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Voting Members in Attendance:  Maryam Zar, George Wolfberg, Chris Spitz, Michael Soneff, Richard Cohen, Sue Kohl, David Kaplan, Dustin Hall, Reza Akef, Peter Culhane, David Card, Barbara Marinacci, Danielle Samulon, Sarah Conner, Lou Kamer, Rick McGeagh and Gilbert Dembo.

Voting Alternates:  Eric Dugdale, Susan Payne and Bruce Schwartz.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Andy Frew and Kevin Niles.

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Certification of Quorum.  The Chair Maryam Zar called the meeting to order and certified that a quorum was present at 7:02pm.

2.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  George Wolfberg read the Mission Statement.

3.    Introduction of the Board and Audience.

4.    Approval of Minutes & Upcoming Meetings.  Approval of minutes: Maryam approved the September 22, 2016 minutes as corrected. Upcoming meetings: 10/27/16. (1) Rob Hancock and team with a report on Potrero (2) LAWA presentations (LAX roadside improvements) 11/10/16. (1) Citizen of the Year and Golden Sparkplug Honorees announced (2) ASM Bloom (3) Introduction of Tiger Woods Foundation & the Genesis Open (4) (tentative) Pedestrian safety and traffic plan discussion for Pacific Palisades. 12/08/16. Holiday Party and Awards Event. Note: There is one meeting only in Nov. and Dec.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that we have a balance $34,301.81, and there have been no significant transactions in the last month.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    From the Chair.

7.1.1.    Letter to California Coastal Commission for 17000 Project Appeal & Update (see letter attached). The letter reflected overwhelming community consensus. The letter was sent to the CCC for its October 4th hearing, at the request of PPRA.       

7.1.2.    Welcome to the New Board. We will have an orientation at 6pm in the library on Mon. 10/17.

7.1.3.    Haul Route Hearing update.  Maryam attended the hearing on Oct. 4. Four options were approved. Three of the options involve taking earth from the construction site to the Potrero Canyon project. There is an alternate haul route to take the earth somewhere else in case the Potrero option is ultimately not approved. The VPCLC has issued a report and David Kaplan, VPCLC Co-Chair, will give further details under item 8.2.

7.1.4.    Appointment of WRAC Chair Mike Newhouse to the West LA Area Planning Commission.  A letter has been written congratulating Mike on his appointment (see attached letter).

7.2.    From Officers – None.

7.3.    From At-Large and Area Reps.

7.3.1.    Reza Akef (Area 8) reported on the upcoming Veuve Clicquot polo tournament.  The Polo Classic is this weekend on Saturday from 11am-5pm. The event is sold out and they expect 4,000 guests. Will Rogers Park will be closed. Parking will be at Pali High and at Paul Revere MS. Uber is not possible. Traffic has been a problem at previous events.

7.3.2.    Peter Culhane (Area 2) reported on Move LA.  Marlene Grossman, Move LA, will be presenting to the PPCC in two weeks. They have a proposition on the ballot, Measure M. It is projected to reduce traffic, create middle class jobs, provide funding to maintain our infrastructure in the future, and earthquake retrofit our infrastructure.

7.4.    From Organizational Reps.

7.4.1.    Sarah Conner (PPRA) thanked Maryam Zar for drafting the PPCC’s letter to the CCC on behalf of the Executive Committee.  The WLAPC never sent its updated findings to the CCC. The CCC was unanimous in rejecting the developer’s appeal. PPRA will be hosting Jill Stewart, the head of the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative. More information may be posted on the PPCC website.

7.4.2.    Eric Dugdale (Historical Society) shared a photo from exactly 100 years ago.  On Saturday at USC Doheny Library, there is an archive bazaar. Barbara Marinacci will be there with her book about California Spanish Place Names. More information may be posted on the PPCC website.

7.4.3.    Rick McGeagh (PPBA) reported that Pali Park Rec Center will be hosting the Spooktacular Halloween Festival.  More information can be found on the PPCC calendar. The Park Advisory Board will be meeting next Wednesday at 7pm.

7.4.4.    Gil Dembo (TCA) noted that there’s an MRCA tax bill if you live North of Sunset; he asked for a representative of the MRCA to come talk about it to PPCC.

7.5.    From Governmental Representatives.

7.5.1.    Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD” – Officer Redican and his partner Officer Dorsey.

