Scroll down for all 2005 meeting minutes
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Kurt Toppel, Barbara Kohn, Peter Culhane, Bill Niemann, Richard Cohen, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Steve Boyers, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Jody Rachmil, Steve Lantz, Sam Stigler, Mary Cole, Walt McCall, Ted Mackie, Margaret Goff, Stephi Magur, Alex Grindon, Danielle Rochlin
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7: 09 pm. Stephi Magur read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of December 9, 2004 was deferred.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported through the Chair that there is $16,959 in the checking account and $4,791 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair announced that consideration of the Potrero Advisory Committee is deferred until January 27 at Councilperson Miscikowski’s request. The Chair is vetting nominees making sure that many differing viewpoints will be represented.
The Chair announced that a presentation regarding sewer charge increases would be on the January 27 agenda.
The Chair thanked Marguerite Perkins Mautner and Mary Cole for putting on a wonderful holiday party for the PPCC, and Scott Wagenseller and Palisades Patrol for providing security. Following discussion of the Council’s appreciation of the use of the Temescal facility for the party, it was moved by Margaret Goff and seconded by Kurt Toppel that Marguerite Perkins Mautner is authorized to spend up to $150 of Council funds to purchase two coffeepots to be presented to Joyce Whitehead as a gift in appreciation for the use of the facility and her personal assistance and cooperation with respect to the holiday party. The motion passed unanimously.
The Chair also thanked Anne Brody of DBL Realtors for hosting the Transportation Committee’s meeting in her boardroom on November 29. The Chair also thanked Charlene Baskin and Bob Jeffers for articles for the newsletter.
The Chair welcomed new Alternate for Area 8, Jody Rachmil and new Youth Alternates Alex Grindon and Danielle Rochlin.
In handout materials please find reference to recent news regarding research findings on health concerns with respect to cell phones from Marla Diamond of the Cell Site Committee. If any person knows of a preservation project that deserves special recognition, the Chair has forms for submitting applications to the Conservancy, which are due January 31, 2005.
Cindy Miscikowski responded by letter dated December 22, 2004 to former Chair Shirley Haggstrom’s letter proposing a traffic signal at Los Liones/Sunset and realignment of the Von’s driveway in Castellammare. In this connection, Ted Mackie suggested that the Board take a position that the traffic signal at Los Liones/Sunset be installed prior to the opening of the middle school nearby. Additionally, Ted expressed the absolute necessity for the signal to be installed prior to excavation and hauling for the 82-condo development, which would necessitate thousands of hauling trips. A consensus was reached to express the will of the Council that the signal be installed prior to September 2005.
There are Federal income limits on recipients of community development block grants, which may pose an obstacle to our community benefiting from the program. As there may be funds available and the Community Development Department has announced meetings to consider proposals, the Chair agreed to advise the AARP Palisades chapter of the opportunity, as they may have a constituency, which would include members in the required income categories.
Crime status email from Senior Lead Officer Ragsdale and follow home robbery alert was noted.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner expressed her frustration concerning streetlights, which remain illuminated 24 hours per day, resulting in substantially shorter bulb life, wasted power and ultimately darker streets. Jody Rachmil, having researched the issue, reported that the problem results from timer malfunction, which leads to a quick fix of disabling the timer, resulting in 24-hour illumination. Because of central control this creates an obstacle to servicing the timers. Substantially shorter bulb lives result from continuous use, compounding the problems. A consensus was achieved to express to Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office the Council’s view that this undesirable situation must be rectified.
The Chair presented a certificate of appreciation to Sam Stigler in recognition of his long and valued service to the Council.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Announcement of Youth Area Alternates.
The Chair announced that Alex Grindon of Brentwood School and Danielle Rochlin of Pali Hi would be the youth alternates to representative Stephi Magur for 2005.
4.2. Second Request and selection of community representatives to mayoral debates on February 7 and February 28, 2005 at KCBS studios.
The Chair announced that the Chair, Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg, Barbara Kohn, and Harry Sondheim had expressed their desire to attend and their names would be submitted on the Council’s behalf. We have been invited to send 7 representatives, so the Chair solicited additional indications of interest. Bill Niemann and Stephi Magur both expressed interest in participating. Discussion ensued of possible questions to submit to the mayoral candidates. Suggested areas of concern discussed included: Education, potholes and road maintenance, especially with respect to the recent storm, mudslides and the issue of development in slide areas, need for additional street lighting, traffic concerns, mass transit for Los Angeles and specifically the trade off of high occupancy vehicle lanes on the 405 vs. use of the dedicated lanes for rapid transit, rail vs. bus issues, the future of transit and subway lines in Los Angeles, political budget process vs. budgeting by ballot, willingness of candidates, if elected, to meet with community leaders and citizens, and ideas to address the problem of homelessness.
4.3 Cancellation of Express Bus Line 430.
Transportation Advisor Steve Lantz: LADOT has recommended cancellation of commuter express route 430 in its report to the City Council’s Transportation Committee, Chaired by Antonio Villaraigosa, and the Hearing Officer has recommend cancellation or modification of service in his recommendation. The Chair and Transportation Advisor Steve Lantz have reviewed the reports, and intends to meet with transportation expert Patti Post, our Treasurer, and Line 430 rider John Redmond next week to evaluate how best to challenge the recommendation. The item has been tentatively scheduled for the January 26th meeting of the Transportation Committee, which regularly meets in Room 1050 of City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., and beginning at 2 p.m. The Chair noted that the Board unanimously reaffirmed its opposition to cancellation of Express Bus Line 430 at its meeting of July 22, 2004 and no further authorization is sought or required at this time.
5. New Business.
5.1. Announcement by area representatives of emergency preparedness representatives for their area.
The Chair thanked Flo Elfant for continuing dedicated service and efforts to prepare our community for the inevitable event that will require emergency preparedness. The recent Tsunami in the Indian Ocean and historic rains in the Southland are a clear signal that failure to prepare can be a deadly mistake. The area representatives announced the following emergency preparedness representatives for their respective areas, and volunteers were recognized from the floor. The first meeting of the group is to be held on Monday, January 24, 2005 at 7:00 PM at Mort’s Oak Room.
1 Barbara Kohn or designee
2 Paul Glasgall
3 Dolly & Bill Niemann, and designee
4 Scott Carter
5 To be designated by Representative Todd Ferrier
6 Stuart Muller, Laurie Frost & Evette Richardson & Mary Cole
7 Steve Boyer or designee
8 Jody Rachmil or designee in consultation with Rep Marguerite Mautner
5.2. Should Board Sponsor Candidate Forum for CD 11?
The Chair noted that sponsorship of a forum for candidates for CD 11 was raised and tabled until after the November election at the council meeting of March 11, 2004. The Chair further noted that the following community organizations are sponsoring the following candidate forums: Santa Monica Canyon Civic Association at Rustic Canyon Park at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1, 2005; Marquez Knolls Homeowners Association at Marquez Elementary at 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 3, 2005; and the Palisades Democratic Club at 7 p.m. at Mort’s on Thursday, February 17, 2005. There have already been candidate forums sponsored by PPRA and an earlier forum also sponsored by Marquez Knolls Homeowners Association. The Chair has inquired of each candidate whether they desired another locally sponsored forum and they each suggested we co-sponsor one of the already scheduled local forums. Based upon the foregoing and recognizing that any citizen wishing to attend a candidate forum will have ample opportunity to do so, the Council reached a consensus to take no action at this time. It was agreed that this issue would be reconsidered if a run-off race were required.
5.3. Should the Board become Party to LADWP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Neighborhood Councils?
Vice-Chair Kurt Toppel reported that he had consulted with Tom McCarthy of LADWP who is responsible for distribution of power, concerning this matter, and after so doing, felt that it served no purpose to do so. Accordingly, no action was taken or proposed.
5.4. Palisades Relay for Life 2005.
Carolyn Hasselkorn made a presentation for Palisades Relay for Life 2005, which is a fundraising effort on behalf of the American Cancer Society. Mrs. Hasselkorn urged Palisadians to form teams to participate in the event. An organizational meeting is scheduled at the Palisades Branch Library on Thursday, January 20, 2005 and the event is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 16 and 17, 2005 at the Marquez Charter School.
5.5. Board and public discussion of Safer Communities Measure, i.e., increased city sales tax, for more police – identify points of inquiry and community position on proposal.
The Chair directed the Board to materials in the handout that detailed possible use of revenue from a proposed city sales tax that has been circulated by proponents of a Safer Communities Measure as well as an accompanying survey. Discussion ensued focusing on two broad areas: the specifics of the proposal and the wisdom of the general concept. Board members expressed their frustration at the allocation of police personnel and resources, which in the view of many shortchanges the Palisades. Many wished to see assurances that additional funding would result in guaranteed allocation of additional policing resources to the Palisades. Disadvantaging local businesses, especially car dealers and large retailers, by imposing a higher sales tax only within LA city limits, with so many alternatives in closely neighboring cities was a matter of concern. Others noted that dedicated taxes for specific purposes undermined the political budgeting process, which is intended to balance the needs of various competing programs. Any Council action will await further clarification of the proposal.
6. General Public Comment.
6.1. Power Line Improvement Work.
Kurt Toppel noted that scattered individual property owners had objected to DWP workers entering their property to perform needed work in furtherance of improvements in the electrical power delivery system for the Marquez Knolls neighborhood. Kurt noted that the fears of such property owners are unfounded. Bill Bruns of the Palisadian-Post read from his recently published article on the subject. Kurt noted that the temporary power lines which the workers are installing would remain for just 2 weeks to, at most, 3 months, and were intended to deliver power to homes while crews repaired and replaced underground conduit. Kurt urged all property owners to cooperate in this important project to improve our power delivery system, which ultimately will improve reliability of our power system. After discussion, Kurt agreed to call Tom McCarthy of DWP to suggest they prepare and distribute a flyer in areas subject to temporary power lines to explain the nature of the undertaking and short time frame for these temporary lines.
6.2. Conservancy Land Purchases.
Ted Mackie expressed his concern over the delay in arranging for an appearance before the Council of a representative of the Conservancy to explain the past and future use of the funds raised through assessments. The Chair agreed to write a letter of invitation urging an appearance to discuss past and proposed future expenditures of funds.
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Kurt Toppel, Patti Post, Karyn Weber, George Wolfberg, Barbara Kohn, Barry Kurtz, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Jean Gold Friedman, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Mary Cole, Walt McCall, Gayle Kirkpatrick, Ted Mackie, Margaret Goff, Stephi Magur, Danielle Rochlin
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Marguerite Perkins Mautner read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and the audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Kurt Toppel moved that the minutes of December 9, 2004, be approved as corrected and that the minutes of January 13, 2005, be approved as submitted. Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported there are $16,759.34 in the checking account and $4,791.41 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements From Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair welcomed new Education Representative from Marquez Charter Elementary, Gayle Kirkpatrick.
He thanked Monique Ford and Debbie Dyner of Councilperson’s Miscikowski’s office for their prompt response today to dispatch City geological experts to investigate the 60 ft-long fissures along Via de las Olas depicted in photos taken this morning by Bluff resident Regina McConahay. Monique Ford reported that (1) the geologists found no immediate danger, but would continue to evaluate the area, (2) the Palisades Bowl Mobile Home Park was subject to some evacuations due to concerns of slides, and (3) El Oro in Marquez Knolls is being watched.
The Chair also thanked Monique for her attention to two matters, the problematic construction (or lack thereof) at 743 Via de La Paz impacting residents Mr. & Mrs. James Owen and Mrs. Dorothy Bissell in particular. No satisfactory outcome has been accomplished but not for lack of attention.
Also, Carol Hurley has drawn to the Councilperson’s attention parking ticketing in Library Lot when it’s closed. Again, no solution yet found but not for lack of attention. Stuart Muller reported that there was an agreement that Rec and Parks would be allowed to park in the lot when the library was closed. Stuart and Patti Post will follow-up.
The Chair also thanked our Transportation Advisor Steve Lantz, Treasurer Patti Post, rider John Redmond and citizen Haldis Toppel for their continuing efforts to challenge the cancellation of Commuter Express Line 430. With assistance of a candidate for CD 11 we have successfully persuaded the Transportation Committee Chair to continue the hearing set for yesterday and to meet with us prior to the public hearing.
Your Chair, Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg, Area 1 Rep. Barbara Kohn, Area 3 Rep. Bill Niemann, Area 4 Rep. Harry Sondheim, Youth Rep. Stephi Magur and citizen (former Hillside Chair) Pat Bell will represent our community at the Mayoral Debates hosted by Neighborhood Councils to be held at KCBS studios on Feb. 7 and Feb. 28.
The Chair was introduced recently to Joe Edmiston of the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy who agreed to personally appear at a future council meeting to discuss the Santa Monica Open Space Assessment District No. 2 tax. The Chair awaits Mr. Edmiston’s further advisement.
The Chair pointed out the following included in handouts he distributed: (1) Councilperson Cindy Miscikowski’s press release announcing passage by Los Angeles City Council waiving associated planning fees for the Alma Real/Ocampo median with $10,000 of General City Purposes (GCP) earmarked for this project and allocating $89,000 in city discretionary funds for the Marquez beautification project (amounts for tree trimming are still a possibility); an email from Chair to Transportation Task Force with update and announcement of two transportation events of interest; (3) a Crime Alert regarding Distraction Burglaries of Elderly victims; (4) an announcement of February 8th, 2005 CD 11 Candidate Forum with candidates Flora Gil Krisiloff, Angela Reddock and Bill Rosendahl sponsored by UCLA’s School of Public Affairs from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club of Venice, 2232 Lincoln Blvd., Venice. Upcoming local candidate forums previously announced are scheduled for 7 p.m., February 1, 2005 at Rustic Canyon Park (Santa Monica Canyon Civic Organization sponsor), 7 p.m., February 3, 2005 at Marquez Charter Elementary (Marquez Knolls Homeowners Assn) and February 17, 2005 at Mort’s (Democratic Club); and (5) draft Minutes for meetings of January 13, 2005, December 9, 2004, and corrected minutes of November 18, 2004.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner announced that two new coffee urns were purchased for Joyce Whitehead at Temescal Park for all of her help.
George Wolfberg reported on a meeting with Councilperson Cindy Miscikowski regarding the landmarking of the gas station in Santa Monica Canyon. She is supporting the landmarking and mentioned other possibilities for designation in the Palisades. Margaret Goff will follow up and will also talk to Stuart Muller about the plaque regarding the Reyes Adobe. Bill Bruns will run a story about the possibilities for designation to attempt to find volunteers. Stephi Magur will attempt to get youths involved.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Officer Ragsdale reported that in 2004 there was a 20% reduction in crime in the Palisades. He also reported that the Community Police Advisory Board for West Los Angeles needs a Pacific Palisades representative. Jeannie Gold Friedman volunteered. There have been complaints about bicycles on the pedestrian path on the beach north of Temescal. No bicycles will now be enforced. Officer Ragsdale reported on the distraction and north of Sunset burglaries. In addition, he talked about “follow home” burglaries and told us that if you can drive away do, otherwise cooperate. The burglars just want our property.
3.5. Reports of Committees.
The Chair thanked George Wolfberg, Harry Sondheim, Haldis Toppel, Jack Allen and Ted Mackie for their contributions to the Bylaws Committee. The Bylaws Committee has now had several meetings and hopes to report back to the Board with recommendations by the first meeting in March.
The Emergency Preparedness Effort led by Flo Elfant is alive and well. Sixteen people attended the meeting last Monday night. Flo received much input and showing her leadership and tireless effort, revised documentation to focus on businesses, distributed key literature to all 24 Swarthmore business and distributed a flyer announcing a meeting on Monday, January 31, 2005, at Mort’s, and shared with new Education Rep. Gayle Kirkpatrick copies of neighborhood materials – Gayle will play lead in her locale. Also, the Chair, Flo, and Leslie Cooper received a briefing regarding efforts re LAFD and cistern at Palisades Reservoir from Bob Cavage.
4. Old Business.
4.1. PCH Shoulder Restoration Project Update – Sameer Haddadeen of Caltrans, Michael May of LADOT, and Ken Slu of County Beaches and Harbor with liaison of Traffic Engineering Advisor Barry Kurtz.
The Chair introduced Barry Kurtz who introduced Sameer Haddadeen of Caltrans, Ken Slu of County Beaches and Harbor and Michael May of LADOT. Mr.Haddadeen of Caltrans described the background of the project. In 2001, the Coastal Commission approved the Bel Air Bay Club if there was a dedication of a bike path on PCH. The Bel Air Bay Club is now following up regarding the right-of-way. Mr. Haddadeen will be in charge of the project, which will restore the shoulder. All of the players — the Bel Air Bay Club and State Recreation and Parks — are on board. The estimate for the project is $850,000-900,000. The fiscal year begins July 1, 2005, so it can’t start until then. If the project is below $750,000, it is considered a “minor” project and Caltrans will have more control. So, they are looking for other funding. Michael May of LADOT reported that LADOT would contribute $200,000 for relocation of the utilities. He expects approval from City Council in early March of this year. Mr. Haddadeen will start the design, the Project Report (justification), environmental issues and deal with the partners on July 1, 2005. This portion will take nine months. Then he goes to Sacramento to prepare for sending the project to the CTC to authorize the funding. This will take until August 2006. The preparation for the project will begin in November 2006 and construction will follow January to April 2007. He expects to complete the project in the summer of 2007.
Barry Kurtz thanked everyone. Mr. Haddadeen mentioned that Caltrans is willing to contribute funds to the City if the City process would be quicker (the “permit process”). The Chair asked Barry Kurtz to examine/discuss.
4.2. Board Action re Potrero Canyon Citizen Advisory Committee.
The Chair stated that for the last several months he has received nominations, spoken with nominees while contemporaneously the Councilperson’s office independently developed their list of nominees. The Chair and Councilperson met together with Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg and Monique Ford to launch the cooperative effort. Yesterday, Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg and the Chair met with Monique Ford and Debbie Dyner at the Councilperson’s office to review tentative nominees, goals and objectives, committee structure and process, and timelines. It is proposed that Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg be Chair of the Potrero Canyon Citizen Advisory Committee. The Chair then introduced Monique Ford to announce the tentative nominees for the Board’s consideration, as follows:
1. George Wolfberg, Chair
2. John F. Anderson
3. David Card
4. Roger Woods
5. Gil Dembo
6. Dennis Hackbarth
7. Norma Spak
8. Judith Collas
9. Charlene Baskin
10. Nancy Castle
11. Rob Weber
12. Carl Mellinger
13. Leonard Horn
14. Ellen Travis
15. Susan Nash
16. Stuart Muller
With Martha Patterson, Randy Young and Chair Norman Kulla as Ex-Officio non-voting members.
The first meeting will be on February 16, 2005 at 7:15 p.m. at the Palisades Recreation Center. All Advisory Committee meetings will be open to the public. A senior person from City Council will brief the Committee as to jurisdiction. Kurt Toppel moved that the PPCC accept the proposed list of names. Karyn Weber seconded, and the motion was unanimously passed.
5. New Business.
5.1. Proposed Sewer Charge Increase and Baykeeper Settlement – DPW, Bureau of Sanitation.
The Chair introduced Mr. Kioumars Pourkazemi, Civil Engineering Associate, Bureau of Sanitation Wastewater Engineering Services Division and Robyn Jackson of the Bureau’s Financial Management Division. Mr. Pourkazemi made a presentation explaining the City’s recent settlement of a clean water lawsuit brought by Baykeepers, the corrective efforts to be undertaken and the financial reasons for the proposed sewer service charge increase. Written public comments regarding the settlement must be submitted by 5 p.m. on February 1, 2005 to City Clerk, 200 North Spring, Room 395, Los Angeles, CA 90012, or faxed to (213) 978-1040. A public hearing will take place on February 2, 2005 at the John Ferrarro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. City Council will take action at this meeting.
5.2. Renovation of Sav-On – Ali Fouladi, Dist. Mgr., Mike Haz, Store Mgr. — Deferred.
6. General Public Comment.
Angela Reddock, candidate for CD11, announced the grand opening of her office in Westchester on Saturday, January 29th at 10 a.m. All are invited.
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Patti Post, Karyn Weber, Barbara Kohn, Bill Niemann, Richard Cohen, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Steve Boyers, Gayle Kirkpatrick, Stephi Magur, Alex Grindon
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. Patti Post, Treasurer [acting Chair] called the Board meeting to order at 7:09 pm. There was not a quorum, but Post decided to continue with the meeting. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and the audience introduced themselves. Post announced that the Chair was absent since his mother had passed away. There was no news yet regarding the funeral.
