Return to Index of 2015 Minutes
Voting Members in Attendance: Chris Spitz, Andrew Wolfberg, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Amy Kalp, Gilbert Dembo, Richard Wulliger, Brenda Theveny, Donna Vaccarino, Greg Sinaiko, George Wolfberg, Paul Glasgall, Reza Akef, Stuart Muller, Sue Kohl, Rick Mills, Cathy Russell, Carol Pfannkuche, Maryam Zar, and Kelly Comras.
Voting Alternates: Kevin Niles
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Schuyler Dietz, Ted Mackie, Peter Culhane, Steve Boyers, Barbara Marinacci, David Kaplan, Diane Bleak, Bruce Schwartz, Andrew Sacks, Laura Mack, and Carol Bruch.
Start of Business Meeting
1. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Andrew Wolfberg read the Mission Statement.
2. Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience. Chris Spitz called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.
3. Certification of Quorum. Chris certified that a quorum was present at 7:07pm.
4. Adoption of Minutes. Adoption of the February 12, 2015 minutes. March 2015 is PPCC Public Safety Month. Mar. 4: special Hillside Fire Safety and Preparedness Community Meeting, co-sponsored by PPCC and Brentwood Community Council (BCC), Paul Revere Charter Middle School, 7:00 -9:00 pm. March 12: American Red Cross, Santa Monica Chapter CEO Julie Thomas presentation on health & public safety (additional tentative discussion: renewal of the Village Project/Caruso’s ABC license). March 26: Neighborhood Prosecutor Veronica de la Cruz-Robles presentation on crime and related legal issues (additional discussion: CUB permit application for mini-mart/beer & wine sales at the Shell Station on Sunset Blvd. & Via de la Paz, whereby the existing Village Mobil sales activities would relocate due to a change in ownership).
5. Consideration of Agenda. The President considered the agenda.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Richard Cohen reported the financial status as of February 26, 2015. The total account balances equal $34,718. Richard reported that the only significant transaction has been the payment of the D&O insurance premium.
7. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
7.1. Announcements from the President, Chris Spitz.
7.1.1. Ground Rules. Code of Conduct/Executive and Other Committees/Duties of Chair/Meetings. (SR 8, Appendix C, PPCC Bylaws; Arts. V.3, V.4, VI.1 and IX.1-6, PPCC Bylaws).
Chris announced that due to library rules PPCC meetings must end promptly at 9pm. Her goal is to allow as many people as possible within our limited time to speak on discussion items or in public comment. At the end of the meeting when possible Chris will stay in the parking lot if anyone wishes to continue discussing any matter. Matters can also be held over for the next meeting if it becomes necessary. As president, Chris will conduct the order of the meetings; some topics may be rearranged at her discretion. Per PPCC’s Code of Conduct as well as Roberts Rules of Order board members as well as the audience shall only speak when called upon by the Chair; there shall be no interruptions except to make a point of order. Regarding the Code of Conduct, board members shall: 1) Honor the role of the Chair in maintaining order; 2) Practice civility, professionalism and decorum in discussion and debate; 3) Continue respectful behavior before and after Board meetings, which standard is required of board members at all times when engaging in discussion of PPCC matters, wherever and whenever such discussions might take place (in other words, not only at Board meetings); and 4) Be welcoming, respectful and courteous to members of the public and speakers. Regarding PPCC committees and the agenda process, the bylaws provide that the president appoints all committees except for the Executive Committee. Again, as previously explained, the Executive Committee is automatically made up of the 4 officers and the Chair Emeritus as well as 2 members elected by the officers and Chair Emeritus (an area rep, in this case Paul Glasgall, and an organizational rep, in this case Janet Anderson). The Executive Committee does not act for the board except in emergencies when there is no time for the board to take action; otherwise, from time to time the Chair relies on the Executive Committee for advice. The only other committees required under the bylaws are the Nominating Committee, the Elections Committee and the Three Chairs Committee. All other committees are strictly ad hoc and formed at the Chair’s discretion. In exercising that discretion the Chair may, from time to time, seek the advice of the Executive Committee or other board members as to committee formation. The President sets all agendas; the Executive Committee does not set or draft agendas and has not been consulted about any specific meeting agenda since Chris became President. No question or complaint about any meeting agendas (for example, why a topic is included or why certain speakers are listed) has been received before any board meeting since Chris became President; the last meeting agenda was no exception. At all times Chris acts as authorized and required by the bylaws, and with the best interests of PPCC and the Palisades community in mind.