They had a good meeting with Timmy, and they are working to get him off the streets. There is a woman named Bonnie, from Norway, who is camped in the bluffs. The MEU unit engaged with her and she went to UCLA medical center. They are trying to keep her off the streets. The Corona Del Mar Bluffs cleanup went on last week in cooperation with the PPTFH. There is a lot of work to be done behind the walls on PCH.

Question from Sue Kohl (without being recognized by the Chair) about the transients who sleep on the beach. Officer Redican reported that there is a constant stream of people looking to set up there, but they are doing their best to make them de-camp.

Maryam Zar thanked the PPTFH for their work on homelessness in the Palisades. Gil Dembo asked about an incident on Lachman where hikers were hit with a baseball bat. Officer Redican had no information .

David Card thanked Officer Redican for his work, and asked that they protect the plants around the pump station at Temescal and PCH when removing encampments. Danielle Samulon asked about an armed robbery reported around Lachman. Officer Redican said he will come back with a report. [Updated: just after adjournment that three suspects confronted two victims on the hiking trail, striking them with a baseball bat and bodily force, then took cell phones, wallet, and keys from the victims. The suspects fled in a gray mini-van.]

7.5.2.   United States Congress, Office of Congressman Ted Lieu. Janet Turner, District Representative – Not in attendance.

7.5.3.    Councilmember Mike Bonin, CD11. Sharon Shapiro, Field Deputy – Brentwood & Pacific Palisades.  Sharon reported that Councilmember Bonin’s office worked with the community to increase the visibility of the crosswalk at Temescal & Bowdoin. There is a new “ladder painted” crosswalk at the intersection.

7.6.    From PPCC Advisors – None.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Three Chairs Committee (Chris Spitz, Chair).

Chris first reported on the Committee’s purpose and process: the Committee was established under PPCC’s bylaws, specifically Art. VIII.1.C, for the purpose of vetting applicants for the Area and At-large Alternate positions and presenting nominees to the board, which elects the Alternates. The Committee members are three former Chairs: Chris, Richard Cohen and George Wolfberg. In accordance with the bylaws, the Committee evaluated all applications, conducted interviews as it deemed appropriate, considered input from the Primary Representatives, and ultimately exercised its best judgment as to what would be in the best interest of the Council. Input from the Primary Reps, while important, was not controlling.

Merging with item 10.1, Chris next announced the nominees for First Alternate and introduced each in attendance with the following background statement about all nominees: all of the nominees previously served as either 1st or 2nd Alternates and are fully familiar with our Mission and procedures; they are all eager to continue to serve on the PPCC board; several of them have already served or have been appointed to serve on important PPCC committees; most have been actively involved for years in other community organizations and volunteer efforts; and all are supported by the respective Area and At-large Primary Representatives.

Nominees for First Alternate:
First Alternate Area1 Doug McCormick
First Alternate Area 2 Alan Goldsmith
First Alternate Area 3 Howard Robinson
First Alternate Area 4 Carol Bruch
First Alternate Area 5 Robin Meyers
First Alternate Area 6 David Peterson
First Alternate Area 7 Steve Boyers
First Alternate Area 8 Andrew Sacks
First Alternate At-large Quentin Fleming

Maryam advanced agenda item 10.1 (Board Election of Alternate Area and At-large Reps). Chris introduced a motion by the Three Chairs Committee for the board to approve and elect the Committee’s recommended nominees for First Alternate Area and At-large Reps (no “second” of the motion required because a committee of more than one voting member sponsored the motion). Maryam called for a vote. The motion passed by a majority of members voting as required under PPCC’s bylaws (19 voting members in favor) and the recommended nominees were elected to the PPCC board.

Chris then announced the nominees for Second Alternate and introduced each in attendance with a short background statement about each nominee (see attached for background statements read at the meeting).

Nominees for Second Alternate:
Second Alternate Area1 Kelly Comras
Second Alternate Area 2 Leah Cox
Second Alternate Area 3 Brian Deming
Second Alternate Area 4 Open (no applications)
Second Alternate Area 5 Abhilash Patel
Second Alternate Area 6 Mary Mortensen
Second Alternate Area 7 Open (no applications)
Second Alternate Area 8 Andrew Wolfberg
Second Alternate At-large Matthew Rodman

Maryam advanced agenda item 10.1 (Board Election of Alternate Area and At-large Reps). Chris introduced a motion by the Three Chairs Committee for the board to approve and elect the Committee’s recommended nominees for Second Alternate Area and At-large Reps (no “second” of the motion required because a committee of more than one voting member sponsored the motion). Maryam called for a vote. The motion passed by a majority of members voting as required under PPCC’s bylaws (19 voting members in favor) and the recommended nominees were elected to the PPCC board.

