Scroll down for all 2011 meeting minutes.


Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Cathy Russell, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, Jim Rea, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Steve Boyers, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Joyce Brunelle, Geoff Shelden, Gil Dembo, Richard Wulliger, Mary Cole, Amy Kalp, Aurelia Friedman

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Kurt Toppel, Norma Spak, Andrew Wolfberg, Jamie Schloss, Barbara Marinacci

1.    Reading of Community Council‘s Mission.  Stuart Muller read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order.  Janet Turner call the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Introductions of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a Quorum was present.

4.    Adoption of the Minutes.  Harry Sondheim moved and Steve Boyers seconded that the minutes from the December 9, 2010 meeting be adopted with the attendance correction of adding Richard Wulliger. The motion was passed unanimously.

5.    Consideration of the Agenda.  The Chair considered the Agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer reported that as of January 13, 2011 there is $3,726.00 in the checking account; $18,131.33 in the Smith Barney CDs, and $0.00 in the Post Office Account for a total of $21,857.33. An anonymous gift of $500.00 was received.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

Chair introduced Schuyler Dietz our new Junior Youth representative (Non-voting).

7.1.1.    The next meeting is January 27, 2011.

7.1.2.    News reports indicate that P-3 was voted on and passed by the Los Angeles City Council. The Pacific Palisades Community Council City/State Budget oversight committee and the PPCC Executive committee opposed this. See details on P-3 in item 7.2.1 below.

The Mayor has asked the Neighborhood and Community Councils for input on the approach the City should take to address the economic problems. Ideas, suggestions, etc. We need to gather our ideas.

At our next meeting our representative to the Mayor’s City Budget Advocates Committee will be here to give us an update and to take down our suggestions.

The draft motion 10.5 [re P-3 proposal] will still be voted on tonight because it also opposes the sale of City Parking Meters.  [See item 7.2.1 below.]

7.1.3.    The City of Los Angeles gave notice of the sale of the lots on Potrero Canyon.

7.1.4.    Sigrid and Arnold Hofer wrote a very nice thank you note in appreciation of the Community Service Award they received from PPCC at the December potluck meeting.

7.1.5.    PPCC received an anonymous gift of $500 contribution from the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund at the suggestions of the Zuckerman-Kanner Gift Fund. A thank you letter is being sent.

Sparkplug qualifications will be published in the February 4th edition of the Palisades Post. The selection will be made in March. The Chair appointed the Sparkplug selection committee:  Richard Cohen, Norma Spak, Aurelia Friedman (youth rep), Mary Cole and Chair Ted Mackie.

The Chair also appointed the Sparkplug awards dinner committee to be Kurt Toppel, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Kathy Rolle, Haldis Toppel, Cathy Russell (Mary Cole if she’s still in town) and Chair Christy Dennis.

The newsletter committee was also appointed:  Barbara Kohn, Kathy Rolle, Haldis Toppel and Chair, Christy Dennis.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s Office – Joaquin Macias and John Gregory.

John Gregory stated that in defense of the Mayor’s and City Council’s “P-3” proposal (“Public-Private Partnership”) to lease to private investors for 50 years nine public parking garages located in Westwood, Hollywood, Downtown L.A., Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Van Nuys, and on Robertson Boulevard, they agreed to a long term lease agreement and not a fire sale of City assets. The City usually runs the lots at below market rate, at a loss of about $4 million per year. The City can no longer afford to do this. The City is concentrating on core services such as safety, library, parks and recreation and this is not a core service. The City has lost money over the last year and competitive parking rates will be implemented. Jack Allen commented that the parking garages are mismanaged and that subsidized parking will generate revenue for the City by attracting people to shop and spend money. Paul Glasgall asked what the projected revenue from the $140 debt in bonds would be. Gil Dembo commented about the 50 year lease and if we are giving away money to the private sector. George Wolfberg asked about the occupancy rate. (Response 50% average involving 9 garages). It was suggested that the city was not managing the garages very well. It was asked if this project is meant to appease the Labor unions by saving jobs for 9 months? Answer – No because this was started 2.5 years ago.

Jennifer Badger from Mayor Villaraigosa’s Office stated that they considered what Chicago was doing and the goal is to get money in the short term and manage assets better. The City is adopting a concept of core services.

Harry Sondheim said that the City had no problem raising the rate on parking meters. The private operators of the parking garages will raise the rates why can’t the City do this? Answer is that the concept behind the increase in parking meter rates is to help reduce traffic congestion by guiding motorists to use parking structures and spaces further away from the services they are seeking. The City wants it to be a win-win for them and the private contractor. Restrictions in pricing will be placed.

Any excess money is to go to the Reserve fund, and that is what the credit rating systems for bonds look at. The reserve fund is below 5% and it has to be brought up.

The City is at the point of making the difficult decisions and the P3 issue is a hard decision. They are also looking at other structural changes. The opposition to this decision has just come forward and they understand the criticism.

John Gregory says that this will not cover this year’s deficit and it is not an option at this time. It goes back to the core services issue; the City has to concentrate on core services.

George Wolfberg moved and Stuart Muller seconded Motion 10.5 Opposition to Sale of City Parking Meters and the Lease of City Parking Garages to a Private Party [cross-ref. item 10.5 below].  The motion was amended and passed unanimously with two abstentions as follows:


“The Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) OPPOSES the sale or lease of any parking meters owned by the City. The right to receive in perpetuity all the revenue from these meters should go directly to the City and should not be sold to balance a budget for a year.

“The PPCC also disagrees with the decision of the Mayor and the City Council to enact the “P-3” proposal (“Public-Private Partnership”) to lease to private investors for 50 years nine public parking garages located in Westwood, Hollywood, Downtown L.A., Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Van Nuys, and on Robertson Boulevard and OPPOSES thesale or lease of any other city parking garages and/or parking meters. PPCC SUPPORTS the continuation of all existing parking programs of low-cost, short-term parking rates currently provided at any of the City’s public garages.”

7.2.2.    Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore stated that there was an increase in vehicle break-ins, especially during the rains. It appears to be a one night event. Reminder to clear all visible items from your car. Stuart Muller asked about a truck parked on Pacific Coast Highway near the shack. Officer Moore responded that it was removed today, it had been stolen.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Dick Wulliger said the Historical Society is sponsoring its annual Pacific Palisades Historical Quiz at Theatre Palisades on January 17, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. There will be no charge.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    YMCA Committee.

Richard Cohen report read by the Chair stated that they met with Carol Pfannkuche of the YMCA regarding the Simon Meadow landscaping.  She said that she will work with David Card, the landscaper, and others to devise a plan for the cleanup and landscaping of the site. Richard Cohen is appointed by the Chair as a consultant and he will share any plans with the Board as they become available.

8.2.    Land Use Committee — Core Findings Update.

Jack Allen reported that the Planning Commission was considering shutting down all community planning. On the bright side, they incorporated a lot of the suggestions submitted by the PPCC Land Use Committee (LUC) on the Core Findings Ordinance.

9.    Old Business.  [None recorded.]

10.    New Business – 5 Dogs and 5 Cats Ordinance.

In the absence of Chris Spitz, the PPCC Land Use Committee Chair, George Wolfberg introduced the proposed LA City motion CF 10-0982 that would increase the allowable number of pets per household from 3 to five dogs and five cats with the goal to increase revenue for the Department of Animal Services and find homes for pets that would otherwise be euthanized.

Haldis Toppel outlined the following four major issues concerning the proposed ordinance:

1. The Department of Animal Services needs more money. Nobody argues against the fact that money is needed to better serve our animal population.

2. Dogs and Cats are better off in a loving home than in a shelter or euthanized. Again, nobody can and will argue against this point.

3. Putting 10 animals under one roof will harm people and create a nuisance in communities. Many arguments can be raised on this topic.

4. Putting 10 animals under one roof will harm the animals. Again, arguments can be raised.

Pro Ordinance CF 10-0982 was Joaquin Macias and John Gregory of Councilman Rosendahl’s office and Brenda Barnette, General Manager of the Department of Animal Services. The arguments for the ordinance include the following;

1. The Board of Commissioners for Animal services passed the ordinance unanimously. The ordinance was presented in the Valley and on the Westside and received little opposition.

2. Limits guard dogs to only 2 per residence.

3. It is now a planning issue and is going to the Planning Department for 90 days, and then City’s Council’s Planning and Land Use Committee.

4. The ordinance is humane and will increase options for licenses and increased revenues.

5. Mechanism is in place to address the issues of barking, pack behavior, etc.

6. Other major cities have no restrictions on pets.

There was acknowledgement that there is no enforcement of current animal laws in Los Angeles.

Gil Dembo said that environmental issues need to be considered, even in apartments. Barbara Kohn asked about who would prepare the EIR and where the funds would be coming from.

Haldis Toppel presented the statement from Julie Sterling, a local dog trainer and breeder. Her main points are:

1. The more dogs are located in one household, the more the pack mentality develops. The dogs are more difficult to control by a lay person and can become dangerous to themselves and to people.

2. The license fees should be enforced and collected by Animal Services. Her experience is that only 10% of all dogs are licensed. If collected on all of them, the money should be sufficient. She suggests that the Animal Services enforce the ordinance that are already in place before creating new ones.

Dr. Kathy Litochleb, DVM, a local veterinarian with the Palisade Veterinary Center on Via de La Paz presented the attached letter. She also felt that the charge for licenses should be increased and that all pets should have licenses. Vets make sure that animals have their rabies vaccine and could be a catalyst for making sure that they are also registered.

Other discussion – Apartment landlords can say no to pets. What about condos?

Would it necessarily take the animals out of the pound and put them into private residences?

Phyllis Dougherty, animal activist, said that the ordinance has several major flaws. There is no incentive to get the animals from shelters; can get the animals from anywhere. Just because you have more animals doesn’t mean that they will be registered. There is mismanagement of the animal shelters, this ordinance does not change that. It does not require spay and neutering. It favors breeders and will rewrite kennel zoning laws in the City. Allowing ten adult animals with no limits on breeding, many more needy animals will exist. There is no requirement on space; people will not self regulate.

Harry Sondheim noted that with the City cutting back on services, they will not be able to provide additional personal to enforce this ordinance.

Brenda Barnette, General Manager, Department of Animal Services, made the following points:

1. Rosendahl’s office wrote the proposal and gave it to the Department of Animal Services to review.

2. The Board of Animal Commissioners were given the report to allow the 5 dogs/ 5 cats limits. They agreed.

3. Guard dogs were considered a safety issue and were limited to 2 per property.

4. Two Town hall meetings were held and people were largely in favor of the ordinance.

5. The safety issue is not apparent, but the planning issue is since the ordinance provides for over 3 dogs and 3 cats per residence and currently a kennel permit is needed. She asked us to postpone our vote until Planning does its report.

6. When asked about license fees, she observed that the license fees are currently not collected as they should be. Only one third of the fees are collected.

James Rea moved that the motion be tabled until after the EIR is completed. Jack Allen seconded. The motion to table was defeated.

George Wolfberg made the motion as drafted by the LUC and Gil Dembo seconded. The motion was amended and passed unanimously with one abstention, as follows:

“Whereas, the Pacific Palisades Community Council’s (PPCC) Mission, as stated in the Bylaws, is to protect and improve the quality of life in the Pacific Palisades.

“Whereas, the proposed ordinance to increase the number of allowable pets per household to five dogs and five cats for a total of ten may increase a public nuisance and impair the quality of life in the Pacific Palisades.

“Whereas, the PPCC agrees with the opinion of veterinarians and other animal experts, that the proposed ordinance may also have the unintended consequence of endangering the welfare of household pets.

‘Therefore, the PPCC opposes the proposed ordinance CF 10-0982.”

10.1.   [Dept. of Aging.]

On behalf of the Department of Aging, guest Catherine Fitz, who is on the Advisory Council to the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging, and a Sr. Residential Transition Specialist, CSA at Together in Transition, gave the Council a description of the kinds of needs our growing senior population is being faced with. She stated that Los Angeles has the largest senior population of any large US City. She said that Commissions on Aging and City Council needs to hear from the public about protecting Department of Aging budget. Many materials and services exist to help seniors and care givers. She listed a number of free services and a few with minimal charges.

10.2.    [Bike Racks.]

Marie Steckmest reported that she has bike racks for the Village. The City is paying for them on the PROW. Marie received a grant to put them on private property. She presented us with suggested sites and needs our input. It was agreed that the locations will be reviewed by the Land Use committee and that Chris Spitz will be in touch with Marie Steckmest regarding this.

10.4.    [Farmer’s Market.]

Farmer’s Market has requested input on its planned expansion onto Antioch between Via De La Paz and Swarthmore. John Edwards from California Certified Farmers Markets (CCFM), wants to expand its relationship with the Community thru promotion of healthy eating programs, farm visits for children, library program (something like eating with Jane Austin). Jennifer McColm, President of CCFM, said it would be a natural expansion for the Palisades Farmers market to spill over onto Antioch with about 30-50 spaces (10 by 10 each). Farmers usually take three spaces.

Joyce Brunelle wants them to take a survey of current businesses on Antioch for their input. There was also a concern about having enough parking. Also, the type of vendor that would be represented was a concern. Would it be additional farmers or more like a flea market? Jack Allen said that the parking issue has to be addressed before this could move forward.

[10.5.    Motion re P-3 Proposal; see item 7.2.1 above.]

[11.    Public Comment — None recorded.]

[12.    Adjournment.]   The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m.


January 19, 2011

The Honorable Bill Rosendahl
Councilman, 11th District Los Angeles City Council
West Los Angeles District Office
1645 Corinth Avenue, Room 201
West Los Angeles, California 90025

RE: Opposition to 5 Dog 5 Cat Ordinance CF 10-0982

Dear Councilman Rosendahl:

On January 13, 2011 the Board of Governors of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) voted unanimously to oppose the proposed Ordinance CF 10-0982, which would allow the number of dogs and cats in a household to be increased from three to five of each for a total of 10.

This ordinance was reviewed thoroughly by the PPCC Land Use Committee, and PPCC heard from numerous presenters that included: John Gregory, CD 11, Joaquin Macias, CD 11, Brenda Barnette, General Manager, Animal Services, Dr. Kathy Litochleb DVM (letter attached), Phyllis Dougherty, animal activist and Board Members and visiting public.

We understand the purpose of this proposed ordinance is to collect more license fees and to provide homes for animals that would otherwise be euthanized. Although your intent is admirable we believe the method for solving the problem is misguided, and we overwhelmingly passed the following motion:

Whereas, the Pacific Palisades Community Council’s (PPCC) Mission, as stated in the Bylaws, is to protect and improve the quality of life in the Pacific Palisades,

Whereas, the proposed ordinance to increase the number of allowable pets per household to five dogs and five cats for a total of ten may increase a public nuisance and impair the quality of life in the Pacific Palisades,

Whereas, the PPCC agrees with the opinion of veterinarians and other animal experts, that the proposed ordinance may also have the unintended consequence of endangering the welfare of people and household pets.

Therefore, the PPCC opposes the proposed ordinance CF 10-0982.

The attached letter from Dr. Litochleb outlines many of our concerns about the potential danger to people and animals. (She also makes some good suggestions on how to increase animal registrations.)

Another major objection was that the ordinance lacks requirements for these pets to be rescue animals or to be spayed or neutered. The ordinance also has no limits on the number of animals under four months old and thus would favor breeders, rather than reduce the number of pets and/or help the rescue population.

An additional concern was that the ordinance would allow kennels (more than three dogs and/or cats) to move from commercial areas into high density residential areas and potentially house 10 adult pets and an unlimited number of pups and kittens adjacent to private homes. With the City’s poor record of enforcing any of its ordinances, problems from such operations could seriously impact the quality of life in these neighborhoods.

It was further pointed out that currently cats are not licensed and only about 10% to 30% of all dogs are licensed. Consequently, there is little confidence that the ordinance will indeed create more than a nominal increase in the income for Animal Services but may potentially increase the cost for inspections and enforcement.

For all of these reasons, the Pacific Palisades Community Council respectfully urges you to oppose the ordinance to increase the allowable number of dogs and/or cats per household from three to five for a total of ten.


Janet Turner, Chair 310-573-0382

CC: via e-mail
Alan Bell, Planning Department
LA City Councilmembers
Norman Kulla
Joaquin Macias
John Gregory
Brenda Barnette

Attachment to PPCC Letter:  Letter from Kathy Litochleb, DVM

310-573-7707 FAX- 310-454-7122

Dear Pacific Palisades Community Council:

Thank you for calling my veterinary clinic to gather an opinion from myself and my colleagues regarding the new law extending the number of pets per household to five cats and five dogs allowing ten pets per household.

We oppose the new law for the following reasons:

Increase in barking/noise
Depriving neighbors of peace and quiet
Increase in fecal excrement in public areas
Increase in cat litter/feces flushed into the oceans
Threat to bird population from outdoor cats hunting (big problem). Cats are obligate carnivores and so they must eat meat taxing the environment
Overcrowding of parks with dogs
Inability of the owners to provide proper care and nutrition for their pets due to expense (i.e.: 10 animals would cost $1200 a year in flea control alone)
Increase in zoonotic disease from overcrowding
Increasing the numbers of dogs allows for a pack mentality making the dogs more difficult to control
Since no square footage of the residences was addressed it would be possible for someone living in a 1200 square foot condo to have ten animals in this environment, this is a recipe for disaster
An increase in humans bit by dogs and bit and scratched by cats causes increasing visits to the ER
Due to the nature of felines, some cats do not do well in small areas with dogs and other cats forcing them to live miserable lives
There is no guarantee that people would adopt dogs that need homes, they may purchase pets from breeders or pet stores negating the original intent of this law. City could generate millions by implementing the following:
1) Mandatory micro chipping of all pets, dogs and cats, through the shelters, vets, pet store and breeders. Involve all veterinarians in mandatory registration/micro chipping of all pets brought to the clinic. Nota Bene: Only 10 to 20% of my patients have Rabies tags ….this is an empirical estimate. This indicates that 80% of the dogs are not registered. If this is that actual number the City is losing a huge chunk of change from derelict owners, these funds could be used to provide care for shelter animals. Since the City is not collecting on all dogs now, increasing the number may not be helpful. This would create a situation in which we would have more dogs and not necessarily adequate funds. We need to keep the numbers the same and collect from derelict owners.
2) Increase registration to $35 per pet per year, including all cats. This would increase in revenue by a factor of 3.5. Far above the extra 800K currently proposed Fifteen dollar increase is a paltry amount and could easily be sustained by owners. Cats outnumber dogs in number so by registering cats the increase of revenue could be higher than the 3.5.
3) Force pet shops to pay a hefty tax on each dog and cat. Pet shops typically buy puppies and kittens for about $400 and mark them up to $1200 to $2000 at sale. I think a percent tax of the final sale price would be appropriate. This money could be used for the shelters.
4) Regulate breeders: Implement property inspections, premise licenses and breeding license with a qualifying exam to ensure accountability. Currently anyone can breed dogs and cats resulting in horrific situations were animals are poorly kept and abused. Breeders operate under the radar in their backyards and avoid taxes and accountability. Animal care and breeding require knowledge and hard work and should be treated as such.
5) All pets/puppies brought into California would need to register. Imported pets would require a microchip and registration with the City and State. Out of state breeders would need to show proof of a business license and of tax payment to their state. This would stifle illicit backyard breeder of the horrific kind, and favor the serious breeders.

Animals and pets need the protection of people. We should do everything possible to ensure their wellbeing and educate owners to provide the best possible environment for their pets. The government is looked to by its people to make the best possible decision with goodness and honorable intent. This is certainly not the case with a law promoting overcrowding, zoonosis and dubious care of our pets.

Catalina Litochleb DVM
Pacific Palisades Veterinary Center


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Richard Cohen, Cathy Russell, Norma Spak, Steve Cron, Jennifer Malaret, Robert Baker, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Kathy Rolle, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Gilbert Dembo, Richard Wulliger, Amy Kalp, Jim Rea, Aurelia Friedman

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Kurt Toppel, Andrew Wolfberg, Quentin Fleming, Jamie Schloss, Barbara Marinacci

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Kathy Rolle read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introductions.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Introductions of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a Quorum was present.

4.    Adoption of the Minutes.  Haldis Toppel moved and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded that the minutes from the January 13, 2011 meeting be adopted. The motion was passed unanimously.

5.    Consideration of the Agenda.  The Chair considered the Agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer reported that as of January 27, 2011, there is $3,456.72 in the checking account; $18,131.33 in the Smith Barney CD’s; and $0.00 in the Post Office deposit for a total of $21,588.05.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.     Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    The next meeting is February 10, 2011.

7.1.2.    The PPCC website was updated by Ted Mackie to highlight weekly issues facing our community and allowing readers to respond.  We have applied for a grant from the Junior Women’s Club to implement a new feature where we send out email alerts to residents about current issues and provide them with a way to vote on the issues thus giving us numbers to present to City Representatives which will bolster our Resolutions.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman’s Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias.

Councilman’s Rosendahl’s office is looking into the issue of turning Street Lights into cell towers on a City wide basis.

Potrero Canyon will have its kick off next week with the ground breaking ceremony at the mouth of the canyon and Pacific Coast Highway. The project will begin with re-grading and stabilizing the hill and continue with the process of redoing the whole canyon.

Pacific Palisades Community Center Committee erected a fence around the perimeter of the baseball diamonds to prevent further vandalism and limit destruction of the baseball field. It will be locked at night. The Councilman’s Office has stated that the fence will remain in place and the field will be unlocked during Park open hours between 9 am and 9 pm and locked thereafter.

An old driveway on Enchanted Way adjacent to a landslide will have berms to keep water runoff from draining onto the property below. The abandoned construction site on 815 El Oro is in disrepair. A notice will be sent to the owner who will then have 30 -45 days to respond. The retaining wall on the property is in compliance.

Joaquin Macias announced that the unpaved remnant of sidewalk at the top of Entrada Drive at the corner of Adelaide Drive is on City property. City Street Services supervisors have refused to place a temporary asphalt sidewalk to increase the safety of pedestrians. The reason is a policy that an ADA curb ramp also would have to be installed if any work is done at this site. George Wolfberg asked whether this request had been made to department executives; it had not. Macias commented that a community group can apply for a beautification grant, but should check with the City to see if there are any restrictions.

7.2.2.    Michael Moore – Reported to the Council (incorporated in comments from Captain Nathan [Item 9.1 below]).

7.2.3.    Victoria Cross – Government & Neighborhood Relations Liaison for Department of Water and Power (DWP); 111 North Hope Street, Room 1531; Los Angeles, CA 90012;; (213) 367-4141.  The new general manager for the DWP is Ron Nickels. There are scheduled open houses to discuss the Scattergood-Olympic projects on:
February 23, 2011 from 5:30-8:30pm; West Los Angeles Municipal Building, Hearing room #200 1645 W. Corinth Avenue, Los Angeles (Parking on the NW corner of Iowa & Corinth)
February 24, 2011 from 5:30-8:30 p.m.; Courtyard Marriot, Palos Verdes Meeting Room 13480 Maxella Avenue, Marina Del Rey

The large transformer sitting outside the DWP substation on Sunset and Via de la Paz is temporary and will be removed once repairs are made inside the building.

Haldis Toppel asked about the status on the DWP lot and the planned DWP substation on Marquez adjacent to the Marquez Elementary School. Victoria Cross said that she would look into this and get back to us with an answer.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    PPCC rep to Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board, Jennifer Malaret.

The Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board has openings for a 12 month term. Anyone interested in joining the Board can obtain an interest form from Jennifer or the Park Director. Items that were discussed for repair and/or replacement are:
1.  Tinting of the circular window in the new gym
2.  Repairing the air conditioner in the new gym
3.  New curtains in the small gym

The Board is working with parties interested in planning a resource event for seniors at the park. A suggested loading zone in front of the small gym is being considered but there are major issues involving Fire Department restrictions. The chain link fence was installed to secure the baseball fields by the permit holders to prevent further vandalism and prohibit use of the fields. 11 out of 15 people who spoke about the new fence were against it. The approximate $55,000 annual cost of maintaining the field is paid for by the permit holders (Pacific Palisades Community Center Committee; funded by the Pacific Palisades Baseball Association 80% and AYSO 20%). The field is unlocked from 9am to 9pm and people are excluded from using the field during the locked times. Scheduled organized sports/activities have priority during open hours.

8.2.    YMCA Committee Update — Richard Cohen.

They are scheduling a meeting with YMCA and the Temescal Canyon Assoc. to discuss what the plan for the YMCA land should be.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    LAPD Captain Evangeline Nathan — addressed how Police protection in the Palisades will be affected by the City’s economic problems.

Captain Nathan is the area commanding officer for West Los Angeles, starting this position in April 2009. She has an extensive background in law enforcement. Her command encompasses 64.5 sq. miles with 260,000 residents and ½ million people who come here daily. There are 7 Senior Lead Officers with 220 officers assigned to this area. Their goal is to improve the quality of life in the area, reduce the response time from the current 8 minutes to 7 minutes and reduce crime. Captain Nathan feels she knows how to get the job done by deploying quickly and being innovative.

Questions followed:

1.  Should we have a Police substation in the Palisades Park or a stop-in center? Capt. Nathan responded that the Police Dept. is reluctant to open any new sub stations due to fiscal problems.

Haldis Toppel explained that the LAPD Substation facility was included in the initial plan and construction of the new gym but has since been used for storage of gym equipment by Recreation & Parks. The new location at the entrance of the new gym is now envisioned as a drop-in to allow the LAPD Officers to prepare their reports without having to return to the West Los Angeles Station, thus increasing the presence of LAPD in the community. Public access is not envisioned at this time. It was agreed that in the future, the term “LAPD Substation” would not be used for the new facility under discussion, but some other term defined by LAPD would be substituted. Funding for the construction of the current facility has been donated by the American Legion. The Department of Recreation and Parks supports the installation of the LAPD facility because police presence at the park would deter crimes and vandalism at the park. The current location at the entrance to the new gym is unused space and will not interfere with any park activities. Carolyn James, Principal Recreation Supervisor 1 for the West Region, stated other requirements to be addressed are an agreement between the Department of Recreation and Parks and the LAPD; secure phone line; a building permit and a right of entry permit; a secure and quiet area for storage and privacy, and a Board report. Captain Nathan stated that the need for the more expensive T1 communication line has been dropped for this facility.

Officer Michael Moore stated that a secure facility was needed for the officers to conduct their business in the Palisades without the need to return to the West Los Angeles station. The current arrangement with the Chamber of Commerce is not adequate and he supported the creation of the planned LAPD facility.

The Park advisory committee supported the creation of a LAPD facility with a unanimous vote of support on January 26, 2011.

Stuart Muller objected to the substation being at the Park and suggested that other locations be considered such as the library, fire station or the Chamber. He disagreed that the substation was part of the plan for the Park 12 years ago when the new gym was built and said it was not in the 2000 PPCC Task Force to Plan and Implement Palisades Recreation Center Improvements and Modifications report. Jack Allen recalled that the LAPD Substation was part of the initial plan and construction of the new gym. Haldis Toppel made a motion for the PPCC to support the LAPD facility at the park. Because the issue was not on the agenda, the motion was tabled and the matter will be placed on a future PPCC agenda.

George Wolfberg brought up an incident where 5 officers were present investigating a suicide, but failed to respond to a leaf blower infraction. Captain Nathan gave the explanation that they might not have been able to leave the scene prior to the determination of death by the coroner. The Captain stated that improved roll call training will occur and will stress to officers the importance to the community of quality of life issues like illegal leaf blowers.

Drugs in the area have not been a problem recently, but are handled by vice who use undercover methods to curtail any such activity.

Richard Cohen thanked and commended the service of Michael Moore with the concurrence of the Board.

Amy Kalp brought up the issue of the motor cycle noise on Wednesday evenings. The problem seems to have resurfaced with warmer evenings. Captain Nathan said that traffic questions are handled by the traffic division headed by Captain Nancy Lauer. The LAPD is aware of the problem and is addressing it.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Presentation from Jay Handal, Chairman of the Mayor’s Neighborhood Council Budget Committee and City – State Budget Oversight Committee.

Jay Handal has set up 6 committees and has the goal of meeting with everyone involved with the City’s budget including unions, services and representatives. Los Angeles is providing less service for more fees and with less people in the city to do the jobs. The current year budget, which ends in June 2011, is $53 million in the red. The City’s budget for the year starting in July 2011 will be $363 million in the red if not altered. The goal is to address infrastructure problems, create efficiencies by combining services, establish an organized effort to collect fees and restructuring.

Los Angeles is currently planning its 2011-2012 budget and wants your input. The Los Angeles Budget Challenge is online and is a interactive tool and allows you to share concerns about potential budget balancing measures and priorities.

The official link to the Los Angeles Budget Survey Challenge is:

The Mayor has been very receptive and is supplying staff for this effort. The budget committee is expected to release a report of their findings and recommendations early in March. The Mayor is expected to announce his budget at the end of March.

11.    Public Comment.

Stuart Muller said that the Park is not living up to its original mandate to provided expanded programs for people of all ages. He said that the room being proposed for the police facility was originally intended to be the Rec Center’s Main office, but design flaws prevented this. Muller expressed concern that the Upper Picnic Area is now being referred to as the “Upper Athletic Field” and a 4 foot fence is being contemplated for the area.

[12.    Adjournment.  Note:  Adjournment time not recorded.]


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Ted Mackie, Cathy Russell, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, Jennifer Malaret, Robert Baker, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Andrew Wolfberg, Jamie Schloss, Joyce Brunelle, Geoff Shelden, Susan Orenstein, Richard Wulliger, Chris Spitz, Amy Kalp, Aurelia Friedman, Trish Bowe

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Norma Spak, Jim Rea, Barbara Marinacci, Schuyler Dietz, Christy Dennis

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Jim Rea read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Introductions of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present.

4.    Adoption of the Minutes. Joyce Brunelle moved and Andrew Wolfberg seconded that the minutes from the January 27, 2011 meeting be adopted with the correction by Amy Kelp that she asked the status of the Black and White in the Palisades in addition to the detail unit that’s supposed to look into the motorcycle problem. The motion passed unanimously with the correction.

5.    Consideration of the Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer reported that as of February 9, 9011, there is $3,088.72 in the checking account; $18,131.33 in the Smith Barney CD’s and $0.00 in the Post Office deposit for a total of $21,220.05.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    The next meeting is February 24, 2011.

7.1.2.    City Council/Finance Committee Town Meeting in Northridge.  The Chair reported that she presented PPCC’s letter and motion opposing the sale of City Parking Meters and Garages in person to the City Council Budget and Finance Committee. They told her they were not in favor of selling the Parking Meters.

7.1.3.    Planning Seminar – Reforming City’s Development Review Process on February 16, 2011 at the Felicia Manhood Center.  Reforming might mean less control; it is important that Homeowners’ Associations attend as these proposed changes could directly affect them. Please get the word out.

7.2.    Announcements from Government Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias.

Potrero Canyon ground breaking for the first phase will take place on February 24, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. near the canyon entrance and Pacific Coast Highway. The first phase includes filling of the canyon and establishing berms planted with sea grass near Pacific Coast Highway.

Information on a seminar for the new septic tank ordinance will be emailed.

7.2.2.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore not in attendance.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    [Newsletter.]

Christy Dennis, chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council Newsletter Committee, announced that the members of the committee are Barbara Kohn, Kathy Rolle, Cathy Russell, Haldis Toppel, and Janet Turner. She plans to have the Newsletter in mailboxes between April 4th and April 8th. An effort will be made to correct all addresses and include apartments.

Please submit any news that can be included, especially news that can be useful – how to’s, useful phone numbers or other good community information.

8.2.    [Golden Sparkplugs.]  Ted Mackie said Golden Sparkplug nominations are due by March 5, 2011 not March 1, 2011 as published in the Palisades Post.

8.3.    [Awards Dinner.]

Christy Dennis will coordinate with the Palisades Post on the joint Citizen of the Year award and Golden Sparkplug award to get the word out about the dinner on Thursday, April 28, 2011.  The Post plans two more articles to announce nominations for the Golden Sparkplug as well as publicize the event. Please plan on attending so we can recognize these special individuals. Please note: This event will replace our regular PPCC meeting.

8.4.    Item is tabled this week.

8.5.    Land Use Committee.  CCF Ordinance update – Malaret, Spitz. The CCF Ordinance – 80% of the Commissioners supported the CCF Ordinance, but a quorum was not represented, therefore it will go to the City Council and require 10 out of 15 votes for passage.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Survey L.A.

Survey L.A. is the citywide survey to identify and document historic resources. It’s goals and objectives were presented by Lester Probst. In January 2012, Survey L.A. is coming to Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, and other Westside locations. In the meantime they are taking submissions of sites that would be appropriate to be considered to be a historic locations in the City of Los Angeles. It is important that as much advanced information is submitted as possible such as building history, year built, architecture, and activity that occurred there to make it an historic building. For more information contact Janet Hansen at (213) 978-1191 or by Email at Visit the website at To be a volunteer, contact Rita Moreno at or (213) 978-1192.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Proposed Apartments for 17130 Sunset Blvd.

Chris Spitz set forth the background for the proposed apartments for 17130 Sunset Blvd. and the Land Use Committee (LUC) backing of a focused EIR (Environmental Impact Report) requirement. The main issues of the project that concerns the LUC are traffic and the geological stability.

Jack Allen presented a 13 page report and read some of the geological and traffic issues contained within that make a case for insisting that an EIR be prepared for this project. The project is approximately 84,000 sq. ft., 6 buildings ranging in height from approx. 30 feet to 60 feet. It involves dirt removal, is located on an active landslide and has ground water underneath.

The geotechnical engineer for the project at 17030 W. Sunset Blvd., Sassan Salehipour, declared that the issues of landslide would be mitigated. Underground streams were non-existent and a drainage system would address any water issues.

Earl Ellis, an attorney, spoke as the developer’s representative. He rebutted that the height of the building is only 47 ft. not 57 ft. as the other part is underground. The project is considered to have only 3 buildings verses 6 because they are so close together and are considered as only one building. The soil removing trips would be 925 counting one in and one out. Other items that were not address were due to the time line and will be solved as they occur. The City has many requirements for the project and a lot of geotechnical information is available including site evaluation. The mitigated negative declaration is more than 100 pages long. Improvements include more than 100 pilings under the buildings, driveway improvement and a sewer will be developed.

Jean Rosenfeld representing Malibu Village, 29 private properties below the project, stated their concern and need to be included with ongoing information.

Jennifer Malaret, as Area 3 representative she overall supports the project for her Area, but the position of the land use committee is to require a focused EIR that concentrates on traffic and geological issues. The February 14, 2011 deadline necessitates the need for the motion tonight.

MOTION.  Jack Allen moved and Dick Wulliger seconded that the Community Council urges that an Environmental Impact Report be prepared for 17030 Sunset Boulevard project.


9.2.    Bike Racks for the Village.

Chris Spitz for LUC presented their recommended locations for the bike racks.

PPCC LUC Recommended Bike Rack Approval


31 Flavors (rear of building only per LUC; use private funds/grants money as necessary0

SE corner of Antioch (2racks or 1 extended rack, preferred)*


Benton’s Monument side, (1 rack)

NW corner shop currently vacant, across Swarthmore from Benton’s Monument side (1rack)*

Panda, Monument side (2racks or 1 extended rack, preferred)*


NW corner w/ Sunset, Chase Bank, La Cruz side (1 rack)

W of SW corner w/Sunset, Pharmaca, La Cruz side (1 rack)*


On parkway in red zone, south of driveway to Palisades Elementary (2 racks or 1 extended rack, preferred)*


E side, between Marquez and alley- closest to the alley (1 rack)*

*indicates sites proposed by LUC; other sites proposed by the City/Palisades Cares

Additional LUC recommendations:

All bike racks shall be the standard U-shaped racks

The bike rack program shall be evaluated one year after installation by PPCC and Palisades Cares

Marie Steckmest, for Palisades Cares, presented the locations approved by LA City DOT and Palisades Cares.