2. Adoption of Minutes. The approval of the minutes of January 27, 2005 was deferred.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. Post reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported no changes since the last meeting.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
Post announced that the library has begun a rental book program, Project Best Seller. Certain recently released books will rent for $.25 a day and will not be included in books that are available for loan to other branches.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Officer Ragsdale reported that the neighborhood block meeting set for February 17th is cancelled. He will advise us of the new date once it is set.
3.5. Reports of Committees.
Steve Lantz updated the PPCC regarding the cancellation of Line 430. Antonio Villaraigosa, Chair of the Transportation Committee, at the request Bill Rosendahl in support of the PPCC efforts, and with the concurrence of Committee members Tom LaBonge and Greg Smith, continued the matter for another 45 days. Steve Lantz told the Board that the next step was to request a meeting with the General Manager of LADOT and the Chair had already sent a letter to Councilmember Cindy Miscikowski asking for her help to set up such a meeting. Treasurer Patti Post asked Michael Bai, the new West Los Angeles Director of the Mayor’s office, to assist the Board in arranging a meeting with LADOT GM Wayne Tanda. Mr. Bai suggested emailing Brian Williams, the Mayor’s Transportation Deputy, with a cc to Mr. Bai to arrange a meeting with LADOT.
4. Old Business.
4.1. What action should Board take, if any, regarding revised findings to be acted upon at Coastal Commission’s February 17, 2005 hearing in Monterey concerning 425 Mt. Holyoke?
Barbara Kohn told the PPCC that the hearing would involve only the revised findings written by staff based on the decision already met by the Commissioners. As such, no action is needed.
4.2. Update re ticketing in parking lot when Library closed – Stuart Muller and Patti Post.
According to Stuart Muller, the library usurped some Recreation and Parks land when it was built, so there was an agreement that Recreation and Parks could use the parking lot when the library was closed. Patti Post and Monique Ford followed up with the library, but the authorities at the library have no recollection of this agreement. Patti Post and Stuart Muller will continue to look at this.
5. New Business.
5.1. Should Board support acquisition of Soka University as State Parkland?
Gil Dembo described the history of the land in question. The agencies involved are looking for a letter of support from us, not money to buy the land. Gil Dembo moved that the PPCC should write a letter to support the acquisition of the state park land and send it to all the appropriate agencies. Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded the motion. The motion passed with 10 in favor and 1 abstention (Barbara Kohn). Gil Dembo will draft a letter and submit it to Patti Post.
5.2. Introduction of Michael Bai, new Westside representative for Mayor Hahn.
Michael Bai is replacing Viet Tran. He explained that transportation funding is tough and it always the first to be cut. He thought that we were a certified “neighborhood council” so we could direct the spending of $100,000 in additional funding for street repaving and repair. However, the PPCC is not eligible for the funds, as it is not certified. Harry Sondheim pointed out that we are still part of the city. Another Board member pointed out that some Neighborhood Council, such as Venice, were certified but non-functional. Michael Bai told the Board that although Venice is not a good functioning council, it would be able to allocate the funding but the PPCC could not. Audience members joined with the members of the Board in expressing their outrage at such treatment. Bai said that he would work on changing this outcome. Michael Bai’s contact information is (310) 410-1749 (office) (213) 359-4136 (cellular)
6. [General Public Comment — None recorded.]
7. [Adjournment — Adjournment time not recorded.]
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Barbara Kohn, Norma Spak, Paul Glasgall, Bill Niemann, Harry Sondheim, Todd Ferrier, Stuart Muller, Steve Boyers, Jody Rachmil, Mary Cole, Walt McCall, Gil Dembo, Ted Mackie, Stephi Magur, Alex Grindon
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7: 05 pm. Todd Ferrier read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Stephi Magur moved that the minutes of January 27, 2005 be approved as submitted, Todd Ferrier seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. Stephi Magur moved that the minutes of February 10, 2005 be approved (as corrected/submitted), Steve Boyers seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported there are $16,838 in the checking account and $4,792 in the savings account.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair announced that copies of the following were included in handout for Board, media and public; tonight’s agenda and draft minutes for meetings of January 27 and February 10, 2005; a letter of support sent by Chair for the acquisition of King Gillette Ranch or Soka property (copy in handout); March Coastal Commission Actions, including the denial for approval of the proposed project opposed by Board at 425 Mt.Holyoke Avenue; announcement of recovered property showing from Detective Escontrias recovered from hillside burglaries; Follow-up Analysis of Neighborhood Traffic Improvement Request from Getty Villa Community Relations Committee Meeting of February 15,2005 (thank you Norm Dupont, Chairman); Meeting Notice For February 28, 2005 and Agenda for Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and its Advisory Committee to be held at 7:30 p.m. at Franklin Canyon Park – the Chair noted that Joe Edmiston and Paul Edelman of the Conservancy have agreed to appear and answer the Board and community’s questions regarding expenditures pursuant to the Santa Monica Open Space Assessment District. No. 2 at the Board’s March 24, 2005 meeting; copy of Chair’s February 23,2005 email to Monique regarding Via de las Olas; See for details of Photo Radar bill, SB 466, introduced by Senator Kuehl on February 18, 2005, in support of LADOT’s speed radar program to reduce vehicular speed in Los Angeles’s residential communities.
In addition, the Chair thanked Dick Littlestone for his efforts to obtain 311 service for Palisadians with Verizon phone service. Currently, 311 is inoperative for Verizon customers. However, Dick has determined that you can obtain access to the system by dialing 310.575.8321, then dial 0 at the prompt.
The Emergency Preparedness Committee Chaired by Flo Elfant has been moving forward with its pilot project in the business district and two residential neighborhoods. A flood recovery and preparedness package from LAFD is available upon request to Chair.
The fence proposed at 17526 Tramonto is satisfactory to the neighbors and has been dropped from March 10 agenda.
In addition to Via de las Olas, concerns have been expressed to the Chair about the stability of the Asilomar bluffs and Castellammare Drive and Revello Drive above PCH and the need for repaving the 600 block of Las Lomas Avenue. Debbie Dyner has confirmed the need to clean-out the “netting” bulging out with dirt from the slide on Palisades Drive but no action has been taken by City to date.
The Chair has completed and submitted a renewal application for the Board’s E & O coverage through the council’s existing insurance broker, Frankel & Associates.
The Transportation Committee is very active and a progress report will be scheduled at a future meeting.
Ted Mackie updated the Board regarding a Coastal Commission meeting on March 16th in Newport Beach, concerning the YMCA and Temescal Canyon. The specifics will be on the Coastal Commission’s website. Additionally Ted informed the board that the Coastal Commission has declared there has been a finding of “substantial issues” involved regarding the YMCA and the Temescal Canyon property.
Barbara Kohn updated the Board indicating that a hillside-building moratorium had been urged given recent landslides. Additionally Barbara informed the Board regarding an appeal-filing deadline of March 18th on the 82-unit Landmark Tramonto condo project. It was her wish that the Board take a different position than it previously took regarding the condo project in light of the recently increased water flow that has taken place in the hillside. She requested the Board invite someone to our March 10th meeting that could speak towards a geological discussion. The Chair indicated he would invite Ken Kahan, CEO of Landmark Development, developer on project, to March 10 meeting.
The Chair also reported to the Board that George Wolfberg represented the Board at the hearing on the historical status of the Santa Monica Service Station hearing. Area 1 representative Barbara Kohn informed the Board that on March 16th there is City Planning Dept. hearing for a 21-condo project at 16125 Sunset.
Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives: Monique Ford informed the Board that FEMA has opened a shelter for flood victims in N.Hollywood. The phone number is (800) 621-FEMA. The shelter will continue operating for next seven days.
3.4. Reports of Committees — None.
4. Old Business.
4.1. New Speed Trailer Program.
The Chair thanked Treasurer Patti Post, who chaired this effort on behalf of the C-PAB Traffic Committee, for her efforts working quietly behind the scenes to work thru all the roadblocks and make this happen; the Chair also thanked WLA Division Chief Capt. Vance Proctor for his support. This program, a co-operative effort of LAPD West Los Angeles Division and West Traffic Division, expands the use of volunteers for traffic-related tasks. The first new task will be the deployment and pick-up of speed trailers. West Traffic Division will train and supervise the volunteers and West LA Division will make their speed trailers available. Volunteers must be 18 years of age and have a good driving record. The full particulars of program are included in Chair’s handout for Board, media and public. Contact WLA Division Officer Mike Davis at (213) 473-0215 to volunteer or for further particulars. Paul Glasgall commented that there were physical restraints; it required significant physical strength, to operate (move and setup) the trailers. He also expressed concern about potential liability of civilians. The Chair replied that the issue of liability had been addressed by extending City liability coverage to volunteers and that training would be provided that should adequately address any physical need requirements.
4.2. Via de las Olas – update and options.
The Chair circulated to the Board, media and public pictures furnished to him by Area 1 Representative Barbara Kohn depicting the Via de las Olas bluffs before and after the 1958 slide that required the reconstruction and rerouting of PCH. The Chair also made available a ten-page package (the “Via package”) furnished by Monique Ford of our Councilmember’s office consisting of: letter of June 29, 2004, from Cindy to “Dear Neighbor,” May 25, 2004 Inter-Departmental Correspondence from Michael P. Brown, Division Manager, Geotechnical Engineering Division, evaluating Via de las Olas (4 pages, including Figure), Letter dated June 2, 2004, from William A. Robertson, Director, Bureau of Street Services, to Cindy providing cost estimates for street rehabilitation options for Via de las Olas from Beirut Ave. to Friends Ave. (2 pages) with additional presentation of these options as projects (2 pages). The Chair noted that he had distributed to the Board a copy of an email he had sent to Monique Ford requesting written confirmation that Via De Las Olas is an attendant project of the Potrero Canyon Park Restoration and that funds from the Potrero Canyon Trust Fund shall be disbursed to complete the above mentioned projects, in conformity with all applicable enacted City laws, if funds to remedy the situation don’t arrive sooner through Capital Improvement Project money. The Chair further indicated that he had received an email response from Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg disagreeing with the Chair’s request. Mr. Wolfberg, Chair of the Potrero Canyon Citizens Committee, informed the Chair in a phone conversation subsequent to his email that the committee would take up the matter of Via de las Olas at an appropriate time in the future. The Chair thereupon recognized via de las Olas residents Regina McConahay and Bill Moran who have played leading roles in attempting to obtain appropriate response from the City to address their concerns. Barbara Kohn recommended the Board continue to inform the Coastal Commission on all new developments. Monique Ford reported that Councilmember Miscikowski had already considered the Chair’s request and agreed to initiate formal City motion to incorporate Via de las Olas as an attendant project to Potrero Canyon Park Restoration. The Chair thanked Monique for her assistance and expressed his appreciation to Councilmember Miscikowski for her support. Via de las Olas residents Inez Boechat and Bill Moran together with Regina McConahay made a PowerPoint presentation describing critical issues to save the via de las Olas Bluffs (” Via critical issues PowerPoint”). Bill Moran made a request to the Board to support their efforts in saving las Olas and treat the matter as urgent.
The Board then considered three motions. First, as moved by Harry Sondheim and seconded by Stuart Muller, the Board unanimously supported making Via de las Olas an attendant project of the Potrero Canyon Park Restoration. Second, on Harry’s motion with Stuart’s second, the Board on a ten to two vote left to the discretion of the Potrero Canyon Citizen Advisory Committee all substantive matters relating to the design and/or expenditure of funds for any purpose, including any corrective projects, for Via de las Olas, utilizing Potrero Canyon Trust Funds, without prejudice to the Board’s further consideration of the matter. Third, the Board unanimously held that the evidence presented demonstrated that Via de las Olas should be given urgent priority by the City for corrective as well as preventative action to stabilize the Via de las Olas bluffs as well as all projects described in the Via package and Via critical issues.
Resident Lou Magur suggested that FEMA funds may be available and application should be made to obtain such funds. Monique Ford confirmed that Councilmember Miscikowski had also identified possible FEMA funding and is working to obtain FEMA funds for Via de las Olas. There was general agreement that this should be pursued with all due vigor. As moved by Barbara Kohn and seconded by Stuart Muller the Board also unanimously supported giving urgent priority for corrective as well as preventative action to stabilize the Castellammare/Revello streets and bluffs in Castellammare. Again, the exploration of FEMA funding was encouraged. The Chair strongly urged focused action in this regard and recommended that the comprehensive approach undertaken by the Via de las Olas residents being undertaken by other threatened Palisades neighborhoods.
5. New Business.
5.1. Should Board support “No-Kill Animal Shelter City”?
The Chair noted that he had distributed to the Board a six-page proposal for making Los Angeles a “No-Kill Animal Shelter City” from Charlotte Laws, Ph.D., Chair of the Government Relations Committee, The Greater Valley Glen Council. The Chair had solicited the Board’s desire to consider this proposal at a Board meeting. The Chair reported that the Board was split on whether or not this was an appropriate subject for the Board’s consideration. After discussion by the Board and community the matter was dropped for lack of expressed interest.
6. General Public Comment.
Bill Bruns mentioned that the April council meeting should be rescheduled to accommodate the Citizen of The Year dinner on April 14th. The Chair indicated the Board would take up this matter at its meeting of March 10, 2005.
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 8:46PM.
Board Members and Alternates Present: Norman Kulla, William Niemann, Gayle Kirkpatrick, Kurt Toppel, Richard Cohen, Ted Mackie, Patti Post, Harry Sondheim, Margaret Goff, George Wolfberg, Stuart Muller, Charlie Meister, Jack Allen, Steve Boyers, Kris Kelly, Barbara Kohn, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Stephi Magur, Norma Spak, David Williams, Alex Gordon, Paul Glasgall, Mary Cole
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Alex Grindon read the Purpose of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Board and audience introduced themselves. The Chair introduced Kris Kelly; the representative of the Jr. Women’s Club and announced that Charlie Meister and Rick McGeagh, representing PPBA will assume the Recreation seat on the board.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Consideration of the minutes of February 24, 2005 was deferred.
3. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of Agenda. The Chair set the agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that she had opened a 3.15% nine month $10,000 bank CD through Smith Barney brokerage. The checking balance is $5,346.31 and there is $4,792.62 in our savings account. Since the interest rate on the savings is so poor and we now have a CD, the savings account eventually will be closed
3.3. Announcements from Board Members.
The Chair announced that he had received an email message from former Chair Joan Graves pointing out the apparent reduction in community values that is resulting from fewer locally based businesses in the village versus increasing, nonparticipating corporate-operated businesses. David Williams echoed the sentiments expressed by Joan Graves. The Chair announced that he will schedule a discussion of the issue for the board meeting of April 28.
Chairman Kulla announced that Patti Post and Steven Lantz will meet with DOT General Manager Wayne Tanda on March 16, regarding continuation of the Line 430 commuter bus line. Cindy Miscikowski has been very helpful in opening lines of communication even though she is not in favor of continuing 430 service.
Chairman Kulla also announced that a second Potrero Canyon hike will take place at 9:00 am Sunday, March 13, guided by Randy Young.
The Pacific Palisades Garden Club will hold its annual garden tours on Sunday, April 10, 2005 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
A Coastal Commission hearing on the YMCA/SM Conservancy lot split will be held at the Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur, Newport Beach at 10a.m. on March 16.
The Chair further announced that he had confirmed the attendance of Joe Edmiston and Paul Edelman regarding the Santa Monica Conservancy parcel tax at the meeting of March 24.
David Williams announced that the Chamber is beginning the planning process for next Summer’s Movies in the Park. Interested persons should contact him or the Chamber of Commerce.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski’s Office. Monique was unable to attend the meeting and no report was received.
3.5. Officer Chris Ragsdale.
Officer Ragsdale reported that the department had sent out several Crime Alerts and email notifications to interested parties, in recent weeks. Of particular concern were a follow-home robbery that occurred at approximately 8:00 pm in the evening on Brooktree in Rustic Canyon as well as continuing burglaries in the hillside areas including in the Palisades. LAPD is taking this situation very seriously and has assigned a task force including specialty units, bicycle police, and a helicopter to suppress these crimes.
Officer Ragsdale stated that the block captain training is being rescheduled and probably will be held in the Cheviot Hills area. So far, two volunteers have taken the 1.5-hour training regarding set up of speed trailers. More volunteers are needed from community groups. Contact West Traffic Division Officer Mike Davis at (213) 473-0215 to volunteer or for more information.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Should Board support appeal to Coastal Commission of City’s approval of Landmark Condo Project on Tramonto?
The Chair allotted 10 minutes to concerned residents and the same amount to California Landmark, the developer of the Condos to speak on the Geology issues at the site. Alice Beagles showed several slides of the project area and relayed concerns expressed by consulting geologist Russell G. Harter. She stated that the temporary shoring will be crucial to protecting her property and expressed a desire to see the shoring plans, which have not yet been prepared. She asked that the City require all the shoring piles to be installed before any grading occurs. Another resident, Todd Sadow, echoed Alice Beagles’ comments and asked for a more detailed grading and site plan. The Board was asked to support the residents’ appeal of the development permit to the Coastal Commission, which must be filed by March 18.
Steve Sugarman, representing Landmark stated that Ken Kahan, who attended the previous two discussions of the project, was out of the country and unable to attend. Landmark’s Geologist Jon Irvine of the Byer Group indicated agreement with Mr. Harter’s finding that the shoring must be approved before any grading occurs. Jon Irvine told the board that his design was extremely conservative and that each bore hole would be inspected for its entire length by a geologist or a video camera to ascertain the soil condition and that the site will not be touched until it is dewatered even though the calculations assume water saturated soil. He stressed that additional shoring will be installed if the soldier piles installed to protect the grading area deflect by more than 1/2 inch. As part of site review, over 50 borings have been made into the active slide. He stated that grading regulations were strengthened after the 1965 slide on the site and that there have been no failures in any post-1965 construction. Finally, preparation of the shoring plan is a significant expense and will not be started until after approval of the project.
Board members discussed alternative ways of giving input to the Coastal Commission. Barbara Kohn moved and Margaret Goff seconded that the Board, on behalf of the Community Council file a timely appeal to the California Coastal Commission of the Landmark coastal development permit on the grounds that the lack of inclusion of a temporary shoring plan prior to project approval is a matter of great importance to our community. Motion passed by a vote of 12 ayes 0 nays and 3 abstentions. The Chair will prepare the letter.
4.2. Street Improvement and Landslide Stabilization.
Community invited to demonstrate and identifies to Board projects worthy of priority. Chairman Kulla announced that several areas had requested street work including portions of Via de las Olas, Castellammare, Las Lomas, Asilomar bluffs, and Palisades Drive where several small slides have occurred. The Chair desires to create a priority project list prior to March 24, so the Board can take action to request to share in the $100,000 in street improvements to be made available to each community per Mayor’s recent announcement.
4.3. Report on Power GRID failure in portions of Palisades.
Tom McCarthy and Greg Mathis appeared for Department of Water and Power, Electrical Services Division (DWP). Vice-chair Kurt Toppel continues to follow up with power distribution problems in the Marquez and other areas. Last weekend a major outage impacted most of Santa Monica and Rustic Canyons as well as adjacent Palisades regions including portions of the Riviera, Will Rogers and the Huntington area. Approximately 16 homes worst affected were without power for 31 hours. Mr. McCarthy announced that the department has replaced 5.3 miles of primary cable at a cost of $900,000 in the past five years and in the next two to three years will replace 8.3 miles of 4.8KV line, sixteen transformers and 3.2 miles of overhead conductor at an additional $2.24M. Outages are more frequent and severe during periods of wet weather. Underground vaults fill with water, are difficult to dry out and diagnose. Overhead lines may become twisted by winds. Circuit 29-8 is particularly problematic and will be among the lines replaced by the program. DWP is addressing problems with its outage management system to improve communication with customers and crews. The number to call in case of power, or water, problems is 1.800.342.5397.
5. New Business.
5.1. Appointment of Golden Sparkplug Award Committee.
Chairman Kulla appointed Margaret Goff, Ted Mackie and Stephi Magur to the committee. Nominations are due at the close of business on Monday, March 14.
