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(Reverse calendar order: Dec. 2001 – Feb. 2001)
MEETING FOR DECEMBER 13th 2001Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. Chairman Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. The Chair announced the following new Board members: Education–Rob Jernigan and Bill Barnum (alternate); Cultural, Ethics and Aesthetics–Mary Cole and Bernadine Holzman (alternate); Service Clubs–Norman Kulla and Peter Scolney (alternate). Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of November 8, 2001 were adopted without any changes. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that there is $4,753.48 in the checking account and $4,763.14 in the savings account. The invoice for the costs of printing our last Newsletter has been paid. 3.2 Street Lights at Sunset and Muskingum. Larry Jacobs, Area 4 representative, noted that the street light at this intersection is not lit. This light is located in front of a multi-dwelling apartment complex and near a bus bench. Since there are public safety issues involved, Larry agreed to investigate further and to invite appropriate individuals to speak to us about the situation that allows a very few property owners, in this case, one, to dictate what street lighting shall be available at street corners on major thoroughfares. 3.3 Youth Representative. The Chair announced that the Board seeks names of youths who would be interested in being a youth representative on the Board. 3.4 Garden Club. The Pacific Palisades Garden Club will hold its annual home tour of gardens in the Pacific Palisades on April 28, 2002 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3.5 LAPD. A member of the Los Angeles Police Department will be present at our January 10, 2002 meeting to discuss issues of traffic safety in the Palisades. 3.6 Garages at the Gardens. Representatives of the William Warren Group, Inc., were present to distribute a set of written materials entitled “project information for garages at the gardens.” The materials are attached to the minutes. The Palisades Gardens is a retail building built over a three-level subterranean parking garage. The bottom level has been closed for the past two years, possibly due to vandalism and lack of use. The Company desires to partition the lowest 45 of the 68 spaces on level 3 and convert them for use as private storage garages. The materials were distributed at this meeting so that the Board could review the materials prior to board consideration and public input on the issues. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Mansionizing Workshops. The Mansionizing committee has planned workshops on the issue of Mansionizing in the Pacific Palisades. Maurizio Vecchione, the Board’s Public Information Officer, prepared and distributed a document entitled “Proposed Community Outreach Plan to Promote Mansionizing Workshops.” A copy of the proposed plan is attached to the minutes. The goals of community outreach concerning this issue include raising awareness of the Mansionization issue, to get interested stakeholders to participate in the process, to facilitate access to the Mansionizing Proposal for review and to provide a method for community feedback on the issue. The Board revised and approved the proposed Community outreach plan and the Mansionizing committee will plan its various workshops, in conjunction with Maurizio. 5. New Business. 5.1 Banners at Palisades High School. A discussion was held with Linda Hosford, Principal at Palisades Charter High School, regarding the placement of banners on the chain-link fences surrounding the High School. Some organizations hang banners on the fence along Temescal at the intersection with Sunset without authorization. Larry Jacobs had previously contacted Charlotte Atlas of the school to have them taken down. He also determined that the city has no authority over which banners are hung at the school, although the school has the power to determine which banners are displayed. After Mr. Jacobs contacted Charlotte Atlas, some of the banners were taken down and some were not. Ms. Hosford noted that the school does not like the unauthorized banners either and generally allows banners for school events, for those organizations who have a lease at the school facility or for non-profit and some community activities. Patti Post noted that it might be helpful to have a “seal of approval” on the banners which the school approves so that the unauthorized banners could be identified quickly. Ms. Hosford agreed that there should be greater monitoring of the area to aid in the removal of the unauthorized banners and asked the community to contact her at (310) 454-0611, extension 3000, if they see any banners which should be removed. 5.2 Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Outgoing Board Members. The Chair distributed these certificates to outgoing Board members Bill Snyder, Isabel Kayser and Kurt Toppel. The Chair also noted that outgoing Board member Sharon Hayes had planned to be at this meeting, but was unable to attend because of an unexpected need to stay at home. Many thanks to these members for contributing their time and efforts to our community. 5.3 Presentation of the Board’s Community Service Award. This Board’s Annual Community Service Award was presented by the Chair to Jack Allen who has spent his entire lifetime working on improving our community and is an inspiration to us all. Thank you Jack! [Adjournment time not recorded.] _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 8th 2001Board Members In Attendance: Chairman Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Oak Room of Mort’s Palisades Deli, 1035 Swarthmore, and recited the purpose of the Council as stated in the bylaws. 1. Introduction. The Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of October 25 were adopted without change. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Patti Post reported that as of November 8 a saving account balance of $4,753.14 and a checking account balance of $10,906.19. 3.2 The Chair reported that an anonymous donor has offered to supply athletic equipment to organized sports programs. Those interested, contact the Chair. 3.3 The Chair stated that Community Service Award nominations are due to Lisa Maki, no later than November 15. 3.4 Barbara Kohn reported that the Coastal Commission hearing in regard to the Calvary Church athletic field will be held November 15, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 711 South Hope St. She also stated that the Staff report was negative, because it establishes a private use for public land and the proposed grading would remove native vegetation and alter natural landforms. 3.5 Patti Post reported on information from LAPD concerning a fatal accident, which occurred at noon today. According to this source, two Palisades High students traveling at high-speed west on Sunset, lost control of their car just east of Palisades Dr and struck a truck. The passenger in the car died and the driver of the car and the driver of the truck were injured. 3.6 The Design Review Board will consider plans to remodel the Chevron station at PCH and Entrada on November 14. 3.7 Isabel Kaiser reported that Theatre Palisades production of “Heaven Can Wait” will open November 9. 3.8 Ted Mackie noted that Chautauqua Blvd., Sunset Blvd, and Bienveneda Ave. have remained unstripped for months after being repaved, creating serious safety concerns. Ted moved and Arthur Mortell seconded a motion directing the Council’s legal advisor to research the issue and advise the Executive Committee within three days as what, if any, legal options were open to the Council to force the City of eliminate this hazard. The motion was passed unanimously. 3.9 Website. Ted Mackie announced that the Council now has its own website at, permitting the Council to update the site directly and promptly. 3.10 Acting Secretary. The Chair reported that the Executive Committee has suggested that in the absence of the Secretary, that minutes of Board meetings be kept by a rotating slate of volunteer Board members, noting that due to Lisa Maki’s excellent attendance record, it is unlikely that any one volunteer would need serve more that once a year. Larry Niles, Larry Jacobs, Ted Mackie, Arthur Mortell, Richard Blumenberg and Mauricio Vecchione answered the call. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Antiques Market. Jennifer McColm presented a proposal that an antiques market be held on either Antioch or Via de la Paz, one Sunday a month. She said the market would be up-scale operation and others noted the wide acceptance of Ms McColm’s farmers market. She said that the parking issue will be alleviated as she has an agreement with Palisades Elementary to use their parking in return for an unspecified rental. In the ensuing discussion the Via de la Paz option was opposed for disrupting traffic, thus moving more traffic onto Swarthmore and Haverford. Chris Fracchiola representing the Methodist Church also opposed the Via location as disruptive of Sunday services and presented a petition to that effect. Ms McColm shifted emphasis to the Antioch option stating that this option was her preference and that she had the support of the Antioch merchants. Two Via de la Paz merchants opposed the Antioch location as unfairly favoring some merchants over others. Arthur Mortell moved and Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded a motion that the Council support the Antioch location on a three-month trial, that Council monitor the activity, and agendize a report on the first Council meeting after the first market day. The motion passed, 10 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention; Ms. McColm requested that she be kept informed of the Council’s findings to permit her to deal with any alleged problems, and also stated that she didn’t expect the market to get underway until after the rain season. 4.2 Mansionization. Frank Wilson, Chair of the Council’s Mansionization and View Protection Committee, distributed the current version of proposed changes to the City building code relative to permitted heights, areas, and setback of new and remodeled single family residences. The Chair sought to limit remarks to specific issues raised at the Board meeting of October 11th, however the ensuing vigorous discussion by the audience and Board exposed several broad concerns, namely: · The economic impact of the proposal was not considered. · Restrictions that are reasonable when applied to small and medium sized site may not reasonable on very large sites. · There is no way for the average person to evaluate the effect of the proposal on his property without a simplified means of comparing the proposed restrictions to existing codes, the hillside ordinance, Civic League rules, and CC&R’s. · The Council decision to defer view protection should be re-considered. Richard Blumenberg, noting that this proposal is doomed without overwhelming community support, moved that the Council hold a least three work shops on the subject and that, prior thereto, the Council’s Communications Committee evaluate and recommend means ensuring the widest possible community participation in the process. The motion passed unanimously. Richard Blumenberg and Frank Wilson agreed to co-chair the work shops. 4.2 Pulgas Canyon Sewer. Department of Public Works representatives Carmelo Martinez and Sean Zahedi described a project to replace a 60-year old sewer line which runs up Pulgas Canyon from PCH to roughly the bottom of Bienveneda, with branches to Muskingum and Puerto del Mar. It is planned to use a tunneling technique to minimize neighborhood disruption during the one-year construction phase. The project is currently stalled by a legal dispute with the property owner concerning a new easement required to reroute the line away from the streambed. 4.3 Building and Safety Appeal Process. The City Planning Department is proposing to alter existing procedure so that decisions by the Planning Director can no longer by appealed to the Planning Commission. The Board unanimously approved a motion to oppose this change by a letter to the Planning Commission and other means the Chair deems appropriate. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00. Respectfully submitted by acting secretary, Ted Mackie _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 25th 2001Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. Chairman Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the reading of the purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. The Chair noted that the Mansionization issue will be taken up on November 8, 2001 during which there will be a brief public discussion based upon previously framed issues. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of October 11, 2001 were adopted with the following changes: 3.3 – Changed to read, “For informational purposes, Barbara Kohn indicated that banners have been installed on PCH in the vicinity of Topanga Canyon.” 4.5 – Change the words “the definition of a” to “consider” in the bullet points containing the words “second story setback” and “height envelope.” Last paragraph – delete the word “tentatively” from the second sentence and delete the last sentence. The street name “McKendrie” should be spelled “McKendree.” Paragraph 5.1 was inadvertently omitted from the minutes: It reads, “5.1 Larry Jacobs moved and the Board approved that we may hire a person to take minutes of our meetings on those occasions when our Secretary is absent and when sufficient funds are available in our Treasury for that purpose.” 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that there is $10,956.19 in the PPCC checking account and $4,753.14 in the savings account. It was noted that we received the invoice for the costs of printing our last Newsletter. The executive committee will review the invoice. The Treasurer also distributed the year-end report. Those interested in reviewing the report should contact the Secretary. 3.2 Participating in Cable Communications Planning Workshops. The Chair distributed brochures on the workshops to the board and audience. 3.3 Letter Sent to DONE. The Chair announced that the letter was sent to DONE and a copy of it is posted on the Community Council Bulletin Board at the Post Office. A copy is also attached to the minutes [note: attachment not included/unavailable]. 3.4 Striping of Sunset and Chautauqua. This project is supposed to be completed by next week. 3.5 Letter to City Department of Transportation. The Chair announced that this letter has been sent to remind the Department of Transportation to give the PPCC notice of pending projects so the PPCC and the public would have the opportunity to provide input. 3.6 Banners at Palisades High School. Larry Jacobs reported that more banners have appeared on the fence along Temescal at the intersection with Sunset. He called Vice Principal Charlotte Atlas who referred him to Acting Principal Ms. Linda. Hosford. Some of the signs were taken down and some were not. The Acting Principal has agreed to be discuss this matter at the PPCC’s December 13, 2001 meeting and holiday party. 3.7 Bel Air Bay Club. The Chair has a copy of the decision involving the Club’s proposed plans to renovate. 3.8 Filming. Larry Jacobs attended the 10/24/01 advisory committee to the EDIC. The guidelines concerning filming in the City were discussed and some of the guidelines the PPCC recommended (e.g. frequency) are being implemented in other areas of the city but not in the Palisades. The next meeting will be held on November 7, 2001 at the EIDC office in Hollywood. 3.9 Planting of Trees. Palisades Beautiful requested that the Chair remind the public that the City of Los Angeles has rules regarding the kinds of trees that can and cannot be planted in the areas between the City streets and the sidewalks. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Consideration of Proposed Changes to ByLaws. Straw votes were taken to tentatively approve or reject proposed amendments to the PPCC Bylaws: Article IV: A proposal was made to change this section in the event that the PPCC becomes a neighborhood council. Randy Young made a motion, seconded by Kurt Toppel, that the language be left as it is. The Motion passed unanimously. -Article V, Section 3 C: There was concern over whether the language “or the chair” should be left in this section. Kurt Toppel made a Motion, seconded by George Wolfberg, that the phrase “or the chair” remain in this section. The Motion passed almost unanimously (one abstention). Article VI, Section 4: There was discussion as to whether the Treasurer’s report be written or oral. Patti Post made a Motion, seconded by Ted Mackie, that the word “written” be deleted from this section so that the Treasurer could make oral reports. The Motion passed unanimously. The fourth sentence of this section shall read: “The Treasurer shall render at each meeting of the Board and at such other times as the Board shall request, an account of the finances of the Council.” It was decided that standing rules would be created at a later date with respect to the issues of check writing and signing. -Article VII, Section 1: There was discussion as to whether the committee should meet in person or whether the meeting could be conducted telephonically. Randy Young made a Motion which was seconded by Larry Jacobs that the committee meet in person. The Motion passed almost unanimously (one abstention). Article VII, Section 3B: Bill Snyder distributed a memorandum concerning new wording for the election of officers portion of the bylaws, paragraph B. One word in the first sentence, first line, was changed from “on” to “no”. After that, Randy Young made a Motion that the language in the memorandum be used as the procedure for tiebreakers. The Motion passed unanimously. Bill’s memorandum is attached to the minutes [note: attachment not included/unavailable]. Article XIV: A motion was made by Larry Jacobs and was seconded by Arthur Mortel that section F of Article XIV be deleted from the bylaws. The Motion did not pass, 6 voted in favor and 8 against. Appendix A: PRIDE’s request that they be placed under the category of cultural, ethics and aesthetics was voted upon, after much discussion as to which category they should be placed under. The motion passed with 11 in favor, 2 opposed and 2 abstaining from the vote. Article 3, Section D: A boundary map was distributed and approved, with one abstention. A revised version of the boundary map will be attached to the minutes. The map reviewed and discussed at this meeting is also attached to the minutes [note: attachment not included/unavailable]. *All proposed changes to the by-laws, in their entirety, including changes which were deemed tentatively acceptable at previous meetings, as well as the deferred changes were approved unanimously. Kurt Toppel made the motion and Randy Young seconded it. 5. New Business. 5.1 Landmark. Consideration as to whether California registered historical landmark #881 should be moved to accommodate the renovation of beach facilities at Will Rogers Beach Randy Young announced that Ernie Marquez is going to do the battle for us to try to keep the landmark in place during renovations of the beach facilities. 5.2 PRIDE. Consideration of whether P.R.I.D.E. should be added to the list of organizations eligible to send representatives to the Community Council board on a rotating basis. P.R.I.D.E. representatives Susan Oakley, Bill Davis and Brian Shea were present to request that the organization be placed on the rotating list of representatives under the heading of cultural, ethics and aesthetics. Gill Dembo made a Motion to approve the request which was seconded by Randy Young. The Motion passed almost unanimously (one abstention). 5.3 Appointment of Community Service Award Committee. This award will be given at the annual holiday party on December 13, 2001. The Chair distributed guidelines for the award and the Post will place a notice in the paper to send nominations for recipients of the award to the PPCC post office box. Patti Post, Kurt Toppel and Lisa Maki volunteered to be the committee and were appointed by the Chair, with Lisa as the Chair of the committee. 5.4 Holiday Party Committee. Barbara Kohn and Lisa Maki volunteered for the committee and Maria Bane will be asked to serve on this years’ committee. The Chair appointed Lisa as the Chair of the Committee. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on November 8th at 7 p.m. Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 11th 2001Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of October 4, 2001 were adopted with the following changes:
3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported (through the Chair) that there is still $10,906.19 in the PPCC checking account and $4,750.21 in the savings account. It was noted that we still have received no invoice for the costs of printing our last Newsletter. 3.2 Ted Mackie reported that our web site which currently relies on the website of Bill Grieb poses a problem when Bill is unavailable. Ted proposed that we set up our own site either through, or some other company, at a cost not to exceed $25 set-up fee, $25 to register our name and a $15 monthly fee. Ted moved that we establish such a site without advertising. Motion passed unanimously. 3.3 For informational purposes Barbara Kohn indicated that banners to have been installed on PCH in the vicinity of Topanga Canyon Blvd. 3.4 Harry Sondheim proposed and Larry Niles moved that a letter be sent to Palisades merchants concerning certain undesirable activities, namely, the sale of merchandise on sidewalks, sandwich-board signs, signs taped to windows, and the use of the Village Green for commercial advertisements and that there be voluntary compliance with the various ordinances and other rules prohibiting these activities. The motion was seconded and passed with one abstention. 3.5 17633 Castellammare. There will be a hearing of our appeal of Zoning Administrator’s Approval of a Coastal Permit on Wednesday, October 30th after 4:30 p.m. at 11214 W. Exposition Blvd. 3.6 11711 Revello. There will be a hearing regarding geologic issues at the Department of Building and Safety, 201 N. Figueroa on Wednesday, October 30th, after 9:30 a.m. The Chair requested that Barbara Kohn look into this. 4. Old Business. 4.1 A report on Mansionization that had previously been distributed by Frank Wilson and published in the Palisadian Post was again brought up for discussion. After lengthy discussion, especially from the audience, the report was sent back to the Mansionization Committee, by unanimous vote of the Board, for further consideration of five issues, namely: the definition of a “major remodel;” to consider “second story setback;” to consider “height envelope;” the definition of “enclosed space;” beight limitations, especially as related to existing hillside and other codes and ordinances and CC&Rs. Additional volunteers were solicited from the Board and audience to work with the Mansionization Committee. A meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 15th, at the home of Patty Burns, 15312 McKendree, at 7 p.m. Five members of the audience indicated on the sign-in sheet that they would like to work with the Committee. 4.2 Straw votes were taken to tentatively approve or reject proposed amendments to the PPCC Bylaws:
The remaining bylaws proposed changes which were deferred will be taken up at our October 25th meeting. 5. New Business. Larry Jacobs moved and the Board approved that we may hire a person to take minutes of our meetings on those occasions when our Secretary is absent and when sufficient funds are available in our Treasury for that purpose. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 p.m. The next meeting of the PPCC Board will be held at Mort’s Oak Room on October 25th at 7 p.m. Minutes submitted by Acting Secretary Larry Jacobs. _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 4th 2001[Names of members in attendance not recorded.]