15200 W. Sunset (Chase Bank)

15215 W. Sunset (Citi Bank) ok with En Route Travel

15209 W. Sunset (Panda Express)

15300 W. Sunset (Starbucks)

1038 Swarthmore (Benton’s)

1026 Swarthmore (Baskin Robbins) at breezeway

1017 Swarthmore (Madison)

970 Monument (Prestige Cleaners)

15301 Antioch (Petit Ami)

15231 La Cruz (Sabrina Nails

15233 La Cruz (Palisades Garden Café)

16630 Marquez (Knoll’s Pharmacy)

16642 Marquez (Ronny’s Market and Liquor)

Facts that support the above locations are 1) A DOT double blind study found that most popular locations for bike racks were coffee shops and 2) DOT attempts to place racks within 50 feet of the establishment and where it makes sense.

The goal is for people to use bike racks and then there will be less clutter on the streets. If she needs to move trash bins to make room for the bike racks, then she will.

Jack Allen said that there are no provisions in the General Plan for bike racks. In general, if the bike rack is out of sight, it is out of mind. Bike racks should be on Sunset in front of the Post Office, in front of 31 Flavors, Bentons and PaliSkates.

February 10, 2011 – MOTION.

Bike Rack Locations, Commercial Village and Marquez – Chris Spitz, George Wolfberg and Stuart Muller. Upon motion by Chris Spitz, seconded by Gil Dembo, the Council approved the following resolution:


Whereas the City of Los Angeles (the City) and Palisades Cares have proposed a program for the installation of bike racks in certain locations in the Commercial Village and Marquez Business District.

Whereas LUC members have extensively investigated all proposed and potential locations; have compared treatment of bike racks in Brentwood, Venice and Santa Monica Canyon; have taken and reviewed photographs and have considered other written materials and analyses related to bike rack locations; have thoroughly discussed the relevant issues at two committee meetings lasting over 2 ½ hours in total; and have participated in lengthy additional communications on the subject.

Whereas in considering the merits of proposed and potential locations LUC members have endeavored to consider PPCC’s obligations to the community at large; to take into account the desires of local merchants whenever possible and reasonable; and to balance the worthy goals of promoting bicycle riding and convenience to riders, when necessary and appropriate, with the need to prevent blight, clutter, congestion and unsafe conditions and to protect streetscape aesthetics, the Sunset Blvd. scenic highway and the Specific Plan.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the PPCC approves the locations for bike racks recommended by the LUC as set forth in the attached list, “PPCC LUC Recommended Bike Rack Approvals As of February 7, 2011,” and further requests the following:

All bike racks shall be the standard U-shaped racks;

The bike rack program shall be evaluated by PPCC and Palisades Cares one year after installation.

The motion passed with 10 votes in favor; 4 opposed and 2 abstentions.

11.    Public Comment.

Andrew Wolfberg reported that there was a house fire on Kingmen with Los Angeles City firefighters responding for a property located in the City of Santa Monica (only house on the street not in the City of Los Angeles). He questioned the use of LA City funds for a Santa Monica City fire, given the budget crisis.

Stuart Muller emphasize that we need to be aware of the placement of items on our city streets such as trash cans, bike racks, etc. to avoid a cluttered undesirable appearance.

[12.    Adjournment.]  The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Ted Mackie, Cathy Russell, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, Jennifer Malaret, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Peter Fisher, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Joyce Brunelle, Geoff Shelden, Richard Wulliger, Chris Spitz, Mary Cole

Non-voting Members in Attendance and Alternates:  Norma Spak, Steve Boyers, Barbara Marinacci, Andrew Wolfberg, Schuyler Dietz

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Jennifer Malaret read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Introductions of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present.

4.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer reported that as of February 24, 2011, there is $3,088.72 in the checking account; $18,131.33 in the Smith Barney CD’s and $0.00 in the Post Office deposit for a total of $21,220.05.

5.    Adoption of the Minutes.  Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved and Stuart Muller seconded that the minutes from the February 10, 2011 meeting be adopted with the correction by Jack Allen:

“Jack Allen said that there are provisions in the Village Specific Plan for bike racks. However, he was opposed to some of the proposed locations recommended by the Committee because it was unlikely that bike riders would use the racks. They were not in front of stores so ‘out of sight, out of mind.’  Such locations were any bike racks on the west side of Monument. Such racks would be more effective if located in front of the Post Office and the Subway, in front of 31 Flavors, Benton and PaliSkates. He also asserted that bike racks would enhance Sunset Blvd. giving it a tonier look. He thought placing a bike rack near the school driveway on Via de la Paz would not work and if anything encourage jaywalking to the YMCA.”

The motion passed unanimously with the correction.

6.    Consideration of the Agenda.  The Chair considered the Agenda. A time limit will be set on each major topic from now on. The set time will be divided into parts; 1/3 for topic presentation, 1/3 for questions and 1/3 for discussion. Not every presenter will be given the same amount of time. This will be done in a fair manner. This will encourage everyone to be brief, a minute or less with the timer running. It is hoped that this will encourage a lively discussion without any calling out.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    The next meeting is March 10, 2011.

7.1.2.    A Code of Conduct or Code of Civility is being proposed as an addition to PPCC’s standing rules.  A committee has been formed consisting of Jennifer Malaret, Barbara Kohn, Chris Spitz, Richard Cohen and Harry Sondheim as Chair. They will have a proposed draft by the end of June.

7.1.3.    Report from the Planning Development Reform Forum. The Chair attended a meeting for Development Reform with the Planning Department designed to hear suggestions for improvement for the planning process. Many other Community Council and Homeowner representatives were there. You can still share your ideas about Development Reform with the Planning Department by going to

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore.

Not too much crime in the Palisades. There was a burglary on Enchanted Way with an arrest made. The response time was an issue. A citation was issued for a dog off lease at Rustic Canyon Park. A woman was robbed in front of CVS pharmacy. It involved purse snatching and as of yet, no suspect.

7.2.2.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias.

The Potrero Canyon groundbreaking took place earlier today and Certificates of Appreciation were issued to all current members of PCCAC, many of whom are past or present members of PPCC. Those present at the groundbreaking were George Wolfberg, Rob Weber, Stuart Muller. Those not present at the groundbreaking were Gil Dembo, Carl Mellinger, Susan Nash, Norma Spak and Chris Spitz.

The Vons remodel is proceeding as scheduled including the redesign of parking lot for better ingress and egress. The Waldorf School is currently working on the signal installation at Los Liones and Sunset.

The Pacific Palisades Community Council Board extends an invitation to Councilman Rosendahl to attend our first meeting in May 2011.

[Items 8 and 9 out of order, below.]

10.    New Business.

10.1.    PPCC Membership Contribution.

The proposal is to increase the membership contribution to $25 for individuals/families and $50 for businesses. The current contribution is $15 and $30 respectively.

Community Council expenses include Sparkplug dinner, Christmas pot luck, parade car, rent for library, administrative expenses and the major expense, $8,000 for the newsletter. An exact breakdown will be provided by Ted Mackie at the next meeting. Richard Cohen stated that the issue is the return from the newsletter has failed to exceed the cost of the newsletter in the last few years. We are concerned about the long term financial solvency of this organization.

Discussion that followed centered on

  1. Brentwood Community Council cannot afford to send a newsletter; BCC has a different business model than PPCC. They rely on dues only from member organizations, not from the community where as PPCC relies on dues from the community. In order to raise funds BCC has to do advertising on their website. For PPCC this might caused some loss of being an independent forum.
  1. We are never able to calculate a projection of our revenue. We ask for contributions in our Newsletter twice a year. In the past many checks have exceed the membership contribution amount, but this past year we did not get a good return.
  1. Temescal Canyon Association (TCA) has a $5 membership amount and usually gets $20.
  1. Peter Fisher suggested setting up a PayPal system.

Janet Turner stated that she is expecting a grant from the Women’s Club with expenditure going first toward the website and the excess could go to the set up of PayPal.

Ted Mackie stated that the newsletter broke even, but not enough to cover the council’s expenses for the year.

MOTION.  Richard Cohen moved and Harry Sondheim seconded that

“The Pacific Palisades Community Council membership contribution be increased from $15 for individuals/families and $25 for businesses to $25 for individuals/families and $50 for businesses.”

The motion passed with one abstention.

10.2.    No Cell Phone Drive Zone Signs.

Aaron Marks presented his community project idea of creating a no cell phone drive zone on Sunset Boulevard between Palisades Drive and Capri. His plan is to have approximately 6 signs reminding drivers that talking on a hand held cell phone while driving is against the law. To promote his project, Aaron has gathered 100 pledge signatures, made flyers and sample signs.

The size of the proposed signs are 12 x 18 inches and it is not known whether they conform with City laws. There are rules about signs on a scenic highway (Sunset) that might prohibit such signs. Any signs would be subject to the rules regarding signs on scenic highways.

Steve Boyers thought that it was a good idea. Richard Cohen reminded us that the signs that said Welcome to the Palisades was voted down by the Board on numerous occasions. He understands that the no cell phone law is not being followed, and understands our need to express our concern on this issue.

Marguerite Perkins Mautner is in favor of no cell phones while driving, but wondered if the signs in and of themselves might be a distraction. Joyce Brunelle is in favor of the signs. Chris Spitz felt that the suggestion is appropriate and should be looked at by the sign committee. She also commended Aaron Marks for his effort.

Paul Glasgall felt that this is a similar issue to the wearing of seatbelts, and that there is not enough enforcement. Joaquin Macias suggested the renting out of telephone poles for signs temporarily. Andrew Wolfberg suggested that the issue go to our sign committee, and that Aaron Marks be involved. The Chair asked Harry Sondheim if the Beautiful Palisades Committee would take this on. Harry Sondheim agreed.

10.3.    Triathlon October 23, 2011 – David Card, Rotary Club.

The Junior Triathlon is a fund raiser for the Rotary Club with most of the proceeds benefiting the students at Palisades Charter High School. The street closures will not impact any major routes with the event scheduled to last from approximately 7:30 am to 10:00 am on October 23rd. The route starts and ends on the Palisades High School Campus and goes through the adjacent neighborhood. This event will be supportive of the Chamber of Commerce Expo Fair and will coordinate with the fair set up. It is expected to start at 8 am and take about 2 hours for the slowest people. It will be a mini reversed triathlon – running, biking and then swimming. Permission papers from the residents affected by the race will be signed with at least a 50% approval rate needed to go forward. Road closures, permits and security are in the works. Route maps were provided.

Currently no stations are being planned for, but if there is one it would probably be on the Bluffs. The Bureau of Street Services will be blocking streets prior to race as early as 6:30 am. They will be dropping off equipment at key spots. The cars will have to be moved off route streets on the day of race; and this will be enforced.

Will people be land locked on day of race? The residents will not be able to drive unless it is an emergency. Emergency vehicles will have passage. Notification will be by fliers.

W2 is the race promoter and considered to be a good one (Jennifer Malaret). Also, it is a safety issue if cars are parked on course during race, they will have to be towed.

Harry Sondheim wanted residents along the race route to know what they are getting into. They need to be informed prior to the race that there will be no parking on the street and no coming and going.


Harry Sondheim moved and Steve Boyers seconded that

“The Community Council of Pacific Palisades approves the triathlon promoted by the Rotary Club provided that the residents along the race route give at least 50% approval with the knowledge that there will be no parking on the street and no coming and going during the event.”

The motion passed unanimously.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Beautiful Palisades Committee.

Banner Blight on Sunset.  This committee was set up because there was concern about the signage on Sunset Boulevard. So far Palisades High School and the YMCA have been very cooperative, but there is a need to address others on this issue. A permit is needed for signs (LA City Ordinance) even if it is a non-profit when there is a commercial use. Religious organizations will be contacted.

Joyce Brunelle stated that the Chamber of Commerce puts up signs on Sunset at Palisades Drive and Temescal for activities related to the Community.

If it is for commercial purposes, there are no exemptions – not for schools or the Chamber. This must be for all of Sunset; if it involves raised funds then it is commercial. This just deals with Sunset Boulevard.

If the purpose of the sign is non commercial it is fine and no permit is needed. But if it is for money then a permit is needed.

Richard Cohen commended Harry Sondheim for his work on this. It reduces blight. The business community should have a permit for signs and we support the specific plan so it is important that we control signs.

Steve Boyers, a member of the committee, stated that this is an ongoing process and no rush to judgment. There is ample opportunity for dialogue and to inform the organizations about the signs on Sunset.

Janet Turner asked for an informal raising of hands to support Harry Sondheim and his committee to talk with religious organizations to keep inappropriate signs off Sunset. Harry plans on attending the interfaith council to present this.

Show of hands indicated that the majority supports the committee to approach religious organizations to discuss the signage issue.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    LUC Committee – ABC’s and Hot Topics for 3-3-2011.  Chris Spitz said that anyone on the Board is invited to attend the LUC meeting with 24 hour advance notice. The next meeting is at noon on March 3, 2011.

8.2.    Golden Sparkplug Nomination Committee.  Ted Mackie is still seeking nomination for the Golden Sparkplug Award. Currently, there are 3 nominations in; two of them are for the same activity.

11.    General Public Comment.

11.1.    Janet Turner said that Jack Allen is recovering from emergency surgery. The Board sent him a get well card.

11.2.    Stuart Muller. Blight on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) Potrero going west on water tank.  Water tank will be removed by contractor.

11.3.    WRAC will have a meeting where Mayor Villaragosa will be the speaker and will be available to answer question about the budget. This will be held at the Felicia Manhood Center in West Los Angeles on March 29, 2011 from 7-9 pm.

Please vote in the upcoming election.

[12.    Adjournment.]  Adjourned 8:33 pm.


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Voting Members:  Harry Sondheim, Richard Wulliger, Barbara Kohn, Aurelia Friedman, Stuart Muller, George Wolfberg, Haldis Toppel, Janet Turner, Jennifer Malaret, Ted Mackie, Richard Cohen, Marguerite Perkins, Paul Glasgall, Steve Boyers, Jack Allen, Gil Dembo, Geoff Shelden, Amy Kalp.

Non-voting Members:  Jim Rea, Kurt Toppel, Flo Elfant, Christy Dennis, Norma Spak, Mary Cole, Barbara Marinacci.

Presenters:  Jay Handal, Brentwood, Erich Haas, Rec & Parks, Michael Moore, LAPD, Jane Albrecht, Friends of the Pool.

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  George Wolfberg read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  13 voting members required. Janet Turner certified that we have a quorum.

4.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported that there was a checking account balance of $4,192.72 and aggregate funds on hand of $22,324.05. Relative to the Motion last week to increase PPCC Membership fees, Ted has placed financial information on the PPCC website that give some of the detailed information that Board Members had asked about. Christy Dennis reported that an announcement regarding the Board’s finances would be made in the upcoming newsletter.

5.    Adoption of Minutes – February 24, 2011.  Steve Boyer called the motion. Harry Sondheim seconded. Unanimously approved. Jack Allen abstained.

6.    Consideration of Agenda.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.     Announcements from the Chair.

The next meeting is March 24, 2011.

New Committee. “Multiple Approvals Procedural Revisions Committee” will look at the Planning Dept.’s proposed Code amendment. Jack Allen has been appointed as the Chair.

Reminder WRAC Town Hall March 29, 2011. This meeting was cancelled because the Mayor will be in Washington DC.

Warning to those who appear at Public Hearings. The PPCC has been advised that the City Clerk makes names and addresses of speakers available on the Internet via a link. Janet Turner offered Board Members to use the PPCC PO Box rather than a home address. Jay Handal reported that you can inform the Sergeant that you wish to speak and you will be allowed to do so without filling out a speaker card.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias.

(1) The Septic Tank Ordinance is 3/24/11. (2) Community discussions regarding a dog park are continuing relative to an appropriate dog park location and Rosendahl’s office will be looking into Prop. K or other funding sources for the dog park. (3) Potrero had its ground breaking. First phase will take a year to complete; we are waiting for traffic light sign-offs. The entire project is expected to be completed in 5 years and the first phase is at the mouth of the canyon. (4) The City will be doing a sweep for homeless encampments sometime in April using a group of City agencies who will attempt to relocate the homeless. Notice will be given to the homeless a few days prior and the operation is expected to be quiet. (5) Rustic Canyon Park had a meeting with the Prop. K team and General Services. They should be scheduled to start remaining Prop. K improvements beginning in 7 weeks – irrigation, shoring up access road and cement work. This phase is expected to be completed in 2 months. (6) Gil Dembo asked about Rosendahl’s position on LAX and there would be follow up on this issue

7.2.2.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore – Deferred until later in the meeting.

7.3.     Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Jennifer Malaret, PPCC rep to PAB.  Jennifer reported that the Prop K irrigation project on the upper field area is moving along as previously approved by the LVNOC and Park Advisory Board. The Park Advisory Board held a special public meeting on 3/9/11 to approve the safety barrier proposed by Rec. & Parks. The PAB voted unanimously to recommend that the safety barrier be made of the same material used for the existing playground enclosure.

7.3.2.    Historical Society Announcement. Dick Wulliger spoke regarding the upcoming program (“Randy Young and the Mysteries of Murphy Ranch”) that will be offered on 03-14-11 at 7 PM in the Theater Palisades. Admission is free and the public was encouraged to attend.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Golden Sparkplug Committee – Announce Award Winners.  Ted Mackie announced that Keith Turner and Barbara Marinacci have been selected.

8.2.    LUC Committee.  Barbara Kohn reported that the next LUC meting is 12 PM at 3/17/11 meeting. All Board members are welcome to attend and provide input on the bike rack situation and that this discussion will begin at 12:30. Representatives from PRIDE will be attending. Any interested Board members should RSVP to Chris Spitz and Jennifer Malaret 24 hours prior to the start of the LUC meeting, please.

8.3.    Take the State of California budget challenge.

8.4.    DWP second motion.  Jack Allen nothing to report at this time.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Police Response Time.

Haldis Toppel reported that her home was victimized as a home invasion/burglary of which the details are not the subject of the PPCC meeting. What is relevant is that it took the LAPD over one hours to respond to a burglary in process with the burglar in the home. The events that caused the delay are well within current LAPD deployment policy. The delay was caused by lack allocated of resources in our area. We want to reach back to the promise made 2 years ago by Assistant Chief Earl Paysinger that resources are available to have a car located in the Palisades 24/7/365. However, due to lack of allocated resources to the West Los Angeles area, the basic car does indeed leave the area frequently and was not in the area to respond to the burglary in progress. This is long-standing concern within the community. Haldis recommends that a letter be sent to the Chief of Police because this is not a local situation that can be corrected by the West Los Angeles area commander. She believes it must be elevated to the top of the police department to make changes in the allocation policy which is primarily based on crime statistics. We must consider that the Palisades is an isolated community without surrounding areas from which a back-up car can be called. Haldis suggests that the PPCC support the writing of a letter insisting on 24/7/365 police protection – not just the assignment of the car to this area, but the actual presence of a car in the Palisades. This may require a change in the LAPD allocation policy and an increase in the allocation of additional personnel resources to the West Los Angeles area. Haldis Toppel read the proposed Motion (see attached).  [Note:  attachment not included/unavailable.]  Harry Sondheim seconded the Motion. Discussion: Janet Turner reported that she spoke with Capt. Nathan who said that events on the day of the Toppel’s robbery only had 5 cars in service instead of the usual 7. Richard Cohen confirmed the prior promise and expressed that he will vote for the motion. Richard observed that COM stat (the system by which resources are allocated) is very dear to the police department and the reason that we get so few resources to WLA is that we have so few crimes proportionately. That is a reason to support sending the letter. Richard recommends that Councilman Rosendahl’s office also be contacted. Richard is suggesting a political effort through the CD-11 Office may be needed. Gil Dembo asked about the boundaries of the Palisades area covered by Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore – the ocean to Mulholland and the city limit to Mandeville Canyon. Gil observed that it is a very large and difficult area to traverse. Harry Sondheim expressed sending copies of the letter also to both Assistant Commander Paysinger and Captain Nathan so that they are advised in writing of the PPCC’s current position. Christy Dennis advocated copying everyone that we can and use the journalists in the room to publicize this issue (or hold a news conference to accomplish the same). Paul Glasgall cautioned against characterizing the issue in terms of seven cars because there are a lot more police cars (traffic, detective, investigative, etc.) out there on the streets. Paul gave examples of where different divisions in our area have backed each other up. George Wolfberg asked about the example of the New Year’s Eve suicide where three cars and five officers were assigned to monitor the investigation of a suicide near a public street and questioned about how that staffing worked out relative to these officers being taken away from crimes in progress. George Wolfberg has talked to LAPD Chief Beck about how the Palisades is an “isolated community” and that the LAPD is aware of this. Jay Handal explained that the number of allocated officers and cars to a community will not provide a true indication of actual staffing and cars present in that community at all times. The PPCC voted to pass the Motion unanimously (see attached motion).

Following the vote, Janet Turner reported that WLAPD believes our private patrol are additional resources to them and she feels this is almost like a penalty to our community because we pay for private protection. Janet suggested to Capt. Nathan and Norman Kulla that LAPD patrol vehicles have GPS systems such as the private systems who have a GPS monitoring of their cars and that the LAPD system could alert them to the issue that there are areas of the City that remain unprotected. Steve Boyers expressed that this is a regular problem and that it is time for us to be a squeaky wheel. Steve advocated forming a committee or using our resources to push this issue. Janet asked the Council Office for assistance with obtaining the deployment statistics and the presence of a patrol vehicle in the Palisades. i.e., the last three months of deployment statistics thatare sent to Rosendahl’s office already. Christy Dennis advocated that the evaluation of these statistics must be done before moving forward with the letter.

9.2.    Police Facility in the Park.

Haldis Toppel introduced the subject by summarizing the last two years of discussions on this topic. Rec. and Parks made the facility available to LAPD to write reports and conduct administrative tasks that would otherwise require the LAPD officers to drive outside of our community to the West Los Angeles Police Station in order to perform such tasks. We would like to keep the patrol officers in town by providing a facility. Erich Hass, Park Director, spoke about how this proposal was brought to him in April, 2008. Since that time, more than 20 incidents of vandalism have been documented and that some of these reports are serious. Erich said that having a police facility at the Park would benefit the community and the park because the offenders would not know when the police were on site or showing up. Erich said that putting the entrance in the big gym was a form of community policing – the police are there, they are visible, available to the community for questions and visibility is beneficial. Michael Moore stated that he agreed with Erich’s concerns and that locating the facility here would encourage the officers to spend some time at the Park in addition to going there for a specific call. Michael said that the most important thing is that the park is asking LAPD to be there and wants the LAPD presence, so it is a win-win situation. Haldis Toppel read the Motion (attached). Jack Allen seconded the Motion. Discussion: Richard asked if the facility would be taking resources away from residential areas and putting them in the park. Senior Lead Officer, Michael Moore, responded that this will not be the case. Stuart Muller stated that he is not against the police presence in the Palisades or in the Park. He stated the opinion that every publicly owned piece of property in Pacific Palisades has a certain function and use and its use should be vetted and approved by the community. Stuart had three specific objections to the proposed Motion: (1) use of the big gym’s entrance for an LAPD facility was never noticed, vetted or approved by the community, (2) PPCC’s prior approval was based on location of the LAPD facility in the office and not in the entrance area of the big gym (which was designated as an art element) and (3) there have been no updated efforts in the last two years to explore other viable City property in which to locate the LAPD facility.

Park Park Director Erich Haas stated that the “office” is the only available storage area for gym and park equipment. Erich Haas and LAPD Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore along with Captain De La Torre initially evaluated an area behind the stage in the small gym, area which does not have telephone or windows and is hidden away and was found to be not suitable. Erich does not believe that locating the LAPD facility in the entrance to the new gym will take anything away from the entrance, it meets the fire codes and the LAPD has agreed that the entrance is a good location. Stuart Muller recommended having a community meeting about the new location. Kurt Toppel reported that the money from the American Legion was based on a thorough review of alternative locations (Chamber, Library, Fire Department, etc.) and that there is no reasonable alternative location. Kurt pointed out that these issues have all been discussed before and that he believes Stuart voted in favor of this proposal before. Harry Sondheim asked about the LAPD facility being part of the original construction plans for the new gym and there was disagreement on this point between Kurt and Stuart. A discussion was had about the current use of the space in the entrance to the new gym. Marguerite Perkins and Barbara Kohn wanted to be assured that there would be enough room for the facility and the public. Erich Haas stated there would be sufficient room. Paul Glasgall asked about prior concerns involving security, light and functionality. Michael Moore responded that he believes these concerns are satisfied by the new plans. Erich Haas did not have the plans available but orated his understanding of the details. The Motion passed, with 1 vote against and 2 abstentions.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Multiple Approvals Ordinance.

Jack Allen thanked the Board for their recent well wishes. Jack reported that the Planning Department is seeking to revise the Zoning Code to streamline multiple approvals for large projects in one sitting. Jack has no problem with the basics of the Ordinance meaning clarifying and streamlining the procedure. But the problem is cutting down the time frames for permitting. Currently, an applicant has to fulfill conditions within 24 months or get an extension. The Ordinance proposes to extend the time to 3 years and extending existing approvals for another 3 years on top of that. Jack cited an EIR that is approved based on conditions and certain conditions. Then changes are introduced 2 years later or 4 years later when someone wants a new permit or application. Jack’s basic objection is to all of these extensions, including the possibility that the City Council can provide additional extensions up to six years during which time projects can sit as eyesores. Jack reported that there is a CPC meeting on 3/23/11. Richard recalled the 83-unit condo project on Tramanto where there were significant changes and that this is a good example of why the Board should support Jack’s efforts in opposing the extension of time limits. Richard Wulliger also raised concerns about applicants who obtain permits, develop nothing and then sell the entitlements.

10.2.    JWC Grant.

The Chair thanked Christy Dennis for writing a grant extended her appreciation to the Junior Women’s Club for donating PPCC $1,250 towards expanding its website which Janet would like to see as interactive (emails, community input, community polls) in order for the town to know more about the PPCC and get more involved. Jim Rea stated that these tools are available for free or at a very small fee; however, there are intangible costs for putting content forward (system can be there and volunteerism is not). Jim thinks it is great to have the funds and would like to propose putting together a committee with the following functions: a process of clearly defining functionality of the website (polls, blogging, forums), identify the administrative costs (start up and on going) and identify where the volunteer resources will come from. Janet Turner stated that the Outreach Committee could address these concerns and added Jim Rea to the committee. Janet Turner is sending out reports using email and Face book.

10.3.    PPCC Newsletter.  Janet Turner thanked Christy Dennis for working so diligently on the Newsletter and for her many long hours of dedication to this production.

11.    General Public Comment.

Jay Handal, Citywide Chair of Budget Advocates for NC’s attended the meeting to distribute the final results of the City’s Budget Survey. Jay noted that WLA is pretty consistent with most of the City. Jay invited the Board to attend the Regional Budget Day on March 12, 2011 from 9-12 PM downtown. The Budget Advocates will not put their report forward until meeting with the Mayor on 3/17/11 and 3/18/11 when they are on the City Council Agenda at 10 AM. is the website. will be the email address for comments. Generally speaking, Jay feels that the electeds have no plan and no will power to get things done. Between $700 million to a billion in items written off or inefficiencies that have not been acted on.

Jane Albrecht announced that Sunday April 10th: from 4-7 PM there will be a Wine Festival at Gladstone’s for the benefit of the Friends of the Temescal Pool. Radio Station 104.3 FM will be the media event sponsor.

12.  Adjournment. Janet Turner adjourned the meeting at 8:37 PM.

ATTACHMENT:  ITEM 9.2 — Motion (9.2 LAPD Facility)

Whereas only one LAPD patrol car is assigned to Pacific Palisades,

Whereas the single patrol car must leave the area and return to the West LA Police station in order to file administrative reports, leaving Pacific Palisades without police presents and protection for an extended period of time,

Whereas an LAPD facility in Pacific Palisades will allow officers to perform administrative functions locally and will therefore increase their presence in the community,

Whereas the Palisades Park facilities and ground suffer from repeated and damaging vandalism,

Whereas the presence of LAPD in the park is expected to deter vandalism and other crimes in the park,

Whereas the construction of an LAPD facility at the new gym has been funded by the American Legion,

Therefore PPCC supports the installation of an LAPD facility in the entranceway of the new gym and urges LAPD and Rec&Parks to allocate the resources to provide the administrative support necessary to facilitate the construction and implementation of the LAPD facility to LAPD specifications.

Motion (9.1 Police Response Time):

Whereas on February 26, 2009, at the regularly scheduled PPCC Board meeting, Assistant Chief Earl Paysinger assured our community that sufficient patrol officers are assigned to this area so that the Palisades Basic Patrol Car would never have to leave the Palisades 24/7, 365 days a year,

Whereas Pacific Palisades is an isolated community without adjacent areas from which to draw backup units,

Whereas currently, the Palisades Basic Patrol Car leaves the Palisades community regularly and therefore the response time to local incidences may be seriously delayed,

Therefore the PPCC requests that the LAPD resource allocations and deployment policies are adjusted to provide 24/7/365 LAPD protection to Pacific Palisades as assured by Assistant Chief Paysinger. The Chair shall send a letter in support of this motion to the LAPD Chief of Police.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Executive and Primary: Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Richard Cohen, Cathy Russell, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Peter Fisher, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Joyce Brunelle, Gilbert Dembo, Richard Wulliger, Chris Spitz, Aurelia Friedman

Voting Alternates:  Norma Spak, Steve Cron, Jim Rea, Trish Bowe

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Flo Elfant, Andrew Wolfberg, Quentin Fleming, Schuyler Dietz

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Haldis Toppel read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Introductions of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a Quorum was present.

4.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer reported that as of March 24, 2011, there is $4,424.55 in the checking account; $18,131.32 in the Smith Barney CDs; and $0.00 in the Post Office deposit for a total of $22,555.87. Treasurer’s report is now on the website.

5.    Adoption of the Minutes.  Stuart Muller moved and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded that the minutes from the March 10, 2011 meeting be adopted. The motion was adopted unanimously.

6.    Consideration of the Agenda.  The Chair considered the Agenda.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    The next meeting is April 14, 2011.

7.1.2.    WRAC Update.  WRAC leadership voted to send a motion on the stadium and convention center to all NCs and CCs for consideration. PPCC will consider this at our April 14, 2011 meeting.

7.1.3.    Website Update.  Pay Pal is now on our website with many thanks going to Ted Mackie for hours of work and Andrew Wolfberg for advice. Janet Turner made a donation today on the website and encourages others to do the same. Jim Rea is working on our Blog spot and his enhancement on the web site is due by the end of May.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias — Not present.

7.2.2.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore is on vacation.

Richard Cohen attended the Community Police Advisory Board (CPAB) meeting last Tuesday and expressed his concern about the number of police officers assigned to our area. According to Captain Baeza the crime numbers in our area are down. Richard Cohen has voiced his concern about lack of police presence in the Palisades including a private conversation with Captain Baeza about the need for a full time dedicated car to this area, but was not happy with the response. He was told that a car is assigned here every day, for both the day and night shifts. However, a review of actual police response records about a year ago indicated that the Palisades car is here about 70% of the time during the day and much less at night. Former Captain Bill Eaton had instructed the Palisades car not take calls to go outside the Palisades except in extreme emergencies, but now there is a new system in place which permits and requires the Palisades car to leave the area at times. Janet is working politically to get more police presence in the Palisades.

Haldis Toppel acknowledged Richard Cohen’s comments at the CPAB meeting and mentioned that a Los Angeles Times article stated that the City Council determines the number of police officers working for LAPD as part of the budget allocation process. Stuart Muller wanted to know who was responsible for verifying the numbers and was told that Janet was working with Councilman Rosendahl’s office on this.

Janet Turner, Mike Stryer, John McKown and Juan Carillo met with Councilman Rosendahl’s office to discuss motorcycles on Sunset and the new Captain assigned to West Traffic, Captain Brenda Crump. They were told that if the motorcycles are obeying the law, there is nothing they can do. McKown reiterated that many times these motorcycles are speeding and driving recklessly. Joaquin Macias suggested that we consider hiring off-duty police to come on Wednesday nights because of LAPD’s budget constraints. This could be tried as a pilot program. Macias with CD 11 is looking into the cost. Marguerite expressed concern about the Palisades Riviera straightaway on Sunset. Andrew Wolfberg felt that hiring officers with private funds is a bad precedent and wondered where the monies collected from the tickets would go.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

Gil Dembo stated that work has begun on the signals at Los Liones.

8.   Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Golden Sparkplug Dinner Committee.  The Golden Sparkplug Dinner is on April 28, 2011 and will cost $47.50 per person, the same as last year. Newsletter is coming out the first weekend in April.

8.2.    Budget Committee Report on Regional Budget Day.

Attended by Jennifer Malaret; her report read by Jim Rea.  Jennifer Malaret attended the Regional Budget Day at City Hall on March 12, 2011 with approximately 60 other neighborhood and community council representatives. Presentations were made by the City Attorney, City Controller, Jay Handal (Chair of the Budget Advocates) and the Commission on Revenue Efficiency. The City got 25,000 hits and almost 10,000 responses to its Budget Survey website during the last five weeks. In our Pacific Palisades 90049, 90272 and 90402 zip codes, 304 people visited the site and 225 completed the surveys; however, only 72 of the 225 people (32%) successfully balanced the budget. On a Regional basis, encompassing West Los Angeles and the West Valley, it was noteworthy that our survey responses generally matched the shared opinions of the Citywide 10,000 responses – given a further point that organized labor was believed to have been a driving force & major factor in the overall number of people who took the on-line survey.

During the West LA breakout session, NC and CC representatives were most concerned about the following four topics: (1) how to use private monies to keep the libraries open and achieve equity in funding all City libraries, (2) advertising in the parks and using parkland as moneymakers through the new partnership division, (3) police and fire personnel cuts should not happen and these two departments should be looking at efficiencies only (there was great concern about brownouts and losing the fire department’s ability to be the first responders on scene), (4) Westwood’s desire to use the 30/10 (America Fast Forward Plan) to finish the subway and Expo Line, preferably without above-grade crossings, and (5) sufficiency of the City’s reserve funds.

You should all know that the Budget Advocate’s White Paper Report is now available on-line. To access the full report, entitled “Saving Jobs – Saving Services”, go to:

Finally, our budget contact in the Mayor’s office, Jennifer Badger, is leaving effective April 1st. Her replacement has not been named. (Note from the Chair. Her replacement is Joe Hari.)

Janet Turner said that one of PPCC’s suggestions for making the City money was incorporated in the Budget Advocate’s White Paper. That suggestion was about vets collecting dog license fees and it was given to PPCC by Dr. Letochleb’s when PPCC discussed the proposed five dog/five cat ordinance.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Code of Civility.

Harry Sondheim, Committee Chair, gave background of this assignment.  Most neighborhood councils have one and based in one form or another on the D.O.N.E. Code. The committee (Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Harry, Chris Spitz and Jennifer Malaret) looked at the D.O.N.E. (Department of Neighborhood Empowerment) Code and all available other neighborhood councils’ codes of civility and drafted the motion based on the best parts of all these sources.

Quentin Fleming felt that the code was not needed. Janet stated that, as Chair, without the code she has no recourse if a board member’s misconduct should continually disrupt the PPCC meetings. Richard Cohen explained that the code covers committee meetings as well. Other meetings attended by board members in a public setting should have standards also; Also, this is currently not included in our bylaws or standing rules.

Harry Sondheim moved and Richard Cohen seconded that the following Code of Conduct be adopted:



All Board members should:

  1. Demonstrate courtesy and respect to others while participating in PPCC related matters including meetings and public forums.
  1. Prepare in advance of meetings and be familiar with issues on the agenda.
  1. Serve as a model of leadership and civility to the community.
  1. Inspire public confidence in the Pacific Palisades Community Council.