5.2. Scheduling April Board Meeting(s) in light of April 14 Citizen of the Year event.
On motion of Marguerite Perkins Mautner, seconded by Patti Post, the board agreed to defer the April 14 meeting to permit all to attend the gala event at the Riveria CC honoring Citizen of the Year Stuart Muller, the to-be-named Golden Sparkplug winners and Civic Leadership Award winner George Wolfberg. Tickets may be obtained at the Palisadian-Post office at 839 Via de la Paz. The Board unanimously agreed that our council will meet once in April, meeting on the 28th.
5.3. Barricade Video Fire Strategy Emergency Preparedness. Screening of the video was deferred to the March 24th board meeting.
5.4. Board consideration of State Preemption of Local Planning & Zoning laws.
The Chair stated that the state legislature is considering several bills to remove local control of planning and zoning powers. Jack Allen volunteered to pursue and report back on the issue.
5.5. Should Board Participate in Selection Process for City’s new Planning Director?
Area 4 representative Harry Sondheim will investigate the issue and report back at the March 24th meeting.
6. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
7. [Adjournment.] Meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Kurt Toppel, Patti Post, Karyn Weber, George Wolfberg, Barbara Kohn, Norma Spak, Jack Allen, David Williams, Bill Nieman, Richard Cohen, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Steve Boyers, Walt McCall, Gil Dembo, Ted Mackie, Margaret Goff, Alice Beagles, Charlie Meister, Kris Kelly, Danielle Rochlin
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:13 pm. Kris Kelly read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Kurt Toppel moved that the minutes of February 24, 2005 and March 10, 2005 be approved as corrected. Harry Sondheim seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that as of March 24, 2005, there are $ 5,476 in the checking account, $4,793 the savings account and $10,000 in a CD at Smith Barney.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair asked Sue Pascoe to update the PPCC regarding her efforts to control traffic around Paul Revere Middle School. Pascoe reported that she would love to get the community behind her. The Chair offered to work with Sue to obtain the support and cooperation of Marlene Kanter and the LADOT to obtain installation of school zone signs and take other appropriate steps to be identified to address to current dangerous and unsatisfactory traffic condition in and about Paul Revere. Karyn Weber moved that the Chair take such proposed action. Gil Dembo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Chair indicated to the Board that he intended, unless the Board objected, to write a “request for timeline letter” regarding the stalled construction project at 742 Via de las Olas in response to complaints from the surrounding neighbors. There was no objection. Monique Ford of Councilmember Miscikowski’s office also agreed to follow up and report back to the Chair. The Chair also asked Monique Ford about the change from 2 to 4 hour parking at the Recreation Center. Monique will follow up.
The Chair announced that the Chair attended on the PPCC’s behalf yesterday’s City Transportation Committee meeting chaired by Antonio Villaraigosa, with committee member Tom LaBonge (present) and committee member Greg Smith (absent), to argue against cancellation of Commuter Express Line 430 as recommended by LADOT. Also, attending in opposition to cancellation were 430 riders Julie D. Clark, Linda Minky, Marnie Tenden, and Ben Nahid. Monique Ford attended on behalf of Councilmember Cindy Miscikowski, who read a statement indicating that efforts had been made to increase ridership and she understood that scarce transportation resource allocation supported LADOT’s recommendation. The Chair stated that although Councilmember Miscikowski has not joined our Board in supporting continuing 430 she was most helpful in arranging a face-to-face meeting with LADOT General Manager Wayne Tanda and the Chair, Steve Lantz and Patti Post held on March 16, 2005. After a brief presentation by the Chair, Julie Clark and Marnie Tenden, Mr. Villaraigosa stated at the hearing that he agreed with Miscikowski, LADOT and his staff that scarce transportation resources must be allocated in a cost effective way. However, he would not follow the recommendation of LADOT and his own personal staff to cancel Line 430 until after aggressive efforts to find alternatives to cancellation had been tried and failed. He stated that the evidence before the committee indicated that only modest efforts had been made to date. He also indicated that he had received communications from the runoff candidates for Council District 11, Mr. Rosendahl and Ms. Krisiloff, supporting continuation of Line 430 and that he took this into consideration. He urged LADOT staff to work with our community representatives to devise additional strategies to increase ridership. He indicated that if these efforts did fail, then he would reconsider this action. He ordered the matter back for a report from LADOT in sixty to ninety days.
The Chair thanked Steve Lantz, Patti Post, Carol Hurley, and Milt Weiner for their continuing efforts to work with the Chair regarding local transportation solutions. The Chair hopes to bring recommendations to the Board soon. He also thanked Steve Boyers for his continuing overview advice and counsel on these matters. The Bylaws Revision Committee, with the capable leadership of Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg, energetic and thoughtful input of Area 4 Representative and former Chair Harry Sondheim, Advisor Jack Allen, Haldis Toppel, and with regard to map correction, Ted Mackie, has had numerous meetings and is nearing conclusion. The Chair is hopeful a report with recommendations will be ready for our April 28 meeting. The appeal to the Coastal Commission of the 82-unit Landmark Tramonto condo project on the geology grounds identified by the Board was timely filed, a copy is available from the Chair upon request.
The Board’s E&O Coverage has been renewed. A CD with policy is available for Board’s review.
In the handout prepared by the Chair for the Board, media and public, he included a copy of tonight’s agenda, the proposed minutes for March 10 and February 24 meetings, Crime Report (dated 3/22/05, 2 pages) from Senior Lead Officer Ragsdale, Notice of Preparation for Proposed Veterans Homes of California requiring response within 30 days of 3/18/05 (Gil Dembo moved that we support the Homes, while Patti Post asked if we could defer a vote until we had a chance to read the materials, the decision was to defer), Memo furnished by Councilmember Miscikowski dated 2/17/05 regarding an all-way stop sign for corner of Los Liones Drive & Tramonto Drive (A question was asked regarding the proposed stoplight at Los Liones and Sunset. A new study is being undertaken currently by the LADOT and there will be a meeting regarding the light in the Library on April 12th), thank you for your support letter from Wildlife Conservation Board announcing acquisition of 588 acres Soka property for Malibu State Park and Mountain Conservancy, and invitation from our Historical Society of their day excursion on Saturday, April 2, 2005, for a re-enactment of Civil War event. Also in packet is the Chair’s email of 3/19/05 with references to relevant websites providing Board further resource to facilitate expedited consideration of agenda items 5.4 & 5.5. Finally, the Chair reminded the Board to purchase tickets for our Citizen of the Year celebration to be held on April 14, 2005 at Riviera Country Club honoring our own Stuart Muller as Citizen of Year, a special civic leadership award for our own George Wolfberg, and the PPCC’s Golden Sparkplug presentation.
George Wolfberg reported that Katherine Chan, who will be retiring shortly, will speak to the Potrero Canyon Advisory Committee on April 13th in the Library at 7:00 pm. If anyone has any questions for her, please send them to Mr. Wolfberg in advance and he will forward them to Ms. Chan. Also, Mr. Wolfberg announced that the Santa Monica Canyon Gas Station Landmarking has been approved by the City Commission. The application is now with the PLUM Committee and they will be meeting on March 30th to consider it.
Gil Dembo announced that the Palisades Garden Tour is on April 10th. Kurt Toppel reminded everyone that the next PPCC meeting is on April 28th. Patti Post reported that the library will be closed April 4th through 7th while the carpet is being replaced. Karyn Weber announced that her “maternity leave” will start in May.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Officer Ragsdale came to the meeting briefly as there was ongoing police activity occurring in the Village. He reported that the Bank of America on Sunset had been robbed, that the thief had attached a package to one of the tellers and that he had told her that it contained explosives. The package had at that time been removed from the teller, the thief got away and the bomb technicians were exploring the package. Officer Ragsdale also discussed the recent incident between Palisades High students and the owner of the Blue Cross Pet Hospital.
3.5. Reports of Committees.
Harry Sondheim reported that the PPCC cannot officially be included in the selection of the City’s new planning director as we’re not a certified “neighborhood council.” However, he told us that we could (1) decide what our ideas are and (2) maybe feed ideas to another “neighborhood council.” Mr. Sondheim suggested that we form a committee to deal with this and the Chair appointed Jack Allen, Patti Post, Barbara Kohn and Harry Sondheim.
The Chair said that he had met DONE General Manager Greg Nelson at last Saturday CityWide Alliance meeting and discussed certification. Mr. Nelson indicated that the Charter required each community to be represented by a certified neighborhood council and since our community council was not certified this creates a conflict that must be resolved. We already are not receiving the $50,000 per year each NC receives, are not permitted input into the City budget process provided for NC’s, cannot give input directly into the City Council’s agenda per current NC input process, etc. At the next Bylaws Committee meeting it was agreed that the question of our community council’s rights under the City’s Charter provision for neighborhood councils will be considered.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Should the Board authorize appeal on geology grounds approved regarding Landmark’s 82-condo Tramonto project re Coastal permit a related appeal regarding City’s recently approved tract map for same project?
The Chair indicated that Area 1 Representative had brought to the Chair’s attention that on March 15, 2005 the City approved the tract map for the referenced project which needs to be filed by tomorrow, March 25, 2005, to be timely filed. The Board could choose not to appeal within City process, or decide to appeal. If we decide to appeal we could base appeal on same geology concerns expressed in Board’s Coastal Commission appeal or broaden grounds to included traffic and density concerns raised by individual residents, Castellammare Mesa HOA, and PPRA. Barbara Kohn stated that we have an opportunity to refile the old appeal and file a new appeal. Patti Post moved that the PPCC file the additional appeal on the same geology grounds, Harry Sondheim seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4.2. Street Stabilization and Improvements.
The Chair announced that he had sent two emails yesterday to Debbie Dyner, with copies to selected interested parties, one addressing geotechnical issues in Palisades and one addressing principally street repaving issues. The geotechnical issues concern Via de las Olas, Castellammare area, and Asilomar bluffs. The repaving and other street condition issues concern Via de las Olas, Castellammare area, 600 block of Las Lomas, Dulce Ynez Lane, and Palisades Drive. Barbara Kohn sent a supplemental email regarding Area 1 Pacific View Estates concerns. Chair Emeritus also sent an email regarding Santa Monica Canyon streets. All four emails are in handout packet. George Wolfberg said that we should form a committee to drive the streets on the list and see what the situation is on them so that we can prioritize. The appointed Karyn Weber, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Barbara Kohn and George Wolfberg as a committee to do this and report back to the Board.
5. New Business.
5.1. Planned and To Date Land Purchases for MRCA per Santa Monica Open Space Assessment District No. 2.
The Chair welcomed Paul Edelman, Chief of Natural Resources and Planning of MRCA (Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority) from the Conservancy and turned the floor over to him for his presentation. Mr. Edelman explained what properties the MRCA was interested in and what the criteria was for choosing properties. The discussion included questions regarding the Urban Limit Line, which delineates properties that cannot be developed, the Citizens Oversight Committee and its role, and the amount of money that the Conservancy has to spend in the next year on acquisitions (approx. $2.4 million). Mr. Edelman explained that their criteria include cost, public access, whether the property is contiguous to a state park and what would happen if the land in question was developed. Mr. Edelman asked the Board for suggestions for land acquisitions and parcels (as marked on his handouts) suggested include #120 and 121 (from Jack Allen), and the Los Liones properties (from Norman Spak). However, Harry Sondheim pointed out that the members of the Board really needed time to consider the question. The Chair outlined a proposed the following plan: (1) take tour of properties with committee; (2) work with Paul; (3) 30 days to identify parcels to purchase; (4) concrete recommendations within 60 days. Paul Edelman agreed. Committee: Ted Mackie Gil Dembo, Steve Boyers, and Norman Kulla. Paul Edelman’s contact information is as follows:
Phone: (310) 589-3230, x. 128
Fax: (310) 589-2408
5.2. Should Board schedule special April meeting to consider the future of the Palisades Village?
The Chair included in the March 10, 2005 handout an email dated March 10 from former Chair and community treasure Joan Graves expressing concern that our community is in jeopardy of losing its village atmosphere and requesting that the matter be put on that night’s agenda to schedule a well advertised town meeting, sponsored by the community council, to consider these expressed concerns. The Chair did not receive her email to accommodate her request for March 10, so put it on tonight’s agenda. The matter was opened for discussion.
The general consensus of the Board was that a general forum would not be helpful as, according to the Chair, the landlords would decline to attend such a meeting. David Williams stated that the Chamber of Commerce will meet on Wednesday to discuss the issue and he will get back to the Chair and PPCC with any specific requests.
5.3. Bienveneda Wall at St. Matthews.
Area 3 Alternate Richard Cohn requested that this matter be put on tonight’s agenda. Richard expressed concern about a proposed 8’ wall stretching 168’ on Bienveneda adjacent to St. Matthews. It is the Chair’s understanding that the proposed wall’s purpose is to address noise issues interfering with services at the church. The Chair understands that this matter was considered by the Marquez Property Homeowners Association on Monday night, March 21, 2005, with participation by David Miller, Rector at St. Matthew’s. It is the Chair’s understanding that today is an important religious event with services that conflict with our meeting tonight and Mr. Miller is presiding at such services so cannot be here. The Chair then turned the matter over to Vice Chair Kurt Toppel, who also is President of the Marquez Property Homeowners Association. Mr. Toppel told us that he had spoken to Mr. Miller, that a subcommittee will be formed with Area Three Representative Bill Neimann and Alternate Richard Cohen. They plan to meet with Mr. Miller on March 30th at 2:00 pm to discuss a solution. A City Planning hearing is set for the issue on April 21st. Monique Ford has a request in to postpone the hearing until after the PPCC April 28th meeting.
Richard Cohen moved that:
“The Council authorizes the Chair to write a letter to the L.A. City hearing officer (with copies to appropriate concerned persons) opposing St. Matthew’s request for variance if a public hearing on the matter is held before the next Community Council meeting at which there is an opportunity to discuss this matter.
“A committee chaired by Kurt Toppel and including Bill Niemann and Richard Cohen is formed to meet with St. Matthew’s representatives to attempt to achieve a consensus solution acceptable to all parties.
“A representative of St. Matthew’s is invited to the next Council meeting to present their position.”
Richard Cohen’s motion passed 8 to 6. As it was policy/substantive motion, it needed a 2/3 majority to pass pursuant to the bylaws, so motion failed. Karyn Weber moved that if the hearing cannot be postponed, a special meeting should be held. Patti Post seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
5.4. Should the Board support the Nature of Wildworks Environment Education Center?
The Chair indicated that he had put items 5.4 and 5.5 on the agenda for consideration if the Board felt that the information furnished electronically gave the Board a sufficient opportunity to act on these matters analogous to a consent calendar. If the Board felt comfortable giving the Chair authority to fashion letters of support without further presentations or extended discussion, then the Chair invited a member to so move. If this was not the Board’s desire, then items 5.4 and 5.5 should be deferred. In this regard, the Chair noted that the email to the Board with tonight’s Agenda and proposed minutes for the meetings of February 24 and March included a reference to
Molly Hogan from Nature of Wildworks told the PPCC that they wished to relocate their facility to the SOKA property. Ms. Hogan was unable to tell us whether other organizations were interested in moving there. The MRCA, represented by Paul Edelman (who was at the meeting to present item 5.1) told us that the MRCA has not yet considered what the land will be used for. Gil Dembo moved that the SOCA have an educational and children’s component. The motion was seconded by Kris Kelly, but then withdrawn when it was decided to defer the issue until such time that the PPCC has more time to consider it.
5.5. Should Board support AB 359 (Gordon) off-leash pilot program at Dockweiler State Beach in the County of Los Angeles?
The Chair directed the Board to materials in the handout regarding the proposed program as well as the government website giving particulars of the legislation at
Stuart Muller moved that we support AB 359 [Gordon], Gil Dembo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
6. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 9:53 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Kurt Toppel, Karyn Weber, George Wolfberg, Barbara Kohn, Norma Spak, Richard Cohen, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Steve Boyers, Mary Cole, Gayle Kirkpatrick, Gil Dembo, Ted Mackie, Alice Beagles, Rick McGeagh, Kris Kelly, Stephi Magur, Jack Allen
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Rick McGeagh read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Kurt Toppel moved that the minutes of March 24, 2005 be approved as corrected, Stuart Muller seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Chair reported that the Treasurer informed him that there is $4,526 in the checking account, $4,793 in the savings account and $10,000 in a CD.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair welcomed to the Board Alice Beagles representing the Historical Society and Rick McGeagh as PPBA Alternate.
The Chair announced that the Coastal Commission had found that the appeal of the City’s approval of the Landmark Tramonto condo project raised a substantial issue in regards to the development’s conformity with the certified Local Coastal Program and the public access policies of the Coastal Act, which appeal had been filed by the Board, PPRA and other interested parties, and ordered a hearing de novo at a date not yet announced (see notice in handout).
The Chair indicated the handout also presented assignments to subcommittees of the Potrero Canyon Citizen Advisory Committee Chaired by George Wolfberg, naming Rob Weber to serve as chair of the Land & Finance subcommittee, David Card as chair of the Recreation subcommittee, and Carl Mellinger as chair of the Landscape subcommittee.
The Chair announced the appointment of George Wolfberg, Harry Sondheim and Marguerite Perkins Mautner pursuant to Article VII, Section 1 of the Bylaws to nominate a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary for the term commencing July 1, 2005, which nominations will be announced at the council’s meeting of May 12, 2005. The Chair expressed his appreciation to Roberta Donahue of the Palisadian-Post and Joan Graves, former Chair, for their conduct of the April 14, 2005 Citizen of the Year Dinner honoring our own Stuart Muller, George Wolfberg for a special citizenship award, and Golden Sparkplug Jim Blumel. The Chair thanked Jack Allen, Harry Sondheim, Ted Mackie, and particularly George Wolfberg for updating revised proposed Bylaws and Haldis Toppel for a remarkable effort to present accurate updated boundaries. The Bylaws Revision Committee plans to present its recommendations at our May 12, 2005 meeting.
Thanks to the unwavering efforts of Sue Pascoe, newcomer Reza Akef and the cooperation of Marina Lang of Marlene Canter’s office, the Chair announced a working meeting with all necessary participants to seek resolution of the Paul Revere traffic nightmare next Tuesday, May 3, 2005. On May 12, 2005, Transportation Advisor Steve Lantz, Haldis Toppel and hopefully Patti Post will join the Chair in meeting with LADOT staff downtown to discuss rerouting Line 430 to increase rider ship and preserve our community’s only public transportation commuter express option to downtown. The Chair thanked Steve Boyers, Patti Post, Carol Hurley and Milt Weiner for their continuing efforts as part of the Parking & Transportation Committee and the Chair is hopeful that the committee will report back in May with recommendations for a new parking facility for the Village and possibly recommendations for improved local transportation.
With regard to parking at the Recreation Center, former Chair Shirley Haggstrom initiated a request to increase the allowable time to park from 2 to 4 hours for park patrons. Monique Ford has reported that she expects favorable action on this request and will report back to the Chair in the near future.
The Chair reported that Bob Prendergast (213-367-2188, ) had replaced Paul Liu as the project director of the Santa Ynez Reservoir. The mitigated negative declaration and master landscape plan have now been approved. Currently, DWP is focused upon hydraulic distribution to ensure continuing water service to Palisades during construction. A model of the Reservoir is being constructed in Canada to perform physical modeling to ensure adequate mixing. Construction should begin in 2007.
Turning to crime prevention, Vice-Chair Kurt Toppel was appointed to Chair the Bank Robbery discussion group formed at the LAPD Senior Lead Officer Summit held at University Synagogue on April 12. 2005, where the Chair, Kurt Toppel, Haldis Toppel, Mary Cole, and Paul Glasgall also were in attendance representing our community. Kurt Toppel reported on the Summit and recommended that Bank of America be urged to install a bandit barrier to discourage robberies. After discussion on the issue, including Rick McGeagh who stated he was equally concerned with the chase that occurred after a robbery than with the robberies themselves, Stuart Muller proposed a motion that Kurt Toppel write a letter to Bank of America and take further action as needed to secure the banks in the Palisades in the most reasonable way, including bandit barriers. The motion passed 11-4.
