Return to Index of 2014 Minutes
Voting Members in Attendance: Chris Spitz, Barbara Kohn, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Kelly Comras, Paul Glasgall, Jim Rea, Jack Allen, Stuart Muller, Andy Frew, Mark Roosa, George Wolfberg and Reza Akef.
Voting Alternates: Bob Baker, Eric Dugdale, Ted Mackie, Bruce Schwartz and Benda Theveny. 1. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Chris Spitz read the Mission Statement. 2. Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience. Chris Spitz called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. 3. Certification of Quorum. The President Chris Spitz certified that a quorum was present at 7:04 pm. 4. Adoption of Minutes. The President deemed the July 10, 2014 minutes adopted as corrected. Next Meetings: September 11, 2014 and October 9, 2014. PPCC will NOT be meeting on September 24, 2014 due to the holidays. 5. Consideration of Agenda. The President considered the agenda. 6. Treasurer’s Report. Richard Cohen reported that PPCC has General Account funds totaling $13,195.44. Citizen of the Year delineated funds total $25,772.94. Total PPCC funds are $38,968.38. Richard reported that there were only minor contributions received in the past month with the only meaningful expenditure was prepaying the postage for the newsletter mailing at a cost of $2,071.74. 7. Reports, Announcements and Concerns. 7.1. Announcements from the President. 7.1.1. Topics for PPCC’s September 11, 2014 meeting: (a) Announcement of Election Candidates for Areas 1-8 and At-Large Representative Seats. Elected members shall serve a two-year term beginning on October 1, 2014. (b) Tentative: Palisades Charter Complex Run/Walk Event, October 25, 2014. (c) LaCruz Parklet Forum. LADOT representative Valerie Watson will attend, and there will be a presentation by PRIDE and an opportunity for community members to ask questions and express their opinions about the parklet. All interested in the matter are invited! Note: Individual comments (to LADOT) are due by August 28, 2014; email comments to [Comment period extended for PPCC until after the September 11 meeting.] 7.1.2. PPCC meeting January 22, 2015: Forum on the Pacific Palisades Design Review Board Proposed Design Guidelines for the Palisades Village/Specific Plan areas, 7-9pm in the Palisades branch library (in the planning stage). 7.1.3. July 23, 2014 LAPD West L.A. and West Traffic Joint Task Force re: Motorcycle Noise and Safety: Sunset Blvd. from Brentwood to PCH and neighboring streets. LAPD Officer Michael Moore (see below) reported on the successful task force results and Richard Cohen reported as well in support of enforcement of legal violations by riders. 7.1.4. PPCC On-Line Survey — All community members are invited to take the survey, which will remain online through September 2014. 7.1.5. PPCC Correspondence — Marvin Braude Bike Path and PRIDE Parklet. See attached letters. 7.1.6. PPCC Election update. Three candidates have withdrawn since the July 10 meeting: David Peterson (Area 6), Patty Detroit (At-Large) and Amy Kalp (Area 4). 7.1.7. Save the PPCC Dates — Week of August 10: PPCC newsletter and ballot have been mailed to all Palisades addresses; newsletter posted online at 17, 24, 31: Candidate Meet & Greets at Farmers Market (go to for schedule and candidates’ email addresses; the candidates are happy to answer your questions). September 5: Mail-in ballot postmark deadline. September 6: Alternative in-person voting at Palisades Recreation Center (small gym), 10am-2pm.September 7: Alternative in-person voting at Palisades Farmers Market, 10am-2pm.September 11: PPCC meeting, 7-9pm, Palisades Public Library. Election results announced; additional agenda item: discussion of La Cruz Parklet. LADOT representative Valerie Watson and members of PRIDE will be present to answer questions. Interested community members are encouraged to participate and express opinions about the Parklet project. 7.1.8. Disaster Preparedness Information. Donations are needed to replenish the supply of Disaster Preparedness folders prepared by PPCC Advisor Flo Elfant and distributed as a public service to the community. Flo distributed a letter to the community. PPCC encourages support and monetary donations towards this valuable effort for the community. 7.1.9. PPCC Newsletter and Area and At-Large Election Ballot. Chris Spitz thanked Christy Dennis for her efforts in preparing and editing the newsletter. 7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives. 7.2.1. Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”) – SLO Officer Moore in attendance. Officer Moore suggested that people lock their doors and windows. The recent car jacking and events in the Palisades took place in homes that were unlocked; the suspect has been arrested. 