7.1.2. March 4, 2015 Fire Safety Meeting and Public Safety Month. Chris reviewed the dates listed in Sec. 4 above. Chris announced that this meeting is co-sponsored by Brentwood and the PPCC. Flyers are available to the board and public and have been distributed via email and social media.
7.1.3. Neighborhood Council Process.
February 12, 2015 board discussion; letter to Post; Summary re PPCC and WRAC members’ composition. The February 12 board meeting featured a discussion about neighborhood council/NC (as compared with community council/CC) process. As announced, this was intended to be an open, initial discussion, to be continued at a future public board meeting in the event of a request by a board member and further community interest. Those interested are encouraged to consider actual facts and available information about the NC and CC process. See the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment website: See also (A) Letter to the Editor recently submitted to the Palisadian Post and (B) a Summary of PPCC’s composition as compared with other Westside CCs/NCs and related facts. See materials attached below. Chris announced that board members and the public are aware of PPCC’s discussions to date concerning the Neighborhood Council process. Chris stated that she would not repeat what is in the agenda and that if anyone wants to know more they should review the attached documents as well as the minutes of our February 12, 2015 meeting which extensively detail what was discussed and are posted on PPCC’s website. After the February 12, 2015 meeting certain emails were widely circulated with comments about the meeting. Chris did not repeat her response to the initial email nor the responses of others at this time and stated only that 1) if PPCC were a Neighborhood Council, these emails would have been prohibited by the Brown Act; and 2) she received a clarification from Civic League President Richard Blumenberg as to whether the comments were, as stated, “those of the Civic League Board.” Mr. Blumenberg advised Chris on February 24, 2015 that the Civic League representative’s email was “only from her point of view as a member of the Civic League. It does not reflect the position of the Board.” Chris proceeded to ask the PPCC board for an advisory opinion, by way of a straw vote, as to whether PPCC should further investigate formation of a Neighborhood Council via an ad hoc committee to be formed by Chris for that purpose. It was stressed that organizational members represent their organizations on the board and should only vote the position of their organizations, not their own personal views. If their respective organizations’ boards have not taken or expressed a position, organizational members should abstain from voting either on this issue or any other matter that comes before the board for a vote. Chis emphasized that this is not a discussion item; after the straw vote is taken, if any board member wishes to continue the discussion he/she may request pursuant to the procedures set forth in the bylaws that it be agendized at a future meeting. Action: a straw vote was taken. 3 in favor, 10 opposed and 8 abstained.
7.1.4. Input from board and community members regarding concerns or suggested changes.
To date, we have received a few suggested bylaws changes but no suggested broader policy or other concerns. Chris received a few helpful suggestions for meeting process, including a suggestion from Michael Soneff regarding providing coffee at our meetings, which she donated tonight (the brownies were courtesy of Andrew Wolfberg, who baked them himself). If anyone is interested in donating coffee or treats for upcoming meetings or serving on a meeting hospitality committee, please let Chris know. As to broader policy concerns or suggestions, please submit any suggestions to me at; we may at a future meeting devote time to an open discussion of suggestions and concerns.
7.1.5. Chris announced that Gil Dembo was elected President of Temescal Canyon Association.
7.1.6. Chris announced that the organizational representative for the Chamber of Commerce will no longer be Joyce Brunelle. Susan Payne will become the Primary and Mark Lasky the Alternate representatives. Chris thanked Joyce for her years of service to PPCC.
7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives.
