Return to Index of 2015 Minutes
Voting Members in Attendance: Chris Spitz, Andrew Wolfberg, Janet Anderson, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Rick Lemmo, Nancy Niles, Richard Wulliger, Brenda Theveny, George Wolfberg, Cathy Russell, Stuart Muller, Reza Akef, Rick Mills, Sue Kohl, Gil Dembo, Greg Sinaiko and Rick Mills.
Voting Alternates: Diane Bleak and Barbara Marinacci.
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: David Kaplan, Laura Mack and Ted Mackie.
Start of Business Meeting
1. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Barbara Kohn read the Mission Statement.
2. Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience. Chris Spitz called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.
3. Certification of Quorum. Chris certified that a quorum was present at 7:07 pm.
4. Adoption of Minutes/Upcoming Meetings. Adoption of the March 26, 2015 minutes. Upcoming Meetings (Tentative): 4/23/15: Presentation by LAFD Deputy Fire Chief Joseph Castro. 5/14/15: Presentation by Richard Blumenberg, AIA, President of the Civic League and Tricia Keane, Planning & Land Use Director, CD11, regarding the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance (“BMO”) and short-term vacation rentals.
5. Consideration of Agenda. The President considered the agenda.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Richard Cohen reported the financial status as of April 9, 2015. The total account balances equal $33,578.81. PPCC’s insurance policy was paid; there were no other significant transactions.
7. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
7.1. Announcements from the President, Chris Spitz.
7.1.1. Meeting Ground Rules. 1) Due to library rules, the meeting must end promptly at 9 pm; as needed, the President will stay after the meeting to answer questions. 2) The President conducts meeting order and may rearrange order of discussion at her discretion. 3) Board members and audience shall only speak when called upon by the President; there shall be no interruptions except to make a point of order. 4) The President’s role in maintaining meeting order shall be honored. 5) All discussion shall be civil, respectful and courteous. (PPCC Bylaws,
7.1.2. Purchase of General Comprehensive Liability Insurance.
Chris reported that she directed the purchase of General Comprehensive Liability Insurance for PPCC. This was on the unanimous advice of the EC. PPCC previously had only D&O insurance; in light of the council’s increased outreach, including the Farmers Market events and the in person election, it was determined that obtaining liability insurance was important. If anyone has any questions please let Chris know.
7.1.3. Letter to Editor from PPCC Executive Committee. See below.
7.1.4. 2015 Officer Elections.
Pursuant to the bylaws, Art. VII, Section 1, Chris reported that she has appointed the members of the Nominating Committee for the election of officers: Cathy Russell (Chair), Janet Anderson and George Wolfberg are the additional members. The committee will work independently and will decide on a list of nominees for the officer positions, which will be presented at PPCC’s first meeting in May (May 14). In addition to the nominees presented by the committee, any board member may nominate candidates until 15 minutes prior to the scheduled close of the 2nd regular meeting in May (May 28). If there are contested offices, there will be a candidates’ forum during the first meeting in June (June 11); the board will elect the officers after the candidates’ forum, if any, on June 11. The election procedures were unanimously approved by the board this past January and are set forth in detail in Art. VII, Section 4 of the bylaws.
7.1.5. PPCC Organizational Representatives. Chris announced changes to the Service Clubs category: (primary) Woman’s Club, (new) Nancy Niles; (alternate) Rotary Club, Kevin Niles.
7.1.6. Waterwise Events.
Chris announced that on Saturday 4/11, 9 am there will be a Free Lawn Be Gone Workshop, Pacific Palisades, co-sponsored by LADWP, at 1160 Charm Acres Pl., Pacific Palisades. Learn how to tear out turf without chemicals, install a rain barrel and build healthy living soil. Added bonus for LADWP ratepayers: a free garden coaching session with a Garden Guru (one per household). Register at: Sun., 4/12, 1pm: Water Wise Garden Tour, Brentwood. Tour begins at the beautiful Brentwood School at 1 p.m., and goes to several locations from there. RSVP and info:
7.1.7. WRAC Roundtable with Mayor Garcetti 4/25. Chris reported that she will be attending along with other PPCC board members. Chris solicited concerns from board members at the end of the meeting or via email.