2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meeting of September 13, 2001 were adopted without change. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. Patti Post reported that there is $10,916.19 in the PPCC checking account and $4,750.21 in the savings account. 3.2 Participating in discussions about cable service currently provided by the City’s contracting agency. The Chair announced that he received notice that focus groups will be formed to discuss the current city cable service. George Wolfberg contacted Diane Cunningham about the workshops and was appointed to head the committee to attend a workshop along with Isabel Kayser. 3.3 City Hearing on Secession set for October 27, 2001. The Chair announced that this hearing will be conducted to discuss and provide an opportunity for objection to the harbor and valley proposals to secede from the city of Los Angeles. The hearing is set for October 27, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. and will be held at the downtown DWP building. The Chair distributed information to those who were interested in attending. 3.4 U.C.L.A. Program in Pacific Palisades Regarding Hearing Loss. Frances Miranda, a U.C.L.A. audiologist, will discuss hearing loss and strategies to decrease communication barriers in the environment on October 12, 2001 at 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. at the Methodist Church in Pacific Palisades, 801 Via De La Paz. For reservations call (800) 516-5323. 3.5 Report on Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Meeting. The Chair and Jack Allen attended this meeting on September 29, 2001. Janice Hahn gave a moving speech during which she expressed her support for the formation of neighborhood councils, whether certified or not. The application form to become certified as a neighborhood council was revised and the chair emailed the revised application to all board members. Jack noted that the Palisades Post had misquoted him in a recent editorial and that he had in fact previously stated that our community council was very successful as a community forum but only moderately successful in terms of its ability to influence city action. 3.6 Ground Breaking Ceremony for Santa Monica U.C.L.A. Medical Center. On October 14, 2001, at 1:00 p.m., there will be a groundbreaking ceremony for this new center at the U.C.L.A. Medical Center in Santa Monica at 16th and Wilshire. There will also be free health screenings offered to the public. 3.7 Stop Signs. The issue of the failure to provide the public with notice concerning the installation of stop signs in the Palisades was discussed. Apparently, there is a difference between the procedures used to implement speed bumps and stop signs. It is the Chair and other board members recollection that Mo from the department of Transportation had been requested, and promised, that they would provide the council with notice of any pending speed bumps and/or stop signs so that there would be an opportunity for public discussion. On this occasion, stop signs were erected in Stuart Muller’s district. 3.8 Ted Mackie and others noted that there are three streets in the Palisades that do not have striping (Bienveneda, Chautauqua and Sunset). Apparently, the city has three different contractors to complete each of the three phases necessary to repave the streets, which leads to the delay in completion of the paving project, including striping. Motion: A motion was made by Larry Niles and seconded that the Chair write a letter to the DOT requesting that the council be provided with notice of any pending plans to erect stop signs and any other modifications to city streets that affect traffic and that the City Councilwoman be cc’d on the letter to the DOT. The Motion passed unanimously with Barry Kurtz abstaining from the vote. 3.9 DONE Workshops. Because of the pending application process to become certified as a neighborhood council, the city is holding workshops to: 1) answer questions about the application process; 2) help prospective neighborhood councils complete the application form and 3) facilitate a networking session amongst prospective councils. Jack Allen plans to attend the workshop. 3.10 Bel Air Bay Club. The City Zoning Administrator issued findings on this renovation project. The Chair will get a copy of the findings. The bike path remains a contingency issue and the club has been cooperative in terms of granting an easement on their property to allow bikes to travel across its parking lot. A bike path is necessary because more shoulder is needed along PCH so that bikers are not forced to ride on a lane of the highway. All agree that it is a good idea but one of the problems with installing a bike path has to do with the fact that three separate governmental entities own or have easements on the subject property. Cal Trans does not want to take the lead on the project but the City of Los Angeles may do so. Barry Kurtz attended a meeting with the club and other representatives and, in an effort to resolve these bureaucratic issues, will attempt to have the matter placed before Senator Kuehl’s PCH Task force. Debbie Dyner of the city has taken an active roll in working towards the installation of a bike path. She noted that while the request for funding of the path was denied, she has been working through Zev Yaroslovsky’s office to find ways to make the bike path more competitive so that the next time the project comes up for review; it will have a greater chance of passage. 3.11 LAX EIR Comments. The City’s mayor asked for an extension for comments re: the Environmental Impact Report. The hearings have been re-scheduled and if anyone would like to find out when the hearings will be held, they should contact the mayor’s office or Arthur Mortell. 3.12 Comments on Gym and Recreation Center. Stuart Muller noted that there has been a failure by the contractor to complete and/or repair this center. This failure has caused damage to the infrastructure of the building and the area surrounding the building. There remain several problems, including the sewer system that continues to back up and many portions of the project that remain incomplete or have been completed by using “shoddy” construction methods. Stuart also expressed concerns regarding the new library and recommend that the construction be closely monitored. Debbie Dyner noted that a different system is used for the construction of libraries in the city and that there have been no problems with the construction or renovation of libraries with this system. Stuart provided Ms. Dyner with a copy of the report regarding the Palisades project and a copy is attached to these minutes. Ms. Dyner further noted that there have been problems with the contractor used to renovate park and recreation facilities and it was agreed in principle that the this city department should only work on running the parks, not in the area of construction or the hiring of contractors. The city council is to discuss this issue in the future. George Wolfberg will head a committee, along with Stuart Muller and Kurt Toppel, which will look into the issues noted above concerning the park and gym facilities. 3.13 17633 Castellammare. Jack Allen stated that an appeal has been filed concerning this project but he has not heard anything about it yet because he has not received any written notice of a pending hearing or the reports to have an independent geologist review them. The owner of the property asked for a continuance to respond to the concerns of the city concerning grading at the site. On October 1, 2001, a neighbor stuck water at 10 feet while drilling boring holes, evidencing the fact that more review of the geology of the area is necessary prior to the granting of any permits to the owner of the property. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Continue Consideration of Proposed Changes to the Bylaws. Discussion: The Board considered the maps as provided to the board and audience by Randy Young. Present from the Brentwood council were Ms. Flora Gil Krisiloff and Ms. Loretta Ditlow. There remained issues concerning area 8 and what portion of it is in the PPCC jurisdiction and what portion of area 8 is in the Brentwood jurisdiction. Randy Young will conduct additional research and further discussion with members of the Brentwood council and report back to the council. It was also agreed that verbalization of the maps to be included into the bylaws could not be performed until the final maps are agreed upon. 4.2 DONE Letter. The Board’s letter to DONE containing questions regarding the certification process and membership was revised after opportunity to review the letter and make comment was had. Larry Jacobs, Jack Allen and the chair will discuss the concerns and additional questions proposed by Larry Jacobs and will send the final letter out. A copy of the draft letter is attached to the minutes [note: attachment not included/unavailable]. 5. New Business. 5.1 Consideration of whether California registered historical landmark #881 relating to the site of Port Los Angeles, a pier which was previously located in Pacific Palisades, should be moved to accommodate the redevelopment and renovation of beach facilities at Will Rogers Beach. This discussion was taken off calendar and will likely be discussed in November because the Board has not been able to reach city representatives to have them present at the Board meeting to discuss the proposal. 5.2 Consideration of the relationship between the Pacific Palisades Community Foundation and the Pacific Palisades Community Council and whether the Council should incorporate the functions of the Foundation as part of the Council. The Chair introduced Mr. Bob Schibel, founder and past president of the PPCC. He discussed why the Foundation was established some 30 years ago as a method to raise money and permit the donations to be tax deductible without encountering problems related to lobbying efforts. Mr. Schibel also thanked the Board and community for continuing to support his founding efforts and giving the public a means to express its concerns over the years. He further noted that the laws concerning non-profit associations and tax deductions have changed over the years and it is the current consensus that the existence of the Foundation is no longer necessary. The Chair noted that there is a new form “5768” which is filed on an annual basis and provides that if 25% of the funds are used for lobbying, the tax-exempt status of contributions remain intact. Ron Dean, the board’s legal advisor, agreed with the opinion of the Chair and others concerning the fact that the existence of the Foundation is superfluous. Motion. Larry Niles made the following motion, which was seconded: “That the PPCC Foundation merge with the PPCC. That after the Board of the Directors of the Foundation resign, the Board of the PPCC will become the Board of Directors of the Foundation. And, that the Articles of Incorporation of the Foundation become the Articles of Incorporation of the PPCC.” The motion was unanimously approved. 5.3 Marquez Market Liquor License. Mr. Bob Shields was present to discuss his opposition to the proposed application of the market to obtain a license to sell hard liquor, along with the beer and wine already being sold at the market. Mr. Shields is opposed to the grant of the license because the area is densely populated with children, that the market is across the street from a private school, near a bus stop where children board the bus, and because the area is visited by workers who may consume hard alcohol at or near the premises. There was discussion concerning how far away liquor could be sold from schools and also the area to which a notice is sent regarding a pending permit to sell liquor in a primarily residential area. Also present at the meeting was Ms. Mayaei-Khoury, sister of the owner of the Marquez market who noted that her brother is very cautious in his sales of alcohol to persons who look even close to being within the legal age to purchase liquor. She also noted that her brother could not be present at the meeting because he had to work and that he was a young man trying to make a living. The market has available copies of the notices of the public hearing if anyone is interested in attending. Motion. Stuart Muller made a motion, which was seconded by Isabel Kayser as follows: “That the Council take no position on this particular issue.” The motion passed unanimously. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting will be at Mort’s Oak Room on Thursday, October 11 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by Secretary Lisa Maki _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 13th 2001Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meeting of August 23, 2001 were adopted with the following changes: Page 4: Article 2, section 2 (add in paragraph F) – see 4th paragraph from bottom Page 5: 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. Patti Post reported that there is $10,961.19 in the PPCC checking account and $4,750.21 in the savings account. 3.2 All Way Stop Signs. The proposal for all way stop signs at De Pauw and Via De La Paz has been turned down by the city because the intersection does not meet the necessary standards for the installation of additional signs. 3.3 LAX. The meeting of the coalition to form a truly regional airport plan has been postponed. 3.4 LA Citywide Alliance of Neighborhood Councils. This organization will meet on Saturday to discuss topics such as the City Ethics Ordinance and the Brown Act. Jack Allen will attend and is participating in a panel discussion at the meeting. 3.5 Ballona Wetlands. Isabel Kayser of Theatre Palisades announced that the films “Ballona Wetlands, The Ongoing Struggle 2000-2001” and “The Last Stand-The Struggle for Ballona Wetlands, Update 2000” will be shown this Sunday, September 23, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. at the Theatre Palisades. Tickets are $5.00. 3.6 Grants-Jobs. The Chair announced that the State has made available grants for jobs for non-profit organizations in the area. Anyone who is interested in these materials should contact the Chair. 3.7 30-Year Anniversary. Randy Young announced that the council will celebrate its 30-year anniversary in 2002. The chair appointed Randy Young as the chair of the celebration committee, which also includes Isabel Kayser, Stuart Muller and Kurt Toppel. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Continue Consideration of Proposed Changes to the Bylaws. Discussion: The Chair stated that the Board would continue going through the bylaws, article by article. Article V, Sec.3. Executive Committee: Paragraph C: The Board tentatively concluded that the first sentence should read: “Only an officer of the Council or other person designated by the Chair or Council…” Article VI, Duties of Officers: Sec. C. Secretary. The Board tentatively concluded that the first sentence should read: “The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the ‘Membership’ and of the Board in the appropriate books.” The Board tentatively concluded that the last sentence should be deleted. Sec. D. Treasurer. The Board tentatively concluded that the following should be added to section D. “The Board shall from time to time adopt standing rules re: check signing and reporting policies.” The Board tentatively concluded that the following should be added to the last sentence: “and shall maintain financial records as required by federal, state and local laws.” Remaining changes to Sec. 4 were deferred until a future time when the Board discusses standing rules for the Treasurer. Other issues include the Treasurer’s reprting requirements, (oral or written, every meeting, quarterly, annually). The Board also discussed the necessity of the sentence which reads, “No special fund may be set aside that shall make it unnecessary for the Treasurer to sign checks issued upon it.” The Board also discussed existing check signing policies. Article VII: Election of Officers Sec. 1. Nominating Committee: The Board tentatively concluded that the last sentence should read: “The Chair shall not be a member of the nominating committee.” The Board also discussed whether the committee should, “meet in person to select and approve a list of candidates” or whether the committee could meet telephonically. This issue was deferred. Section. 3. Election. Paragraph C. The Board discussed what should be done if there were ties in the votes cast and thereby no one candidate received a majority. One suggestion was that there should be a coin flip. This issue was deferred. 5. New Business. 5.1 Discussion with representatives of L.A.P.D. regarding traffic concerns and the measures being taken to alleviate those concerns. This will include a discussion of traffic enforcement and deployment of L.A.P.D. resources. This discussion was taken off calendar because of the tragic events of 9-11-01 and the need for the L.A.P.D. representatives to attend to City security. 5.2 Consideration of whether California registered historical landmark #881 relating to the site of Port Los Angeles, a pier which was previously located in Pacific Palisades, should be moved to accommodate the redevelopment and renovation of beach facilities at Will Rogers Beach. This discussion was taken off calendar because city representatives were unable to attend the PPCC meeting. 5.3 Consideration of whether an antique and collectibles market should be established on Via de la Paz once a month during the same hours as the farmers market. Jennifer McComb, founder of the Palisades’ Farmers Market, was present to discuss the proposal and gauge the support level of the board for an antique and collectibles market on Sundays, most likely on Via de La Paz. According to Jennifer, the Chamber of Commerce is neutral on the issue and the storekeepers she spoke to were in favor of the market to bolster sales at existing shops on Via and to allow the shopkeepers another forum to sell their wares. Some Board members expressed concern with parking and traffic issues. Some Board members recommended trying the market out to see if it fit the needs of the community. Other potential locations for the market were discussed. The general consensus was for Ms. McComb to come back to the Board with a more specific proposal. For example, where would patrons park, where would trucks park, when would the market be open, who would be allowed to sell antiques and collectibles and what would be deemed to be an antique or collectible. 5.4 Consideration of whether organizations should be requested to keep the same representatives until we conclude discussion of the proposed bylaws changes. Normally, prior to October 1, the Chair would send out letters to organizations to find out whether they would like to have a representative on the Board. Since the Board is in the process of revising the bylaws, bringing in new representatives could delay the bylaw process review, as the new members would have to get up to speed on the revisions and the bylaws committee would have to reform and re-review the bylaws. Randy Young agreed but noted that any suspension of the bylaws should be limited and a time set to ensure that the new bylaws were passed within the next two months. Therefore, a Motion was passed, with one dissenting vote, as follows: “We move to suspend Article 6 & Section 1 A and Section 2 A of the bylaws up to and including November 1, 2001, insofar as the terms of the organizational representatives are concerned.” Map. The “description” of the boundaries of the territory included in the PPCC jurisdiction was discussed. It was agreed that the map needed to be re-drawn and that the boundaries of the Palisades should also be described in text. Randy Young will produce a map, Stuart Muller will draft the text and along with Jack Allen, the three will present the new “description” of the boundaries of the territory to the Board. Frank Wilson distributed a report from the Mansionizing Committee which is attached to the minutes [note: attachment not included/unavailable]. A Board member stated that the committee had not unanimously approved the report. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting will be at Mort’s Oak Room on Thursday, October 4, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by Secretary Lisa Maki _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR AUGUST 23rd 2001Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors):