7.2.1. Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”) – SLO Officer Moore. Email:
SLO Moore said that the Palisades is up 109% in residential burglaries and 184% in vehicle break ins. The night watch officers did arrest a burglary suspect last night. He reported that there are City programs to add street lighting to dark streets though there is a cost to homeowners (possibly on existing poles, a DWP program). Discussion: (1) Rick Mills thanked SLO Moore for his presence in neighborhood watch meetings and Palisades High School for the same. (2) Paul thanked SLO Moore for coming to the Highlands Council. Diane Bleak asked about the placement of police cars and patrol in the Highlands given the two recent burglaries. (3) Maryam thanked SLO Moore for his contributions to the homeless task force. (4) Andrew Wolfberg asked about comparable statistics in Brentwood. SLO Moore stated that he believes they are up but not as much as the Palisades. (5) Brenda Theveny asked about an insurance card she had received regarding inspections and updating inspections. (6) Cathy Russell thanked SLO Moore for attending homeowner group meetings. (7) Carol Bruch asked for an update on the motorcycle situation. SLO Moore stated that reserve officers are still involved working on that problem. West Traffic Division includes WLA, Hollywood and Olympic division so they cannot be here every night but are aware of the problem and do send out task force for both vehicles and motorcycles. (8) If a suspicious person is sighted then call the non-emergency number 877-275-5273 (877-ASK_LAPD) or contact SLO Moore directly. To report a possibly active crime call 911. (9) Paul commented on the CPAB meeting where auto burglaries have been the result of a large number of vehicles left open. Paul suggested if you have a photo of a suspected offender please send that picture to LAPD and don’t distribute it on social media with possibly untrue labels.
7.2.2. Los Angeles City Council, District 11; Councilmember Mike Bonin’s Office. Website: Norman Kulla, Senior Counsel. Email: Anna Kozma, Constituent Advocate. Email: (310) 575-8461.
Norman Kulla reported that (1) Maryam Zar is doing a spectacular job on the PPCC and praised her contributions to, and of, the Homeless Task Force. (2) Castellammare residents organized a neighborhood watch and burglaries in Area 1 have been reduced as a result. (3) Norman visited the Highlands in response to the burglary activity there. (4) board and residents should attend the March 4th Hillside Fire Event. Discussions: (1) Gil Dembo commented that the Coastline Parking Lot and View Pier Project has been finished for several months (a $9 million project) and the gate is still locked. Norman stated that there is a landscape firm who is supposed to open the lock every morning and they do not; it was agreed that the County Supervisor should be contacted. Barbara Kohn stated that there are still workers making improvement on-site.
7.2.3. Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Daniel Tamm Westside Area Representative, Mayor’s Interfaith Liaison (*attending on the 4th Thursday of each month). Mayor’s website: City Services webpage: MyLA Phone App:
Daniel Tamm reported that (1) Mayor Garcetti will be speaking at the Wonder Woman Tech Conference to encourage girls and women to learn about the future of women in tech. Playa Vista Hanger, Herculeas Campus, (2) the Mayor signed his business tax cut into law and received the endorsement of LA’s business council to increase the minimum wage. The issue of the minimum wage is expected to come out of City Council in April or May 2015. (3) Mayor Garcetti announced that Obama’s spending in the federal budget includes $330 million in critical funding to extend the purple line (under Western and to Avenue of the Stars, to finish the downtown regional connector, etc.). (4) the 2015 LASA Homeless Count that Pacific Palisades participated in was the first time that every neighborhood in WLA participated in the count. Daniel participated in the VA task force that counted homeless on the VA property in Westwood. The Mayor has pledged to end veteran’s homelessness by the end of 2015. (5) DWP rebates for lawn replacement in favor of drought tolerant plants is still going on. Discussion: (1) Carol Bruch asked about the mandatory seismic ordinances and changes to the draft in ordinances that weaken what the Mayor has been talking about (lines rather than soft stories, etc.). (2) Stuart Muller and George Wolfberg reported LADWP billing problems (not getting bills, estimated bills, payments, questions not answered etc.). Daniel Tamm reported that Marcie Edwards and her staff are working it. (3) Maryam Zar asked about the Mayor’s efforts to form a Youth Council. Daniel Tamm is seeking to speak with school faculty that is involved in leadership efforts. The program will be open to high school students, preferably rising 9th and 10th graders. Go to The deadline is imminent but Daniel encouraged the word to be spread in the Palisades community. Carol Pfannkuche runs a related youth program at Palisades High School and offered to assist. (4) Donna Vaccarino supports the Mayor’s program on sustainability and the recent efforts of neighborhoods to get together (including efforts of Laura Mack) which has been inspired by the Mayor’s program. (5) Gil Dembo stated that residents are concerned with the Mayor’s relationship with the unions, etc. and the undisclosed $40 million in funds and asked that the Mayor and Controller push for disclosure, accountability and a solution.
