revello Drive, and a board member of PPRA, appeared in opposition.  He has lived in the area since 1949 and his father was past president of the Castellemmare Association.   Dr. Clearihue urged that Mr. Guirgus follow the hillside ordinance to protect himself and his family, future owners of the property, and other residents.  He stated that the hillside is like brownie mix because of springs and active landsides.  He urged the hillside ordinance be upheld and the variance opposed.

A discussion ensued of the various points raised, and all agreed that Mr. Guirgus had conducted himself in an open and constructive manner.  One viewpoint expressed was that the variance request did not present increased landside risks due to sufficiency of the proposed additional support and the nature of the proposed construction.  It was also stated that Mr. Guirgus’ proper use of the variance process did not necessarily constitute a violation of the hillside ordinance.  On the other hand, Barbara Kohn stated her clear opposition and reiterated that she represented the area involved.  She stated she spoke for the residents in opposing the variance.

Barry Kurtz moved, and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded, that the PPCC take no action since broad community support was lacking.   Art Mortell argued that to take a neutral position would effectively oppose the hillside ordinance.  The motion failed, with four in favor, six opposed, and one abstention.

Art Mortell moved, and Barbara Kohn seconded, that the PPCC oppose the variance.  The motion passed, with six voting in favor, three in opposition, and two abstentions.

5.0    New Business.

5.1    Rodent Problem in Pacific Palisades.

Nancy Klopper addressed the Council and community to explain her efforts to combat the Palisades rat problem.  Ms. Klopper believes the Palisades suffers from a rat infestation and that the community is accepting this as part of its environment.  She strongly urged action in a variety of ways, including removal of ivy, trumpet vines, morning glory, and bougainvillea where rats reside.  Amanda Liu, supervisor for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Vector Management Program, disagreed that the Palisades has a rat infestation problem and stated that the Palisades would never get to that point.  Liu did urge rodent proofing inside residences.  She stated that her office would provide free poison (for use inside the home) and offered to send an inspector out if people call for assistance.  She also stated that they maintain a list of groundcovers that don’t attract rodents.  The phone number to call for assistance is (626) 430-5450. Residents were encouraged to call and report observed rodent activity in abandoned vehicles or any unattended or poorly maintained areas.  Ms. Liu urged caution in the use of poison bait to avoid poisoning dogs and cats.  Ms. Liu stated: “Outside, let nature take its course” and “You shouldn’t be afraid to let children play out in the backyard if you see a rat.  Bites are very unlikely.”

Ms. Klopper continued to urge block by block action, and detailed the extensive evidence of rodents that she has compiled.  Upon unanimous consent of the Council Board, Ms. Klopper was encouraged to write an open letter detailing her list of suggestions which the Council will include in its Newsletter, and solicit publication in the Shopper and Palisadian-Post.

5.2    Options for Enforcement of Leaf Blower Ordinance.

Deputy City Attorney and Neighborhood Prosecutor Susan Strick appeared with Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale to review enforcement efforts, past and prospective, regarding the Leaf Blower Ordinance.  Ms. Strick and Mr. Ragsdale explained that the 1996 enacted ordinance was immediately enjoined against enforcement, and was amended in 1998 to become Los Angeles Municipal Code 112.04 (c).  The ordinance now makes violation an infraction punishable by a maximum fine of $100 plus assessment fee of $170 for a total of $270.   The ordinance targets gasoline only blowers; methanol or electric powered blowers are in compliance.  Both the owner who contracts for the service and a user are subject to a fine.  Officer Ragsdale explained that the LAPD has not provided any training nor is there any available on how to identify a leaf blower powered by the objectionable gasoline fuel.  Jack Allen explained that the gasoline only restriction resulted from the failure of Los Angeles to appeal an adverse legal decision.  Jack also pointed out that gasoline could be identified by its characteristic that it doesn’t mix with water.   Several members of the community expressed their concern for the adverse impact of leaf blowers not only for resulting noise, but also for air pollution from the debris blown about.  Diane Wolfberg, who created a Website for ZAP (Zero Air Pollution) said that residents can call the City Hotline listed on the web site ( — 213-473-4486) to report violators.  The City Attorney is setting up a databank to record complaints in the West LA Area.  The web site also explains how to visually determine whether a carburetor could legally have been converted to operate on methanol.  Ms. Strick encouraged citizens to report violators to her office at 310-445-1706, and to provide license plate numbers of vehicles, address locations, landscape company descriptions and other information to identify violators.  Ms. Strick noted that L.A. City Attorneys Office has allocated a total of 100 hours per year for enforcement of the ordinance for the entire city. Although a low priority, Officer Ragsdale offered to personally follow-up upon all specific complaints he receives.  Officer Ragsdale’s phone number is 213-509-7002.  It was suggested that in its upcoming Newsletter the Council include a caution that any homeowner violating the Leaf Blower Ordinance is subject to a fine of up to $270.  Also, that a list of numbers to call to report illegal leaf blowers, rodent problems and other nuisances be included.

Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on September 12, 2002 at 7:00 P.M.

Minutes submitted by Norman Kulla


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
George Wolfberg, Patti Post,  Harry Sondheim, Arthur Mortell,  Jack Allen, Paul Glasgall, Barbara Kohn, Barry Kurtz, Larry Niles, Larry Jacobs, Stuart Muller, Ernie Meadows, Mary Cole, Gilbert Dembo, Lorraine Oshins, Mike Skinner, Sam Stigler

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  Chairman George Wolfberg called the meeting to order at 7:05pm with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  Minutes of the meeting of June 27, 2002 were adopted with the following changes:
– The Chair announced his changing of the minutes to reflect “humps,”not “bumps.”
– Barry Kurtz asked to change language to “critical” speed and noted that he stated that his suggestion was to investigate mitigation measures such as re-striping and radar, not stop signs.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  Patti Post reported that there is $7,354.38 in the PPCC checking account & $4,768.44 in the savings account.

3.2    Committee and Other Appointments.

The Chair announced that the Chautauqua Trail Committee, headed by Patti Post was reappointed.  The Chair requested approval of the reappointment of Ron Dean.  Larry Niles made the motion and Gil Dembo seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

3.3    Candidate Statements.

Chair announced that he has received candidate statements for all areas except for Area 5.

3.4    Variance Case No. ZA-98-0229 (NC).

Chair announced Wed., July 31, 2002 Planning hearing regarding a variance to allow the Y to separate front 4 acres from remaining park land and to continue nonconforming Christmas Tree and pumpkin sales and day camp.

3.5    PLUM Committee Hearing.

Chair announced the July 30 PLUM Committee Hearing set to discuss eighty plus recommendations to streamline the development and construction permit process.

3.6    Congress of Neighborhoods.

Chair announced the Congress of Neighborhoods will be held on August 3 and asked if anyone will be attending.

3.7    Novak Appeal.

Chair announced that Mr. Novak’s hearing before the WLAAPC seeking an appeal re: low incoming housing.  Staff has recommended denial of the appeal.

3.8    Co-Hosting Secession Forum.

Chair asked the board whether or not the PPCC should accept an invitation from the Brentwood Community Council to co-host the October 8th, 2002 Secession Forum that will be held at the Wadsworth Theatre.  The Chair also asked for volunteers to assist with the event.  Gil Dembo moved that we accept the invitation and he also volunteered to assist.  Larry Niles seconded and the Board approved.

3.9    17663 Castellammare.

The Chair reminded the Board that it approved supporting an appeal to the Coastal Commission three months ago.  He let the Board know that the appeal is in process.

3.10    12,000 Sq. Ft. House.

Gil Dembo announced that the Civic League gave approval to the building of a 12,000 sq. ft. house on a pad that is visible to the entire community.  Gil Dembo made the following motion after stating that the plans meet zoning requirements: “The PPCC supports the Civic League in its endeavor to acquire appropriate screening (vegetation that would screen the house from community view).”  The motion passed with eleven in support and four abstaining.

4.0    Old Business.

4.1    Antiques and Collectibles Market Briefing and Feedback.

Jennifer McColm related that she is happy with the market. She noted that she has only received positive remarks from the community.  Gil Dembo asked if the market could be expanded from its current 55 vendors and Jennifer stated that there is no additional room for expansion.  Lorraine Oshin asked if the market could be removed from Antioch and placed in a less congested area.  Jennifer stated that she is open to suggestions. Re the Farmer’s Market:  Stuart Muller voiced his concern about the pony rides.  Jennifer stated that the pony rides have nothing to do with her operation and that she has secured a release from the operators stating such.  Debbie Dyner (Deputy from Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski’s office) stated that pony rides on Public Streets and Sidewalks are illegal.  In response to Arthur Mortell’s concerns about produce vendors blocking the sidewalk in front of Wells Fargo Bank, Debbie stated that vendors were not permitted on the sidewalk and that Jennifer must have them removed.  Ernie Meadows asked Jennifer to take responsibility and to act as a partner to the Community by taking care of such problems on her own, as they arise.

5.0    New Business.

5.1    DWP Briefing Regarding Future Of Santa Ynez Reservoir.

The Chair opened the discussion by suggesting that the DWP look into reverse osmosis systems at for each household to treat drinking water rather than resorting to building a cover.  Paul Liu from LADWP replied that the state requires all water entering the house to be filtered and the installation of on-site filter systems would be prohibitive in cost.  Paul Glasgall stated that 18 of 19 associations in the Highlands have met with the DWP and upon reviewing the discussions; he is of the opinion that there are better ways to secure the safety of the water than by building a cover.  He suggested mass filtration (Paul Liu later noted that it would be difficult to find 4.2 acres to build the filtration plant on site and that problems such as noise, aesthetics, traffic and additional activities would arise).  The DWP representatives then proceeded with their presentation (IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THIS PRESENTATION IN ITS ENTIRETY, PLEASE CONTACT PAUL LIU @ 213-367-0761 or at Paul.Liu@WATER.LADWP.COM)   Stuart Muller stated that all residents of the Palisades drink this water and that safety, rather than aesthetics must come first. He noted that the aesthetics only impact a handful of people.  Harry Sondheim agreed with Stuart and suggested that a committee form to “engage in the process.”  Barry Kurtz expressed concerns about the impact of concrete trucks on Palisades Drive noting the safety hazards of such traffic.  Patti Post asked if there are chemicals that can substitute for Chloramines and Chlorine.  Paul Liu said no.  Arthur Mortell asked what the target date for the EIR is and Mr. Liu noted that they hoped to complete it by the end of 2003.  Arthur also asked if the Sylmar Reservoir is slated to be covered and Mr. Liu said yes.

5.2    17616 Posetano Road.

Maged Guirguis described his request for a variance. There was much pro and con discussion.  Mr Guirguis agreed to ask the Zoning Administrator for an extension to August 22 in order to give the PPCC an opportunity to intelligently consider the issue at the August 15 meeting.  Barbara Kohn made the motion to “have the PPCC write a letter supporting the request for an extension.”  Lorraine Oshin seconded and the board passed the motion.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

The next meeting will be at Mort’s Oak Room on Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Vice Chairman Arthur Mortell, sitting in for Secretary Maurizio Vecchione.