The Chairman announced that Randy Young is the new Historical Society Alternate replacing Helen Cutler. 2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meeting of July 26, 2001 were adopted with the following changes: 2.1 – The correct spelling of the name of the postmistress is “Liz Stempson.” 3.8 – Replace last 3 sentences with: He then learned from Vice-Principal Charlotte Atlas that the banners were placed on the fence at the corner of Sunset and Temescal without authorization and that, on learning of our inquiry, she had instructed the parties that had put up the banners to remove them by that noon. The only banner remaining by mid-afternoon was one directly related to summer activities at the High School. Our thanks to Ms. Atlas for her prompt and effective action. 5.1 – Change “Temescal Canyon Residents Association” to “Temescal Canyon Association.” Page 4, First full paragraph, second sentence, add the words “Department of Recreation and Parks after the word “Los Angeles”. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. Harry Sondheim reported in lieu of Patti Post’s absence that as of August 13, 2001, there is $10,186.19 in the PPCC checking account and $4,747.19 in the savings account. We are waiting to receive the billing for the cost of printing the newsletter. The council continues to receive contributions by mail and the response to the most recent newsletter is higher than in years past. 3.2 Update on 222 Coperto. At the July 26, 2001 meeting, Jack Allen reported that our geological report on 222 Coperto was considered by the City. The City sided with the views of its own geologist which will permit the contractor to complete the project. Jack Allen recommended that the Board agree to a settlement proposal with the property owner rather than argue the Coastal Commission Appeal. The Board failed to approve the settlement proposal. At the August Coastal Commission Hearing, Frank Wilson argued the Appeal before the coastal commission. Also present to testify were Norma Spak and Kim Coleman, an architect and adjacent property owner. Ms. Coleman testified that there were 13,000 cubic yards of earth removed from the site. Despite Mr. Michael’s report and the testimony against the permit, the Coastal Commission voted 8-1 to approve it. Because of the close vote on this issue at the last meeting, the Chair announced that in the future, when there is a close vote, the Board will conduct a roll call vote. The Secretary has prepared roll call vote sheets to better tally and announce close votes. 3.3 Theatre Palisades. Isabel Kayser reported that Agatha Christie’s play, “Towards Zero,” opens this Friday and runs through September 29, 2001. There are also classic movies screened at the Theatre on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. If anyone is interested in tickets, they can call the Theatre Palisades box office. 3.4 New Street Lights. Larry Jacobs reported that the street lights at Sunset and Muskingum are not being lit because the adjacent property owners have to pay for the lighting. The Chair recommended that Larry contact Cindy Miscikowski’s office to ascertain what is the City’s policy regarding street lights. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Shall the Pacific Palisades Community Council Seek to Become a Neighborhood Council pursuant to the City’s Plan for Neighborhood Councils? The Chair began discussion of the issue by presenting the Board’s 3 options: 1) To Vote to Seek Certification to Become a Neighborhood Council; 2) To Vote not to Seek Certification to Become a Neighborhood Council; and 3) To Refrain from Deciding the Issue at this Time. Discussion: Some Board members noted that there was no need to rush to seek certification because groups cannot formally do so until October 1, 2001. A decision to “wait and see” made sense to some because (1) the Board would have the opportunity to see how our new city council utilizes the views of neighborhood councils, (2) the Board could obtain further interpretations of the law governing neighborhood councils from the City Attorney, and (3) the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (“DONE”) would be given the opportunity to respond to questions by our Board and other concerned persons regarding the definitions of terms and concepts in the plan. For example, the Board discussed Jack Allen’s concerns over the conflict of interest rules and the possibility of having to disclose personal assets if one were on the Board of a Neighborhood Council, along with concerns regarding the definition of “stakeholder.” Richard Blumenberg noted that another group in the Palisades might seek certification prior to the existing community council. Resident Lara Schwartz, a prosecutor for the city and resident of the Palisades stated that she did not want the Board to make a hurried decision and also did not want the Palisades to appear snobbish to others if the Board decides not to seek certification. Marguerite Perkins Mautner noted that the Palisades does not have the same problems and issues as other areas of the City. Gershon Lewis, a 28 year resident and Ernie Meadows opined that the Palisades council should consider certification to provide DONE and the other Neighborhood councils with our experience and expertise. Lorraine Oshins echoed these concerns and noted that the newly formed Neighborhood Councils might prevent the cessation of certain areas of the city, i.e., the Valley and San Pedro, and create more unity in the city by bringing communities together. Jack Allen responded that we have given DONE so much already and that the problem is not with DONE; it is with the new city council. Stuart Muller brought up the idea of deferring the issue with no comment. Larry Jacobs, Frank Wilson and others discussed the possibility of putting the Board’s concerns in writing to DONE and to discuss the issue of certification when the Board receives a response to the letter. Motion: Larry Niles made a Motion, Seconded by Lisa Maki, as follows: “Because the Board requires further information in order to make its decision as to whether or not the Pacific Palisades Community Council should seek certification as a Neighborhood Council, individual Board members and the public are invited to submit their questions and concerns to the executive committee within the next two (2) weeks so that they may be compiled in letter format and brought back to the Board for review at the Board’s September 13, 2001 or October 4, 2001 meeting. The letter will, in accordance with the Board’s views, be revised, if necessary, and sent to DONE. After a response is received, the Board will take the certification issue up again.” The Motion passed with 13 in favor and 1 opposed. 4.2 Begin Consideration of Proposed Changes to the Bylaws. Harry Sondheim reported that he received input regarding changes from himself, Bill Bruns, Larry Jacobs, Ted Mackie and Patti Post. The views expressed by Board members regarding changes are deemed to be “straw votes” since the proposed changes have to be read at two (2) meetings and then voted on. The Chair noted that he has concerns with a portion of the bylaws insofar as the bylaws may have to take into account the relationship of the Community Council to the Pacific Palisades Community Foundation, but that this would be discussed at a future meeting. He also reported that Randy Young and Kurt Toppel, together with the Chair, had reviewed the proposed changes to the bylaws and corrected typographical errors that were pointed out by Board members. Jack Allen noted that he disagreed with some of the changes which were designated as typos. The Chair announced that once Jack has an opportunity to integrate these typos into the draft presently possessed by the Board, the Board would consider Jack’s disagreements. Discussion: The Chair proposed that the Board go through the bylaws, article by article. Article 1: Foundation – to be discussed at a future meeting. Article 2: The word “mission.” This will be discussed when the Board discusses the Foundation issue in Article 1. Article 2, section 2, paragraph C: The consensus of the Board was to delete paragraph C as this view was tentatively unanimous. Article 2, section 2: The Board discussed the language involving the council’s support of state ballot measures or other proposed laws. Jack Allen recommended a policy of not getting involved in state ballot measures or similar issues. Others recommended consideration on a case by case basis. There was no motion and the language remains the same. Article 2, section 2: Larry Jacobs requested changing the word “support” to “in support of” and made a motion to change this language. The motion was not seconded and the language remains the same. Article 2, section 2, paragraph F: Ted Makie requested that the word “vital” be deleted. Patti Post recommended that the entire paragraph be deleted as it leads to acrimony. There was discussion about changing the word “vital” to “substantial”. Bill Snyder suggested that paragraph F be deleted and this was the tentative unanimous view of the Board. Article 3: “Definition of the Pacific Palisades” Ted Mackie and Larry Jacobs requested that a legible map be attached to the bylaws. Stuart Muller requested a written description. The issue was deferred until Randy Young is present at the Board meeting to assist with the discussion of this issue. Article 4: Definition of Palisades Community Council. Ted Mackie stated that the definition was too broad. Jack Allen recommended leaving the definition as is until the Board decides whether or not to seek certification from DONE. The issue was deferred and will be discussed in conjunction with the discussion of the issue of the foundation, see article 1. Article 5, section 3, paragraph C: “Board of Governors.” There was discussion about adding the language to allow the Chair to take action, in addition to the current language which allows an officer of the Board or a person designated by the Council. This issue was deferred until the Board discusses Article VI which deals with powers of the Chair. Larry Jacobs brought up the issue of term limits. This issue was deferred until the Board discusses Article VII, section 3.C and Article VIII, section 2. 4.3 Update on 17633 Castellammare. At our last meeting, Jack Allen reported that this property presents a Geological hazard as confirmed by Mr. Michaels, the geologist hired by surrounding property owners. The city abandoned the maintenance of Castellammare without notice to the property owners and took the streets out of public use, although the city is still required to perform minor repairs to the road. The City cannot use State funds to repave the street. On August 17, 2001, Jack Allen received notice that the Zoning Administrator granted the permit. A copy of Jack Allen’s report is attached to the minutes. In so doing, Jack Allen noted that the Zoning Administrator should have either suspended a decision on the permit or deny the Coastal Development Permit because a serious public controversy has arisen over this development and because an expert opinion had been submitted on the geological issues. The homeowners and PPRA plan to file an appeal and PPRA will likely pay the cost of the appeal ($71.00). Motion: Gil Dembo made a Motion, seconded by Lisa Maki, that the Board join in the Appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s decision to grant the Coastal Development Permit for the property located at 17633 Castellammare. The Motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. 4.4 PRIDE. Larry Niles reported that the project at Monument between Sunset and Swarthmore has been funded and work will commence shortly. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m. The next meeting will be at Mort’s Oak Room on Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by Secretary Lisa Maki _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR JULY 26th 2001Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. Chairman Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the reading of the Purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and Audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meeting of June 28, 2001 were adopted without change. The Chair also announced that the postmistress, Liz Stempson has given authorization for the PPCC to post its minutes and agenda at the post office and the PPCC thanks her for her cooperation and assistance. She is in the process of getting a bulletin board for this purpose. Some residents responded to the Newsletter’s request for expressions of interest in PPCC issues. Larry Jacobs had summarized the requests and distributed them to Area Representatives who were reminded by the Chair to keep these residents informed in advance of the discussion of these issues at PPCC Board meetings 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. Harry Sondheim reported in lieu of Patti Post’s absence that as of July 26, 2001, there is $10,471.19 in the PPCC checking account and $4,744.16 in the savings account. The Chair noted that we should not get too excited about the higher balance in the checking account as the Board has not yet been billed for the cost of printing of the newsletter. The response rate to the newsletter is much higher than in years past. Barbara Kohn asked that the Board remember to cost printers prior to the printing of the next newsletter to which the Chair responded that this is what will be done. 3.2 Update of YMCA Acquisition of Property in Temescal Canyon. Harry Sondheim reported that the Board will not send a representative to further meetings concerning the acquisition of the property. He advised the councilwoman’s office to notify him if and when the parties reach a tentative agreement. The executive committee determined that it was not necessary to have a Board member present at the meetings held to negotiate a settlement of the ongoing property dispute because the Board is not a party to this dispute. It will become important to obtain community input into the issue when an agreement is imminent. This issue will be placed upon the agenda if and when a tentative agreement amongst the parties is reached. 3.3 Update on 17633 Castellammare. Jack Allen reported that this property presents a Geological hazard as confirmed by Mr. Michaels, the geologist hired by surrounding property owners. The city abandoned the maintenance of Castellammare without notice to the property owners and took the streets out of public use, although the city is still required to perform minor repairs to the road. The City cannot use State funds to repave the street. 3.4 Update on City’s General Framework Plan. Jack Allen reported that the PLUM Committee recommended the adoption of a statement of overriding considerations. Jack believes this presents problems for the City due to internal inconsistencies in the plan. He hopes that the council will take a second look at the statement and opined that the matter will likely end up in court. Our councilwoman tried to take the position that there be some sort of finding of infrastructure to support new development. This position was rejected. 3.5 Youth Representative. Harry Sondheim reported that the Chris Martin sent a letter to the Council resigning his position as the Board’s Youth representative. Chris is leaving the State to attend college. The current Youth alternate, Ryan McGranahan, was welcomed as the new Youth representative. 3.6 Extension of Bike Path. The Chair, pursuant to prior Board approval, wrote letters to supervisors Yaroslavsky, Burke and Knabe, indicating the Board’s support of the project. George Wolfberg reported that he attended the MTA hearing on this issue. There was a 900 million-dollar call for projects by the MTA but only a small portion is allocated to the construction and/or repair of bikeways. Yaroslavsky did not make a motion to approve the extension of the bike path although he tried to get the general manager to agree to put funds together by the year 2003 on an interim basis. 3.7 Public Information Officer. Harry Sondheim reported that Board member Maurizio Vecchione has accepted this position to develop outreach and create greater awareness of the Board’s activities and community involvement. 3.8 Banners at Palisades High School. Larry Jacobs, representative of Area 4 which includes the High School, contacted council woman Miscikowski’s office and found that the city has no authority over the placement of banners at the High School. He then learned from Vice Principal Charlotte Atlas that the banners were placed on the fence without authorization and that, on learning of our inquiry, she had instructed the parties that had put up the banners to remove them by that noon. The only banner remaining by mid-afternoon was one directly related to summer activities at the High School. Our thanks to Ms. Atlas for her prompt and effective action. 