7.2.4. California State Assembly, Office of Assemblymember Richard Bloom. Stephanie Cohen, Field Representative. Website: Email: Tim Harter, Case Worker and Field Representative. Email: (310) 450-0041 — Not in attendance.
7.2.5. California State Senate, Office of State Senator Ben Allen. Fernando R. Morales, District Representative. Website: Email: (310) 318-6994 — Not in attendance.
7.2.6. U nited States Congress, Office of Congressman Ted Lieu. Janet Turner District Representative. Website: Email: (310) 652-3095. Not in attendance. Written announcements the March 1, 2015 ceremonial swearing in at Royce Hall, and problems regarding the US Postal Service can be directed to Janet.
7.3. Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.
7.3.1. Officers/Area Representatives. (1) Reza Akef (Area 8) reported that the Northern Trust Open went relatively well and traffic problems were alleviated with the change from VA parking to the Water Garden. Problems with Paul Revere Charter School have escalated with students littering on properties, cars parking in driveways, illegal traffic maneuvering, traffic violations, etc. Conflicts have been escalating between residents, students and their parents.
7.3.2. Organizational Representatives – No reports given.
7.3.3. PPCC Advisors. (1) Laura Mack reported that DWP is looking for a location to do workshops on sustainable landscaping, preferably in a visible area of the Palisades.
7.3.4. Board Members, Other Reports. (1) Richard Cohen stated that at the CPAB meeting it was reported Tina Nieto would be replacing Captain Nathan when she retires. She tweets as LAPDTina.
8. Reports from Committees.
8.1.1. Bylaws Committee – Chris Spitz/Jennifer Malaret (Chair).
As announced at past public board meetings, a new PPCC bylaws committee has been meeting since last November to consider and recommend possible changes in the PPCC bylaws. The process is ongoing. The board, with no objections or any requests for further changes, has already adopted several proposed revisions. As of agenda distribution suggested revisions were submitted by Donna Vaccarino and resident Ted Weitz. PPCC continues to invite members of the board and the public to submit suggestions for proposed bylaws changes. Additionally, PPCC invites the board and members of the public to submit any concerns and/or suggestions that may go beyond technical bylaws changes (i.e., broader suggestions/concerns about direction, policy, status, mission, outreach and the like). Submit suggestions via email to, or send to PPCC at P.O. Box 1131, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Suggestions may also be made during public comment at any PPCC board meetings.
8.1.2. Outreach Committee – Andrew Wolfberg (Chair). Andrew asked for a show of hands for who is on FaceBook and encouraged people and their friends to like us on Facebook.
8.1.3. PP Homeless Task Force – Maryam Zar (Chair).
Maryam reported that there are three meetings coming up (March 24, April 28 and May 26; 6:30-8:00 pm) at the Palisades Charter Library. Members and the public are welcome to join the five subcommittees that are working diligently to move forward on this matter. Please see their Facebook page easily accessed through the council’s website and Google. is the email address for questions, comments, information, minutes, etc. Discussion: Diane Bleak asked about how the funding works (federal, state, city, local, etc.) as it relates to the count that was just taken. Maryam explained that the count puts the Palisades on the list as having homeless such that qualifying health & safety, fire hazards, policing, etc. funds can be identified.
8.1.4. Village Project Land Use Committee – David Kaplan (Chair).
David reported that the tentative date for the next meeting is March 10, 2015 from 3-5 pm at the Palisades Library to discuss updates on the Caruso project and the renewal of the ABC license in the Village (subject to confirmation with Caruso Affiliated).