All Board members shall:

  1. Honor the role of the Chair in maintaining order. It is the responsibility of the Chair (including committee Chairs) to keep discussion on track during meetings. Board members shall honor efforts by the Chair to focus discussion on the topic. Board members, as well as the audience, shall only speak when called upon by the Chair and, except for the Chair, shall not interrupt someone who has been called upon by the Chair. However, this shall not preclude Board members from interrupting to make a point of order.
  1. Practice civility, professionalism and decorum in discussion and debate. Board members shall not make belligerent, personal, threatening, impertinent, profane or disparaging comments or gestures nor use derogatory language about an individual’s ethnicity, race, sexuality, age, disability or religion.
  1. Continue respectful behavior before and after Board meetings. The standard of civility set forth herein is required of Board members at all times when engaging in discussion of PPCC matters wherever and whenever such discussions might take place.
  1. Be welcoming, respectful and courteous to members of the public and speakers.

Adopted as of:
March 24, 2011″

The motion passed unanimously.

9.2.    Bike Racks – Revisited.

Chris Spitz presented the Land Use Committee (LUC) recommendation for bike rack installations in the public right of way in the commercial village and Marquez. Chris said that LADOT has advised that all racks are permanent once installed. The LUC had a good meeting with Marie Steckmest of Palisades Cares and Jodie Margulies of PRIDE present. Stuart Muller also represented the Design Review Board (DRB). Opinions of all LUC meeting attendees, as well as other opinions expressed by community members and merchants, were considered as to each location. In addition, Chris reported that LUC members visited each site along with representatives of Palisades Cares, PRIDE and DRB; all agree on the recommended locations as set forth in the motion. There is no recommendation at this time for bike racks on Sunset and Antioch. LADOT must approve all recommended locations. The City will pay for the racks. Marie Steckmest has approached Gelsons and CVS for private property bike racks.

March 24, 2011 – MOTION.

Bike Rack Locations, Commercial Village and Marquez – Chris Spitz, George Wolfberg and Stuart Muller. Upon motion by Gil Dembo, seconded by Chris Spitz, the Council approved the following resolution:


Whereas PPCC passed a resolution on February 10, 2011, approving certain bike rack locations recommended by the LUC as of February 7, 2011 (the February Resolution).

Whereas, since passage of the February Resolution, the LUC has:

– learned of new, material information bearing upon the recommended bike rack locations, including the fact that LADOT representatives advise that all racks will be permanent once installed;

– conducted additional investigation and considered input from citizens, merchants, and representatives of PRIDE, Palisades Cares, the Design Review Board and the Palisades Village Green; and

– concluded that the list of recommended bike rack locations should be revised as set forth in the attached list entitled “PPCC LUC Recommended Bike Rack Locations As of March 21, 2011.”

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that:

1) PPCC approves the bike rack locations recommended by the LUC as set forth in the attached list entitled “PPCC LUC Recommended Bike Rack Locations As of March 21, 2011”;

2) the February Resolution shall be superseded by this Resolution.

PPCC LUC Recommended Bike Rack Location
As of March 21, 2011

Village Locations:

Swarthmore/So. of Sunset

– Red zone next to Robek’s/Noah’s parking lot (south of Antioch/Swarthmore corner), east side of Swarthmore (1 rack)

– Red zone next to Elyse Walker (south of Antioch/Swarthmore corner), west side of Swarthmore (1 rack) – subject to relocation of Palisadian Post newsstand.


– Red zone next to Benton’s (south of Swarthmore/Monument corner), west side of Monument (1 rack)

– Red zone next to old Prince’s Table (north of Swarthmore/Monument corner), west side of Monument (1 rack)

– Red zone next to Panda (north of Sunset/Monument corner), west side of Monument (1 rack) – to be placed in coordination with proposed PRIDE bench and trash can

La Cruz

– Red zone next to Chase Bank (west of Sunset/La Cruz corner), north side of La Cruz (1 rack)

– Red zone next to Pharmaca (west of Sunset/La Cruz corner), south side of La Cruz (1 rack)

– Red zone next to Sabrina Nails (west of alley driveway), north side of La Cruz (1 rack) – subject to placement in a safe and appropriate location relative to the existing vault and driveway

Marquez Location:


– Red zone next to IDEAS Studio (south of Marquez/Bollinger corner), Bollinger side (1 rack) – to be placed adjacent to stop sign.”

The motion passes with one abstention.

9.3.    Proposed Multiple Approvals Ordinance.

Jack Allen attended the Department of Planning meeting for revising the City’s procedures for multiple approvals on the same project. About 20 people attended the hearing. Attendees included the development community which praised the ordinance and a few neighborhood council members who found the measure confusing and favoring development. Parts of the Ordinance are fine which establish clear hierarchy of decision-makers and “one project, one hearing officer.”  The problem with the ordinance is that it extends the time allowed for approvals. The ordinance is scheduled for the Planning Commission for May 12 with the Planning Dept. submitting its report by May 5. Deadline for comments is April 18. Allen said that he objected to the Planning Dept. submitting its report so close to the hearing which did not give public adequate time to respond to its report.

Gil Dembo said the state legislation was created for the large home developers (KB Homes or Toll). The development will still have to go through the Coastal Zone Commission.

Richard Cohen – for this law to be as good as it seems, all the Community plans would have to be updated. Jack Allen said not our community plan, but other community plans will need to be updated.

George Wolfberg – the City should act the same way as the Coastal Commission and require applicants to meet certain conditions to get extensions.

Chris Spitz – spoke with Wendy Sue Rosen for a Brentwood Resident’s Group, and they have adopted a motion. Time for analysis is short, the planning commission hears this on May 12th and the staff report comes out one week before. This is a very complex issue and there is not enough time to read the report.

Richard Cohen – we should express our disapproval of time expiration dates and extend time to respond to the plans.


Richard Cohen moves and George Wolfberg seconds:

“Pacific Palisades Community Council is opposed to automatic extensions of expiration dates without applicants showing good cause and certain other aspects of the Proposed Multiple Purposes Ordinance.”

The motion passed with one opposed.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    ACE (Administrative Citation Enforcement Program) Draft Motion – Haldis Toppel.

Los Angeles is failing to enforce minor violations of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) which includes among others sign violations and building and zoning code violations. Non-compliance is considered to be “the cost of doing business” by some home owners or contractors. Enforcement by Departments is limited to issuing citations and compliance with citations is voluntary until it gets to the City Attorney. If a citation by a Department such as Building and Safety is ignored, the Department simply issues another citation, the consequences are minor. Because a violation of the LAMC is a mandatory criminal offense, the City Attorney refuses to handle these minor cases unless they are grievous violations. This encourages more violations and the City Departments and citizens are frustrated.

The City has drafted two ordinances to address enforcement of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC). When an inspector finds a violation on the first inspection, a notice to comply is issues. After the problem has been corrected, a second inspection is necessary and a fee of $375 is assessed to cover the cost of this second inspection under this ordinance. This fee is placed into the General Fund. This ordinance was recently passed.

A second ordinance has been drafted by the City Attorney and is currently under review. It is designed to assess sufficiently high penalties to be truly a deterrent to violations,

– raise enough money from the penalties to cover the cost of enforcement by the involved City Departments as well as the City Attorney,

– and to provide an alternative to the mandatory criminal prosecution of LAMC violations by adding the Administrative Citation Enforcement (ACE) program. This program allows the issuance of citations for minor violations by the inspectors in the field similar to a traffic ticket and “decriminalizes” such minor violations.

The penalties collected under this ordinance will not flow into the General Fund but into a separate fund designed to be used only for enforcement efforts.

Points made:

  1. Very important ordinance but some concerns: Need an ordinance that allows us to enforce the laws, but not overbearing on the innocent.

Jack Allen – Technical problems with the ordinance, but agrees in theory. He has concerns with the administrative enforcement and that it would eventually wind up in court. The costs of a conviction of a violation could be prohibitive, even up to $30,000.

The provision has an appeal process.

Chris Spitz – The reason it was brought here today is that we support the objectives of the ordinance. The Brentwood Community Council supports it and it is modeled after the San Diego and Sacramento ordinances which have 80% compliance.

Richard Cohen – We should support this ordinance; the City Attorney doesn’t enforce current violations.

Enforcement of planning and zoning laws are needed.

Harry Sondheim – Does it include signs. Yes.

Joyce Brunelle – Residential and Commercial interior and exteriors included. Yes.

Gil Dembo – Supports the new City Attorney, he has bill boards under control. New enforcement is needed.

Jack- City currently doesn’t collect enforcement costs.

Janet Turner – Can we support the concept?



WHEREAS, the Pacific Palisades Community Council has often commented on the failure of enforcement of sign violations and of building and zoning violations of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC);

WHEREAS, the City Attorney has drafted an Ordinance for an Administrative Citation Enforcement Program (“ACE”) (CF 10-0085 and 10-0600);

NOW, THEREFORE, the Pacific Palisades Community Council supports the objectives of ACE in concept to enforce the LAMC.”

Jack Allen moves and Haldis Toppel seconds the Motion.

The motion passes with one opposed.

11.    General Public Comment.

Flo Elfant – there is much interest in earthquake preparedness after the Japan earthquake. She is making numerous presentations and the materials at the Post Office are being used. She wants to remind everyone of this available information and the need to be prepared.

12.    Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Executive and Primary:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Richard Cohen, Cathy Russell, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, George Wolfberg, Richard Wulliger, Chris Spitz, Mary Cole, Aurelia Friedman, Jennifer Malaret, Amy Kalp

Voting Alternates:  Robert Baker, Mahtab Moayedi, Susan Orenstein, Janet Anderson

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Flo Elfant, Norma Spak, Andrew Wolfberg, Quentin Fleming, Jamie Schloss, Schuyler Dietz, Barbara Marinacci

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Haldis Toppel read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of the Board and Audience.  The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Janet Turner. Introductions of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum. The Chair certified that a quorum was present.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  George Wolfberg moved and Haldis Toppel seconded that the minutes from the March 24, 2011 be adopted. The motion passed unanimously.

5.    Consideration of the Agenda.  The Chair considered the Agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that as of April 14, 2011 there was $2,909.62 in the checking account; $17,983.96 in the Smith Barney CD’s; and $1,780.04 in the Post Office account for a total of $22,673.62. Ted Mackie reported that the recent newsletter resulted in 156 contributions at an average of $31.57 per contribution including a $200 one from Barbara Mandrel. In the past the average contribution was $20 on a requested donation of $15 instead of the current of $25.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.   The next meeting is the Sparkplugs Dinner on April 28, 2011 and the next business meeting is May 12, 2011.  Special thanks to Christy Dennis who reported that 112 reservations are already made for the Sparkplugs Dinner (room for only 150).

7.1.2.    Janet Turner appointed the Officers Election Committee:  Richard Cohen, as Chair, Marguerite Perkins Mautner and Steve Boyer.  The nominations for officers on the Board are due May 12, 2011. The voting will take place in June. Any past or present Board member may run for Chair. Any other position is available for consideration. The election of officers is June 9, 2011.

7.1.3.    Janet Turner and Haldis Toppel attended the Budget and Finance Committee hearing on the proposed ACE ordinance.  Janet spoke in favor of ACE in principle, but voiced concerns with the enforcement procedures. The Budget and Finance Committee will meet with Jane Usher with suggestions.

7.1.4.    Thank You to Christy Dennis – Newsletter and Sparkplug Letter.  Janet Turner thanked Christy Dennis for a great newsletter. Christy Dennis thanked Barbara Kohn, Chris Spitz and Haldis Toppel for their input into the Newsletter. A special thanks to Ted Mackie. Janet also gave a special thanks to Christy Dennis for the letter to former Sparkplug winners inviting them to the Dinner.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.1.1.    Victoria Cross, Department of Water and Power (DWP).

Update on Distributing Station 104 (DS 104). The site next to the Marquez School is still being considered. The DS (DS 23) on Sunset (corner of Sunset and Via de la Paz ,) is very overloaded and another site is needed. To meet their requirements, a primary site plus two alternates must be located. All will need an EIR and must meet special requirements such as stability of land, availability, proximity of demand and financial viability. Aesthetics are important. Norma Spak suggested the old nursery site owned by the Getty at the corner of Los Liones and Sunset. Ms. Cross said she would look into it.

7.1.2.    Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore.

Crime is down in this area. In an incident near CVS Pharmacy, a man walking by a domestic dispute became a victim. The man involved in a domestic dispute bumped into the victim twice with his car. The victim then fled to his car, only to be attacked again and beaten and had to be hospitalized. Michael Moore stated that the LAPD Traffic Division now handles all vehicle related incidents. The victim claims that the detectives on this case are giving him a song and dance about budget problems restraining the investigation. Moore says that at this point, he does not have the detective’s point of view. The video from CVS cameras of the incident had a glitch at the point of the incident and are not viewable. The detectives might have a better copy. The victim is still in the hospital. Janet Turner and Joaquin Macias have an already scheduled meeting with Capt. Brenda Crump and will bring this incident up.

A crime report was not filed about 5 kids walking in the Alphabet Streets and hit with an air rifle. The incident was published in the Palisades Post. Also, an incident occurred on Lachman Lane concerning the firing of a gun which later turned out to be an air rifle. An LAPD helicopter and at least seven LAPD ground units responded, as well as all three private patrol services in the area. The 22 year old white male was taken into custody by LAPD..

Barbara Kohn reported that on Pacific Coast Highway and Sunset a man approached a man and his daughter in their car and scared them. Eight to nine people are on the street at that intersection and milling about. Citations are issued and the problem abates for a short time. Police need to see an infraction for an arrest.

George Wolfberg reports that there are people hanging out (sleeping) near the stream and at Rustic Canyon Park.

7.2.3.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office.

Joaquin Macias reported that the Temescal Canyon Pool fund raiser went well. A meeting is scheduled to meet with the Park, Bureau of Engineering and the YMCA to get the numbers to bring the pool up to code.

Potrero Canyon is proceeding. A haul route has to be set up with Caltrans.

Speed signs at 10 locations on Sunset will be set up. These will be permanent and wired, not solar. This is not public yet. Installation is expected this summer.

There was a walk around with the DOT (Dept. of Transportation) for the bike racks. DOT does not have to take feedback from the community; they could put bike racks that we didn’t approve, but they won’t.

CERT training meeting will be set up in the Palisades. Councilman Rosendahl will support the CCF Ordinance.

Rustic Canyon Park has Prop K funds waiting. Project was started 8 years ago and will have bids from sub contractors beginning on Monday for the Baseball field and service road.

The traffic signal at Vons is proceeding and the installation of the signal at Sunset and Los Liones is on track.

The 815 El Oro property is a vacant lot and an abandoned construction site. It is being cleaned up by the owner. The Board thanked Joaquin for his efforts to get this done. Haldis Toppel stated that the community has asked for action for six years and Joaquin was able to get results in less than six months on the job with Councilman Rosendahl’s office.

Joaquin will get temporary parking signs for Will Rogers Park for Easter Sunday.

On May 12, 2011 Councilman Rosendahl will attend the Community Council meeting.

8.    Reports from Committees.  [None recorded.]

9.    Old Business.  [Note:  Item 9.1 follows 9.2 out of order.]

9.2.    DWP Rate Payer Advocate – Motion to have CCs & NCs participate in the selection process.  Jim Rea.

Jack Allen moved and George Wolfberg seconds the following motion that calls for Neighborhood and Community Council participation in the selection of the manger of the DWP Office of Accountability (Ratepayer Advocate):

“Whereas the City Council must pass an enabling ordinance to determine the method of selecting the managing executive of the DWP Office of Accountability (by whatever title: Executive Director, President, Managing Director, etc.), and;

“Whereas the managing executive will be responsible for hiring, firing and managing all staff of the DWP Office of Accountability, including the Ratepayer Advocate, and;

“Whereas it is of critical importance that neighborhood input be included in the process of selecting the managing executive;

“Therefore, the Pacific Palisades Community Council hereby requests that the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles City Council insure that any selection committee impaneled to recommend, select or appoint the managing executive of the DWP Office of Accountability be comprised with at least one third of its members taken from representatives of Neighborhood Councils or Community Councils.

“Whereas the citizens of the City of Los Angeles passed Charter Amendment I in the March, 2011 election by a 74.54% margin, the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council shall address a letter to the Mayor of Los Angeles, to the Los Angeles City Council expressing the intent of this motion.”


9.1.    Budget Advocates’ White Paper.

Guests:  Jay Handal, Chair, Neighborhood Council (NC), Budget Advocates
Joe Hari, the Mayor’s new representative to the Westside
Brenda Anderson, Assoc. Director, Neighborhood & Community Services
Julie Butcher- SEIU 721- Coalition of LA Unions was not available

Joe Hari, Mayor Villaraigosa’s new representative to the west side, introduced himself to the Community Council. This was his 4th day on the job and he is excited about his new position and being helpful to our community.

Jay Handal, Chair, NC Budget Advocates, presented the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates 2010-2011 white paper with recommendations to decrease the Los Angeles City budget deficit in a time of economic crisis, saving jobs and saving services. This has been adopted by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce as well as other organizations. Jay Handal said that this represents the need for the City to get back to basics. The Neighborhood Budget Advocates are against the Mayor’s proposal to hold back pay to pensions and deferring it until 2014. This is a temporary budget fix and not a solution. Unions will not give up their COLAs unless layoffs are threatened. The budget needs to be based on reality.

Handal said that there is no incentive for a department to create any revenue, because it goes into the whole budget. For instance, the Parks don’t get any reward for creating any revenues; all revenues go into the General fund and this encourages departments to become caretakers. Existing revenues need to be collected with a percentage retained by the department who collected it. There also needs to be a reward for creating new revenues. There needs to be an overhaul of the permit system.

Handal presented that the City should hire properly qualified commercial parking lot operators to run the City’s parking facilities for a fee. The city still controls the rates.

Jack Allen said this was done in Beverly Hills with Five Star as the operator and the city setting the terms and rates.

Richard Cohen said that this happens all the time in high rises.

Brenda Anderson said that the CAO and CLA reports were due on April 20th. She said the Mayor wants to work with the advocates and the PMU team will evaluate the suggestions. The Mayor wants to support the suggestions from the advocates, but wants to wait to see what is in the reports.

Handal said that the bulk of City Council take what they say seriously and are asking for individual meetings.

Handal added that Los Angeles is not attracting new businesses into the city. The tax system is wrong; out of approximately 420,000 businesses about 20-30% don’t report their gross revenue.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC) Motion on the stadium and convention center.

George Wolfberg moves and Jack Allen seconds that:

“Motion on the stadium and convention center. Re the proposed downtown stadium and convention center renovation, WRAC opposes public funding (including interest on infrastructure bonds and forgiveness of loans), supports market-rate leases of city land, supports a full EIR (with no exemptions from appeal), supports maintaining the financial viability of the convention center.”

Richard Cohen said he had problems with the WRAC motion. We should only take a position on matters that affect our area. We are not hearing both sides of the issue. Redevelopment can be very productive and create jobs and be self funding by generating property taxes.

Janet Turner felt that this is a City-wide budget issue and that we would risk losing even more of the already scarce services here if we didn’t take a stand against unnecessary spending.

Jack Allen said that this is not a redevelopment project – it’s a giveaway. Another football stadium.

Quentin Fleming argued that if it makes economic sense, then you don’t have to ask for public funding. Academia says that recreation is a zero sum game; it redistributes money and does not create anything new.

Chris Spitz felt that a full EIR is needed especially to address traffic issues.

Barbara Kohn said that we should take a position and let Rosendahl know how we want him to vote.


[11.    General Public Comment.]

The next business meeting will be May 12, 2011.

George Wolfberg, PCH Taskforce, reported that: The surge project was suppose to go from the Anneberg Beach House to Entrada but will now start at Chautauqua and go the other way. A bicycle bridge will be built. PCH from Chautauqua to Baywatch Beach will have 1 lane closed during the day and 2 lanes closed at night.

There is an issue with the paddle dividers on PCH near the mobile home park. They will be adjusted to allow visibility for exiting the park.

The left hand turn project for the California Incline (extending the left hand turn lane) is now in the hands of CAL TRANS.

The Temescal Park camera stop sign case is going to court.

Chris Spitz reported that the LUC met with the Sunset Apartment developers and they have agreed to do a focused EIR.

A residence on Puerto del Mar has applied for permits for a large home on bluff with geological issues similar to Sunset Canyon Apartments.

[12.    Adjournment.]  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Richard Cohen, Cathy Russell, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, Jennifer Malaret, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Joyce Brunelle, Gilbert Dembo, Richard Wulliger, Mary Cole, Aurelia Friedman

Voting Alternates:  Clifford Nelson, Janet Anderson

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Flo Elfant, Norma Spak, Christy Dennis, Jim Rea, Andrew Wolfberg, Quentin Fleming, Schuyler Dietz, Amy Kalp, Barbara Marinacci

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Jack Allen read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Introductions of the Board and Special Guests.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  Haldis Toppel moved and Jack Allen seconded that the minutes from April 14, 2011 meeting be adopted. The motion was adopted unanimously.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Janet Turner reported that as of May 12, 2011, there is $3,965.43 in the checking account; $17,983.96 in the Smith Barney CDs; and $1,780.04 in the Post Office deposit for a total of $ 23, 729.43. So far this year, we have received $8,225 in donations and need $10,000 for the year for operating expense. The donations are tax deductible.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    The next meeting is May 26, 2011.  Candidates Forum.

7.1.2.    The Chair thanked the Park for letting us use the gym for this meeting and the Marquez Knolls Homeowners Association for use and set up of the microphone equipment.

7.1.3.    [Officers] Election Committee.  Richard Cohen reported that currently the nominations are:
Chairman Janet Turner
Vice Chairman Haldis Toppel, Barbara Kohn
Secretary Jennifer Malaret, Reza Akef
Treasurer Ted Mackie

Candidates can still be nominated until June 9, 2011, the meeting at which the election is held.

[7.2.   Announcements from Governmental Representatives — None recorded.]

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Flo Elfant – Emergency Preparedness.

Flo Elfant emphasized the importance of being prepared in case of an emergency, especially here in Pacific Palisades. We must be prepared to take care of ourselves with at least 3 days of water and food and basic emergency medical supplies. She has currently run out of information packets but urges us to be there for each other. Information can be obtained online at or e-mail at

7.3.2.    Joyce Brunelle announced the 3rd annual Community EXPO sponsored by Chamber of Commerce on Sunday, May 15th from 10 am to 2pm in the heart of the Village on Anitoch and Swarthmore. This is a great event for the whole family featuring vintage cars and booths.

[8.    Reports from Committees — None recorded.]

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Fire Station 69 cut backs and the City Budget.

Jennifer Malaret read the following motion


Pacific Palisades Community Council Board Meeting; May 12, 2011

City of Los Angeles, Proposed Implementation of the Los Angeles Fire Department’s FY2011/2012 Deployment Plan for Battalion 9, Fire Station 69 – sponsored by Jennifer Malaret, Haldis Toppel, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall. Upon motion by Jennifer Malaret, seconded by Paul Glasgall, the Council approved the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles is facing a projected $457 million deficit and the Los Angeles Fire Department (“LAFD”) is proposing permanent cutbacks to Fire Station 69 in the Pacific Palisades that would:

Cause the majority of days to have a 33 – 50 percent decrease in manpower whereas the current “rolling brown outs” system affects Station 69 only 9 days a month.

Present a permanent reduction in resources and manpower unlike the rolling brown outs.

Take away one fire engine completely.

Leaves the second fire engine with only one man except on a few red flag days when LAFD would bring back full staffing. There were only 13 Red Flags Days during 2010.

Prevent Station 69 from covering a medical call and a fire call at the same time, because the engine is needed to go on each call and there would be only one engine.

Provide for a second ambulance that will be on constant call to be sent out to other areas of the city and will reduce the manpower to 6 men at Station 69.

Become the only fire station in CD 11 to suffer permanent cutbacks.

Be more expensive then the rolling brown out system currently in place.

Cause remaining resources to be deployed based on a computer system that uses statistics of low rate calls instead of a high brush fire risk.

Put the residents covered by Station 23 in jeopardy because it is a 6-man station and Station 69 is their back up.

And whereas Pacific Palisades:

Is an isolated geographical area.

Has been considered for 46 years an extremely high hazard brush topography area.

Has, over the years, grown in the number of homes; many of which are closer to wooded areas, and have had a substantial increase in size of homes that require more fire fighters to meet the needs.

Based on the above, plus additional details, facts, history, and reasoning in the attached report…

BE IT RESOLVED, that PPCC opposes the proposed Fire Department’s FY 2011/2012 deployment plan for Battalion 9, Fire Station 69 that proposes to reduce manpower and resources assigned to Station 69, and demands that the current “rolling brown out” system which would continue to help reduce the LAFD budget and provide more resources to Pacific Palisades remain in place, and will

BE IT RESOLVED, that the PPCC urges Councilman Rosendahl, Mayor Villaraigosa and Fire Chief Peaks not to support this unacceptable plan, and PPCC demands that they do everything possible to make sure essential core services are not cut, and also to designate LAFD as a priority for any unused General Fund monies.”


Fire Department addresses the proposed cutbacks at Station 69 – Donald Frazeur, Chief Deputy of Emergency Operations LAFD and Trevor Richmond, Planning Section Commander.

Representing the proposed cutbacks of Station 69, they presented a Power Point Presentation that stated to reduce risk 1. Brush clearance would be enforced and 2. Improve liaisons with other units in the City would compensated for the proposed cutbacks for Station 69. The LAFD needs to reduce its budget by 36% and reduce personnel. They believe that this is the best plan for the City. Brownouts were introduced in 2008.

The Fire Chief was directed to do a structural change and this meant they had to look at the business model. They purchased an optimizing software program, ADAM, for optimizing locations and types of services needed. This help to eliminate redundant deployments and reduce response time.

Currently Station 69 has 12 firefighters and is fully staffed 18 out of 27days. The Modified Closure Plan (MCP) has had a saving of $41 million. The savings needs to be $53 million. Station 69 has Advance Life Force calls (paramedics) so that every call that goes out the door is paramedic related. The response times will almost be identical to current ones (under the MCP).

No fire stations in the City are closing. A Ready Reserve Rescue will be used to augment services and will be at Station 69 fully equipped. In addition to the paramedics, the ready reserve engines will be at Station 69 without the personnel unless needed in an emergency. For further information go to

Firefighters Union representative Frank Lima, Captain of Station 69, and Tim Curry, retired Assistant Chief and Fire Commissioner presented a Power Point presentation to not alter Station 69 Deployment. According to the new deployment plan, Station 69 would lose 50% of its fire fighting capability. The station will not have trucks small enough to respond to some of the Palisades community. Other districts are not losing one fire engine. They are proposing a permanent reduction in firefighters.

The ADAM looks at the number of runs (quantity) rather than the quality of calls. Medical and fire calls now have back up units in the station. The population is growing and the number of additional firefighters needed is not keeping up with the growth in population.


How long to get staffing on reserve engines? Will be staff the night before in anticipation; such as in Red Flag days

How does the Councilman feel? Joaquim on behalf of Rosendahl – If he had to vote today, he would vote no on this proposal.

If cuts are made, when would we have restored service? The cuts will be permanent.

According to Matt Szabo, the Mayor’s deputy, this plan was a response to the City’s fiscal condition. 70% of every budget is for the fire and police. It is impossible to balance the budget without considering the police and fire. We cannot afford the fire department.

Jennifer Malaret moved and Paul Glasgall seconded the motion.


9.2.    City Budget – How to find money for the LAFD.

Councilmember Rosendahl’s office – John Gregory.  Ray Ciranna, Assistant City Administrative Officer (second in command at the CAO’s office). Available for questions and clarification of NCBA – Jay Handal, Chairman, NC Budget Advocates and Daniel Wiseman, Secretary, NC Budget Advocates.

Jennifer Malaret read the second motion which follows:


Pacific Palisades Community Council Board Meeting; May 12, 2011

Sponsored by Jennifer Malaret, George Wolfberg, Jack Allen. Upon motion by _____________, seconded by __________ the Council approved the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles is facing a projected $457 million deficit.

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates have made numerous suggestions for balancing the budget so that the City’s core essential services can be fully funded, in support of which the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) attaches it’s report.

WHEREAS, the PPCC believes that the LAFD’s FY2011/2012 Deployment Plan (the “LAFD Plan”) results in permanent reductions of fire fighting services and, as a result, puts the public safety of Los Angeles citizens at an increased risk.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the PPCC requests the City Council and LAFD Fire Chief do all in their power not to capitulate to demands by the Mayor to cut the budget for essential core services that affect public safety such as, and including, the LAFD.

Relative to the LAFD Plan, the PPCC demands that the City Council and the Mayor:

  1. Take far closer look at cuts to City departments that have no impact on public safety.
  1. Restore solvency to the City of Los Angeles such that essential core services can be fully funded (i.e., increase the LAFD’s existing $495 million budget to its fully funded level of $566 million). The Mayor’s budget should provide the LAFD with designated priority to receive any “unused” General Fund monies (by virtue of committed projects that the City Council may determine it will not fund during the next fiscal year or otherwise) in order that the LAFD can move towards full staffing of the City’s fire stations to pre-2008 levels.
  1. Ensure that, to the extent that the LAFD cannot be fully funded, the City should implement changes to the LAFD’s Plan so that our “boots on the ground” are not permanently eliminated as an answer to the City’s financial crisis. Specifically, the LAFD’s plan should be amended to keep Station 69’s staffing at current levels. Further, the PPCC would like assurances of exactly how much manpower our community will receive on critical days (such as Red Flag days and calendar holidays where the beaches are full and emergency medical needs are greater).
  1. Turn to other sources within the LAFD’s budget that could be reduced without permanently eliminating local manpower to fight fires and operate ambulances, such as:
  • Contract concessions by the union;
  • Reduction of staff assistants;
  • Elimination of battalion chief drivers; and
  • Use of monies from foundations & private/public partnerships.”


The discussion of the motion followed. Jay Handal explained that the difference is $13 million. The 24 Budget Advocates met with union reps, city officials and budget analysts to come up with their recommendations. They recommend that the City collects monies they haven’t collected. Need to concentrate on core services. We need to demand that the Mayor and Council fund the core services 100%. Collection system has to be reformed including compliance for business licenses. Further information can be obtained at

Matt Szabo, Deputy Mayor, agreed that the parking lots are badly run but the Budget needs to consider what monies we have now.

Concerning the LAPD vs. LAFD and cutting only the fire department; the Mayor started in 2006 to grow the Police Department by 1000. The police are not in a fixed position like the fire department. They are different departments with different services.

Public comment on the Budget can be made to the City Council tomorrow, May 13, 2011, at City Hall downtown at their meeting.

Jack Allen disagreed that the City should require that the co-pay for employees should be raised to $20. The budget should not be balanced on the backs of its employees.

Jack Allen moves and George Wolfberg seconds the motion with changes.

Jennifer Malaret will not accept the change to the motion. The vote will take place on the original motion.


Richard Cohen asks if the ADAM system took into consideration of the distances between the fire stations.

Gil Dembo wondered about the newly installed covered water tank at the top of Chautauqua and the helicopter’s ability to make use of it without the support of firefighters.

George Wolfberg asked if the LAFD was responsible for the VA facility (no- it is on federal land) and Station 95 by LAX (paid 100% by the Airport).

Paul Glasgall stated that there were 6 fires in the Highlands in the last 2 ½ years that were put out immediately.

[10.    New Business  — None recorded.]

11.    General Public Comment.

No price for saving lives and human safety – piggy back response is good.

Fire department is our only resource and there are no cutbacks in 5 council areas. We want are proportionate share. High risk deserves high response.

Matt Szobo responds – Fair distribution of resources is the number one priority. It is the responsibility of the City to take care of all of its needs. They will send the resources where the needs are the greatest.

What constitutes a high risk period? How many days per year?

Answer by Donald Frazeur (Chief Deputy of Emergency Operations LAFD) Yes, there will be specific criteria. It will be based on weather. Determining the criteria is still in process. Computer is just a tool and fire has no special day. They will lean forward when red flag days occur.

A petition is being distributed to oppose the proposed reduction of services at Station 69 and can be accessed at

Janet Turner thanks everyone.

[12.    Adjournment.]  Adjourned at 9:26 pm.


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[Note:  Names of members in attendance not recorded.]

1.    [Reading of Community Council’s Mission.]  Richard Cohen read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of Board Members and the Public.  Randy Young, Eileen Cassidy, Michael Moore, Brandon Lamb, Danielle Gillespie, Ada Taylor.  [Note:  Call to Order time not recorded.]

3.    [Certification of Quorum.]  The Chair certified a Quorum.

4.    [Adoption of Minutes.]  The minutes of 5/12/11 were adopted, with revision by Jack Allen and Richard Cohen.

5.    Consideration of the Agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  [Not recorded.]

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

Next meeting – June 9th.

The Chair thanked Mr. Howarth for his $250 donation after looking at the pothole and bubble on his street.

The Chair thanked Jim Rea for many hours of work on the creation of the Blog for the PPCC web site.

The Chair thanked Paul and Palisades Highlands Homeowners in advance for trying to raise $1000 donation to fix fire road.

Richard Cohen, Chair of the Nominating committee, gave an update. Nominations are open and will be open until June 9, 2011. Nominations can be submitted by a sitting Board Member and an individual can nominate self.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office.

7.2.2.    Michael Moore reported on the Alphabet Streets breaking into cars. Citizens observed and reported activities. 2 people were arrested. Helicopter was called to assist.

Officer Moore reminded everyone to keep their doors locked at all times. He told about a case where a woman on Amalfi took her dog for a ten-minute walk and left her front door unlocked. She returned and spent a normal evening at home and then went to bed. At midnight she saw a light on in her closet. She found a young woman in her closet claiming she was looking for a Rock Star. The suspect was originally charged with burglary but nothing was taken, and the charge was changed to trespassing.

Michael Moore reported that a child molester was spotted on Alphabet Streets.

It was pointed out by Board members that it took 30 minutes for LAPD to respond since no LAPD car was present in Pacific Palisades. An ongoing request by this community to keep officers in the Palisades is not followed by LAPD. Officer Moore stated that the patrol car assigned to the Palisades can be pulled out of the area at any time for emergencies elsewhere. He is noting in his logs when the car leaves the area.

Officer Michael Moore reported that additional LAPD cars will be made available for the West L.A. division during the closure of the 405 freeway for weekend of July 16 and 17 until Monday, July 18 at 7 a.m. Three cars will be dedicated to the Palisades during that weekend.

George Wolfberg reported the he spotted 5 coyotes in the Santa Monica Canyon area.

Janet reported seeing a homeless couple coming out of the brush at Temescal and PCH and she noticed another encampment along PCH between Temescal and Chautauqua. Officer Moore stated that he can only take action within 5 feet of the street. The adjacent land is private property and homeowners are responsible to take action and report on the presence of homeless people.

Stuart Muller reported for the Sunset Beach Association. One of the biggest issue is that the homeless are storing things on top of the bus stop at Sunset and PCH.

Moore explained that LAPD cannot take action on issues regarding the homeless on their own. Problems have to come to the attention of LAPD as a citizen complaint. In order to remove items belonging to the homeless, LAPD must post a notice if the homeless person is not there and they find the belongings.

Vons Security is concerned with the homeless problem. Barbara Kohn is trying to coordinate with LAPD.

Janet will reactivate the Police Issues Committee: Amy Kalp, Barbara Kohn, Stuart Muller and Paul Glasgall as chair of the committee. This committee will try to look more closely at how the community and police can work together to solve the problem of homeless people encampments in the Palisades.

Richard Cohen reported that during the weekend of July 15 and 16 the 405 freeway will be completely closed. Gridlock will occur on the Westside and elsewhere. LAPD recommends that residents don’t travel during that time.