Separately, the Chair had distributed for the Board’s input two letters the Chair proposes to send. One letter is directed to Controller Chick who has sought input regarding her audit of the City Dept. of Building and Safety. The Chair drafted the letter to reflect input received via email from the Board. Jack Allen commented that the CC&Rs cannot be considered by Building and Safety, one of the recommendations in the letter. After discussion it was agreed that Jack Allen will work with the Chair to revise the letter. The second letter addresses the recently proposed event fee on Farmer’s Markets within the City of Los Angeles. Harry Sondheim stated that the letter should be sent to every City councilperson and he asked what services are we paying for, maybe farmer’s markets should get special consideration. Jack Allen said that really then the markets would be getting a free ride for a profit making activity. Kurt Toppel moved that the letter be sent to get the ball rolling. Gil Dembo seconded the motion and it passed 10/0/3.
Also in handout was a letter dated April 11, 2005 sent by Chair in support of SB 466 – Mobile Photo Radar Enforcement System.
Jack Allen reported that he went to the meeting yesterday regarding the 310 area code split. He suggests putting the issue on the agenda for the next meeting.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Monique Ford advised the Chair she did not have a report for this meeting and would be unable to attend. LAPD Reserve Officer Mark Dundore reported on behalf of Senior Lead Officer Ragsdale. (1) No major crimes have occurred recently in the Palisades. The main problems are avoidable property crimes that residents can prevent by “hardening” (locking & closing doors, including garage doors) their homes. (2) There have been four bank robberies year to date. The FBI is involved. The LAPD response time has been between less than a minute to five minutes and has included 3-6 cars and air support. (3) Crime in the Palisades is down 12.7% year to date. Police deployment includes Car A-1 that is in the Palisades 24/7, bike patrol, traffic police and a crime suppression unit. (4) Captain Procter passed away yesterday from complications of an operation. The new Captain is Captain Jorge Villegas. (The Chair will send flowers to the family.)
3.5. Reports of Committees. See below.
4. Old Business.
4.1. St. Matthews Sound Wall.
A Special Board Committee headed by Vice Chair Kurt Toppel with participation from Area 3 Representative Bill Niemann, Area 3 Alternate Richard Cohen and Area 6 Representative Stuart Muller, reported as follows: A compromise was reached that a proposed 8’ sound barrier wall will be scaled back to a 6′ masonry wall, set-back, landscaped with no lights and graffiti avoidance. At an April 21 Planning hearing, City approval was given with the specification that a certain tree that needed to be moved would be replaced with another tree or “green, eye-pleasing landscaping.” Richard Cohen reported that Kurt Toppel did a good job and the St. Matthews representatives were responsive.
4.2. Street Priority Repaving.
The Chair thanked Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg for chairing a special committee consisting of himself, Barbara Kohn, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, and Karyn Weber and their report with recommendations, which report was emailed to Board and is in handout. The Chair then turned to Mr. Wolfberg who reviewed the report and started the discussion. Harry Sondheim asked why his requests, Tramonto and the road to the YMCA were not included. Sandra Alarcon, a resident, reported that the 1300 block of Monument was in need of help.
Bruce Jones, Chief Coordinator for Resurfacing and Reconstruction Division of the DPW, Bureau of Street Services and Ron Olive, Principal Civil Engineer of the Engineering Department Division of the DPW, Bureau of Street Services, was in attendance. Mr. Jones reported that the City will not necessarily do the worst streets first. Currently, there are 4000 miles of streets in the City to repave. The current year budget allows for 140 miles. The City needs to repair 265 miles per year just to tread water, and 350 miles per year to eliminate current backlog in 10 years. The Mayor’s recently announced proposed $100,000 per NC allocation, if approved, would repair either 3000 feet of maintenance overlay/mixture of some repair and overlay, or 1000 feet of reconstruction (about two blocks). Of the current Street Services budget, 80% is for maintenance and 20% is for reconstruction of streets that have completely failed. Mr. Jones wants to resurface in grids rather than in a spotty manner, and then develop a maintenance plan (slurry seal every three years). There was general discussion regarding street repair funding, including from the gas tax (applies only to improved streets in public use), City General Funds, STPL (Surface Transportation highway funds) and Prop. C (MTATransit corridors). Mr. Wolfberg asked who follows up if there is cracking from sewer projects. Mr. Jones said that street repair may be put on hold if utility work is going to be done. Mr. Jones gave a street by street report responsive to the subcommittee report. If there are additional problems, the public was urged to call 311 for follow-up. Mr. Jones direct phone number is (213) 485-3427.
Mr. Olive addressed Via de las Olas. In order to repair the street properly, it would cost the city in the range of $500,000-$600,000. In addition, the street has been withdrawn from public use, so only General Funds can be used for repair. Some of the streets in Castellammare have also been withdrawn from public use. Barbara Kohn asked about Tramonto and Porto Marino and their effect on PCH below, but Mr. Olive was not familiar with the situation. He said that he would report back.
Gil Dembo added 1200-1400 Chautauqua to the list of streets for the Committee to look at.
Mr. Jones added that a lot of the streets on the list have been proposed (subject to the budgetary issues) for repaving over the next two years.
The Committee agreed to review the additional streets proposed (all of Tramonto, 1300 block of Monument, 1200-1400 of Chautauqua, the street into Will Rogers State Park) and report back to the PPCC. It was emphasized that this one additional effort, beyond the special committee’s final report already submitted, would bring a close to the current effort to prioritize street repairs.
4.3. Proposed Area H Land Acquisitions by Conservancy under Santa Monica Open Space Assessment District No. 2.
The Chair thanked Ted Mackie and Gil Dembo for touring selected proposed acquisition sites with Paul Edelman of the Conservancy on April 7, 2005. The Chair’s assessment after the tour was emailed to the Board on April 18, 2005 and a copy of that email is in the handout. The Chair then opened the matter for discussion and recommendations. Kurt Toppel reported that he had tried to contact Mr. Edelman to speak to him regarding a piece of property in Marquez Knolls that Mr. Edelman said had no public access. To date he has been unsuccessful in contacting him. It was suggested that we should contact Sheila Kuehl, Fran Pavley and Zev Yarovslavsky (all have representation on the Conservancy). Kurt Toppel asked who is responsible if there is a landslide on one of the pieces of property the Conservancy has purchased and was told that the City was.
It was suggested that the Chair send a letter to Mr. Edelman with a copy to Sheila Kuehl, Fran Pavley and Zev Yarovslavsky stating that we disapprove of the acquisition of any properties without public access and that properties acquired should serve as an extension of an existing park or new pocket park and not as just a preservation of the view of neighbors or a windfall for the seller. In addition, we want to know about proposed acquisitions prior to a binding agreement. Harry Sondheim stated that a letter was not enough and that the appropriate people must be called. Karyn Weber moved that such a letter be written and sent and that the Chair make further efforts as necessary. Norma Spak seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
5. New Business.
5.1. Announcement re Santa Ynez Inn site on Sunset.
The Chair directed the Board’s attention to the April 17, 2005 News Release in the handout from Westside Waldorf School. The Chair introduced Jeffrey Graham, Director of the school, who explained the background of the Waldorf School and their plans to generally keep the structure of the building intact. Graham will return to report to us when more plans are in place.
5.2. Movies in the Park for summer 2005. The matter was deferred because Chamber President David Williams was not present at the meeting.
6. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, George Wolfberg, Paul Glasgall, Bill Niemann, Robert Baker, David Williams, Walt McCall, Ted Mackie, Alice Beagles, Rick McGeagh, Kris Kelly, Stephi Magur, Jack Allen, Sam Stigler, Danielle Rochlin
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7: 08 pm. George Wolfberg read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Ted Mackie moved that the minutes of April 28, 2005 be approved as corrected, Bill Niemann seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Chair reported that the Treasurer informs him that as of May 5, 2005, there is $4,260 in the checking account, $4,793 in the savings account and approximately $10,000 in a CD at Smith Barney.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair announced that he had just learned that former Chair Shirley Haggstrom’s husband had passed away last week. The Chair expressed his appreciation for the 132 individual checks that had been received in the first four business days after mailing of the newsletter. The Chair reported that Haldis Toppel, Patti Post, Steve Lantz and the chair met this afternoon downtown with representatives (seven) of LADOT for a productive 1 1/2 hour working meeting regarding Commuter Express Bus Line 430. We expect to hear back from LADOT within next two to three weeks to continue efforts regarding rerouting (operations) and marketing. Yesterday, May 11, 2005, the Chair gave testimony in support of the PPCC’s appeal before the PLUM committee chaired by Council member Reyes, with Council member Cardenas, in attendance (Jack Weiss was absent) regarding the Landmark Tramonto condo appeal. The PLUM continued the matter until May 25, 2005 and for Council calendar May 31, 2005. Mello compliance appeared to be primary basis for continuance but record remains open. Chair is informed that geology issues may be resolved prior to hearing but expressed concern about compliance with Height restrictions. Peter Kim, head of City’s zoning engineering, indicated that plans were so sketchy he could not determine if there was compliance with City height codes.
On May 3, 2005, Sue Pascoe, Reza Akef & Chair met with Art Copper, Principal of Paul Revere, Jim Stapleton, VP Facilities/Operations & Discipline, Lainey Rogers, LAUSD Dist. No. 3 Operations Director, and Monique Ford and Mark Edwards of Council member Miscikowski’s office at Revere. No solutions were agreed upon but a process has commenced for seeking solutions to traffic nightmare at drop-off & pick-up. Mo Blorfroshan, LADOT, was not aware of May 3 meeting but at request of Monique Ford was in attendance at meeting tonight. Mo informed Board and community that school ahead signs will be placed on Sunset for both eastbound traffic on west side of Allenford and westbound traffic on east side of Allenford. He said that it would not be possible to place flashing yellow lights during peak period of danger on Sunset. He confirmed that crossing guards were provided by LADOT, and in response to Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg’s inquiry, would report back to George and Chair on available warrants for such guards. Mo also provided a handout consisting of a single page of Examples of Signing for School Area Traffic Control with School Speed Limits, which he said are only enforceable within 100’ of a school under current state law. Accordingly, the 100’ rule limited the ability of LADOT to install such speed limit signage. They could install the signs, but if placed beyond 100 feet they would be unenforceable by LAPD.
In handout, find letter dated April 29, 2005 from Vice Chair Kurt Toppel to Bank of America requesting “Bandit Barriers” per Board request at 4/28/05 meeting, letter from Chair Emeritus George Wolfberg to American Legion 282 requesting assistance in funding lighting at Palisades High School Baseball Field for enhancement of recreation & youth activities, announcement of June 14, 2005 LAPD Consent Decree meeting at Emerson Middle School, and announcement of June 12, 2005 event sponsored by Historical Society. Per his family, gifts in honor of the late Capt. Proctor should be made to WORLD IMPACT, In Memory of Captain Vance Proctor, 2001 South Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90007, 323-735-1137, .
The Chair introduced Kaden Foster, a victim of an attempted mugging on the evening of Monday, May 9, 2005, who had requested an opportunity to be heard. With the permission of the Board a discussion ensued. Gary Boyle, the victim’s neighbor had heard her cries for held on Haverford and promptly responded. Due to his immediate efforts to identify and report the assault the assailants were apprehended shortly by the police. It was noted that the assailants were juveniles but not Pali High students. Jack Sutton, Ed.D. 310-454-0611, Executive Director of Palisades Charter High School, was also present and addressed concerns expressed by the Board and community. Youth representative Stephi Magur, Advisor Sam Stigler, and Youth Alternative Danielle Rochlin contributed to the discussion. It was agreed that the Chair would confer further with Mr. Sutton to encourage students to take greater responsibility for their conduct in the village, monitor current policy to allow 12th graders off campus privileges but not lower grade students (which later constraint was not being enforced per those in know), to seek improved supervision of students off-campus via peer review and LAUSD police/security patrol, including monitoring of school parking lot. It was generally agreed that if mutual respect could not be fostered between students and community at large then closing Pali High campus to eliminate off-campus privileges for all students should be revisited (was prior practice until late 1970’s).
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Monique Ford reported that she expected allowable parking to be increased from 2 to 4 hours in near future at Recreation Center parking lots servicing the tennis courts. She indicated a Valerie Punzell was the point person on this effort. Monique also reported that the City’s 2005-06 budget for hiring 720 new officers, 300 whom would replace retiring officers and 420 of which would represent a net increase. This was intended to ratify the recently announced goal of Mayor Hahn to put 60 new officers through academy per month in next fiscal year.
3.5. Reports of Committees [None recorded.]
4. Old Business.
4.1. Street Priority Repaving.
The Chair directed the Board to revised report prepared by special committee chair George Wolfberg which was emailed yesterday to Board and is included in handout. Paul Glasgall protested that Peter Culhane’s memo regarding Palisades Drive and other streets in need of repair had not been included in the subcommittee’s report. It was pointed out by Chair, an Area 2 resident that requests for specific streets for the committee’s consideration had been made via several emails, at the last three community council meetings, and all streets proposed for review had been evaluated. If his particular concerns had not been submitted to committee it was unfortunately too late at this point re reopen the matter. It was noted that at the 4/28/05 meeting the subcommittee was promised that it’s then already final report, with consideration of additional input submitted at 4/28/05 meeting, would be the final report and be considered at the 5/12/05 meeting. The committee’s further report included Whitfield, Monument, Tramonto, Will Rogers State Park Road, & Chautauqua. It was finally noted that despite the subcommittee’s best effort, per the report of Acting Head of Street Services Bruce Jones at last community council meeting, the resources to complete any of the submitted additional projects was problematically. The board by unanimous vote, adopted the recommendation of the committee as follows: That the Board of Governors, 1) Approve the prioritization of Pacific Palisades street repaving requests as contained in the subcommittee’s report; 2) Authorize the Chair to submit the priority list to the City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services, with copy to Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski, for expedited action; and 3) Authorize the Chair to request that identified concrete repairs and reconstruction projects be given a high priority and that the sewer contractor repair to “as new” condition the trenches dug as part of the sewer repair project and that identified sunken trenches be repaired by the responsible party.
5. New Business.
5.1. Announcement by Nominating Committee of Individuals Nominated as Officers.
The committee, consisting of George Wolfberg, Harry Sondheim & Marguerite Mautner Perkins announced the nomination of Norman Kulla as Chair, Kurt Toppel as Vice-Chair, Ted Mackie as Treasurer and Rob Weber as Secretary. Pursuant to Sec. 2, Article VII, any Board member may nominate officer candidates until such time as the Presiding Officer declares the nominations closed. Nominations shall not be closed until the meeting at which the election is held, which shall be the first meeting in June, i.e., June 9, 2005.
5.2. Movies in the Park Summer 2005.
David Williams reported on the 2004, which he stated had four programs, the first with 400 in attendance, with each additional program increasing in attendance by approximately 200, so the last show had 800-900 in attendance. Only one complaint had been received regarding the MC voice being too loud but the complainant supported continuation of the event. All 2004 programs were monitored and their decibel level remained below the 90 decibel limit. Four programs were planned for 2005, all to be held on Saturday nights in August, when the days begin to shorten some facilitating somewhat earlier showings. Friends of Film and the Chamber of Commerce would again provide security for the event, with hoped for additional sponsorship from the Junior Women’s Club and Rotary. The Park will again provide free hot dogs and the event will also again be free to the public. The Chair complemented the Chamber, in particular David Williams, Arnie Wishnick, as well as Bob Sharka of Friends of Film, for their outstanding contribution. The Chair reported that he had received more positive comments about the sense of community generated by Movies in the Park than any other event during his term.
5.3. 310 Area Code Split.
Jack Allen reviewed the history of the prior effort to create a 310 overlay zone, which would require dialing 310 when dialing within the area code. Jack reminded the Board that it had supported no overlay but recommended splitting the area code when existing available numbers were exhausted. This would mean assigning a new area code to residents south of El Segundo. It was the consensus that the opposition to the overly was reconfirmed. The Chair will inform appropriate interested parties accordingly.
6. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Barbara Kohn, Norma Spak, Richard Cohen, Robert Bakers, Stuart Muller, Steve Boyers, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Mary Cole, David Price, Gil Dembo, Ted Mackie, Alice Beagles, Rick McGeagh, Kris Kelly, Stephi Magur, Alex Grindon, Sam Stigler
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7: 09 pm. Stuart Muller read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved that the minutes of May 12, 2005 be approved as corrected, Barbara Kohn seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Chair reported that the Treasurer reported to him that as of May 26, 2005, there is $5,012 in the checking account, $4,794 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair announced that he will be completing his term as Chair but decline accepting nomination for another term as Chair in light of his acceptance of a position on the staff of incoming CD 11 Council member Bill Rosendahl. Although Kurt Toppel is currently in Germany, the Chair indicated he had discussed his decision with Kurt and if nominated and elected, Kurt has expressed willingness to serve as Chair for the next year. The Chair encouraged anyone interested in serving as Chair or Vice Chair to please solicit a Board member to make such nomination. In order to be eligible to be Chair the nominee must have served or be serving on the Board.
Jack Sutton, Executive Director of Palisades Charter High School, who attended our last Board meeting to discuss public safety issues concerning our community and Pali, has informed the Chair that their Board has reviewed the minutes of our meeting of May 12, 2005. They are presently in their budget process and will consider adding additional security as a result of our recent discussion. They are not considering going back to a closed campus at this time. They want to be a member in good standing of our community. Mr. Sutton indicated that both their Board and the student leadership conference expressed interest in having a representative from Pali serve on our Board. The Chair indicated he intended to raise this idea with the bylaws revision committee. Stephi Magur and Sam Stigler reported that they had met with Mr. Sutton and they had agreed that there needs to be a joint effort between representatives of Pali Hi and the community.
The traffic congestion and public safety issues relating thereto at Paul Revere continue to be a focal point for action. The Chair expressed his appreciation to Sue Pascoe for her overview and dedicated focused efforts to find a solution, Dick Littlestone, particularly for his efforts to obtain improved signage, and Reza Akef for his representation of the Allenford community and constructive efforts to identify solutions.
As reported in the Palisadian-Post today, FEMA has announced a $2.6 million grant to DPW for necessary repairs to Via de las Olas for damages incurred following the storms of December 27, 2004 thru January 11, 2005. Together with $637,000 in State funding approved for repairs constitutes a great first step in correcting this threat our Palisadian neighbors and PCH below. I appreciate the expression of appreciation directed to our council for its support and many others, but I’d like to point out that our Council member Cindy Miscikowski really got the ball rolling on this by requesting City Engineers to do the cost estimates for the specifically defined projects that allowed others to take these plans and run with them. The Chair expressed appreciation for Cindy’s efforts.
Monique Ford has provided a list of streets in the city which have been added to the schedule for repaving, including two in the Palisades: Alma Real between La Cruz Dr. and La Cumbre as well as Stretto Way between Castellammare Drive to Posetano Rd.
Debbie Dyner has advised that the slide area catch on Palisades Drive is being scheduled for clean-out. The Chair confirmed that newsletters have now been sent to the mobile home parks which were inadvertently omitted in original mailing. The Chair expressed his appreciation for the more than 300 checks, more than 100 per week that have been received since the mailing of the newsletter. For the larger donors, your thank you is or will be in mail shortly. There have been a number of issues of concern raised since last meeting which the Chair has hopefully addressed to the concerned citizens satisfaction which I will not list, except to mention that yesterday he received word that a cell site has been constructed on our beautiful Mt. Holyoke without benefit of notice to the neighbors or this council. With the Board’s unanimous consent the Chair was authorized to write a letter to appropriate parties expressing the Board’s disapproval of the lack of notice and community input prior to such installation.
Stuart Muller expressed concern about the Board’s action at the last meeting with respect to lights at Pali Hi. The Chair indicated that this matter would be revisited at the Board’s June 9 meeting but would not be discussed tonight since Mr. Wolfberg, who had initiated the effort, was not in attendance. Mr. Mackie directed the Board’s attention to minutes of February, 2001, when the Board previously considered this issue.
Ted Mackie reported, which report was confirmed by Barbara Kohn, that the Getty has purchased the nursery and office building property on the corner of Los Liones and Sunset.
Barbara Kohn reported that PLUM approved on May 25, 2005, the 82-unit Landmark condo project on Tramonto with low-income housing off site, within the coastal zone and within CD11. The matter will go to the City Council between May 31, 2005 and the second week of June. Additionally, she reported that representatives of the Western Center for Law and Poverty were at the hearing advocating on-site low-income housing. Appeals have been filed with the California Coastal Commission. Barbara also announced that the Getty on PCH will reopen to the public late January, 2006, with a reservation and ticket required for each individual.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives — None.