9. Old Business.
9.1. PPCC Awards: Citizen of the Year, Community Service Award & Sparkplug Awards.
The Executive Committee recommends that, relative to the consolidation and updates to PPCC’s award guidelines, the board adopt and insert the following language to and into the Board of Governors Handbook and website (motion language unanimously recommended, with the exception of phrases in bold face/italics, which are recommended by all but one member who recommends alternate language as set forth below). See motion below. Background: Chris explained briefly why these proposed Award Guidelines revisions are being recommended. PPCC became the sole sponsor of the Citizen of the Year Award in 2014. That Award in the past had been given in the spring of each year, along with the Sparkplug Awards that are sponsored by PPCC. The Community Service Award, also sponsored by PPCC, is given at the December meeting/holiday party. PPCC doe not have the financial and volunteer resources to continue producing and hosting two Awards events. The Citizen and Community Service Awards are substantially similar. There are no specific current and published guidelines for the Citizen Award. For these reasons, Chris asked for assistance and advice from the Executive Committee as to whether we should recommend revised guidelines for all the PPCC Awards. Jennifer Malaret drafted the proposed revisions and sought input from the Executive Committee and Randy Young and George Wolfberg, past Citizens of the Year. With regard to the issue of the basic eligibility requirement for the new combined Citizen/Community Service Award, all but one Committee member believed it is appropriate for the requirement to mirror the bylaws definition of stakeholder-members of PPCC: that is, someone who either resides, owns property, or operates a business located within the PPCC boundaries. There is nothing in the bylaws requiring PPCC to host or give out any awards. PPCC has Guidelines with respect to the Community Service and Sparkplug awards, which are posted on the website. If the proposed motion does not pass, those Guidelines will remain in place until amended. Unless the Guidelines are amended, the Citizen and Sparkplug awards will likely not be given this year and only the Community Service award will be given in December (assuming an eligible recipient is found). Action: the motion was seconded by Gil Dembo. Discussion: (a) Jennifer Malaret explained the motion with the fundamental issue being for the combined Citizen award should qualification be (a) limited to residents only / (b) open to anyone / or (c) contain the “compromise” language in the proposed motion which is that the award is open to individuals who qualify for membership in PPCC, i.e., a resident, property owner or someone who runs a local business. (b) Barbara Kohn said that the history of the Citizen of the Year award had historically been given to a citizen resident. The Community Council started the Community Service Award in 1996 and that has a long history as well so the concern is opening the award to residents outside of 90272 and the canyon areas within the PPCC’s geographical area. Barbara encouraged the Citizen award to be restricted to residents of the Palisades only. (c) Richard Cohen disagreed with Barbara and discussed other award winners who have not met a strict resident requirement and suggested that the residency issue should be a matter for the discretion of the evaluating committee and not a disqualifying element of the award. (d) Brenda Theveny thinks restricting the award to residents is the best or the award should be given to anyone who does good works for the community. (e) George Wolfberg spoke in favor of the motion and does not support a resident only restriction. (f) Reza Akef said that there is no residency requirement for organizational representatives so if board members do not have to be residents then it is not reasonable to restrict awards in such a manner. People like parents and employees and others who may not live here and do great things should still be eligible. (g) Rick Mills supported the broader language and the discretion of the evaluating committee. (h) Cathy Russell noted that this language can be amended in the future particularly as it is not part of the bylaws. (g) David Kaplan supported the language set forth in the motion. (h) Stuart Muller spoke out against the committee process in determining award recipient process in terms of numbers of committee members and historical lack of time given to consider qualifying applicants. Stuart Muller stated there were too many awards and that there should be only one big award that is really special. (i) Amy Kalp said that Citizen of the Year should be given to a person who lives in the Palisades and does not agree with combining the awards. (j) Barbara Kohn suggested that the awards not be combined and that the three awards, Citizen of the Year, CSA and Sparkplugs be given at the December event. Action: 9 voted in favor, 10 opposed and 2 absentions. The motion failed. Gil Dembo made a motion for the PPCC to bestow all of its awards at the December meeting and eliminate the April Sparkplug award event. Andrew Wolfberg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
10. New Business – None.
11. General Public Comment – None.
12. Adjournment. Chris Spitz adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM.
February 20, 2015
Letter to Post Editor
As noted in a Post article of September 19, the PPCC board recently heard from various individuals about the neighborhood council process in Los Angeles. The meeting was intended as a beginning discussion about neighborhood councils for those interested in this issue. If there is continuing interest and a board member request, we will take up the matter again at a future meeting.
The Post article states that “community council” leaders were invited to speak at the meeting. In fact, readers should know that only one community council president spoke (from Westwood Community Council), while several leaders and others involved with the neighborhood council system provided information to the board, including Mr. Soong from the City’s Department of Neighborhood Empowerment, two current presidents and a past president of neighborhood councils (as explained at the meeting, Mar Vista Community Council is a certified neighborhood council, despite its name), as well as an individual who is a board member of both the neighborhood and community councils in Westwood. Westwood leaders have a unique perspective because theirs is the only area in Los Angeles with both a neighborhood council and a community council; if there is any interest in forming a neighborhood council to exist alongside PPCC in the Palisades, it would be important to know what the Westwood experience has been.
