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Voting Members in Attendance: Chris Spitz, Maryam Zar, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Ted Mackie, Stuart Muller, Bruce Schwartz, Howard Robinson, Kelly Comras, Peter Culhane, Rick Mills, Sue Kohl, Stuart Muller, Cathy Russell, Gil Dembo and George Wolfberg.
Voting Alternates: Susan Payne and Eric Dugdale.
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Donna Vaccarino, Brian Deming, Doug McCormick, Steve Boyers, Ted Mackie, Sharon Kilbride and Veslemoey Zwart.
Start of Business Meeting
1. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Chris deferred the reading of the Mission Statement.
2. Call to Order and Introduction of the Board, Dignitaries, and Past Award Winners. Chris Spitz called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm. Chris acknowledged Board members in attendance. Chris acknowledged past PPCC Chairs. Chris introduced the City and State dignitaries. Chris and Maryam introduced the Past Citizens of the Year. Maryam introduced the past Sparkplug winners. Chris introduced prior Pride of the Palisades award winner, Bill Bruns. Chris and Maryam acknowledged the past Community Service Award honorees.
3. Certification of Quorum. Chris certified that a quorum was present at 7:10 pm.
4. Adoption of Minutes/Upcoming Meetings. Chris deemed the minutes of 11/12/15 and 11/18/15 adopted as corrected. Upcoming meetings: 1/14/16. Briefing by FAA officials regarding new flight path over Pacific Palisades (Metroplex plan); (tentative) VPLUC updates/recommendations and further Board discussion of the Village Project; (tentative) presentation regarding proposed Village Starbucks CUB (onsite beer and wine sales). 1/28/16. Presentation by LADWP officials regarding proposed temporary facilities to increase power capacity due to overloaded circuits in areas of the Palisades.
5. Consideration of Agenda. Chris considered the agenda.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Chris stated that the Treasurer’s report was deferred.
7. Reports, Announcements and Concerns from the President.
7.1. Announcements from the President, Chris Spitz. Chris stated that announcements were as stated in the agenda (note: presented below as written and previously distributed).
7.1.1. Short Term Rentals Update. Short Term Rentals Update. Chris announced that the draft ordinance expected to be distributed by the Planning Department in December (draft not yet distributed as of this agenda distribution).
7.1.2. Above Ground Facilities (AGF) Ordinance Revision Update. Chris announced that the City Attorney has advised that completion of a draft ordinance (revised by the City Attorney) is expected in early December (draft not yet distributed as of this agenda distribution).
7.1.3. 16900-17000 Sunset Blvd. Apartment Project. Chris announced that the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission on 12/2/15 granted appeals of the Zoning Administrator’s issuance of a Coastal Development Permit. See PPCC position letter attached.
7.1.4. Chris announced the appointment of New Senior Planner, Council District 11/Councilmember Mike Bonin – Ezra Gale. Tricia Keane remains Director of Planning for CD 11.
7.1.5. Proposed BMO/BHO Amendments. See Item 9.1 below (old business).
7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives Representatives (Note: Contact information at: — None.
7.3. Announcements from Board Members and Advisors — None.
8. Reports from Committees.
8.1. Bylaws Committee (Richard Cohen and Jennifer Malaret, Co-Chairs).
Second reading of Motions 1(A) and (2) regarding proposed bylaws changes (organizational membership, meetings). Chris deferred the item to the next PPCC meeting.
MOTION 1(A): Background. On March 12, 2015, PPCC’s Board directed the Bylaws Committee to explore modifications to the Bylaws relative to Article VIII(1)(A) “Selection and Election of Representatives, Organization Representatives and Alternates” with reference to organizations eligible to send representatives as set forth on Appendix A. The Board directed three possible areas of amendment: (1) the four categories which currently have one organization (“standing seat”) should be reconstituted such that those categories have multiple organizations and rotate appointment as presently do the other five multiple organization categories. (2) faith based organizations should be eligible to send representatives and have the opportunity for inclusion, and (3) a process should be established whereby any organization not listed and that believes it is not adequately represented by an eligible organization, may submit an application for inclusion. On October 8, 2015 a motion to facilitate all three areas of these amendments garnered a majority of favorable board member votes but failed to pass because it did not receive the two-thirds majority vote required by PPCC’s Bylaws (“Organization Representatives Motion #1).