3.5. Reports of Committees — None.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Emergency Preparedness.
Flo Elfant, former Chair & longtime community leader for emergency preparedness, announced that she been attending Los Angeles City Emergency Preparedness programs, and had distributed The Barricade, which described an exciting new fire fighting product favored by LAFD for hillside homeowners, video to every Palisades hillside homeowners association President. She had received not one response to her effort. Moreover, due to exhaustion of available dedicated funds, the emergency preparedness folders prepared by Flo and available in the library were the last of the lot. On a more positive note, Flo introduced Pat Mac Neil who shared Topanga’s award winning emergency preparedness program, Topanga Coalition for Emergency Preparedness, or T-CEP. Pat presented a history of T-CEP, outlined its development, its role in providing services during the 1996 Calabasas fire, its operating history, growth, struggles, and organization. For more particulars check out their website at www.T-CEP.ORG . In the event of emergency, their hotline number is 310-455-3000. Mark your calendars for September 18, 2005, the next Topanga Preparedness Fair will be held from 10-4 at Topanga Elementary School. No charge for admission.
5. New Business.
5.1. The Nature of Wildworks.
Mollie Hogan, President, The Nature of Wildworks, presented a brief background about her organization, a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating the general public and children about wild animals native to our Santa Monica Mountains. Mollie brought with her a baby grey fox native to the Santa Monica Mountains. Wildworks is presently located in Topanga but desires to relocate to 25 acres on the current Soka University campus in Malibu that has recently been acquired by the Conservancy. Mollie explained that an extended public input process is now contemplated and sought the council’s support for consideration as part of the public planning process for the Soka acquisition by the Conservancy. Neil Kelly, a Palisadian, and Wendy Rosen, Board members of Wildworks were also in attendance to support the request. On motion by Steve Boyers, seconded by Kris Kelly, the Board unanimously authorized the Chair to write a letter of support for the concept of such an education center to be included in the planning process.
5.2. LAFD Brush Clearance Notices.
Stuart Muller distributed a Notice of Noncompliance with Information Notice to the Board intended to facilitate discussion about problems with the inspection and brush clearance notification process. LAFD Battalion Chief Mark Jones and Inspector Stolp were introduced and a discussion ensued about the current practices & concerns. There was widespread concern that the notices containing threat of fine were based on incorrect inspections. Stuart suggested that the notices contain referral to the LAFD website,, and be double sided to save paper. Moreover, he noted all the questionable notices had been issued by the same Inspector, ID 23294. After discussion it was agreed that all citizens believing they had received an erroneous notice should email to Inspector Stolp at their Property address, the map no.-page-parcel referenced in upper left hand corner of their notice, and name. After June 8, 2005, she will arrange for an additional inspection to investigate the condition of their property. Inspector Stolp cautioned that at second inspection the property owners should ensure that their property is 1) free of dead material; 2) all native & other grasses have been cut to 3” or less; and 3) Tree branches 6’ and below should be pruned from all trees 18’ or higher, and to 1/3 of height if less than 18’. She stated that at the second stage of inspection that pictures are taken of the cited hazard with subsequent notices applying fines and the cost of clean-up.
5.3. Canyonback Alliance.
The Chair introduced Tom Freeman to make a PowerPoint presentation requesting action to protect public access to historic Kenter Canyon Fire Road. Kevin Keller, chief planning deputy for Council member Cindy Miscikowski, was also in attendance to participate in the resulting discussion. Mr. Freeman and Mr. Keller reported that the Tentative Tract Map. & EIR prepared for the subject Mountaingate project was considered at its initial hearing by the advisory agency on May 18, 2005. No decision was made; the record was kept open for four weeks to allow additional comment. Council member Cindy Miscikowski personally testified in support of the project. Mr. Freeman stated that the EIR as approved was inadequate because it failed to adequately address mitigation of public access for recreational use of parkland. The Chair limited the consideration of public access to the historic Kenter Fire Road from Canyonback Road, and declined to permit consideration of possible public access via Stony Hill as proposed by Mr. Freeman because such access required a finding that a private gated community existing for twenty years was illegal. The Chair viewed this latter matter a subject for litigation between the affected parties. Mr. Freeman demonstrated via his PowerPoint that as approved, the subject project would require realignment of the Kenter Fire Road to Canyonback Road which would degrade, in the Board’s view, public access to parkland. Mr. Keller urged that specific mitigation measures be included as conditions to the approval of the tentative tract map, which conditions were under review at Planning. Mr. Freeman urged preparation of a supplemental EIR to address mitigation to deterioration of public access. On motion of Steve Boyers, seconded by Marguerite Perkins Mautner, the Board unanimously authorized the Chair to write a letter to appropriate parties urging that Kenter Fire Road’s historic alignment to Canyonback Road be preserved to mitigate public access to parkland, that a supplemental EIR be prepared to allow public input to propose specific mitigation consistent thereto, and appropriate conditions to such effect should be included in any resulting approved tentative tract map.
6. General Public Comment.
Los Liones Standing Pool of Water. Mr. Emil Kadrnka will work with the Chair to address a standing pool of water which is smelly and a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes at the top of Los Liones Drive, at the entrance to Topanga State Park. Mr. Kadrnka will investigate current conditions, identify appropriate parties to notify, and the Chair will write a letter indicating the community’s concern and request for remediation.
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Kurt Toppel, Patti Post, George Wolfberg, Norma Spak, Stephi Magur, Paul Glasgall, Alice Beagles, Sam Stigler, Bill Niemann, Richard Cohen, Harry Sondheim, Stuart Muller, Kris Kelly, Steve Boyers, Mary Cole, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Gil Dembo, Walt McCall, Ted Mackie
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:09 pm. Steve Boyers read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Kurt Toppel moved that the minutes of May 26, 2005 be approved as submitted, Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Chair reported that the Treasurer reported to him that as of June 9, 2005, there is $2,393 in the checking account, $4,794 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair indicated that in tonight’s handout for the Board and public are: agenda; draft minutes of meeting of May 26, 2005; California Coastal Commission notice of one-year extension request for coastal development permit 5-01-261-E1 from the Los Angeles Dept. of Beaches & Harbors for demolition & reconstruction of the Will Rogers State Beach four restrooms, & other items listed in notice; letter from Fran Pavley to Paul Edelman of SMMC urging greater consultation with our PPCC regarding Benefit Assessment District acquisitions; a solicitation from Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce for sponsorship of Movies in the Park; and invitations to the Ballona Stewarts Work Day on June 11, 2005, Pali High’s 1st Annual Gridiron Golf Classic to be held July 22, 2005 at Malibu Country Club and Theatre Palisades presentation of Baby June 10 through July 31, 2005 on Friday and Saturday at Pierson Playhouse; Larry Jacobs resignation as EIDC monitor (item 4.1); invitation to June 11, 2005 LANC Congress organization meeting (5.3).
The Chair announced that lawn signs and decals with the PPCC identification on it are available from the City’s Watch the Road program to urge drivers to slow down. The Chair inquired how many such lawn signs, if any, should be requested from LADOT. Mo Blorfroshan, LADOT, has invited our participation.
The Chair also announced the CPAB meeting of June 28, 2005 will be help at 6:15 p.m. and advised those wishing to participate to contact Sergeant Anderson at 310-575-8431.
The traffic congestion and public safety issues relating thereto at Paul Revere remain a focal point for action. The Chair expressed his appreciation to Sue Pascoe for her overview and dedicated focused efforts to find a solution, Dick Littlestone, for his continuing valuable input and efforts, and Reza Akef for his representation of the Allenford community. Mo Blorfroshan of LADOT is also contributing. The Chair expressed concern that time was of the essence to identify solutions prior to school dismissal on June 27.
The Chair indicated that Susan Strick of the City Attorney’s neighborhood program is scheduled for the PPCC’s June 23, 2005 agenda, as is the propriety of a tree removal at 267 Amalfi at the request of Alex Mann, and the ongoing Cingular cell site installation on the 300 block of Mt. Holyoke at the request of Andy Dintenfass. The Chair noted that a cell site on 1361 Bienvenida has been disapproved by the Bureau of Engineering.
Stuart Muller read a statement of concern regarding the installation of lights at the Palisades High School baseball field.
George Wolfberg announced the City Council’s decision to landmark the Canyon Service station property. The purchaser of the property has expressed a commitment to refurbish the station to its 1924 condition. The gasoline tanks will be removed and the property will be used as an architect’s office.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
No announcements from the Councilwoman’s office.
Officer Ragsdale made his report. He announced that crime levels in the Palisades are over 10% below rates at same time last year. There are no crime trends. He made special mention of a sexual assault which occurred near the nursery at Chautauqua and Pacific Coast Highway; a suspect was arrested yesterday and charged with a felony crime. Officer Ragsdale also advised the public to exercise caution during the evenings near the rocks off the ocean in the 17300 block of Pacific Coast Highway and the ocean. This is a known crime area, where an armed robbery occurred last week. The area is posted as closed at night in order to deter people from becoming victims in this secluded area. Finally, Officer Ragsdale mentioned that LAPD is trying to set up meetings with all of the banks in the village to have dialogue regarding increasing potential crime prevention efforts.
3.5. Reports of Committees – Bylaws Revision.
Chairman Kulla reviewed proposed adjustments, clarifications and corrections to the Map of Pacific Palisades Community Council Areas, and corresponding textual descriptions. Committee members provided comments regarding additional necessary boundary adjustments.
A first reading of the proposed Bylaws drafted by the Bylaws Revision Committee occurred. Comments were made regarding the proposals. These included discussion regarding both “housekeeping” type of revisions and certain proposed revisions designed to bring PPCC Bylaws into compatibility with the Neighborhood Council Charter in anticipation of possible future alignment of the organization as a certified Neighborhood Council. An additional reading will be on the agenda of the next meeting.
4. Old Business.
4.1. EIDC.
The Chair announced that Larry Jacobs, the Board’s longtime point person and citywide respected activist to improve neighborhood friendly filming, has submitted his resignation, effective June 30, 2005. The Chair indicated that this issue has frequently raised significant concerns in our community. Mr. Jacobs has offered to brief and assist anyone willing to volunteer to be point person on EIDC matters. The Chair solicited volunteers. No one volunteered.
5. New Business.
5.1. Election of Officers.
As announced at the Board meeting of May 26, 2005, the current Chair has accepted a staff position with the Council member-elect and to avoid any conflict of interest, he has withdrawn his acceptance of the nominating committee’s nomination as Chair for the term commencing July 1, 2005. The nominating committee has made no further nominations, therefore, at present, the nominations for Officers are Kurt Toppel, Vice-Chair, Ted Mackie, Treasurer, and Rob Weber, Secretary. The Chair indicated that any Board member may nominate from the floor at this time. The Chair further indicated that Vice Chair Kurt Toppel has indicated that if nominated and elected, he would agree to serve as Chair. The Chair then accepted nominations from the Board as follows:
Kurt Toppel was nominated for chair by William Niemann.
Steve Boyers was nominated for vice-chair by Kurt Toppel.
No other nominations were made.
A quorum of voting members of the Council then elected the following officers, pursuant to secret ballot:
Kurt Toppel – Chairman
Steve Boyers – Vice-chair
Ted Mackie – Treasurer
Robert Weber – Secretary
5.2. Fence proposed for 15204 – height issues.
The Chair announced that at the request of the attorney for the owners of 15204 Friends, Item 5.2, Fence height issue, has been dropped. Their attorney has informed the Chair that “Our clients have not yet settled on a configuration for a front yard fence. If the design ultimately selected ….necessitates a discretionary approval by the City Planning Department, we will provide you with a copy of any application filed with the Department, and we will be pleased to discuss any such application at a PPCC meeting prior to any official public hearing on the matter.” With such agreement, the neighbors opposing construction of a fence not consistent with current height limitations (no higher than 3.5 feet) have agreed that the matter may be dropped at this time.
5.3. Representation of PPCC at LANC Congress Working Group.
The Chair announced that more than 40 Neighborhood Council leaders, known as the LA Neighborhood Council Congress Working Group, have met over the past five months in an effort to create a Neighborhood Congress designed around citywide and regional issues and managed by Neighborhood Councils. A draft of the structure and the plan for such a Congress will be discussed by the Working Group on June 11. A presentation and discussion of the concept is on the morning schedule at the upcoming June 25, DONE-organized, Congress of Neighborhoods. Our council has been invited to participate. Harry Sondheim moved that the Board should send a representative to the LANC Congress Working Group meeting on Saturday June 11, 2005, which motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board. Mary Cole agreed to represent the Board.
6. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Norman Kulla, Kurt Toppel, Patti Post, Norma Spak, George Wolfberg, Barbara Kohn, Stuart Muller, Paul Glasgall, Gil Dembo, Ted Mackie, Richard Cohen, Alice Beagles, Alex Grindon, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Kris Kelly, Stephi Magur, Jack Allen, Harry Sondheim, Sam Stigler
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Alice Beagles read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Kurt Toppel moved that the minutes of June 9, 2005 be approved as submitted, Stuart Muller seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1 Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Chair reported that the Treasurer reported to him that as of June 23, 2005, there is $7,217.61 in the checking account, $4,794.17 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chair expressed his appreciation for having the opportunity to serve as Chair and represent the Board and community over the last year. The Chair presented Certificates of Appreciation to the officers and advisors whose term expires with the Chair’s on June 30, namely Kurt Toppel, Vice Chair, Patti Post Treasurer, Karyn Weber Secretary, Jack Allen, Barry Kurtz, Steve Lantz & Sam Stigler as Advisors, and Ron Dean as Legal Counsel.
The Chair announced that he had received two Notices of legal significance: a notice of determination from the Board of Public Works dated June 16, 2005, for installation of above ground facility (AGF) (in this case, a Sprint cell phone site), City Reference No. 2005005380, Adjacent to 468 Surfview Dr. A timely appeal must be filed together with a $100 fee no later than fourteen days of June 16th.
Barbara Kohn advised that the local homeowners association intends to appeal. Ms. Kohn made a motion that the PPCC provide a letter in support of the appeal that the Pacific View Homeowners association intends to file. The Chair shall have the discretion to word the letter in conjunction with the appellant and views previously expressed by the PPCC. The motion passed unanimously.
The second notice dated June 6, 2005, from the City Clerk is that the Board’s appeal on vesting tentative tract no. 52928 at 17331 and 17333 Tramonto Drive has been denied, the EIR certified, the statement of overriding consideration adopted, mitigation monitoring and reporting program adopted, and findings adopted were adopted June 3, 2005.
The Chair has received an invitation to tour the new Malibu Creek State Park and shuttle on July 2, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. at the park. The park is located 3.25 miles south taking the Las Virgenes Road exit off the 101 freeway.
Chair announced that the Palisades Americanism Parade Association (P.A.P.A.) is accepting donations for the annual parade and fireworks. The parade and fireworks are funded entirely through the generous contributions of residents and local businesses. P.A.P.A. receives no financial contribution from any government agency. This year, expenses have risen, but donations are lagging. Fortunately, it has never been easier to contribute. From now through July 4th, donations are being accepted at the Palisades Gelson’s Market. Donation tickets in denominations of $2, $5 and $10 are located at every check stand. P.A.P.A. receives 100% of all donations made at Gelson’s. Donations also may be sent to P.A.P.A., P.O. Box 1776, Pacific Palisades, 90272, or may be made at the P.A.P.A. table at the Sunday Farmers’ Market on Swarthmore.
The Chair received an e-mail from James Lefton, Chief of Transit for LADOT, advising that the requested re-routing of Commuter Express Line 430 down Allenford has been rejected, but that the Department supports the re-routing to serve Loyola H.S.
The traffic congestion and public safety issues relating thereto at Paul Revere continue to be a focal point for action. The Chair expressed his appreciation to Sue Pascoe for her overview and dedicated focused efforts to find a solution, Dick Littlestone, particularly for his efforts to obtain improved signage, and Reza Akef for his representation of the Allenford community and constructive efforts to identify solutions.
Kurt Toppel announced that he received a communication from Bank of America advising of additional security changes that are being made to the Palisades branch.
3.4. Announcements from Councilwoman Miscikowski, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Monique Ford made her last appearance before the Council, as Councilwoman Miscikowski’s term ends next Thursday. The Board congratulated and thanked Ms. Ford for the wonderful service she has provided to the community over the past several years, and wished her luck in her future endeavors.
There was no report from Officer Ragsdale.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Further consideration and second reading of proposed revised bylaws.
A second reading of the proposed Bylaws drafted by the Bylaws Revision Committee occurred. After lengthy discussion was had regarding the proposals, a vote on approval of the revisions was tabled until a later meeting. In the interim, the Bylaws Revision Committee shall meet for the purpose of developing a document that will help clarify the proposed changes for the benefit of the entire board.
4.2. Cellular site, 300 block of Mt. Holyoke — This agenda item was deferred to a future meeting.
4.3. Removal of tree at 267 Amalfi Drive.
Resident Alexander Man and Dr. Klaus Radtke came to discuss the removal of a tree from this particular residential property, and the larger problem of tree removal upon hillside stability. They requested council support for a motion encouraging the city to revise its municipal codes to address this problem. Chair-elect Toppel stated that this topic will be placed on the agenda of a future meeting.
5. New Business.
5.1. Status Report from Neighborhood Prosecutor Susan P. Strick.
Susan Strick discussed the concept of creating a graffiti wall for use of neighborhood kids, and solicited community involvement in a process to analyze the issue. There was a question and comment period. During this discussion, Stuart Muller expressed the view that any such wall should not be sited in Temescal Canyon. Gil Dembo volunteered to act as a liaison on this initiative. Finally, Ms. Strick provided a contact number for Pacific Graffiti Solutions, a graffiti removal service: (310) 204-2749 or
5.2. Library service fees for future meetings.
The Chair introduced Emily Fate, Acting Senior Librarian Palisades Branch, who described a new policy established by the Los Angeles Public Library Board of Commissioners to charge various fees for use of library meeting rooms. The Board and Ms. Fate had discussions regarding potential means for reducing the fees, which Ms. Fate will discuss with Library management.
6. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.
The next meeting is July 14, 2005 at 7:00 PM in Community Room, Palisades Public Library, 861 Alma Real.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Kurt Toppel, Steve Boyers, Ted Mackie, Robert Weber, Jack Allen, Robert Baker, Alice Beagles, Richard Cohen, Paul Glasgall, Patti Post, Stuart Muller, Carol Hurley, Sam Stigler, Jean Gold Friedman, Barbara Kohn, Gayle Kirkpatrick, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Steve Lantz, Norma Spak, Bill Niemann, Walt McCall, George Wolfberg
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:15 pm. Stuart Muller read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Adoption of Minutes. Steve Boyers moved that the minutes of June 23, 2005 be approved as submitted, Walt McCall seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Announcements and Concerns.
3.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chairman reviewed the Agenda.
3.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Chairman reported that the Treasurer reported to him that as of July 14, 2005, there is $7,441.33 in the checking account, $4,794.17 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
3.3. Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
The Chairman announced that an arrangement has been negotiated with the library staff which will allow the Council to use the facilities for a reduced usage fee. However, to take advantage of this reduced fee, all meetings need to conclude by 9:00 p.m.
The Chairman announced his appointment of members to the Bylaws, Transportation and Nominating Committees, and Council Advisors, as follows:
Bylaws Committee: George Wolfberg (Chair), Jack Allen, Harry Sondheim, Haldis Toppel, Randy Young, Wally Miller, Norman Kulla (special advisor)
Traffic Committee: Patti Post, Chair
Express Bus 430 Sub-Committee: Steve Lantz (Chair), Haldis Toppel, Norman Kulla (special advisor), John Redmond
Senior Transportation Sub-Committee: Carol Hurley (Chair), Milt Weiner, Norman Kulla (special advisor)
Parking and School Traffic Sub-Committee: Steve Boyers (Chair), Dick Littlestone, Sue Pascoe, Norman Kulla (special advisor)
Nominating Committee: George Wolfberg (Chair), Norman Kulla, Harry Sondheim
Advisors: Jack Allen, Steve Lantz, Sam Stigler, Wally Miller, Carol Hurley, Norman Kulla, George Wolfberg.
Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved to accept the committees as proposed, Alice Beagles seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
The Chairman announced several changes and vacancies on the Council. Patti Post has replaced Ted Mackie as co-representative for the Temescal Canyon Association. Laurie Frost, Area 6 Alternate, has resigned from the Council. Jean Gold Friedman, Alternate Area 7, has accepted the vacant Area 7 Representative position. The Nomination Committee (George Wolfberg, Harry Sondheim and Norman Kulla) have initiated a search for Area 6 and 7 Alternate candidates.