8.2.    VPCLC (David Kaplan, Co-Chair).

See Committee Report attached. David reported that Caruso Affiliated (CA) asked the city for four haul route option approvals, contingent on different project outcomes/partnerships. Part of the question was whether trucks would make a right or left into Potrero off of PCH – if making a left turn into Potrero from PCH is not possible, one of the possible options would involve trucks continuing on PCH and then turning around at Lincoln in Santa Monica. It is believed that the City of Santa Monica would object to this option. There is another option to go down Chautauqua (making a right onto PCH and a right into Potrero Canyon), and that may be the option selected. There is a 6,000 pound limit on vehicles on Chautauqua. The trucks used for hauling will be much larger than that. The haul route application was approved in its entirety, with the addition that crossing guards be added at certain times and locations. Caltrans will decide whether or not a left hand turn lane will be added to PCH; there has been no final word yet on whether Caltrans will install a temporary light to allow trucks in and out of Potrero. If the trucks can’t get to Potrero to bring dirt from the Village Project, that will delay the Potrero project. There will be a maximum capacity of 100 truck loads/day, 9 trucks/hour. Hauling will begin in November and last 12 weeks. Some of the hauling will fall during winter break for schools, minimizing the impact of traffic on schools. The dirt is not contaminated, and has been tested and approved by DTSC. The VPCLC is not a complaint board; comments and concerns about the project can be sent directly to

David gave a further update from Michael Gazzano of CA: the approved application allows CA to have up to an 80,000 lb truck. A typical U-Haul truck is 20,000 lb. There are exemptions to the weight limit so that the City can run busses, etc., on Chautauqua; the CA trucks would fall within an exemption.

Maryam pledged to make sure we go back to Caltrans for the signal and that we ask CD11 to make sure the haul route hearing commissioners were aware of the weight limit.

David noted that to Caltrans there appears to be a major distinction between the left turn and right turn.

Audience: while we may have to live with the number of trucks, we need to pay attention to the safety issue and the weight, and we have to get a light on the coast highway.

Carol Bruch asked if anyone has anything in writing, and David Card suggested that Norm Kulla might know.

Reza noted that it is not uncommon to have trucks turn around. It’s surprising that 9 trucks/hour was approved.

Maryam noted that the trucks and the number of trips were not approved, only the haul routes requested were approved. She asked that concerns be sent to her regarding the haul route.

George explained that the Haul Road signal on PCH was supposed to be restored and then be removed after the work. Caltrans should approve this. Maryam stated that CA has said that it will continue to press on Caltrans.

David said that he believes the Coastal Commission also has a role to play in approval. He noted that if the left turn isn’t allowed, then we can’t get the dirt to Potrero.

Gil noted that the City would save $3 million if this dirt can be used.

Phil Otero (audience member/resident) noted that Chautauqua is already subsiding in places, and the road and homes could slide down if huge trucks use that route.

Lora Fremont (audience member/resident) said that she believes the dirt has not been properly tested, and was tested by a private company hired by CA. DTSC approved a report from a private company.

David Peterson said that the PPCC and VPCLC should continue to examine the issues.

8.3.    Awards Committee (George Wolfberg, Chair).  The deadline is midnight October 29. Send nominations to, or visit the website (Awards Guidelines).

9.    Old Business – None.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    Board Election of Alternate Area and At-large Reps. (Advanced to agenda item 8.1; the nominees recommended by the Three Chairs Committee were elected; see item 8.1).

10.2.    Councilmember Mike Bonin (accompanied by Tricia Keane).

Councilmember Bonin welcomed the board members and thanked PPCC, in particular Chris for her previous leadership as PPCC President and Maryam for her current and past leadership (on the Taskforce on Homelessness). The PPCC served as a model for Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles. The PPCC serves as a vehicle to energize the community and works to get things done. For example, the return of Engine Company 69 was a result of community engagement and PPCC support. The geographic isolation of the Palisades calls for more resources.