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Board Members Present (Including Alternates and Advisors):

Harry Sondheim Larry Jacobs Bernadine Holzman
Ted Mackie Stuart Muller Gilbert Dembo
Frank Wilson Maurizio Vecchione Norman Kulla
Norma Spak Ernie Meadows Marguerite Perkins Mautner
Barry Kurtz George Wolfberg
Larry Niles Daryl Doucette  

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in the Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  Minutes of June 13, 2002 meeting were adopted as amended with corrections of the word “off” to “of” in the first and fifth paragraphs of item 5.1 and to correct the spelling of a residen’ts name to “Veis;” the fifth paragraph on page 6 to reflect intended compliance with “the resurfacing guidelines of” the City; and the seventh paragraph on that page to correct the name of the facility to Ocean “Woods” Terrace.

Announcements and Concerns.

2.1    Treasurer’s Report.  No treasurer report was made as the Treasurer was absent.

2.2    Update from the Communications Committee – Maurizio Vecchione.

A number of options have been investigated by the Communications Committee to increase the effectiveness of the Council’s communications with stakeholders in the community. The alternatives being considered were presented for their cost impact as:
– An expanded newsletter – doubling frequency of newsletter and increasing number of pages to include a community calendar.
– Palisades Post advertising insert – as an alternate to our own newsletter.
– Flier to Community institutions – to leverage HOA, Chamber of Commerce, Schools, Churches/Temples, Charities/Service Clubs & Volunteer Organizations.
– Internet Promotions (email).

Due to costs, the Committee recommended not to expand the newsletter and not to consider a Palisades Post insert. A Flier to Community institutions could be generated with minimal effort and the Communications Committee will begin assembling a mailing/email list of relevant organizations for future use.  An email distribution list is also under consideration and will be investigated further.

3.3    Area Representatives.

Persons seeking to become an Area Representative must prepare a Candidate’s Statement of no more than 100words and must either give the statement to the Chair at or prior to the July meeting or mail the statement to the Council P.O.Box at least 7 days prior to the July meeting. For a complete copy of the Area Representative Elections Procedures, contact the Office of the Chair.

3.4    Other.

Audrey Boyle, representing Miramar HOA, thanked the Council for supporting the objection to the redevelopment at 649 Resolano. The APC in a meeting attended by Frank Wilson, representing the Council, denied the developer’s application, who will now have to present a new plan for public debate.

4.   Old Business.

The Council recognized the exiting Chair, Harry Sondheim, thanking him for his dedicated service to the Community. Harry Sondheim thanked the Council and the members of the Executive Committee.

5.   New Business.

5.1    Installation of Speed Humps on El Medio between Miami Way and Wynola and on El Oro Lane between Jacon Way and Enchanted Lane.

Pauline Chan, Senior Transportation Engineer for the City of LA Department of Transportation, (LADOT), Bureau of Traffic Management, (Tel. 213-580-5219) and Mike Moshksar also of LADOT indicated that the LADOT has approved the installation of speed humps at the above locations and is planning to commence construction work in the July/Aug time-frame. Per Community Council request they were appearing to notify the Community prior to installation.

El Medio. Ms. Chan reported the following facts relating to the El Medio location: a petition was filled by 13 out of 17 residents in the relevant block, (76%) supporting the installation of speed humps. A traffic study conducted by LADOT indicates that during a 24hr period the block experienced a critical speed of 35 MPH, or more than the required 5 MPH difference from the the 25 MPH speed limit. The objective of the speed humps is to reduce speeds with minimal impact to noise, aesthetics, or diversion to traffic. The proposed speed humps used by LADOT are low impact humps 2 5/8” tall – designed to have no negative consequences on vehicles that respect posted speed limits. LADOT has installed such low impact speed humps in over 500 locations with a successful speed control result and no requests, to date, for any removals.

Barry Kurtz asked if any volume information was gathered on the block, to which Ms. Chan replied that 1159 cars were counted passing the block during the 24hr period of the study.

Larry Jacobs inquired whether other blocks affected by the speed humps were surveyed to which Ms. Chan replied that LADOT only polls the residents of the blocks in which the humps will be located.

Frank Wilson asked if El Medio is considered a collector street, to which Ms. Chan replied that El Medio is considered by LADOT as a local street and that LADOT guidelines allow the use of speed humps with volumes up to 10,000 cars per 24hrs. Frank Wilson commented that he felt the speed humps are a nuisance and that alternative speed controls methods should be explored.

A number of residents asked why LADOT was not considering alternative traffic mitigation steps, such as stops signs or re-striping, to which Ms. Chan replied that in LADOT experience speed humps are the most effective form of speed control that does not involve Police Officer enforcement.

A number of residents asked why LADOT would not opt first for an educational/awareness effort in the community, to which Ms. Chan replied that educational efforts have resulted in short term effects in the past, unless accompanied by substantial enforcement activities.

Residents mentioned that a Stop sign exists just prior to the block in question and that the traffic pattern associated with the blocks prior might be causing the speeding. Has LADOT looked at the overall traffic pattern in the area to determine what the cause of the speeding might be? Ms. Chan indicated that they have studies showing impact in other blocks from the speed humps, but was not specifically aware of any issues associated with that stop sign.

Residents asked whether DOT has considered putting in another stop sign. Ms. Chan indicated again that in LADOT’s experience speed humps are most effective and do not require enforcement. Additionally they do not cause increased emissions from stopped traffic.

Residents indicated that they feel El Medio is an access artery for all the peninsula area and that LADOT might cause a traffic nuisance with the speed humps.

A number of residents indicated strong support for the speed humps and made statements as to near-misses, collisions, pet killings and accidents due to excessive speedoin the block. Ms. Chan indicated that LADOT was aware of one reported speed-related accident on the block in question.

Barry Kurtz asked if LADOT had considered the impact on fire emergency vehicles. He expressed the opinion that because of the impact on such vehicles, speed humps should be used as a measure of last resort, and only with the approval of the Fire Department. Ms Chan indicated that the Fire Dept. had approved the generic design of these speed humps and that LADOT routinely reviews these matters with the Fire Department. Barry Kurtz asked if the Department had approved the installation at these specific locations, to which Ms. Chan said no – because it is not required.

Marguerite Perkins Mautner asked if there was any evidence of the effectiveness of speed humps as a speed reduction device, to which Ms. Chan replied that there is extensive evidence that speed humps are the most effective form of speed control.

El Oro Lane. Ms. Chan then provided the following report relating to the proposed installation on El Oro Lane. Eight out of 10 residents, (80%), petitioned for the installation of speed humps in a 1100 ft long block. A traffic study showed a critical speed of 34MPH and measured a volume of 884 vehicles in a 24hr period. LADOT plans to install 3 speed humps in the 1100 ft length.

A number of residents indicated that El Oro is the only access road for many residents in the immediately adjacent streets and that the area is dependent on that access for emergency vehicles. They expressed that 3 speed humps are excessive, and that the remaining affected residents should also be considered before making such decisions and that they would have been in strong opposition.

Harry Sondheim asked what LADOT guidelines are in relation to community opposition to already approved speed humps, and whether a decision can be reversed? Ms. Chan indicated that community feedback is always important, but that under the guidelines adopted by the City Council, a decision can be reversed only by the City Council, which has ultimate authority.

A number of residents expressed support for the planned speed humps, indicating they have observed first hand excessive speeds on the block and have witnessed many near-collisions or accidents.

Harry Sondheim asked what the guidelines are for distance of speed humps, to which Ms. Chan replied that ideal spacing is 250’ to 500’ including stops – however exact placement also has to allow for curbs, driveway placement and manholes.

A number of residents indicated that El Oro was not the right street, as the cause of the speeding is on enchanted way and the placement of a stop sign at the end of the hill would be a better solution. A request was made for LADOT to conduct a wider traffic study to look at mitigating the cause of the speeding in the overall area rather than just a short block.

Barry Kurtz suggested that a more comprehensive study exploring other traffic mitigation strategies, such as re-striping or radar enforcement should be looked at and tried prior to committing to speed humps. He suggested that the opposing residents should send a petition to the Councilwoman’s office to stay the construction until such study can be conducted. He suggested that the opposition would need to collect at least 50% of the resident’s support.

Larry Jacobs asked if LADOT would consider deferring work on El Oro to provide time for such opposing residents to collect signatures and present them to the Councilwoman’s office. Ms. Chan indicated that her department had no authority but could consider a deferral with the Councilwoman’s and the PPCC support.

Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved that the PPCC write to the Councilwoman’s office requesting support for a deferral of work by LADOT to install speed humps on El Oro for 3 weeks, to allow opposing area residents to present a petition to the Councilwoman’s office demonstrating that at least 50% of residents oppose the project. Larry Jacobs seconded the motion. The motion passed with 7 for, 1 opposed and the balance abstaining.

Barry Kurtz moved that the Council further take a position that in the future the City must consider other mitigation measures prior to recommending speed humps and that the City consider the impact on area residents as opposed just those residents directly living in the affected blocks. Norman Kulla seconded the motion. The motion passed with 7 for, 2 opposed and the balance abstaining.

5.2    Consideration of Whether Low Cost Housing Units Should be Required in Connection with the Construction of 22 Units at 17325 Castellammare.

Peter Novak, representing the developer, represented that the Mello Act requires a developer to construct 4 low-income units whenever feasible within a 3 miles distance from the project. He contended that such a requirement would add in excess of $3 million to the project cost and that such added burden is both not feasible and unreasonable.

Marguerite Perkins Mautner asked whether the project was displacing any existing low-income housing, to which Mr. Novak replied no. No further questions or discussion on this project was introduced and the Council introduced no motions.

5.4    Determination of the July and August Dates for PPCC Meetings.

After discussion, Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved that the Council sets its next meeting date to July 18th, 2002 and subsequently to August 15th, 2002. Stuart Muller seconded the motion. The motion passed with 8 in favor, and 3 against.

Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on July 18th, 2002 at 7:00PM.



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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
-Harry Sondheim  -Ted Mackie   -Paul Glasgall  -Larry Jacobs  -Arthur Mortell -Marguerite Perkins Mautner  -Mary Cole  -Gilbert Dembo  -Lorraine Oshins  -Shirley Haggstrom

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting were amended to add Barbara Kohn as in attendance and then adopted as so amended.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

 3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $7,253.86 in the PPCC checking account and $4,765.15 in the savings account.

3.2    Report on City’s Policies Regarding the Placement of Banners on Posts and  Over the Streets in Pacific Palisades.

Larry J. Morales, Senior Street Use Inspector II,  presented a summary of Los Angeles City’s general rules and regulations for street banners.  Mr. Morales noted that nonprofit organization banners are allowed per ordinance enacted in November 1999.  Commercial sponsors may be identified on banners.   The rules provide for approximately 25% of event banners to be displayed within the venue area of an event, and the remaining 75% of event banners to be displayed pro-rata throughout the remaining 15 city districts.  There are no color requirements.  There are size limitations for the two forms of banners: pull-down and across the street.  A banner must state the full day and year of an event, and its location.  For non-event banners there must be a name and statement.  The time limits for display are 30 days for event banners and 90 days for non-event banners.  Banners are allowed in nonresidential areas only.

Marguerite Perkins Mautner questioned the safety implications of a very small light green banner with poorly legible white letters that recently advertised a charitable event in the Palisades.  She witnessed a near-accident and inquired about what regulations address the safety of banners.  Harry Sondheim followed up by asking if there a specific size for lettering displayed on the roadway, i.e., for banners intended for viewing by occupants of motor vehicles.  Morales replied the lettering simply must be readable.