The Chairman announced the establishment of a new PPCC 24 hr message line: (310) 459-7343, and a new e-mail address for PPCC business,
Norma Spak announced that the Getty Museum has started a study for a traffic light at Sunset and Los Liones.
3.4. Announcements from Councilman Rosendahl, LAPD Representative and other Governmental Representatives.
Andrea Epstein, Councilman Rosendahl’s Field Representative for Pacific Palisades and Brentwood, introduced herself to the Council and community. She invited the community to attend an Open House for the Councilman’s West Los Angeles District office, 1645 Corinth Avenue, Tuesday, July 19 2005 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. It was also announced that the Councilman will be holding office hours beginning in August. Any member of the community may schedule office hours by visiting the Councilman’s website at
Carol Aborn, new West Los Angeles LAPD Captain, introduced herself to the Council and community. She reported that crime continues to decline in the community. Capt. Aborn discussed the LAPD’s current deployment in the area.
3.5. Reports of Committees.
Bylaws Revision. Jack Allen indicated that the committee will meet August 1, and will report at a later meeting.
4. Old Business.
4.1. Bylaws Amendments.
4.1.1. Consideration of Amendment to Articles V and X.
The Chairman again read a proposed amendment to Articles V and X of the Bylaws to address the Chair Emeritus succession, inclusion as a voting Board member, and as a member of the Executive Committee. Steve Boyers moved that the amendment to articles V and X of the Bylaws be accepted as proposed. Ted Mackie seconded and the motion was passed unanimously, with one abstention. George Wolfberg, the Chairman immediately preceding past Chairman, Norman Kulla, accepted the position of Chair Emeritus.
4.1.2. Consideration of Amendment to Article XV.
The Chairman again read the proposed revision of the Bylaws to the Council to add Standing Rule 7 (SR-7) to Appendix C. SR-7 provides procedures for check-writing and reporting. George Wolfberg moved to have the revision accepted as read. Steve Boyers seconded the motion, discussion was had, and the motion passed unanimously.
4.2. Rescheduling of October 13 Meeting.
The Chairman proposed moving the meeting currently scheduled for October 13th to October 6th to avoid conflict with the Yom Kippur holiday. The motion passed unanimously.
4.3. Appointment of rotating service organization representative — Discussion on this matter was deferred until a future meeting.
4.4. Report On Commuter Express Bus Line 430.
Steve Lantz updated the Council regarding recent developments regarding the proposed route changes and marketing initiatives.
4.5. Re-confirmation of Ron Dean as Legal Advisor.
George Wolfberg moved that Ron Dean be reconfirmed as Legal Advisor to the Council. Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
5. New Business.
5.1. Deleted.
5.2. New Chautauqua Concert Series, Introduction.
Sandra Beckwith announced plans for a new Chautauqua series in the Palisades, beginning July 29th. She will be producing and performing at six indoor and outdoor events four times a year with programs that include music, story-telling, and connecting with the historic roots of the Palisades. The indoor events will be held at the Community Methodist Church on Via de la Paz; the outdoor event will be held at the Aldersgate Retreat Center on Haverford. Both events will be from 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Sandra Beckwith is sensitive to the community concerns regarding noise, lights, and parking and is seeking advice and input from the community organizations to operate within the boundaries of an acceptable environment. For further information, Ms. Beckwith may be reached at (310) 410-1861.
6. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
7. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Kurt Toppel*, Steve Boyers*, Ted Mackie*, Robert Weber*, Jack Allen, Mary Cole*, Margaret Goff*, Ron Dean, Gil Dembo*, Kris Kellly*, Jean Gold Friedman*, Carol Hurley, Norm Kulla, Marguerite Perkins Mautner*, Barbara Kohn*. Stephi Magur*, Charlie Meister*, Steve Lantz, Patti Post, Stuart Muller*, Walt McCall*, Bill Niemann*, Harry Sondheim*, Norma Spak, Sam Stigler, Sandy Eddy, George Wolfberg*
*denotes voting board member
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Margaret Goff read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Certification of Quorum. The Chair certified that a quorum of voting members was present.
3. Adoption of Minutes. George Wolfberg moved that the minutes of July 14, 2005 be approved as submitted, Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
4. Announcements and Concerns.
Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
Treasurer’s Report. As of August 11, 2005, there is $8,505.66 in the checking account, $4,794.17 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
Announcements from Board Members (Chair, Officers, Area & Organizational).
Norman Kulla was presented with a Plaque expressing the Council’s appreciation for his past service as Council President, and he received a warm ovation from all in attendance.
The Chair announced that the rotation of service organization representatives will be announced in September.
Announcements from Councilman Rosendahl, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
Mr. Vahik Vartanians, Bureau of Engineering, City of Los Angeles gave a presentation regarding three street maintenance projects that have been fully funded, are in the final design stages, and will begin construction within the next few months.
First, turning pockets (Right Turn Westbound and Left Turn Eastbound) will be installed at Mandeville Canyon Road as a result of safety issues at Paul Revere Middle School and at Riviera Ranch Road
Second, the existing bulkhead at Tramonto Dr. at Coperto Dr. will be repaired and Tramonto Dr. will be repaved along the length of the bulkhead. The proposed project repairs and reinforces the bulkhead and does not add new tie backs. Construction is expected to begin in March.
Third, a retaining wall and gunnite coating will be installed along the hillside at El Medio and Sunset.
Alfredo Magallanes, Project Engineer of the Bureau of Sanitation Water Protection, gave a presentation regarding problems with the Santa Monica Canyon low-flow diversion project. He reported that water flow in the channel is twice what it was designed for. The Bureau is making several adjustments which they believe will increase the capacity of the diversion.
George Wolfberg proposed the following motion:
“That the board authorize and instruct the chairman to take necessary actions to encourage and support all measures by proper authorities to effect an improvement in Heal the Bay ratings for the Will Rogers/Santa Monica Canyon beach from the present “F” to an “A” rating with an ultimate goal of an A+ rating during all dry weather periods throughout the year. These measures should include, for example,
– more frequent cleaning of the concrete and unlined storm channels and streams as well as the trash rack located in West Channel Road,
– immediate modification of the trash rack to improve efficiency of the current diversion system
– notifying all residents and property-owners within the Santa Monica Canyon drainage area to refrain from depositing and blowing leaves and yard waste into streets, gutters, and water courses and to keep septic systems in working order,
– strict enforcement of violations of upstream pollution rules
– allocation of Proposition “O” funds for projects that can achieve ocean water quality that meets appropriate regulatory standards.
– obtaining detailed reports on current and historical pollution readings detailed by type and possible source,
Further, that the Chairman report back to the board from time to time on the progress made to achieve the desired goal.”
Gil Dembo seconded the motion, and the Council passed the motion unanimously.
Andrea Epstein from Councilman Rosendahl’s Office made a short presentation regarding the City’s 50/50 Sidewalk Reconstruction Program. If residents want repairs to the sidewalk in front of their property done ahead of the City’s schedule and priority list, the property owner can opt to pay 50% of the repair and the City will schedule such repair in an expedited manner.
5. Old Business.
5.1. Bylaws Amendment — Maps and Map Descriptions.
A handout containing the proposed Bylaws amendments was distributed to the Board and the public. This document is attached below. [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.] George Wolfberg moved for adoption of the Bylaws Amendments regarding maps and maps description. The amendments are summarized as follows:
In Area 8, Mandeville Canyon is removed, and Allenford and surrounding streets are added.
Surrounding parkland is added to the Areas north of Sunset Boulevard.
The east side of Temescal Canyon between Sunset Boulevard and Bowdoin is added to Area 6.
All other changes are clarification of boundaries or cosmetic in nature.
The amendments affect “Appendix B to the Bylaws – Area Representative Boundaries,” “Standing Rule 6 – Elections of Area Representatives” and the associated “Election Procedure for Area Representatives.” The map descriptions are replaced in their entirety.
Harry Sondheim seconded the motion. George Wolfberg stressed that the area boundaries on the map govern and the descriptions are interpretive and informational. Following discussion by the Board, the motion passed 14-3 with 1 abstention.
5.2. Search for Area 6 and 7 Alternate Representatives — Continued to next meeting.
5.3. Update Regarding Commuter Express Bus Line 430.
Steve Lantz reported that beginning August 29th, the route will be changed to service Loyola H.S. Eastbound trips will leave the Santa Monica Freeway west of downtown in order to stop at Loyola High School. The Westbound trips will also stop at the school. The school will be sending information on this route change to students before school starts. He encouraged community members to consider using the bus for their downtown commute.
6. New Business.
6.1. Report on status of over-high fence on 15204 Friends Street — Continued to next meeting.
6.2. 642 Lachman Lane second story view obstruction.
The Chair announced an intention to examine issues of building permits, view protection, variances and related matters over the coming months. While the Council does not have authority to directly affect change, it may serve as an appropriate forum for collecting information, gauging community input and ideas, and potentially providing suggested ordinance language to Councilman Rosendahl and the City Council.
To provide perspective regarding a common problem – view protection – the Council heard from residents of Lachman Lane regarding the proposed construction and their opposition to the construction of a second story at 642 Lachman Lane, which they stated, will impede the views of their homes across the street. Janet Turner made a presentation regarding the project, and the neighbors’ concerns and objections to it. Denise Zacky, the owner’s architect, read a statement from the 642 Lachman Lane owner indicating that current law does not provide neighboring properties with view protection. Ifa Kashefi, office manager for L.A. Building and Safety in Van Nuys, the office that reviewed the project and issued permits, spoke about the permitting process in general, and how the project at 642 Lachman in particular was approved. Several members of the general public and Norman Kulla also added their thoughts to the discussion. The Council took no action in response to this information-gathering presentation.
7. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
8. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
The next meeting is September 8, 2005 at 7:00 PM in Community Room, Palisades Public Library, 861 Alma Real.
In Attendance (Current Members, Alternates, and Advisors): Kurt Toppel*, Steve Boyers*, Gail Kirkpatrick*, Alice Beagles*, Jack Allen, Mary Cole, Kris Kelly, Gil Dembo*, Alex Grindon*, Jean Gold Friedman*, Carol Hurley, Bill Niemann*, Marguerite Perkins Mautner*, Barbara Kohn*, Flo Elfant, George Wolfberg*, Steve Lantz, Sandy Eddy*, Stuart Muller
*denotes voting board member
In Attendance (Members and Alternates as of October 1, 2005): Joe Almaraz, Carol Pfannkuche, Carol Hurley
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Margaret Perkins Mautner read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Certification of Quorum. The Chair certified that a quorum of voting members was present.
3. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Announcements and Concerns.
4.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
4.2. Treasurer’s Report (read by the Chair for Ted Mackie). As of September 8, 2005, there is $8,610.66 in the checking account, $4,794.61, in the savings account, and $10,000.00 in the CD at Smith Barney for a total of $23,405.27
4.3. Announcements from the Chair.
4.3.1. Quorum and Adjournment procedures.
A quorum is a simple majority of the 22 voting member of the Committee, or 12 members present. A quorum must be present in order to conduct business. The Chair will count the voting members present and certify a quorum as the first order of business.
According to Robert’s Rules of Order, adjournment of the meeting requires a motion. (The Chair cannot make a motion). Provided there is no further business to conduct, the Chair will request a motion to adjourn no later than 8:55 p.m.
4.3.2. Announcement of service organization representative starting office on October 1.
The Chair referred to the list of new and continuing Service Organizations and their appointed Representatives and Alternates effective October 1, 2005. This list was handed out with the agenda. (see attached). [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.]
4.3.3. Briefing on status of view protection ordinance.
The Chair read a prepared statement on the status of the view protection ordinance under consideration by Councilman Rosendahl’s Office.
“A meeting is being scheduled within the next two weeks with myself (Kurt Toppel) Norm Kulla, Grieg Asher, representatives of the Marquez Knolls Property Association and others who have pertinent information in the matter. The purpose of the meeting is to arrive at a proposed version of a view protection ordinance for Bill Rosendahl’s consideration.
“The key to the success of any such ordinance is that it passes court muster. Specifically, it must include both sides of the issue, property rights and view protection. In both cases significant property values are involved.”
4.3.4. Holiday Party date will remain unchanged on December 8. Marguerite Perkins Mautner requested the help of volunteers to assist with the planning and preparation of the holiday party.
4.3.5. Sign-in and voting members’ name tags.
The Chair announced that new name tags have been prepared with a dolphin logo on one side of the tags. This logo should be turned towards the audience to indicate that the member is the voting member at that meeting. This is especially significant when both the primary and alternate Representatives for an Area or a Service Organization are present – only one vote may be cast. Advisors do not vote.
4.3.6. Appointment of Flo Elfant as Advisor, Disaster Prepardeness – Introduction of Disaster Preparedness issues in Pacific Palisades (Flo Elfant).
The Chair announced the appointment of Flo Elfant as Emergency Prepardness Advisor to the PPCC Board. Flo Elfant is the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Disaster Preparedenss Organization. She read a prepared statement and urged the Community to organize neighborhood support systems referring to recent tragedies in the Gulf states. (Flo Elfant can be reached at 310.454-5775. or at
“No doubt you all have seen the endless coverage of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf. It was quite apparent, early on, that the City of New Orleans had no disaster plan in place. They had two enormous facilities, the Convention Center and The Superdome, available to store disaster supplies but there were zero supplies at either location. In the event of an emergency that would place the Palisades Community in isolation for several days, I appeal to the Community to put an emergency plan in place. Any disaster with the epicenter in downtown Los Angeles or Century City would isolate us. A Statewide utility failure would create the same isolation. I have specific Neighborhood plans, which can be duplicated for each and every neighborhood. I am here to guide but the plan requires an army of volunteers to take charge in each and every neighborhood. Please know that our local supermarkets do not have generators for their freezers, air conditioners or refrigerators. Their generators will only operate their computers and cash registers. Generators are needed in the event of isolation for electricity and fans in club facilities and schools. All of you, I presume, have life insurance to take care of your family in the event of your untimely death. Look at this preparation as a form of insurance to take care of your families, friends and neighbors.
Please act now.”
4.3.7. Public statements: personal opinions, PPCC position/affiliation with PPCC.
The Chair stressed the importance to differentiate personal/private opinions from those which express the position of the PPCC. Standing Rule SR-4 of the PPCC Bylaws states:
“No Officer or the Board shall impose any restrictions upon the expression of personal opinions by any Officer or Board member nor shall any Officer or the Board impose any sanctions upon any Officer or Board member for expressing his or her own personal opinion.”
Personal opinions may be freely expressed provided they are presented by the Officer or the Board member in the role of private citizen without a stated or implied affiliation with PPCC or as a position of PPCC. Any opinions which present the position of the PPCC Board, or include PPCC Board affiliation must be approved by the Board or the Executive Committee.
4.3.8. PPCC Newsletter (this item was added at the meeting).
The Chair announced the requirement for publishing a PPCC Newsletter twice a year (September and April), with the next publication due by September 30, 2005. He asked for an article from each Area and Organizational Representative (no more than 100 words) regarding matters unique to, or affecting their respective areas of responsibility by September 15th, 2005. This should enhance communication between PPCC and the community at large. The Chair stressed that the newsletter is the organization’s only fundraising effort and it is vital for PPCC’s continued existence and effectiveness.
4.4. Announcements from Board Members (Officers, Area and Organization Representatives, and Advisors).
4.4.1. Introduction of the “Federation of Hillside and Canyon” Newsletter (Barbara Kohn).
Barbara Kohn distributed the August Newsletter of “The Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations, Inc.” and voiced concern over an article regarding the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy’s position on brush clearance of property they purchased. The newsletter contains a report of a meeting at Zev Yaroslawsky’s office with Paul Edelmann who stated that the conservancy has no money for brush clearance. Paul Edelmann represented the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy in a prior Community Council meeting. The statements are of interest to the benefit assessment district.
4.4.2. Announcement of the Nomination Committee’s recommendation for Area 6 and 7 Alternate Representatives.
Appointment is subject to Board ratification (George Wolfberg). George Wolfberg, as Chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the Area 6 and Area 7 Alternates nomination for approval by the Board: Karyn Weber for Area 6 and Cathy Russell for Area 7. The nominations were unanimously approved.
4.4.3. Report on LADOT Commuter Express Bus 430 rerouting (Steve Lantz).
Steve Lantz, Chair of the Commuter Express Bus 430 Transportation Subcommittee, announced that the new route via Loyola High School has been implemented on August 29. Student living on the Westside and Malibu have been notified of the new route and have received free ride coupons for an introductory period of two weeks. Student passes will be $20 per months. Increase in ridership has been encouraging for the first three days of school. LADOT will continue to market the route in Pacific Palisades and Brentwood. An increase in ridership will assure that the route will not be cancelled.
4.4.4. Briefing on the Independent Transportation Network Program keeping older adults connected to their communities (Patti Post, Carol Hurley).
The Chair read a report from Carol Hurley, Chair of the Senior Transportation Subcommittee, who attended an Independent Transportation Network (ITN) meeting earlier in the day in Santa Monica, along with Milt Weiner, Iris Kaplan, Mary Martin and Nina Roper.
“ITN proposes to provide transportation for seniors and the disabled on a 24/7 basis similar to a program which has been successful in Portland Maine for 10 years. They hope to have this program up and running within 6 months. The program includes a membership fee and an average ride cost of $5 to $15 each way, utilizing volunteer and paid drivers giving door-to-door service. Three Palisades representatives will attend a Steering Committee meeting in Santa Monica tomorrow to determine how this plan can be funded and the next steps toward making this transportation program a reality.”
4.5. Announcements from Councilman Rosendahl’s Office, Officer Chris Ragsdale, and other governmental representatives.
4.5.1. Briefing from Councilman Rosendahl’s Office on staff in support of the needs of Pacific Palisades – Andrea Epstein.
Andrea Epstein gave a brief introduction of the various support staff members and their role and involvement with the needs and questions regarding Pacific Palisades:
Andrea Epstein – Field Deputy for Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica Canyon & Brentwood.
Jim Horwitz and Reza Akef – Constituent Advocate, case work. They work very closely with the City Departments to make certain that the residents receive the services that are available. They will attend meetings and do site visits when requested or when they are working on particular projects.
Laurie Sale – Palisadian resident and the Arts, Culture & Education Deputy. She is the liaison between the arts & education community and the Councilman.
Grieg Asher – Planning Deputy.
Stephanie Zarro – Assistant Planning Deputy.
4.5.2. Announcement from Officer Chris Ragsdale on the West Los Angeles Police Academy and the Open House.
Officer Ragsdale distributed flyers for the announcement a Community Crime Alert and asked for citizen vigilance. He stated that teams of “Distraction Thieves” have recently been very active in the West Los Angeles area. The teams include men, women, and sometimes children, in various combinations. These groups will approach elderly people in their homes. They use bogus excuses to get into the house, distract residents and take money and jewelry.
Officer Ragsdale announced the annual West Los Angeles Area Community Police Station Open House on Saturday, October 8, 2005, between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM. The West Los Angeles Area Community Police Station is located at 1663 Butler Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90025. This is an opportunity for the community to visit their local community police station and meet the Commanding Officers, Senior Lead Officers, Community Relations Officers and Patrol Officers that work and patrol the streets in your community. There will also be officers and displays from a variety of specialized units within the department that also serve your community. Free food and refreshments will be served throughout the day. Please bring your family and friends. We look forward to seeing you at the open house.
Office Ragsdale further announced that on Wednesday, September 7, 2005, the Operations-West Bureau will be conducting a Community Police Academy for citizens residing within West Bureau. The ten-week course will be held at the Operations-West Bureau Community Room located next to West Traffic Division at 4849 W. Venice Blvd, Los Angeles CA, 90019, each Wednesday evening between 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. The course will conclude with a graduation ceremony on November 9, 2005. Through the Community Police Academy, enrolled students will be encouraged to build a lasting partnership with the Department, with the ultimate goal of reducing crime and improving the quality of life in our neighborhoods. Each community member must meet the following criteria: Must be 18 years or older; Live or work in Operations-West Bureau; No prior felony convictions; No outstanding warrants; No pending criminal cases; and Must be approved by an Area Commanding Officer.