7.1.8. PPCC Suggestions. Chris reminded board members and the public to submit all constructive suggestions for changes to: Jennifer Malaret (bylaws); Chris Spitz or Barbara Kohn (other policies or procedures).
7.1.9. Hospitality Committee (new) – Reza Akef (Chair), Jennifer Malaret.
Reza passed around a sign up sheet for board members to volunteer to contribute coffee and treats for PPCC meetings through summer 2015. Chris thanked Diane Bleak and Starbucks Palisades Highlands for donating coffee and treats at this meeting.
7.1.10. Short-Term Vacation Rentals.
Chris referred to the recently highlighted Los Angeles Times articles about Airbnb; proliferation in Palisades’ residential neighborhoods, including listings on Airbnb, VRBO, HomeAway, etc. Chris reported that there would be a presentation at our meeting on 5/14 by Tricia Keane, CD-11 re status, existing law, motion by Mike Bonin regarding possible regulation, etc. Public comment will be solicited at the 5/14 meeting.
7.1.11. Spotlight on Organizations.
Chris reported that there would be a new continuing agenda item beginning 4/23 (as time allows) for informational presentations by organizational members about their organizations. AYSO/Janet Anderson (tentative) will make the first presentation. Additional organizational representative volunteers are invited to contact Chris to agendize their presentations.
7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives.
7.2.1. Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”) – SLO Officer Moore. Email: — Not in attendance.
7.2.2. Los Angeles City Council, District 11; Councilmember Mike Bonin’s Office. Website: Norman Kulla, Senior Counsel. Email: Anna Kozma, Constituent Advocate. Email: (310) 575-8461.
Norman reported that (1) all are invited to attend the water conservation events, (2) the chief legislative analyst report on short term rental housing is expected within the next few weeks and the topic is expected to be very controversial. Questions: (1) will short-term rental operators be required to pay taxes? Norman said that would be the easy answer as currently they are not allowed in R1 zones but they are going on. (2) How will HOAs and condo associations deal with reduction in water usage? Programs will be phased in for multi-families and other entities later on. will have resources for the various types of property owners to look up possible action and resources. (3) What about the bridge across PCH to Potrero Canyon Park? Norman reported that power lines are in the way now of where a possible bridge would go. Motions may be introduced to underground those lines as talks are on-going with LADWP. The first step is to create a district that could become part of a program funded by LADWP as a general expense. If that goes forward the second step is the rendering and design of a bridge that goes over PCH and would require CalTrans support. Part of the design is to take it all the way to the bike path such that the bridge could be both a pedestrian and bicycle path. The Coastal Commission has asked for three approaches to get across PCH (underground, at grade or the bridge). There will be a report back to the Coastal Commission. Funding is to be determined. The cost of the bridge may be $3-5 million if a pre-existing form could be utilized. (4) The remaining lots around the Potrero rim will be auctioned on 6-17-2015. (5) How is the construction of large apartment buildings consistent with the call to save water? (6) Will the CA Incline close on 4/20/15? Yes, that is a firm date. Santa Monica has hired a company to manage the traffic with a 24-hour hotline. There are sensors going in at Kanan, Las Virgines, Topanga, PCH, etc. to direct traffic. There will be no restriping of Moomat Ahiko. (7) The PCH low flow project should be completed shortly but there will still be overlap with the closure of the Incline. (8) Any updates on the location for LADWP’s DS-104? LADWP has asked for a meeting with CD-11 and there will be a briefing but no information is currently available.