Larry Jacobs pointed out that where the intended target viewer is a driver, not a pedestrian, there is increased danger.  Discussion ensued with the consensus view being expressed to Mr. Morales that banners with much writing will distract the attention of drivers and are dangerous.

Christin Montet of Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office noted that there is an active sign review task force addressing safety issues regarding banners and billboards. This task force is reviewing the where, who and what of banners, taking into account safety issues.  Hal Bernson chairs the task force.

Gilbert Dembo stated that signs deface the neighborhood and inquired whether they can be prohibited in the Palisades.  Jack Allen pointed out that the community had succeeded in removing advertisements from benches but now they are on banners.  Jack also noted that the Palisades is within a scenic corridor and there may be protective rules relating to preserving views that might be applied.  Patti Post asked Mr. Morales whether there are any locations within the city of Los Angeles where banners are not allowed or are regulated to match the character of the neighborhood.   Mr. Morales said there are none.

In response to a question from George Wolfberg, Mr. Morales said there are no pre-approved poles or locations for banners.

Stuart Miller asker why there are banners in residential areas.  Mr. Morales said they are not allowed and invited the community to call him directly at 213-473-4502 (direct line) or 213-485-3711, and he will cause banners posted in residential areas to be removed.

Shirley Haggstrom reported that she had asked Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky why there was no county ordinance banning banners on scenic PCH.  He agreed to find out and come back to her.  Christin Montet reported that Cindy Miscikowshi was working with the State on this issue and that there was a motion pending before the City Council.

Larry Jacobs moved to request that the City Council limit banners to no more than three words plus pictures.  The motion died for lack of a second.   Gilbert Dembo moved to request that the City Council remove as a nuisance all commercially sponsored banners in Pacific Palisades.  Marguerite seconded the motion.  The motion was defeated with five affirmative votes, none against and the balance abstaining.

3.3    Update from the Communications Committee.

Maurizio Vecchione was absent and the Communications Committee report was passed.

3.4    Temescal/YMCA.

Barbara Kohn reported that a scheduled June hearing would be reset to consider a parceling map for the property where the YMCA conducts Christmas tree, pumpkin sales and a summer camp.  The mapping company made an error  in mailing notice so the hearing must be re-noticed.  The proposal calls for a zoning variance that allows continuation of current uses and does not allow construction.  At the Chair’s request, Christin Montet agreed to give the PPCC notice of the new hearing date that she anticipates will be held in July 2002.

3.5    Announcement Regarding Proposed MRCA Benefit Assessment District.

The Chair announced that there is a meeting regarding the proposed MRCA Benefit Assessment District at 3 P.M. on Monday, June 17, 2002 to be held at Bel Air Presbyterian Church.

3.6    Resolano Drive.

The Chair announced that he had received notice that there will be a meeting regarding the Resolano Drive project, Case No. 2A 2001-5337 (CDP)-A3, on June 19, to be held at the Henry Medina W.L.A. Parking Enforcement Facility, 11213 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, 2d Floor Roll Call Room.   The Chair announced that he had sent a letter to the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission advising that the PPCC supported the appeal of the Miramar Homeowners Association insofar as that appeal relates to procedure, namely that the magnitude of the changes mandated by the hearing officer should be deemed to be a new, rather than revised plan.  As such, the public should be given an opportunity to comment on the revised plan.

3.7    Santa Ynez Reservoir – DWP & Fire Department Meeting.

Paul Glasgall announced that he has received notice from DWP & the LAFD that there will be a meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, June 24, 2002 at the Summit Club in the Palisades Highlands to discuss covering the Santa Ynez reservoir.  Paul explained that changes in Chlorination rules and water availability for fire fighting are key issues.  Paul also indicated that construction of a cistern between the Highlands and Marquez would also be discussed.

4.0    Old Business.

 4.1    Announcement of Area Representative Incumbents Running for Reelection.

The Chair announced that Barbara Kohn representing Area 1, Larry Niles for Area 3, and Larry Jacobs for Area 4, Arthur Mortell Area 5 if not elected as Vice Chair (he was so elected, see below), Stuart Miller for Area 6, and Marguerite Perkins Mautner for Area 8, were running for reelection.

The Chair announced that a candidate statement consisting of not more than one hundred words should be delivered to the Chair at a Board meeting, no latter than the July meeting, or mailed to the PPCC post office box with a postmark of at least 7 days before the July meeting.

4.2    Election of 2002-2003 Officers.

Ballots for 2002-2003 officers were passed out and George Wolfberg was elected Chair, Arthur Mortell was elected Vice-Chair, Maurizio Vecchione was elected Secretary, and Patti Post was elected Treasurer.

5.0    New Business.

5.1    Consideration of the Proposed Palisades Landmark Condominium Project at 17331-17333 Tramonto.

Developer Ken Kahan presented his proposed Palisades Landmark Condominium Project at 17331-17333 Tramonto to the PPCC and a full audience of interested members of the community.  He reported that the parcel was currently improved with twenty rental units.  Twelve other units went down in the 1965 Revello Slide.  He said the parcel is accessible from Tramonto, not Los Liones Drive, and shares a driveway that also services Ocean Woods Condominiums.  He proposes to demolish the existing units, and reconstruct the landside portion as well as remaining improved portion of the parcel.  He has done geological, topographical and architectural elevations from above and below the parcel.  The proposed architecture is “European mountainside” terraced up the hill with condos of 2400 to 3000 sq. ft. per unit.  He applied for a tentative map two years ago.  Regarding geological issues, the proposed grading has passed city review.   He remarked that he is aware that the grading department has failed to satisfy the Palisades community in the past.  He is using the same geologists, Geotech, who did the geology for the existing office building at the corner of Sunset and PCH.  He noted the approval of a 21-unit project at 17325 Castellammare, subject to 42 conditions.  He indicated that demolition and reconstruction of the geology would involve drilling down to bedrock, recompacting, and installing piling.

Jack Allen noted that the project was proposed for a geologically unstable area, would generate additional traffic and cause visual compatibility issues.

A teacher at Paul Revere, who was a resident of the existing units, noted that all tenants are over 50 years of age and should be given a right of first refusal to occupy the new units.  She also noted safety issues if access is from Tramonto (which it is).

The developer replied that he would comply with the requirements of the Mello Act regarding replacement of low cost housing.  As discussed, this may not require that low cost housing be part of the project if funds are contributed to a special fund.  The developer indicated he had not yet decided what alternative he would elect.  Kristen Montet was to advise the Board as to whether funds are permitted to be contributed in lieu of low-income housing.

Dr. Frank Knotz, residing at 17455 Revello, 80 yards from the project, expressed concern about the safety of his home and family if the project was undertaken.   He stated that he believed that the proposed project, which he understood involved 100,000 cubic yards of excavation, would jeopardize the stability of his house.

The developer responded that Dr. Knotx’s home was in an active landside and there was already ongoing settlement and movement.  He stated that Dr. Knotx’s neighbors had received millions of dollars from the City in settlement for loss due to the slide in recent litigation.

Mr. Knox reaffirmed his concern that the proposed project was dangerous and jeopardized the stability of an unstable geological area.

An audience member challenged the developer’s description of the suit and settlement.  He stated that the claim was that the slide occurred because of ground and surface water improperly channeled off Revello.  The developer responded that he would grant an easement through the project property to facilitate the natural water flow.

Alice Beagles stated that the project was in conflict with the Brentwood-Pacific Palisades Community Plan (BPPCP).  The BPPCP states that residential projects need to minimize grading, limit land use intensity, and preserve natural topography in hillside areas; need to protect environmentally sensitive areas, scenic views and scenic corridors; need to restrict building on geologically sensitive areas; preserve open space, and limit residential development on hillsides having more than a 15% slope.  Ms. Begales pointed out that the BPPCP limits development to eight units per acre density and the proposed project provides for twenty units per acre.  She lives on Revello and lived through the 1965 slide.  She wants the developer to limit the project to the specified zoning density requirements.

Rob Veis stated that he lives in the complex above the proposed project.  He stated that bonding and insurance would not protect affected residents from loss to their property from the project.  He asked if the project would obstruct his view, and if so, would he be compensated for his loss.  The developer said his view would be obstructed partially but not completely.  The projects’ roof will be four feet higher than Mr. Veis’ patio.  The developer stated he would not compensate for Mr. Veis’ lost value for the obstructed view.

The net traffic impact would be 62 additional units (82 proposed less existing 20).

Nancy Candle has lived in the building to be demolished for 30 years.  She says others have resided there for 35 or 34 years.  She expressed concern for residents who want to relocate and remain in the community.  The developer said he will give at least six months notice to vacate and that the earliest date for vacating would be eighteen to twenty-four months from now (after all required proceedings for project approval).   Ms. Candle stated that the developer should provide funds to tenants for moving.

Robert Italia lives at Ocean Woods Condominiums with his wife.  He moved his wife to Pacific Palisades to provide clean air to help in her battle against Lupus.  He stated mold, lead, and other impure air will cause his wife’s medical condition to deteriorate.  He stated he will closely monitor the air during construction and initiate appropriate action if standards are violated.

Rose Marie Haynes lives directly below the proposed project.  She expressed concern about the impact upon stability of land.  She asked the developer if he had personal experience building on hillsides.   He replied that he did not but would use builders who do have such experience.

Jerome Nash indicated he was a limited partner with a 50% interest in the project.  It was indicated that he was near a lawsuit with the developer.  He stated he bought his interest three or four years ago and understood that the project would only involve twenty units on vacant land. He stated that the project was supposed to proceed in one or two phases.  He stated that he also owns an adjacent parcel and expressed concern for the welfare of existing tenants. He stated that the developer had told him that the tenants were Nash’s problem, not his.  He feels mislead and that he may have provided incorrect information when he handled sales of property to several neighbors because the developer’s true intent was hidden from him.

The developer stated that he did not expect the City to participate in the stabilization of land with respect to his project.

A neighbor raised the issue of mansionization and stated that she believed the project would destroy the character of the neighborhood.

Another resident on Tramonto stated that the roadway had been almost destroyed by trucks and that the City won’t repair it.  She also expressed concern about the safety of trucks going up and down a 45 ° blind curve.

The developer stated he will comply with the City’s subdivision process and that resurfacing guidelines from the City.

A neighbor expressed concern for access by emergency vehicles during construction.

A representative of the Castellammare Homeowners Association noted that there are 214 homes existing in the track and that the proposed net increase of 60 units would have a significant impact.

A resident of Ocean Woods Condominiums reconfirmed that the existing driveway that is the sole exit for Ocean Woods Condominiums would also be the sole ingress and egress for the project.

Shirley Haggstrom presented a 1966 newspaper article reporting the Revello landside.  In the article the City representative stated that the City had done the best it could.  The article reported that the project area is in a slide area of unstable geology with significant traffic and safety issues.  Ms. Haggstrom stated her opposition to the project.

With regard to timing, the developer stated the next step in the process was the EIR, which he estimated would be an eight to ten month period.   The tentative map hearing process and the Coastal Commission would follow thereafter.  He estimated these three steps would take one and one-half years.   Thereafter, he would commence construction planning and construction, which he estimated would take one and one-half to two years.