7.3.     Announcments from Board Members and Advisors.

YMCA Temescal Canyon Report.

Richard Cohen reported that he, Ted Mackie, David Card and Carol Pfannkuche walked around the YMCA property. Richard began the meeting by reminding the group that PPCC’s position is that all conditions and assurances provided by the YMCA with respect to the property must be complied with. He noted that the existing chain link fence is not in compliance, permanent structures are not permitted, and the promised landscaping has not been done. The YMCA has had the property for over 2 years. Carol said they have the money or can raise the money for landscaping. David Card said that he would be prepared to present landscaping ideas toward the end of June.

8.    Reports from Committees.  [None recorded.]

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    MOTION [re Mayor Villaraigosa 2011-2012 Budget]

Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget – Jennifer Malaret, George Wolfberg, Jim Rea and Quentin Fleming.  Upon motion by Jennifer Malaret, seconded by Barbara Kohn, the Council approved the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the PPCC passed a resolution on May 12, 2011 approving certain suggestions for balancing the Los Angeles City budget, including support of certain recommendations made by the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates (the “May 12th City Budget Resolution”).

WHEREAS, since the passage of the May 12th City Budget Resolution, the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) received additional recommendations from the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates (“Budget Advocates”) for balancing the Los Angeles City budget. The PPCC hereby commends the Budget Advocates for their dedication, efforts, diligence and commitment to a better City of Los Angeles.

NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the PPCC urges the Mayor and City Council to implement additional Budget Advocates’ recommendations and concepts as follows:

In addition to the single collections entity recommended by the PPCC in its May 12th City Budget Resolution (Attached Report, Item 3), the PPCC agrees with the Budget Advocates that a completely new collection system for revenue enhancement be created based upon elements which have been proposed by the Controller (merging the Treasurer and Office of Finance), CORE (creation of a Collections Inspector General) and by the City Attorney (Administrative Citation Enforcement).

The City should implement the “Shop L.A.” branding program.

The City should be entrepreneurial with services that could benefit other entities and allow the sale of city services to other communities provided that such efforts are revenue enhancers for the City of Los Angeles.

The Mayor and City Council shall take action to decrease the City’s dependency on Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes (“TRAN”) [1] in the short-term by requiring payment of the DWP Revenue Transfer ($250 million) in July, 2011. The PPCC recommends that the City establish a long-term goal of eliminating the routine use of TRAN.”

There were no discussions or questions. The motion passed unanimously.

Jay Handal agreed that this is a great step in the right direction and thanked the Budget Committee.

9.2.    Officer Candidates.

George Wolfberg headed the Candidate Forum. He stated that nominations can still be made up to and including June 9th. He explained that each candidate can make a 2 minute opening statement, 1 or more may talk for each candidate, questions prepared by the Nominating Committee will be presented to the candidates, followed by candidate closing statements.

Kurt – Expressed concern that the procedures of the nominee forum were not vetted by the PPCC bylaws committee and the Board.

Richard Cohen responded to Kurt saying that the bylaws are silent about this, and then added that the Nominating Committee scrupulously adhered to PPCC bylaws in doing its work. Furthermore, this year’s efforts to make the process more transparent, as related in the minutes of April 8, 2010, were followed.

At the time the Nominating Committee met there were two nominees for Secretary and two nominees for Vice Chair. The Nominating Committee judged Jennifer Malaret best qualified for Secretary and determined to select and approve her. The Committee declined to “select and approve” any candidate for Vice Chair, noting that the two nominees were well known to the Board. Furthermore, all nominees’ names appear on the ballot and Board ultimately makes the decision.

Kurt – how can nominated candidates be told that they will win a position before voting has taken place.

Richard responded that no one has been told they won the position. The board will cast a secret ballot and that is how it will be decided.

Forum for SECRETARY position:

Lots were drawn to determine the sequence in which the candidate will speak or answer questions. A is Jennifer Malaret, B is Reza Akef.

George Wolfberg said that under his Chairmanship with 18 Board meetings, his secretary only took minutes 4 times.

Opening Statements:

Jennifer Malaret – spoke for two minutes about her (1) qualifications as an attorney, Area 3 Representative, City/State Budget Committee Chair, Land Use Committee Member and Park Advisory Board Representative, (2) work on behalf of the PPCC with other CC’s, NC’s CD-11 and at City Hall, (3) experience specific to the Secretary position including LUC Secretary, PP-PAB Secretary and filling in for the PPCC Secretary, and (4) desire to serve on the Executive Committee (based on experience in drafting the Board’s Code of Conduct) and wanting to learn more about the administration of the PPCC organization.

Reza Akef was born and raised in the Palisades community. He attended Palisades High School; swam on the HS team and was actively involved in student concerns; he then attended UC Santa Barbara, where he studied Political Science and Professional Writing. Upon returning to the Palisades post-undergrad, Reza possessed the inclination to be involved in our community with focus on his Area 8 neighborhood. These included traffic problems, Paul Revere problems, and the issues caused by the annual Rivera Golf Tourney. He also served on the PPCC as the Area 8 Alternate from 2005 to 2007.

Reza served on Councilmember Bill Rosendahl’s staff for a year and received a promotion to work for US Congresswoman Jane Harman for another year. It was then that Reza left for Law School to add more skills and knowledge to his toolbox. Now finally back in the Palisades, hopefully for good, Reza is proud he has the opportunity to give back to our community.

Chris Spitz provided supporting statements for Jennifer Malaret’s nomination as Secretary – Chris detailed reasons for support and underscored that Jennifer is well qualified because (among other reasons) she takes excellent notes, has invaluable Word processing skills, her law background is excellent, she takes her responsibilities seriously and her work ethic is second to none.

Haldis Toppel provided supporting statements for Reza. Haldis said we are chronically in need of a Secretary for PPCC. So when Reza approached her with the idea to get involved in PPCC again, she suggested that he consider running for secretary. As Alternate for Area 8 from 2005-2007 he had represented the interests of the area surrounding the Riviera Country Club and attended PPCC meetings regularly. He then worked as volunteer for Councilman Rosendahl’s office and has since graduated from law school. Haldis stated that it is refreshing to find such an interest in public service by our young residents and she fully support s his goals.

QUESTION: Tell us about your past efforts to further the mission of PPCC, and how you would work with the Chair going forward?

Jennifer Malaret – detailed her prior experience with the PPCC that began in 2003 when Sprint proposed putting a cell phone tower outside her house; however, through successful work with Norm Kulla, the community and the Palisadian Post, Sprint ended up installing an AGF instead. Second, she worked with Janet Turner and became involved with the Civic League and Carl Mellinger on an issue involving illegal grading and the construction of an oversized building. Finally, in 2009 she approached the PPCC and Chair Richard Cohen relative to the issue of sober living. New ideas for the Secretary position including assisting the Chair with Email communications, taking regular notes, putting together a notebook to pass on to next person, providing Power Point agendas at Board Meetings, etc.

REZA AKEF – when he was 16-years-old, Reza took it upon himself to collect signatures from his 40 neighbors living around Allenford in order to install speed bumps; DOT said No without even performing a test. Then, Reza, now 17, repeated the same petition and got LADOT to perform a full road traffic survey for the installation of speed bumps. Then six years later, Reza working with Norman Kulla of the PPCC and Sue Pascoe and was able to put together a comprehensive traffic plan and create a new safety plan around Paul Revere Middle School. The key is that Reza remained very persistent and worked with everyone and built a consensus to make it work.

QUESTION: Do you envision doing something different as PPCC Secretary?

REZA AKEF – He has had this job in other organizations and sees the core responsibility to be Communication. PPCC has to make a larger effort to let everyone know about the PPCC and that it exists. Residents can make their voice known with the PPCC. Whether it be going door to door or any other ideas that get the Area reps out into the community, PPCC needs to be more proactive in the community.

Jennifer Malaret – New ideas include formalizing the duties and rules for Secretary, implementing new procedures for amending the draft minutes, and enhancing the Minutes, which are the PPCC’s work product, so that they can be move visible to the community


REZA AKEF –The first step is to be here to discuss the issues. Second, the Palisades is his home. He will still be around and will still participate. He is a persistent person and has a passion for public service and helping others. He has the needed experience with elected leaders from Rosendahl to Harman and Waxman; and has an avenue with our civic leaders to facilitate communication and give more opportunity for a healthy exchange. He is happy to answer any and all questions not posed tonight. He may be reached by email.

Jennifer Malaret – It has truly been a pleasure serving on the PPCC’s Board and I appreciate your support of my nomination as Secretary while asking for your vote, which will allow me to serve.




Barbara Opening statement

I have given much consideration in deciding to run. I am well balanced and experienced. For the last 10 years I have been the Area 1 Representative. I make sure that I am always representing the residents in my area. I always check with the Home Owner Associations in the Area before voting. I have been active in leadership roles for more than 30 years, protecting neighborhoods and adherence to California Environmental Quality Act. I want to further pursue outreach to other neighborhoods and councils. I do not hesitate to express my opinion, but always want to make PPCC stronger because of it.

Haldis Opening Statement:

In an election, we speak about accomplishments, but being a volunteer in a volunteer organization it is not just about accomplishments, it’s about people and it’s about the community.

Yes, I have made significant contributions to PPCC.

I have supported five Chairs for over seven years. In the process I developed and streamlined many of the procedures that define our organization today.

In 2005, I drafted the Guiding Principles, the document that guides many of our decisions today.

I implemented the current e-mail system, and I helped to define the boundaries of PPCC, drew the map and wrote the descriptions.

I have designed our newsletter to its current format and saved thousands of dollars by purchasing the mailing list.

I introduced the concept of the current Land Use Committee.

I salvaged the Sparkplug event in 2006 when the Citizen event was cancelled. Recognizing success, the Citizen event was resurrected the following year by the Palisadian-Post.

I have spoken at hearings and drafted motions in support of zoning laws, an LAPD facility, and the City Administrative Code. I have opposed LAPD and LAFD deployment reductions, the 5 dog/5 cat ordinance, and the closure of the Temescal Canyon Pool.

But beyond all the rhetoric of accomplishments, I have made it my goal to be helpful and kind to the people I come in contact with. When I speak I ask myself: is it true, is it helpful, is it kind? When I act, I ask myself: is it honest, is it ethical, is it productive. Those are my own Guiding Principles that I live by.

Janet in Support of Barbara Kohn: Barbara’s list of accomplishments is endless. She’s been at my side at many public hearings, providing me instant access to the history of the projects. She has introduced me to political and community leaders, and has helped me to navigate the system. Knows Rosendahl and the City Attorney and helped get PPCC in person meetings with both on important PPCC issues. She’s become an elder statesman in formation of the new LUC. She understands the dynamics of a community organization and its role in the town as well as in the City. We are on the same wavelength on many issues.

Randy Young in support of Haldis Toppel: He supports Haldis for the position of Vice Chair. Traditionally, the Vice Chair position is the heir-apparent position for the Chair and Haldis has been groomed for that position. Randy is friends with both candidates and respects the work done by both, but in this case he feels compelled to support Haldis. She has ably supported many Chairs and has worked tirelessly for the Board and the community. She deserves that position. Randy stated that he sees a procedural problem with this election. In a fair election process, the Chair cannot get involved in the nomination process. Randy has a strong love of what Haldis has done over the years and supports her as Vice Chair, but has nothing to say against Barbara who has also been a friend for many years.

Aida Taylor, Marquez resident support Haldis: I’ve known Haldis for 20 years. I know her capability and enthusiasm – She gives lots of good advice and helps citizens.

Question 1: Considering your involvement in other organizations, will you have time to be of assistance to Chair.

Barbara – Has done it in the past with her fight against construction in her neighborhood. Currently has helped with public hearing process, and how to get around City Hall. Has also helped her with the office work of the Council.

Haldis – Help to Janet, helped her to be elected to the PPCC as Area Representative, has supported her in all aspects of the organization, has repeatedly assured her that she will be available to step in on a moment’s notice when and if a job has to be done and nobody is able or available to do it. Over the years she has acted as the back-up Secretary no matter what position she held. In fact, she has been asked by the current Secretary to take the minutes at the next meeting. She has helped on many occasions with many functions.

Question 2: What have you done for PPCC mission?

Haldis – Has stated many of these issues in the opening statement: Drafted guiding principles, supported PPCC publicly, developed email communication system, salvaged the Sparkplug Award from being cancelled, created the PPCC map and descriptions, initiated and promoted the formation of the Land Use Committee (LUC) and listened to and researched issues in the community, drafted motions. Attended meeting and hearings, supported core goal to improve quality of life in PP.

Barbara – This process is a step forward for PPCC and gives it a more participatory attitude. PPCC was viewed as a closed group and that it was difficult getting into this organization. Committees being formed is brilliant. Taking up positions in local and City issues. As for having the time to give PPCC, I ran a retail store while heading up “No Oil;” I can do this.

Haldis Closing Statement – I assist and motivate. I serve the community in its needs and celebrate its successes.

Barbara – I am in position to share my vast experience and feel that Board members have a portfolio to pass on to new members. I am very versed in running community groups.

CHAIR, Janet Turner

PPCC had to step up and do hundreds hours of work. Numerous public meetings in this year of budget crisis. City Attorney and Planning Dept come to us as well as other community councils. Need more time to meet with City officials. Barbara and Jennifer have made a commitment already, and have been giving me a couple days a week helping with emails and the administration of PPCC.

QUESTION for Janet Turner: Should PPCC stay on same path or what changes will you make?

I have started many new things and would like to see them through. I started the blog, we need outreach, I see us being an advocate in the City of LA as a way to protect ourselves and Pacific Palisades.

Richard: Ted Mackie has done a tremendous job as Treasurer. It’s a lot of work. He is also webmaster and does a great job updating the website with the minutes and other announcements.

Chris – publically commended Janet. PPCC is all the better for her hard work.

10.    New Business.  [None recorded.]

11.    General Public Comment.

Stuart – None of my questions were asked – same with Amy Kalp and Richard Cohen.

Kurt – Anonymous questions not good – should know who is asking the questions.

Janet allowed Stuart, Richard and Amy to ask one question each.

Stuart – asked Haldis why she supported the proposal to install a car wash next to apartment at Shell – Haldis answer: That was 4 years ago. Not aware then that it was against the specific plan, will always uphold current laws and ordinances. She spoke on behalf of individuals in her neighborhood who welcomed a less expensive and faster alternative to the one and only car wash in town.

Barbara – It’s very important to uphold the specific plan. Every member of the board should be aware of the specific plan. I have always worked to uphold the plan because it protects Pacific Palisades. Also want to make sure that Municipal code provisions will be up held. Otherwise new conditions can set precedents.

Richard and Amy declined the invitation to ask a question.

12.    [Adjournment.]  Adjourned at 8:43 PM.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Richard Cohen, Cathy Russell, Paul Glasgall, Jennifer Malaret, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Peter Fisher, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Janet Anderson, Joyce Brunelle, Gilbert Dembo, Chris Spitz, Mary Cole, Aurelia Friedman

Voting Alternates:  Norma Spak, Robert Baker

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Steve Cron, Andrew Wolfberg, Quentin Fleming, Barbara Marinacci, Kurt Toppel, Flo Elfant, Jamie Schloss

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Jennifer Malaret read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Introduction of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  George Wolfberg moves and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconds the the minutes for May 26, 2011 be adopted with revisions. The minutes were approved unanimously.

5.    Consideration of Agenda. The Chair considered the Agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report. Ted Mackie reported that as of June 9, 2011, there is $4,498.15 in the USB checking account; $18,134.57 in the Smith Barney CDs; and $1,780.04 in the Post Office account for a total of $24,412.76.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    Next meeting is June 23, 2011.

7.1.2.    Janet Turner announced the appointment of Ilene Cassidy as Advisor to the Chair on Fire Station 69.

7.1.3.    Janet Turner officially closed the nominations for PPCC officers.

7.1.4.    Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) will hold public hearings for the Revenue Requirement Process. A public hearing will be held at Stephen Weiss Temple on June 22, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. Janet Turner will email the Public Hearing schedule.

7.1.5.    Gus Reiniker, a Palisades resident, thanked Stuart Mueller and Janet Turner for their assistance in pushing the police to pursue the suspect involved in his beating (he was also run over by a car). Mr. Reiniker spent over one month in the hospital. The police had placed this incident on a low priority, but thanks to two witnesses, Stuart, Janet and Joaquin Macias of Councilman Rosendahl’s office the suspect was apprehended.

7.1.6.    Rob Weber, Secretary of the Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA), reminded us of the annual Pacific Palisades Fourth of July Parade . The parade begins at 2:00 pm featuring celebrities, floats, and a drum core. Members of the board are also scheduled to participate. PAPA is seeking donations and volunteers; for information go to They are also sponsoring Palisades Rocks the Fourth concert featuring reggae superstar, Rocky Dawuni, starting at 6:30 pm followed by the annual Pacific Palisades Fireworks spectacular at Palisades High Stadium by the Sea. Everyone is also encouraged to join the PAPA/Amalfi Estates patriotic home contest by decking out your home in red, white and blue by July 2nd. Prizes will be awarded.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office.

Joaquin Macias reported that Potero Canyon project has encountered a few problems; an area near the bottom has contaminated soil which had to be replaced and part of a pipe that runs from the bottom needs to be replaced or reinforced.   Caltrans has turned down the planned signal needed for hauling of dirt and is requiring a more permanent type of signal. This signal will be temporary.

The modified parking ordinance plan submitted by the LUC is to be commended. The council is looking to standardize the cell tower situation.

Janet Turner reminded Joaquin that Councilman Rosendahl has promised to work on the View ordinance now that the Hillside Ordinance had passed.

The signal on Sunset at Von’s is not quite complete, but they are still working on it. Thanks to Joaquin and to Norm Kulla, who initiated the signal.

Joaquin will meet with Paul Glasgall and Highlands residents regarding the cell towers on Palisades Drive.

7.2.2.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore — Not present.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Marguerite Perkins Mautner said that there was a segment on Channel 4 News regarding birds that are attacking people in the Palisades near Starbucks. The birds are trying to protect their nest. Mary Cole said that two beehives in front of her home have been taken away.

8.    Reports from Committees  [None recorded.]

9.    Old Business  [None recorded.]

10.    New Business.


Haldis Toppel insisted that a third party witness the counting of the Ballots by George Wolfberg and Richard Cohen. The Chair suggested that Marguerite Perkins Mautner witness the counting. George Wolfberg remind everyone that the By Laws forbade this. The Chair rescinded the suggestion, with no further objection from Mrs. Toppel. Marguerite Perkins Mautner passed and collected ballots to only those authorized to vote.

Board members voted [results in Item 10.1 continuation below].

10.2.    AEG STADIUM.  GUEST: MR. TIM LEIWEKE, President & CEO of AEG.

Janet Turner introduced Mr. Tim Leiweke with the following:

Timothy Leiweke is President of Anschutz Entertainment Group, a leading presenter of global sports and entertainment programming. As President of AEG, Leiweke has formed alliances with more than 40 divisions and companies to produce global live sports and music events in AEG-owned facilities and other venues. Leiweke is also president of STAPLES Center and president of the Los Angeles Kings Sports Business Journal.

Power Point presentation was made by Tim Leiweke. CHRIS SPITZ notes on this presentation made at the Brentwood Community Council meeting last week.

Bottom line/my take-away points from them:

  1. Economic benefit to city: job creation, urban renewal/development, will increase our rating as a convention-friendly city (currently we rate below Cleveland!), more new hotels with many beds coming in, thousands are needed for big conventions, etc.
  1. Environmentally good project: AEG has already commissioned an EIR at a cost of $millions to them (already started?) which includes detailed traffic study; believes it won’t have major traffic impacts; will coordinate with other events such as Lakers and LALive to avoid conflicting major events and gridlock situations; has already had experience with 100K attendees in the area for events are one time (when Laker games, concerts and exhibitions all going on at same time) with no major traffic problems.
  1. Financial: explained the financial situation, gave details about how $350K bond to be paid (don’t remember all details but involves some tax and fee monies). Stresses no cost to city. He did commit that AEG will pick up any shortfall annually on bond debt service (expected to be around $25M annually) — this will be an operating expense of AEG, they won’t expect to be repaid, they have similar arrangement with Staples Center). Steve Sann had questions about some incentives that hotels are receiving (hotels on Westside obviously aren’t getting them so they are concerned they will lose business) — but that is an issue particular to Westside hotels and I don’t think others are particularly concerned about this.

Also: there will be 40-50 events a year at the stadium (not just football, which is 10-12 games only). Don’t have an NFL team lined up yet. This is crucial; if no team then this whole thing will be withdrawn.

AEG Power Point Presentation

New development will focus on new convention business and big events as well as a new football stadium. The stadium will have between 72,000-76,250 seats with a roof able to open and close. New convention hall will have 169,000 square feet of floor space and 76,000 square feet of useable meeting room space. The cost of construction for the stadium is projected to be $1.05 billion and AEG will pay for it.

The new convention hall will be built connected to the existing main convention hall and the total area will have approximately 1 million feet of contiguous space. The new hall will cost close to $350 million to build and pay off old debt. The City of LA will own and operate the convention center.

The stadium will be built on the old west hall site. It is projected to take four years for construction and it will be phased. Out of pocket costs, thus far, for Farmers Field (new stadium) is approximately $45 million by next May. Construction on the new west hall will be paid by bonds.

This project will create 1,000 permanent jobs in addition to 3,300 construction jobs. It is projected to create $45 million in new annual taxes thru property taxes and sales tax. New residential and retail will be created in the area, including 4-5 new hotels.

Tourism and convention business is our biggest revenue generator. The current west hall convention center was built in 1971 and needs to be updated or replaced. Now conventions do not come to LA because of a split in the convention space flooring (two halls not contiguous) and lack of hotel rooms nearby.

Currently, approximately 300,000 people come to downtown every day. Mass transit usage will be encouraged. Non convention events will mostly occur on weekends. AEG is doing a full EIR, and they are already 8 months into it. It is due to be completed by May 2012.

There will be 32,000 parking spaces within a 15 minute walk. In addition to parking, a subway stop will be at 7th Street and we now have the Pico light rail. Tickets will also encourage use of Union Station by providing ground transportation to and from the Stadium at a reduced cost or for free.

AEG is environmentally committed and the stadium will be LEED certified.

LA must continue to own the convention center. The city bonds will be repaid by Farmers Field for over 30 years. The City will have new parking taxes and new sales taxes. Some revenue will go to the General Fund and only to pay for the bonds. There will be a fair market lease for the land for the life of the bonds until they are repaid. AEG will issue an annual letter of credit for each year to cover any short fall for the bonds.

AEG cares about Los Angeles.


Janet Turner – Has a professional football team been secured?  Answer Tim Leiweke (TL) – Not yet, but many teams are interested in coming to such a large market that hasn’t had a pro team for almost 20 years. They are also willing to buy a piece of a team (up to 50%).

Jack Allen – An event at the Convention Center brought gridlock to downtown LA yesterday. The downtown area cannot handle any more traffic. How do you intend to deal with this?  Answer TL – He has experienced the gridlock. There have been events (i.e. the auto show) at the Convention Center on weekends and traffic moved smoothly. Light rail is a must. Most people will be within the Convention Center area who are attending the event. This will bring jobs to the City and make Los Angeles a leader in the convention business.

Janet Turner – What about the hidden costs, such as the fire and police?  Answer – They currently pay for the police officers for events and also for firemen. This also includes traffic police.

Janet – This is for onsite protection, but outside the arena area, the City of LA is responsible.  Answer TL – Chief Becket endorses this plan and they reimburse the police for any tactical alerts. In addition, Farmers Field seat tax will go to pay down the bonds creating an estimated $45 million in new taxes. The sports facility will create new taxes.

Reza Akef – Mass transit does not work today in LA. Will you take the lead and create a new one?  Answer TL – The leaders of LA need to make the decision and take the lead for public transportation.

Quentin Fleming – Several research studies have conclusively demonstrated that government subsidies never pay for themselves. How do you prevent LA from becoming a victim of their team like other cities?  TL – He said he was familiar with the study from the University of Chicago, but he has academics who say the opposite.

Quentin responded that he was referring to work from Harvard, Rutgers and elsewhere – wasn’t familiar with the Chicago study. He went on to say that he would be a supporter if he could conclusively demonstrate that his project would somehow be different from all the others.  TL – Sports teams and sports facilities do not bring in money to cities. The $55 million to buy the land will return $100 million from seat taxes. This will also create new development and therefore new tax revenue. In the history of the NFL, this is the best deal for the city. AEG is making the bond guarantee and it is a $6 billion company. They have already obtained naming rights and are taking the risk on the building of the stadium.

Chris Spitz – Are you going to do a full EIR?  TL – They are currently doing an EIR and have had the first public comments. The second phase of the EIR should be ready in October for public comments. They need protection from third party lawsuits and CEQA.

Jamie Schloss – What is the cost of the project and what is the revenue from Farmer’s naming rights contract? Is it around the $900 million number?  TL – Farmers actually contracted to pay AEG $700 million for stadium naming rights (naming the stadium Farmer’s Field as the presentation said). The contract is for twenty years and so net present value of the contract was more like $300 million.

Jamie Schloss – How much of that money went to the city?  TL – Rosendahl has asked the same question. The city gets none of the money, unless it is a profit participant.

Jamie – Since the city is putting up the land, doesn’t that make them a participant  TL – AEG would pay $54 million for its EIR study.

Jamie – Pointed out that it seemed like they had already received more than that from Farmers.  TL – Did not deny the implication, but changed the subject . Some banter ensued.

Jamie – How much would the city receive as lease payment for the ground lease?  TL – That is being negotiated and AEG would pay Fair Market Value. No specific numbers can be discussed, as it is still being negotiated.

How do you intend to cover any shortfall in both the principle and interest? Will events in Farmers Stadium compete with the convention center?  TL -.No events in Farmers Field should compete with the convention center. They are already spending $15 million for design project. The seat tax amount will be displayed on the ticket, just as it is today at the Staples Center.

Janet Turner – Will LA participate in any profits?  TL – If they take the risks then they will be included in the revenue streams.

10.1.    [Continuation] ELECTION RESULTS.





10.3.    Expansion of LAX.

Tom Chasney with the Alliance for a Regional Solution to Airport Congestion (ARSAC) and Diego Alvarez of Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA).

Janet Turner said the issue is to hold LAX expansion down to the current footprint. WRAC (Westside Regional Alliance of Councils) is asking us to help in this issue. Councilman Rosendahl is in favor of modernization, but not for expansion. He believes that it is not good use of our money at this time. LUC (Land Use Committee) has met and discussed this issue and supports the motion of LAX Master Plan Elements.

Tom Chasney of Alliance for Regional Solution to Airport Congestion spoke on behalf of ARSAC supporting the community immediately affected by LAX. Their goal is to maintain the quality of life. Airport traffic will continue to grow; LAX has 75% of all air traffic in our region. It would be cost effective to spread around the air traffic.

On safety, the LALA study was done to show what would happen if you moved the runway north. Conclusion was that no significant safety reduced. 70% of the incursions occurred on the south side of the airport. More can be done to improve safety for instance, installing runway status lights and other collision avoidance systems, have more controllers on the job, improve the taxiways. Improvements at LAX can also include modernization to the terminals and bringing the Green Line into the airport. There are geographical problems that need to be addressed if the runway is moved.

Diego Alvarez of LALA said that they were doing a study to address the controversial parts of the Master Plan. The Master Plan is addressing the capacity of the Airport. Five studies have looked at ways to improve safety. The FAA slows traffic at LAX to make it safe. They are considering the impacts of the various alternatives for the Master Plan such as moving the runway 250 feet north or not.

Richard Cohen – It is commendable what WRAC is doing, but we must focus on Pacific Palisades and would abstain from this issue.

Janet Turner – LUC has put a lot of effort into this issue and the motion and needs our support.

Chris Spitz – The motion addresses concerns about the proposal. Councilman Rosendahl supports this motion and needs our support.

Jack Allen – Wants to see an EIR before he supports this.

Janet Turner considered tabling this until more information is obtained, but since no motion is on the table there is no need for such an action.

Chris Spitz moved and Stuart Muller seconds the following motion:


WHEREAS, the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) is a member of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (“WRAC). WRAC is comprised of thirteen neighborhood and community council members from the Westside of Los Angeles.

WHEREAS, the leadership of WRAC has proffered a motion on the LAX Master Plan Elements, including future operations and expansion of the Los Angeles International Airport (“LAX”). LAX enhances tourism and economic growth in the entire region. WRAC supports the improvement of safety, security and convenience at LAX but has concerns which should be addressed by the LAX Master Plan update process, including appropriate EIR scrutiny.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, PPCC supports the efforts of WRAC and recommends that any revised LAX Master Plan Elements should:

  1. Retain the existing LAX footprint unless approved by all surrounding communities. Improve placement of taxiways to handle the new larger aircraft, and incorporate cost effective safety enhancements that preferably do not require movement of runways.
  1. Increase bus service and other forms of mass transit to the airport in order to reduce freeway traffic. Improve Central Terminal Area accessibility, including signage, physical roadway, multi modal passenger drop off and pick up, a consolidated Rental Car Facility, and rail connection.
  1. Hold LAX capacity to its current theoretical threshold of 78.9 Million Annual Passengers and preclude easily added passenger gates or cargo facilities after the 2020 prohibition ends. Encourage development and maintenance of capacity at other regional airports, such as Palmdale and Ontario, which can act as a back up to LAX and which both have available capacity.”


11.    General Public Comment.

11.1.    Reza Akef congratulates Jennifer Malaret on her election to Secretary and reminds us that he is still here.

11.2.    Jay Handal.  A Blue Ribbon task force is being formed and five people from each area in the City will be selected. To be considered, you do not necessarily have to be a council board member, but must have extensive business and finance experience capable of understanding the many facets of the AEG deal. To apply submit a short description of your expertise.

[12.    Adjournment.]  Adjourned at 9:03 P.M.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Anderson, Joyce Brunelle, Mary Cole, Gil Dembo, Aurelia Friedman, Ted Mackie, Barbara Marinacci, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, James Rea, Harry Sondheim, Norma Spak, Janet Turner

Voting Alternates:  Quentin Fleming

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Steve Cron, Flo Elfant, Jamie Schloss, Andrew Wolfberg

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Norma Spak read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.  Introduction of the Board and Audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present at 7:06.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  Gil Dembo moved and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded that the minutes for June 9, 2001 be adopted. The minutes were approved with 1 abstention.

5.     Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the Agenda.

6.     Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of June 23, 2011. The total account balances equal $24,562.76, which consist of USB Checking $4,648.15, SmithBarney account $18,134.57, and Post Office account of $1,780.76.

Ted also advised the Council on results from the last newsletter and the implications regarding the next one. As a general rule, newsletters cost approximately $6,500 to produce. The previous newsletter netted a balance of $3,298.83. The implication is that the Council has sufficient funds to produce the next newsletter, but there is little room for discretionary spending pending additional revenue.

As of April 2011, the last newsletter mailing produced 326 contributions totaling $9,708.00. The total cost to produce the newsletter was $6,409.17, consisting of $3.046.67 to Post Printing, $2,085.87 to Pacific Rim, and $1,276.63 postage.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    There will be only one meeting in July and it will be on July 14, 2011. There will be only one meeting in August and two in September.

7.1.2.    Thank you to Cathy Russell will be conducted on July 14, 2011.

7.1.3.    The Council is seeking 1st and 2nd Alternates for both Area 3 and Area 5. And a 2nd Alternate for Area 7.  Beginning July 1, 2011, there will be a 2nd Alternate position for Area 3.  There is the need to give a 30 day public notice prior to filling Alternate positions.  Hopefully these positions will be filled by the August 2011 meeting.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office.

Joaquin Macias was not present; he is attending a meeting at Skirball Center concerning the upcoming closure of the 405 freeway. 500,000 cars usually transit through the Sepulveda pass on the 405 on a weekend day.

The Chair recapped the results of Councilman Rosendahl’s letter to LAFD Peaks. The LAFD has now decided to drop its plan have the 2nd ambulance a “rotating” ambulance. Instead it will stay in the Palisades and increase staffing by 2 people. This will enable staffing for deployment of the hook and ladder truck, containing the Jaws of Life.

7.2.2.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore.

SLO Moore was not present. The Chair updated the Council that there has been a series of recent break-ins and on the importance of locking doors. In addition, several gardeners’ trucks have been recently stolen as there is a tendency for the gardeners to leave their keys in their truck. Tools are stolen, and then the truck is abandoned.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Motorcycle noise/nuisance on Wednesday nights.

Jon McKown met with Capt Brenda Crump (West LA Traffic) about the situation, showing her videos and providing other information.  As a result, LAPD has re-opened an investigation into this situation. Traffic cars were dispatched to the Palisades last night (7/22/11). Captain Crump will also look into providing sensors beneath Sunset Boulevard in the Palisades Village area (similar to sensors at Sunset/Will Rogers that turn the intersection light red if approaching traffic exceeds a certain speed). If this proceeds, PPCC will need to raise funds and will have input on placement of these sensors.

LAPD SLO Ragsdale has met with motorcycle groups that meet at the 76 Gas Station at Sunset/PCH. Some riders said they are willing to slow down through town.

7.3.2.    Flo Elfant, Disaster Preparedness. Would like to print a new batch of 3,000 booklets but is currently lacking funding. She currently has approx. $2,800 but wants to reach balance of $3,500 before printing.

Harry Sondheim made a motion to donate $500, seconded by Gil Dembo. For procedural requirements this motion was not voted on and will be put on the agenda for the next meeting with Harry and Gil sponsoring.

Prior to this there was discussion. The Chair and several Board Members advised that PPCC does not give funds to groups. Gil stated that this donation is not for a group, it is better defined as for the betterment of the community. Marguerite stated that PPCC does have funds in its saving account that have been unused for years; believes PPCC can use this money because it would not be going to a club, etc.

Joyce Brunelle wanted to conduct an informal vote tonight to determine the Council’s interest. The Chair advised that this cannot be done for procedural reasons; an item has to be on the Agenda 4 days prior to a meeting. Marguerite inquired whether this can be done during New Business; Gil advised that this would not qualify as New Business because the Council has addressed this in the past.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Beautiful Palisades Committee Report.

Harry Sondheim reported on a series of activities. A sign belonging to a business in the Marquez area appeared on the fence at Pali High near the corner of Sunset and El Medio. The high school was unaware of this sign and removed it promptly.

There were signs belonging to the Synagogue located at the intersection of Sunset/Muskingum. The Synagogue will now put signs only on Muskingum.

The Self Realization Fellowship has posted signs from the Chamber of Commerce and St. Matthews Church. A lay staff member of the Fellowship stated that they will follow their own rules on these matters, and PPCC will have to directly contact organizations posting signs at the Fellowship.

Note from the Chair: The Monk in charge at Self Realization called PPCC and said that SRF would comply with the wishes of the Council and removed the commercial signs.

Finally, it was reported that the President-elect of the Rotary Club is planning to conduct a triathlon fundraiser on October 23, 2001, starting at 8:00 a.m. There will be a village fair on the Pali high school campus following the triathlon. The Rotary Club was able to obtain signatures from 51% of residents whose streets will be affected.

8.2.    Newsletter Committee.  Christy Dennis reported that the plan for the next newsletter is for it to arrive at peoples’ homes by September 12, 2011.

8.3.    Cell Tower Update.  The LUC has met and determined that cell towers will be going up in the Highlands, as well as the Verizon tower at Sunset/Capri.

8.4.    DWP Update.

Jim Rea provided detailed information regarding a proposed rate increase by the DWP. It appears likely that the rate increases will be put into effect prior to the new DWP Ratepayers’ Advocate being appointed. A detailed “Rate Increase Summary” as well as “Rate Increase Analysis” has been posted to Jim’s website for further review by the Council. Go to:

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Congressional and State Redistricting.