PPCC has been the voice of the Palisades community since the council’s founding in 1973. As discussed at the September 12 meeting, PPCC was the model for the current neighborhood council system (formed in the early 2000s). If “under-representation” is now believed to be an issue in the Palisades (as expressed by only one audience member at the meeting), formation of a neighborhood council will not necessarily be a panacea; indeed, as Westwood leaders cautioned, having two councils in one area could be divisive and may lead to a weakening of our community’s position vis a vis elected officials.
Comparing PPCC’s structure and process with those of the other 12 member-councils of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC), PPCC compares favorably or even surpasses some councils in terms of public representation. PPCC has nine elected area and at-large representatives and an equal number of organizational (appointed) representatives. Representation on the PPCC board includes all geographic areas and almost all categories of organizations in our community (with the exception of faith-based institutions, which in the past were invited but declined to participate). In contrast, no other community council in the City (i.e., in Brentwood or Westwood) has any elected representatives. Moreover, the ratio of elected vs. organizational (appointed) voting members (other than officers) varies widely among neighborhood councils – ranging from one council with 43 organizational (appointed) members and only two elected at-large representatives (Bel Air-Beverly Crest), to another council with 14 elected non-officer members (“Community Officers”) from no particular geographical areas and no organizational members at all (Venice). In addition, in 10 of the 13 WRAC member-councils (including PPCC), officers are elected by the board.
Our community faces many important issues which PPCC addresses – and has addressed for 42 years – on a regular basis. I encourage all Palisadians to get involved, become engaged and add your voices to the discussion. Visit our website,, for more information. Send your inquiries, comments and suggestions to Attend our public meetings held twice a month. And don’t forget to Like Us on Facebook:!
Christina Spitz
President, Pacific Palisades Community Council
Summary — PPCC Composition & Elected Rep Attendance,
WRAC Member Officer Elections, WRAC Member Composition
A. PPCC Composition (Voting Members Other Than Officers)
9 Area/At Large Representatives (elected by public/stakeholders)
9 Organizational Representatives (appointed by member organizations)
B. PPCC Elected Representative Attendance (since 10/9/14)
10/9/14 9 1/8/15 4
10/23/14 9 1/22/15 5
11/13/14 8 2/12/15 9
12/11/14 8
C. WRAC Member Officer Elections
10 of 13 WRAC members (including PPCC): officers elected by respective boards.
3 WRAC members: officers elected by public/stakeholders (Del Rey NC, Palms NC and Venice NC only).
D. WRAC Member Composition (Voting Members Other Than Officers)
Bel Air-Beverly Crest NC: 43 representatives (HOAs, residents’, business & other organizational groups) appointed by respective groups/organizations; 2 at large representatives elected by public/stakeholders.
Brentwood CC: 13 representatives (HOAs, residents’ groups) appointed by respective groups/organizations; 12 representatives (business & other organizational groups, at large) elected by board. No representatives elected by public/stakeholders.
Del Rey NC: 8 representatives (geographic area) elected by public/stakeholders.
Mar Vista CC (a certified NC): 7 representatives (geographic zones, “community” and at large) elected by public/stakeholders.
PPCC: See Section A above.
Palms NC: 9 representatives (geographic area residential/business; at large/ organizational) elected by public/stakeholders.
South Robertson NC: 24 representatives (residential, business, organizational and at large) elected by public/stakeholders; 1 representative (school youth) appointed by board.
Venice NC: 14 representatives (at large/community and “community interest”) elected by public/stakeholders.
NC Westchester-Playa del Rey: 31 representatives (residential, business, organizational and at large) elected by public/stakeholders.
West LA NC: 15 representatives (residential, business, organizational and at large) elected by public/stakeholders (organizational representative candidates appointed by respective groups/organizations).
Westside NC: 3 representatives (organizational) appointed by various respective groups/organizations (or selected by board if more than 1 organization submits candidate for each seat); 14 representatives (residential, business, at large) elected by public/stakeholders.
Westwood CC: 6 representatives (HOAs, residents’ groups) appointed by respective groups/organizations; 17 representatives (business & other organizational groups, at large) elected by board. No representatives elected by public/stakeholders.