In reply to a question the developer stated he will rely upon the City for guidance for any issues relating to the adequacy of the roadway for construction equipment.

Barbara Kohn inquired about parking spaces.  The developer stated there would be 205.

In view of the grave concerns raised by the community and the PPCC, in response to the notice and pre-draft request for comments, the Chair requested Mr. Allen to alter his proposed letter to additionally express concern about affordable replacement housing and ingress-egress of emergency vehicles in the event of a disaster.  With such changes, on motion of Arthur Mortell, seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner, the Council voted unanimously to send the proposed letter expressing PPCC’s concerns regarding the Palisades Landmark Condominium Project to Maya Zaitzevsky of City Planning.

The developer stated that he had come to the PPCC to listen to the community’s concerns and that his approach to solving problems was to work with the community.

Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on June 27, 2002 at 7:00 P.M.

Minutes submitted by Norman Kulla


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
Harry Sondheim, Ted Mackie, Frank Wilson, Paul Glasgall, Barry Kurtz, Larry Niles, Robert Baker, Stuart Muller,  George Wolfberg, Tipi Weiner, Arthur Mortell , Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Scott Wagenseller, Ernie Meadows, Richard Blumenberg, Mary Cole, Lorraine Oshins Mike Skinner, Norman Kulla, Byron Brooks, Jennifer Cron, Sam Stigler Gilbert Dembo, Barbara Kohn

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:10p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of both the Board and the Audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of April 11, 2002, were adopted as previously distributed. Both Arthur Mortell and Norman Kulla noted that their names were not included in the Minutes of May 9, 2002, though both were present. The Board Adopted the minutes with this correction.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.

As of May 22 02’ there is $7,188.27 in the checking account and $4,765.15 in the savings account.

3.2    City of Los Angeles Requests Comments on Tramonto Development.

The Chair reported that a notice has been sent by the City of Los Angeles to residents surrounding a proposed development on Tramanto Dr. The notice asks for public comment, with a deadline of June 18.

Twenty-five three level Condos and 57 four level condos are being proposed by the developer. Jack Allen volunteered, prior to this meeting, to prepare a response and Barbara Kohn and Frank Wilson offered to assist. Barbara Kohn stated that the location of this proposed project is on the site of an active slide. Frank Wilson noted that this project has been in the pipeline for a year and a half and concurred with Barbara regarding the slide. Barbara Kohn volunteered to notify area residents and their Homeowner Associations. Barbara also expressed her surprise that the City’s notification letters were certified. The Chair is inviting the Developer to address the PPCC at its June 13, 02’ meeting.

3.3    Officers.

The Chair reminded the Board that anyone who wishes to run for a position as an officer, in addition to those suggested by the Nominating Committee, must notify the Chair by the first meeting in June (June 13).

3.4    Area Representation.

The Chair reminded the Board that current area representatives must notify the Chair by the first meeting in June, in writing, of their interest in continuing to serve on the Council. Letters must be received, otherwise you will not be permitted to run for reelection as per Area Representative Elections Procedures, section A4b.

3.5    Green Banners Appearing Throughout the Palisades.

Marguerite Perkins voiced her concern over the green Cedar Sinai banners that were posted on Pacific Palisades streets. She noted that the writing on the banners was very small, thus presenting a safety hazard. She reported that she witnessed a near accident. Marguerite suggested that someone should be assigned the responsibility of judging which proposed banners may be erected. Craig Bullock responded that Public Works is responsible for approving all banners. Gil Dembo stated that, “The City gets revenue from organizations that get approval to place banners. These are often commercial events. We have billboards and we should not have banners.” The Chair noted that the banners belonged to a charitable organization. Jennifer Cron told the Board that they were dedicated to the cause of inflammatory bowel disease. The Chair asked Craig Bullock to report to the Board by the June 27th meeting regarding the City’s policies.

3.6    Traffic Report.

Paul Glasgall, Traffic Committee Chair, reported that: “Finally there is (traffic enforcement) consistency with Officer Taylor being back in service. The speed limit on lower Palisades Drive has been changed to 45mph and on upper Palisades Drive to 35mph. Because of the recently approved use of radar, six officers in one day wrote 65 tickets.” Paul also noted that a new Captain has been assigned to West LA Traffic.

4.0    Old Business.

4.1    Paseo Miramar.

Audrey Ann Boyle, (who also appeared before the Council Board May 9th on this matter), described an ongoing dispute between the Miramar Homeowners Association and the City Planning Commission. At issue is a development plan for 649 Resolano for which the City required substantial changes to a proposed project as a condition of approval. The Association contends that the magnitude of the changes is such that the City should deem the developer’s proposal to be a new rather than revised plan and restart the approval process from step one, thereby granting the public an opportunity to comment on the revised project.

The developer, Eric Swepston, was present during the discussion and did not contest the facts as presented, but contended that he would follow the relevant City procedures by submitting, if necessary, a revised project as per the hearing officer’s requirements and was, in addition, appealing the need for such changes. He did state that he is not presently the owner but has a purchase agreement contingent upon City approval of his development application.

Barbara Kohn moved that “The PPCC support the Miramar Homeowners Association in its appeal to the Planning Commission with regard to the procedural aspects of this matter.”

The motion passed with ten votes in favor, no votes opposed, with two abstentions.

5.0    New Business.

5.1    Marlene Canter, Board member, LAUSD.

Marlene Canter’s opening statements at the meeting: “I have been in office for one year and have found the experience challenging and interesting. When it comes to public schools and what we need to do for kids, there are not enough people to cover (the challenges) and that is why Damien Rosen and my staff are here.” Ms. Canter immediately asked for questions from the audience.

Audience Member: If Pali Charter High goes to the direct funding model, will the LAUSD Board support the independent model?  Canter: The Board will support the Charter and your staff. Independent vs. affiliated (dependent) is a controversy due to teachers and staff not seeing eye to eye. Teachers cannot be in the union with the independent model. I support charters – helps overcrowding and achievement.

Audience Member: Teachers want to make their own decisions. How can we become more independent, thus able to make decisions without LAUSD opposition?  Canter: Referred to the attendance policy being a fluke and not being included in the Pali Charter.

Audience Member: Please comment on Sullivan Canyon.  Canter: I led the fight to open discourse over this issue. LAUSD set a threshold price for the property and the residents met the price.

Audience Member: Are there procedures set-up to keep students from writing a paper that leads to sexual harassment lawsuits?  Canter: Safeguards are in place.

Audience Member: Negotiations on block grant funding have been frustrating. The District is taking 31% of general grant money. There is no negotiation with LAUSD Board on this matter. 31% is an arbitrary number.  Canter: I apologize that the Board took so long to come to the table. I thought we were making good progress but it sounds like we are not.

Audience Member:  An attorney claims that there is no such thing as a “dependent charter.”  Canter:  The financial model that schools are built on is archaic. We are trying to create systemic reform. The Palisades Charter Complex has an opportunity with independent and affiliated models to move away from this archaic model. There is opportunity in charter models for innovation in curriculum – we are on a building campaign and won’t be bringing kids into the neighborhood. Test scores are up. Dependent Model is now going to be an Affiliated Model. In the future I will discuss how this model will allow for more autonomy.

George Wolfberg: I am concerned about a permit office that handles outside events on the school premises.  Canter: You don’t have to call the permit office. Call my office. My staff is there to facilitate the process.

Gil Dembo: Does the secession movement impact the LAUSD?  Canter: No.

Byron Brooks: As a student at Pali High, I have witnessed the ineffectiveness of school funding.  Canter: LAUSD doesn’t know how to do efficiency. I invite the audience to come downtown to sit through a funding meeting. Grace Arnold helps residents amend their charter. There are some of us on the Board that would like to see an entire local area go “independent” to see what it looks like.

Norman Kulla: There are a lot of people in the community who could extend their services to tutor and would like to see a program created to determine how to match such needs.  Canter: North Hollywood High is developing a mentoring program with parent mentors. I will have Damien provide you with a contact.

Richard Blumenberg: What is happening with special education?  Canter: The Federal Government is mandating that special education students be integrated into the general population.

Lorraine Oshins: If charter schools are totally independent, what kind of surveillance will they have?  Canter: Each charter is reviewed by the Board of Education every five years. Each school must follow their own charter and the Board will want to see excellence at the school before the charter is reissued.

Sam Stigler: We have encountered a problem at Palisades Charter High School because the school hired two computer consultants and will not let the students who previously fixed computer problems, continue to do so.  Canter: Contact the school to resolve this matter and let me know if you are unable to do so.

Chair: On behalf of the Community, I want to thank you for appearing.

5.2    Benefit Assessment District.

Paul Edelman from the Mountains Recreation Authority and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (MRCA is joint powers), reported on the efforts by the MRCA to establish a Benefit Assessment District with boundaries including Sunset, the 405, Ventura Blvd., and the Los Angeles City boundary to the north. The boundaries are defined by the MRCA’s legislative boundaries. The proposed assessment district would raise up to $13 million from residents who will see an additional $40 added to their annual property taxes. This tax is per parcel and will last for thirty years. About $3.00 of this tax will be earmarked for annual brush clearance, totaling between $80,000 and $90,000 per year. There are about 400 properties within the proposed assessment district that are earmarked as potential acquisitions. Only the properties listed on the engineer’s map may be purchased with the bond money that will be issued off of the assessment. The Eastport Tucker property is being considered as a potential acquisition. The last note held by Tucker has been deemed invalid by the Judge but Tucker bypassed the legal channel and made the note valid. The MRCA must raise the money or sell the property. Ballots will be mailed in June.

Barry Kurtz: Why not include residents south of Sunset in the assessment district?  Edelman: The boundaries follow the MRCA’s legislative boundaries.

Larry Niles: The entire city benefits.  Edelman: Local property values will benefit from open space.

Larry Niles: I am outraged over the lack of information and notice.  Edelman: That is what I am here for.

Sam Stigler: Has the Chautauqua trail property been added to the Engineers Map?Edelman: As per Arthur Mortell’s request, it has.

Harry Sondheim: Who is going to decide which properties will be purchased and in what order?  Edelman: Input from the public – from HOA’s that would have Representatives on the Citizen Oversight Committee.

Norman Kulla: How is the Committee decided?  Edelman: The MRCA will decide the make-up of the Committee.

Ted Mackie: I am outraged over the lack of notice. Patti Post: Is there a legal nexus between the assessed homeowners and the benefits?  Barbara Kohn: I question the mechanics of the polling. I think that the timing is of concern. Where do Miscikowski and our Supervisor stand on this?  Edelman: Both Miscikowski and the Supervisor support the BAD.

Ernie Meadows: Will “property tax loss” be stated on the ballot?  Edelman: The loss will be less than $100,000/year. Downstream positives are watershed, wildlife and wildlife corridors.

Arthur Mortell: I am concerned about the nature of the oversight committee. I would like to know who will serve on it, how many people will be appointed; if the meetings will be open to the public and if minutes will be published and made available.  Edelman: I do not know if the oversight committee meetings are subject to the Brown Act.

Patricia Bell Hearst: No one here is against brush clearance, rangers or open space. The MRCA has been discussing this BAD since Feb 01. If it’s a public park, the whole public should pay for it. I question MRCA’s accountability and enforcement procedures.