Marguerite Perkins Mautner and Janet Turner gave a report on progress to date with redistricting resulting from the 2010 U.S. Census. This is the first time the State of California will not be gaining additional Congressional seats. Redistricting will affect 4 entities: the California Legislature (Assembly and Senate), U.S. Congress, and the State Board of Equalization.

California State Senate. Current plans will result in a new state senate district – rather than the current district of Malibu/the Westside (including the Palisades) and parts of the San Fernando Valley, the proposed district will be a coastal district where the Palisades will no longer be represented by Fran Pavely and will instead be represented by Ted Lieu from the South Bay.

California Assembly. The Redistricting Commission wants to see all Santa Monica Mountains regions grouped together so that the State Assembly person can advocate for the interests of this region, rather than having the region be a minor part of several districts. Julia Brownley will continue to represent the Palisades.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s AEG Stadium Commission.  The Chair reported that the following people have been selected to represent the Palisades at an upcoming town hall meeting – Richard Cohen, Quentin Fleming, Jim Rea, Jamie Schloss and John Petrick.

11.    General Public Comment — None.

12.    Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Jennifer Malaret, Paul Glasgall, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, George Wolfberg, Joyce Brunelle, Janet Anderson and Chris Spitz.

Voting Alternates:  Norma Spak, Christy Dennis, Barbara Marinacci, Richard Wulliger, Susan Orenstein and Gordon Wong.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Kurt Toppel, Steve Cron and Mary Cole.

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Chris Spitz read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present at 7:04 pm.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  Norma Spak moved and Haldis Toppel seconded the minutes for June 23, 2011. The minutes were adopted unanimously.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of July 14, 2011. The total account balances equal $24,847.73, which consist of USB Checking $4,933.12, SmithBarney account $18,134.57 and Post Office account $1,780.76. Ted also advised the council of a slight increase in contributions, to a current total of $10,047.00; however, total account balances are down from a comparable of $28,125.00 at this time two years ago.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    Thank you to Cathy Russell.  Janet Turner thanked Cathy Russell for her work and participation as the council’s Secretary during 2010/2011. Cathy has applied to become an Area 7 alternate.

7.1.2.    Slots are open for Area 5 Alternates 1 & 2, Area 3 Alternate 2, and Area 7 Alternates 1 & 2.  Janet Turner encouraged applications. Jack Allen confirmed he would like a first and second alternate for Area 5.

7.1.3.    Congratulations to Jim Rea as the new Area 3 Representative.  Janet Turner congratulated Jim Rea who is now the official Area 3 Representative.

7.1.4.    Goodbye to Peter Fisher.  Janet Turner reported that Peter Fisher would be leaving the Council. Steve Boyers officially becomes the Area 7 representative.

7.1.5.    Special congratulations to Chris Spitz.  Janet Tuner congratulated Chris Spitz on the Palisadian Post article that recognized her contributions towards increasing municipal regulation of cell phone tower installations.

7.1.6.   Committees.  The Chair desires to have committees in place by August 11, 2011.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias.

Janet Turner reported that Councilman Rosendahl presented the PPCC with a certificate from the City of Los Angeles in recognition of its hard work on the bike rack project. Joaquin reported (1) The Los Liones traffic signal dedication took place today with Councilman Rosendahl and community participants involved in the installation of this light. (2) Work on the Potrero Canyon project has slowed down because a storm water pipe needs retrofitting which has put a 70-day delay on the project. An extension to completion has been granted to the contractor because the change was outside of the original contract. Chris Spitz asked about getting the brush cleared along the rim and Joaquin made a note of this. Patrick Hart, an audience member asked about an earthquake fault line and fecal contamination, wondering if they were going to slip sleeve these pipes to prevent a leak in the sewer line. Joaquin said he would follow up. (3) There is a meeting tomorrow with the storm water division up on Palisades Drive. Haldis Toppel asked if it was legal to pump subterranean water into the street and allow it to run into the storm drains. This causes debris and moisture to collect in the gutter and erodes streets in Marquez Knolls. Joaquin promised to follow-up on this information. (4) There will be a cell tower meeting with the PPCC, CD-11 and the Bureau of Street Lighting on July 27th or 28th (to be confirmed) to address using light standards for new cell installations. (5) Janet Turner asked Joaquin to remind Councilman Rosendahl about getting Pacific Palisades police response time statistics. (6) Joaquin reported that there is a contentious issue involving a property on Posetano where permits had been issued in 2008. The project has been stopped, though the owner had previously been given the right to build subject to certain conditions.

7.2.2.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore.

Officer Moore reported (1) He has been assigned to work in the LAPD Command Center in downtown to assist the command staff and West LA Captain rather than patrol the Palisades during CARMAGEDDON weekend. Stuart Muller asked if a car would be in the community permanently during this period of time. Officer Moore announced that three LAPD patrol cars will be assigned to cover Brentwood and Pacific Palisades, the area west of the 405. Someone stressed that these cars not be called out of the general area. Chris Spitz asked about gridlock on Sunset. Officer Moore said that additional motor officers will be assigned to the general area. Haldis Toppel asked for confirmation that LAFD will add crews and fire engines to the area like LAPD adds resources to the area. Officer Moore said that he had heard similar information but was not personally in these planning meetings. Janet Turner reported you can call “511” to get real time traffic conditions and the “311” number will be working this weekend; continue to call “911” in an emergency. Christy Dennis said that you can “” on line as well. (2) The LOCK IT, LOSE IT PROGRAM is now the “LOCK IT, HIDE IT, KEEP IT” program in response to additional vehicular break-ins. LAPD will be focusing on the beach and canyon areas and Officer Moore encouraged us to keep an eye out in our neighborhoods especially the Alphabet streets that tend to have more vehicular break-ins than other areas. Christy Dennis asked if private security officers could receive envelopes to put on windows; the LAPD doesn?ft have those yet but does provide literature to businesses. Officer Moore will see if they have an electronic flyer to give us. Harry Sondheim asked about additional patrol for speeding violations along Sunset. Officer Moore indicated that the department is doing the best it can with resources. Janet Turner reported that she sent an email to Captain Crump (with a copy to Captain Nathan) relative to the Wednesday night motorcycles and with a reminder to look into the possibility of getting speed sensors put in the streets that will trip the traffic signals. (3) There is a possible homeless encampment in a residential neighborhood. Patrick Hart, an audience member reported a homeless encampment in Temescal Canyon near a children’s playground.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Mountain Lion and Coyotes on Palisades Drive.  Paul Glasgall reported a daytime sighting of a mountain lion on Palisades Drive and encouraged residents to keep their pets and small kids indoors.

7.3.2.    Sneakers over the electric lines in the village.  Christy Dennis stated that a resident had contacted her about sneakers being placed over power lines throughout town. She said to call the DWP to have them removed because it is dangerous to have the shoes dangling from the power lines.

7.3.3.    Mary Cole may be leaving the board. Mary reported that her home is in escrow and she may be relocating to Palm Springs in several weeks.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Newsletter Committee – Christy Dennis, Chair.

Next Newsletter goes out Sept.12, 2011 and will total four pages. Christy would like to work with Janet to keep up momentum on the newsletter. Each Area Representative was asked to do a paragraph about news in their area. This invitation could be extended to organizational representatives as well. Pictures are welcome. Christy has asked for submittals to be completed by July 29, 2011. Christy would like to recognize donors and will work with Ted Mackie on this part of the newsletter.

8.2.    Committee of Three Chairs.

George Wolfberg explained that the committee reviewed applications and unanimously recommended Christy Dennis to become the Area 3 First Alternate. George Wolfberg moved and Stuart Muller seconded the Motion for Christy Dennis to become the Area 3 First Alternate. The Motion passed unanimously.

8.3.    City/State Budget Committee.

Janet Turner reported that the committee met and continues to support the efforts of Councilman Rosendahl to convince the City Council to take the deal with AEG seriously and increase transparency.

8.4.    Secretary.

Janet Turner announced Jennifer Malaret’s installation as Secretary.  Janet said that we would do our best to get draft minutes out to board members for their review by each Monday following a Thursday board meeting. Comments will be due back to Jennifer in no later than three days, i.e., the next Thursday. That way, those involved in preparing the final minutes will have Thursday and Friday (preferably before the weekend) to complete the minutes in order that they can easily be distributed 72 hours in advance of the next public meeting.

9.    Old Business — None.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Photo copying expenses for Disaster Preparedness booklets.

The Chair opened up the matter for discussion. Several board members stated that this information can also be accessed on-line and at the library. Many board members voiced support for the community council to support the service of keeping the public informed about what to do in the case of an emergency. Harry Sondheim moved and Jack Allen seconded a motion for the PPCC to spend $500 for additional copying of Flo Elfant’s Disaster Preparedness information. The motion passed unanimously.

10.2.    Live Data Access to Department of Building & Safety (LADBS) and Los Angeles Department of Public Works Applications and Permits.

WRAC (Westside Regional Association of Community/Neighborhood Councils) motion attached. Chris Spitz explained that motion recommended by the WRAC Leadership to neighborhood and community councils was attached to the board agenda. Chris said that the LUC (Land Use Committee) recommends support of the motion subject to changing the word “community” to the word “public” and that the motion does not seek to change existing law, but rather encourages transparency of an already existent public record. Challis MacPherson attended to speak on the topic. Challis served on the Venice Neighborhood Council, was Chair of the WRAC LUC [never heard of this commission and her chairing WRAC LUC seems to cover it], and has had a constant concern about getting more information. Currently, we get notice of permits seeking a variance (10%) but most permits are by-right (90%) and go through the Department of Building and Safety. Various activists met with the Mayor five years ago and asked for “by-right” notifications. Challis stated that David Lara from LADBS sees the future system moving towards providing this information as the consulting firm hired by the City brings in their new system and was receptive to tweaking the existing system to provide by-right notifications. Challis agreed with the LUC’s recommended change of “community” to “public”, but asked our Board to keep the motion simple because simplicity gets through to the city employees. Challis said that this information would be extremely useful in hillside applications. Steve Cron asked what the cost to the City would be of putting this information on-line. Challis said that the new system the City is putting in does include Live Data Access so the capability is going in already. Chris Spitz moved and Jack Allen seconded that the Board approve the WRAC motion, including the change of the word “community” to “public”. The motion passed unanimously. (PPCC Motion is attached.)

10.3.    LADWP Ratepayer Advocate.

Draft motion by Jim Rea attached. George Wolfberg presented the motion to support an Office of Public Accountability and a ratepayer advocate to begin researching the rate hikes proposed by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. George explained that the motion has to do with the City’s Charter Amendment to provide for a DWP ratepayer’s advocate and the alliance of councils who viewed the three-year rate increase said that the LA City Council should not approve the plan until an independent advocate reviewed the proposal. Harry Sondheim asked why we were focusing just on the Ratepayer Advocate and not also the Office of Public Accountability. Jack Allen explained that the City Council’s appointed selection committee recommends the head of the Office of Public Accountability and once the OPA is established, the head of the OPA hires the Ratepayer Advocate. There were no further comments or objections. George Wolfberg moved and Dick Wulliger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

10.4.    Clean Hands Motion.

Councilman Zine motion attached.  Janet Turner stated that the LUC recommended support of this motion. Jennifer Rivera was in attendance from Councilman Zine’s office seeking the council’s support of a series of motions by councilman Zine to create more oversight in the Department of Building & Safety (LADBS), to increase accountability and to eliminate fraud and abuse. These efforts will be discussed on the August 3, 2011 at the City Council Audits and Government Efficiency Committee meeting being held at WLA Municipal building on Corinth Avenue at 6 PM. This meeting will include reform measures, technology, proposed rotations, implementing an independent internal LADBS investigation unit, fines and penalties, and is an extremely important meeting. The Clean Hands motion which the board was being asked to support is similar to what the County of Los Angeles has, and states, in sum, that any applicant who has a property in violation of building codes cannot be issued another building permit until that violation is corrected. Councilman Zine is seeking as much community support as possible because it is very difficult in the city to enact building code reforms. Dick Wulliger spoke in support of the motion and asked about how to deal with developers who build using corporations with common ownership. Jennifer Rivera said this problem had just been addressed relative to parking lot operators and they envision that the City Attorney will do something similar, i.e., where developers would have to list all projects in the city that they own, have an interest in, manage, etc. Jack Allen spoke in support of the motion. Kurt Toppel asked where the City Attorney’s money to enforce this ordinance is going to come from. Jennifer said that it will be enforced by LADBS and monies recovered would be received as cost recovery. Chris Spitz expressed her belief that a Clean Hands Ordinance would be widely supported by neighborhood and community council groups. Steve Cron asked why this Ordinance had not been proposed before the convictions of two Building and Safety Inspectors. Jennifer reported that LADBS was investigating roughly 6 months before the FBI came in and that they are applauding Bud Ovrum who has been (in her opinion) a great general manager. Haldis Toppel moved and Chris Spitz seconded the following motion: The motion passed unanimously. (The PPCC Motion is attached)

10.5.    Commercial Signs on Sunset Boulevard.

Janet Turner said that the issue of the signs on Sunset will be on the PPCC’s August 11, 2011 agenda. Joyce Brunelle expressed that the Chamber of Commerce is very upset and had requested a copy of the law that clearly states that signs cannot be placed on Sunset Boulevard. Janet Turner and Harry Sondheim agreed to provide this information to the Chamber. Joyce stated that the Chamber advocates that local events that are pertinent to the community should be allowed to place temporary signs on Sunset as a public service (so that the community knows what is going on).

11.    General Public Comment.

11.1.    Ernest (Ernie) Meadows, former Area 7 Representative, asked from the audience about the status of building code violations at the Beglari residence on Greentree in Rustic Canyon. Janet Turner and Haldis Toppel commented about efforts to implement Administrative Code Enforcement and other actions (like the Clean Hands Ordinance) that are working their way through the City to address lack of action against violators.

12.    Adjournment.  Janet Turner adjourned the meeting at 8:49 PM.



ITEM 10.2 – Live Data Access to Department of Building & Safety and Los Angeles Department of Public Works Applications and Permits

“The Pacific Palisades Community Council requests that Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety (LADBS) and Los Angeles Department of Public Works (LADPW) provide, at no charge to the public, live data access (with query tool and CSV data output/report) to all Building and Safety applications and permits.”

ITEM 10.3 — DWP Ratepayer Advocate 


WHEREAS, in March, 2011, the citizens of the City of Los Angeles passed Charter Amendment I (by a 77.86% margin) that calls for the establishment of an independent DWP Office of Accountability and the Ratepayer Advocate;

WHEREAS, over three months after the passage of Charter Amendment I, the City Council has failed to appoint a nominating committee to select the managing executive of the DWP Office of Accountability (by whatever title: Executive Director, President, Managing Director, etc.);

WHEREAS, the DWP is in the process of proposing a massive, record setting budget increase of $1 Billion over the course of the next two and one half years; and

WHEREAS, this budget increase has not been reviewed by the Ratepayer Advocate or the Office of Public Accountability; and

WHEREAS, the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition on July 2, 2011 unanimously approved the following resolution:

“The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition strongly urges that the Board of Water and Power Commissioners and the City Council not consider or act upon the proposed water and power rate increases until the Ratepayers Advocate is established and has thoroughly reviewed and analyzed the proposed rate increases and presented such review and analysis to the Ratepayers and the public for their careful consideration.

LANCC cannot support any rate increases until the Ratepayers Advocate has reviewed and analyzed these rate increases and discussed the review and analysis with the Ratepayers and the public.”

THEREFORE, IT IS NOW RESOLVED that the Pacific Palisades Community Council hereby endorses the resolution passed by the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition. The Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council shall address a letter to the Mayor of Los Angeles and to the Los Angeles City Council with copies to the General Manager of the DWP and any other applicable stakeholders expressing the intent of this Motion.

ITEM 10.4 — Clean Hands Motion

“The PPCC supports the enactment of a Clean Hands Ordinance for the City of Los Angeles which would be similar to Section 22.04.110 of the County’s Zoning Code. The PPCC also supports Councilmember Zine’s efforts to reform the Department of Building and Safety.”


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, John Glasgow, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Steve Boyers, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Joyce Brunelle, Amy Kalp, Shirley Haggstrom, Geoff Shelden, Janet Anderson, Gil Dembo, Chris Spitz and Aurelia Friedman.

Voting Alternates:  Norma Spak, Steve Cron, John Glasgow and Barbara Marinacci.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Flo Elfant and Ilene Cassidy.

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Richard Cohen read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present at 7:04 pm.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  Marguerite Perkins moved and Haldis Toppel seconded adoption of the minutes for June 23, 2011. The minutes were unanimously adopted. Harry Sondheim moved and Haldis Toppel seconded the minutes for July 14, 2011. The minutes were adopted with one abstention. The next PPCC Board meeting is September 8, 2011.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of August 11, 2011. The total account balances equal $24,847.73, which consist of USB Checking $4,933.12, SmithBarney account $18.134.57, and Post Office account $1,780.04. 346 new contributions were received from the newsletter last month.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    Update on Letters sent from PPCC.

Janet Turner reported that the Executive Committee approved certain letters while the Board has been on its summer schedule. The underlying committees had first approved most of the letters that were sent out by the Chair. Letters went sent out to governmental representatives and agencies on the following topics: Planning’s proposed sign ordinance, State Assembly Bill 607, the Department of Public Works’ “bus bench” contract (comments were intended to avoid our PRIDE benches being taken out in favor of benches with advertising, etc.), and Councilmember Rosendahl’s motion regarding parking in front of driveways on city streets (the committees’s primary concern is emergency vehicles getting to someone’s home if we are totally parked up). Haldis clarified that Rosendahl’s motion was intended to address on-street parking in front of residential driveways only and did not address the “apron parking” as reported in the Palisadian Post (please contact Haldis directly for more information; apron parking is expected to be addressed at a later date).

7.1.2.    Committees re-appointed.  The list has been distributed by Janet Turner to each of the Board Members. Janet invited those not on a committee to please join and encouraged Board members to identify areas of passion for possible new committees.

7.1.3.    New Committee Homeless in Pacific Palisades.  Janet reported that we would be hearing from this new committee in September 2011. PPCC is talking to Zev Yaroslavsky’s office about the existing homeless situation in the Palisades and what can be done to solve certain issues that have arisen.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

[7.2.1.]   Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias.

Aurelia Friedman has been working in the CD-11 office. CD-11 topics discussed were: (1) Potrero Canyon, relative to the prior report of pipe reinforcement, the work should be completed on August 12, 2011 and backfilling of the slope should be done at the end of the week so normal activities can start again. There are still problems with the traffic signal for the haul route. There is a stalemate with the subcontractor regarding plans for a temporary vs. permanent signal and a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16, 2011. The signal issue may slow the project in terms of bringing in more dirt. George Wolfberg asked that pedestrian heads be included in the signal because they are “vital” for safety. Stuart asked about the piles of dirt on site; Joaquin responded that one is Caltrans staging and one was imported by the Potrero contractor but will be removed shortly because it is not going to be used as fill. Gil Dembo commented that the engineer should have talked to Caltrans and that any confusion between a temporary and permanent signal would be the subcontractor’s mistake; Joaquin agreed that this was CD-11’s position. Chris Spitz reported that the brush on the west side of Potrero Canyon had been cut down and the work was satisfactory and appreciated. (2) Asilomar – a large sinkhole has been caused by illegal grading (the hill has been moving since the 1950’s). CD-11 is asking to coordinate asphalt repair of two existing holes with the Department of Recreation and Parks. Marguerite asked for extra attention by CD-11 to asphalt repairs because the most recent slurry seal/resurfacing on Napoli was not done satisfactorily (further, Marguerite would like the issue of the Napoli quality of work taken up with the CD-11 office). (3) The AEG Memorandum of Understanding was approved by the City Council unanimously on August 9, 2011. (4) Prop. K update: Rustic Canyon softball is underway and barrier fences have been put up at the recreation center and the Prop. K irrigation project is starting in the upper field area.

[7.2.2.]   Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore.

Officer Moore was on vacation.  Amy Kalp, Co-Chair of our Police, Traffic and Fire sub-committees, attended the 08/10/11 LAPD West Bureau Traffic Committee monthly meeting. Discussed at that meeting was: (1) Car thefts continue to be a problem in the Palisades area. (2) The motorcycles speeding on Wednesday nights are being focused on and patrols were out again last night Aug 10 issuing citations. Officer Smythe reported issuing several citations the night of Weds. Aug 3 between El Medio and Bienveneda. Residents emailed her this morning applauding the sight of officers in pursuit and ticketing the cyclists last evening Aug 10. Kara from Senator Fran Pavely’s office mentioned their offices were getting numerous complaints about the motorcycles. (3) DUIs are up 30%. Thus LAPD Traffic Captain Brenda Crump is starting 5 checkpoints on the Westside beginning Sept. 15th (4) The safety of pedestrians is being focused on more due to two pedestrian fatalities on the Westside recently. Officers will be focusing on pedestrian rights of way and jaywalkers. (5) Captain Crump has changed the staffing structure for traffic officers noting officers are now assigned to specific areas as their primary areas to regularly work. (6) New Parking Enforcement Supervisor for the Palisades/Brentwood area. His name is Cortez Jones ( Jim Horowitz from Councilman Rosendahl’s office said their offices were receiving complaints from Palisades/Brentwood residents that the Parking officers are rude. (7) The Bundy/Olympic village project is in a bankruptcy proceeding so doesn’t look like it will materialize and/or impacts from that project are on hold. (8) Going before the LA City Council shortly is a proposed plan to allow commercial advertising on banners that hang from streetlights. The LA City Council feels this will create jobs and be a good source of revenue for the city. The Traffic Committee was concerned this will distract drivers.

[7.2.3.]   Kara Seward, West Side Field Deputy for State Senator Fran Pavley.

This was Kara’s first West Los Angeles meeting, however she is familiar with some of the PPCC Board members who attend the PCH task force meetings. Kara announced that the Senator is hosting a small business seminar on Friday, August 19th to help with tax issues, tax questions and how to succeed in the current economic climate (flyers were made available to the public in attendance).

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Palisades Recreation Center.

Jennifer Malaret reported that the Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board is holding a meeting on Monday August 22, 2011 in the small gym at 7 PM. The Park Advisory Board Members and the Department of Recreation and Parks are seeking input from the community on what long-term improvement plans they would like to see at the recreation center. Funding for additional permanent improvements would be funded by the City, allocated Proposition K monies (sports fields, irrigation and asphalt repair) or private donations & fundraising efforts.

7.3.2.    PCH Taskforce.

George Wolfberg reported that the sewer work in PCH that required the K -rails should be done in September, 2011. The California Incline project has been delayed, once again, with construction now anticipated in two years. The delay results from the need to complete corrections to the EIS required by the funding agent, CalTrans. After release there will be a 45-day review period.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Three Chairs.

Richard Cohen reported that the Three Chairs were prepared to recommend alternates for the board for Area 3 and Area 7. The openings were advertised and the Chairs asked elected representatives their input (both first and second alternates were wanted for Area 3 and Area 7). The Three Chairs recommended: Area 3: Christy Dennis first alternate, John Glasgow second alternate. Area 7: Cathy Russell first alternative, Ernie Meadows second alternate. Richard Cohen moved that the recommendations of the Three Chairs be adopted and George Wolfberg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    State Redistricting.

Marguerite Perkins reported that Henry Waxman will remain our federal congressman and was not leaving the area as the Palisadian Post had reported. Marguerite explained that it used to be that the state senate would make the redistricting of the state. According to Proposition 11, which was passed by the voters in 2008, we now have a commission of 14 members that makes the redistricting. The commission had only one meeting for area locally (July, 2011). The remainder of the meetings have been elsewhere in the state or in Sacramento. There are a few changes that have occurred with the primary being that the Pacific Palisades is now in District 26 from District 23. As a result, we will no longer have Fran Pavley as our state Senator pending a final decision on August 15, 2011 in Sacramento. If the proposed redistricting passes, Senator Pavley would be up for re-election in 2012 but the Palisades is not in the district where the Senator lives. Our new state Senator will be Ted Lieu and this change will take place during 2012. (Ted was elected through 2014; he is a new senator, having just been elected in February 2011 because the prior seat holder passed away). Marguerite explained further that there would be 80 assembly seats in the entire state affected by the re-districting. Because of the increase in Latino residents, there is a feeling that they are not properly represented so that is why some of these changes are being made; however, this does not affect us on the coast. Our area no longer includes Malibu, but is now with the southern coastal area down to Torrance. The state commission feels that they are better qualified to decide what areas of southern California that we are homogeneous with. While the PPCC wrote letters that we wanted to keep Fran Pavley, Marguerite feels that our letters were falling on deaf ears to a commission where we have no political pull. Jack Allen commented that Zev fought to save Fran Pavley and it still was not enough to save her. Marguerite turned to Julia Brownley (who attended the meeting) and said how sorry we are that her term limits will prevent her from continuing to represent us in the Assembly. Julia thanked the Board and noted that she will still be with us a bit longer. Marguerite recommended that we contact Ted Lieu to let him know about the Palisades and invite him to a future Board meeting.

9.2.   Free “Green” Seminar, partially funded by CD 11, starting August 30th, Aldersgate, 7 to 8 pm.

Samantha Summer from Sustainable Work (Santa Monica non-profit) spoke about the 6-week “green living” workshops. LADWP in collaboration with the CD-11 office has awarded a grant to expand their programs to areas surrounding Santa Monica. The seminar meets once a week with a different environmental topic (waste, water, shopping & food, etc.) and allows participants to learn about the problems, solutions and strategies for daily changes that can make a bigger collective impact. The seminar is free and the public is encouraged to attend. Any participant gets a 300-page information manual that is passed out at the first meeting. Gina Garcia will be teaching the seminars in the Palisades. Harry asked if the materials could be obtained at a later meeting or at other locations if someone could not attend the early meetings and Samantha said that this would be possible.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Scenic Highway Motion: H. Sondheim.

Joyce Brunelle for Chamber of Commerce, Anne Ullstrem, Assoc. Ex. Director “YMCA,” KI, Palisades Lutheran and Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church representatives.

Janet Turner read the motion on behalf of Harry Sondheim.  Harry provided a background of what Sunset looked like in the 1960’s and the Board’s fight to keep commercial signage (other than real estate signs which will be taken up separately) off of Sunset outside of the business district. Recently, there have been a lot of signs going up in different areas and the Palisades Beautiful Committee (“PBC”) was appointed to meet with local organizations to discuss the issue of commercial signage (not liturgical signage). If a church is having a fundraiser, Harry reported that pursuant to a legal opinion received by the City Attorney, related signage is considered commercial. So far, consensual discussions have been going fine and Harry is confident that the continued spirit of goodwill will continue. The issue is what happens if an organization won’t cooperate in the future? The PBC wants to know how the Board feels about what should be done ahead of time relative to what happens if cooperative agreements to remove commercial signage cannot be reached.

Janet read an email submitted suggesting an amendment to the motion as follows:

“Whereas churches in the Palisades along Sunset Blvd. are non-profit religious institutions and their activities are an integral part of the community, one banner displayed in a tasteful manner and moderate size as public notice of their own church activities in considered acceptable.”  Harry rejected the language because the fences and places along Sunset are not the only places where signs can be put (Temescal or El Medio) and the language doesn’t deal with the fact the commercial signage is illegal and if one exception is allowed then the rule will be disallowed because we are not being consistent.  Discussion: (1) Joyce Brunelle – Unlike the 1960’s, we don’t have thriving business. Our business district is dying. This is our community and residents personally want to know what is going on in our town, and it is important for people to know what is going on. Signage that is in good taste like the Expo, St. Matthew’s Faire, etc. creates excitement and goodwill. Harry responded to Joyce that the reason for empty stores is not the lack of signage (rather, it is what is going on with property ownership and the rents) and that there are many other ways to find out what is going on in the community (the Palisadian Post, signs on other streets, etc). (2) Pastor Wally Meese, Lutheran Church – the Santa Monica choir will be singing in the Palisades, so their sign is for a community event and folks are being asked to buy tickets at the door. The Pastor generally supports the proposed motion, however just because a lawyer downtown says that a church fundraiser is commercial and shouldn’t take place doesn’t mean that it is appropriate for our Board to prohibit it. The Pastor asked if the Oktoberfest signs could be grandfathered in. (3) Richard Cohen – observed to our business and religious organizations that we are not passing new legislation, i.e., these signs are illegal now. Our businesses and churches should follow current laws and be good neighbors. The language of the motion is really friendly, and we are asking that they “pretty please” comply with a law that the City Council passed. (4) Steve Cron – asked why we are passing a divisive motion if there is no problem today, and suggested that we consider the matter later when there is a problem. Harry responded that he wants to know if the Council supports taking an action if there is a problem and we are not making a judgment about whether the sign is illegal or not illegal (that is up to the City). (5) Jack Allen supported the motion in the spirit of removing sign clutter (6) KI’s representative asked whether the legal opinion was tendered for “non-profit religious organization.” Harry said the legal opinion was for “non-profit” fundraisers. Harry stressed that the problem is that Sunset is a scenic highway and that is what the PBC is concerned about (if people want to put up illegal signs on side streets, our committee is not going to enforce that). (7) Steve Boyers supported the motion because it does not pass on the legality or illegality of signs and is an attempt to preserve the scenic integrity of Sunset by a gently saying we have an issue. (8) Haldis Toppel  supported the motion because PPCC’s guiding principles state that we support the adherence of City laws and regulations. Vote: Harry Sondheim moved and Jack Allen seconded the motion. The motion passed with 1 vote opposed and 4 abstentions.  [See attachment.]

10.2.    AB 607, Digital Bus Signs, CSBC, Motion (which was modeled after the letter recommended by the CSBC and approved by the Executive Committee).

Jack Allen (motion sponsor), Julia Brownley (author), Louise Rishoff, Assemblywoman Brownley’s West Side Deputy. Background: Assemblywoman Brownley spoke. She authored the bill in response to a request by the City of Santa Monica. Santa Monica’s transportation fund has been depleted and the City wanted to explore the opportunity to move from stationary advertising on bus sides to advertising that could be more easily changed, more “market specific” and more lucrative to provide money for transit in the region. Chicago and New York have proceeded with success, and Santa Monica followed those models (which included the monitoring of driver and pedestrian safety issues, none significant found). The government code doesn’t allow Santa Monica to explore this opportunity, so the assembly bill modifies the vehicle code to allow Santa Monica to explore the idea as a “first step.”  If the governor signs the bill, the City Council of Santa Monica still has to vote to pursue this or not. This bill also requires a study around safety in conjunction with local police departments, highway patrol and others. At this time, there has been no opposition to the bill in either the assembly or senate. Now groups are waking up and voicing opposition, including the PPCC and the City of LA. City of LA, City of Santa Monica and the Senator’s staff have been discussing a potential memorandum of understanding to ensure that LA’s concerns could be incorporated into Santa Monica’s program if they choose to go forward. Santa Monica has strict sign and billboard regulations. The thinking is that City busses already have advertising; so digital advertising has a community benefit (public service announcements) and is not vastly different from fixed advertising. Janet Turner read the motion on behalf of Jack Allen. Discussion: (1) Jack Allen – noted that the City of Santa Monica and California Transit both supported the bill. Ads can be transmitted wirelessly so he doesn’t see how signs can be anything but a distraction to drivers. The Palisades strictly controls signage, has been fighting advertising on our bus benches, doesn’t want it from a safety, aesthetic and scenic highway standpoint. The Senator responded by stating that she understands our desire to protect and prohibit our area from billboards; however, she agreed to carry the bill because advertising is on the busses and the size of the advertising will not change just the content. The bill is permissive to allow streaming (change) on busses but not freeways. In her conversations with Santa Monica, the messages are going to change when the busses are stationary and not when the busses are moving. The streaming is they key to raise revenue for important transit without raising fees. (2) Gil Dembo urged caution by the Assemblywoman because Santa Monica is a wealthy community, none of their bus benches have advertising, flashing lights which are not agreeable with our coastal lifestyle, and Gil asked whether Santa Monica would share the revenue when their busses go through the Palisades or Culver City. The Assemblywoman responded that advertising on the busses traveling in our area already exist this is an electronic form of it and will allow for easy change of ads on busses instead of having to bring the busses in and hard advertising boards manually replaced. The bill is permissive to allow advertising to move & change; the City of Santa Monica may approve a program without streaming. This is a pilot program that “sunsets” meaning that the only way for it to continue on is for studies to be performed and evaluated by the legislature; all this bill allows is digital bus advertising for Santa Monica’s pilot program. (3) Haldis Toppel expressed safety as the first concern and aesthetics as the second and asked the Assemblywoman to confirm that advertising will be static as the bus is driving and changing when the bus is parked. Brownley said that is not the way the bill is written; it allows for streaming but not streaming on the freeways. The intent of Santa Monica based on conversations is not to stream while driving. Julia invited a subcommittee of the PPCC to sit down with Santa Monica and express our concerns. The pilot program would be for 25 busses during the first 2 years and 30 busses thereafter (out of a fleet of 200+) and we don’t know that the busses coming through the Palisades will be one of these 25 to 30 busses. (4) Geoff Shelden asked how much revenue the pilot program would raise; Assemblywoman Brownley said New York and Chicago’s revenue was raised fourfold, and Santa Monica was projecting $4-6 million in new receipts. (5) Chris Spitz – asked for where the safety studies can be reached and commented that the Palisades is not an urban center liked New York and Chicago with a far different landscape. Jack Allen moved and Marguerite Perkins seconded the motion. Vote: The motion passed with 2 votes in opposition and 1 abstention. [See attachment.]

The Assemblywoman Pavley said that she would report to the City of Santa Monica the results of the meeting and our motion. Suggestions were also made to send our motion to: Supervisor Yaraslovsky’s Office, City of Santa Monica, State Legislature, Bill Rosendahl, California Highway Patrol, and LAPD. Janet Turner expressed to Assemblywoman Brownley that we would gladly be part of a working subcommittee with Santa Monica and to please keep us posted.

10.3.    Code of Civility, Amendment to Original Motion.

Harry Sondheim presented the motion.  Haldis Toppel asked to clarify the meaning of the word “aggregate”; Richard Cohen clarified that it was the email list. The idea was that using the email list created for community purposes for real estate solicitations would be improper.  Jack Allen moved and Harry Sondheim seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.  [See attachment.]

11.    General Public Comment.

11.1.    A resident noted that Embury and Fiske are very narrow streets.  Can we make them one-way streets and allow apron parking if necessary. Jack Allen responded that this would create great logistical problems. Janet suggested that the neighbors get together and bring a petition to the Board relative to their ideas.

12.    Adjournment.  Janet Turner adjourned the meeting at 8:58 PM.




Whereas Sunset Boulevard is a scenic highway; Whereas signage in whatever form on Sunset Boulevard detracts from the concept of a scenic highway; Whereas a number of organizations in Pacific Palisades have agreed to keep signage off Sunset Boulevard in areas outside the business district; Whereas the City Code requires that any signage for commercial purposes must have a City permit; Therefore if, after a reasonable request has been made to an organization to keep commercial signage, not related to real estate, off Sunset outside the business district and that organization refuses to do so, the Pacific Palisades Community Council, upon recommendation of the Beautiful Palisades Committee and with the approval of the Chair, will request the City to investigate whether the organization has obtained a City permit to post its commercial signage. Note: The issue of real estate signs can be considered at a later time.