7.2.3. Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Daniel Tamm Westside Area Representative, Mayor’s Interfaith Liaison (*attending on the 4th Thursday of each month). Mayor’s website: City Services webpage: MyLA Phone App: — Not in attendance.
7.2.4. California State Assembly, Office of Assemblymember Richard Bloom. Stephanie Cohen, Field Representative. Website: Email: Tim Harter, Case Worker and Field Representative. Email: (310) 450-0041 — Not in attendance.
7.2.5. California State Senate, Office of State Senator Ben Allen. Fernando R. Morales, District Representative. Website: Email: (310) 318-6994 — Not in attendance.
7.2.6. United States Congress, Office of Congressman Ted Lieu. Janet Turner District Representative. Website: Email: (310) 652-3095. Janet Turner in attendance who reported that: (1) There is a Town Hall meeting in May in WLA in the evening with the date TBD regarding the VA Property in Westwood. (2) A RFP has been released for companies interested in developing the campus which is 200 pages long; interested parties can contact Janet. (3) A FAA Helicopter noise hotline and informational website have been established; concerned parties can telephone 424-348-4354 or go on-line to
7.3. Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.
7.3.1. Officers/Area & At-Large Representatives – Report on Behalf of Areas.
(1) George Wolfberg (At-Large) reported that he and Patti Post (transportation) met with County representatives (primarily public works) who are going to put together a proposal for funding for completion of the pedestrian walkway along PCH. Currently the walk extends from Venice to Santa Monica and stops at California Avenue. North of that there is only a bike path so pedestrians and bike riders are together and with increasing use the path has become increasingly unsafe. To arrange funding will be a lot of work as will figuring safe passage throughout the route. The County is the lead agency and Santa Monica is actively participating. On April 23rd, 5:30 PM in the Palisades Library there will be a public meeting to explain the project and take community input. (2) Reza Akef (Area 8) thanked Norm Kulla for the cleaning on Sunset between Will Rogers and Amalfi has been completed and two storm drains have been cleared.
7.3.2. Organizational Representatives – Report on Behalf of Organizations.
(1) Rick Lemmo reported that residential memberships are available on the Chamber. The next Networking breakfast is April 23; other events are May 7th and the popular auto exhibit is taking place in May; please go to the Chamber’s website.
7.3.3. PPCC Advisors.
(1) Laura Mack, Sustainability. Laura attended the Mayor’s Sustainability event and spoke regarding the event where the focus is on single-family residences to reduce potable water. Please see The plan has short (2017) and long-term (2025-2035) measures regarding conservation, energy, clean livability, etc. Also Laura informed the board and public that to report water waste email
7.3.4. Board Members, Other Reports.
(1) Stuart Muller spoke regarding press coverage of PPCC meetings and stated that the Post’s coverage was inaccurate. Stuart suggested that PPCC committee meetings be in public places and made public. Minutes should be transcribed from a recorded audio report and the Secretary does not have to be and should not be on the council. Regional issues should not be included or discussed; only local issues. The agendas are controlled by the Chair and other issues should be included. (2) Reza Akef reported that the Department of Sanitation is posting “no parking” signs on streets that are too small for their trucks to go down on trash day. Residents are being ticketed and no notice of the signs being posted went out. Tickets are $73. (3) Barbara Kohn reported that the next DRB meeting is April 22, 2015 at 7 PM at the Chamber Office; please see (4) President Chris Spitz reiterated that board member requests to agendize any items must be made pursuant to the bylaws (Art. IX.5.A); no such requests have been made to date by the Area 6 representative.