Motion 1(A). The Bylaws Committee recommends that the Board vote to adopt the proposed amendments distributed with the agenda, referred to as “Organization Representatives Motion #1(A)”. The proposed amendments are now limited to: (1) improving calendaring of the process by which organization representatives and their alternates are selected, (2) providing a procedure for membership application by existing and new organizations, and (3) non-substantive corrective and clarifying language regarding vacancies and other matters.
The Bylaws Committee recommends that, to expedite and preserve efficiency at PPCC’s scheduled and public meetings, Article XII, Sec. 2(B) (Amendments) be amended as follows: “No amendment or new Bylaw may be voted upon until the entire text [delete “it”] has been distributed with [delete “read at”] the agenda for two consecutive Board [delete “council”] meetings.
9. Old Business.
9.1. Proposed BMO/BHO Amendments (“Draft BMO/BHO Ordinance”); CF 14-0656.
Report as written in agenda. Jennifer Malaret reported that the Planning Department is currently holding listening sessions including two that were held during the week of December 2, 2015, in West Los Angeles (Culver City, Westwood). At the 12/3/15 session, Planning staff announced their intent to present the Draft BMO/BHO Ordinance to the City Planning Commission in March, 2016 and their directive from Councilmember Koretz that the proposed amendments be enacted within the next two years (i.e., separate from and prior to any enactment of the re:code LA zoning effort).
10. New Business.
10.1. 2015 PPCC Awards Presentation.
Welcome by Event Committee Chair Peter Culhane. Peter Culhane thanked the attendees and committee for a wonderful evening. Peter introduced the Master of Ceremonies/Guest Speaker Finn-Olaf Jones. Finn gave the key note address. Governmental representatives Daniel Tamm (on behalf of Mayor Garcetti), Mike Bonin (CD-11), Janet Turner (on behalf of Ted Lieu), Stephanie Cohen (on behalf of Richard Bloom), Lauren Pizer Mains (on behalf of Ben Allen) and Mayra Ceballos (on behalf Mike Feuer) acknowledged each of the award winners and provided certificates. Chris Spitz presented the PPCC Awards: Citizen of the Year – Sharon Kilbride; Golden Sparkplugs – Laurel Garver, Laurie Sale, Doug Suisman; Pride of the Palisades – the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness. Finn Olaf-Jones introduced each of the award winners. Doug, Laurel, Laurie and Sharon each provided comments and thanked the community for their support and involvement. George Wolfberg introduced Sharon Kilbride for the Citizen of the Year award.
10.2. Silent and live auction fundraisers were held.
11. General Public Comment — None.
12. Adjournment. Chris Spitz adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM.
November 17, 2015
West Los Angeles Planning Commission 200 North Spring Street, Room 272 Los Angeles, CA 90012
Re: ZA-2012-130- CDP-MEL-1A Project @ 16990-17000 Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Hearing Date: December 2, 2015
Honorable Commissioners:
Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) has been the voice of the community for more than forty years. The public record will evidence that, on April 10, 2012, February 23, 2013, June 17, 2013, and January 6, 2015, PPCC submitted comments and concerns upon which the council based its request for the City of Los Angeles to require that a Focused Environmental Impact Report (EIR) be prepared for this proposed multi-family residential development.
PPCC reiterates its request that prior to issuance of a Coastal Development Permit, a Focused EIR be required for this proposed project regarding soils, hydrology, haul routes, traffic and storm-drain/sewer access. PPCC has not considered and therefore takes no position on other legal or factual issues raised in this matter, except that consistent with its
“Guiding Principles” (attached to the letter of January 6, 2015), PPCC requests that the West Los Angeles Planning Commission apply, uphold and enforce all applicable City zoning regulations and provisions of the Coastal Act.
Thank you for your consideration.
Christina Spitz, President
Pacific Palisades Community Council
cc (via email): Councilmember Mike Bonin (CD11)
Debbie Dyner-Harris, District Director,
CD11 Sharon Shapiro, Field Deputy, CD11
Tricia Keane, Planning Director, CD11