Larry Niles then made a motion to oppose the Benefit Assessment District. The final motion, amended by various members of the Board reads:

“The Pacific Palisades Community Council opposes the Benefit Assessment District because of inadequate public input and the lack of a nexus between the public benefit and those assessed.”

Larry Niles approved the amendments and the motion was seconded.

The motion passed:  14 in support 3 opposed 1 abstention. The Chair will send letters to the MRCA and all appropriate parties.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:44pm.


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):

Harry Sondheim Larry Jacobs Neven Karlovac
Ted Mackie Stuart Muller Lorraine Oshins
Patti Post Ernie Meadows Mike Skinner
Ron Dean George Wolfberg Byron Brooks
Jack Allen Sam Stigler
Barry Kurtz Mary Cole
Arthur Mortell Norm Kulla

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting are not complete and were not presented.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $4,442.47 in the PPCC checking account and $4,765.15 in the savings account. Printing and postage for the recent newsletter cost in excess of $5,000 and over $6,500 in dues has been collected.

3.2    Discussion by Neighborhood Prosecutor Susan Strick.

Deputy City Attorney Susan Strick spoke about the Neighborhood Prosecutor program. This new program reflects a statewide trend to address quality of life issues in local communities. The City has given the program temporary funding until June 30 and the Mayor has proposed continued funding in his proposed budget. Ms Strick is developing familiarity with her assigned area, which encompasses the West LAPD Bureau and includes Hollywood, Wilshire, Pacific and West LA Police Divisions. She is meeting with neighborhood groups, City Council staff and various officials including Senior Lead Officers to become familiar with her assigned territory. Her office is in the West LA City Hall and she also has a desk at the local Police Station. A computer program is being developed to track nuisance and quality of life complaints. Her attention has been focused on such issues as gang activity in the Cadillac-Corning area where a code enforcement effort is under way; and the former homeless encampment on the bluffs above PCH between Temescal and Portrero Canyon which has been removed by a City task force. She is researching methods to enforce the ban on gasoline-powered leaf blowers in residential neighborhoods through citizen involvement and a data base to catalog complaints. An 800 number is planned.. Her phone number is 310.575.8743 and her email address is

Ernie Meadows asked about enforcement of code violations at the house under construction at Greentree and Brooktree. She replied that a referral from Building and Safety is the preferred way to get the City Attorney involved. She will ask the land use attorneys this question.

3.3    Report of Nominating Committee.

Patti Post, committee chair, reported. The nominated slate is George Wolfberg, Chair; Arthur Mortell, Vice-Chair; Patti Post, Treasurer; and Maurizio Vecchione, Secretary. The Chair announced that members may make nominations up to the voting meeting of June 1.

3.4    Integrated Resources Plan.

The Chair announced that an opportunity exists for persons desiring to advise the City on the Integrated Resources Plan.

3.5    Thank You Letter.

The Chair read part of a thank you letter received from Golden Sparkplug winner, Diane Wolfberg.

3.6    Thank You Letter.

The Chair read part of a thank you letter received from Mitzi Blahd, Citizen of the Year.

3.7    Area Representation.

Current area representatives are requested to notify the Chair by June 1, in writing, of their interest in continuing to serve on the Council. If no letter is received, you are deemed not running per Area Representative Elections Procedures, section A4b.

3.8    Getty Plant Renovation.

The Planning Commission has approved the Getty Museum’s application to consolidate and rebuilt its central plant facilities. A 25 page decision was published and received.

3.9    Paseo Miramar.

Audrey Ann Boyle, co-chair of the Miramar Homeowners’ Association, presented a letter and addressed the Council regarding the Coastal Development Permit and the Associate Zoning Administrator’s decision to privately review revisions to the rejected plans for the “over-sized house on a substandard non-conforming hillside lot in [the Paseo Miramar] area” (649 Resolano) without adequate environmental review or public hearing. Ms. Boyle stated that this shuts out public participation in the process and represents a loophole in the Hillside Ordinance. Ms. Boyle further stated that the whole process in this case is flawed. Gil Dembo asked how the City can accept such a flawed application and Larry Jacobs asked Susan Strick who the appellants could talk to.  Ms. Strick suggested the City Attorney’s Land Use attorneys. Cindy Miscikowski’s deputy, Debbie Dyner, stated that appealing to the Area Planning Commission is the proper process. Ms. Boyle stressed that it would be difficult to appeal without knowing what the plans were.. The Chair continued the matter to May 23 and stated that the developer would be invited.

3.10    Designation of Council District Number.

The City Redistricting Commission has designated the Coastal District that will be composed of portions of current Districts 6 and 11 to be District 11. It is believed that a contingent from Westchester will be attending next week’s City Council committee hearing to urge the designation be changed from 11 to 6. Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved that we tell the Council Committee that we want the coastal district to remain as District 11, represented by Cindy Miscikowski. It was pointed out that this motion was in order as it did not violate our bylaw against intervening in campaigns because both Cindy Miscikowski and Ruth Galanter [CD #6] are termed out. The motion passed 9 in favor, 1 against with 5 abstaining.

3.11    Fran Pavley’s Mobil District Office.

The Chair announced that Assemblymember Pavley’s mobile district office will be at the Farmers’ market on May 19 from 11 am to 1 pm.

3.12    News Racks.

The Board of Public Works will hold one of a series of community meetings to discuss placement and number of News Racks at a given location. The meeting will be held on May 23 at :6:30 pm at the West LA Municipal building. The issue arises because of complaints from the public regarding the placement and number of racks at some locations. City policy is to cite violations. In Beverly Hills illegally placed racks are removed by the City.

4.0    Old Business.

4.1    17663 Castellammare.

Jack Allen indicated he had not had a chance to respond to the latest decision and requested Council authority to appeal to the Coastal Commission. Patti Post moved and Arthur Mortell seconded that the Council support the appeal to be carried by Jack Allen to the Coastal Commission. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

5.0    New Business.

5.1    Discussion with DWP RegardingRreopening of the Chautauqua Trail.

Mr. V. Miller, the DWP property manager stated that the Department has maintained a reservoir at the site since 1925. The reservoir provides fire and regulatory storage for the area and other access is available to Will Rogers State Park and Temescal Park. DWP looked at access issues after 9/11 and decided to deny access to all properties. The property is not a park and some “incidental trespass” has occurred. There also are liability issues.

Gilbert Dembo suggested a separate fence around the reservoir proper. Mr. Miller indicated they will be looking into fencing the entire property. Sam Stigler stated that the Chautauqua trail is a nice trail and is not necessarily used for access to the adjacent parks. Jack Allen indicated he and his family have used the trail for over 60 years and pointed out that property of DWP, a public utility, is classified as private property and a “public recreation easement already exists”.

Ron Dean questioned the liability issues. Mr. Miller stated he was not here to debate. Ernie Meadows objected to the No Trespassing signs. Stuart Muller stated he had used the trail since 1951 and asked where the East property line was [it is down the slope] and requested a map to determine the feasibility of alternate paths. Arthur Mortell asked how can we challenge the department. Thomas Stigler asked if the DWP property could be made smaller [to contain only the reservoir]. Mr. Miller said this would entail selling off to the highest bidder per the City Charter, which probably would mean a developer. Gretchen Ford asked about DWP grading of a superficial landslide that had to be recompacted to protect the slope of the reservoir. The department needs to continue to maintain the reservoir for fire relief. Other DWP issues include a fear of being sued, although the department probably has absolute immunity. Debbie Dyner stated that Council member Miscikowski would like to find a solution to the problem.

Ted Mackie moved that the Council go on record as vigorously opposing the closure of the Chautauqua Trial and form a committee to work with the department and Cindy Miscikowski to continue public access. Arthur Mortell proposed an amendment to oppose construction of a fence around the property, which would have a deleterious impact on wildlife and public access. The amended motion was unanimously passed.

The Chair appointed a committee to work with the Council office and DWP to solve the trail access problem. Members will be Patti Post, Arthur Mortell, Ron Dean, Jack Allen, Mike Skinner, Ted Mackie and Gilbert Dembo. Patti Post will chair the committee.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on May 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by George Wolfberg


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
Harry Sondheim, Ted Mackie,  Lisa Maki, Patti Post, Frank Wilson, Barry Kurtz, Larry Jacobs, Arthur Mortell, Stuart Muller, Paul Glasgall Larry Niles, George Wolfberg, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Richard Blumenberg, Mary Cole, Neven Karlovac, Lorraine Oshins,  Norman Kulla, Tipi Weiner Norma Spak, Gilbert Dembo, Byron Charles Brooks, Sam Stigler

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting were adopted.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $5,951,83 in the PPCC checking account and $4,762.23 in the savings account.

3.2    Public Hearing Regarding Construction of a Central Plant for the Getty Villa.

The City of Los Angeles issued a “Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration: without an EIR for the proposed new central plant at the Getty Villa. There will be a public hearing on this issue on April 25, 2002 after 8:30 a.m. at the Airtel Plaza Hotel, 7277 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406 as set forth in the flyer distributed at the meeting.

Motion:  Norma Spak made a motion that the Board draft a letter to the LA City Planning Department requesting that an EIR be conducted for the project. Discussion was held concerning the size of the fuel storage facilities and whether an EIR is required for this project. The Motion was seconded by Lisa Maki and passed with 15 voting in favor, 1 Opposed (Neven Karlovac) and with Barry Kurtz and Richard Blumenberg abstaining from the vote.

3.3    Trees for a Green LA:  Shade Trees Available at No Cost.

Those interested in attending a workshop and obtaining a free shade tree should contact Craig Bullock at (310) 575-8461. The workshop in the Palisades will be held on May 21, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at the Palisades Recreation center. There will be 3 other workshops at the Brentwood Center.

3.4    Disaster Preparedness/Homeline Security.

Ms. Florence Elfant and Captain Howard Kaplan of the LAFD made a presentation to the Board concerning what residents can do to protect you and your family in the event of an emergency of disaster. Ms. Elfant noted that in the Palisades since 1986 there has been a community network of hand-radio operators on air to provide communication services in the event of an emergency or disaster. Ms. Elfant’s goal is to create a grid system in each neighborhood, consisting of 20 homes and 2 chairs for each section. The chairs will register all persons and note any particular health problems or infirmities of those living in their section. She also advocates more antennae for cellular phones. Captain Kaplan expressed the importance of having an evacuation plan for each home (and for each workplace) and also the importance of practicing the evacuation plan. Families and co-workers should have a pre-designated meeting place so that it may be determined whether or not there are any missing persons after a disaster. If there is an emergency, the LAFD first responds to issues involving loss of life, not property damage. Disaster preparedness also includes having emergency food, water, flashlights and batteries at home, in the car and at work. The emergency plan should be written down, reviewed and practiced. For more information, please contact Ms. Elfant at (310) 454-5775 or the LAFD at (818) 756-9671. Helpful information may also be found at the LAFD website, located at To contact the Red Cross, please dial (800) 627-7000. Community members should also look into becoming certified to perform CPR.

3.5    Nominating Committee.

The following persons to serve on the Nominating Committee for the Board’s new officers for June 30, 2002 – June 30, 2003: Patti Post (chair), Ernie Meadows, Gilbert Dembo.