3.9 Date of Second Meeting in September. Harry Sondheim reported that the Board’s September 27, 2001 meeting will be moved to October 4, 2001 because September 27, 2001 is a Jewish holiday and the only persons authorized by the bylaws to preside at Board meetings will not be available on that date either because of the holiday or for other personal reasons. The only meeting in September will be held on September 13, 2001. There will also be meetings on October 11th and October 25th. 3.10 Flood Plain Management Plan. Harry Sondheim reported that this plan has been released for public comment. If anyone is interested in the plan they should contact Stuart Muller. The plan may be reviewed on the Internet at 4. New Business. 4.1 Further Consideration of the Application of the Calvary Christian Church to Establish a Sports Field. Some of the Background: On June 24, 1999, the PPCC Board approved this proposal in concept since it would promote more recreational space for use not only by the Church, but also the community. Thereafter the City negotiated a Shared Use Agreement which provided for limited public use of the playing field during specified times and dates. When the matter came before the Coastal Commission, the staff of the Commission recommended that the fields by made available for public use until 9 p.m. after school hours or after church services and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Both the original Shared Use Agreement and the staff recommendations are opposed by PPRA. This opposition is based in part (a) on the fact that the sports field would encroach past the “urban limit line” established by the original permit for the area on which the field would be placed, (b) on the fact that public land would be granted to a private organization and (c) on the contention that, while the Staff’s proposal “is a nominal improvement, but unlikely to make an effective difference.” On the other hand, the Sea Ridge Homeowners Association, “agreed in principle to the limited use and conditions” set forth in the approval plans dated January 28, 2000 from the City of Los Angeles, Office of Zoning Administration,” but opposes the “California Coastal Commission’s Staff Report that the proposed sports field be opened as a public park.” DISCUSSION OF THE ISSUE AT THE 7/26/01 BOARD MEETING: Jim Wadsworth of the Church stated that he had been working on the project for the past four years and that he had obtained approval from the neighbors and various homeowners’ associations, including Sea Ridge, to proceed with the development of the sports field. The field is planned to encompass approximately 32,000 square feet. One of the main issues is the fact that 45 percent of this land is City property. The City has agreed to lease the land to the Church for 25 years. The Church has agreed to limit the use of the field to after school use, all week. On Friday’s, the Church will allow AYSO and the YMCA to use the field. In the summer, the YMCA will use the field for a camp. The Cub Scouts will also be allowed to use the field on two Saturdays per year and there will be limited Saturday and Sunday use by the school. Mr. Wadsworth stated that the construction of the field would pull kids out of the Palisades Park facilities and keep more children on campus after school which will result in less traffic in the area. Mr. Wadsworth has attended four public hearings concerning the shared use agreement with the city. The Church needs Coastal Commission approval to proceed with the project. The problem with the Coastal Commission is that the staff of the Commission recommends “turning it into a public park” by opening the use to more organizations and requiring additional parking and restroom facilities. The Church is not happy with the Coastal Commission staff report because the Church made a promise to the neighbors concerning the limited use of the sports field that the Church would not break. Therefore, if Coastal requires the “open” use of the sports field, the Church will not build it. Mr. Wadsworth requested that the Board re-affirm its prior approval of the sports field concept, as set forth in the Board’s June 24, 1999 minutes which were re-distributed to the Board for its review. The June 24, 1999 minutes state in pertinent part that: “The Calvary Church, represented by Jim Wadsworth, homeowner and member of the church, presented a well prepared outline with maps of their plans for additional playing field space. Mr. Wadsworth answered, in response to Board member questions, matters concerning parking and also use by the city of the playing fields being developed…A Motion was made that the Council approve the plan in concept and applaud any efforts to promote more availability of recreation space but in particular this effort made by Calvary Church. The motion passed unanimously.” (See, Board Minutes of 6/24/99, section 4.1.) [Note: meeting minutes prior to 2001 unavailable.] Mr. Wadsworth also distributed the June 8, 2001 letter to the Coastal Commission by councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski, stating her support of the project. A copy of this letter is attached to the minutes. Also attached to the minutes are the Shared Use Agreement between the City and the Calvary Church of Pacific Palisades, Inc., the Coastal Commission Staff Report and the June 8, 2001 letter by Ellen Oppenheim, General Manager of the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks to the Coastal Commission which supports the project and opposes the Coastal Commission Staff Report. BOARD DISCUSSION: Barbara Kohn raised the issue of the “urban limit line.” She stated that the proposal violates the 1981 agreement entered into by WATT INDUSTRIES and PPRA. The subject property was eventually purchased by the City and the Church and they are the successors and bound by the terms of the agreement. The core issue is what uses of the City owned property (that which falls beyond the limit line) are permissible. It is important to note that the Council was not aware of the limit line issue when it extended its approval of the concept of the sports field, nor was the Sea Ridge Board. Mr. Wadsworth did not become aware of the “limit line” issue until about one year ago. The PPRA and WATT INDUSTRIES agreement defines what uses are available but the paragraph is subject to interpretation. Some Board members opined that the Church’s proposal violates the agreement while others, including the councilwoman’s office, believe that the agreement would permit the proposed use, however not the open use as recommended by the Coastal Commission staff. Mr. Wadsworth agreed that the Church is bound by the terms of the agreement. Ted Mackie noted that he was concerned that the Church did not raise the issue of the limit line when it made its June 1999 presentation to the Board. Others supported the sports field because it would increase the current usable field and recreation space in the community. PPRA POSITION: Bob Locker stated that PPRA was opposed to the Church’s current proposal on the grounds that Barbara Kohn mentioned. He stated that there are also issues of the separation of church and state, and whether a publicly leased facility can discriminate as to which groups are allowed to use it. Mr. Wadsworth stated that PPRA attorney John Murdoch indicated that he saw no problem with the fields and Mr. Locker said that he can’t imagine Mr. Murdoch making such a statement at all and at least not without first consulting with PPRA. TRAFFIC ISSUES: Barry Kurtz and Paul Glasgall, chair of the traffic committee, brought up the ongoing and presently unresolved traffic problems caused by the Church and school. The Chair stated that this issue would have to be placed on a future agenda as the public had to be notified prior to any discussion and vote. CITIZEN COMMENT: Those present to discuss the sports field did not appear to favor it. However, Barbara Kohn noted that she had received one letter of support for the field. A letter from Barbara Manaugh opposing the project was read, in part. There were also letters opposing the project from Paul and Evelyn Nankivell, Susan Ornstean and Patrick Robinson. Lawrence Stewart of the Miramar Homeowners’ Association stated that his organization was opposed to the project. The Nankivell family expressed concerns over issues of geological stability, destruction of the natural habitat and animals, appropriation of public lands for private use and concerns with liability issues. The above persons also stated that they were not notified of the proposed project until quite recently. Nancy Hope and Laura Snyder, representatives from the Sea Ridge Condominiums’ Association, were present. They noted that the Association had supported the fields as per the Church’s limited agreement but they were not aware of the limit line issue when the Association was asked for their support. MOTIONS: After much discussion, three motions were made and voted upon: Kurt Toppel moved that the Board re-affirm its support of the proposal as set forth in the Board’s 6/24/99 minutes, oppose the Coastal Commission Staff recommendation concerning the hours and times of usage of the sports field, subject to the legal resolution of the urban limit line issue. The Motion did not carry with 9 in favor and 8 opposed. Ted Mackie moved that the Board oppose the Coastal Commission Staff recommendation. The Motion passed with 12 votes in favor and 5 opposed. Lisa Maki moved that the Board withdraw its support of the proposal as set forth in the Board’s 6/24/99 minutes. The Motion did not carry with 8 in favor, 5 opposed and 4 abstaining from the vote. Based on the above, the Chair stated that he would write a letter to the Coastal Commission stating that the Board opposes the Staff recommendation of the Coastal Commission and that the Board neither supports nor opposes the Church’s proposed development of the playing fields at the Calvary Church. 4.2 Shall the PPCC seek to become a Neighborhood Council pursuant to the City’s Plan for Neighborhood Councils? This issue will be discussed at the next meeting. The Board lacked time to discuss it after a lengthy discussion of issue the proposed Calvary Church sports field. 5. Old Business. 5.1 Community Thanks For Trimming the Ivy Around the Mural on Temescal Canyon Road. Ted Mackie reported that he asked Johnson Tree company to provide the Temescal Canyon Association with a quote to conduct trimming around this mural because the Association’s members can no longer physically perform the work. Johnson Tree company did the trimming free of charge. The Board thanked Johnson Tree Company for performing this valuable service to the community and the Chair noted that he hoped that others would be encouraged by this act of community service and kindness. 5.2 Revision of Minutes Page on Website & When Should the Council Post Minutes on the Website? Ted Mackie reported that he revised the Council’s Website so that the public can index the Board’s past minutes using key search terms and by means of the Microsoft browser and the keys “Ctrl-F.” A Motion was made that the minutes be posted on the Website prior to the Board’s vote to approve the minutes, as long as they are reviewed by the Chair and Ted Mackie. The Motion was seconded and was unanimously passed. 5.3 Update on 222 Coperto – Jack Allen. Jack Allen reported that our geological report on 222 Coperto was considered by the City. The City sided with the views of its own geologist which will permit the contractor to complete the project. Mr. Allen met with the property owner and his attorney and came up with a settlement proposal concerning the Board’s pending appeal before the Coastal Commission. The proposal is that the Board would withdraw its opposition to the plan if: -The developer would reimburse the Board for the $1,700.00 paid to Geologist Mr. Michaels; -The property owner would agree to conduct annual maintenance of the property; and -The property owner would install a drainage system on the top of the property. A Motion was made and seconded by Richard Blumenberg that the Board accept the property owner’s settlement proposal and withdraw its opposition to the project. The Motion failed with 10 votes in favor, 4 opposed and 3 abstentions.Jack Allen noted that he would not argue the appeal before the Coastal Commission and Frank Wilson agreed to appear in his place. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting will be at Mort’s Oak Room on Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by Secretary Lisa Maki _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR JUNE 28th 2001Board Members Present (including Alternates and Advisors): Harry Sondheim (Chair), Barry Kurtz, Patti Post, Jack Allen (Advisor), Ted Mackie, William Snyder, Robert Baker, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Norma Spak, Ronald Dean (Advisor), Ernie Meadows, Kurt Toppel, Paul Glasgall (Advisor), Arthur Mortell, Maurizio Vecchione, Larry Jacobs, Stuart Muller, George Wolfberg, Barbara Kohn, Larry Niles, Randy Young
2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the meeting of May 24th were adopted without change. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treaurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that as of June 28, 2001, there is $8,396.19 in the PPCC checking account and $4,741.24 in the savings account. 3.2 The Chairman reported that our Newsletter’s request for expressions of interest in PPCC issues was responded to by about 24 residents. These requests have been summarized and distributed to Area Representatives who are asked to keep these residents informed in advance of discussion of the issues at PPCC meetings. 3.3 Jack Allen reported that our geological report on 222 Coperto has been filed with the Department of Building and Safety. Ruling on the issues has been postponed through the intervention of our Councilwoman in order to allow time for us to meet with her and the City geologist to explain the City geologist’s decision to approve the construction of the house despite the concerns raised by the independent geologist. The Coastal Commission has ordered a review of this matter and Jack Allen will be meeting with the Commission geologist and Mr. Ronen’s geologist on July 9th at the property. 3.4 The Chairman reported that he has sent a letter to Arthur Eck, Superintendent of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area stating the consensus reached by our subcommittee on the Draft General Management/Environmental Impact Statement for the Santa Monica Mountains Recreation Area. A copy of this letter is available for any Board member for review; a copy is filed with these minutes. 3.5 The Chairman reported that residents neighboring 17633 Castellammare have retained a geologist to review the geology reports of the developer. His report is expected to be submitted to the Hearing Officer before the end of July. 3.6 The Chairman reported on the temporary closure by the DWP of an area near the Chautauqua Reservoir due to a landslide. 3.7 Tony Morris spoke for Citizens for Aerial Fire Protection. He described the use of the Super-Scooper and the advantages that would accrue from having it available at the Van Nuys airport on a full time basis. This aircraft costs $22,000,000. We currently lease one for a limited period of time each year from Quebec. Mr. Morris is seeking support for the purchase of the aircraft to add to an arsenal which already has several types of aircraft, including helicopters. Concerns about the proposal were raised by members of the Board and it was noted that the Community Council had previously rejected a similar proposal. Discussion of this issue will be placed on our agenda in August or September. 3.8 Art Mortell has been elected as Area 5 Representative on a motion by Patti Post (seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner) as a result of Patti Detroit having resigned from the position. Alan Bishop now remains as the sole Alternate for the Area. 3.9 The Chairman reported that he has received materials from the Y.M.C.A. regarding acquisition of property in Temescal Canyon. These documents are available for review by any Board member. 3.10 Jack Allen reported that building has been proposed on the steep slopes on Paskenta above Rivas Canyon. Area 5 Representative Art Mortell was asked to keep us informed of hearings on this matter. We have previously taking a position in opposition to building in this area and we will retain this position until we have more information. 3.11 Plans for diversion of surface water in Santa Monica Canyon and at PCH and Temescal are in the making. There may be associated traffic issues when these projects eventually come up in 2002. 3.12 Paul Glasgall reported that we now have a speed trailer on Palisades Drive. We will also be assessing speed on major thoroughfares in the Palisades. Paul plans on calling on homeowners’ associations for help with this. He stated that we are now getting more cooperation from the LAPD. Art Mortell reported that the LAPD has indicated that we now have more motorcycle traffic officers on the West Side. 3.13 Signage re mountain lions will be increased in the Highlands due to recent sightings. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Jack Allen asked whether our Board should take further action regarding the Los Angeles Citywide General Plan Framework. Barbara Kohn moved (motion seconded by Kurt Toppel) that we support the Hillside and Canyons Federation position: (1) No statement of overriding considerations be approved; The motion passed with the understanding that our previous position is also still valid, namely: That the PPCC requires the provision of sufficient public infrastructure and services, including transportation, school and recreation facilities to support the projected needs of the City’s population and businesses within the patterns of use established in the Community Plans as guided by the Framework Citywide Land Use Diagram, prior to permitting any intensification of existing land uses as set forth in the Diagram. A letter to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee will be prepared by the Chairman and Jack Allen. 4.2 Discussion of Proposed Bylaws Revision — Postponed until our next meeting. 4.3 Election of Officers. The Chairman called for additional nominations of candidates for Board offices. Hearing none, he closed nominations and appointed Ron Dean to count ballots. All candidates on the slate presented by the Nominating Committee were elected. These are: Harry Sondheim, Chair; Ted Mackie, Vice-Chair; Lisa Maki, Secretary; Patti Post, Treasurer. 5. New Business. 