1. AB607, sponsored by Assemblywoman Julia Brownley on behalf of the City of Santa Monica, authorizes the City of Santa Monica’s bus transit system to establish a pilot program allowing the city’s transit buses to be equipped with digital signs for display advertising on the sides of the buses. The Bill authorizes the signs to change messages and also allows the streaming of messages, both of which involve movement of the messages. Such signs are now prohibited by Vehicle Code Sections 25400 and 25950. 2. Traffic Safety officials consider such signs as a dangerous distraction to drivers and also pedestrians crossing streets. At a time when the State is very concerned about drivers being distracted by using cell phones while driving as well as other distractions, AB607 only adds another distraction. 3. Digital advertising is now prohibited by the zoning laws in the Pacific Palisades where the Santa Monica bus system operates but AB607 will permit the Blue Buses to operate with such signage on streets in the Palisades and in particular Sunset Blvd. which is a designated Scenic Corridor on which commercial signage is strictly controlled, particularly in the commercial areas which make up the Village. Moreover, commercial signage is prohibited in residential areas and the bus line operates in residential areas. 4. A major concern is that if AB507 becomes law, every bus transit system in the State will use AB607 as a precedent to seek authorization to use digital advertising signs. If this happens, trucking companies and taxicab companies will also seek such authorization. 5, AB607 has already passed the State Assembly and the State Senate and is now back in the State Assembly for approval of minor Senate amendments. THEREFORE, IT IS MOVED that the Pacific Palisades Community Council communicate its opposition to the passage and enactment of AB607 to Assemblywoman Brownley, and if the Bill is approved by the Assembly, request that Governor Jerry Brown veto the Bill.


Here is the new wording:

Board members shall not solicit business at Board meetings or by using the aggregate email distribution list of the Council.



All Board members should:

  1. Demonstrate courtesy and respect to others while participating in PPCC related matters including meetings and public forums.
  2. Prepare in advance of meetings and be familiar with issues on the agenda.
  3. Serve as a model of leadership and civility to the community.
  4. Inspire public confidence in the Pacific Palisades Community Council.


All Board members shall:

  1. Honor the role of the Chair in maintaining order. It is the responsibility of the Chair (including committee Chairs) to keep discussion on track during meetings. Board members shall honor efforts by the Chair to focus discussion on the topic. Board members, as well as the audience, shall only speak when called upon by the Chair and, except for the Chair, shall not interrupt someone who has been called upon by the Chair. However, this shall not preclude Board members from interrupting to make a point of order.
  2. Practice civility, professionalism and decorum in discussion and debate. Board members shall not make belligerent, personal, threatening, impertinent, profane or disparaging comments or gestures nor use derogatory language about an individual’s ethnicity, race, sexuality, age, disability or religion.
  3. Continue respectful behavior before and after Board meetings. The standard of civility set forth herein is required of Board members at all times when engaging in discussion of PPCC matters wherever and whenever such discussions might take place.
  4. Be welcoming, respectful and courteous to members of the public and speakers.

ITEM 7.1.2 — 2011-2012 PPCC Standing Committees

City/State Budget Committee. Monitor proposals by government with possible financial impact that may affect the quality of life in Pacific Palisades. Recommend to the PPCC Board appropriate actions to protect our community and residents.

Jim Rea – Chair
Jennifer Malaret
George Wolfberg
Jack Allen
Robert Baker
Quentin Fleming
Jamie Schloss

Land Use Committee.  Monitor and evaluate changes to the Zoning code proposed by the Planning Department for possible impact on the quality of life in Pacific Palisades. Vet any projects that developers bring to PPCC, especially looking out for public safety issues. Represent PPCC in all things related to Cellular transmission facilities as they impact our neighborhoods

Chris Spitz – Chair
Paul Glasgall
Barbara Kohn
Jennifer Malaret
George Wolfberg
Stuart Muller
Haldis Toppel

PCH Taskforce.  Attend quarterly taskforce meetings, develop relationships with stakeholders, advocate for safety for all highway users and report to PPCC Board on actions that may impact Palisades’ residents.

George Wolfberg – Chair
Richard Cohen-Co Chair
Barbara Kohn
Dick Wulliger
Stuart Muller

Police Committee (former Safe Streets Committee). Monitor issues with Motorcycle riders on Sunset Boulevard. Support efforts to increase safety and reduce speeding throughout the PPCC jurisdiction including in town, and in the Highlands. Establish communications with LAPD and recommend specific actions by the PPCC Board in furtherance of the above stated goals.

Paul Glasgall – Chair
Amy Kalp – Co-Chair
Harry Sondheim
Jon McKown (resident)
Richard Cohen

Fire Committee. Monitor the impact of the recent budget cuts on our Fire Department services. Advise the PPCC Board of other fire concerns in Pacific Palisades

Ilene Cassidy-Advisor
Daphne Gronich – resident
Amy Kalp
Jennifer Malaret
Andrew Wolfberg

Beautiful Palisades. Committee Find diplomatic ways to work with organizations and others to keep banners off Sunset and keep our scenic highway pristine.

Harry Sondheim – Chair
Geoff Shelden
Steve Boyers
Gil Dembo

YMCA Committee. Identify community concerns about the YMCA’s grounds at Temescal Park, and recommend possible solutions. Those approved by the Council will be discussed with the Y.

Richard Cohen – Chair
Ted Mackie
Jack Allen

Outreach Committee. Explore ways to better use our website, blogspot and Facebook page, and get more people to look at them. Develop and recommend programs to increase the involvement of Palisades residents in community issues.

[Many people have been trained to post items to the blogspot. I am looking for someone to be the blogspot coordinator. Let me know.]

Janet Turner – Chair
Ted Mackie
Christy Dennis
Jim Rea
Andrew Wolfberg

Cell Tower Committee. Is being incorporated into the Land Use Committee.

Newsletter Committee. Prepares the Newsletter twice a year

Christy Dennis – Chair
Haldis Toppel
Barbara Marinacci
Cathy Russell
Stuart Muller

Youth Representatives Committee. Identify potential representatives among youth residing in or attending school in Pacific Palisades to be selected by Chair with consent of the Board.

Haldis Toppel – Chair

By Laws Committee

George Wolfberg – Chair
Richard Cohen
Harry Sondheim
Stuart Muller
Ted Mackie
Jack Allen
Steve Boyers
Haldis Toppel

Community Service Award

Richard Cohen – Chair
Jack Allen
Steve Boyers

Holiday Dinner Committee

Marguerite Mautner – Chair
Haldis Toppel
Christy Dennis
Cathy Russell

Sparkplug Award Nominations

Ted Mackie – Chair
Norma Spak
Youth Representative
Richard Cohen

Sparkplug Dinner

Christy Dennis – Chair
Haldis Toppel
Marguerite Mautner
Kurt Toppel
Cathy Russell

Election Committee for Area Representatives

Ted Mackie – Chair
Norma Spak
Janet Turner

Committee of 3 Chairs.  Recommend for board approval candidates for At-large and area alternate positions

Richard Cohen – Chair
Flo Elfant
George Wolfberg

Organization Representatives Committee.  Contacts organizations that are eligible per the by-laws rotation schedule and arranges for a rep or alternate.

Haldis Toppel – Chair

The Homeless in PP Committee. Coordinate with local organizations and individuals who want to find humane solutions to the problem of the Homeless in Pacific Palisades, as well as with CD11, in order to research and recommend a program that will address this problem.

Haldis Toppel
Amy Kalp
Stuart Muller
Ilene Cassidy
Barbara Kohn
Chris Spitz

Code of Civility Committee.  Keeps our Code of Civility up to date, recommending any additions. Assists the Chair in enforcing the code at meetings, and dealing with complaints and infractions.

Harry Sondheim, Chair
Richard Cohen
Jennifer Malaret
Barbara Kohn
Chris Spitz


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Jennifer Malaret, Barbara Kohn, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Amy Kalp, Richard Wulliger, Geoff Shelden, Gil Dembo, Chris Spitz and Aurelia Friedman.

Voting Alternates:  Steve Cron, John Glasgow, Clifford Nelson and Cathy Russell.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Flo Elfant, Kurt Toppel, Quentin Fleming and Jamie Schloss.

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Haldis Toppel read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present at 7:05 pm.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  Stuart Muller moved and Gil Dembo seconded the minutes for August 14, 2011. The minutes were adopted unanimously. The next meeting is September 22, 2011.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of September 7, 2011. The total account balances equal $20,575.29, which consist of USB Checking $1,252.10, SmithBarney account $18,134.57 and Post Office account $1,188.62. Janet Turner expressed on behalf of the Council that we are hopeful that the people who receive the bi-annual newsletter will make donations to help cover the costs of sending the newsletters. The PPCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all payments are tax deductible. Membership contributions can be made by mail or made through PayPal via our website

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    PPCC Bi-Annual Newsletter.  Janet Turner thanked Christy Dennis for her hard work on the newsletter that is being delivered to the community this week. A special thank you was given to Haldis Toppel and Cathy Russell for correcting the address lists because that was a monumental undertaking.

7.1.2.    Area One Alternate Needed.  PPCC is looking for a second alternate for Area One. The position is open to the public and will be advertised for fifteen (15) days.

7.1.3.    Bus Bench Contract.  Janet Turner reported her understanding that the City will now go back to the vendor (Martin) with amendments to the contract as voted by the City Council. We are optimistic that the PRIDE benches will stay in place and City benches will not replace them. Also the permits for future benches will be protected. In addition City benches with advertising should not be placed immediately adjacent to our PRIDE benches. George Wolfberg commended Janet Turner for her attention and diligence to this issue.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Mayor’s Office – Joe Hari.

(1) The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils will be sponsoring a Town Meeting with the Mayor Villaraigosa to discuss the City’s priorities for the next two years. A survey will be taken. Surveys have already been completed in other parts of the City and the Mayor will be speaking from 7 pm to 8:15 pm. Attendance by 300 persons is hoped for from the diverse communities throughout Los Angeles. The meeting will be held on Monday, September 12, 2011, 6:30 pm at the Felicia Mahood Senior Citizen Center Auditorium, 11338 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. Parking is free and complimentary light refreshments will be provided. (2) Joe has been meeting with local neighborhood councils and community council groups and would like to meet with our outreach person if PPCC has one. He is appreciating the regional differences and common threads between groups. Joe is working on having a group meeting to discuss regional issues on the Westside such as homelessness, at risk youth. (3) Joe is hoping to connect resources throughout the region to take advantage of personal relationships and the ability of neighborhoods to take care of each other. Gil Dembo complimented Joe Hari on his attendance and interest in our meetings.

7.2.2.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office.

Norman Kulla reported for Joaquin Macias who is ill. (1) The Bus Bench (Martin) contract is on the Department of Public Works’ Supplemental Agenda for September 9, 2011, (2) on the homeless issue, CD-11’s point person is happy to meet with PPCC’s new subcommittee (contact Joaquin), (3) soil in Potrero Canyon will be moved and stacked for the next few weeks. There has been a 13-week delay due to the 340-foot portion of the sewer that had not been reinforced. Also, contract negotiations with a managing consultant for build out of the passive park are in the final stages, (4) relative to the Potrero traffic signal, CalTrans requirements could have killed the project but last Friday CD-11 worked through these problems. A signal will be installed and synchronized with other signals and the structure details are acceptable, (5) Dick Wulliger asked about Asilomar repairs above the mobile home park. Norm responded that there was a meeting between responsible agencies and CD-11 is waiting for a report that will likely entail the short-term solution of road repair; long-term stabilization of the hillside will require a geotechnical study. A perfect fix could cost up to $60 million; a short-term fix might cost $2-3 million. Norman is trying to find a source of funding for $1-$2 million that could facilitate a short term fix and an acceptable situation with on-going maintenance, (6) George Wolfberg asked about the City of Santa Monica’s new parking restriction against overnight parking for large vehicles and an expectation that this may affect Venice and the Palisades. Norman indicated this was something that was being worked on, (7) Gil Dembo asked about the Santa Monica Blue Busses with digital advertising and if we can prohibit those busses traveling through the Palisades. Norman said that he had discussed the issue with Assemblywoman Brownley and encouraged the PPCC to keep fighting and working with the City of Santa Monica. Janet raised the issue about a court case involving a CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) lawsuit. The City Attorney stated that the lawsuit would have to be approved by the LA City Council, and (8) George Wolfberg and Stuart Muller want CD-11 to support efforts relative to PCH (from the McClure Tunnel to Point Mugu) becoming designated as a state scenic highway. Norm welcomed emails from the PPCC to start the discussion.

7.2.3.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore.

Officer Moore reported (1) an increase in crime in the Entrada/Channel area. More resources have been committed and the crimes seem to have been committed by the transient homeless population and not the resident homeless in the Palisades. (2) Amy Kalp reported that September 7, 2011 was another problematic night with motorcycles on Sunset. Amy has been talking with the City Attorney about how to prosecute these riders. It was noted that only one LAPD car was seen by local residents on September 7, 2011. Officer Moore stated that he has no control over what West Traffic does and that he will follow-up to see if we could get consistent coverage for the next few weeks. Marguerite Perkins Mautner related that she was in Brentwood driving in her automobile at approximately 9 PM and surrounded by up to eight motorcycle riders who interrupted the flow of traffic and revved their motors to an unacceptable noise level. Amy Kalp is examining noise abatement, no cruise zones, illegal equipment, etc. and is hopeful that this effort will work with the City Attorney and increased/regular LAPD patrol.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    California Incline reconstruction EIR/EA.

George Wolfberg reported that there will be an EIR workshop on October 12 at 5:00 PM in the Santa Monica Public Library Community Room and the last date for comment is October 28, 2011. George offered to send a link to materials if anyone is interested. Janet Turner reported that Richard Bloom, the Mayor of Santa Monica, announced that the work on the California Incline bridge project would be expedited with a 24/7 work schedule with the support of surrounding neighbors.

7.3.2.    Jennifer Malaret.

Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board is holding a meeting on Monday October 3, 2011 in the small gym at 7 PM.  The Park Advisory Board members and the Department of Recreation and Parks are seeking input from the community on what long-term improvement plans they would like to see at the recreation center. Funding for additional permanent improvements would be funded by the City, allocated Proposition K monies (sports fields, irrigation and asphalt repair) or private donations & fundraising efforts. This is the second PP-PAB meeting of this kind.

7.3.3.    Flo Elfant reported on a major power outage ranging from north of San Clemente, south through San Diego and into Mexico.  The source of the outage was in Yuma, Arizona. Flo stressed to the Palisades community that this was yet another example of why we need to be prepared in the event of an emergency.

8.    Reports from Committees — None.

9.    Old Business — None.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    LA Bureau of Sanitation (“SAN”) – “Fixing the Infrastructure.”

Lisa Mowery, Chief Financial Officer, Bureau of Sanitation and Daniel Hackney, Special Projects Manager for the Executive Division.  A Power-Point presentation was made regarding the state of our infrastructure, the gap between the work that needs to be funded and existing resources available to fund SAN’s plan to address the needs. (1) Background: The SAN operates 24/7, 365 days a year. SAN conveys and treats more than 350 million gallons of wastewater and produces 79 million gallons of recycled water every day. SAN cleans and monitors the conditions of the sewers. SAN has four water reclamation and wastewater treatment plants. LA has 6,700 miles of sewers and 50 current projects underway. Sewage spills are down 80% since 2000 because SAN has been spending a lot of money on sewers. It used to be two spills per day in the City and SAN now only receives reports of two spills per week. SAN’s current budget only funds replacement every 168 years and sewers have a useful life of 80 years (treatment plants have an average useful life of 30-40 years). The average homeowner spends 2% of the home’s value on annual upkeep and SAN believes that they need the equivalent. Sewer service charges have been held the same for 14 out of the last 20 years. Factoring in inflation, LA residents are paying 4% less than 1992. Cuts have been made in personnel, systems have been automated, debt has been restructured (though they are still highly leveraged) and through these measures the SAN’s obligations have been met up until now but further measures would affect services. (2) Proposal: to increase costs $28 per year incrementally for each of the next 10 years. LA’s sewer service charges are in the middle when looking at national rates and we pay far less than San Francisco and other Westcoast cities. We need to take care of our wastewater systems to maintain our quality of life in California. (3) Process: This proposal is in sub-committee at City Council and is then expected to go through City Council where notice to ratepayers would be authorized. 45 days later there would be a public hearing at City Council (maybe December, 2011). SAN is meeting with community groups so that they understand the long-term plan and are not surprised by constantly changing/increasing rates.

QUESTIONS: (1) Kurt Toppel asked about insurance on SAN’s facility in the event of an earthquake. Lisa responded that the City is self-insured and SAN gets reimbursed from FEMA. (2) Jack Allen asked if the $28 was cumulative; it was confirmed that there is a $28 increase in the first year, another $28 in the second year, etc. The percentage increases are 4 1/2% to 6 1/2% per year for each household. Jack asked why there was not a reserve fund established (traditional municipal accounting). Lisa said in 1987 rates were frozen for 11 years; that did not allow for a reserve fund to be established and in fact the SAN has been borrowing just to take care of the agency’s immediate needs. (3) Janet Turner expressed that her sewer fee was large already. Lisa said that the benefit is that the residential fee is not a flat fee (it is based on consumption) so people have the opportunity to lower their fees by conservation. Fees fluctuate based on water supply and irrigation. Installation of sub-meters can be helpful because you then pay only for water going into the home. The fees do need to be increased because the revenue being received now simply does not cover costs. User fees are the largest source of funds (approximately 83%). Federal grant money for wastewater is effectively non-existent (those monies are for storm water) (4) Jamie Schloss asked about the SAN’s debt. There is $2.7 billion in principal outstanding now and some principal is being paid down every year; however, when there have been no rate adjustments more money has been borrowed. In the next 10 years, they are hoping for a net reduction of $200 million.

10.2.    Malibu Village Homeowner’s Association.

Jean Rosenfeld, MVHOA Vice President; Molly Pinero, on-site manager of the adjacent apartment complex that allegedly caused the sewage spill (no comment); Steve Rodstein, Property Manager of the above apartment complex with North Oaks Real Estate (declined comment).  Recent Sewer Spill in the mobile home park and on Pacific Coast Highway.  Jean reported on a sewer spill that took place in the Palisades two weeks ago. Jean found out that you can pay increased rates and it makes no difference if you have a bad neighbor(s). She has been dealing with the storm water division and not the SAN because the sewage was not coming out of the sewers but rather the storm water drains. The SAN cleaned up the spill on August 16, 2011 and another spill took place August 18, 2011. The City did not report the spill because they did not physically observe the spills. Contaminated sludge was found in open drains and inspected by the County Health Inspector. Jean’s group met with the new owner of one of these adjacent projects. However, mitigation has not been done and the system crosses 200 feet of private property down to Pacific Coast Highway. In order to compel action, the County Health Inspector has to report it to a third agency and the County is not doing that. DISCUSSION: (1) Lisa said that SAN is trying to set up a revolving loan program for private owners needing to repair their lateral sewers or hook up their septic systems to the sewer system. (2) Jack Allen asked about legal requirements for cesspools; Lisa responded that this is not a requirement for residential property owners. (3) Gil Dembo suggested that the affected HOA’s should be taking legal action.

10.3.    Business Improvement District (“BID”).

Motion (Susan Carroll, Former President PP Chamber of Commerce, Sandy Eddy). Susan Carroll reported that local Palisadian merchants have had one meeting recently talk about forming a BID. A BID is a geographically defined area within the City of LA where programs and services are paid for by an assessment system imposed on BID members. There are 38 BIDs in LA now and several others being worked on. The list of activities in existing BIDs include: street cleaning, sidewalk maintenance, landscaping, security, lighting, promotion, tree trimming, and holiday decorations. Susan said that the advantage of a BID is that every business and every landlord must participate. How to determine the activities and expenditures are done by majority vote of BID members. Susan would expect the exploratory process for this idea to take a minimum of one year and likely up to two years. A consultant would likely be hired because forming a BID is a legal process that initiates with the City Clerk. Sandy Eddy stated that the first step is to get CD-11 involved and to do that support from community groups like the PPCC must be shown (via letters).

Discussion: (1) Gil Dembo supports the motion because it will enhance the physical characteristics of the Palisades. BIDs are in Westchester, the Valley and many other areas where it has been extremely beneficial. (2) Steve Cron asked about the few landlords in our village who do not lease their properties and if they can block the BID process. The answer to that is not known. (3) Haldis Toppel asked if the entire village would be included or if there would be flexibility in the boundaries. Susan Carroll said that there is flexibility. Part of the reason that the process takes so long is because the BID area must be defined. (4) Susan explained that the BID is enforced because the money is taken by the property assessment system and escrowed for what the BID votes to use it for. (5) Barbara Kohn thinks 90272 is too large of an area and is in favor of supporting the village and centralized businesses. (6) Stuart asked that the community residents be involved. Gil Dembo sponsored the Motion of support and Marguerite Mautner Perkins seconded. The motion passed unanimously with one abstention. See full motion below.

10.4.    Proposed Citywide Sign Ordinance, LUC Motion.

Jennifer Malaret narrated the proposed motion and key points of the supplemental report attachment prepared by, and voted unanimously to approve, by the LUC. Jennifer Malaret moved and Chris Spitz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. See full motion below.

11.    General Public Comment.

11.1.    Quentin reported that he has been researching the City and AEG. Quentin believes that the consultant’s report is flawed because it states (in sum) that additional monies are not possible due to low IRR. However, Quentin’s studies and published evidence shows that additional net benefits are not created from entertainment. Quentin has estimated that they are leaving $2.6 billion in cash flows on the table during the first 30 years of the deal. Quentin has asked for a response from the City, but none has yet been received.

11.2.    Jamie Schloss said the bill to streamline environmental review for AEG passed the state senate yesterday.  Jamie’s personal opinion is that when comparing this stadium deal to other stadium deals through out the United States (and other LA City deals), this AEG deal was actually not that bad.

12.    Adjournment.  Janet Turner adjourned the meeting at 9:04 pm.




PPCC supports the business community’s efforts to explore the feasibility of establishing a business improvement district in Pacific Palisades.


Proposed changes to the Citywide Sign Ordinance would amend the Los Angeles Municipal Code (“LAMC”) to enact new criteria for sign districts, deviations from sign regulations, administrative civil penalties, technical corrections, and other measures to control the visual environment (i.e., the “Ordinance”).

The City Planning Commission (“CPC”) passed a prior version of the Ordinance after three public hearings and many hours of public comment and debate just two years ago (the “2009 Sign Ordinance”). The CPC, community activists and business interests all lauded the 2009 Sign Ordinance as a win-win for all. We would like to bring to your attention that the current Ordinance contains a number of proposed changes that have a detrimental effect on the intent of the 2009 Sign Ordinance.

While PPPC supports the efforts of the CPC and City Attorney to further clarify regulations for off-site signage, PPCC opposes the Ordinance as presently drafted based on the following:

Comprehensive sign programs should not allow for off-site signage even when not visible from the public rights of way and adjacent property. Because these programs are allowed on any commercial property, public or private, the Ordinance improperly opens the door to commercial advertising in city parks and recreational facilities. Potentially negative impacts on LAUSD school campuses are unclear.

Electronic signs should not be allowed by the current Ordinance as on-site signs anywhere in the city. They should be restricted to sign districts, which is the basis upon which the 2009 Sign Ordinance passed the CPC. All new digital displays must have greater regulations to address spillover effects, traffic safety, energy use, aggregate impacts, placement, and number of digital signs (the Ordinance only considers message duration and brightness.

“Interior” signs should not be exempt from regulation in specific plan and non-specific plan areas provided that they are not visible from public rights of way and adjacent property. Signs covering windows should not be allowed (even with fire department certification that they don?ft present a safety hazard) because signage adhered to windows can degrade the view to the outside and seriously affect the quality of life of tenants of offices and apartments.

Signs recognizing donors should not be allowed “by-right” without restrictions on size, location, text, etc. This would allow signs carrying corporate logos anywhere, including city parks and other public property.

The Ordinance should not allow adjustments, i.e., where a zoning administrator may approve a 20% deviation from sign area, height, location, projection, clearance and some time limits without a public hearing and appeals process.

Signage in the public right of way should be regulated by this Ordinance instead of being exempted. Certainly, digital off-site advertising should not be allowed in the public rights of way throughout the City of Los Angeles.

Finally, PPCC demands that off-site signs and digital displays adhere to its Specific Plan as well as all Specific and Community Plans throughout the City of Los Angeles. Communities worked on these plans with the CPC in good faith to assure that signage remains consistent with the low-intensity character of certain neighborhoods (i.e., single family residences, multiple residential structures, commercial uses, community oriented uses, significant open space, and parkland). The PPCC would like assurances that these Plans will be protected.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, Jim Rea, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Steve Boyers, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Amy Kalp, Janet Anderson, Gil Dembo, Aurelia Friedman.

Voting Alternates:  Dick Wulliger.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Kurt Toppel, Norma Spak, John Glasgow, Ernie Meadows, Quentin Fleming, Barbara Mainacci.

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Marguerite Perkins Mautner read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.

3.    [Certification of Quorum.]  The Chair certified that a quorum was present.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  George Wolfberg moved and Steve Boyers seconded the minutes for September 8, 2011. The minutes were adopted unanimously. The next meeting is October 6, 2011.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of September 11, 2011. The total account balances equal $22,583.09, which consist of USB Checking $3,259.90, SmithBarney account $18,134.57, and Post Office account $1,188.62. There was a brief discussion about area homes and businesses who have not received the newsletter.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    Janet Turner announced a number of upcoming events:

(a) PPCC will have a booth at Palisades High School for their football season kick off, 9/23/11, 2:00 – 9:00 pm, (b) the Neighborhood Council Congress will be held Saturday, 9/24/11 at City Hall, (c) there will be a Stadium Committee presentation by AEG on their EIR 9/26/11, 8:30 AM at City Hall, Room 1010, (d) the California Incline Draft EIR seminar will be held at 5 pm on 10/10/12 at the Santa Monica library, and (e) Councilmember Koretz is hosting a LAPD West LA Community Police Advisory Board Committee (C-PAB) meeting Tuesday, 10/27/11, 6:30 ?| 8:30 pm at the West Los Angeles Municipal Building, 1645 Corinth Avenue, Room 200.

7.1.2.    Janet Turner thanked three organizational representatives whose terms on the PPCC have ended:  Janet Anderson, AYSO, Trish Bowe, Palisades Women’s Club, and Amy Kalp, Friends of the Library.  Janet Turner announced that Amy Kalp will remain on the Board as an Advisor to the Chair.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias.

(1) Potrero Canyon – the City met with the subcontractor, Caltrans, regarding the signal and things are moving forward with the original design as modified. CD-11 may be hosting a tour in several weeks when the access road is cut.

(2) Asilomar – there is no progress since the last meeting. The Bureau of Street Services is looking at several options for repair and is generating the numbers for a temporary fix in the meantime. The temporary fix will be for the road and not the actual slide area. CD-11 also continues to await a response from the Department of Recreation and Parks relative to grading of the dirt and storm drain issues. Dick Wulliger stressed the importance of this matter given the safety threat to the mobile home park below.

(3) Rights of Way Painting – Stuart Muller asked about painting on local sidewalks and streets. Stuart Muller reported that cement platforms and bollards have gone up near Palisades High School and the community did not receive notice of this. Joaquin Macias said that this may be related to the City’s program to tie in street signals; he will follow-up on the details of this infrastructure and what is going to be seen above ground. George Wolfberg stated that the painted street numbers are for drainage direction and are temporary; the bollards may be related to the DWP and in prior cases their representative (Victoria Cross) has given details and the bollards were subsequently removed. A manager of two apartment complexes on Sunset said that driveways and streets have been “tagged” by the DWP; no notification was given and the workers told her that it had to do with the DWP’s installation of signals. Rich Wilkin said to call “Dig Alert” when digging is observed. Quaid Hayes said he was having lunch with Ron Nichols, the head of the DWP, and would be happy to deliver a letter from the council if desired. (4) El Oro Joaquin reported that MKPOA’s request regarding the street falling in has been sent to the Department of Street Services.

7.2.2.    LAPD Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore did not attend and Officer Chris Ragsdale spoke on Officer Moore’s behalf.

Amy Kalp reported that (1) crime is up in our area with the armed robbery last week in the Village. Other merchants would like to see more enforcement, and additional foot patrols have been requested from Captain Nathan. (2) Amy Kalp attended the WLA Traffic Committee meeting where the motorcycle issue was discussed again along with the two recent fatality accidents in our area. Officer Ragsdale said that the patrol was in the community last night (09/21/11) and did not find motorcycle violations despite the loud noise reported by residents, Marguerite Perkins Mautner (Riviera) and Molly, the manager of two apartment buildings on Sunset where renters are threatening to move out due to the noise (Sunset near the Self Realization Shrine). Officer Ragsdale assured them that there is consistent LAPD traffic patrol. Jack Allen suggested state legislation to amend the Vehicle code regarding noise to give the LAPD the tools to stop the motorcycle problem. Gil Dembo suggested that noise regulations take into account aggregate noise levels or otherwise restrict the number of grouped riders to five or less without a permit. Janet Turner stated that Amy Kalp and the council are continuing to work on the problem with CD-11, the City Attorney and others. (3) Officer Ragsdale reported that a felony arrest was made on Sunset on 09/22/11 for a robbery.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Department of Recreation and Parks.

(a) Jennifer Malaret announced that Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board (PP-PAB) is holding a meeting on Monday October 3, 2011 in the small gym at 7 PM. The Park Advisory Board members and the Department of Recreation and Parks are seeking input from the community on what long-term improvement plans they would like to see at the recreation center. Funding for additional permanent improvements could come from the City, allocated Proposition K monies (sports fields, irrigation and asphalt repair) or private donations & fundraising efforts. Also, the last regularly scheduled PP-PAB is October 26, 2011 at 7 PM in the small gym. (b) Erich Haas from the Department of Recreation and Parks was in attendance to promote the “Pacific Palisades 1st Annual Community Halloween Festival” at the Recreation Center which will be Saturday, October 29, 2011 from 4 PM to 8 PM. There will be a haunted house, pumpkin patch, arts and crafts tables, carnival games, bounce houses, costume contests, disc jockey, food court and more. Erich stressed that volunteers from the community, businesses, schools, and organizational groups are needed to help make the event a success. Donations to the event are tax deductible: contact (c) Barbara Kohn announced that she has been re-appointed as the Proposition K representative for our area.

7.3.2.    Historical Society.  Dick Wulliger announced that on Monday, 10/10/11, 7:00 pm, at the Aldersgate Lodge, there is a presentation on the Indian Tribes in the Palisades and other areas around our community. Dr. Chester King, an Indian tribe archeologist, will be presenting.

7.3.3.    PPCC Organizational Representatives.  Haldis Toppel reported that each year on October 1st, the representation of the PPCC’s organizations rotate. A tentative list has been formed, will be reported on at future council meetings, and may include an educational representative from area schools.

7.4.4.    Homeless Committee.  Janet Turner asked for contact information that anyone has for churches or other area organizations that do outreach to the homeless community. We have twenty identified chronically homeless persons living permanently in the Palisades.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Redistricting Update.

Marguerite Perkins Mautner reported that, at the state level, a lawsuit has been filed by Republicans in Sacramento trying to void what the redistricting commission has presented. Relative to the County of Los Angeles, Molina and Thomas oppose the redistricting while the other three supervisors approve the proposed plan. Molina and Thomas are looking for a second Latino district and that is the motivation for wanting to break up the district encompassing the Palisades. Rather than being in a coastal district, the Palisades would be drawn into areas towards the east. Since four votes are required to make a decision, there seems to be a stalemate. Janet Turner reported that there is a hearing 9/27/11 in the downtown Supervisor’s building and Zev Yaraslovsky has asked for attendance from the Board and community.

8.2.   YMCA Committee Update.

Richard Cohen reported a significant improvement in the appearance of the property now that the summer camp is cleared, presumably in preparation for the Pumpkin Patch. The banners are down and the YMCA has committed to keep banners off the property in the future; however, the chain link fence is permitted seasonally under the Coastal Commission permit and should be a temporary improvement pursuant to the permitted conditions. As Richard reported previously, the YMCA has a property improvement plan. Questions have been raised about the plan and shared with the YMCA. Support for this plan may be premature because: (1) the fence must be open, rustic and matching to near by Santa Monica Recreation Facility (SMRF) fences. The proposed fence does not appear to meet this requirement. The coastal permit only approves “seasonal” fencing, not a permanent fence and the Coastal Act supercedes the City’s regulations. (2) there is an open space covenant on the property, so it is not clear that a permanent fence is consistent with that. Further, no fence can be built without approval from the CD-11 office and it has been suggested that CD-11 will not approve a non-complying fence. Discussion: YMCA representative Carol Pfannkuche stated that the YMCA feels strongly that the proposed plan is simple and essential. The plan has four key components: native plants, open and rustic fence, identifying signage and a path from the crosswalk into the park. The YMCA wants the improvements done as soon as possible and invited any member of the public to come view the plan. The YMCA believes the proposed improvements comply with the agreements that they made when they bought the property. Jack Allen said that this property is an important community resource and that some fencing would be good to prevent the homeless and damage to the embankment. Stuart Muller expressed his expectation that the YMCA would improve the property such that the Temescal Canyon Drive corridors match; Rich Wilkins said that was unlikely because grass is not a native plant. Rich clarified that the redwood fence would not be solid and the path would be covered with decomposed granite and not dirt as the Post had reported. Barbara Kohn said Richard’s update was outstanding relative to many years of controversy over this property, the coastal permit specifically states when fencing is permitted, the requirements are not vague and that the YMCA is fully aware of the actual and intended conditions that govern the property.

8.3.    CSB Committee AB 607, Santa Monica Digital Bus Advertising.

Janet Turner reported the bill is still on the Governor’s desk. Janet spoke to Zev Yaraslovsky’s office that was willing to contact the governor’s office on behalf of the PPCC.

[8.4.]   Administrative Code Enforcement (ACE).

George Wolfberg reported that the ordinance was issued in June 2011 and was not placed on the City Council’s agenda immediately as expected. The matter will now be heard 09/26/11. Janet Turner suggested contacting John Gregory, CD-11, to find out why the ordinance was sent back. Haldis stated that discussions included the possible punitive nature of the fines.

[8.5.]   Westside Regional Alliance of Council (WRAC) Update.

Jennifer Malaret reported that the Mayor’s Budget Advocates meeting date is October 29, 2011 and that they will be assigning a representative from the Mayor’s office to the Citywide Sign Ordinance (to be discussed later in accordance with the motion on tonight’s agenda). Six transportation motions were considered and voted upon – most noteworthy are two County of Los Angeles developments that are expected to greatly impact traffic in the City of Los Angeles. These projects, in Marina del Rey and in Santa Monica, will be on the agenda at future Board meeting(s).

[8.6.]   Beautiful Palisades Committee.

Harry Sondheim reported that he remains in contact with Palisades Charter High School regarding a banner at the corner of El Medio and Sunset. The Self Realization Fellowship has removed signs not related to their own activities and will not have signs from other organizations on the fence in the future. Kehliat Israel moved its sign away from Sunset. Harry was very pleased to report that the Lutheran Church has voluntarily agreed to change how it displays signage on Sunset (modifying it’s banner poles and moving the Oktoberfest banner to El Medio). John Glasgow reported that the blue banners at Sunset and Marquez West have been removed. Gil Dembo asked about the sandwich signs on area sidewalks away from their businesses. Stuart Muller reported that he is working with the Department of Street Services to have them moved out of the public rights of way. Richard Cohen stated that any sign in the public rights of way or light pole is “trash” and can be removed by any citizen. Janet Turner reported that she is working with Stuart Muller and Barbara Kohn to get the Design Review Board to a PPCC meeting.

9.    Old Business.

[9.1.]   CCFO update, Jennifer Malaret. (1) the final draft of the Community Care Facilities Ordinance (“CCFO”) has been filed by the City Attorney with the City Clerk. The only significant change is the addition of a prohibition against Parolee/Probationer homes in low-density residential areas (they will be allowed in R3 and above pursuant to a conditional use permit). (2) PPCC, as part of a super-majority of WRAC councils fought for many changes that have not been incorporated into the final draft. Those changes which are not included are: limits on concentration, distance limits from “sensitive uses”, public hearings for “public benefit” applications, an affirmative statement that no legal non-conforming uses are created by the ordinance, public notice and input following an operator’s non-compliance with public benefit requirements and inclusion of a private attorney general’s provision. (3) We do not know if the final draft by the City Attorney will be considered next and again by PLUM or the full City Council. Bill Rosendahl had previously offered an amendment requiring the LADBS, City Attorney’s Office and Planning to report to Council with proposed enforcement guidelines for review before the new ordinance is enacted. This report has not yet been released.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Citywide Sign Ordinance, Part 2.