8. Reports from Committees.
8.1.1. Bylaws Committee – Jennifer Malaret (Chair).
(a) The Committee met on April 2, 2015. Topics of discussion were Article IX (Meetings), Article X (Voting and Quorum), and a review of the Board’s input at the March 12, 2015 Board meeting. The Committee unanimously recommends the proposed Article IX (meetings); see first reading of proposed language (highlighted in bold) below. The purposes of the changes are first to reflect that information today is electronic rather than physically posted and, second, to clarify the order of business. (b) The Committee will be returning to other matters originally scheduled pursuant to and pending input from the Chair and Board: Organizational membership/process/structure, Area & At-Large Representative elections, Area & At-Large Alternate membership, term limits and the inclusion of the term “Primary Residence” as it may apply to certain provisions of the bylaws. Topics for future agendas: Alternate Eligibility on the Executive Committee, Discipline, Code of Conduct, addition of Conflict of Interest rules, and consolidation/simplification of the bylaws/guidelines/standing rules/attachments.
8.1.2. Outreach Committee – Andrew Wolfberg (Chair).
Like Us on Facebook: To receive future PPCC meeting agendas and notices, send a request to Farmers Market events to continue in mid-April. Andrew reported that Farmer’s Market events would continue.
9. Old Business.
9.1.1. Further Revised Award Guidelines.
The Executive Committee unanimously supports and sponsors the motion to adopt the Revised Award Guidelines set forth below. Presentation: Chris stated that these revised guidelines, in sum: 1) retain most of the prior policies and procedures; 2) continue to combine the two similar awards (Citizen & Community Service Award “CSA”) but now call the new combined award simply “Citizen of the Year”; 3) require “residency” as a baseline for the Citizen of the Year award; and 4) codify the 2014 optional recognition “Pride of the Palisades” that can be given to anyone regardless of residency or lack of other qualifications, i.e., if in the award committee’s judgment that person did significant service for the Palisades and is worthy of recognition. Comments from the Board will be solicited as to all candidates for awards and/or recognition. Action: Rick Lemmo seconded the motion. Discussion: (1) all of the awards would be awarded at the same time of year. (2) it is not required that all of the awards be given every year. See Section (4)(A). Action: the motion passed unanimously.
9.1.2. Board discussion regarding possible bylaw amendments on the issues of (a) term limits (Officers, Elected Reps, Alternates, Organizational Reps, Advisors) and (b) membership seats for Second Alternates.
Reference March 12, 2015 PPCC Minutes. Term Limits of Some Kind Other than What is in the Bylaws. Presentation: Chris articulated a summary of what term limits are contained in the bylaws presently.
(a) Term Limits. Chris recalled that the board was split when the “sense of the board” advisory vote taken on March 12 on the issue of whether there should be term limits of some kind other than what are already in the bylaws. She stated at the time that there would be board discussion on any such issues. It is important to review what the bylaws do provide for: Officers. All officers are elected by the board for one year terms. Only the President and the VP are limited to two consecutive one year terms. Area and At-Large Reps. These are elected by the public for two year terms. There are currently no limits on the number of terms that these reps can serve. The alternates are elected by the board for two year terms as well, with no limits on the number of terms that alternates can serve. Organizational Reps. These are appointed by their respective organizations. They serve one year terms, but with no limits on the number of terms that they can serve. Subsets of Organizational Reps are: (a) 4 non-rotating or permanent organizational seats; they each have alternates appointed by their organizations each year, again with no limits on their terms. (b) 5 rotating seats, which again are appointed each year by the organizations. There are no express term limits on the rotating seats, however, as a practical matter categories with more than 2 members are effectively termed out after two years, because each serves only one year as the primary rep in that category and one year as the alternate, with the primary seat then rotating to the next organization in order. Advisors. Per Article V of the bylaws there are two required advisors, the Legal and the Youth advisors; all other advisors are considered special advisors appointed by the Chair. All advisors serve “at the pleasure of the chair”; there are no terms for advisors or any limits on the time they may serve. Discussion: (1) if we move to term limits that will result in involved stakeholders not being on PPCC and then new people who are solicited may not show up so organizations then could be left not having a quorum. (2) no term limits because we have people who are very knowledgeable in their disciplines. (3) term limits will result in the