Regarding Proposition HHH: Councilmember Bonin explained that this is a 1.2 million dollar bond aimed at working to address homelessness in Los Angeles. The PPTFH has been instrumental in addressing homelessness in the Palisades. There is a crisis in homelessness in Los Angeles. The courts have restricted the City from cleaning up encampments or preventing people from sleeping on the sidewalks, because the City has failed to provide enough housing and services to homeless people. Homeless people know where the boundaries are because you can sleep on the streets in Los Angeles, and you can’t in Santa Monica and other cities. People die on the streets in Los Angeles. The solution has to be building more housing. Mayor Garcetti, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and Councilmember Bonin have worked on a number of policies and initiatives to combat rising homelessness. Prop. HHH would be used to build 10,000 units of housing. The focus of the model is Housing First. It would allow us to have tight oversight on spending. The City’s money will be matched by private philanthropy, foundations and the federal government. Because this is a bond measure, the money can only be spent on capital improvements. The County and the City are signing an MOU for the County to provide the services for these facilities. Prop. HHH is an assessment on property in the amount of about $30/year for average homes. $9.40/$100,000 of property value. A unit of housing in Los Angeles is expensive, particularly with wrap-around services. Homelessness is a huge drain on city resources. The City spends at least $100 million per year on homelessness, without doing anything to solve the problem. The money is spent on additional library staff, on sanitation cleanups, on LAPD, on brush clearance, etc. It’s cheaper to house people than to let them live on the streets.

Tricia Keane (CD11 Planning Director) gave a further explanation of the BHO/BMO amendments and proposed carve-out for Pacific Palisades.

David Kaplan asked the Councilmember about Caltrans opposition to the left turn into Potrero and the truck weight limits on Chautauqua. Councilmember Bonin noted that there will be noisy and difficult traffic impacts of the project. The cost savings to the city on Potrero are significant. Potrero will eventually require dirt to be hauled into the Palisades.

Maryam asked whether the haul route hearing commission members would have known about the Chautauqua weight limit. Councilmember Bonin said that we should build into the haul route system the weight limit check.

Gil asked about the traffic and signage at Chautauqua and PCH. Councilmember Bonin said that DOT recently looked at it and didn’t conclude that something had to be done, but he agrees that there needs to be an aggressive look at that intersection. Maryam noted that there are six service requests in for that project. Sue Kohl noted that there are people jumping into the right lane, and we need additional enforcement.

Reza said that at the BMO BHO hearing before the City Planning Commission, the PPCC’s letter was disregarded because the Commissioners noted that PPCC is not certified. Areas in the Coastal Zone do not get the carve-out, and do not get the 3-1 ratio. He stated his opinion that there should be a one-sentence addition: the Coastal Zone is exempt from the BMO-BHO amendment. Tricia explained that in the coastal zone the BMO does not apply, and the BHO does in hillside areas. There are areas within the Palisades that requested not to be included, and they asked Planning to look at that. That did not include Coastal areas. The Alphabets are mostly flat, non-hillside, but parts are not, so they are covered differently. Planning agreed to look at rezoning the BHO areas to one of the new zones, so that there would be the same type of standards for both. It gets tricky in the Coastal Zone because of the CCC. The Marquez Knolls area is wholly within the Coastal Zone and most of it is covered by the BHO. Non-hillside Coastal and non-hillside non-Coastal have different standards. Reza then stated that we are splitting streets so that neighbors across the street have different entitlements. Tricia replied that people in Coastal BHO who want to be rezoned to non-Coastal BHO, should check with Tricia and their office. CCC may have additional issues, as could the Coastal analysis.

Richard noted that LAPD cannot use radar or laser enforcement without speed surveys, and that money would have to come from the City Council. Palisades Drive, San Vicente, PCH, and Sunset (soon) will be unenforceable. Second, a bike lane downhill on Temescal would be a disaster. Councilmember Bonin said that the bike lane was an idea, and they’re looking for new ideas. The feedback has been negative. On speed surveys: posted speed limits are covered by two state laws: 1) A speed survey is required every 10 years for the posted speed to be radar enforceable, and that costs money. There is more money in the budget, and LAPD is catching up on the backlog. 2) State law requires speed surveys to determine what the posted speed limit should be as a percentage of the prevailing speed. Doing the speed survey could raise the speed limit on the street. There is legislation pending to change that second rule. George noted that Santa Monica does enforcement before they do the speed survey.

Councilmember Bonin noted that Norman Kulla worked with Santa Monica on the incline project.