Westwood NC: 19 representatives (residential, business, organizational, at large) elected by public/stakeholders.
Chris Spitz, PPCC President
February 2015
Each year the Community Council honors those who have made a voluntary contribution to Pacific Palisades that benefits the community at-large. There have been two types of awards.
The first award is to honor those whose contribution to Pacific Palisades has been both a recent effort resulting in a substantial benefit to the community and steady, reliable long-term service to the Palisades. The Council bestowed that recognition in two ways, as a Sponsor and Co-Sponsor with the Palisadian Post for the “Citizen of the Year” Award and its own “Community Service Award.” Now, as the sole sponsor of both awards, PPCC may give an award to an individual annually in December beginning in 2015, to be entitled the [“Citizen of the Year Community Award”/”Community Citizen of the Year Award’]
The second award, the “Golden Sparkplug Award,” is to honor those who have an idea and effort resulting in an original contribution to Pacific Palisades that benefits the community. The Golden Sparkplug Award ceremony is held in conjunction and in cooperation with the [Citizen of the Year Community Award/Community Citizen of the Year Award].
The Awards Event, sponsored by PPCC, shall generally be held on the 2nd Thursday in December in conjunction with the Board’s annual holiday party and in lieu of its regular meeting, but exigent circumstances and any conflicts with religious holidays are to be considered. The PPCC Chair makes the opening remarks at the Event and presents the Award to each recipient, with each Award recipient and members of their immediate family being guests of the PPCC.
Guidelines for these Awards, procedures for selection and the Awards Event and the names of past recipients are set forth below. The Guidelines are recommended practices that allow flexibility in interpretation, implementation or use.
A. PURPOSE: The purpose of the [Citizen of the Year Community Award (“CYCA”)/Community Citizen of the Year Award (“CCYA”)] is to honor long term and continuing outstanding volunteer service as well as a recent extraordinary accomplishment by an individual that resulted in a substantial benefit to the Pacific Palisades community-at-large.
B. NOMINATIONS: Any organization or individual in the community may nominate a candidate. There is no limit on the number of nominations an individual or organization may submit. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council at PO Box 1131 or by email ( by October [], 201[]. The nomination for the Award must both (a) state the nature of the extraordinary recent accomplishment done by the candidate that resulted in a substantial benefit to the community at-large and (b) summarize the candidate’s steady, reliable, long-term service within the community.
C. RECIPIENT: [The recipient must be an individual who owned real property located in, resided in, or operated a business located in Pacific Palisades (within the PPCC boundaries) at the time the services were rendered./The recipient must be an individual who resided in the Pacific Palisades (within the PPCC boundaries) at the time the services were rendered.] Each recipient’s service should be of a voluntary nature and not be any beneficial outcome of official, financial, business or professional work or occupation that the recipient is engaged in. The Award shall not be given to any PPCC board member based on services directly related to his or her responsibilities as a board member, although long-term services may be considered as qualifying factors. There shall be only one Award given each calendar year.
D. AWARD: The Award shall be chosen and prepared by the Awards Selection Committee and presented to the recipient at the Pacific Palisades Community Council December Meeting/Holiday Party/Award Event. The Award shall be given based on the quality or benefits achieved of work and not the quantity of nominations. The Award recipient and his or her immediate family members shall be guests of the PPCC at the Award Event.
A. PURPOSE: The Golden Sparkplug Award honors those citizens who ignite ideas and projects into community action that benefit Palisadians throughout the community.
B. NOMINATIONS: Any organization or individual in the community may nominate a candidate. There is no limit on the number of nominations an individual or organization may submit. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council at PO Box 1131 or by email ( by October [], 201[]. The nomination for the award must state (a) the nature of the original idea, effort or project, (b) in what way the effort or project benefitted the community at-large and (c) how the effort or project was initiated, in progress or completed during the previous calendar year.
C. RECIPIENT(S): The recipient(s) must be individual(s) who owned real property located in, resided in, or operated a business located in Pacific Palisades (within the PPCC boundaries) at the time the services were rendered. Both adults and youth are eligible for the Award. While there may be multiple recipients in a given year, the Award may be given to only one member of a particular group or community. Each recipient’s service should be of a voluntary nature and not be any beneficial outcome of official, financial, business or professional work or occupation that the recipient is engaged in. The Award shall not be given to any PPCC board member based on services related to his or her responsibilities as a board member.