3.6    Secretary.

Lisa Maki resigned from the office of secretary because she is moving. George Wolfberg, Art Mortell, Norman Kulla and Gilbert Dembo volunteered to take minutes for the Board until the end of her term of office (up to June 30, 2002).

3.7    Sparkplug Award.

The following persons will receive the Sparkplug award: Neal Selman for his work on the Shared Values Week and Diane Wolfberg for her work on the website for Zero Air Pollution (ZAP).

3.8    Sewer System Renovation.

The Board discussed renovations to the sewer and water run-off system, which will be worked on at the intersection of Chataqua and Pacific Coast Highway. The construction will have an impact on traffic in the Palisades. The Chair noted that he received late notice concerning this project.

Motion:  Barry Kurtz made a motion that the Chair write a letter to the Councilwoman urging her to direct the City Engineering Staff to modify the contract so that the road time work for the project does not coincide with the PCH sewer project, and that the road work be done as much as possible during the off-peak hours (other than 7-9 a.m. and 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.) The Motion passed with 15 voting in favor and two abstentions.

4.0    Old Business.

4.1    Antiques Market.

The Board was presented with the agenda issue of whether or not the Antiques and Collectible market, previously supported by the board, be expanded to include handmade craft items. The proprietor of the market announced that this was no longer an issue that needed to be considered by the Board since she had decided not to include crafts.

4.2    Report on Mansionization Workshops.

Richard Blumenberg distributed a written summary re: community input on the Mansionization proposal, which he prepared after the three community council workshops on the issue. The summary is attached to the minutes and it sets forth data taken from the questionnaire attendees of the workshop completed. A memo from Joyce Aldrich, Resident, concerning the Mansionization proposal was noted as received and is attached to the minutes.

Motion: Richard Blumenberg made a Motion that the Board will not pursue the issue of Mansionization at this time. The Motion was seconded by Marguerite Perkins-Mautner and passed with 15 voting in favor, one opposed and one abstention.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on May 9, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
Harry Sondheim, Ted Mackie, Lisa Maki, Jack Allen, Patti Post, Barbara Kohn, Barry Kurtz, Scott Wagenseller, Larry Jacobs, Arthur Mortell, Stuart Muller, Ernie Meadows, George Wolfberg, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Richard Blumenberg, Mary Cole, Neven Karlovac, Lorraine Oshins, Mike Skinner, Norman Kulla, Peter Scolney

1.0    Introduction of Board and AudienceThe Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws.  Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of MinutesThe minutes of the prior meeting were adopted.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $5,714.63 in the PPCC checking account and $4,760.87 in the savings account.

3.2    Palisades Garden Tour.

The annual Garden Club Tour will take place on April 28, 2002.

3.3    Presentation by New West Charter Middle School.

Ms. Judith Bronowski announced the creation of the New West Charter Middle School.  The school has been organized by parents in the Palisades and Brentwood who are concerned about the size of local schools and the lack of choices for middle schools.  The school will have from 300-600 students and all are welcome to apply.  The program will be rigorous and will emphasize parental involvement and a contract to insure accountability for a student’s performance. The school has not yet found a location but it will likely be in Santa Monica.  The school was granted a charter through the State Board of Education.

4.    Old Business.

4.1    Youth Representative.

The Chair welcomed new youth representative Byron Charles Brooks, a junior at Palisades High, and the two alternates, Jennifer Cron, a junior at Palisades High and Sam Stigler, a sophomore at Palisades High.

4.2    Should the Antiques and Collectibles Market, Previously Supported by the PPCC Board, be Expanded to include Handmade Craft Items?

[The proprietor] did not appear to discuss this proposal.  It was moved to the Board’s April 11, 2002 Agenda.

4.3    Should the PPCC Apply to the City to become a Neighborhood Council?

Motion:  The following Motion was made by Arthur Mortell.

“1.     That the PPCC takes the position that it will not seek to become certified under the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (“DONE”) thus remaining an Independent Community Council.

“2.      That the PPCC request, from DONE, both Early Notification and invitations to participate in the Neighborhood Empowerment Congress.”

The Motion was seconded and passed with 16 voting in favor, 0 opposed and one abstention.

Discussion of the above motion included concern that as a “Neighborhood Council” under DONE, the PPCC would not be able to file legal actions or take appeals of decisions of the zoning administration.  This would not preclude an individual from taking an appeal.  However, the issue is how much power would the PPCC lose if it became certified under DONE.  Larry Jacobs was concerned with the issue of disclosure of voting for area representatives; voting for area representatives would not be private pursuant to the Public Records Act if the PPCC were certified under DONE.  Jack Allen’s written concerns are attached to the minutes [note:  attachment not included/unavailable].  Marguerite Perkins-Mautner noted that the PPCC has been in existence for 30 years and has effectively served the Palisades community and its residents.  She noted that the Palisades does not have the same concerns as other portions of the City.  Other board members expressed concern over the fact that the term “stakeholder” is overbroad.  Richard Blumenberg noted that he believed it would be a mistake to become a Neighborhood Council.  Others noted that it would dilute the power of the PPCC.

Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on April 11, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
Harry Sondheim, Frank Wilson, Lisa Maki, Jack Allen, Patti Post, Barry Kurtz, Larry Niles, Larry Jacobs, Arthur Mortell, Stuart Muller, Maurizio Vecchione, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Richard Blumenberg, Mary Cole, Gilbert Dembo, Lorraine Oshins, Mike Skinner, Bob Benton, Norman Kulla

1.0    Introduction of Board and AudienceThe Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of MinutesThe minutes of the prior meeting were adopted with the following addition to section 3.2 re the Getty Villa: Barbara Kohn stated at the meeting: “The City of Los Angeles has issued a ‘notice of intent to adopt a mitigated negative declaration’ on the Central Plant which is proposed by the Getty. The Central Plant will be the facility for providing air conditioning, heating, trash compaction and other mechanical services for the structures located throughout the site. Elements of the Central Plant include 5 cooling towers, 20 ½ feet above the roof and a 5,000 to 6,000 gallon storage tank above grade for fuel (possible diesel fuel). Barbara Kohn stated the above to inform the board of the proposal; a public hearing will be held.”

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s ReportThere is $6,486.80 in the PPCC checking account and $4,760.87 in the savings account.

3.2    Youth Representative – Update.

The Chair announced that members of this committee (Harry Sondheim, Mary Cole and Ernie Meadows) will have selected a Youth representative by the next meeting, along with an alternate. There were a total of 15 candidates. One had a conflict on Thursdays. Of the 14, 7 sent in applications and 6 were interviewed. One did not show up for the interview

3.3    Recreation Representative – Update.

The Chair welcomed the board’s new Recreation representatives: Michael Skinner and Bob Benton.

3.4    Neighborhood Councils – Update.

The Chair announced that he received a written response from Greg Nelson dated February 26, 2002 concerning the letter the board had written containing questions it had before it could determine whether or not it was in the best interest of the community to become certified as a neighborhood council. The Chair distributed copies of the 8 page letter to the Board and requested that Board members review the letter as soon as possible because the issue of whether or not the PPCC should become a Neighborhood Council will be placed on the agenda for the Board’s March 14, 2002 or March 28, 2002 meeting.

3.5    Further Recognition of Jack Allen, the PPCC Community Service Award Recipient, by Councilwoman Miscikowski.

Craig Bullock of the Councilwoman’s office presented Jack Allen with a certificate of appreciation and many thanks from the Councilwoman in recognition of the Community Service Award bestowed upon him by the PPCC for 2001.

3.6    Emergency Preparedness Seminar.

The Chair announced that be an Emergency Preparedness Seminar will be held on March 21, 2002 at a location to be announced. There is a meeting on March 4, 2002 at the Councilwoman’s office to provide input for the seminar. Arthur Mortell and Mike Skinner volunteered to attend the March 4, 2002 meeting, schedules permitting. For further information regarding the Seminar, please contact Chris Bingham at the Councilwoman’s office at (310) 575-8411.

3.7    Newsletter.

The newsletter is completed and will be distributed via the post office to all residents shortly. The preparation of the newsletter is costly, mainly due to the time spent preparing the newsletter for mailing. One possibility of dealing with the cost is to buy a page of advertising in the Post, which would cost around $1,500.00 in comparison to the $4,300.00 or so, which is the present cost to prepare and distribute the newsletter by mail. Although not all residents receive the Post, all residents receive the Post-shopper at no cost. The announcement in the Post would therefore reach all homes. The Chair appointed a committee to look into ways to decrease the cost of preparing the newsletter. Members of the committee are Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Arthur Mortell, Ted Mackie and Maurizio Vecchione who will chair the committee. The committee will report back to the board in 2-3 months.

3.8    Los Angeles United School District.

Marlene Cantor has expressed interest in speaking to the board about the school district at an upcoming meeting, possibly in March 2002. If anyone would like to present questions to Ms. Cantor, they should forward them to the Chair as soon as possible.

3.9    Signs and Billboards.

The City of Los Angeles is preparing to hold a hearing regarding this citywide issue. Jack Allen volunteered to attend the hearing.

3.10    Traffic on Via de la Paz.

Stuart Muller expressed concern regarding a traffic and safety issue at the intersection of Via de la Paz and Bowdoin which occurs between 1:30-2:45 p.m. on school days and which results in Via de la Paz becoming one lane. The Chair recommended that the matter be placed on the agenda for an upcoming meeting and that someone from the school attend the Board meeting to discuss this issue.

3.11    Public Park in the Santa Monica Mountains.

The Councilwoman’s office sent an email describing an opportunity for the City to purchase approximately 62 acres of open space, at or around 21000 Mulholland Drive for use as a public park. There will be a walking tour of the land on March 2, 2002 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the site and then a public meeting concerning the issue on March 4, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Wilbur Elementary School in Tarzana. For further information, please contact Julie at (213) 485-3811.

4.    Old Business.

4.1    City Council Redistricting.

At the last board meeting, the board decided that it would prefer the Coastal District to be extended to include the area covered by the Mulholland Highway Scenic Parkway Specific Plan and all the area west of the 405 freeway, up to the southern boundary proposed by the Redistricting Commission. In the event that the two areas which the board proposed be added to the Coastal District would require some further modification of the district because of the additional population encompassed by these areas, there may be a need to eliminate some portion of the Coastal District originally proposed by the Redistricting Commission (for example, some of the area at the southern end of the proposed district). The board discussed where this deletion of population should be made and decided that the deletion should be made in the Palms area or at the southern end of the district, as evidenced on the maps distributed at the meeting and attached to the minutes. The Chair will write a letter to the Redistricting Commission concerning the Board’s recommendation.

4.2    Appointment of Sparkplug Committee.

The Chair appointed the following persons to this committee to review nominations for the Sparkplug Award and selection an award recipient: Mary Cole, Richard Blumenberg and Larry Niles. Larry Niles will head up the committee.

4.3    Further Consideration of Liability Insurance for the Board.

Larry Jacobs announced that he reviewed the policy of insurance the Board purchased for the year 2001 and that it appeared that claims for defamation were excluded. The policy costs the board approximately $1,200.00 per year. Mike Skinner agreed to review the insurance policy with Lisa Maki to determine whether the board should look into another type of policy to make sure that board members are covered for defamation claims. Marguerite Perkins Mautner made a motion that the Chair be permitted to take action to purchase a liability policy for the Board because the policy had to be purchased by March 5, 2002 – prior to the next board meeting. The motion was approved unanimously.

