1994 TOWN HALL (which led to the successful collaborative amendment of the Bylaws, above)
12-year Historic Review of PPCC Activities (1973-1985) — A summary of the Community Council over a 12-year period. PPCC hired a student in town to distill all the decisions of the Council; this provided a foundation of facts and past knowledge for future Boards.
2013 IRS Letter — PPCC Tax Exempt Status
2023 50th Anniversary Celebration and Jubilee Recap.
Important Matters Addressed by PPCC (1973-2023) — Prepared in connection with the 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Note: Except as linked above, a written record of PPCC meetings and activities from 1986-2000 is unavailable (minutes and other documents not retained for that period). PPCC’s minutes from 2001-present are available online at the tab “Documents/Minutes of Previous Meetings.”
More Historic Information:
Minutes of Previous Meetings (PPCC meeting venues, 1973-present)
Awards Guidelines (past Awards events and Awardees)
Palisades Honorary Mayors (list of past honorary mayors, 1951-2021 — a tradition sponsored by the former Palisades Chamber of Commerce)