5. Old Business.
5.1. Bylaws Amendment.
At-large Member (George Wolfberg). George Wolfberg, the Chair of the Bylaws Committee, introduced the proposed Bylaws amendment to add an At-large member to the Board. He stated that the requirement for two readings of this amendment had been met previously, and he made a motion to accept the amendment as read (see attached). [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.] Bill Niemann seconded. The motion passed unanimously with two abstentions.
A discussion followed on the merits of including employees as stakeholders. Jack Allen explained that the definition contained in the amendment was designed to bring the PPCC Bylaws in line with the City’s suggested Bylaws in order to prepare for a potential future certification of the Neighborhood Council. The Chair stated that certification should be considered separately at a later time, and that necessary Bylaws amendments for such purpose should be addressed then.
Barbara Kohn made a motion to amend the first motion and exclude “employees” from the stakeholder definition. Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded. The motion passed as amended with two nays and two abstentions. (The amended Bylaws, as adopted by the Board, are attached.) [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.]
6. New Business.
6.1. Discussion of proposed notifications, zoning adjustments, and remodeling of double lot at 353-357 Sumac Lane.
Long-time residents of 357 Sumac Lane, Eddie Kisslinger, has recently purchased the adjacent lot on 353 Sumac Lane. He wishes to combine the two lots and ask for a side-yard variance. On July 21, a public hearing was held to discuss the application. The City Zoning Administrator had suggested that the owners allow for an outreach to the community. Mr. Kisslinger was seeking PPCC support for his request for the variance.
For demonstration purposes Mr. Kisslinger presented an architect’s model of the current house and the planned addition. He explained that he has removed the old house from the 353 lot and plans to extend the current residence onto the adjacent lot by adding a required six-car garage on the ground level and two bedrooms, a bath, and a sitting area above the garage. He is asking for a variance to reduce the side-yard setback requirements of 7 feet to 5 feet. He stated that the neighbors welcomed his small-scale addition and they had no problems with his setback variance request. He also stated that in the event the variance was not granted by the City Zoning Administrator, he would have the option to consider an additional story to the new part of the house to achieve the desired target for increased square-footage. He indicated that such additional height would be more undesirable for the neighborhood than the small setback variance.
Sidney Bergman M.D., a member of the audience and neighbor on the opposite side of Sumac, spoke in rebuttal of Mr. Kisslinger’s statements. He stated that the neighbors were in opposition to the requested variance and that any addition to the already existing large house would be “mansionizing” the structure in a smaller-scale neighborhood on a narrow street. Dr. Bergman stated that the current house is already very large and imposing and that the expansion (an estimated additional 3,000 sq. ft. including the six-car garage) will make the house vastly out of proportion with the rest of the neighborhood, negatively affecting privacy and quality of life.
The Board discussed the need to visit the site to gain a proper perspective of the lots and current/proposed structure. Any actions by the Board are pending a site visit.
7. General Public Comment.
7.1. Ms. Joanne Kumamoto from the audience distributed a handout and requested to make a presentation on her preparation of a grant application for use of Proposition K funding to replace or refurbish 80+ tables and benches, gazebos, etc. at the lower Temescal Canyon Park. The estimated budget is $250.000. Stuart Muller requested that the Board be given the opportunity to review the proposal prior to submission. Gil Dembo has offered to write a letter of support to be read at the next meeting and presented for approval by the Board.
7.2. Mr. Ralph Wilcox from the audience requested to make a statement and advise the Board on a local bank’s practice with regard to varying Money Market Checking Rates. The PPCC Chair advised Mr. Wilcox that the PPCC cannot act on matters that target a specific business. As stated in the introduction of the meeting, the purpose of PPCC is to address issues of community-wide concerns.
8. Adjournment. The Chair asked for a motion to adjourn: motion by Barbara Kohn, seconded by Gil Dembo. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Members in Attendance (including Alternates and Advisors): Voting Members at this Meeting (including Voting Alternates): Kurt Toppel, Steve Boyers, Ted Mackie, Robert Weber, Barbara Kohn, Richard Cohen, Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Patti Post, Alice Beagles, Alex Grindon, Joe Almaraz, Peter Culhane
Non-Voting Members at this Meeting: Mary Cole, Norma Spak, Cathy Russell, Randy Young, Jack Allen, Flo Elfant
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council were read. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Certification of Quorum. The Chair certified that a quorum of voting members was present.
3. Adoption of Minutes. Steve Boyers moved that the minutes of September 8, 2005 be approved as submitted, Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
4. Announcements and Concerns.
4.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
4.2. Treasurer’s Report. As of September 21, 2005, there is $8,505.66 in the checking account, $4,794.17 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
4.3. Announcements from the Chair.
4.3.1. In light of the great deal of feedback he received following the discussion of a view protection ordinance at the last meeting, the Chair suggested the establishment of a sub-committee for the purpose of collecting information regarding such an ordinance. Accordingly, Marguerite Perkins Mautner moved to establish such a sub-committee, which was seconded by Steve Boyers and unanimously approved by the Council.
4.3.2. The Chair announced that Cingular is proposing to install an above ground (power meter pedestal) facility along the roadside within the public right-of-way near the property of 469 Chautauqua. The proposed facility consists of two metal cabinets 10’x20’x43.1″ and 16.25’x17.25’x48′. Cingular has filed a formal application with the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering requesting approval.
4.3.3. The Chair announced that the National Park Service, California State Parks, and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy invite your participation in public scoping for the forthcoming Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Interagency Trail Management Plan (TMP). The scoping will focus on conceptual trail policy map alternatives for the TMP’s joint EIS/EIR (Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report). Information gathered from the public will be used to finalize the preferred, no action, and two contrasting alternatives for the joint EIS/EIR. The meeting will take place on Saturday, September 24, 2005 from 9:30 a.m. to Noon at Webster Elementary School, 3602 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu.
4.3.4. The Chair announced that the PPCC Newsletter is in the final stages of preparation, and that Area and Organizational Representatives should promptly forward their submissions.
4.3.5. The Chair welcomed and introduced Morgan Schwartz as an additional Youth Alternate.
4.4. Announcements from Board Members (Officers, Area and Organization Representatives, and Advisors).
4.4.1. Flo Elfant announced that the American Legion has agreed to print an additional 1000 copies of the Red Cross disaster preparedness guide. She again urged citizens to volunteer to participate in disaster planning for every street and every business in the Palisades. Flo may be contacted at 454-5775.
4.4.2. Stuart Muller sub-committee to assist in the use of Proposition K funding to refurbish the picnic areas in lower Temescal Canyon Park.
4.5. Announcements from Councilman Rosendahl, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
4.5.1. Andrea Epstein encouraged the community to attend the West LA Community Police Station Open House on October 8, 2005, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm, at 1663 Butler Avenue.
5. Old Business.
5.1. Additional comments from neighbors of the double lot on 353/357 Sumac Lane property.
The Council received input from some neighbors who are in support of the property owners’ requested variance, and others who oppose the variance. There will be a hearing regarding the variance at the West Los Angeles Municipal Building on October 6 at 10:30 a.m. Richard Cohen moved that the Chair write a letter opposing the requested variance, stating that on principle the Council opposes any requested variance in the absence of an overriding community interest. The motion passed 9 in favor, 2 opposed and 2 abstentions.
5.2. Update on status of Commuter Express Bus 430.
Haldis Toppel reported that ridership on the line has increased to capacity on the two morning routes and two to three times on the evening routes since initiation of the new routing.
5.3. Prop K Funding use for refurbishing lower Temescal Canyon.
The Chair sent a letter to the Los Angeles City Recreation and Parks Department in support of the efforts of Joanne Kumamoto to request a Proposition K grant to refurbish the picnic area.
6. New Business.
6.1. Report on status of over-high “fence” on 15204 Friends Street.
The property owners at 15204 Friends Street commenced construction on an over-high fence without first applying for a variance. A Stop Work Order was issued in March 2005; however, additional construction continued after the SWO was issued. The property owners applied for a Zoning Administrator’s determination, which was filed in July 2005 and is pending. Jeff Spitz, a neighbor, made an informational presentation to the board regarding his opposition to the project. Mr. Spitz asserted that 17 homeowners on the street have signed a petition opposing the project.
6.2. 909 Greentree Road.
The Council heard a presentation regarding the ongoing situation at this property, owned by Mehr and Vickey Beglari. The house is 14 feet closer to the street than permitted by the Los Angeles Municipal Code, and last December the State Court of Appeal ordered Building and Safety to revoke the permits issued to the Beglaris for the completed addition to their home as well as their certificate of occupancy. The Beglaris expressed their dismay regarding the court ruling in light of the fact that Building and Safety had repeatedly reviewed and approved their plans. Other residents, including Ronald Oster and Randy Young, expressed their concern that although the case has been adjudicated, the responsible City departments refuse to take any action to enforce the Court order. Following discussion, Patti Post moved that the Chairman write a letter to all appropriate people — including the City Attorney, Building and Safety Department and Councilman Rosendahl’s office — stating the Coucil’s request that the City take all necessary steps to enforce the judgment. Steve Boyers seconded the motion, which was passed 11 in favor, none against, 2 abstaining.
7. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
8. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Members in Attendance:
Officers: Kurt Toppel, Steve Boyers, Ted Mackie, Robert Weber, George Wolfberg.
Voting Area and Organizational Representatives: Barbara Kohn, Paul Glasgall, Stuart Muller, Jean Gold Friedman, Sandy Eddy, Alice Beagles, Joe Almaraz, Alex Grindon, Patti Post (co-representative TCA).
Voting Alternate: Richard Cohen (Area 3 alternate).
Non-Voting Alternates and Advisors: Norma Spak, Peter Culhane, Morgan Schwartz, Flo Elfant, Milton Weiner, Gil Dembo (co-representative TCA)
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Alice Beagles read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
The Chair reviewed the designation of voting Board Members. The members of the Executive Committee vote. The Area and Organizational Representatives vote. In the absence of the primary Representative, the alternate Representative votes (only one vote per Area or Organization may be cast). The Legal Counsel and Advisors do not vote. The voting members are instructed to face the dolphin logo on their name tags toward the audience. Only votes from these members will be counted
The Chair thanked the old revolving organization representatives for their service, and announced the following new revolving organizational representatives: June Payne (AARP), Milton Weiner (AARP alternate), Norma Malone (Village School), Sue Slotnick (Village School alternate), Joe Almaraz (Lions Club) and Carol Pfannkuche (YMCA).
2. Certification of Quorum. The Chair certified the presence of a quorum of voting members.
3. Adoption of Minutes. Steve Boyers moved that the minutes of September 22, 2005 be approved as submitted. Jean Gold Friedman seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
4. Announcements and Concerns.
4.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
4.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that as of October 6, 2005, there is $8,542.82 in the checking account, $4,795.36 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
4.3. Announcements from the Chairman.
4.3.1. Information Gathering for View Protection Ordinance.
The Chair reported that the formation of a sub-committee to gather information regarding a view protection ordinance is in process. At least three persons from outside the Council have submitted resumes, and the Chair anticipates that the first official meeting of the sub-committee will occur next week.
4.3.2. 353/357 Sumac Lane.
The Chair announced that the hearing for the variance at this property occurred today. Prior to the hearing, the Chair submitted the PPCC’s letter opposing the variance (see September 22, 2005 meeting minutes). Andrea Epstein of Councilman Rosendahl’s office appeared at the hearing and also opposed the requested variance.
In response to a letter from the CD11 Planning Deputy, requesting a position on street widening of Amalfi Drive to accommodate emergency vehicles, the Chair requested the Area 7 Representative to poll the affected residents on their position in support of such a plan and to provide a report to the Council on October 27, 2005
4.3.3. PPCC Letterhead. The Chair distributed a sample of the updated PPCC letterhead, and asked the Council for comments. Various comments were provided.
4.3.4. Veterans Administration Property Update.
The Chair reported on two recent public meetings regarding the Veteran Administration’s future plans for its property in Brentwood. He reported that the unanimous sentiment from members of the public who provided input is that there should be no commercial development on the property, and its use should be preserved for the benefit of veterans.
4.3.5. Building Permit Requests.
The Chair announced that application for building permits had been accepted by the Department of Planning during the period August 22 to September 18, for the following properties in the Palisades: 1364 N. Goucher, 17299 Pacific Coast Highway and 458 N. Toyopa.
4.3. Announcements from Board Members (Officers, Area & Organizational Representatives and Advisors).
4.4.1. Update on “Heal the Bay.”
George Wolfberg reported that a new trash rack has been fabricated for the low flow diversion channel at the bottom of Santa Monica canyon, that a contractor has been hired, and that the rack should be installed next week He also reported that a fence has been installed above the diversion dam that should provide additional help in keeping the channel from overflowing George also reported that community groups will be allowed to apply for Proposition O funds for special local projects, that projects requests must be submitted by December 15, and that anyone with suggestions for project requests should contact him.
4.4.2. Potrero Canyon Citizens Advisory Committee. Robert Weber provided a brief update regarding the activities taken recently by this committee.
4.4.3. Village Parking. Steve Boyers reported that the parking sub-committee has scheduled a meeting with a developer which may result in additional parking being created in the business district. Details will follow at later PPCC meetings.
4.5. Announcements from Councilman Rosendahl, Officer Chris Ragsdale and other Governmental Representatives.
George Wolfberg passed along a message from Andrea Epstein that a study of sewer lines in the area will be discussed at a meeting this Tuesday, October 11th at 7:00 p.m. at Rustic Canyon Park Norman Kulla reported that Las Lomas has been re-added to the City street paving list, at the request of Councilman Rosendahl.
5. Old Business.
5.1. Bylaws Revision Withdrawn.
5.2. Lower Temescal Canyon Park.
The Chair announced that he sent a letter to the General Manager of the Department of Recreation and Parks a letter supporting the use of Proposition K funds for refurbishment of the picnic areas Norman Kulla added that an application has been submitted.
5.3. Status of Over-height “Fence” at 15204 Friends Street.
The PPCC continued its discussions from the September 22, 2005 meeting regarding over-height fences, structures and vegetation at this property, and the owner’s request for a zoning administrator’s determination. The property owners and their attorney again did not attend. Neighbor Chris Spitz reported that the property has recently been listed for sale. Ms. Spitz also reported that she believes that the October 27 hearing date for a zoning administrator’s determination remains on calendar.
Discussion ensued regarding the position that the PPCC should take in regards to this property dispute. Following the discussion, Richard Cohen proposed the following motion:
“It shall be the PPCC’s position to: (1) oppose the request for a variance and/or a zoning administrator’s determination for over-height fences, structures and vegetation at 15204 Friends Street; (2) express concern that the Department of Building and Safety failed to stop construction of the over-height fences, structures and vegetation at that property in a timely manner; (3) express its wish that un-permitted over-height fences, structures and vegetation at the property be removed; and, (4) express its opinion that the over-height fences, structures and vegetation at 15204 Friends Street are un-harmonious with the neighborhood. The Chairman is authorized to write any appropriate letters in support of the foregoing.”
The motion was seconded by Barbara Kohn, and passed unanimously.
5.4. Waldorf School Update.
Jeffrey Graham, Administrator/Director of the Waldorf School planned for the Self Realization Fellowship Temple site, gave a presentation regarding the current status of the school’s plans The school intends to open in September 2006 with a maximum of 246 children in grades one through eight, and approximately 25 faculty/staff Its architectural plans have received preliminary approval from the Departments of Planning, Traffic and Building and Safety. The school will submit full plans within the next few weeks, and public hearings will follow.
6. New Business.
6.1. Flo Elfant reported that six to eight streets in the community are working on neighborhood emergency plans, and that all churches and synagogues in the community have agreed to act as emergency shelters. She encouraged additional streets and businesses to contact her to help formulate emergency plans.
7. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
8. [Adjournment.] The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Members in Attendance: Kurt Toppel, Steve Boyers, George Wolfberg, William Niemann, Robert Baker, Stuart Muller, Cathy Russell, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Mary Cole, Alice Beagles, Carol Pfannkuche, Joe Almaraz, Jack Allen, non-voting, Karyn Weber, non-voting
1. Introduction. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm Bill Niemann read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. The Chair certified the presence of a quorum of 12 voting members.
3. Adoption of Minutes. Steve Boyers moved that the minutes of October 6, 2005 be approved as submitted George Wolfberg seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
4. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
4.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
4.2. Treasurer’s Report. The Chair reported that as of October 27, 2005, there is $8,163.39 in the checking account, $4,795.36 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
4.3. Announcements from the Chair.
4.3.1. The Chair read an announcement from the new Waldorf School. The school will hold a Community Workshop informative meeting for neighbors on Saturday, November 5, 9-11 am. at the library.
4.3.2. The Chair read an announcement for CD 11. The Council District 11 will hold a Neighborhood and Community Council Summit on November 5, 2-4 p.m. W. LA Office. Any member of a neighborhood council board is welcome to attend This meeting is open to all the councils in the CD11, and not just those that are certified by the city.
4.3.3. Early Notification of Building Permits and 20% Ordinance.
The Chair read the early notifications for building permits in the greater Pacific Palisades area.The Chair pointed out that several of these permits reference a new rule in the building code that permits a 20% deviation from the established codes as follows (ZAA-Area, Height, Yard, and Building line Adjustments 20% – slight modifications, Section 17/18, Ordinance No. 176,321, effective January 15, 2005).
In December, [the] City Council made important changes to the Subdivision/Private Street Sections of the Zone Code. The changes will: 1) permit a reduction in passageways between habitable buildings and between detached condominiums down to 5-feet with concurrence from the Fire Department; and 2) permit up to a 20% deviation from area, yard and height requirement of the Zone Subdividers must ask for these adjustments at the time of filing a Tract or Parcel Map and no additional separate application will be required. Findings for the adjustments will be incorporated into the Advisory Agency’s letter. In addition, any appeal of a Parcel Map and Private Street case file in 2005 will stop at the Commission level Finally, in certain cases, the Parcel Map or Private Street hearing may be waived.
The Chair stated that this ruling was of concern to the residents of Pacific Palisades, and reported that the representatives from the CD 11 Council Office will provide an interpretation of this ruling and its future at the meeting of November 10.
4.3.4. Disaster Preparedness.
The Chair read an announcement from Flo Elfant on the status of the Disaster Preparedness Plan. Flo Elfant is speaking to the Piedra Morada Homeowners Association in the Highland at the time of the Council meeting. The new Red Cross folders are available at the library, the Post Office, and the Palisades Chamber of Commerce Office on Antioch. All Churches and Synagogues have agreed to be Shelters in their neighborhoods and will be helping them in the implementation of a plan.
4.3.5. Bienveneda Vineyard.
The Chair announced that Area 3 Representative, Bill Niemann, was undertaking a fact-finding effort regarding the impact of an extensive back-yard vineyard on Bienveneda. Residents from the neighboring properties made statements expressing their concern and negative impact this development has on their quality of life and property values. Mr. Larry Schoenberg read a prepared statement which detailed loss of dense vegetation on a strip of land behind the affected properties, mud and debris during rain, loss of privacy, use of pesticides, erosion, recent slope failure and land slides, and traffic hazards. Dismay was voiced over the City’s failure to respond to previous citizen concerns, and the lack of permits and public hearings on this project. Details of this project can be further viewed at the web site:
4.4. Announcements from Governmental Representatives.
4.4.1. Council District 11.
Andrea Epstein reported the withdrawal of Request for Side Yard Variance at 353-357 Sumac Lane. The applicant has decided to withdraw the request for a side yard reduction on the westerly side of his property from 7 feet to 5 feet in response to the concerns that were expressed at the public hearing on October 6, 2005. The applicant intends to construct the project substantially in conformance with the submitted plans. Other than the modifications to the dwelling necessary to increase the side yard, there will be no changes in the footprint, height or exterior elements.
The application for over-height fences etc. has been withdrawn for the property located at 15204 Friends Street. The property is in the process of being sold. Building and Safety has been instructed to enforce the code violations .The buyer will be informed that the illegal structures will have to be removed when the home is sold.
The City is continuing the 50/50 side walk repair offer to homeowners. The sidewalk maintenance is the owner’s responsibility. Upon request, the City will split the cost with the homeowner for the repair of the sidewalk. The City is considering the expansion of the 50/50 program to other areas, such a tree trimming, etc.
At Building Permit or Zoning hearings the CD 11 Council Office will generally oppose requests for variance, but will consider each case on its own merit.