CIS motion, LUC recommended, Jennifer Malaret. See the complete Motion in Support of the Community Impact Statement below. Report: Jennifer Malaret reported that a meeting with Planning and many stakeholder groups was held on September 15, 2011 due to citywide concern and opposition with the proposed citywide sign ordinance. Alan Bell, Deputy Director of Planning, reported that another revision to the ordinance will be released on October 4, 2011 which will allow two weeks for public comment prior to the next PLUM Hearing date on October 14, 2011. Most notably, the allowance for donor signs has been removed and Ken Fong of the City Attorney’s office clarified for Planning that it was possible to exclude city parks from the provisions in the ordinance allowing Comprehensive Sign Programs. While these are very positive steps, we remain concerned about the installation of off-site signs, including digital signs, in the parks given that Barry Sanders (head of Recreation and Parks and the LA Parks Foundation) continues to argue that the City Charter gives sole control to the Board of Recreation and Parks to control parkland and that parks are exempt from city zoning regulations. The City Attorney disagrees, however the conflicting views are evident. Exemption of our parks and removing the allowance for installations (including by right installations) of donor signs from the next ordinance expected October 4th is the good news. The end result of the Planning meeting was that our communities remain “sitting ducks” for digital on-site signs that are not regulated by this ordinance. Digital signs in the rights of way are not regulated by this ordinance. Bare minimum regulations on digital signage are contained in this ordinance and are proposed to be enacted before the results of a completed federal study on related traffic impacts have been released to the public. Unlike the 2 sign districts grandfathered into the original 2009 citywide sign ordinance, 14 grandfathered sign districts are included in this ordinance (photographs of these districts were circulated). Finally, there are the issues of environmental impacts. There was a Negative Declaration and supplemental report after CPC changes in early 2009. Because there have been additional changes to the proposed ordinance and there are still changes being made, Planning will prepare a revised environmental analysis likely before this ordinance goes for review before the full City Council. Planning is still waiting for guidance from the City Attorney’s office and, thus, environmental impacts of this ordinance remain a huge unknown at this time. For these and other reasons, the LUC agreed along with many other NC’s and CC’s to sponsor a motion in support of the attached Community Impact Statement (or “CIS”). Most relevant to the Palisades (and different from the motion we voted for on September 8, 2011) is that this CIS proposes a two-year moratorium (or Interim Control Ordinance) to ban the installation of any digital sign (off-site or on-site). Two years is the maximum allowed under government codes and the ICO would control building permits, so even if sign districts got LADBS approvals they could not pull the permits to put up signs until the City of LA has had (hopefully) sufficient time to review the federal traffic study and evaluate energy use, measurement of light, spill over, sign trading and provisions for community beautification. PPCC, along with all of the stakeholder groups, have pushed for a representative from the Mayor’s office to be designated and dedicated to this proposed ordinance. Discussion: Richard Cohen stated that the billboard industry is a very large contributor to local politics and it is telling that the Mayor has not yet taken a position. Janet Turner expressed the importance to join together with other groups to be effective. Jack Allen said that these sign districts do impact Palisadians who drive in these districts. Motion: Jennifer Malaret sponsored the motion and Richard Cohen seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

11.    General Public Comment.

11.1.    Jay Handal, PPCC’s Budget Advocate, encouraged the public to come to the Neighborhood Congress on September 24, 2011 where the budget will be discussed. LAPD will be reporting on how the budget affects their operations (morning seminar). There are many good seminars. Budget Advocates Day will be on October 29, 2011 at City Hall and the PPCC will be asked to appoint two representatives to provide input into next year’s Mayoral budget. Any member of the public is welcome to attend and provide input.\

12.    Adjournment.  Janet Turner adjourned the meeting at 9:02 PM.

ATTACHMENT:  ITEM 10.1 — DRAFT MOTION – CITYWIDE SIGN ORDINANCE, COUNCIL FILE 08-2020 – the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) opposes adoption of the revised citywide sign ordinance now pending before the City Council PLUM Committee. Further, the PPCC supports the efforts of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (“WRAC”) and other stakeholder groups who have voted to file Community Impact Statements in substantial form and content as set forth below.

Community Impact Statement

The _______________ opposes adoption of the revised citywide sign ordinance now pending before the City Council Planning and Land Use Management committee because it would allow a proliferation of commercial advertising on both private and public property without a significant reduction in existing billboard and signage blight, and would allow new electronic signage without addressing energy use, light pollution, traffic safety, and other issues that could negatively effect communities throughout the city. We also call for a 2-year moratorium on new digital displays until those issues are thoroughly studied and regulations developed to address them.


The City Planning Commission (CPC) approved this ordinance on March 26, 2009, after three public hearings that included extensive testimony from representatives of neighborhood councils, community groups, business and development interests, and the sign industry. Unfortunately, proposed changes to the ordinance first made public on July 22, 2011 by the City Planning Department seriously weaken the ability of the city to protect its citizens from the negative impacts of outdoor advertising.

SIGN DISTRICTS: The CPC retained the sign district provision allowing off-site and other prohibited sign types in sign districts, but greatly limited the potential for negative impact on communities by allowing districts only in high-intensity commercial areas zoned regional commercial or regional center. The CPC also approved a provision that allowed property owners to erect these kinds of signs only after acquiring and removing existing billboards in the surrounding community at a more than one-to-one square footage ratio. The CPC voted to “grandfather” only two pending applications for sign districts under the current city sign ordinance.

The revised ordinance now before the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) committee seriously undermines the CPC’s intent by proposing to grandfather a dozen pending sign district applications and proposals for special signage in specific plan areas. This could result in hundreds of thousands of square feet of new off-site signage in the city without a single billboard being taken down.

The CPC rightly decided that removal of billboards that blight commercial streets in many neighborhoods provides a tangible, quantifiable community benefit as well as ensures that there won’t be a net proliferation of new billboards and off-site signage in the city.

COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAMS: The CPC included this provision to allow special signage rules for large properties like shopping centers and college campuses, but the provision didn’t allow any off-site or electronic signage generally prohibited by the ordinance. The revised ordinance would allow those generally prohibited sign types if they aren’t visible from the public-right-of-way and don’t exceed 10 per cent of the total signage on the property. These comprehensive sign programs would be allowed on any commercial property, either public or private, which opens the door to commercial advertising in city parks and recreational facilities.

ELECTRONIC SIGNAGE: The CPC prohibited electronic signage outside sign districts, but the revised ordinance would allow them as on-site, or business signs anywhere in the city. The only regulations proposed are a minimum eight-second-message duration and a daylight and nighttime brightness limit. These regulations fail to address serious issues of energy use, traffic safety, light trespass on residential properties, change in community character, and potential for privacy invasion. At a minimum, a moratorium should be placed on the installation of any new electronic signs and conversion of existing signs until regulations are in place that protects residents, motorists, communities and others from adverse effects.


Donor Signs: Signs recognizing donors would be allowed by right, without restrictions on size, location, text. This would allow signs carrying corporate logos anywhere, including city parks and other public property. These should not be allowed without strict regulations on size, text, and placement.

Right of Private Action: The provision allowing property owners within 500 ft. of an illegal sign to file suit if the city failed to enforce citations was removed from the CPC-approved ordinance, but should be reinstated.

Signs in the Public Right of Way: The ordinance exempts signage in the public right-of-way from any regulations. This signage should be made subject to applicable regulations of the ordinance.

Sign Adjustment: The ordinance would allow a zoning administrator to approve a 20% deviation from sign area and height, location, projection and clearance, and time limits on temporary signs, and would allow variances for adjustments beyond 20%. These are far from “minor” adjustments and should not be allowed without a public hearing and appeal process.

Signs Covering Windows: The CPC-approved ordinance prohibited any signs covering windows, but the revised ordinance would allow them if the fire department certified that they didn’t present a safety hazard. This fails to account for the fact that signage adhered to windows can degrade the view to the outside, and seriously affect the quality of life of tenants of offices and apartments.

DOT hazard review: The revised ordinance removes the provision requiring any signs within 500 ft. of a freeway to undergo a DOT hazard review. This should be restored.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Dick Wulliger, Chris Spitz.

Voting Alternates:  Cathy Russell, June Payne, Carol Pfannkuche, Joe Almaraz.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Kurt Toppel, Tim Huber, James Schloss.

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Jennifer Malaret read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present at 7:07 pm.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  Stuart Muller moved and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded the minutes for September 22, 2011. The minutes were adopted with one abstention. The next meeting is October 27, 2011.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of August 11, 2011. The total account balances equal $23,715.09, which consist of USB Checking $4,391.90, SmithBarney account $18,134.57 and Post Office account $1,188.62. There continues to be a shortfall in costs to produce and mail the newsletter of $-540.92.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    Welcome to New Organization Representatives.

Haldis Toppel announced and welcomed the new organizational representatives. Florence Cotton, Bob Locker (PPRA, Alternates); Joe Almaraz (Lion’s Club); Susan Orenstein (TCA); Eric Dugdale and Richard Wulliger (Historical Society); June Payne (Palisades Beautiful); Nicole Howard (Chamber of Commerce); Katherine Ruddy (Junior Women’s Club). Each new member received a nametag and was directed to take a look at a copy of the PPCC’s bylaws which are on our website. Janet Tuner asked that each new organization representative join a PPCC committee, stressing that is important to have the voice of the organization heard.

7.1.2.    Instructions to Board Members.

Janet Turner instructed Members on the following: (1) Bringing a Topic to the Board: ask if this is something that pertains to all of the Palisades, or is this really just an argument between two neighbors (then we rarely get involved unless it is a community wide safety issue, a government agency not doing it’s job properly, etc.). Then, give the Chair advance notice per the bylaws; write a motion about your issue. Third, coordinate with the Chair placement on the agenda and presentation time/materials. If the motion passes the Board vote, then the person who brings the issue must write the first draft of the letter that goes to the Chair to send to government parties or other relevant persons. (2) Area Representatives: the Area Reps are the first line of defense for any problem in their respective area, so the Chair will be sending those issues out. An area representative should research the issue, speak to neighbors, find out if there really is a problem, whether it should be handled in the area, by PPCC or the City, etc. and inform the Chair accordingly. (3) Board Meeting Sign-Ins: please sign in on the board sign in sheet. The audience was invited to sign in also.

7.1.3.    Dick Wulliger.  Janet Turner announced that the Executive Committee had unanimously approved Dick Wulliger’s nomination to the Executive Committee as its Organizational Representative member.

7.1.4.    Guidelines for Community Service Award.  Janet Turner announced that the deadline for nominations is Saturday 10.30.11. Janet Turner thanked Ted Mackie, Stuart Muller, Jack Allen and Steve Boyers who will comprise this year’s committee.  [See attachment.]

7.1.5.    Thanks to Townsend Bell for the Projector.  Janet Turner expressed the Council’s gratitude.

7.1.6.    Farmers Market Outreach.  Janet Turner reported that this has been a rewarding experience. Residents of Via north of Sunset came together with a petition about speeding and took it to CD-11 and Janet put them in touch with Amy Kalp who raised the issue at the West Los Angeles traffic meeting. The council is hopeful for additional patrol and perhaps putting together a citizen’s group to start radar; Paul Glasgall will assist in this effort.

7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

[7.2.1.]   Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Joaquin Macias.

Joaquin reported that (1) Potrero Canyon Tour: seven members of the community advisory group toured with CD-11 and the contractor. (2) Pali Triathlon. Joaquin drove the course with David Card and the Department of Transportation to work on the temporary sign issue and get some of the potholes on the course fixed. (3) DWP Letter sent by the Council regarding markings – no response has been received yet. Stuart Muller asked again about the Verizon Fios markings. (4) Administrative Citation Enforcement (“ACE”). Councilmember Rosendahl is wanting the final product to be the best possible and CD-11 is pleased the ordinance is coming back because enforcement is needed. (5) Wednesday motorcycle noise, Jennifer Malaret reported that the noise was terrible last night. George Wolfberg suggested that ATSAC could help with this. (6) Car sales on the Alphabet Streets, DMV did investigate but could not determine if cars were being sold out of a residence, however a property owner was spoken to about not having a dealer’s license or being the owner of the vehicle. (7) Asilomar – a resident asked about the pipes on the street and water leaks on the street. Joaquin reported that they were DWP pipes. Cost estimates are still being worked on; however in the mean time K-rails may be put up with additional stop signs for traffic control. (8) Joaquin presented a certificate of thanks to the Junior Women’s Club for their support in helping to install bike racks in town. (8) ATSAC / Paving – complaints were made about re-paving being made at sub-grade levels. Joaquin said to send him addresses with the location. Marguerite said that the poor paving in the Riviera were due to the slurry coat that was put on for maintenance reasons. Joe Almaraz asked why Toyopa was repaved which arguably didn’t need it while Akron remains a mess. Joaquin detailed that there are three types of re-paving: complete reconstruction, intermediate and slurry. If your street needs total re-paving then it is likely you will have to wait but PPCC has been successful in getting results.

[7.2.2.]   Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore was not present tonight.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Historical Society’s Annual LA History Bazaar sponsored by USC will be held in the Doheny Library at USC next Saturday, October 22, 2011 from 9 am to 5 pm. Dick Wulliger detailed the event which will have over 80 exhibitors, events, memorabilia, etc. and invited all to attend.

7.3.2.    Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board.  Jennifer Malaret announced that the final Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board meeting of the calendar year would take place on Wednesday October 26, 2011 in the small gym at 7 PM. The Park Advisory Board members and the Department of Recreation and Parks will be discussing input from the community on what long term improvement plans they would like to see at the recreation center and recent concerns at the park involving.

7.3.3.    Marguerite Perkins Mautner announced the holiday party on Thursday, December 8, 2011 in the Temescal Canyon community room.  Marguerite asked for volunteer support from the Board. A sign-up sheet for food and refreshment items in support of the party will be passed around at the next Board meeting.

7.3.4.    Barbara Kohn announced that Prop. K meetings are open to anyone.  There will be a tour of park facilities next Tuesday, October 18, 2011. There will be competitive bidding next year. Approximately $4 million will be allocated for the next five-year period. Anyone interested or with questions can contact Barbara Kohn.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Committee of Three Chairs.  Richard Cohen reported that Carol Bruch had been recommended as the Area 1, second alternate and that Tim Huber was recommended as Area 5, first alternate. George Wolfberg moved for approval and Richard Cohen seconded the appointments. The motion passed unanimously.

8.2.    CPAB Update, Haldis Toppel.

Haldis reported that Councilman Koretz was the keynote speaker and that CD-5 has problems very similar to CD-11. The most important topic was the federally-ordered release of state prisoners to relieve overcrowding pushing them down to the county. Over 10,000 non-violent prisoners will be released unsupervised starting in January, 2012 to relieve their projected over-crowding [Note: this is what is really happening, not what she said which was incorrect. LAPD does not have a jail, only holding tanks. Sentenced prisoners are in county or state lockups] and LAPD is concerned with a possible future increase in crime. Second, the annual police EXPO focused on disaster preparedness this year. Be prepared and give yourself three weeks of emergency supplies and three days of total nonresponse from emergency services. Check necessary medications in your home as you may not be able to get to a pharmacy.

8.3.    Land Use Committee Updates.

Jennifer Malaret provided an update on the sign ordinance. Where the next PLUM Hearing is scheduled for 10.18.11 and a large coalition of neighborhood stakeholders continue to be concerned about the impacts of the ordinance, particularly because off-site signs will be permitted in public parks and recreation centers. Jennifer also reported that we are hopeful that once the City Attorney returns next week, the Community Care Facilities Ordinance will move forward and be placed on the City Council’s agenda in the near-term. Chris Spitz reported that the LUC committee is working on the California Incline project, traffic, the new cell phone tower installation on Sunset, and many other issues. Chris reminded the Board that the LUC generally meets on the first Thursday of the month from noon until 2:30 p.m. and anyone is welcome to attend.

8.4.    Administrative Citation Enforcement (“ACE”) Updates.

George and Haldis attended the recent hearing at City Hall. The draft ordinance was sent back to the City Attorney for 30 days for review and revision. George Wolfberg is not confident that the ordinance will be heard before full council soon. Councilmember Rosendahl is reluctant to support ACE because he is concerned with hedges and fences and illegal conversions of garages or other parts of homes which currently provide living space for many residents. Apartment owners have also petitioned against the ordinance before the Budget Committee for fear that they could not afford the fines.

9.    Old Business — None.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    EIR for County Projects.

Recommended by LUC and West Side Regional Alliance of Councils (“WRAC”).  Motion below. Guest: John Reed, a member of the VNC LUPC. John has been involved in the WRAC’s Land Use Committee and is a well-known local architect, the principal of the Reed Architectural Group. Background: the motion is in the material and it is about the need for environmental assessment reports on county projects. Janet Turner read the motion, stating that this language was based on the recommendation of WRAC as slightly modified by the PPCC’s LUC. Presentation: John Reed explained that if you will have seventeen projects going on over a three to five year period, should these projects be reviewed as a single project or as cumulative effects of what an adjacent municipality is doing relative to impacts on the City of Los Angeles. John feels that the Marina project really is a regional project due to its proximity to LAX and the tremendous traffic impact on West Los Angeles. The county did do an EIR but based it only on three to four projects and several intersections without looking at the overall picture. Discussion: Barbara Kohn explained that we shouldn’t look at the projects piecemeal. The common thread is that the projects are all on county owned and mostly leased land. Another is traffic impact across the region. Richard asked about what the standard is for real estate developments being considered as a group. John said this is all county land located geographically in Marina del Rey. Stuart Muller pointed out that the county announced they were going to redevelop an entire area in a re-development area so all of the projects are a nexus of one large development. There is no additional school district planned and Stuart wondered who paid for that. Jack Allen said if you do one project, then the cumulative affects on all other projects should be considered. What the county is doing is improper in Jack Allen’s opinion. Janet Tuner pointed out that the LUC was concerned about County land in our area which could be developed and in that case we would want cumulative impacts considered. Dick Wulliger recalled that the planning commission meeting discussions about Playa Vista on what the affect would be on the county and Marina del Rey along with what changes would be made in Marina del Rey by the county. Playa Vista was treated as one large project with cumulative impacts. Chris Spitz sponsored the motion and Barbara Kohn seconded. The motion passed unanimously.  [See attachment.]

10.2.   Retaining Walls, Jack Allen (motion attached).

Background:  Janet Turner said that the city is looking for community input on aesthetics. Jack explained that the city adopted the Baseline Hillside Ordinance which affects what can be graded on a hillside but did not adopt new retaining wall regulations because the city felt it needed more time. What is hillside and what is not? It used to be that all of the Palisades was hillside, but the BHO took out areas that are less than a 15% grade. Jack’s personal opinion is that 80% of the property in the Palisades have retaining walls or need retaining walls. There are high retaining walls in the flat areas and Jack is concerned that the ordinance must apply to these walls too because existing laws do not allow retaining walls to be built above 3 1/2 feet in front yard set backs. Also the BHO only applies to new construction and additions, not remodeling. Presentation: Jack Allen distributed a new motion. Jack urged that a retaining wall is a retaining wall no matter where it is. Jack wants an ordinance adopted that applies to all retaining walls. This would allow flexibility in the flat lands to get walls where they need to get walls. Note that existing walls are grandfathered unless there is new construction or an addition. Concerns: we don’t want large walls that cut away the hillsides. Jack feels that the BHO reduces development so significantly that these concerns are not as significant due to the BHO. The present ordinance requires landscaping to completely cover retaining walls and this is another reason that the aesthetics are really not that important. The existing ordinance only allows one retaining wall but it will allow a second wall if separated by three feet. Our code should define “natural grade” like other cities and people should be allowed to build walls up to the natural grade. Jack recommends two walls in every set back so you can step up the yard, particularly if one wall was decorative. Discussion: the board discussed each of the recommended motion points. The board felt that all retaining walls should be regulated. Discussion was held about whether the regulations should be the same in the flats and the hillsides, does the motion advocate higher walls than the current laws, what about multiple retaining walls to create buildable lots, the requirements to bring improved property up to current codes, how the recommended height limits on retaining walls work or not with allowed fence, and hedge and other wall heights (particularly in the front yard). Haldis Toppel presented the need to keep the current ordinance that controls the height of fences and walls unchanged when considering retaining walls that hold fill. She stressed that retaining walls over a certain height require safety fences to be placed on top of the walls and such fences must be considered when measuring height. Haldis suggested to include the following recommendation: “No new retaining wall shall be constructed including a required safety fence on top of the wall that will extend higher above natural grade than is allowed by the applicable zoning codes and regulations that govern walls, hedges and fences and the traffic visibility triangle. The measurement shall be from grade prior to any excavation or fill that is held back by the retaining wall.” Action: Janet would like to send the motion back to committee, George and Stuart must participate in the revisions and Haldis was appointed to the committee. The Planning Department did let Janet know the time for written comment from the PPCC can be extended. Harry Sondheim moved to table the issue and Haldis Toppel seconded. The motion to table was unanimously approved.

11.    General Public Comment.

11.1.    The Rotary Club needs volunteers for the Triathlon on October 23, 2011, 6 am at Palisades High School.

12.    Adjournment.  Janet Turner adjourned the meeting at 8:57 PM.

ATTACHMENTS [ITEMS 10.1, 10.2, 7.1.4]


In regard to all proposed major development projects in Los Angeles County [including a recent proposal for 17 new major development projects on LA County land in Marina del Rey], PPCC supports the need for a comprehensive EIR that considers regional impacts on the City of Los Angeles and takes into account cumulative impact of all such major development projects.  [MOTION PASSED.]

ITEM 10.2  — DRAFT MOTION by Jack Allen, Hillside Retaining Wall Comments

Upon motion by ______________, seconded by_______________ the Council approved the following Motion:


Most properties in the Pacific Palisades have or require retaining walls and therefore, any regulations regarding the building of retaining walls in the Pacific Palisades is of concern to the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”).

The City recently adopted the Baseline Hillside Ordinance and the Los Angeles Department of City Planning proposes to amend the Hillside Retaining Wall regulations to conform with the ordinance and is requesting comments and recommendations regarding the regulations.

Therefore, having reviewed the existing Hillside Retaining Wall regulations and the Baseline Hillside Ordinance, it is moved that the PPCC submit the following recommendations and comments for consideration by the Planning Department in drafting the amendments to the regulations.

  1. Make the regulations regarding retaining walls uniform regardless of whether the property is located in a hillside area or in a flat area.
  1. Consolidate LAMC sub-section 12.22.C.20.(f) regarding Walls in R and A zones with sub-section 12.21.C.(8) regarding retaining walls in hillside areas since (1) retaining walls exist both in hillside and flat areas; and (2) to eliminate conflicts and inconsistencies between the two sections.
  1. Add the following definitions to the LAMC in order to eliminate any ambiguity as to what the terms mean as well as the diagrams shown in the Report:
  1. “Natural ground level” means the existing ground level of the land before any filling, excavation or building work has been undertaken.”
  1. “Finished surface level” means the ground level of the land after the completion of filling or excavation, or other building work that has been undertaken in preparation for the building of a structure.”
  1. Delete LAMC 12.21.C.(8).(a). (iii) which incorporates the regulations in 12.22.C.20.(f). because it makes no sense when applied to retaining walls in the front setback.
  1. Amend LAMC 12.21.C.(8).(a) to allow:
  1. That two retaining walls be allowed in each setback.
  1. That the maximum height of retaining walls in the side yard setbacks between two properties be set as the height between the graded surfaces of the two properties plus six feet.
  1. That the maximum total height of retaining walls in the front yard set back be six feet.
  1. That the maximum total height of retaining walls in the rear yard not exceed the height permitted for structures in the zoning classification for the property.
  1. That any retaining wall that is significantly visible to the street or in a neighborhood, or in a vista must be approved by the Zoning Administrator as to the height, length, and architectural treatment with a finding that it will not adversely impact the views from a street, neighborhood or a vista.
  1. Amend LAMC12.21.C.(8).(b) to allow landscaping in front of and to the top of any retaining wall in the front yard setback. This will eliminate problems with Building Inspectors citing owners for having hedges in front of retaining walls in the front yard set backs which exceed 3 1/2 feet in height and which screen a retaining wall and prevent graffiti from being painted on bare walls.
  1. Require that any walls, hedges, and fences located at an intersection be restricted in height to three feet within the visibility triangle, regardless of whether there are traffic signals or stop signs.
  1. Eliminate authority of Zoning Administrator to grant Slight Modifications for Walls, Fences, and Hedges.
  1. Require any walls, hedges, and fences that face a street not exceed 3 1/2 feet in height above the natural ground level regardless of whether they are in a side yard, This will improve the streetscapes by creating more openness, improve opportunities for security surveillance by police and passersby’s, and since most corner properties have driveways on the side yard side, improve safety for pedestrians by removing obstructions to the view of both the driver backing out of the driveway and pedestrians.
  2. Make an exception to LAMC 12.21.C.8. for all retaining walls built before 1960 whether or not there are existing plans because LADBS did not retain records of permits issued before 1960 and it is now difficult to locate grading plans and topographic maps that show the original natural ground level for many properties.
  1. Clarify the provisions of LAMC 12.22.C.20.(f).(6) regarding the construction of Masonry and Concrete Walls in the A and R Zones. [MOTION TABLED.]


PURPOSE: The purpose of the Community Service Award is to honor long term and continuing outstanding volunteer service by an individual to a Pacific Palisades neighborhood or to the community-at-large. GUIDELINES Nominations: Any organization or individual in the community may nominate a candidate. There is no limit on the number of nominations an individual/organization may submit. Only nominations submitted specifically for this award are eligible for consideration, although the nomination may be supported by materials written for other awards. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council at PO Box 1131 or by email to the Chair of the PPCC in accordance with the time frame suggested below. Community Service Award Selection Committee: The Chair shall appoint a Committee of not less than three (3) current members to review the nominations and select one or more persons to receive the Award. Prior to the Committee selecting persons for the Award, the Committee Chair shall circulate by email to other current members of the Board a list of those persons who have been nominated and ask that if any member of the Board desires to submit comments about any nominee, they should submit any comments to the Committee Chair within five days. Recipient: The recipient must be an individual. Each recipient’s service should be of a voluntary nature and not merely the beneficial outcome of official or business-related work that the recipient is engaged in. The Award: The award shall be chosen and prepared by the Committee and presented to the Recipient(s) at the Annual Pacific Palisades Community Council December Pot-luck Meeting. The Recipient(s) and their family members shall be guests of the PPCC. The Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA) shall be notified of the names of recipients so they may be included in the Annual July 4 Parade. (Notify PAPA @ PO Box 1776, PP 90272). SUGGESTED TIME FRAME:

First October Meeting: Distribute Award Guidelines and discuss the Award. Submit Press Release to relevant publications soliciting nominations. Second October Meeting: Appoint Award Selection Committee The last Saturday in October: Deadline for receipt of nominations. November meeting: Committee announces award winner(s), notifies the winner(s), notifies the Press [including Santa Monica Mirror, Brentwood Media (Palisades 90272), Palisadian-Post and other local media if appropriate] and the Board of Governors Winners are invited to the December Meeting Potluck/Award Presentation.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Jennifer Malaret, Paul Glasgall, Jim Rea, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Steve Boyers, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Joyce Brunelle, Barbara Marinacci, Geoff Shelden, Carol Pfannkuche, Gil Dembo, Chris Spitz, Aurelia Friedman.

Voting Alternates:  N/A.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Kurt Toppel, Amy Kalp, John Glasgow, Timothy Huber, Cathy Russell, Ernie Meadows, June Payne.

Start of Business Meeting

1.     Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Haldis Toppel read the Mission Statement.

2.     Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.

3.     Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present at 7:05 pm.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  Steve Boyers moved and George Wolfberg seconded the minutes for October 13, 2011. The minutes were adopted unanimously. The next meeting is November 10, 2011.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie was absent. Jennifer Malaret reported the financial status as of October 21, 2011. The total account balances equal $24,001.86, which consist of USB Checking $4,678.67, Smith Barney account $18,134.57 and Post Office account $1,188.62. The September newsletter cost the PPCC $6,271.43 and total contributions thus far are $6,071.28; the PPCC remains $200.15 short of breakeven. The library rent has been paid.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.    Santa Monica Blue Bus Digital Ad Demonstration.

Janet Turner reported that she went to the digital display presentation for the billboards that are going to be on Santa Monica’s Blue Buses. Representatives from Santa Monica assured the attendees at the demonstration that the brightness of the display will be reduced in the evening during actual operations. During the demonstration, the ads changed every six to seven seconds. Santa Monica representatives stated that, in reality, the ads will change every 10 to 30 seconds. Santa Monica remains very willing to work with the PPCC when the program is implemented (as approved by the State of California) in the Palisades should problems occur. The pilot project is authorized to run for five years and is expected to begin in January 2012.

7.1.2.    Response Received from the LADWP About Graffiti.

Janet Turner reported that the Board received a letter in response to our inquiry regarding markings in the Palisades area. The DWP’s letter stated that the bollards are related to a project underway at Palisades Charter High School, that street markings will be removed and efforts to beautify will be undertaken by the DWP. Stuart Muller expressed concern about the time that will be needed to remove the graffiti; Stuart will continue to monitor the DWP’s removal efforts.

7.1.3.    Mobile Billboard Advertising.

Janet Turner announced that mobile billboard advertising has now been banned in the City of Los Angeles. George Wolfberg clarified that the ban pertains to billboards that are attached to trailers and often parked on the street.

7.1.4.    Street Furniture Update.

Janet Turner reported that the PPCC received a list of city benches with commercial advertisements that will be placed in the Palisades. Gil Dembo expressed concern that unauthorized benches are being placed in the Palisades and his personal opinion that the existing contract required the Palisades to be consulted before the installation of any new benches. The Chair agreed to follow-up with Gil Dembo and to provide Gil with the list of new bench locations that the PPCC has received.

7.1.5.    State Redistricting.  Janet Turner reported that the courts rejected legal challenges recently filed; thus, the existing districts and maps remain as drawn.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Norman Kulla.

(I) California Incline EIR  comments are due tomorrow and Norm commended George Wolfberg who had written a “great letter” on behalf of the PPCC.  Norm reported that CD-11 has drafted a letter to be submitted tomorrow. Points of opposition to be included from CD-11 will be Santa Monica (1) did not include Santa Monica Canyon in its study and proposed no mitigation, (2) has to make improvements at the Lincoln juncture and (3) has to re-open Appian Way which was closed for Santa Monica’s own municipal considerations. Discussion: Santa Monica’s City Traffic Engineer, Sam Morrissey was in attendance to speak to the Board. Mr. Morrissey stated that (1) Santa Monica’s EIR called for a Traffic Management Plan (“TMP”) so Santa Monica has to work with CalTrans to manage the project. Santa Monica has worked hard on mitigation efforts including traffic cameras along Ocean Avenue and up to San Vincente. They can modify signal operations “on the fly.” Santa Monica is pushing to make their TMP far more comprehensive, versatile and changeable, (2) the EIR is local and does not address Santa Monica Canyon, the 101, the 405, etc. The TMP will divert traffic out and away. Relative to Moomat Ahiko Way, they are working on those streets to accommodate more traffic. The crosswalk has been moved to allow more turning capabilities. Santa Monica’s story is versatility, and (3) is not going to open Apian Way because the smaller surrounding streets cannot handle increased traffic; they are going to focus on existing streets, signals and traffic controls. Marguerite Perkins Mautner asked if the incline closure is estimated to take place over eighteen (18) months have they thought of operating 24/7. It was explained that this is for the civil engineering division to decide and not Mr. Morrissey’s Traffic Division. George Wolfberg stated that the Palisades community wants to participate in the TMP to help with the solution rather than have Santa Monica’s plan imposed on us. Mr. Morrissey agreed to take that message back. Marilyn Wexler from the Santa Monica Canyon Civic Association said it is a big issue for those along 7th Street if Santa Monica does not want to involve residents of those areas. Mr. Morrissey assured that the TMP is very specific about moving traffic away from Santa Monica Canyon. George Wolfberg said that we would recommend modifying some Santa Monica streets to one-way streets to encourage northbound traffic towards the I-10 Ramp. Mr. Morrissey responded that (a) changing streets to one-way is very complicated, (b) at the same time, the Expo light rail project that will affect 7th Street, (c) Santa Monica has a “Be Excited, Be Aware” campaign and website that allows people to register and get alerts, and (d) additional information is also available at Santa Monica City Hall, 1685 Main Street. Gil Dembo asked about the light rail project route. Mr. Morrissey said that it will divert at 17th Street onto public streets. (II) Sunset Creations Project. Norm stated that Whitney’s report from LADBS’s grading person said that the project will have the proper affidavits and will make sure that the property owners are aware of their responsibilities for site maintenance. Norm stated that the project as approved will have the factor of safety that is required by code, the project will be stabilized and there is nothing remedial. Norm reported that Dana Prevost will revise the language and affidavits, including revisions relative to Paragraph 2 (which contained a mistake).

7.2.2.    LAFD.

Captain Mike Ketaily reported that at Sunset and Brooktree there was a single family dwelling fire (confined to one room), the home was vacant and no one was hurt. Today, LAFD elected to staff Station 69 with four people due to the low humidity and winds. There was a brush fire along Pacific Coast Highway where Potrero Canyon is being graded. Station 69 was dispatched to Chautauqua and PCH, and located along the homes on Friends Street. A few County camp crews came in to help dig out the fire and those efforts were completed this afternoon. LF 69, E469, E23, E19, E63, LF37, E62, HOA, HOB, BC9, BC4 and E67 all responded. Discussion: Stuart Muller expressed that the Palisades is comprised of many dangerous situations and the Department of Recreation and Parks should be clearing more of its brush. The LAFD agreed that the canyon is of large concern because of the off-shore winds that blow up through the canyon. Captain Ketaily reported that the start of the fire was the construction crew down below using a torch to cut a pipe. Chris Spitz said that she sent an email to CD-11 demanding that the contractor have fire extinguishers and water trucks on site when this activity was taking place. Stuart Muller asked to extend the area of concern to the entire Via Mesa Bluffs area. Haldis Toppel asked about requiring contractors to have communication devices; LAFD confirmed that the construction crew did have mobile phones during the tine of this particular incident. Paul Glasgall asked if the contractor, CalEx, would be fined or asked to pay for the LAFD response. Captain Ketaily did not know the answer.

7.2.3.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore. Officer Moore, LAPD, was on vacation.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Police Issues Update.

Amy Kalp reported that theft is up. Burglaries along the Sunset corridor have increased and the incidents are more frequently occurring on stretches of Sunset closer to the Palisades. There were residential burglaries and attempted burglaries in the Marquez Knolls, and El Medio bluffs areas. Bicycle thefts are up including those stored in garages and secured with locks; please register the serial number of your bicycle to help with recovery. Amy stated that a big problem with our area is that residents don’t report any and all incidents; with more reports we get a more accurate gage to reflect our actual crime rates. Amy also reported that traffic check points will be out with more patrols. Motorcycle activity is starting later and the LAPD has been trying to talk with the bikers about the communities concerns re this activity. Finally, Amy passed out a flyer and invited the board and Palisades community to attend the West Los Angeles LAPD’s Halloween Haunted House event on 10/28/11 and 10/29/11.