7.2.2. Los Angeles City Council, District 11; Councilmember Mike Bonin’s Office. — No representative in attendance. 7.2.3. Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Daniel Tamm Westside Area Representative, Mayor’s Interfaith Liaison (*attending on the 4th Thursday of each month). Mayor’s Website: City Services webpage: MyLA Phone App: — No representative in attendance. 7.2.4. California State Assembly, Office of Assemblymember Richard Bloom’s Office. — No representative in attendance. 7.2.5. California State Senator Ted Lieu, ((Janet Turner; District Representative Office: (310) 318-6994) — No representative in attendance. 7.3. Announcements from Board Members and Advisors. 7.3.1. Officers/Area Representatives. 7.3.2. Organizational Representatives. 7.3.3. Advisors. 8. Reports from Committees. 8.1. Outreach Committee [written report]. 8.2. Area and At-Large Representative Election Committee [written report]. Jennifer Malaret. PPCC Newsletter and Area and At-Large Representative Election Ballot have been mailed mid-August to all Palisades addresses. The newsletter is posted online at Although Amy Kalp’s name will appear on the ballot, she has withdrawn and any votes for her will not be counted. Voters who choose to vote by mail must return their ballots via U.S. Mail with a postmark of no later than September 5, 2014. “In-Person” Voting (alternate voting procedure) shall take place Saturday September 6, 2014 (Palisades Recreation Center, Small Gym, 10 AM to 2 PM) and Sunday September 7, 2014 (Farmers Market, 10 AM to 2 PM). 9. Old Business — None. 10. New Business. 10.1. PPCC 2014 Area and At-Large Representative Election Forum. 11. General Public Comment – None. 12. Adjournment. Chris Spitz adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM. ATTACHMENTS ITEM 7.1.4 — PPCC CORRESPONDENCE July 21, 2014 Re: Closure of gap in pedestrian path parallel to Marvin Braude Bike Path Dear Supervisor Yaroslavsky:As you know, the Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) has for many years supported improvements in the safety and access for residents and the thousands of persons who annually visit Will Rogers State Beach. Key components of this initiative are completion of the Marvin Braude Beach Bike Path to Coastline Drive and a separate project, the closure of the current gap in the pedestrian path which runs parallel to the bike path, but runs out near California Avenue in Santa Monica (Gap Closure). We thank you for your continuing support.We appreciate the County’s efforts to obtain funding for the pedestrian path through the last two rounds of the Metro Call for Projects. We understand that Metro has not supported these applications because Metro believes the path extension does not meet the criterion of serving commuters. For the record, we disagree. However, a new program, ATP, is geared more toward recreation users and should be a slam dunk. Now we fear that Metro may not support a future ATP application because allegedly it does not serve disadvantaged residents. Again, we disagree and point to Survey 99 which randomly queried Will Rogers State Beach users on their attitudes and found the sample included persons from over 36 different ZIP codes. We urge you to work with County staff to submit a robust application for ATP, and any other appropriate funding source, to complete the Gap Closure, so that at a minimum, pedestrian and bicycle users along Santa Monica and Will Rogers State Beach will have access to separate paths from near California Avenue to the Bel Air Bay Club. The PPCC Board of Directors thoroughly discussed this project at its last meeting and voted unanimous support for the Gap Closure.Please let us know if you need additional information and thank you for your courtesy and anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, attach cc (all via email): Hon. Eric Garcetti, Hon. Ted Lieu, Hon. Fran Pavley, Hon. Richard Bloom, Hon. Mike Bonin, Hon. Pam O’Connor, Hon. Kevin McKeown, Sheila Kuehl, Bobby Shriver July 14, 2014 Thank you. ITEM 10.1 — PPCC AREA AND AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVE ELECTION 2014 CANDIDATE LIST Area 2:Paul Glasgall glasgall@aol Area 3: Jim Rea, Greg Sinaiko Area 4: Harry Sondheim, Jennifer Lee, Rick Mills, John Holcomb Area 5: Jack,Sue Kohl2 –, Ted, Kathleen Jensen, Area 6: Rachel Davis, Sharon Hays, David Kaplan dkaplan6@gmail.com4, Stuart Muller, Michael Soneff, David Wolff Area 7 – Cathy Russell Area 8: Reza Akef At-Large: George Wolfberg *See for area boundaries and descriptions. |