5.    New Business.

5.1    Consideration of the Palisades Charter High School Sign.

At the board’s last meeting on February 14, 2002, board member Stuart Muller expressed his concerns over the electronic sign at entrance of the High School on Temescal Canyon, noting that the sign represents a “blatant display of ego-centricity, is a glaring insult to the senses, is an environmental intrusion, a threat to visual tranquility, and an ongoing, blaring error in judgment.”

Present at this meeting to discuss the issue were two students from the High School (Alaina Moonres and Sarah Krantz) and a teacher (Chris Lee). Mr. Lee explained that the old sign was a problem because letters would come off of the sign and it was not effective in getting messages to the students and parents. Rose Gilbert made the new sign possible through a donation. Mr. Lee and the students who were at the board meeting approve the messages that appear on the sign. They expressed their view that the sign was effective in getting important messages out to the student body, parents, and the community. The three also stated that the sign was an important way of recognizing excellent student achievements and a way of congratulating recipients of scholastic and athletic awards. The students stated that the sign is a morale booster and they have received positive feedback from students, parents and residents. The sign is also used as a fundraising device in that persons could pay $10.00 to have a birthday greeting on the sign. Mr. Lee stated that the sign was within safety regulations.

Several board members voiced their concerns about the sign. Larry Jacobs related an incident where he was attempting to make a left hand turn at the intersection where the sign is located and he became extremely distracted by the sign and almost was involved in an accident. He further stated that the problem is that the sign is a dangerous distraction and that changes should be made in terms of how the sign is lit and the fact that the words on the sign move or scroll. He recommended that something be done to make the wording on the sign static and perhaps put the sign on a timer so that it would go on and off at certain times. Barry Kurtz and Jack Allen also expressed similar concerns and noted that the sign is a distraction to drivers, in part due to the brightness of the sign. Stuart Muller’s concerns were similar. He also discussed the fact that all of the messages are not related to school activities and that there are no other signs in Temescal Canyon and that the red flashing sign creates a fear reaction. Stuart further noted that the sign could have been done in amber lighting. He also noted that there were seven messages that recycled over and over and that the sign was visual and emotional pollution, and crass commercialism. He asked Mr. Lee whether there were any guidelines presented with respect to the sign and Mr. Lee stated there were not other than the fact that he reviews and approves messages before they are programmed to appear on the sign.

Other board members noted that they were not bothered by the sign, and in some cases, never noticed the sign. Lorraine Oshins noted that persons bothered by the sign could look the other way when driving by. Mike Skinner noted that the sign was a positive addition to the community. Lisa Maki stated that it was important for the school to have such a sign and that anything that would help the students with their studies and activities was a positive thing. Gilbert Dembo noted that the sign was effective but perhaps it could be tuned down. Mary Cole noted that she was never able to read the entire message on the sign as she drove by.

Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on March 14, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
-Ted Mackie  -Frank Wilson  -Larry Niles  -Larry Jacobs  -Lisa Maki  -Arthur Mortell  -Stuart Muller  -Paul Glasgall (Advisor)  -Barbara Kohn  -Ernie Meadows  -Scott Wagenseller  -Lorraine Oshins  -Mary Cole  -Marguerite Perkins Mautner  -Gilbert Dembo  -Norman Kulla  -Maurizio Vecchione  -Barry Kurtz

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  Ted Mackie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the prior meeting were adopted without change.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  There is $7,097.19 in the PPCC checking account and $4,759.25 in the savings account.

3.2    Getty Villa.

Barbara Kohn announced that the City of Los Angeles has issued a ‘notice of intent to adopt a mitigated declaration’ on the Central Plant which is proposed by the Getty. The Central Plant will be the facility for providing air conditioning, heating, trash compaction,  and other mechanical services for structures located throughout the site. Elements of the Central Plant include 5 cooling towers, 20 1/2 feet above the roof and a 5 to 6,000 gallon storage tank above grade for fuel (possibly diesel fuel). Barbara suggest that a representative of the Council attend the public hearing to request an EIR and speak to other issues of concern. The appellate hearing has been postponed to the April calendar (from March 12).

3.3    Citizen of the Year Selection.

Harry Sondheim will represent the Council as a committee member to select a Citizen of the Year.

3.4    Deadline for Sparkplug Nominations.

March 15, 2002 is the deadline for Sparkplug award recipient nominations. On February 28, 2002, the Council will appoint a committee to select the recipient of this award.

3.5    Start Date for Antiques Market.

The antiques market will begin on May 19, 2002, not on March 17, 2002. Jennifer McColm, proprietor of the market, will be present at the Board’s February 28, 2002 to discuss the market.

3.6    Leaf Blower Complaints.

To complain or comment about the use of leaf blowers, please look at the website located at or telephone (800) 996-2498 or (213) 473-4486.

3.7    Palisades High School Sign.

Stuart Muller reported that a Palisades High School representative will be present at the next Board meeting to discuss the sign at the entrance of the High School. Stuart Muller noted that, in his opinion, the sign represents a, “blatant display of ego-centricity, is a glaring insult to the senses, is an environmental intrusion, a threat to visual tranquility, and an ongoing, blaring error in judgment.”

4.    Old Business.

4.1    City Council Redistricting Issues.

The Board discussed several issues concerning redistricting of Los Angeles City Council Districts.

Will the Palisades be in CD 11 represented by Cindy Miscikowski or in CD 6 represented by Ruth Galanter?

The Board decided to remain neutral on this issue and no motion was made.

What is the boundary between CD 11 and CD 5 in the area of the VA?

Should the Mulholland specific Plan area be entirely within the new “coastal district?”

Motion: Arthur Mortell made the following Motion, which was seconded by Scott Wagenseller, specifically that, “The PPCC goes on record as supporting a coastal district with boundaries as follows: Southern boundary as drawn. Eastern boundary to the 405 including the Veterans’ Center and the adjacent portions of Brentwood. Northern boundary as drawn including the Mulholland Highway Scenic Parkway Specific Plan to the Western boundary of the City.” The Motion passed unanimously with 15 voting in favor. There were no abstentions.

4.2    Mansionization Committee Progress Report.

Frank Wilson and Maurizio Vecchione reported that they have set up the workshops for members of the public to attend concerning the PPCC’s proposal to change the City of Los Angeles Zoning Code as it applies to the Pacific Palisades, for recommendation to the Cindy Miscikowski’s office. The changes, if adopted, would apply to all residential lots in the Pacific Palisades, regardless of size, location or zoning. The changes would place restrictions on maximum building size, based on the lot-size and may affect real estate values. A flyer was distributed outlining the details of the workshops and is attached to the minutes. There are three sessions of the workshop, The first is on March 11, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. The second will be held on March 17, 2002 and the last workshop will take place on March 18, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. All workshops will be held at Mort’s Delicatessen. All sessions will be the same, however session 3 will include an update on all input from the public during the first 2 sessions.

4.4    Renewal of Board’s Liability Insurance.

The Board’s liability insurance policy is up for renewal. There was discussion as to whether or not liability insurance is necessary for Board members. Marguerite Perkins Mautner strongly encouraged the Board to renew the policy. Lisa Maki asked to review the policy and will obtain the policy from the Chair. Frank Wilson noted that although the policy of insurance may not cover all acts and/or omissions, it would provide for the payment of defense costs (attorneys’ fees) in the event the Board or its individual members were sued.

5.    New Business.

5.1    Proposed 21-unit condominium project at 17325 Castellammare Drive.

The GH Palmer Company/Peter Novak, have proposed construction of this project. There is a hearing on the coastal development permit for the project on February 21, 2002 at the WLA 2d floor hearing room, 1645 Corinth Avenue. Members of the board expressed their concern over any construction in the area because of the longstanding problems with the integrity and stability of the land in that area which has historically suffered from instability and landslides.

Motion: Lisa Maki made a motion which was seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner as follows:  “The PPCC believes that a Mitigated Negative Declaration is not sufficient for such a project because of its size, the geology of the area (history of landslides and instability of the earth) and because of traffic concerns. As such, the PPCC believes that an EIR is required for the project and at the present time the Board is opposed to the issuance of a permit.” The Motion passed with 14 voting in favor. Barry Kurtz abstained from the vote.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on February 28, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
Harry Sondheim (Chair), Frank Wilson, Larry Niles, Ted Mackie, Larry Jacobs, Lisa Maki, Patti Post, Arthur Mortell, Stuart Muller, Barbara Kohn, Ernie Meadows, Barry Kurtz, Scott Wagenseller, Carl Mellinger, Lorraine Oshins, Mary Cole, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Tipi Weiner, Norman Kulla

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  Chairman Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the meeting of January 10, 2002 were read and adopted.

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer reported that there is $7,051.8 in the PPCC checking account and $4,759.25 in the savings account.

3.2    Youth Representative.

The Board solicits the names of youths who would be interested in being a youth representative on the Board. Harry Sondheim, Mary Cole and Ernie Meadows will serve on the committee to select a new youth representative. The committee will send out a series of questions to prospective board members. The committee will conduct interviews of the potential new youth representatives and report back to the Board. A total of 14 persons have expressed interest in serving on the Board.

3.3    Recreation Representative – Update.

The Chair wrote a letter to the PPBA to determine whether this organization would like to serve on the Board as its recreation representative. As of the date of the Board meeting, the Chair has not received a response from the PPBA. The Chair will call the PPBA to determine whether they are interested in serving on the Board. If the PPBA is not interested, the Chair will contact the next organization in order on the list set forth in the Bylaws.

3.4    Neighborhood Councils – Update.

The Chair received an email from Greg Nelson, Director of D.O.N.E., concerning the issue of whether area of whom can vote for an area representative. It appears that the City attorney has mis-read the definition of stakeholder. As it stands now, persons voting for area representatives include all whom work or own property in a particular area. This is inconsistent with a prior position of the City Attorney and makes no sense because the definition would include many persons who have no stake or interest in a particular geographic area and may lead to a situation where a person may vote for representatives in several areas by virtue of the kind of work that they do. Greg Nelson reports that he is in the process of preparing answers to “frequently asked questions” with respect to the certification process. The response may include answers to the questions posed by the Board.

3.5    Bylaws Correction.

Ted Mackie noted that there is a typographical error in the Bylaws in Article 8, Section 2 B, “Area Representatives and Alternates. Section 2.b Term of Office,” should read . . . “beginning at the commencement of the fiscal year. . .”,  not “. . . beginning at the end commencement of the fiscal year.”

4.    Old Business.

4.1    City Council Redistricting.

Among the issues to be discussed: What position, if any, should the PPCC Board take regarding the boundaries of a proposed City Council Coastal District. Also, what position, if any should the Board take regarding whether Pacific Palisades should be in the 11th or 6th City Council district?

Every 10 years, after the census is taken, the Los Angeles City Council performs redistricting of City Council Districts to reflect population changes in the City. Due to increases in population, the 2000 census created the need for redistricting which may bring about a change to our district. Council District 11 now includes the Palisades, Brentwood, West Los Angeles, Mar Vista, Encino, Woodland Hills and part of Van Nuys. Plans are to create communities of interest, meaning that Council District 11 may encompass part of the Valley or may move south and become a coastal district, which will then include parts of the current Council District 6, represented by Ms. Ruth Galanter. Redistricting may also change our current City Council representation, from Miscikowski to Galanter, depending upon where the districts are placed.