D. AWARD(S): The Award shall be chosen and prepared by the Awards Selection Committee and presented to the recipient(s) at the Pacific Palisades Community Council December Meeting/Holiday Party/Award Event. The Award shall be given based on the quality or benefits achieved of work and not the quantity of nominations. The Award recipient(s) and their immediate family members shall be guests of the PPCC at the Award Event.
A. AWARDS SELECTION COMMITTEE: The Chair shall appoint a Committee of not less than three (3) current board members, plus one previous Citizen of the Year recipient not currently serving on the board and one previous Community Service Award recipient not currently serving on the board (if such persons are available to serve) to review the nominations and select the person to receive the [CYCA/CCYA] and the person(s) to receive the Golden Sparkplug Award(s). The Awards Selection Committee (“ASC”) shall select both the [CYCA/CCYA] and Golden Sparkplug(s) recipients. Prior to the ASC selecting a person or persons for the Award(s), the ASC Chair shall circulate by email to other current members of the Board a list of those persons who have been nominated and ask that if any members of the Board desire to submit comments about any nominee, they should submit any comments to the ASC Chair to be received within five days.
B. AWARDS EVENT DATE: No later than 9 months prior to the event, i.e., March of each calendar year, the Chair shall establish the Event date and the venue and notify the Palisades Chamber of Commerce to place the Event date on the community calendar.
C. AWARDS EVENT COMMITTEE: No later than the first meeting in October, the Chair shall establish the Awards Event Committee (“AEC”). The Chair and the Chair of the AEC shall establish the deadline for the selection of the [CYCA/CCYA] and Golden Sparkplug Award winners and coordinate publicity for the request for nominations. The AEC Chair shall coordinate the Event details, such as budget, menu items, and dinner ticket cost, paid reservation procedures, decoration, event ceremony, complimentary dinner tickets, parking, and other assignment of duties and tasks for the night of the event.
1.First October Meeting: Distribute Award Guidelines and discuss the Awards. Appoint AEC Chair and committee members. Submit press release to relevant publications soliciting nominations. Appoint ASC Chair and committee members.
2.The last Saturday in October: Deadline for receipt of nominations.
3.First Week in November: The ASC meets in person to open nominating letters and sort by names into youth and adult categories. Check for multiple nominations in one envelope. Review nomination letters. Review comments from the Board. Evaluate how well the candidates meet the guidelines and sort into 3 groups: those requiring no further consideration and those eligible for further consideration and selection. The ASC shall discuss merits of each potential award winner. The ASC shall vote; however, no committee member who nominates shall vote when that nomination is considered, and no committee member shall vote for him/herself or a family member. The ASC Chair shall complete a synopsis of the committee’s efforts and shall notify the Chair of the efforts and the award recipient(s).
4.Early November: Immediately following receipt of the ASC Chair’s synopsis and results, the Chair shall notify the winner(s) prior to any public announcements, notify the press, local elected officials and dignitaries who will be invited to the event, and authorize the preparation of the award plaque(s).
5.Early November: The AEC Chair shall follow up with a written notification of the Award winner(s) and event details such as reservations and parking, submit the biography of the winner(s) for press release, and mail or email or post invitation letters to the prior “Community Service Award” and “Citizen of the Year Award” winners.
6.PPCC November Meeting: ASC announces award winner(s), notifies the winner(s), notifies the press and the Board of Governors. AEC provides details of the Awards Event and invites recipients to the event.
7.PPCC December Meeting: The Awards Event, sponsored by PPCC, shall generally be held on the 2nd Thursday in December in conjunction with the Board’s annual holiday party and in lieu of its regular meeting, but exigent circumstances and any conflicts with religious holidays are to be considered. The PPCC Chair makes the opening remarks at the Event and presents the Award(s) to each recipient, with each Award recipient and members of their immediate family being guests of the PPCC.
8.Any future revision of the Awards Guidelines shall be upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and subject to a vote for approval by the PPCC Board.
Citizen Award Name: Community Citizen of the Year Award/CCYA
Citizen Award Guideline, ¶C, Recipient: The recipient must be an individual who resided in Pacific Palisades (within the PPCC boundaries) at the time the services were rendered.