Audience question: Regarding HHH, are there any requirements that limit who can be in this housing? Councilmember Bonin said that the HHH developments will not be “project style” housing. The City will work with private developers, HUD, and foundations to find properties to target different populations, e.g., veterans housing vs senior housing. The housing will be low income, but blended. October is domestic violence awareness month, and 30% of homeless people in Los Angeles have been victims of domestic violence. There are different levels of housing and different admissions rules and financial contribution requirements.

Audience question: On HHH, if you are building 10,000 units, how many homeless people live in LA? What do you do with people who don’t want housing? Councilmember Bonin said that the number of units they intend to build won’t cover the people who need it. They asked for $1.2 billion, but they should have asked for $1.5 billion. In Los Angeles, there are about 29,000 people who are homeless, and 19,000 on average go without shelter in a night. Not everyone who is homeless needs permanent supportive housing. Los Angeles County has historically worked almost exclusively on people who are chronically homeless. People who are temporarily homeless often need temporary assistance, which can get them off the street more quickly. The number of people who are service-resistant is a number that’s often inflated. A lot of people may not want a shelter that is very temporary, there are people who are resistant to services but may be open to permanent housing. HHH requires a 2/3rds vote. If it doesn’t pass, encampments in Los Angeles will increase, and people will die as a result. Maryam will distribute the HHH fact sheet.

11.    General Public Comment – None.

12.    Adjournment.  Maryam adjourned the meeting at 9:02 pm.


ITEM 7.1.3 — September 29, 2016 letter to Coastal Commission

September 29, 2016

Attn: Marlene Alvarado, South Coast Area Office
200 Oceangate, 10th FloorLong Beach, CA 90802-4416

Re: Commission Appeal No. A-5-PPL-16-0079
16990-17000 W. Sunset Boulevard, Pacific Palisades
Opposition to Appeal

Dear Ms. Alvarado:

Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC), the most broad-based community organization and voice of the Palisades since 1973, has been following the progress of the above referenced project since its inception. The public record will reflect that beginning in April of 2012 and on five additional occasions since then, most recently in November of 2015 and August of 2016, we have made our position known on various aspects of this project.

We have held numerous public discussions about this project, most recently on September 22nd, when we revisited the issue at our public Board meeting with a report from one of our Board members on the project’s history, the hearings and current status of the appeal filed by this developer to your Commission. The overwhelming sentiment expressed by community members as well as PPCC Board members in attendance was dismay at the decision of the developer to snub the input of the City and the community, and continue unabated in his objective to build the proposed multi-family residential development on this piece of unsteady, geologically unsound ocean-front bluff.

Our first letter on this matter, dated April 12, 2012, called for a focused EIR. We continued to request a focused EIR in letters dated February 23, 2013, June 17, 2013, and November 15, 2015. That EIR, though promised to concerned residents, was never produced. The West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission (WLAAPC) considered expert reports regarding the geology and hydrology of the site and determined that neither has been adequately addressed to ensure stability and safety. The unanimous decision to deny both the Coastal Development Permit and the environmental clearance for the above referenced project was made after a lengthy hearing before the WLAAPC on December 2, 2105. Now we learn that the developer has filed an appeal of the decision by the WLAAPC.

While the PPCC Board has not had an opportunity to review the Staff Report recommendation or to take a formal position on the pending appeal, we believe, based on our prior position letters and the overwhelming community opposition to this project as expressed at public hearings and meetings on numerous occasions since 2012, that it is the community’s wish to stem the wanton thrust of this developer’s determination to build as he wishes, without regard to laws, regulations and the applicability of studied findings and measured safeguards to his proposed development. On this basis, we urge you to uphold the findings of the WLAAPC, and vote in favor of the Staff Report recommendation that the current appeal by the developer raises no substantial issue as to conformity with Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act.

Thank you for your consideration.


Maryam Zar
PPCC Chair

cc: Council Member Mike Bonin (via
Harold Arrivillaga, West LA Area Planning Commission (via
Amy Lundberg, PPRA (via

ITEM 7.1.4 — October 13, 2016 letter to Mike Newhouse

October 13, 2016

Michael Newhouse Los Angeles, CA

Re: Congratulations

Dear Michael,

On behalf of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC), the most broad-based community organization and voice of the Palisades since 1973, I’d like to congratulate you on your appointment to the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission, for the tern ending June 30, 2017.