5.1 Creation of Neighborhood Councils was discussed by Xandra Kayden, President of the League of Women Voters. She has been holding workshops on this subject. She stressed some of the advantages of becoming a Neighborhood Council, namely, support in funding, staffing, resources and advice from the City and that these groups would have political clout in City government. Other plusses are that it is probable that the obtaining of City services will be expedited and that the Councils will be an important voice for the communities. A particular advantage is that, through the Congress of Neighborhood Councils, experiences and issues can be shared with other Neighborhood Councils. Disadvantages suggested by various members of our Board were application of the Brown Act, accounting requirements and the effects of conflict of interest rules. Ms. Kayden said that our new Mayor, Jim Hahn, is appointing a Deputy Mayor for Neighborhoods with the result that it is likely that the Neighborhood Councils will be able to impact the City budget. It was unclear whether she is correct in stating that it will be mandatory for every area of the City to be included in a Neighborhood Council. 5.2 P.R.I.D.E. has asked to become a member of the PPCC Board. The organization will be asked to make a presentation to our Board in the near future on this request. 5.3 Larry Jacobs presented a report of the Communications Committee. The report was presented in summary since it had already been distributed to the entire Board by e-mail, fax, or U.S. mail. The subjects covered were (1) Media and other resources, (2) Use of news releases and articles, (3) The desirability of appointing and the duties of a Public Information Officer, (4) Postings, (5) Targeted mailings via postal carrier routes, (6) The use of our web site, (7) A speakers bureau, (8) Assistance obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment, and (9) A budget. Finally, the report recommended that all of the activities outlined in the report be put into effect as soon as practicable and that all of the identified resources be fully utilized. The following motions were made by Larry Jacobs and seconded by Ted Mackie for the purpose of facilitating the recommendations of the Committee: (1) The Chair of the PPCC may appoint a Public Information Officer (PIO) to serve at the pleasure of the Chair. The PIO will have the authority to publish News Releases and other information pertaining to the PPCC and its activities consistent with our bylaws. Expenses incurred by the PIO must be pre-approved by the Board if they exceed the amount budgeted or already approved by the Board. Motion passed with one abstention. (2) The Board authorizes the PPCC to make targeted mailings by postal carrier route when requested by an Area Representative or an Officer of the PPCC and when the content is consistent with our bylaws. Costs of such mailings must be pre-approved by the Board if they exceed the amount budgeted or already approved by the Board. Motion passed unanimously. (3) The Board authorizes publication of information and comments by Area Representatives on our web site when the content is consistent with our bylaws. Motion passed unanimously. (4) The Board requests the Treasurer, together with the PIO, to present it with an annual budget proposal for public relations/information activities prior to the start of the fiscal year beginning in 2002. Until such time as such a budget has been established, an operating fund of two hundred dollars ($200.00) is hereby approved for the activities outlined in this report, with no single expenditure to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). Motion passed unanimously. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. The next meeting will be at Mort’s Oak Room on Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by Acting Secretary Larry Jacobs _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR MAY 24th 2001Board Members Present: 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. Chairperson Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and read the purpose of the PPCC according to the bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted with the following changes: Page 2, paragraph 3.6. The 2nd sentence is amended: “The project was submitted to the MTA by the City…. Page 2, 2nd paragraph 3.6 should be 3.7 and the following paragraph numbers were adjusted accordingly. The 1st sentence of paragraph 3.7 is amended: “To deal with the issues of unsafe driving and speeding on this street, LADOT is planning to create edge line striping to make the road appear narrower in the hopes of slowing traffic down.” 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. Patti Post announced that there is $5,018.53 in the Council’s checking account and $4,737.93 in the Council’s savings account. 3.2 Bel Air Bay Club Hearing of May 24, 2001. Harry Sondheim reported that the Board sent an e-mail to the Club in lieu of attending this meeting. The e-mail outlined three conditions which had to be met for the Board to support the proposed renovation to the Club in accordance with the Board’s prior motion. The conditions related to changes in the signage on the waterfront, landscaping maintenance and trimming and accommodation of the City’s Bicycle Plan. The Club voluntarily agreed to seek changes to the signage and to arrange for the necessary landscaping work. The City Deputy Advisory Agency incorporated mitigation measures that1 adequately responded to the Board’s concerns about the bicycle path. As a result of all this, the e-mail stated that the Board supported the renovation of the Bel Air Bay Club. 3.3 222 Coperto Hearing of May 22, 2001 by the PLUM Committee. Jack Allen attended this hearing. Prior to the hearing, a discussion was held and the hearing was postponed for 30 days to allow completion of the geological report by Ed Michaels to be submitted and reviewed. PPRA put the money up to pay for Ed Michaels’ fee. Mr. Michaels’ report concludes that the issue of surface water and hydrology was not sufficiently analyzed by the City or the developer’s geologist. The Department of Building and Safety will present its conclusions at the next hearing on this matter without any further public input to the PLUM Committee and the Committee will then decide what it recommends. 3.4 Community Council Board Member Nominating Committee. Larry Jacobs is head of this committee, which consisted of himself, Ernie Meadows and William Snyder. The Committee recommended the incumbents, Harry Sondheim, Ted Mackie, Patti Post and Lisa Maki to serve as next year’s officers. Nominations close on June 28, 2001, at which time the Board will elect its officers. If anyone would like to add other nominations, they should contact Larry Jacobs. 3.5 Storm Drains. Harry Sondheim reported that he received notice from Debbie Dyner that a City storm drain project in Santa Monica Canyon will stop the flow of runoff onto the beach and divert it into the sewer system from 4/11/01-10/31/01. There will be a meeting on 5/29/01 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Councilwoman’s office in West Los Angeles to discuss the project and George Wolfberg and Stuart Muller will attend. 3.6 Exposition Boulevard Transit Project. Mr. Gershon Lewis presented the views of the “Friends 4 Expo Transit” concerning the proposed busway or light rail train on a transit route running from downtown to Santa Monica. Motion: Barbara Kohn made a motion that the Council discuss the proposal for 8 minutes. The motion carried with 6 members voting in favor, 5 against and 1 abstention. Mr. Lewis’ organization supports light rail over a busway system and cited the recent Texas Transportation Institute study. To access it see www.friends for expo4. There is an MTA meeting on the proposal set for June 24, 2001; written comments are due June 15, 2001. Concerns about light rail include traffic congestion, safety and pollution. Some members were in favor of the proposal with grade separations. One Board member noted that she was uncomfortable with the Board taking any position on the proposal unless the community was notified so members could present their support or opposition. Motion: Barbara Kohn made a motion to table the discussion to a future meeting. The motion passed. 3.7 YMCA Meeting of May 24, 2001. Harry Sondheim attended this meeting after receiving a phone call from the Councilwoman’s office. The purpose of the meeting was to bring parities together on land issues in Temescal Canyon Park as it relates to the YMCA and the conservancy. It was determined that another meeting would be held in the future. Other persons present at the meeting were Joe Edmiston (by telephone), Randy Young, Frances Shalant, Nancy Markel, Councilwoman Miscikowski, Kristen Montet, Peter Taft, Douglas Kay, Mark Elswick and a person named “Corwin.” 3.8 MTA Bike Path from Temescal Canyon to Coastline Drive. The Board has previously approved this project. The project was submitted by the City to the MTA but was rejected, likely due to the perception that the bike path has little commuter value. Barry Kurtz conducted a “commuter survey” of persons on the bike path on May 14, 2001 between 5:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. and found that 27.5% of the persons riding bikes on the path were using it to commute to work. The information was submitted to the City to present to the MTA and the matter was put over for 2 weeks in order for the MTA to make a decision. There is an effort to obtain monies from other sources than the MTA to fund the project. 3.9 Pacific Palisades Community Council Newsletter. Ted Mackie, Harry Sondheim and Ernie Meadows have completed the Newsletter and it will be sent out in the mail next week. 3.10 Future Board Meetings. Harry Sondheim reported that the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners meeting, arranged by the Pacific Palisades Community Council Board, will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2001 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Mercer Hall, Palisades High School. This meeting is in lieu of the PPCC Board’s regular meeting on the second Thursday in June and all Board members (both representative and their alternates) are urged to attend. The next Board meeting will be held on June 28, 2001. At this meeting there will be a discussion of the bylaws and the officer’s election. Xandra Kaden, Pesident of the League of Women’s voters will also be present to discuss Neighborhood Councils. The next meeting will be on July 26, 2001. At this meeting, the Board will discuss the Exposition Boulevard Transit issue. The next meeting after that will be on August 23, 2001. After the August 2001 meeting, the Board will resume its usual schedule of two meetings per month. 3.11 Theatre Palisades. Isabel Kayser announced that the theatre’s next production of “Company” would open on June 1, 2001. Everyone is welcome to the party after the opening performance. There are senior citizen discounts for this and other productions. Those interested in attending should contact the box office. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Discussion of the Committee Report on the Draft Management – EIS for the Santa Monica Mountains Recreation Area. Jack Allen distributed a draft letter addressed to Mr. Arthur Eck, Superintendent of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. A copy is attached to the minutes [note: attachment not included/unavailable]. The EIS presents three alternatives concerning the use of the recreation area: Preservation, Recreation and Preferred. Jack recommends the Preferred alternative because it balances the more restrictive Preservation alternative and the Recreation alternative. There was Board discussion about potential conflicts on the trails between bikers, hikers and horseback riders. Jack also noted that the EIS does not adequately identify and quantify impacts on the environment. Because of this, mitigation measures cannot intelligently be discussed. Motion: Patti Post made a motion that a committee meet to review and revise Jack’s letter to submit by the deadline. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed. The committee will consist of Jack Allen, Barry Kurtz, Stuart Muller, Lisa Maki and Harry Sondheim and will meet to review, discuss and revise Jack’s letter that must be submitted before May 30, 2001. 4.2 Update on recent efforts to obtain authorization for development of property at 17633 Castellammare – Jack Allen. A hearing on the coastal permit for this property will be held on May 30, 3001. The property is located in a landslide area. The owner of the property, Mr. Ben Leeds and his representatives were invited to attend the Board meeting to discuss the project. The owner and geologist were not available to attend the meeting because of prior commitments. The owner’s architect, Mr. Umberto Capiro, 4218 Glencoe Avenue, Marina Del Rey, (310) 578-5734 was present and discussed the project but left the meeting before the Board and audience discussion had concluded. Jack Allen presented a map of the subject parcel and an Exhibit lodged with the coastal commission, which was prepared by Fountain Geology. Jack expressed concerns with the City’s approval of the project because he believes that the project’s hydrology has not been adequately examined, for example, borings were not made at all necessary locations, the borings were not deep enough and the reports submitted on behalf of the owner were old, some predating the 1994 earthquake which has changed the geology of this landslide prone area. Members of the community were also present and discussed their concerns. The appeared to be happy with the physical appearance of the project but were afraid of what would happen to their property and the two adjoining parcels if Mr. Leed’s project is completed as planned on this very steep hill. They also noted that a very recent home is cracking and showing signs of the effects of erosion and slippage. The engineer on Mr. Leed’s project is VPL. There was further discussion as to who bears the responsibility when there is a structural failure or landslide which damages public or private property. The project architect agreed to discuss the possiblity of obtaining a bond for the project. Members of the audience discussed the possiblity of hiring a geologist to review the existing plans and geological reports. Lisa Maki made a motion to disprove the project. The motion was revised and voted upon. Motion: That the Zoning Administrator hold the project file open for 30 days to permit a licensed geologist to review the existing geological reports. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Adjournment. [Adjournment time not recorded.] The next meeting is on 6/28/01 at 7:00 p.m. in the Oak Room of Mort’s Deli. Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki, Secretary _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR MAY 10th 2001Board Members Present: 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. Chairperson Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and read the purpose of the PPCC according to the bylaws. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. The Board welcomed new alternate Bob Baker. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. Patti Post announced that there is $5,243.13 in the Council’s checking account and $4,737.93 in the Council’s saving’s account. 3.2 Bylaws Committee draft of proposed revisions to the Board’s Bylaws – Kurt Toppel. Copies of this draft as prepared by the committee consisting of Kurt Toppel, Jack Allen, Larry Jacobs, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller and Loretta Ditlow were distributed to Board members and are attached to the minutes. All Board representatives and alternates who did not receive a copy of the draft should contact Jack Allen or, after May 30, Kurt Toppel, so that each Board member is prepared to discuss the draft at the second meeting in June 2001. 3.3 Status of Draft Plan for Neighborhood Councils – Larry Jacobs. A Board of Neighborhood Commissioners meeting, arranged by the Pacific Palisades Community Council Board will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2001 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Mercer Hall, Palisades High School. This meeting is in lieu of the PPCC Board’s regular meeting on the second Thursday in June and all Board members (both representative and their alternates) are urged to attend. The purpose of this meeting is to obtain answers to issues of concern to the PPCC Board so as to enable the Board to decide whether to become a neighborhood council. Larry attended the city council meeting where the final draft was discussed and voted on. The final draft varied from the prior draft and Jack Allen noted that he was unhappy by the City’s approval of the revised plan because of signature requirements related to becoming a council under the plan and also because it took away flexibility and the plan appears to favor developers. Marguerite Perkins-Mautner asked if we will need to change our financial status if we become a council under the city plan and whether the council would receive funding. Jack Allen noted that the council is currently not a 501 C3 organization and that if the council receives funding under the new plan, we will be required to submit to the demands of the city. 3.4 Update on recent efforts to obtain authorization for development of property at 17633 Castellammare – Jack Allen. A hearing on the coastal permit for this property will be held on May 30, 3001. The property is located in a landslide area. The owner and his/her representatives will be invited to the next Board meeting to discuss the project and all those interested in voicing their support or concern will have an opportunity to express their views. 3.5 Report on PCH Task Force Meeting – Larry Jacobs. Larry Jacobs attended this May 3, 2001 meeting. Shelia Kuehl established this task force when she was an assembly member. The PCH sewer project is being cleaned up and will be closed down for the summer to re-open in the fall. It should be completed in the summer of 2002. The Will Rogers State Beach Border Enhancement Plan was also discussed. The project calls for uniform renovation, including upgrades to the parking lots and landscaping. The issue of power poles on the beach sided was not included in the project nor were bike paths. The issue of left turns into parking lots is being studied. Other issues discussed were the CHP notification procedures concerning traffic problems and smart crosswalks. The crosswalk at Entrada and PCH was denied by CALTRANS due to concern over traffic delays. 