Present at the Board meeting to discuss and field questions about this issue were Ms. Kristin Montet of Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski’s office and Mr. Mike Bonin of Councilwoman Ruth Galanter’s office.

Ms. Montet distributed a flyer listing population statistics in the various city-planning areas, a copy of which is attached to the minutes. Both Ms. Montet and Mr. Bonin made clear that they have a very good working relationship and that both districts have similar interests and concerns. The adoption date for redistricting is July 1, 2002 and the new maps will be effective on August 1, 2002. It is quite clear now that Sunset Boulevard will not be a dividing line for the districts.

Because of the new City Charter, the redistricting process was made public and the City continues to seek public input into this issue. A Community Hearing on Redistricting was held on January 16, 2002 at the Crenshaw Christian Center’s Fellowship Center at 7901 S. Vermont Avenue. Kristin Montet reported that there was a large turnout of persons who testified about what unifies their neighborhood. George Wolfberg of the PPCC Board was present and testified. Ms. Montet indicated that if others wish to testify at the other upcoming hearings, they should appear early to place their name on the list of persons to testify. There will be similar public hearings, with one on the Westside, likely on February 13, 2002. There will also be meetings January 26, 2002, February 19, 2002 and February 26, 2002.  Some Board and audience members complained about the lack of notice of the meetings and the absence of hearings on the Westside.

The Board and audience discussed the issue of mapping of new districts, with emphasis on whether the Palisades should be a coastal or valley district and who our new representative will be depending upon how the areas are redistricted.

At the Board’s January 10, 2002 meeting, Laura Tan made a motion, that the Board provide input to the Commission as to how the maps of the districts should be drawn. Arthur Mortell noted that it would be improper for the board to make such a decision without allowing the public to provide input and comment at a public board meeting. Lisa Maki made a motion to table the motion until the next Council meeting. The motion passed. However, at this evening’s meeting, no motions were made regarding this topic.

4.2    Farmers Market Parking.

The owner of the parking lot behind Baskin Robbins began to charge persons on Sunday who park in the lot. Some members of the public were concerned about this practice. Trucks can park for free in the lot, however, the Chair noted that there are many farmers parked on the street, taking up free parking. Jennifer McColm, proprietor of the Farmers’ Market, was not present to discuss the issue and no members of the audience wished to discuss it.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on February 14, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki


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Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
Harry Sondheim (Chair), Frank Wilson, Larry Niles, Ted Mackie, Larry Jacobs, Lisa Maki, Patti Post, Arthur Mortell, Stuart Muller, Paul Glasgall (Advisor), Barbara Kohn, Ernie Meadows, Scott Wagenseller, Lorraine Oshins, George Wolfberg, Mary Cole, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Gilbert Dembo, Ron Dean, Laura Tan, Norman Kulla, Maurizio Vecchione

1.0    Introduction of Board and Audience.  Chairman Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves.

The Board welcomed Craig Bullock, who will take Kristin Montet’s place as the liaison to the Board from Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski’s office. Mr. Bullock can be reached at (310) 575-8461.

2.0    Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the meeting of December 13, 2002 were adopted with the following changes:

The names of board members Maurizio Vecchione and Richard Blumenberg were misspelled.

The last sentence of item 3.2 was deleted and replaced with the following: “Since there are public safety issues involved, Larry agreed to investigate further and to invite appropriate individuals to speak to us about the situation that allows a very few property owners, in this case, one, to dictate what street lighting shall be available at street corners on major thoroughfares.”

3.0    Announcements and Concerns.

3.1    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer reported that there is $7,010.11 in the PPCC checking account and $4,757.34 in the savings account.

3.2    Youth Representative.

The Board solicits the names of youths who would be interested in being a youth representative on the Board. Harry Sondheim, Mary Cole and Ernie Meadows will serve on the committee to interview and recommend a new youth representative to the Board. Four potential youth representatives were present at the meeting to express their interest and a total of five have applied. Other interested persons should contact the Chair at 454-4667.

3.3    Farmers Market Parking Lot.

The owner of parking lot adjacent to the Market has started to charge for parking on Sunday. This issue will be discussed at a future meeting.

3.4    Historical Society – Pacific Palisades 80th Anniversary Celebration

The Pacific Palisades was founded on January 14, 1922. Those interested in celebrating Founder’s Day are invited to Temescal Gateway Park on Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. where the Pacific Palisades’ Historical Society will host a party to celebrate the event. If it rains, the celebration will be held in Stewart Hall, located in the park.

3.5    Mansionizing.

Maurizio Vechhione will contact all interested parties to set up dates for the seminars and to prepare information to be included in the Board’s newsletter as soon as the dates have been determined.

3.6    Bylaws.

The updated bylaws were sent to Board members via email. If anyone did not receive them or is interested in reviewing them, they may contact the Chair or go to the Council’s website at It was noted that there are additional formatting changes made to the Bylaws in Appendix A relating to the order of the organizational representatives on the board as follows so that the list of organizations is alphabetical:

Under Cultural, Ethics and Aesthetics – PRIDE should be item 5 and Theatre Palisades item 5.

Under Education – Calvary School should be item 6, Corpus Christi should be item 7 and St. Matthews item 8.

3.7    Organizational Representatives.

The Pacific Palisades Baseball Association (“PPBA”) chaired by Bob Denton will be contacted to serve as the new Recreation representative.

3.8    State Beach Liquor License Transfer.

The State Beach Liquor store is being sold and there is an application pending to transfer its liquor license to State Beach Co. LLC.

3.9   Council Redistricting.

Every 10 years, after the census is taken, the Los Angeles City council performs redistricting of City Council Districts to reflect population changes in the City. Kristin Montet of Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski’s office explained the process. Because of the new City charter, the process is made public and the City seeks input into this issue. The Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission, a 21-member body responsible for gathering public testimony, will recommend the redistricting. The Commission is chaired by John Emerson who was appointed by Councilwoman Miscikowski and it will hold a series of public hearings through February 2002 to receive public testimony on how the boundaries should be drawn.

After the hearings, the Commission will create maps of proposed Council Districts and submit them to the City Council by March 1, 2002. The City Council must determine the districts by June 30, 2002. Ms. Montet distributed 2 flyers explaining the process. The flyers are attached to the minutes [note:  attachment not included/unavailable.]  A Community Hearing on Redistricting is set for January 16, 2002 at the Crenshaw Christian Center’s Fellowship Center at 7901 S. Vermont Avenue. The public is invited to testify about their district and what unifies its particular area.

For the Palisades, redistricting may bring about a change to our district. Council District 11 now includes the Palisades, Brentwood, West Los Angeles, Mar Vista, Encino, Woodland Hills and part of Van Nuys. Plans are to create communities of interest, meaning that Council District 11 may encompass part of the Valley or may move south and become a coastal district, which will then include parts of the current Council District 6, represented by Ms. Ruth Galanter. Redistricting may also change our current City Council representation, from Miscikowski to Galanter, depending upon where the districts are placed.

The Board discussed the issue of mapping of new districts, with emphasis on whether the Palisades should be a coastal or valley district and who our new representative will be depending upon how the areas are redistricted. Motion: Laura Tan made a motion, seconded by Scott Waggenseller, that the we provide input to the Commission as to how the maps of the districts should be drawn. Arthur Mortell noted that it would be improper for the board to make such a decision without allowing the public to provide input and comment at a public board meeting. Lisa Maki made a motion to table the motion until the next council meeting. The motion passed with 10 voting in favor and five voting against. There were no abstentions.

4.    Old Business.

4.1    Discussion by L.A.P.D. of Traffic Issues Related to the Pacific Palisades.

This is an opportunity for the board and the public to discuss their concerns regarding traffic conditions in the Pacific Palisades.

Patti Post coordinated several LAPD officers to appear at the Board meeting to discuss traffic issues as they relate to the Pacific Palisades. Audience members and the board expressed various concerns, including speeding, running red lights, stop signs, and speed humps. Specific complaints were made about the stop sign at Alma Real and Ocampo because the stop sign is frequently ignored, the dangerous condition of the entrance to the Edgewater Towers on Sunset Boulevard, the left hand turn lanes on to Pacific Coast Highway at Chatauqua and speeding on local streets such as Hartzell. Officers assured residents and the Board that these problems would be addressed.

Paul Glasgall, Chair of the Board’s Traffic Committee, announced that he would contribute, and requested contributions, so that the Palisades could purchase a speed trailer. The officers noted that the City has ample speed trailers to place in the Palisades and that they are not effective if placed out all the time, especially in the same location, because residents become aware of them and eventually ignore them.

The officers also discussed the possibility of having residents use speed guns to record speeders and report them to the police so that a letter could be written to the offender. The problem with private enforcement of traffic issues is that the offenders often become angry with members of the public because they do not want the public to do the work of the police. There was also conversation about the possibility of security companies working in conjunction with the police and the fact that if during an accident, there are no injuries sustained, the police will not come out to take a report. The bottom line is that the Palisades, as well as all communities in Los Angeles, want more police presence and enforcement. The LAPD simply does not have enough officers to place in all areas. The West Traffic Division patrols the Palisades. Any complaints regarding traffic violations or quality of life issues may be reported by calling (213) 473-0215.

5.    New Business.

5.1    Proposal to Provide a Public Storage Facility on the Third Parking Level at 970 Monument (the building which presently houses Blockbuster Video).

Shall a parking level, which purportedly is not currently in use, be converted to a public storage facility with 20 parking spaces available to the public?

A business called the William Warren Group (“Group”) plans to convert a portion of the above parking area into a public storage and parking area. Representatives Bill Hobin and Clark Porter explained the proposal to the board. The written proposal was distributed at the Board’s December 13, 2001 meeting and was attached to the minutes [note: attachment not included/unavailable.]  The current three level garage contains 187 parking spaces. The Group’s representatives explained that only 105 are required to be left open to the public by city and local ordinances and codes. Apparently, the lower level of the parking structure has not been used for about 2 years because of vandalism and lack of use. The Group plans to partition approximately 45 spaces to be used for private storage garages for building tenants and the public. The garages are going to be separated from the rest of the structure by a sliding gate and the separate garages will have metal partitions and roll up doors.

Ted Mackie asked the Group whether they were requesting and/or whether the project required a variance. The Group responded that a variance was not required by their current plan. Ron Dean noted that there is a current plan to construct a three story parking structure on the outdoor parking lot between Swathmore and Monument and that it is possible that this project would increase pressure to build that structure because the City would count the Group’s parking spaces as available in the business district, whether they were used or not. Ron Dean also noted that the original owner of the Monument building agreed to provide more parking spaces in the structure than required by code in return for community blessing of the project. Gil Dembo noted that such an agreement if not recorded and made to pass with title to subsequent owners was not binding on the current owner. Motion: Scott Wagenseller moved, Ted Mackie seconded, that the Board neither oppose nor endorse the proposed project. The Motion passed 12 to 1.

5.2    Reauthorization of Pacific Palisades Community Council Board Committees pursuant to Article XII of the recently Revised Bylaws.

The Chair pointed out that per our Bylaws, Article XII, reauthorization of our committees is required. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to continue the Mansionization, Traffic, Filming and Executive committees.

Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on January 24, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki


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