7.3.2.    CPAB Update.

Haldis Toppel reported that theft is up everywhere, not just the Palisades. Haldis stated that the Palisades has been getting response from Captain Nathan in terms of increased deployment to our area. The LAPD is asking all citizens to contact LAPD immediately to report suspicious activity.

7.3.3.    Rustic Canyon Park.

Steve Boyers reported that an off-leash dog attacked him and then when he demanded that the dog be leashed, an angry park patron wielding a tennis racket attempted to hit him. Amy Kalp reported that there was also a woman and her dog who were both attacked by a off-leash Akita in that same park. Steve Boyers reported that he too was attacked in a separate incident, and as a result enforcement of leash laws is expected to be taking place in the Palisades over the next month.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Holiday Pot Luck.

Marguerite Perkins Mautner reported that Cathy Russell and Norma Spak have agreed to assist with making phone calls. The Board’s annual holiday party will be on December 8, 2011 starting at 6 PM in the evening in Temescal Canyon. All Board members were encouraged to RSVP and commit to contribute something for the pot luck dinner.

8.2.    Climate Control Impact Study Seminar.

Steve Boyers reported that he attended a meeting of the Senate Select Committee chaired by Senator Pavley to address permanent adaptations to climate change. The causes were not argued and scientists on the panel reported reputable data on climate change. The prognosis is actually quite grim. For example, if we stopped driving all of our cars and made no further emissions, it wouldn’t matter at all in the world. Sea levels are rising and Marina del Rey will be impacted. Every coastal mile will be impacted. Population is increasing with intense focus in inland areas and that creates political stresses on the system as well. The state is investigating technological changes and hopes to have an educational program put into place. Efficiencies for water and being looked at, along with other limitless suggestions. The Committee is trying to educate us on what changes we can make in response to the climate changes that are taking place. The questions will be what our political will and financial resources can accomplish. Steve Boyers asked that the report be circulated and that the PPCC form a committee to interface with the state and other cities to make suggestions in the process (with the goal that the coastal area of the Palisades will be protected in terms of property values and quality of life issues). Janet Turner appointed a committee with Steve Boyers as the Chair.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Sidewalk Repair.

Jack Allen reported that he attended the Public Works Department of Finance Committee regarding the repair of sidewalks. The City’s proposal is to make changes to the municipal code whereby property owners will become responsible and liable for sidewalk repairs. The primary issue that has been debated was an exception relative to trees and the City’s proposal to make homeowner’s liable for damage caused by the City’s trees. Jack asked the Committee for a delay in time; however, the City Council indicated that they were not amenable to changing the exception for homeowner liability. Jack reported that the City Council is very interested in finding funds to repair sidewalks. The meeting was covered by Channel 7 and attended by various neighborhood groups. Janet Turner reminded the Board that we passed a motion several years ago and spearheaded the effort of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils to let the City Council know that the PPCC is concerned about the sidewalk liability issue.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Santa Monica Incline.

LUC Recommended Motion / Letter Below.  George Wolfberg.  Presentation:  In conjunction with the discussion articulated in Section 7.2.1(1) above, George Wolfberg read the letter to the Board. Janet Turner stressed the last paragraph of the letter relative to the isolation of Pacific Palisades particularly when emergency response is needed. Relative to the parking lot cones, Sam Morrissey said that Santa Monica has been talking about that with Caltrans because it is not an easy problem and there are not a lot of great options out there due to the high volume of cars in the lot and the friction of how the McClure Tunnel and its signage have been designed. Santa Monica has also taken up its own program to improve signage and will continue to work with Caltrans to deal with ingress and egress to the parking lot. A motion to approve was made by George Wolfberg and seconded by Stuart Muller. Discussion: Jack Allen said that the traffic impacts must be addressed in the TMP now, before the project is approved and that is why they have to be in the EIR now. Jack suggested that the signal on PCH at the Annenberg should be de-activated. George thought that traffic would still flow fairly well until the Pier; Jack stated that this stop light currently causes a back up of traffic into the Palisades. Janet Turner stated that she was willing to have that added to the letter (that change is reflected herein). The Motion was amended to include the change as Jack suggested. Vote: The Motion passed unanimously.

10.2.    17030 Sunset Boulevard.

Jack Allen Motion to File an Appeal to the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission to Appeal the LA City Zoning Administrator’s Decisions to (1) not require that a focused environmental impact report (EIR) be prepared regarding a proposed apartment and (2) approve a coastal permit. PPCC Presentation: Janet Turner reminded the Board that PPCC voted to ask the City to have the developer provide a limited EIR and we never received it . Jack Allen claimed that he relied on the developer’s promise to provide the PPCC with an EIR and did not go study the geological reports. Jack said that the developer reneged on his promise. Instead, the developer gave the PPCC an Environmental Assessment that was not as detailed as an EIR. Second, Janet Turner said she was made aware that a private geological study was done that characterized the developer’s geology reports as always choosing the least dangerous alternative to address in the report and not the most dangerous; thus questions have been raised about how thorough the developer’s geological reports are. Third, Janet stated that neighbors are refusing (at this time) to provide the necessary easement(s) for the developer to have a sewer line for this project. Finally, there was language contained in an affidavit/letter issued by Dana Prevost (Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, Grading) that Janet Turner stated that because of the Board’s previous vote, Members should feel comfortable supporting two parties who intended to appeal the Coastal Permit that the City has issued for the project. The question presented tonight is whether or not the PPCC should file its own appeal. Coaloa / Sunset Creations Response: Mr. Coaloa reminded the PPCC that the project is a by-right development, meaning that no variances or favors are being requested. There will be plenty more public hearings. Mr. Coaloa expressed his opinion that it is not within the mandate/purpose of the PPCC to make judgments about the development without appropriate backing from legal experts and geologists. The building footprint is 40% smaller than is allowed under the building code and the project will have far more green space than required. The project will provide the community with affordable housing and community beautification. The developer would like PPCC to assist them and Malibu Village with fixing the sewer problem. They would request a future motion from the PPCC to require adjacent property owners to remediate or remove their septic tanks. Mr. Coaloa provided a handout that responded to Jack Allen’s motion, and referred to the letter that he handed out to the Board. On the EIR issue, Mr. Coaloa stated that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration was required not an EIR. However, in response to community concerns, Mr. Coaloa presented a focused EIR (Note: It was a focused EIA) on 4/7/11 to the Land Use Committee and invited Mr. Allen to review his geology reports. Mr. Coaloa presented the focused EIR (Note: It was a focused EIA) at a public municipal hearing. Several people had analyzed the report and clearance was given. Earl Ellis, legal counsel for the developer, stated that there are misunderstandings being put forth in Mr. Allen’s motion. Mr. Ellis stated that the developer’s report was not called an EIR because those are reports prepared by cities and are a different way of looking at data that already exists. The EIR (EIA) examines the same documents that the city has already analyzed and that are reflected in the MND. The EIR (EIA) provides no ‘fresh look’ by a soils engineer or anyone else – it is a verbal recommendation, the city is not required to prepare one, and won’t do one unless it is ordered to do so by court order. Mr. Hassan, the Engineer for the project, then spoke regarding the project and referenced “hazard zone” in Dana Prevost’s letter and handed out a “hazard zone” map. Mr. Hassan stated that every house in the Palisades is in a “hazard zone” there is a 50% chance that property owners are living on a zone with the same seismic landslide designation that this project has. Mr. Hassan said that he has not seen the report from the Edgewater Tower’s geologist – the last they have received was dated 2001. Mr. Hassan is more than happy to look at any updated report from the Edgewater Towers. Mr. Hassan stated that he has done more than seven years of studies and looked at studies performed by others on the site; Dana Prevost and other engineers have paid attention to every detail, boreholes, test pits, trenches, etc. Discussion About the Motion for PPCC to File a Coastal Permit Appeal: Harry Sondheim asked specifically what promise was made to the Board regarding an EIR and for a ‘yes or no’ answer whether that promise was broken. Mr. Coaloa responded that he cannot produce an EIR, did not promise one, was not opposed to an EIR at the City’s hearing and said that he has worked very hard to try to accommodate the community. Mr. Coaloa stated that the document is not a legal EIR but is an Environmental Assessment reports that is the closest thing he can do as an individual. Harry Sondheim observed that Norm Kulla couldn’t tell the Board tonight exactly how the letter will be changed (Mr. Hassan said that Norm wouldn’t know because he is not a geotechnical engineer). Relative to the Motion, Harry said that the two other groups who are appealing can raise what issues/problems they are interested in and the PPCC can support them relative to the concerns we have already stated on the public record. Jennifer Malaret questioned the procedural aspects of the Motion: why PPCC needed to be an appellant, the fact that the Motion did not include a discussion of what procedurally was going on (i.e., exhaustion, alleged Coastal Act violations, facts needed to support the filing of an appeal). Jennifer also stated that she objected to Paragraph 7 that alleged as true factual circumstances relative to the Edgewood Towers yet Edgewood Towers has not appeared before the PPCC or submitted a letter to the Board. Jennifer reminded the Board that PPCC has not taken a position for or against the project – in part because other people/groups in the community such as Malibu Village HOA supported the project the last time the merits of the entire project were presented to the Board. Janet Turner stated that she was very comfortable supporting the appeals of others and is not comfortable with opening the door to PPCC becoming an appellant in Coastal Permit appeals as a general matter. Steve Boyers said that, historically following his tenure as PPCC Chair, PPCC has been more inclined to support or oppose a certain project without boring into the details and filing an appeal because that would require the PPCC to become a responsible party and to adjudicate the facts ourselves. Amy Greenwood spoke from the audience to say that she is considering but not confirming that she is filing an appeal to the project’s Coastal Permit. Amy Greenwood asked the PPCC if it had confirmation of the second group appealing; Janet Turner stated that the council does not. Amy Greenwood asked about the 2009 letter where Paragraph 2 has now deemed to be a mistake; the problem Amy saw is that the final date to appeal is 11.3.11 and we don’t know upon what date the new letter will be received. Earl Ellis reported Tovar’s comments at the hearing that included statements that there was no inadequacy of soils work and no amount of work would flush out more. Harry Sondheim asked why we should appeal if the two other groups are going to appeal. Jack Allen responded that we will all be paying if there is a landslide. Vote: Marguerite Perkins Mautner called for the motion and Gil Dembo seconded. Jack Allen voted in favor; 13 opposed; Jim Rea, Barbara Marinacci, Chris Spitz, Stuart Muller and Haldis Toppel abstained. Harry Sondheim asked to go on record that, if there is an appeal on the EIR issue, PPCC will support that appeal. Harry Sondheim called the motion and Jim Rea seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

10.3.    Retaining Walls, Part 2 of 3.  Haldis Toppel & LUC – please look at the handout that was given. Questions and comments are welcome to be directed to Haldis before the next board meeting.

11.    General Public Comment — None.

12.    Adjournment.  Janet Turner adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM.



ITEM 10.1 — Santa Monica Incline. LUC Recommended Motion / Letter – George Wolfberg (APPROVED)

City of Santa Monica, Public Works Department
Civil Engineering Division
1437 4th Street, Suite 300
Santa Monica, CA 90401

Re California Incline Bridge Replacement Project Re-circulated Draft EIR/EA

The Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) has been the voice of the Palisades community for over 38 years. The Pacific Coast Highway and Sunset Blvd. are literally our lifelines. Anything which hinders traffic flow on these arteries is of great concern because we are an isolated community and all too often must depend on far-flung resources to respond to major traffic accidents as well as fires and other emergencies. We know from experience that disruptions on PCH often bring Sunset Blvd. through the Palisades to a complete stand-still.

With this in mind, we have reviewed the reference EIR/EA and found it worrisome. A primary concern is the Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Table 4-1 refers to the “Traffic Management Plan found in Chapter 2, Section 2.1.7.” The “TMP” is both detailed and vague, leaving many facets to be worked out in the future and no signage to deter discretionary commuter traffic from areas such as Camarillo and Thousand Oaks. This “Z” traffic now uses cross-mountain roads to travel to PCH from Highway 101. During the recent closure of one lane of PCH near Temescal Canyon Road, signage in these distant locales greatly reduced coastal traffic. We expect no less for the Incline project. These signs should be installed in the weeks leading up to construction as the first day will set the tone for the duration.

The TMP boundary obviously is too small. It fails to include the area along PCH from Entrada Drive to Sunset Blvd. as well as Sunset to Allenford. Traffic counts have been ignored or are out-of date. We request that the TMP be updated to include this expanded area which undoubtedly will be severely impacted by the Incline closure. TMP should seriously consider turning 7th Street from Wilshire to the I-10 on-ramp into a one-way street to provide a useful alternative to motorists who need to access the westbound Coast Highway. The revised TMP should be vetted with the community, including PPCC, prior to approval of the EIR/EA.

We believe the Moomat Ahiko improvements will be helpful but inadequate to handle diverted Incline traffic. We strongly recommend that Appian Way be opened from the Pier to Pico Blvd. for the duration of the project. This suggestion, made by several people in 2007, has not been treated seriously in the reference draft. In addition, the “coned-off” exit from the 1550 Parking Lot must be closed temporarily and relocated to reduce traffic turbulence around the McClure Tunnel.

The traffic signal at PCH and Annenberg already causes a back up of traffic on PCH. We would like to recommend that this signal be deactivated during constructions period.

A key step in reducing the impact on the greater community would be for Incline reconstruction to proceed 24/7 to assure the most rapid completion of this project. While the EIR mentions this as an option, we urge that Santa Monica adopt this expedited policy to assure the public that work will be expedited. In furtherance of this time saving goal, we urge Santa Monica to provide substantial early completion incentive bonuses to contractors and, to the extent possible, use pre-cast materials.

Finally, we recommend that Santa Monica partner with the City of Los Angeles to develop rapid response teams to deal with traffic snarls and other emergencies near the boundaries of the two cities.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the reference Draft EIR/EA.

ITEM 10.2 — 17030 Sunset Boulevard – Jack Allen Motion to File an Appeal to the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission to Appeal the LA City Zoning Administrator’s Decisions to (1) not require that a focused environmental impact report be prepared regarding a proposed apartment and (2) approve a coastal permit. (FAILED TO PASS)

Appeal to West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission

Upon motion by ______________, seconded by_______________ the Council approved the following Motion:


  1. Sunset Creations proposes to build a 84,500 sq.ft. residential development consisting of six separate buildings, containing a total of 49 units and a 129 space subterranean parking garage at 17300 Sunset Blvd. on a site that is located in a designated seismically induced landslide hazardous zone. The site is also located on a uphill curve commonly known as “Deadman’s Curve” which makes ingress and egress from the property dangerous. Sunset Creations proposes to export approximately 19,000 cu. yds. of earth from the site involving an estimated 1,200 truck trips.
  1. The City proposed to issue a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the project. After several discussions with Sunset Creations, PPCC determined that there were substantial issues concerning the geology, the ingress and egress from the site, and the hauling of dirt from the site which were not adequately addressed in the MND and requested that the City prepare an Environmental Impact Report focused on these issues.
  1. After further discussions with Sunset Creations, Sunset Creations promised PPCC that it would prepare a focused EIR before a hearing on its application for a Coastal Permit was heard. In reliance on the promise by Sunset Creations to prepare an EIR, PPCC took no further action to submit additional evidence in support of its request to the City that an EIR be prepared.
  1. At the time of the hearing before a City Hearing Officer, Sunset Creations had not submitted an EIR and took the position at the hearing it did not have to prepare an EIR, and further took the position that PPCC not only failed to submit additional evidence that an EIR was required, but also that PPCC was precluded from submitting further evidence.
  1. The Hearing Officer closed the hearing and refused PPCC’s request to submit additional evidence and arguments rebutting Sunset Creations’ position.
  1. Subsequent to the hearing being closed, a reconsideration and recirculation of the MND was ordered to add mitigation measures regarding the Haul Route for the export of earth but the reconsidered MND was not circulated to all the persons who had appeared at the hearing on the Coastal Permit or to persons who subsequently had notified the Zoning Administrator requesting notice, as is required by law. Nor was the hearing reopened as required by law to consider the reconsidered MND.
  1. Subsequently, geologists for the adjacent Edgewater Towers reviewed the geology reports submitted by Sunset Creations to the City and raised significant concerns about the accuracy of the reports, the designs of the retaining walls and the proposed routes for the sewer and storm water pipelines. Because Edgewater Towers did not in fact receive notice of the proposed project until well after the public hearing, the City did not consider this information, which would have been available had Sunset Creations prepared and circulated an EIR as it promised to.
  1. The Zoning Administrator relied on a letter of approval by the Department of Building and Safety Grading Division of the Geology and Soils Reports to find that the project complied with Public Resources Code Section 30253 regarding the minimizing of risks in geologically hazardous areas in the Coastal Zone, when the second paragraph of the letter specifically states that “the proposed remedial plan is not in compliance with current Code requirement” and therefore “future distress may occur, and future mitigation measures may be required.” Thus, the finding is not supported by the evidence.
  1. The reconsidered MND does not set forth the haul routes, the staging areas, or the hours that hauling will be conducted nor does it state how ingress and egress from the property will occur so that it can be determined what, if any impacts will result, and whether or not the boilerplate mitigation measures will mitigate the specific impacts.
  1. The proposed egress for the property is hazardous in that drivers will be required to make sharp right turns to exit the property which will expose them and oncoming drivers from the west on Sunset to possible collisions.

THEREFORE, the Pacific Palisades Community Council approves a motion to file an appeal to the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission from the decision of the Zoning Administrator to approve the issuance of a Coastal Permit to Sunset Creations. [MOTION DID NOT PASS]


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Haldis Toppel, Ted Mackie, Paul Glasgall, Jim Rea, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, George Wolfberg, Joyce Brunelle, Barbara Marinacci, Carol Pfannkuche, Chris Spitz, Barbara Kohn, Richard Wulliger, Joe Almaraz, Richard Cohen, Aurelia Friedman

Voting Alternates:  Cathy Russell

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Kurt Toppel, Amy Kalp, John Glasgow, Ernie Meadows, Steve Cron, Schuyler Dietz, Norma Spak

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Dick Wulliger read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present at 7:10 pm.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  Harry Sondheim moved and Barbara Kohn seconded the minutes for October 27, 2011. The minutes were adopted unanimously. The next meeting is December 8, 2011. This will be the annual Holiday potluck dinner at Temescal Gateway Park.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of October 21, 2011. The total account balances equal $24,426.86, which consist of USB Checking $4,678.67, Smith Barney account $18,134.57 and Post Office account $1,188.62. The September newsletter cost the PPCC $6,271.43 and total contributions thus far are $6,071.28 for a negative balance of $224.85. The library rent has been paid.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

Condolences, Card, Flowers were sent to Jennifer Malaret in recognition of her father’s passing.

Janet will be out of town from November 13-21.

The Jr. Women’s Club will conduct its annual home tour on Nov. 13

The Interface Services will be held at the Self Realization Fellowship Temple on Monday, November 21.

7.1.1.    Thank you to Mary Tuncer for $200 donation, and thank you to Brandon Lamb for helping each week at the Farmer’s Market with the PPCC table.

7.1.2.    Appointment of Aurelia Friedman (Primary), Alex Mack and Schuyler Dietz as youth representatives.  Motion by George Wolfberg, second by Stuart Muller, unanimous.

7.1.3.    Appoint Board of Governors Handbook Committee. Chair – Haldis Toppel, Cathy Russell, Christy Dennis, Barbara Kohn, Jennifer Malaret, Ted Mackie.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

7.2.1.    Councilman Rosendahl’s office.  Joaquin Macias, no report.

Chris Spitz – LUC Cell Mtg w/Riviera residents & AT&T, there is disagreement among the neighboring residents about the location of the cell tower.

7.2.2.    Sr. Lead Officer Michael Moore reported on an unusually large number of home and car burglaries in the Palisades during the past two weeks.  He urged residents to report all incidents directly to the police.

– Amy Kalp reported that speeding on Sunset is being monitored, and that it is illegal for a pedestrian to enter the cross walk after the walking light has turned red, citations are being issued.

-Jack Allen reported that the illegal selling of cars from a resident on Hartzell is no longer evident.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors — None.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    [Community Service Award.]  Update from Community Service Award Committee; the deadline for nominations has been extended until November 24.

8.2.    Holiday Pot Luck.  Marguerite – See Item 9.2, a sign-in sheet for food or drink items was distributed. She conveyed greetings from Mary Cole, a long-time member of the PPCC and supporter of the Pot Luck. Richard Cohen made a motion, seconded by Harry Sondheim to approve $200 for a magician at the Pot Luck.

8.3.    YMCA Committee Update.

Richard Cohen – On October 14, 2011, the California Coastal Commission issued a letter of non-compliance to the YMCA for failure to remove the seasonal fence, unpermitted storage containers and trailers, failure to remove the roadway and replant, unpermitted uses of the property and unpermitted development, specifically the shade structures with cement footings and other issues. They specifically note that the seasonal fence is not authorized between October 31 and December 1st. The YMCA has until December 19 to remove all offending development or apply for a coastal development permit.

Subsequent to this development on November 3, Norm Kulla at the Council Office organized a meeting of YMCA representatives and certain members of the community. Among others, Barbara Kohn, Jack Allen, Randy Young, Janet Turner and Richard Cohen participated. Carol Pfannkuche, Rob Lowe, Jr. and Mark Mullen represented the YMCA.

At the November 3rd meeting the issues of importance to the community were reviewed requesting:
Removal of unpermitted structures
No moon bounces or unsightly un-park like attractions
No banners
No unpermitted uses or commercial uses
No driving or parking on ESHA areas [environmentally sensitive habitat areas]

Issues for future discussion:
Design and location of a permanent fence (if ultimately permitted)
Design of a sign
Design of native planting
Design and maintenance of hiking and access trails
ESHA restoration

The community representatives believe that the creation of a community relations committee like the Getty committee could be a positive model for resolution of issues as well as for enforcement and follow-up. Furthermore, we believe that a reasonable guide to resolution of issues would be the historical record, especially the assurances made by the YMCA at the time of approval of the property transfer in a letter to Councilperson Cindy Miscikowski dated March 13, 2000.

8.4.    Chamber – Homeless in the Village.  To address concerns raised by local businesses and residents Joyce Brunelle has arranged for representatives from PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness, a federally funded series of programs) to make a presentation on January 26 to the Council about services available to the homeless or those at risk of homelessness. PATH provides guidance to help the homeless get back into society.

8.5.    Beautiful Palisades Update re: High School.  Harry — No report.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Sidewalk Liability.

Jack Allen presented a motion, seconded by Barbara Kohn. Discussion followed.  Jack Allen discussed the status of the Los Angeles City Council’s discussions on sidewalk repairs and its plan to potentially shift liability to homeowners for repairs due to tree-root damage.

Under current law, property owners are responsible for sidewalk repairs except when damage is caused by city trees. The City Council is considering many options, including repealing the exception for city trees outright and simultaneously stepping up enforcement of repairs; and mandating that sidewalks be certified in good condition when properties are sold, when utilities are hooked up, or when repairs totaling more than $20,000 are permitted.

Federal funding, which once helped the city cover its costs, has been exhausted and the total cost to repair sidewalk damage citywide is estimated at $1.2 billion to $1.5 billion.

The PPCC had previously indicated its opposition to withdrawal of the exception for city trees, which it believes would put an unfair burden on homeowners. Jack Allen recommended that the council support putting a measure on the ballot for the issuance of general obligation bonds or, alternatively, a special tax on property owners, to fund sidewalk repair explaining that a bond is the best and the fastest way to get the sidewalks fixed.

Board members questioned whether a bond issue made sense given the city’s budget crisis and the current pressure on homeowners facing declining property values. Chair Janet Turner voiced concern that the City may be passing bonds just to fund everyday services. Ernie Meadows added that this is affecting not only property owners in Pacific Palisades, but city-wide and that this is not an expeditious time to impose this on people who are having a difficult time getting by.

Jack Allen agreed to withdraw the motion. Chair Janet Turner agreed to write a letter to the City questioning the City’s proposal to make property owners responsible for side walk repair from tree damage, but at the same time, disallowing the cutting of trees.

9.2.    Holiday Pot Luck Updates – Marguerite Perkins Mautner.

A sign-up sheet for food or drink items was distributed. Money instead of food contributions will be accepted. Marguerite conveyed greetings from Mary Cole, a long-time member of the PPCC and supporter of the Pot Luck. A correction on the starting time was sent to the Palisadian-Post – event starts on December 8 at 6:00 p.m. at the Temescal Canyon Gateway Park with an abbreviated business meeting and the presentation of the Community Service Award. Richard Cohen made a motion, seconded by Harry Sondheim to approve $200 for a magician at the Pot Luck event.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Bylaws Changes (20 min.) – First Reading.

George Wolfberg, Chair of the PPCC Bylaws Committee presented proposed changes to the Board for the first of two required readings in preparation of adoption. He explained that a vote can only be taken after the second reading. He briefly discussed the various proposed changes.

The text of the changes may be found in the December 8th Minutes.

10.2.    Retaining Walls.

Haldis Toppel presented a motion by the PPCC LUC (Land Use Committee) and led the technical discussions; the motion was seconded by Chris Spitz [note: motion not attached/unavailable].  The motion addressed modification of the ordinance governing the height, length, and texture of retaining walls in hillside areas with focus on the esthetics. This ordinance was excluded from consideration in the Baseline Hillside Ordinance (BHO) due to its complexity and competing objectives between land use advocates and neighbors.

Extensive discussions followed on the merits and of local issues regarding retaining walls, with the general agreement that the PPCC Board is not in a position to determine on a City-wide basis the specifications or limitations for retaining walls. The motion failed.

11.    General Public Comment.

11.1.    Pacific Palisades resident Patrick Hart raised concerns about a contract set to be awarded for secondary sewer replacement in the Palisades. About eight miles of sewer pipe will be replaced as part of a program to comply with the terms of a federal settlement agreement to replace and rehabilitate old, damaged and substandard sewer pipes citywide. Patrick Hart believes that the money could be better spent to replace collapsed sewer lines that the city has chosen to patch in piecemeal repairs, resulting, Hart says, in sewage leakage into the groundwater and the ocean.

12.    Adjournment.   9:00 p.m.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  Janet Turner, Ted Mackie, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, George Wolfberg, Chris Spitz, Barbara Kohn, Steve Boyers, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Dick Wulliger, Harry Sondheim, Jack Allen, Gil Dembo, Jim Rea, Paul Glasgall, Stuart Muller, Geoff Sheldon, Carol Pfannkuche and Aurelia Friedman.

Voting Alternates:  Barbara Marinacci.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Kurt Toppell, Flo Elfant, Norma Spak, Christy Dennis, John Glasgow, Timothy Huber, Cathy Russell, Andrew Wolfberg and Quentin Fleming.

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Janet Turner read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Janet Turner called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair certified that a quorum was present at 7:09 pm.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  The Chair waived adoption of the November 10, 2011 minutes until the next meeting. The next meeting is January 12, 2012.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The Chair considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Ted Mackie reported that the PPCC is solvent and that further details will be provided at next month’s meeting.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the Chair.

7.1.1.   Thank You’s.  Janet Turner thanked Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Christy Dennis, Norma Spak, Jim Rea, Sid Galanty and the MKPOA for their leadership, set up and providing the sound system for tonight’s meeting.

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives.

Councilman Rosendahl’s office – Norman Kulla.

Norman presented the Community Service awards on behalf of Councilmember Rosendahl’s Office and the City of Los Angeles to Rob Weber (Fourth of July Parade and Fireworks) and John Wilson (Scoutmaster, volunteer LAPD, YMCA, Rotary Club and community service for over fifty (50) years). See also New Business Item 10.1 below.

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors — None.

8.    Reports from Committees — None.

9.    Old Business.

9.1.    Bylaws Changes, 2nd Reading (attached below).

Janet Turner read the motion as follows: That the Bylaws Committee’s recommended changes to the PPCC Bylaws be approved and that the committee be authorized to correct any typos that may be discovered during conversion of the final draft. Moved by George Wolfberg and seconded by Jack Allen. The motion was adopted unanimously.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Community Service Awards.

Janet Turner explained that the purpose of the Community Service Award is to honor long term and continuing outstanding volunteer service by an individual to a Pacific Palisades neighborhood or to the community at-large.

Janet presented the first award to Rob Weber for his leadership of the Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA) including Rob’s work with budgets, fundraising, long-term planning, and the flash and heart that Rob has added to our town’s parade. Janet also recognized Rob for his work (along with Keith Turner) on the pre-fireworks concert at Palisades Charter High School and Rob’s other contributions to the PPCC, Potrero Canyon Community Advisory Committee and AYSO. Rob Weber gave a gracious speech thanking his fellow PAPA members to his family for their support.

Janet Turner presented the second award to John Wilson, who has been a leader of Scouting for over 50 years in our community with the outstanding achievement of encouraging a 60% success rate in achieving the honor of Eagle Scout by boys in the Palisades troops. John was also honored for his Reserve Police Officer volunteer work with the LAPD where he has worked full time in the Detective Bureau’’s White Collar Crime section. John Wilson gave a touching speech in which he thanked his wife, family, friends and neighbors in attendance for their support.

10.2.    Micah Cover, Magician,, (818) 281-5780, entertained the crowd.

10.3.    Gift to Joyce Whitehead.  Marguerite Perkins-Mautner presented a thank you gift to Joyce for hosting our event and all of her hard work and service at Temescal Gateway Park. Joyce is the Director of Temescal Gateway Park and a wonderful asset to all of us in Pacific Palisades and the CA State Park System.

11.    General Public Comment — None.

12.    Adjournment.  Janet Turner adjourned the meeting at 8:10 PM.




Sec. 1. CHAIR. The Chair shall be the principal executive officer of the PPCC and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the PPCC. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board. The Chair shall appoint all committees, temporary or permanent. The Chair shall see that all books, reports and certificates required by law are properly kept or filed. The Chair shall be one of the officers who may sign the checks or grants of the organization and who may approve payments from PPCC accounts. The Chair may sign, with a Secretary or any other proper officer of the PPCC authorized by the Board any instruments that the Board have authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board or by these bylaws or by statute to some other officer or agent of the PPCC. In general the Chair shall perform all duties incident to the office of Chair and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Governors from time to time. The person elected as Chair may adopt the title: “PPCC President”, to enhance communications with elected and government officials, peer organizations and the press.

Sec. 2. VICE-CHAIR. In the absence of the Chair or in the event of the Chair?fs inability or refusal to act in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, or at the direction of the Board, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to the Vice Chair by the Chair or by the Board. The person elected as Vice Chair may adopt the title ‘PPCC Vice President,’ if the person elected as Chair has adopted the title: ‘PPCC President.’




Organizational Representatives and Alternates. Each Organizational Representative and Alternate Representative shall serve for a term of one year, with the term beginning at the commencement of the fiscal year. There is no limit to the number of reappointments of a Representative in a Category represented by only one organization. In the case of Categories with multiple organizations, the Representatives and Alternates will serve one year in each of the positions, subject to the provisions of subparagraph Sec. 1. A. 1. (6). above.



Sec. 1. Each member of the Board who knows or should know that he or she is violating the Constitution, these Bylaws or the Standing Rules, or is convicted of a felony while a member of the board (Violation), shall be subject to discipline at the discretion of the Board up to and including removal from the Board. Such discipline may include warnings, private or public reproval. No member of the Board shall accuse another member of the Board of such Violation except through the process outlined in this Article.

Sec. 2. Any member of the Board who becomes aware of a Violation may request an investigation into whether a Violation may have occurred. If the Chair is alleged to have committed the Violation or is the complainant, the Chair Emeritus shall investigate and shall act as Chair on all matters relating to this action and in that case the use of the term ‘Chair’ in this section shall include the Chair Emeritus when appropriate. The accused and complainant shall not be members of any committees regarding the complaint or vote on any Board resolution on the matter.

The Chair shall interview the Board member who is alleged to have committed the Violation. The Chair may appoint an ad-hoc committee to assist in the process.

If the member admits the Violation or the conviction, the matter will then be placed on the Board agenda as a confidential matter for action in accordance with Sections 5 through 8 below.

If the member denies committing the Violation or states that he or she did not know and could not have known that he or she was committing the Violation, the Chair shall appoint an Investigating Committee.

Sec. 3. Investigating Committee. The Investigating Committee shall consist of three uninterested persons who are Board members at the time the committee is appointed, including one officer who shall be the Committee Chair and at least one elected representative. The Committee shall serve until the matter is resolved.

The Investigating Committee shall investigate the complaint and determine whether or not there was a Violation. If it determines that there was a Violation, the Investigating Committee shall recommend to the Chair, what discipline if any, should be applied. The matter shall then be placed on the Board Agenda as a confidential matter for action in accordance with Sections 5 through 8 below. If the Investigating Committee determines there was no Violation that shall end the matter. The accused and the complainant shall be advised of the determination and recommendation.

Sec. 4. Reviewing Committee. If either the complainant or the member alleged to have committed the Violation is dissatisfied with the determination of the Investigating Committee, the matter shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee except that no member of the Executive Committee who served on the Investigating Committee shall be part of the Reviewing Committee. In place of any such member, the Chair shall appoint another member of the Board to participate in the review. If the Reviewing Committee determines there was no Violation that shall end the matter. If the Reviewing Committee concludes there was a Violation, it shall also recommend what discipline should be imposed and report to the Chair. The matter will then be placed on the Board Agenda as a confidential matter for action in accordance with Sections 5 through 8 below. The Board shall be advised of the determination of the Investigating Committee and the Reviewing Committee.

Sec. 5. All proceedings of the Investigating Committee, the Reviewing Committee and the Board relating to the complaint shall be kept confidential, except that if the Board decides that the discipline shall be made public, the Chair shall announce the result of the Board action in an open meeting. In deciding whether the discipline shall be made public, the Board may take into account any resignation that is tendered

Sec. 6. Board Determination. All voting shall be done by secret written ballot with two-thirds vote of board members present required to determine if there has been a Violation. All members must vote and a blank ballot shall be counted as a “No” vote. The person who is the then current Secretary shall count the votes on the ballots, announce the vote and retain the ballots for one year, except if that person is the accused or the complainant, in which case these duties shall be performed by the Chair.

The determination of whether there shall be any sanction, and if so, what that sanction shall be is to be determined by the same voting procedure.

Sec. 7. Any Board member accused of having committed a Violation has the right to be present at all meetings of the committees and the Board in which his or her case is at issue but at the discretion of either the committees or the Board, shall be excluded during any proceedings in which the committees or Board members are deliberating and voting on the action to be taken. The accused Board member shall be given notice at least 72-hours prior to any such meeting.

Sec. 8. No Board member shall disclose to any person who did not participate in the proceedings or vote, any of the proceedings taken pursuant to this Article except anything that was announced publicly by the Board.



  1. Business and Commerce

Chamber of Commerce.

  1. Cultural, Ethics and Aesthetics:


Friends of the Library

Garden Club

Palisades Beautiful

Theater Palisades

III. Education: *

PTA and or Advisory Councils representing local schools:

  1. Public

Canyon Elementary

Marquez Elementary

Palisades Elementary

Palisades High

Paul Revere Middle School

  1. Private

Corpus Christi Home and School Association

St. Matthews Parents Council

Calvary School

Village School

Seven Arrows

Westside Waldorf School

*Representation from these Categories shall alternate each year between the Public Schools and the Private Schools

Note: In categories with more than one represented organization, the next representative in line shall serve as the alternate.

  1. Historian

Historical Society

  1. Civic Organizations:

Civic League


  1. Recreation:


Club Soccer

Club Volleyball



VII. Environment:

Temescal Canyon Association

VIII. Service Clubs:

American Legion

Junior Women?fs Club

Lions Club

Masonic Lodge

Optimist Club

Pacific Palisades Woman?fs Club

Rotary Club

  1. Residents Association

Pacific Palisades Residents Association

  1. Youth Representation

Representation from youth residing in or attending school in Pacific Palisades to be selected by Chair with consent of the Board.


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