3.6 Update on efforts to extend bike path from Temescal Canyon to Coastline Drive – Barry Kurtz. The Board has previously approved this project. The project was submitted to the MTA by the City but was rejected, likely due to the perception that the bike path has little commuter value. Discussion was had concerning building the bike path to Sunset only, in hopes that funds would become available for further extensions in the future. Barry Kurtz agreed to do a “commuter survey” of persons on the bike path on Monday between 5:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. to determine how many people were using the bike path to commute to work. Chris Bingham of the city council woman’s office noted that Cindy Miscikowski plans to appeal the denial of the funding for the bike path. Motion: The council voted unanimously (with Ernie Meadows abstaining) to have Board members Harry Sondheim and Barry Kurtz write a letter to Cindy Miscikowski to request that she support the MTA funding of the extension of the bike trail. 3.7 Report on developments regarding traffic measures on Bienveneda – Patti Post. To deal with the issues of unsafe driving and speeding on this street, LADOT is planning to create edgeline striping to make the road appear narrower in the hopes of slowing traffic down. This area is unsafe for LAPD to pace cars. The speed limit cannot be lowered on this street because of the way that the street was mapped in the Federal Map book. Kurt Toppel mentioned the new stop signs on Lachman Lane and the Board discussed the possibility of using yield signs instead of stop signs. 3.7 Los Liones Mural. Ted Mackie announced that the Palisades Art association, Temescal Canyon Association, and the historical society will celebrate the completion of the Los Liones Mural created by Terry Bromberg. All are welcome. The celebration will be held at the Mural on Saturday, May 19, 2001 at 11:30 a.m. 3.8 Traffic Issues – Patti Post. Patti Post attended the community police advisory board (CPAB) traffic committee meeting. She learned that the CHP has a phone number for traffic complaints. It is 1-888-TELL-CHP. The CHP community liaison is Officer Clemente. His email address is The West Traffic Division has brought on 5 new officers and will get 5 more in July 2001. These officers will be in cars, not motorcycles. West Traffic is loaning one of its traffic officers to the WLA division on Butler to train patrol officers about traffic hot spots and other traffic issues. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation plans to conduct a neighborhood traffic management study in Santa Monica Canyon to deal with resident complaints on Entrada, Mesa and Amalfi. Some of the complaints may be related to the reduction in traffic lanes on West Channel, causing people to drive through Rustic Canyon to avoid the delays. 4. New Business. 4.1 Proposal to prohibit west-bound traffic from crossing Temescal Canyon at Bowdoin Street from 7:15 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. on school days. The city is conducting surveys and research on a proposal to close Bowdoin Street during peak hours to address resident complaints and improve the flow of traffic. Present from the city to discuss the surveys was Mr. Mohammed H. Blorfroshan, transportation engineer, (310) 575-8138. A street map and the surveys were distributed to the Board and are attached to the minutes. Audience members living on Radcliffe noted the severe traffic congestion on their street. The traffic problems are due to the Palisades High School traffic and also what was called the over-use of the Palisades women’s club. Some expressed concern about closing Bowdoin, as it is the only way to exit this area of the Palisades onto Temescal. The left turn lane from Sunset onto Temescal Canyon was also discussed. Harry Sondheim read a letter written to the Board which discussed the overuse of the streets and speeding in that area and the obvious safety concerns. One solution was to increase officer enforcement and the possible placement of a “fake” patrol car at or near the intersection of Bowdoin and Sunset. Mr. Blorfroshan agreed to conduct another survey of the area after school is out for the summer and to discuss the matter with LAPD and Palisades High School staff. Discussion will also be had with Officer Ragsdale concerning the use of the Palisades Women’s Club. Mr. Blorfroshan is to let the Board know when he has finished obtaining additional information so that this matter can again be put on the agenda. 5. Old Business. 5.1 Update on Board’s appeal of 222 Coperto – Jack Allen. Jack Allen distributed a map of the subject area and parcel in question to the board. An appeal of the City’s approval of this project was filed. Hearing on the issue was postponed to May 22, 2001. Jack Allen noted that the City will not take our appeal seriously unless we have facts concerning the danger of grading and construction in the area from a licensed geologist. He proposed the use of geologist Ed Michaels to provide his analysis of the drainage reports and other documents to support the Board’s appeal of the city’s approval of the plan, which will be reviewed by the PLUM committee. Mr. Michaels agreed to work at the rate of $150.00 per hour, not to exceed 10 hours to perform the above services. Motion: Kurt Toppel made a motion to approve the Board’s payment of Ed Michaels’ professional services in this regard. The motion was seconded and voted upon. The Motion did not carry: Nine members voted in favor of the motion, five voted against and one abstained. The Chair did not vote (as his vote would not have changed the outcome.) Adjournment. [Adjournment time not recorded.] The next meeting is on 5/24/01 at 7:00 p.m. in the Oak Room of Mort=s Deli. Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki, Secretary _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR APRIL 12th 2001Board Members Present: 1. Introduction of Board and Audience. Acting Chairman Ted Mackie called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. with the reading of the Purpose of the PPCC as stated in its Bylaws. Members of the Board and Audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the March 22nd meeting were adopted without change. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that there is currently $5,259.13 in the PPCC checking account and $4,734.43 in the savings account. 3.2 The Chair noted that the Bylaws Committee Report is not yet ready. It will be presented at our next regular meeting. 3.3 A Directors and Officers Insurance Policy has been issued to the PPCC. Any member of the Board wishing to review this policy may do so by contacting the Chair. 3.4 Larry Jacobs and Jack Allen reported that the Draft Plan for Neighborhood Councils is close to its final adoption by the Government Efficiency Committee of the City Council and should be ready for presentation to the City Council sometime in May. The new target date for implementation by the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment is October 1, 2001. There are a number of issues that are still being considered by the Government Efficiency Committee, particularly that of the requirement that 250 signatures be gathered by each prospective Neighborhood Council to verify that there is a diversity of interests represented in each council; alternatives to this requirement are being examined. Some of the other provisions of the plan, while perhaps unnecessary and sometimes more cumbersome than they need to be, would not interfere with our ability to qualify for certification. Issues of importance to the PPCC will be brought up at our Forum which will be a part of the regular Board of Neighborhood Commissioners meeting at Pali High on June 14th. 3.5 The Chevron Station at the southeast corner of Entrada and PCH is seeking to add a mini-market. A Coastal Permit is required from the City of Los Angeles. No hearings have yet been scheduled. 3.6 Scott Wagenseller reported that a permit for a ten-lot subdivision on the Bernheimer property was denied by the Coastal Commission. We are awaiting further information from the City on this matter. The PPCC has previously agreed to a five-lot subdivision on this property. 3.7 Paul Glasgall, Chair of the Traffic Committee, reported that yesterday, a woman on a bike was killed on Palisades Drive. This has finally spurred interest on the part of the City. Today, a City speed trailer appeared on the street. A traffic light is being considered for Palisades Drive as are several traffic calming efforts for the Palisades. The Committee, with the assistance of an LAPD motorcycle officer, are training volunteers for a traffic surveillance team. Glasgall asked that neighborhood groups work with the Committee on issues such as speed bumps, traffic surveys, etc. 3.8 Isabel Kayser reported that sound equipment is needed for the Pierson Playhouse for Bob Sharka’s film festival; specifically a digital projector, XGA 1024×768 1000 lumens. Contact Theater Palisades about this. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Discussion of the Draft General Management/Environmental Impact Statement for the Santa Mountains Recreation Area — Deferred to a later meeting of the PPCC. 4.2 Frank Wilson opened a discussion of the report of the Mansionization and View Protection Committee. His report is appended to the minutes of our March 22nd meeting [note: attachment not included/unavailable.] There was concern expressed that the guidelines presented in the report may not work for a 5,000 square foot lot when the space for a 400 square foot garage is taken into account and that the guidelines must also work for lots as small as 3,800 square feet. There is also a need to tailor rules for different areas and to provide guidelines for replacement of existing homes. A member of the Marquez Knolls Homeowners Association reiterated his request, first made at our March 22nd meeting, that we must discourage view obstruction and not defer consideration of this issue. Amotion, offered by Marguerite Perkins Mautner, that we send this matter back to Committee to consider additional input from members of the community, passed unanimously. 4.3 Jack Allen reported on our 222 Coperto appeal. At a Coastal Commission hearing, staff recommended approval of the project. However, Jack was successful in his arguments for better grading and stabilization of the slope and the Commission is now seeking more environmental review. Jack expressed the opinion that the PPCC needs to have a geologist on whom we can rely for advice on geology-related matters such as this. Our appeal was officially denied because it wasn’t heard within the required 18 days; we must now file an appeal with the City Council. A motion was offered by Patti Post that the Board authorize the additional appeal and a filing fee of $71.00; as this is our second $71.00 payment, we are to attempt to get one of the fees refunded. This motion passed by a vote of 13 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions. 5. New Business — None. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m. Since the Citizen of the Year banquet is scheduled for Thursday, April 26th, our next regular meeting will be at 7 p.m. in Mort’s Oak Room on Thursday, May 10th. Minutes submitted by Acting Secretary Larry Jacobs _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR MARCH 22nd 2001Board Members Present:
2. Adoption of Minutes. Minutes of the March 8th meeting were adopted with the addition of the following revision of the third line of the Section 4.2 paragraph beginning at the middle of page 5: “…August 15th – December 15th, per the February letter from Debbie Held, representative of AYSO, and that Palisades High School may use the lights for 6…” 3. Announcements and Concerns. Treasurer’s Report. The Chair reported for the Treasurer that the PPCC savings account contains $4,730.81; the checking account, $5,239,13. Larry Niles reported that the Golden Sparkplug Award recipients this year will be Ted Mackie, in recognition of his work in designing and maintaining our PPCC web site, and Bob Sharka for his work in seeking out and showing independent films at the Palisades Film Festival held at Pierson Playhouse. The awards will be presented at the Citizen of the Year banquet on April 26th. Larry Jacobs and Harry Sondheim reported on behalf of the PPCC Forum Committee that our Forum on Neighborhood Councils will be at 6 p.m. on June 14th at Mercer Hall at Palisades High School. This meeting will actually be the regular meeting of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC) which will conduct their routine business and then field our questions on Neighborhood Councils and their certification. Answers to our questions will be important in our decision whether or not to become a Neighborhood Council as defined by the City of Los Angeles. The plan developed by the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) has been criticized by members of the public and by Laura Chick, Chair of the City Council’s Government Efficiency Committee as being too vague in many areas and therefore in need of some revision. DONE plans to publicize this forum citywide and will be providing us with a page of copy for use in our PPCC Newsletter. The Chair announced that our Appeal of the City’s approval of the 222 Coperto construction has been filed. Jack Allen is due our thanks for all of the effort he has put into this project. Harry Sondheim, on behalf of Frank Wilson, distributed the Report of the Mansionization and View Protection Committee. A copy is appended to these minutes. This report will be discussed at our next PPCC meeting. The committee recommends that the following (summarized) provisions be added to the Los Angeles Municipal Code and that they are not intended to repeal any current zoning or building ordinances nor to alter any CC&R restrictions: (a) Maximum building coverage for residential lots in Pacific Palisades be limited to 40% of the area (b) Maximum square enclosed footage for buildings on residential lots in Pacific Palisades be limited (c) Building height for residential lots in Pacific Palisades be limited to 30 feet. A letter was received from the Marquez Knolls Property Owners Association requesting that the PPCC not defer consideration of “view protection” as contemplated in the Committee report. A copy is appended hereto. Anyone wanting a copy of the Committee report should request it from the Chair by April 6th. The Chair reported that an e-mail has been received from Councilman Joel Wachs stating that, on March 28th, the City Council will be discussing an issue that gives groups such as ours an opportunity to participate in what he calls “neighborhood solidarity.” It involves an adult entertainment business trying to open next to a school in Chinatown. The applicant has filed suit after denial of the application by the City. The City Council is now contemplating settling the matter by granting the application. The following motion was passed: That the PPCC send an e-mail to the executive director of the Chinatown Business Improvement District that the PPCC will not pursue this issue since we did not get sufficient information from both sides on a timely basis. Our Traffic Committee is still seeking volunteers to participate on the Traffic Radar Project. If anyone is interested, please contact Paul Glasgall, the Chair of the Traffic Committee. 4. Old Business. Kurt Toppel reported that the Bylaws Committee has completed its recommendations for revisions to our Bylaws. He thanked the Committee members for their work. The revision will be distributed for review at our next Board meeting. The Chair announced that our response to the City Planning Report on Housing will be completed by Jack Allen soon. Anyone wanting a copy should request it of the Chair by April 6th. Proposed speed bumps for Amalfi Drive were discussed by Pauline Chan, Senior Transportation Engineer, and Mike Moshksar, Transportation Engineering Associate, of the City Department of Transportation, and by Chris Bing, Deputy for Cindy Miscikowski. The proposal is for eight bumps to be installed in the 600, 700 and 800 blocks of Amalfi. The DOT received a petition requesting these bumps signed by 80% of the residents on the stated blocks (75% required) and the area qualifies under the Department’s speed survey guidelines. There have been no complaints pertaining to the proposal received by our Councilwoman as of this time. However, members of the PPCC expressed concern that there does not appear to be a convenient mechanism for nearby residents who may not be in the affected blocks to object; according to Chris Bing, our Councilwoman’s office will look into this aspect. The DOT representatives stated that it is the policy of the Fire Department not to object to speed bumps if the DOT determines that the area qualifies for them. Separately, the DOT is still reviewing the Via de la Paz speed bump project. Jack Allen and Harry Sondheim are working on proposed amendments to the Coastal Act, including requirements that more notice be provided to the public regarding applications for coastal permits and that hearings be held at locations close to the projects being reviewed. These proposed amendments will be forwarded to Senator Sheila Kuehl and to Assemblywoman Fran Pavley within about ten days. Any Board member wishing to see the final product should request it of the Chair by April 1st. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held in Mort’s Oak Room at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 12th. Minutes submitted by Acting Secretary Larry Jacobs _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR MARCH 8th 2001Board Members Present:
2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted with the following changes relating to the proposed lights for the baseball field: The following comments of Stuart Muller which were made at the 2/22/01 meeting were included in the body of the minutes as an additional paragraph on page 3 as follows: “The proposal places an unfair burden of light, noise and air pollution on our already overused neighborhood. The light management plan is insufficient. The impact on wildlife in the adjacent Temescal Canyon Park is unknown. And, the soccer proponents have not attempted to secure the use of the recreation areas in the Highlands that was dedicated for that use as part of their developmental agreement.” The comments of Barbara Kohn at the 2/22/01 meeting were revised, second paragraph, page three, second sentence, ..a couple of the balloons appeared to be higher than the steeple on the Presbyterian Church from her vantage point on Temescal Canyon Road. The following comment of Larry Jacobs was added to his existing statement as reflected in the 2/22/01 minutes: “Larry Jacobs concluded by recommending that the Council require (1) that secure devices be installed in both the baseball and football fields systems to ensure that lights cannot be used after 9:30 p.m., (2) that no light within the reflectors of the new baseball field fixtures be visible from any point beyond the school property, and (3) that a contract be established under which the community can have recourse should any of the constraints established by this Council be violated.” 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. There is $6,065.63 in the Council’s checking account and $4,727.52 in the Council’s savings account. 3.2 Update on Plaintiff’s Fees in Getty Litigation and Our Role Therein. Barbara Kohn read the following statement. “A lawsuit filed by Pacific Coast Homeowners (a coalition of community organizations and homeowner association including Pacific Palisades Residents Association, Pacific Palisades Community Council, Castellammare Mesa Property Owners Association, Pacific View Estates Homeowners Association, and Sunset Mesa Property Owners Association) was heard in Department 85, Los Angeles Superior Court, in September, 2000. The Court found in favor of Pacific Coast Homeowners and subsequently awarded attorney fees to the prevailing parties. The awarding of fees order was signed March 2, 2001. The Court’s strong ruling substantiated the judgment that the City’s approval of an outdoor theater and increased parking facilities in a residential neighborhood impacts the public regionally and is of inclusive public interest. The decision and the awarding of attorney fees is a strong statement to neighborhoods that zoning laws and municipal codes must be upheld. The City of Los Angeles and the J. Paul Getty Trust filed their appeal of the Court decision on February 7, 2001. John B. Murdock, attorney for Pacific Coast Homeowners is in the process of preparing a cross-appeal. The plaintiffs are the same groups as above with the exception of the PPCC. The Council’s dismissal with prejudice from the case was filed February 1314, 2001, with the Community Council minutes of October 26, 2000 attached which state in affirmation of its position, “This decision does not in any way affect, reverse, or diminish the council’s previous two unanimous votes opposing the expansion of the Getty Villa.” In response to Attorneys for Real Party in Interest (J Paul Getty Trust) filing dated February 9, 2001, which states: “PCH claims that this Court should award attorneys’ fees, in part, because the PPCC is allegedly a public interest group. However, the PPCC is currently seeking to be dismissed from this case with prejudice. This request demonstrates that the PPCC’s claims have no merit.” Attorney for Petitioners, John Murdock, filed a responsive declaration under penalty of perjury dated February 14, 2001 which states, “I was asked to file a dismissal of Petitioner Pacific Palisades Community Council. The reason given to me for the decision was that the Council was unwilling to be subject to any potential costs or liabilities of the appeal filed by Real Party in Interest, or continuing further in the litigation. In fact, the Council was so concerned about the expenses of litigation that I was asked to assure the Council I would not seek to collect attorneys fees from the Council if there were a deficit. The Council specifically noted on the record, however, that it reaffirmed its position on the merits. The reason for the dismissal with prejudice was that Real Party’s attorney refused to stipulate that they would not file a cost bill (as the technically prevailing party where a voluntary dismissal is filed by the adverse party) against the Community Council unless the dismissal recited that it was with prejudice.” 3.3 Candidates for Elected Office. The Chair announced that he has received requests from candidates running for office in April 2001 to address the Board. After consulting with the Executive Committee, it was decided the Board could not accommodate such requests because of the Board’s lengthy agendas, as well as the number of candidates running for office. 3.4 Gratuity to Mort’s Staff. Mort’s suggested that the Board provide a gratuity to the staff who set up and disassemble the Board’s meeting room. The Executive Committee concluded that the Staff shouldl receive $25.00 per Council meeting for providing this valuable service. 3.5 It’s Our Birthday! Shirley Haggstrom contacted the Chair and reminded him that the Council will be 28 years old on March 11, 2001. We believe we are the longest existing community council in Los Angeles. 3.6 Theater Palisades. Isabel Kayser announced that there will be an opening celebration for the Theater’s latest production, “Requiem for a Heavyweight” on March 30, 2001. The theater is also looking for actors and volunteers and needs a new projector to be able to continue with its Sunday Film Classics program. For tickets and more information contact the theater at 454-1970. 3.7 Ordinance Concerning Above Ground Facilities. Jack Allen reported that he has reviewed this City Ordinance which he believes is generally a good one because it will require that utility and wireless communication facilities be installed underground so they are not visible to the public. The Public Works Board will be meeting tomorrow concerning the Ordinance. The only problem with the Ordinance is that it does not include “scenic highways” as an area protected by the Ordinance. Patti Post made a motion that Jack Allen go to the public works commission and request that scenic highways be included as protected areas under the ordinance. The Motion was seconded and unanimously approved. 3.8 City Report Concerning Wireless Communication Facilities. Jack Allen reported that the City has drafted a report concerning the installation and placement of wireless communications facilities on private property. Jack Allen agreed to review the report and report back to the Board so the Board could take a position on the issues raised in the report. 3.9 Neighborhood Matching Funds. To obtain information concerning the matching funds for community projects, like the Clearwater Mural which Stuart Muller helped to create, contact Chris Bing (310) 575-8461 at the Councilwoman’s office. 3.10 Amalfi Speed Bumps. The Chair reported that the City notified him that there will be speed bumps installed on Amalfi in April 2001 but no information was available on the placement or location of the bumps. This matter will be placed on the March 22 agenda for discussion with any interested persons and the City Department of Transportation. 3.11 Cable Television Franchise Renewal Applications. The City of Los Angeles will hold a public hearing on this issue on March 15, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. at the Westwood United Methodist Church, 10497 Wilshire Boulevard. The Chair distributed flyers concerning this hearing. If anyone would like more information on this hearing, please contact the Chair. 3.12 17633 Castellammare. Jack Allen reported that there was a hearing set regarding this property for March 19, 2001. The owners are interested in obtaining a coastal development permit for a large single family house which would be constructed on top of a landslide area. Fortunately, the hearing was cancelled upon inquiry by Jack. There are several problems with the way that the public is notified concerning their opportunity to object to the issuance of permits of this type. First, the public is provided with less then 10 days notice to oppose the project and they must submit their opposition within 3 working days of the hearing. Also, the hearings are often held in locations far away from the project, for example San Diego. Cindy Miscikowski’s office is looking into the problems concerning the notice issues. Pursuant to the Board’s request, Jack Allen agreed to prepare a letter for submission by the Chair to our representatives in the Senate and Assembly which requests changes in the Coastal Act, including that hearings be held at the location nearest to the property and that notice be provided to the public at the time the actual application for a coastal development permit is filed. 4. Old Business. 4.1 222 Coperto. The issue presented at the Board meeting was whether the Board should withdraw its opposition to this development. At the last meeting, the Chair distributed a document which had been sent to the Board on behalf of the owner of this property and requested that the Board read the document prior to this meeting. Another document was forwarded to Board members via e-mail prior to this evening’s meeting. This document is a March 6, 2001 decision by Gabel-Luddy, a Deputy of the City’s Advisory Agency, which allows the David Ronen, property owner, to “retain all of the conditions currently in effect without any change.” The decision also states that a Coastal Permit is not required. A copy of this document is attached to the minutes. Frank Wilson discussed the fact that the decision only discusses “remedial grading” and that it does not address the “cut and fill” grading that has already be completed at the sight. Jack Allen noted that the EIR imposed certain conditions, one of which is that the natural grading be preserved. The attorney property owner stated that the EIR did not present any legal conditions and that his client had not illegally graded or obtained permits from the City. He also asked that the Board support the project. There was no motion made to withdraw the Board’s prior letter to the City which supported a stop order concerning further grading or construction activities at the site. At this point in the meeting, Laura Tam left the meeting and Scott Wagenseller and Isabel Kayser stepped out of the meeting room. Lisa Maki made a Motion that the March 6, 2001 decision be appealed by the Board and that the Board pay the $71.00 filing fee. The motion was seconded by Patti Post. The Motion passed, with four abstentions and no one in opposition. Frank Wilson, Jack Allen and Harry Sondheim agreed to prepare the written appeal. 4.2 Lights for the Baseball Field. Consideration was given to whether the motion related to lighting for the baseball field should include the items listed as a & b, below. Board members were reminded that discussion was to be limited to those items because of the exhaustive discussion at prior meetings on other issues. a. Should the Board’s approval include a limitation that the lights on the baseball field shall not be on after 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays? As passed by the Board at the last meeting, the lights could be on until after 9:30 on these days. A motion was made to support this item. The motion passed with two abstentions and one opposed. b. Should the Board’s approval include a proviso that the lights on the football field would be subject to the same limitations as on the baseball field, except when an official Palisades High School event is being held on the football field (for example, a football game)? At this point in the meeting, the following motion was made. We approve the use of the lights as previously stated, but with the proviso that their use be limited to the time period of August 15th – December 15th, as per the February letter from Debbie Held, and that Palisades High School may use the lights for 6 evenings a week. The Motion was seconded by Stuart Muller. (Discussion on this motion revolved around the issue of the needs of the High School and the American Legion who have some games at night during this time period.) Marguerite Perkins-Mautner noted that we should leave the issue open because they were spending so much money on the lights, they should be used for the children. Isabel Kayser expressed a similar opinion. The motion was defeated. Then, Larry Jacobs made a motion that, “we require that no light within the reflectors of the light fixtures be visible from any point beyond the limits of the school property.” This motion failed for want of a second. Don Saverese, principal of Palisades High School, was present to address the Board and Audience. He apologized for problems with the lights and stated that it was an issue that needed to be dealt with by his administration and the janitorial staff who was responsible for turning on and off the lights. He noted that there have been several complaints concerning the lights being turned on and off, one of which he personally investigated where the staff member went to dinner instead of remaining on property to make sure that the lights were controlled. He agreed to work with his staff to help to resolve this issue. Mr. Saverese also stated that he was not anticipating any evening play on the baseball field and would enforce all restrictions imposed concerning the use of the lights. He also noted that he had a meeting with a representative of Musco lighting, the Helds, Charlotte Atlas and the head of the maintenance staff at the High School to discuss the issue of lighting, why the lights weren’t being turned off and on, and also the possibility of Musco’s proposed computerized system which would allow the lights to be controlled by telephone. It is possible that money may be obtained from the City’s after school youth program to help with the computerization of the lighting system. Nevin Karlovac made a Motion that the football field be subject to the same conditions as the baseball field except for official Pacific Palisades High School use, i.e. that the night lighting on the football field should be permitted to remain on no later than 9:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday there should be no Saturday or Sunday use after 6:00 p.m., both being subject to later times for official Pacific Palisades High School use. The motion was seconded and there was discussion on the motion. Debbie Held stated that AYSO sometimes has “banner night” on the football field but has only done so once in the past 6 years. The issue of runners on the track was also brought up, as was the use of the field by the High School for graduation ceremonies. The Motion passed, with three abstentions and no one opposed. 4.3 Consideration of what issues the Board wishes to focus on in its consideration of whether the PPCC should become a Neighborhood Council pursuant to the City draft plan for neighborhood councils. At the last meeting, the Chair distributed a list of the issues the Chair believed should be the focus of consideration. Those Board members desiring additions to the list of issues were requested to submit the additions to the Chair, in writing, via U.S. Mail or e-mail, prior to this evening’s meeting. Ted Mackie and Larry Jacobs sent the Chair some some suggestions, most of which were incorporated into the revision of the list of issues which was distributed at this evening’s meeting . It is anticipated that on June 14, 2001, a Community Forum will be held in conjunction with a meeting of Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, at which time there will be a discussion of the issues selected by the Board. The issue added to the current list of issues is whether an adjacent neighbor visiting the Palisades, for example, to shop, would be considered a “stakeholder” in the City’s current plan. Kurt Toppel made a motion that the list of issues, as amended was acceptable. The Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Adjournment. [Adjournment time not recorded.] The next meeting is on 3/22/01 at 7:00 p.m. in the Oak Room of Mort’s Deli. Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki, Secretary _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 22nd 2001Board Members Present:
The Chair, Board and audience congratulated Randy Young, Pacific Palisades Citizen of the Year. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted with the following changes: The correct phone number of Theater Palisades is (310) 454-1970 Under section 4.1, the word consideration is changed to consider. 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. There is $6,356.27 in the Council’s checking account and $4,727.52 in the Council’ss savings account. 3.2 Appointment of Golden Sparkplug Award Committee. Nominations for this award are due by Friday, March 9, 2001. The Chair distributed guidelines for the award and appointed the following persons to the committee: Larry Niles (chair), Jack Allen, and Isabel Kayser. 3.3 Report from Bylaws Committee. Randy Young reported that the committee had met again a couple of days ago and that they are quite far along in their review of the Bylaws. At the Board’s second meeting in March 2001, the committee will have a draft of the proposed revised Bylaws along with the committee’s comments. 3.4 Alternate for Area 4. Frank Wilson, chair of the Area Alternate committee, proposed, after committee review, that resident Robert Baker be elected as the Alternate for Area 4. Mr. Baker is a 30-year resident of the Palisades and is a Molecular Biologist at USC. Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved that Mr. Baker be elected as the Area 4 Alternate and the Motion passed unanimously. 3.5 Getty Opposition to Award of Attorneys Fees. The Chair announced that Getty has opposed an award of attorneys fees to the Petitioners in the Getty Villa litigation, contending, in part, that the PPCC, “allegedly a public interest group,” had dismissed its claim in the case and that the dismissal was because “the PPCC’s claims have no merit.” The Chair provided Mr. John Murdock, attorney for Petitioners, a copy of the Board’s minutes which state that the Board’s dismissal of the lawsuit did not in anyway reflect the Board’s longstanding position in opposition to the expansion of the Getty Villa. 3.6 Bel Air Bay Club – Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Chair announced that he received a copy of this document and initially believed it required consideration by the Board. After further review, it was determined that the Mitigated Negative Declaration is simply a republication of an earlier announcement which had to be re-sent because of issues of sufficient notice to those concerned. 3.7 222 Coperto. The owner of this property, through his attorney, Mr. Benjamin Reznik, provided materials to the Board to review prior to the next Board meeting, including the EIR. A copy of the materials are attached to the minutes. [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.] 4. Old Business. 