loss of institutional memory. (4) continuity of membership is important. (5) the bylaws as written are sufficient provided that PPCC does sufficient outreach to solicit new voices without forcing out valuable board members. (6) term limits are called for when the advantage of incumbency is overwhelming but PPCC does not have that here based on the last election with three incumbents having been defeated; thus why not allow the constituency to elect who they choose. Officers are elected so they can be voted out annually. Organizational reps are named by the organization and their autonomy is logical. (7) term limits are good because they promote more people to come forward. (8) outreach and free elections promote new faces and voices so there is no need for absolute caps and if everyone is new there would be chaos. (9) there are seats where people are not coming forward such as Area 7 and 8 alternates despite existing board members’ best efforts. (10) strong HOAs have the ability to dominate seats because the only way for non-HOA members to participate if the HOA chooses to dominate the seat so term limits are favorable because they prevent turnover. (11) HOAs have term limits because movement and creativity is desirable not necessarily related to age. Government bodies can be steered by elections if people are voting properly but if the community is not aggressive then the council stagnates. If term limits engender creativity then they are a good thing; if they cause problems then term limits are not. Action: Chris asked for a show of hands of those present for a sense to direct the bylaws committee to consider term limits further. No hands were raised.
(b) Second Alternates. The bylaws allow for second alternates only for Area and At-Large Representatives. The board was also split on the issue as to whether these membership seats should continue or not. Discussion: (1) second alternates were originally intended to be optional. (2) second alternates are not needed, the process cause discourse, organizational reps only have one alternate, the council is too large, there is too much disagreement and too many people for the council to be manageable. (3) the second alternate is a way to recruit new people and get them involved without a heavy commitment upfront so that is a good thing. (4) there was opposition to second alternates when they were added because the council was already large enough, (5) second alternates are needed in the event that an elected representative or first alternate needs to vacate the seat then there is someone to move up, (6) historically the idea of optional second alternates created disparity in areas where some had two alternates and others had none. (7) there is not a big demand for alternates and alternates are not motivated to come physically to the meeting, (8) second alternates do great work behind the scenes for the council, (9) second alternates add other voices that may be dissonant from the majority voice. Action: Chris asked for a show of hands of those present to show interest in removing the second alternate positions but none were raised.
10. New Business – None.
11. General Public Comment – None.
12. Adjournment. Chris Spitz adjourned the meeting at 8:32 PM.
March 30, 2015
Letter to the Editor, Palisadian Post:
PPCC’s Executive Committee is disappointed by the inflammatory allegations raised in two recent Post articles. Specifically the articles included unsubstantiated claims by named and unnamed individuals that the PPCC Board is supposedly trying to silence the public, suppressing speech and engaging in other alleged improprieties. People making anonymous claims are often seeking to push personal agendas. It is unfortunate that the Post did not seek to interview any of the signatories to this letter in order to verify the accuracy of these charges. This Executive Committee has made a concerted effort to solicit comment and hold discussions on significant issues in our community and for the organization itself. We are proud of PPCC’s record and these vague, unsubstantiated claims are absolutely false and simply unfair.
Nevertheless, we appreciate the Post’s focus on PPCC and invite more discussion on all issues of concern to stakeholders. Area Representatives can (and many regularly do) communicate with constituents on matters of concern and give area reports at our meetings; unfortunately the one source named by the Post (Area 6 Representative Stuart Muller) does not regularly engage with a notable number of Area 6 constituents (including the Huntington HOA), and accordingly cannot and does not report on Area 6 concerns.
All points of view are given an opportunity to be heard at PPCC meetings. During public discussion regarding Neighborhood Councils, at two meetings, the Board was overwhelmingly against having a Neighborhood Council in Pacific Palisades. In an advisory opinion the full Board voted against further investigating the issue. Any Board member is welcome to agendize this matter again (or any matter) in accordance with the bylaws for public discussion at a future meeting; there is a big difference between not being heard and being heard and disagreed with.