4.4.2. Los Angeles Police Department.
Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale reported on criminal activities and the arrest of a destructive homeless person. He explained the difficulty in dealing with the homeless population in this area since they call it their home. They move as transients between Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, and Malibu and several have been known to LAPD for over the 10 years.
The “Blue Bag” bank robbery suspect has been arrested, has been charged with 7 bank robberies and is receiving 1 year in jail and 3 years probation for his crimes.
The LAPD open house was a success with many visitors attending. The non-emergency LAPD toll-free phone number is: 1-877-ASK-LAPD, or 1-877-275-5273.
4.4.3. Deleted.
4.4.4. Lateral Sewer Line Inspection Project.
Briefing by Sanitary Engineer Farsheed Farhang of the Bureau of Sanitation. The city has discovered that thousands of residents have sewer connection lines (the line from your house to the curb and from the curb to the main sewer line in the street) that must be cleaned, repaired and/or replaced, mostly at the property owners expense. 11,000 miles of sewer line will be inspected city-wide.
The cause is tree roots which find there way into the pipe through loose couplings or cracks in the lateral. Council District 11 has been chosen as a pilot site for this inspection and ultimately the repair of the affected lines at the expense of the property owner. The City is prepared to cooperatively work with home owners to schedule, coordinate, and plan the repair/construction to minimize costs and is working on a potential cost sharing arrangement.
4.4.5. Via de las Olas sewer reroute project through Potrero Canyon.
In preparation of a hearing on this project on Tuesday, November 1, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. at the Palisades library, City project manager Jon M. Haskett and Civil Engineer Matthew M. Venable presented a briefing. This hearing will discuss the proposed project to realign the gravity sewer discharge piping for the Via de las Olas sewer from Via de las Olas to Protero Canyon and connect into an existing gravity sewer on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH). The proposed project will directionally drill a new HDPE sewer through the hillside from the intersection of Via de las Olas/Friends down to Potrero Canyon, construct a gravity sewer in Potrero Canyon with related sewer structures, and connect the new sewer into an existing maintenance hole located adjacent to PCH. The existing discharge sewer pipe carries the tributary sewage flows from the immediate residential areas and is located on top of the Via de las Olas landslide. This active landslide has caused the sewer pipe to pull apart and separate a number of times, resulting in sewage leaking into the landslide and onto PCH. It has required 5 repairs this year alone.
4.5. Announcements from Board Members.
4.5.1. Moved to 4.3.3.
4.5.2. Older Adults.
Carol Hurley, AARP Representative, announced the forum for a new transportation program for older adults. Drivers and assistance are needed for this program, Community Public Forum on Transportation for Older Adults, Featured Speaker City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, Monday, November 7, 2005 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
The Center for Healthy Aging is developing a new transportation program for older adults and for persons with vision disabilities. The community public forum will be an opportunity for you to learn about this exciting program and give input as to how this program can best supplement existing transportation services and expand options available to older adults in your area
Carol Hurley announced that the Pacific Palisades Women’s Club will be offering free flu shots to seniors 60 years or over on Wednesday, November 2, 2005.
AARP, Pacific Palisades, will celebrate its 10th Anniversary Birthday on November 9, 2005 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Women’s Club. All past Presidents will be present. The event is expected to be elaborate. The public is invited.
4.5.3. Deleted.
4.5.4. Deleted.
4.5.5. Proposed additional commercial parking.
Update on proposed additional parking opportunities in the Pacific Palisades business center by Steve Boyers. A cooperative private/public effort may provide 40 additional parking spaces in the business center of Pacific Palisades. A briefing on the planning details will be given by the Elliot Zorensky, the owner of the office building on 15233 La Cruz Drive, at the Council meeting on Nov. 10.
4.5.6. Narrow Streets in Santa Monica Canyon.
City officials have expressed concern over the safety of narrow streets in the Santa Monica Canyon. Emergency vehicles, especially fire trucks, may have difficulty to adequately respond to emergencies. Specific reference was made to similar circumstances during the Oakland fire. Residents fear that widening the streets, however, will change the character of the neighborhood. In response, PPCC has taken the initiative to gather information from the affected residents of the Canyon and from the Fire Department via the Area Representative, recognizing that this is an issue to be addressed at the local neighborhood level.
Cathy Russell, Alternate Representative for Area 7, presented her findings on the need/desirability to widen narrow streets through Santa Monica Canyon to improve emergency vehicle access. She reported that the Fire Department stated that they have no problem getting the fire trucks through the street. The Council will take no action on this item.
4.5.7. Holiday Party.
Marguerite Mautner Perkins requested that Board Members sign up for bringing food items and/or “significant other” to the PPCC Holiday party on December 8, 2005 at the Temescal Canyon Gateway Park dining hall.
5. Old Business.
5.1. PPCC Bylaws – Area Representative and At Large Membership voting procedures.
Bylaws Committee Chair, George Wolfberg, presented the proposed Attachment to the Bylaws. The proposed Bylaws amendment (see attachment below) [note: attachment not included/uavailable] had been read twice at previous meetings. George Wolfberg moved to amend the Bylaws and to adopt the voting procedures as an attachment to the Bylaws, Steve Boyers seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
6. New Business.
6.1. Deleted.
6.2. Variance Request for Condominium at 816 Haverford.
The renter and the “Haverford By the Sea Condominium Homeowners Association,” an association of 6 members at 816 Haverford, is requesting community support for a variance request. This variance request is unique in that it would allow the Association to continue to rent to a Palisadian senior citizen who has resided there continuously and contentedly for the past eight (8) years.
The condominiums of this Association were completed in 1989 and were originally intended to be apartments.They were subsequently converted to condominiums. However, the rental in question, while built at the same time as the other units, was never legalized, either as an apartment or a condominium. It is very modest in size (645 square feet) and has all the amenities of the condominiums such as a parking space, mailbox, patio, laundry room, jacuzzi spa and built in sauna. The association has been cited by the city Building and Safety Department for having an “unapproved occupancy.” The zoning in this area precludes legalization of this unit without a variance.
Kane Phelps, homeowner and Board of Director Member, explained that since there is a distinct paucity of rentals for senior citizens and people of modest incomes in the Palisades, the Association posits that this unit is an asset to the community. It is being rented to the senior at a modest price. Furthermore, it is conveniently located for community activities, shopping, and public transit No opposing viewpoints were presented.
Steve Boyers moved that the PPCC support the variance request: “It shall be the PPCC’s position to support the request for a variance in order to legalize the apartment occupied by the senior renter.” Marguerite Mautner Perkins seconded, the motion passed, unanimous. The Chair was directed to write a letter in support of the variance.
6.3. Proposed lot split at 747 Radcliffe.
The owners, Thomas and Mimi Hunter, have requested that the lot be split to allow two structures to be built on two 40 ft. lots. The area is R-1, composed mainly of approx. 7500 sq. ft. lots 747 is slightly over 10,000 sq. ft. in size The lot overlooks the Temescal Road park The Zoning Administrator hearing is on Nov. 3. There appear to be set back issues as well. This lot split is allowable as result of a recently approved adjustment in the building code that allows a 20% variation from established criteria.
The Chair read two letters from Sue Pascoe and Michael & Irma Appleman, received by PPCC in strong opposition to the lot split, stating density, lot-size, easement limitations, and parking issues.
Janet Stratford Davis read a prepared statement including a letter form Ann Salisbury Doneen stating opposition to the lot split by neighbors, and cited increased neighborhood density, non-conformance with the size of other parcels on the street, minimum lot requirements for R-1 zoning, and non-compliance with the Brentwood Pacific Palisades Specific Plan, as well as loss of property values in the neighborhood, and precedence setting variations from the established norms. Another neighbor, George Coleman, expressed his opposition and his plan to attend the hearing.
Thomas Hunter, the owner, stated that in his effort to apply for the lot split, he fulfilled all requirement from numerous City Departments and all were approved. He stated that within the 500 ft. radius, 32% of the lots are 40 ft. wide, 44% are 50 ft. wide.
7. General Public Comment. No comments were offered.
8. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Members in Attendance: Voting Members at this Meeting (including Voting Alternates): Kurt Toppel, Steve Boyers, Ted Mackie, Robert Weber, Barbara Kohn, Stuart Muller, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Patti Post, Alice Beagles, Sandy Eddy, Danielle Rochlin, Harry Sondheim, Bill Niemann, Joe Almaraz, George Wolfberg
Non-Voting Members at this Meeting: Mary Cole, Norma Spak, Jack Allen, Flo Elfant, Richard Cohen, Gil Dembo
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Danielle Rochlin read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Certification of Quorum. The Chair certified that a quorum of voting members was present.
3. Adoption of Minutes. Steve Boyers moved that the minutes of October 27, 2005 be approved as submitted, Marguerite Perkins Mautner seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
4. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
4.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
4.2. Treasurer’s Report. As of November 10, 2005, there is $7,509.57 in the checking account, $4,795.81 in the savings account, and $10,000 in the CD at Smith Barney.
4.3. Announcements from the Chair.
4.3.1. Early Notification of Building Permits. The Chair announced the addresses of properties that have been issued building permits in the past two weeks (see attached). [Note: attachment not included/unavailable.]
4.3.2. Neighborhood Councils Summit Update.
The Chair announced that he had attended a meeting at Councilman Rosendahl’s office involving leaders from all eight neighborhood councils within Council District 11. The leaders engaged in a dialogue involving common concerns and how the community can work together on issues affecting the entire district. The group agreed to establish committees to focus on each of the following six priorities: public safety, land use planning (including environmental), traffic/transportation, the homeless, education and tenants rights. Each neighborhood council was asked to designate at least one member to each of these committees. The Chair asked members of the PPCC to volunteer.
4.3.3. Review of Calendar for 2006.
The Chair announced the following meeting dates for 2006: January 12, 26, February 9, 23, March 9, 23, April 13, May 11, 25, June 8, 22, July 13, August 10, September 14, 28, October 12, 26, November 9. Additionally, the Golden Sparkplug/Citizen of the Year dinner will be held on April 27, and the Community Service Award and Holiday Dinner will be held on December 14.
4.3.4. Clarification of Formal Board Position on Variances/Variation.
In an effort to standardize the PPCC’s position regarding requests for variances, the Chair suggested that the following “guiding principles” be adopted by the PPCC:
“PPCC maintains that building codes, rules, restrictions, and ordinances have been established for the good of the community. They should be upheld by the Zoning Administrator, Building and Safety, and any other governing body with jurisdiction over the approval, execution, and enforcement processes.
“PPCC expects the appropriate Departments of the City of Los Angeles, the County, and the State, to notify all affected parties of any approved, proposed, or pending changes in their regulations.
“PPCC reaffirms its historically stated position to support requests for variances and deviations from legally established norms only when such requests provide benefits to the neighborhood or the community at large and are not publicly opposed by affected neighbor(s) within a 500 ft. radius of the property. Such norms may include building codes, rules, restrictions, and ordinances and any other legally established measures which govern land use, structures, and vegetation.
PPCC will take a formal position on an individual request for variance or variation only when requested to do so by a governmental entity, the owner of the property, or affected neighbor(s) within a 500 ft. radius of the property.”
Steve Boyers moved that the above be adopted as the formal position of the PPCC. The motion was seconded by Maguerite Perkins Mautner. Significant discussion ensued, including several suggested modifications. Ultimately, the motion was tabled until the next meeting. The Chair encouraged PPCC members to forward any additional comments, suggestions and/or modifications to him prior to the next meeting.
4.3.5. Update on the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Property.
The Chair reported that the Board of Supervisors has written a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs expressing the community’s desire that the VA property not be exploited for commercial development, but rather, continue to serve solely for the benefit of veterans, the purpose for which the land was originally dedicated. The Chair has written a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs supporting the Board of Supervisors’ letter, which he read to the Council. Stuart Muller moved that the PPCC authorize the Chair to send the letter, which motion was seconded by Barbara Kohn, and was passed unanimously.
4.3.6. Announcement of Nomination Committee for Community Service Award.
Ted Mackie (Chair), Mary Cole, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, and Richard Cohen have agreed to serve on the Community Service Award selection committee. George Wolfberg moved for approval of the Committee as proposed, which was seconded by Stuart Muller. The motion passed unanimously. Deadline for nominations for the Community Service Award is November 26, 2005.
4.4. Announcements from Governmental Representatives.
4.4.1. Announcements from Councilman Rosendahl’s Office.
Andrea Epstein reported about the ordinance allowing a 20% deviation for a division of land permit. Ms. Epstein noted that it does not apply to residential homes. The hearing may be waived only if all adjoining landowners and neighbors across the street approve of the variation. Andrea Epstein explained that the hearing for the 20% variation, considered a minor variation, has been given to the Planning Department so that only one hearing on such a permit requests is needed in order to expedite the hearing process for the applicant.
4.4.2. Announcements From Department of Public Works, Street Use Insepection Division.
Ms. Karen Bowie, Department Inspector, reported that there have been complaints that curb painters have attempted to coerce, or even threaten, neighbors into making “donations” in exchange for painting addresses on street curbs. Ms. Bowie noted that there are only two companies that have been permitted to perform this service by the City, Madball Painting and Avi Leibobic. No other vendors are authorized, and residents have no obligation to pay them. Citizens may register complaints by calling (800) 996-2489.
4.4.3. Briefing on Palisades Postal Service.
Patti Post read a brief message from new Postmaster Sheryl Gardiner, expressing her regret that she could not attend tonight’s meeting, and stating that she would appear at the January 12 PPCC meeting. She encouraged citizens to speak or write to her regarding any postal service concerns.
4.4.4. K-Rail Barrier at PCH and the Bel Air Bay Club.
George Wolfberg reported that the temporary installation of a K-rail barrier at the Bel Air Bay Club construction zone had forced bicyclists unexpectedly into traffic. As of today, the K-rails had been repositioned into a somewhat safer position. The Board of Public Works is ultimately responsible for maintaining the safety of the construction site. Mr. Wolfberg moved that the PPCC Chair draft a letter to the Board of Public Works to determine its policy regarding construction projects it administers specifically relating to safety of pedestrians and bicyclists. Gil Dembo moved that such a letter be written, Steve Boyers seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
4.5. Announcements from Board Members.
4.5.1. Disaster Preparedness.
Flo Elfant reported that since October 3rd, 800 disaster preparedness folders have been distributed. Ms. Elfant has visited 10-15 streets, asking neighbors to work on block-by-block plans. The Chamber will place information on its website.
4.5.2. Elder Transportation and Support — Continued to a subsequent meeting.
5. Old Business.
5.1. Proposed Additional Parking in the Business District.
Elliot Zorensky appeared to discuss UDO Real Estate Ltd.’s preliminary plans to redevelop its parcel in the business district, which presently encompasses store-front properties on Sunset (Coldwell Banker, Naturella and Philip’s Dry Cleaners), LaCruz (Sabrina Nails, Palisades Garden Cafe´and UDO’s offices), and the parking lot behind those businesses. One concept in the initial plan involves building above the current Los Angeles City parking lot which is adjacent to the UDO property. UDO wishes to negotiate an arrangement with the city to incorporate the city lot into the building design, but allow public parking to continue at the site. UDO forsees either buying or leasing the land, or enter a revenue-sharing arrangement with the City. Mr. Zorensky represented that the development, as currently envisioned, would significantly increase the number of parking spots available to the public at that location. Negotiations are at a very preliminary stage, and UDO is looking for support from the PPCC.
Steve Boyers made the following motion: That the PPCC support Mr. Zorensky’s efforts to explore an agreement with the City regarding a public/private partnership for redevelopment of the Sunset/La Cruz and City parcels, that will lead to a net increase in public parking on those sites. Patti Post seconded the motion. The motion passed with 14 in favor, none opposed and one abstention.
5.2. Update on 15204 Friends Street.
Chris Spitz reported that the owners of this property withdrew the application for a variance to allow “over high” fencing/shrubs, and the hearing was cancelled. The Building Department is taking steps to enforce compliance. Ms. Spitz also reported that the property was recently sold, and that the new owners have been apprised of the building violation.
5.3. Update on Bienveneda Vineyard.
Bill Nieman gave a brief history regarding the development of the vineyard. Jules Tragarz (a neighbor) and Diane Abbitt (who represents the owner) reported on a recent meeting involving several of the neighbors to address their concerns. The owner will submit an application for a permit to construct remedial safety measures on November 21. The Councilman’s office and Coastal Commission have agreed to expedite the permitting process.
5.4. Update on 747 Radcliffe.
Stuart Muller reported that Mimi and Tom Hunter have withdrawn their application for a lot split, and their request to speak with the PPCC, after its action of last meeting.
5.5. Bylaws Amendment.
George Wolfberg moved for approval of the proposed amendments to Articles VIII and X, and Appendix A, of the By-Laws, concerning appointment of Organization Alternate Representatives (see attached). Steve Boyers seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved (see attached). [Note: no attachments are included or available.]
6. New Business.
6.1. Sav-On Store.
Stuart Muller reported on several recent steps taken to beautify the Sav-On property. The store’s manager also reported that the store has hired a security guard to monitor the parking lot.
7. General Public Comment [– None recorded].
8. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Members in Attendance: Voting Members at this Meeting (including Voting Alternates): Kurt Toppel, Steve Boyers, Ted Mackie, Robert Weber, Barbara Kohn, Stuart Muller, Carl Mellinger, George Wolfberg, Gil Dembo, Paul Glasgall, Sandy Eddie, Marguerite Perkins Mautner, Richard Cohen, Harry Sondheim, Alice Beagles
Non-Voting Members at this Meeting: Karyn Weber, Mary Cole, Ron Dean
1. Introduction of Board and Audience. The Chair called the Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Haldis Toppel read the purposes of the Pacific Palisades Community Council. Members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) and audience introduced themselves.
2. Certification of Quorum. The Chair certified that a quorum of voting members was present.
3. Adoption of Minutes. Steve Boyers moved that the minutes of November 10, 2005 be approved [as corrected], Gil Dembo seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
4. Announcements and Concerns.
4.1. Consideration of the Agenda. The Chair reviewed the Agenda.
4.2. Treasurer’s Report. There was no Treasurer’s Report.
4.3. Announcements from the Chair.
4.3.1. Guiding Principles. Discussion was rescheduled to 1/12/2006
4.3.2. Announcement of next meeting date (January 12, 2006 at the library).
4.3.3. Brief Summary of the Year.
The Chair briefly summarized the accomplishments of the Council over the six months, and thanked the board for its service to the community.
- Amended Bylaws, most notably the PPCC boundaries and the addition of the Chair Emeritus as a voting member.
- Saved the LADOT Commuter Express Bus Route 430 from cancellation.
- Helped support or oppose numerous building code variances.
- Improved communication with City Council Office, LAPD, neighborhood organizations, and the community in general.
4.4. Announcements from Governmental Representatives — None.
4.5. Announcements from Board Members.
4.5.1. Prior to the meeting, the 2005 Community Service Award was presented to Dieter and Eva Holberg in recognition of their contributions to Theatre Palisades and the Palisades Symphony.
4.5.2. Stuart Muller reported on communications from Verizon and Sprint regarding the proposed overlay area call.
5. Old Business — None.
6. New Business.
6.1. Presentation on the dangers of mature Eucalyptus Trees in Pacific Palisades.
Board members and the Palisades Post have noted several dangerous limb failures involving Eucalyptus trees in the Palisades. Ron Lorenzen, Street Tree Superintendent for the West Valley region (which includes Pacific Palisades), gave a presentation to the Council regarding the general operations and funding of his department, and specifics relating to tree pruning in Pacific Palisades. Mr. Lorenzen noted that pruning was currently taking place in the Alphabet Streets and would be completed around Christmas. Pruning will soon occur near Sunset and Evans Road. He stated that he was confident that a contract to fund work in the Huntington Palisades neighborhood would be approved this fiscal year, and that work would occur in the spring.
Mr. Lorenzen noted that pruning occurs either in response to a specific demand, or pursuant to the department’s overall schedule. To make a demand, residents may call 311, or the Bureau’s Service Request Section at 800-996-CITY. The street tree general line: (213) 485-5675.
Due to variable funding over the years the pruning schedules have been stretched out over many years, which is not a satisfactory situation for the urban forest. There was considerable discussion regarding what the Council could do to express the community’s concerns regarding the situation. Carl Mellinger volunteered to draft an appropriate motion for consideration at a future council meeting.
7. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.