4.1 Further consideration of motion made at the 2/8/01 meeting of the Board to oppose any expansion of the field lights at Palisades High School based on the information presented at that time, with the Board reserving the right to consider at future meetings all issues regarding the use of the fields and the lights. The Chair hopes that additional information will be forthcoming from both the proponents of the expansion of the field lights, as well as from the administration at Palisades High School. Much of the Board’s prior meeting was consumed with comments of the proponents and the opponents of the baseball field lighting. The Chair explained that he had abstained from voting on the above motion (1) to allow the proponents of the lighting to present to the Board additional information on the project in light of some questions which were raised by Board members and (2) because he believed this might be an opportunity to mitigate the impact upon the neighborhood of the existing lights on the football field. The following written materials are attached to the minutes: 1) PPRA member Robert L. Cavage’s letter to the Chair dated February 22, 2001 expressing opposition of the field lighting, 2) AYSO representative Debbie Held’s February 22, 2001 letter to the Board supporting the field lighting, which was supplemented by Mrs. Held’s oral presentation at the meeting, 3) AYSO Region 69 commissioner Emeritus George Wolfberg’s February 13, 2001 letter to the Palisades High School Governance Council. Additionally, Board members Stuart Muller and Larry Jacobs e-mailed the secretary a copy of their comments at the Board meeting and requested that their comments be attached to the minutes. These comments are therefore also attached to these minutes. The contents of the above materials were reviewed at the Board meeting and will therefore not be repeated in the body of the minutes. [Note: attachments not included/unavailable.] Board Members Barry Kurtz and Larry Niles reported that they had viewed the lighting at the UCLA field which is similar to that proposed for Palisades High School, noting that they the lighting did not extend beyond the baseball field but if you are beyond the field and looking at it you will see the lights. (Later in the meeting a representative of Musco Sports Lighting, Inc. stated that no direct light within the reflectors of the light fixtures would be visible outside the school property boundaries and showed the Board a reflector of the type that would be used at Pali High.) The lights at UCLA have two times the number of lights that the proposed Pali High lights will have. Both Larry Niles and Barry Kurtz weighed the pros and cons of the lighting and found that the minor impact to residents is outweighed by the benefit to the children. Barbara Kohn reported that she saw the balloons at the Pali High field and found that it was not a scientific approach to determining how high the light standards would be and was not satisfied with the experiment. The wind had blown some of the balloons in the trees and a couple of the balloons were higher than the steeple on the Methodist Church. Lynette Guy noted that she was concerned about the geology of the area and that the lights shining from the football field already present a danger to drivers on Sunset. Ernie Meadows brought up what he called an oblique point, in that the issue is a contractual one. He asked whether or not the High School could enter into a contract with AYSO concerning the lighting and permits for use of the field. Both Debbie Held and Ken Camp, representative of Valerie Fields of the Los Angeles School Board, stated that the schools are prohibited from entering into these kinds of contracts. Permits are issued for use of the field every four months. Kurt Toppel noted that his area of concern was recreation and that is was not fair that the Highlands did not have a fair share of programs. He was involved in the AYSO program in many capacities through the years and his son, who is now a superb athlete at Stanford, participated in the AYSO program. Many of the skills his son learned were through participation in the AYSO program. Kurt agreed that the need for recreation outweighed any potential nuisance. Jack Allen noted that the lights on the football field and the lights on the baseball field are two separate issues and that the Board should vote in favor of the lights for the children. Ted Mackie, Marguerite Perkins Mautner and Lisa Maki all expressed their support of the lights. Isabel Kayser noted that at Theatre Palisades, many new residents complain about the Theater even though it has been there for ten years. She believes it is better to keep the kids in the neighborhood. Patty Detroit noted that Larry Jacobs’ comments were good, and that the residents need to have recourse if things go wrong. Sharon Hays expressed her support for the lights. Bob Cavage and some other audience members expressed their upset at the meeting, stating that those opposed to the lighting were not given equal time to speak and express their opinions at the meeting. Randy Young noted that the Board had inappropriately taken a position concerning the lights prior to hearing all of the community input. The Chair responded that there was a long discussion at the Board’s prior meeting and that Randy was not present at that meeting. Randy also stated that there is a park that can be used in the Highlands and that no public funds should be spent without a public benefit. Barbara Kohn made a motion to postpone a vote on the lighting which was seconded by Stuart Muller. The motion failed. Another motion was made by Stuart Muller and seconded by Lynette Guy, that the lighting be disapproved as proposed because of insufficient information and lack of a lighting management plan. The Motion failed. A third Motion was made by Marguerite Perkins Mautner and seconded. The motion is, we support the installation of the lights on the baseball field at Palisades High School upon the condition that they be turned off no later than 9:30 p.m. and that they be master controlled so that the lights can be turned on and off without local assistance. The motion passed. 4.2 Consideration of what issues the Board wishes to focus on in its consideration of whether the PPCC should become a Neighborhood Council pursuant to the City draft plan for neighborhood councils. Each member of the Board is expected to have read the City draft plan and to be prepared to designate the issues which the Board should study. (If anyone needs a copy of the City’s draft plan, he or she should contact the Chair.) After input from the Board and the audience on the selection of issues, Board members will be assigned issues to report upon at the first meeting in May. The Board was asked to review the list. If any Board member believes that other issues should be discussed, the member should send his or her written comments to the Chair on or before Monday, March 5, 2001. A copy of the proposed list of issues is attached to the minutes. [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.] On June 14, 2001, the Board will host a forum which will be attended by representatives of the Board of Neighborhood Empowerment Commissioners and the Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment. The following persons were appointed to serve on the forum committee: Jack Allen, Isabel Kayser, Larry Jacobs, Ernie Meadows and Kurt Toppel. Adjournment. [Adjournment time not recorded.] The next meeting is on 3/8/01 at 7:00 p.m. in the Oak Room of Mort’s Deli. Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki, Secretary _________________________ |
MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 8th 2001Board Members Present: Ted Mackie, Lisa Maki, Harry Sondheim, Larry Jacobs, Barry Kurtz, Ernie Meadows, Stuart Muller, Larry Niles, Frank Wilson, Lorraine Oshins, Barbara Kohn, Laura Tam, Gilbert Dembo, Patti Post, Jack Allen Chairperson Harry Sondheim called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and read the purpose of the PPCC according to the bylaws. 1. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted with the following changes: 3.4 – From “Flood Plan” to “Floodplain,” also, “The Chair announced that he received notice of a meeting regarding the above plan.…” 3.7 First sentence revised, “Larry Jacobs reported that there is a governance council meeting” The second to last sentence had two periods, one was deleted. The following was added to the last sentence, “in order for more information to be provided in writing by the proponents of the lighting.” 4.1 – In the 8th sentence from the end of the paragraph, the word “would” was deleted and replaced by the word “what.” 3. Announcements and Concerns. 3.1 Treasurer’s Report. There is $6,536.27 in the Council’s checking account and $4,723.35 in the Council’s savings account. 3.2 Public Hearing regarding the Draft General Management/Environmental Impact Statement for the Santa Monica Mountains Recreation Area. Jack Allen attended the February 6, 2001 meeting concerning this Plan and announced that there will be 5 hearings on this Plan and EIS. The Plan has five approaches for the Recreation Area: 1) That no action be taken, 2) The Preferred Plan is a compromise between the Preservation and Recreation Plans, 3) The Recreation Plan opens the mountains to allow access to a maximum number of persons, 4) The Preservation Plan cuts off access in the mountains, and, 5) Education Plan. 2) The Plan does not discuss the controversial issue of mountain bikers vs. hikers. Jack noted that it is more important for the Board to issue comments concerning the Plan, not to attend the hearings. Patti Post made a motion to establish a committee to review the Plan and prepare comments to the Plan. The Motion was passed unanimously. The committee will be headed up by Jack Allen. The other committee members are Gilbert Dembo and Lisa Maki. The issue will be put on the agenda for the Board’s first meeting in March 2001. 3.3 Golden Sparkplug Award Nominations. Nomination letters for this award are due to the Council by Friday, March 9, 2001. Letters must be send to the PPCC at PO BOX 1131. The award was established to recognize residents who “Ignite ideas and projects into community action that makes life easier and more enjoyable for all of us” in the previous calendar year. 3.4 Sav-On Cargo Container. Stuart Muller noted that the large cargo container blocking the Clearwater Mural remains despite the fact that it has been empty and unused since 1/3/01. A Motion was made by Barbara Kohn that the Board write a letter to Sav-On management to have the container removed. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Stuart Muller made a second Motion, that the Board ask the Design Review Board to investigate the use and placement of cargo containers within the areas covered by the Specific Plan. The Motion passed with two abstentions. 3.5 Communications Committee. Larry Jacobs reported that the committee met and discussed the use of the PPCC Website and ways that more communication could take place between residents and the Board. Stuart Muller made a Motion that the communications committee look into developing greater means of communication between the Board and the community. The Motion was seconded and passed with one abstention. 3.6 Getty Villa Lawsuit. The Chair announced that the PPCC is officially out of the Getty Villa Lawsuit. 3.7 Neighborhood Council Plan and Meeting. The Chair announced that complete copies of the Plan have been sent out and extra copies were distributed to Board Members. The Chair reminded Board members to review the Plan for discussion at the next Council Meeting. If anyone is interested in obtaining a copy of the Plan, they may call 213-485-1360. The Chair also announced that there will be a kick off meeting for the Plan with community leaders to discuss organization of Neighborhood Councils, crime, youth leadership and funding on February 24, 2001 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Chair, Larry Jacobs, Ernie Meadows and Stuart Muller agreed to attend. 3.8 Citizen of the Year Award. The Chair announced that the Post will be selecting a person for its Citizen of the Year Award. Harry Sondheim has served on the committee for the last four years and again volunteered to serve on the committee. 4. Old Business. 4.1 Consideration of the Motion made at the 1/25/01 meeting of the Council to oppose lights for the baseball field at Palisades High School, absent the Council being provided with additional information which it had previously requested. Even if additional information were provided, the Council would still need to consider the merits of the matter. The Chair began the discussion on this issue by distributing relevant portions of the Board’s May 11, 2000 minutes concerning the issue of lighting of the field. At that meeting the Chair had requested that “the lighting proponents came back to the Council with a model of the baseball field and proposed light standards.” The Chair also distributed a copy of the Board’s June 20, 2000 letter to Mr. Don Savarese, Principal of Palisades High School, concerning the actions of the Board at the May 11, 2000 meeting. A copy of this letter is attached to the minutes. [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.] The lighting proponents distributed a memorandum dated February 6, 2001, addressed to Larry Jacobs and the PPCC which outlines information on the lighting. It is also attached to the minutes. [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.] Proponents of the lighting, Dick and Debbie Held, and a representative of Musco lighting were present to discuss why they want the Board to support their proposal. The lights will allow AYSO soccer to have practices at the field from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. from August to the middle of December. Also present was Palisades High School Vice Principal, Charlotte Atlas, who noted that there were no funds at the school level to help with the project. She also indicated she had no knowledge of why the Board did not receive the written statement from the Principal which was noted in the May 11 minutes nor of any efforts that had been made to obtain funding to update the football field lights as requested in the Board’s June 20 letter. The cost of the lights is $140,000.00 and $70,000.00 has been secured by Dick Held from Proposition BB funds. Debbie Held stated that the gym was used by YMCA, Boy Scouts, aerobics and volleyball. An audience member noted that this was different because the use of the gym is an indoor activity and did not disrupt the neighborhood. The Musco lighting representative stated that the lights that the proponents want to install are also currently being used at Santa Monica High School baseball and football fields and Beverly Hills High School and that he would arrange to notify the Board and the public as to where and when they could view the lights in use. The Chair and others commented that the lights are 80 feet high and this violates the Palisades height restriction of 35 feet. Barbara Kohn asked that the proponents of the lighting put up poles or balloons so that the public could see how high the lights would go above the trees on Sunset. She also recommended a field trip to view existing lighting and wanted to know the purpose of Proposition BB. Barbara also asked why there couldn’t be a field and lighting in the Highlands. Proponents of the lighting stated that the poles could be painted green or brown to blend in with the surroundings. Many persons complained about the fact that the lights on the football field are left on until late into the night without anyone being present or using the field. Apparently, the principal of Palisades High School has not allowed anyone to turn the lights off as of four years ago when the school took over complete control of the lighting box and keys to access the lights. The Musco lighting representative stated that the lights for the baseball field could be turned on or off by using the telephone but it was not clear who would be able to access the system. Many Board members and audience members expressed their opposition to the lighting. Stuart Muller stated that the proposed lights are an assault on the senses. Ted Mackie noted that there is $140,000.00 in funds available for the baseball field lighting but no funds to fix the switch for the football field lighting. Others noted that the principal has not lived up to prior guarantees concerning lighting. Many noted the importance of having a place for children to play but others were not happy about the prospect of more lighting on the field. PPRA also opposed the fixed installation of lighting and submitted a letter dated 2/8/01 which is attached to the minutes. [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.] Bob Cavage of PPRA noted that the use of the high school is already excessive and this will only add to the burden, noise level and inconvenience to the neighborhood. Other audience members stated their support for the proposed lights since it would allow children (including women) an opportunity to participate in a sport instead of doing other things which are not deemed appropriate. The view also had support on the Board. Stuart Muller made a motion that, Based on the information presented to date, the Council opposes any expansion of the field lights at Palisades High School. The Council reserves the right to consider all issues regarding the use of the fields and the lights at future meetings. The motion was seconded by Barbara Kohn. At the time this motion was voted upon, one voting Board member had left the meeting. Seven members voted in favor of the motion, one member voted against the motion and four members, including the Chair, abstained, which meant that the Motion did not have the requisite 2/3 approval of the Board to pass. The Chair abstained from voting after Dick Held agreed to request a postponement if the vote at the high school’s Governance Council meeting so the Community Council Board could consider the motion at another meeting. 4.2 Consideration of the Mansionization report made at the 1/11/01 meeting of the Council and determination of what action the Council wishes to take in regard thereto. Mr. Mellinger, an arborist, discussed his interest in the committee and also various ordinances concerning trees and views. He was concerned with the topping of trees which often kills them and sometimes causes them to topple. It was determined that the committee, which is headed by Frank Wilson, would continue to explore the issue of controlling mansionization, but, at this time, not the issue of protecting views in the community. Adjournment. [Adjournment time not recorded.] The next meeting is on 2/22/01 at 7:00 p.m. in the Oak Room of Mort’s Deli. Minutes submitted by Lisa Maki, Secretary _________________________ [MINUTES FOR JANUARY 2001 unavailable]_________________________ |