PPCC’s Board is an all-volunteer, non-profit community member organization working diligently to preserve and protect the quality of life in Pacific Palisades. We hope that everyone can become constructively involved with the numerous fantastic Palisades volunteer organizations, including PPCC.
The PPCC Executive Committee:
Christina Spitz, President Barbara Kohn, President Emeritus
Janet Anderson, Recreation Representative Jennifer Malaret, Secretary
Richard G. Cohen, Treasurer Andrew Wolfberg, Vice-President
David Kaplan, Area 6 First Alternate Representative
Sec. 1. MEETINGS SHALL BE PUBLIC. All PPCC and Board meetings shall be open to the public and to the press, except for confidential matters which relate to personnel issues or litigation.
Sec. 2. SCHEDULE. The regular meetings of the PPCC shall be on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month except when the Board has voted to cancel one or more of such meetings. The Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, may call Special Meetings of the PPCC as the Chair or Vice-Chair deems necessary.
Sec. 3. MINUTES. Minutes of each PPCC meeting shall be [] electronically available to Board members and the public.
Sec. 4. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The Order of Business for the Board shall be as follows, subject to the Chair’s discretion to rearrange the order of agenda items:
1. Reading of the PPCC’s Mission from the Bylaws.
2.Introduction of the Board and Audience.
3.Certification of Quorum.
4.Approval and Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
5.Consideration of the Agenda.
6.Treasurer’s Report.
7. Announcements and Concerns from Board Members.
8. Reports of Committees.
9.Old Business.
10.New Business.
11.General Public Comment
Sec. 5. AGENDAS.
Any member of the Board desiring to have an item included on the Agenda of a meeting shall make a request to the Chair at least ten days in advance of the meeting. The Chair shall place the matter on the Agenda. The member requesting that the item be placed on the Agenda shall furnish information concerning the request prior to the meeting, preferably by email. At the discretion of the Chair, an item requiring action by the Board shall be added to the agenda no later than four days prior to the meeting and the requestor shall at the discretion of the chair provide sufficient information regarding that item
A copy of the Agenda shall be [] distributed to the PPCC email list, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting except when a Special Meeting is called, in which case the Agenda will be [] distributed 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Sec. 6. PUBLIC INPUT. Subject to the Chair’s discretion to limit the total amount of time allocated on particular issues and for each individual speaker, every member of the public attending a PPCC Meeting shall have the opportunity to directly address the Board on any agenda item [] at the appropriate time for such comment. General Public Comment shall be reserved for non-Board members to speak on any item of interest to the public [] within the subject matter jurisdiction of the PPCC, provided that no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the [] distributed agenda.
ITEM 9.1.1 – FURTHER REVISED AWARD GUIDELINES. The Executive Committee unanimously recommends that the following language be adopted by the Board and placed on the PPCC’s website:
Overview, Guidelines, Honoree Archive
Pacific Palisades Community Council honors individuals who have made voluntary contributions to Pacific Palisades that benefit the community at large.
PPCC has honored community contributions in the following ways: as a former co-sponsor with the Palisadian Post of the “Citizen of the Year” and “Golden Sparkplug” Awards and as sole sponsor of the “Community Service” Award. Beginning in December 2015, as the sole sponsor of all awards, PPCC awards honorees annually with the Citizen of the Year Award (combining the prior “Citizen of the Year” and “Community Service” Awards) and the Golden Sparkplug Award.
Citizen of the Year Award: Honors those whose contributions to Pacific Palisades have been both a recent effort resulting in a substantial benefit to the community, and a steady, reliable long-term history of service to the Palisades.
Golden Sparkplug Award: Honors those who have an idea and effort resulting in an original contribution to Pacific Palisades that benefits the community. The Golden Sparkplug Award ceremony is held in conjunction and in cooperation with the Citizen of the Year Award.
The Awards Event, sponsored by PPCC, shall generally be held on the 2nd Thursday in December in conjunction with the Board’s annual holiday party and in lieu of its regular meeting, but exigent circumstances and any conflicts with religious holidays are to be considered. The PPCC Chair makes the opening remarks at the Event and presents the Award to each honoree, with each Award honoree and members of their immediate family being guests of the PPCC.
Guidelines for these Awards, procedures for selection and the Awards Event, and the names of past honorees are set forth below. The Guidelines are recommended practices that allow flexibility in interpretation, implementation or use.
A. PURPOSE: The purpose of the Citizen of the Year Award (“Citizen Award”) is to honor long term and continuing outstanding volunteer service as well as a recent extraordinary accomplishment by an individual that resulted in a substantial benefit to the Pacific Palisades community-at-large.
B. NOMINATIONS: Any organization or individual in the community may nominate a candidate. There is no limit on the number of nominations an individual or organization may submit. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council at PO Box 1131 or by email ( by October [], 201[]. The nomination for the Citizen Award must both (a) state the nature of the extraordinary recent accomplishment done by the candidate that resulted in a substantial benefit to the community at-large and (b) summarize the candidate’s steady, reliable, long-term service within the community.
C. RECIPIENT: The recipient must be an adult individual who resided in the Pacific Palisades (within the PPCC Area boundaries) at the time the accomplishment and the long-term services were rendered. Each recipient’s service should be of a voluntary nature and not be any beneficial outcome of official, financial, business or professional work or occupation that the recipient is engaged in. The Citizen Award shall not be given to any PPCC board member based on services directly related to his or her responsibilities as a board member, although long term services may be considered as qualifying factors. There shall be only one Citizen Award given each calendar year.
D. AWARD: The Citizen Award shall be chosen and prepared by the Awards Selection Committee and presented to the recipient at the Pacific Palisades Community Council December Meeting/Holiday Party/Award Event. The Citizen Award shall be given based on the quality or benefits achieved of work and not the quantity of nominations.
A. PURPOSE: The purpose of the Golden Sparkplug Award (“Sparkplug Award”) is to honor those citizens who ignite ideas and projects into community action that benefit Palisadians throughout the community.
B. NOMINATIONS: Any organization or individual in the community may nominate a candidate. There is no limit on the number of nominations an individual or organization may submit. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council at PO Box 1131 or by email ( by October [], 201[]. The nomination for the Sparkplug Award must state (a) the nature of the original idea, effort or project, (b) in what way the effort or project benefitted the community at-large and (c) how the effort or project was initiated, in progress or completed during the current or prior calendar year.
C. RECIPIENT(S): The recipient(s) must be individual(s) who owned real property located in, resided in, or operated a business located in Pacific Palisades (within the PPCC Area boundaries) at the time the services were rendered. Both adults and youth are eligible for the Sparkplug Award. While there may be multiple recipients in a given year, the Sparkplug Award may be given to only one member of a particular group or community. Each recipient’s service should be of a voluntary nature and not be any beneficial outcome of official, financial, business or professional work or occupation that the recipient is engaged in. The Sparkplug Award shall not be given to any PPCC board member based on services related to his or her responsibilities as a board member.
D. AWARD(S): The Sparkplug Award shall be chosen and prepared by the Awards Selection Committee and presented to the recipient(s) at the Pacific Palisades Community Council December Meeting/Holiday Party/Award Event. The Sparkplug Award shall be given based on the quality or benefits achieved of work and not the quantity of nominations.
A. AWARDS SELECTION COMMITTEE: The Chair shall appoint a Committee of not less than three (3) current board members, plus one previous “Citizen of the Year Award” recipient not currently serving on the board and one previous “Community Service Award” recipient not currently serving on the board (if such persons are available to serve) to review the nominations and select the person to receive the Citizen Award and the person(s) to receive the Sparkplug Award(s). The Awards Selection Committee (“ASC”) shall select both the Citizen Award and Sparkplug Award(s) recipients. Prior to the ASC selecting a person or persons for the Award(s), the ASC Chair shall circulate by email to other current members of the Board a list of those persons who have been nominated and ask that if any members of the Board desire to submit comments about any nominee, they should submit any comments to the ASC Chair to be received within five days. The ASC is not obligated to select any recipients for the Citizen Award or Sparkplug Award(s) if in the ASC’s judgment no nominees meet all qualifications for such Award(s).
B. OPTIONAL SPECIAL RECOGNITION: From time to time in special circumstances, the ASC may determine, at its discretion, that an individual who is not a resident or qualified in all respects for the Citizen Award or Sparkplug Award should receive “Pride of the Palisades” recognition for extraordinary service to the Palisades community. In such case, the name of the individual shall be circulated to the Board for comments as set forth in section A above. After consideration of Board comments, should the ASC then select that individual for “Pride of the Palisades” recognition, all procedures set forth in sections E.3-7 below shall also apply to the individual to be honored with this recognition.
C. AWARDS EVENT DATE: No later than 9 months prior to the event, i.e., March of each calendar year, the Chair shall establish the Event date and the venue and notify the Palisades Chamber of Commerce to place the Event date on the community calendar.
D. AWARDS EVENT COMMITTEE: No later than the first meeting in October, the Chair shall establish the Awards Event Committee (“AEC”). The Chair and the Chair of the AEC shall establish the deadline for the selection of the Citizen Award and Sparkplug Award winners and coordinate publicity for the request for nominations. The AEC Chair shall coordinate the Event details, such as budget, menu items, and dinner ticket cost, paid reservation procedures, decoration, event ceremony, complimentary dinner tickets, parking, and other assignment of duties and tasks for the night of the event.
1.First October Meeting: Distribute Award Guidelines and discuss the Awards. Appoint AEC Chair and committee members. Submit press release to relevant publications soliciting nominations. Appoint ASC Chair and committee members.
2.The last Saturday in October: Deadline for receipt of nominations.
3.First Week in November: The ASC meets in person to open nominating letters and sort by names into youth and adult categories. Check for multiple nominations in one envelope. Review nomination letters. Review comments from the Board. Evaluate how well the candidates meet the guidelines and sort into 2 groups: those requiring no further consideration and those eligible for further consideration and selection. The ASC shall discuss merits of each potential award winner. The ASC shall vote; however, no committee member who nominates shall vote when that nomination is considered, and no committee member shall vote for him/herself or a family member. The ASC Chair shall complete a synopsis of the committee’s efforts and shall notify the Chair of the efforts and the award recipient(s).
4.Early November: Immediately following receipt of the ASC Chair’s synopsis and results, the Chair shall notify the winner(s) prior to any public announcements, notify the press, local elected officials and dignitaries who will be invited to the event, and authorize the preparation of the award plaque(s).
5.Early November: The AEC Chair shall follow up with a written notification of the Award winner(s) and event details such as reservations and parking, submit the biography of the winner(s) for press release, and mail or email or post invitation letters to the prior “Community Service Award” and “Citizen of the Year Award” winners.
6.PPCC November Meeting: ASC announces award winner(s), notifies the winner(s), notifies the press and the Board of Governors. AEC provides details of the Awards Event and invites recipients to the event.
7.PPCC December Meeting: The Awards Event, sponsored by PPCC, shall generally be held on the 2nd Thursday in December in conjunction with the Board’s annual holiday party and in lieu of its regular meeting, but exigent circumstances and any conflicts with religious holidays are to be considered. The PPCC Chair makes the opening remarks at the Event and presents the Award(s) to each honoree, with each Award honoree and members of their immediate family being guests of the PPCC.
8.Any future revision of the Awards Guidelines shall be upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and subject to a vote for approval by the PPCC Board.