Maryam Zar
PPCC Chair

cc: Chris Spitz (PPCC Chair Emeritus)
George Wolfberg (PPCC Vice Chair)
Richard Cohen (PPCC Treasurer)
Michael Soneff (PPCC Secretary)
Howard Robinson (PPCC Land Use Committee Chair)
Tricia Keane (Director of Land Use and Planning at CD11 – Councilmember Mike Bonin)

ITEM 8.1 — Background Statements re Nominees for 2nd Alternate Positions

Note: All nominees for 2nd Alternate positions are supported by the respective Primary Reps.

Area 1: Kelly Comras. Kelly was the former Area 1 Primary Rep for 4 years, is very familiar with her area’s concerns, and now wishes to continues to serve as the 2nd Alternate for Area 1.

Area 2: Leah Cox. Leah has been a Palisades resident since 1984 and a Highlands resident since 1997. She is managing director of the law firm Selman Breitman. She raised her son in our community where he attended local schools. She has served as President of the Highlands Villas Association for the last 10 years and was a member of the board for 18 years. She has worked extensively with Peter Culhane on the Highlands Presidents Council, where she has served for 4 years. She is very familiar with Area Two concerns, believes in preserving our community’s character, and is eager to continue her service as a member of the PPCC board.

Area 3: Brian Deming. Brian was the able Area 3 2nd Alternate for 2 years, has been an active and respected participant on PPCC, is an active member of the PPTFH, and is also eager to return to the PPCC board to serve his area.

Area 4: The seat is open as there were no applicants.

Area 5: Abhilash Patel. Abhilash has resided in Area 5 for nearly 6 years, where he and his wife are raising two small children with another on the way. He loves the Palisades and his neighborhood in particular, has been concerned about ongoing development and wishes to contribute, as a member of the PPCC board, to efforts to preserve and protect our community’s character. Abhilash is a digital marketing entrepreneur with skills in digital media who believes in giving back to his community; he currently serves as treasurer of the Methodist preschool and is on the boards of several charities, including Junior Achievement of Southern California and the LA Regional Food Bank.

Area 6: Mary Mortensen. Mary was born and raised in the Palisades, has lived in Area 6 on Via de la Paz, where she grew up, and currently resides in the Huntington. She has been a realtor with Berkshire Hathaway in the Palisades for the last 5 years. She regards herself as having been extremely fortunate to be raised in such a special place. She attended preschool, elementary, middle and high school in the Palisades; she fondly recalls the Bay Theater, the Hot Dog Show, Hacienda Galvin and other beloved locales; she is a supporter of the planned revitalization of our commercial Village; and she is concerned with many issues affecting the Palisades, including homelessness, completion of Potrero Canyon, street repaving in all areas, lack of City services, and the BMO-BHO issue. She wishes to serve on the PPCC board to participate in efforts to address these issues.

Area 7: The seat is open as there were no applicants.

Area 8: Andrew Wolfberg. Andrew was previously the Area 8 Primary and Alternate Rep and ably served as PPCC’s Vice-President and as a member of the Executive Committee in 2014. Andrew is an attorney who has lived in Areas 7 and 8 of the Palisades for the last 30 years. He has been actively involved in efforts to mitigate golf tournament and traffic impacts in his Polo Fields neighborhood, including attending weekly Paul Revere Traffic & Safety Committee meetings. He wishes to return to the PPCC board to serve his area as the 2nd Alternate.

At-large: Matthew Rodman. Matthew grew up in Brentwood and spent much of his early years in the Palisades. He has resided here with his family since 1999. His children attend our local schools and he has been involved both financially and on a volunteer basis with many Palisades organizations, including among others PAPA, PPBA, Palisades Elementary, Pali High and Paul Revere, where he chairs the Traffic & Safety Committee. He briefly served in 2006 as a PPCC alternate Area 5 rep, and he is past president of Police and Community Together, a fundraising arm of the WLA Police Station. Matthew is also a businessman who served for six years, four as President, on the West LA Area Planning Commission. He supports many of the important issues that will maintain the safety and quality of life we enjoy in the Palisades.

ITEM 8.2 — Oct. 10, 2016 VPCLC Report on Haul Route

October VPCLC Update

October 10, 2016

PPCC’s Village Project Community Liaison Committee (VPCLC) met recently with Caruso Affiliated (CA) as part of our monthly meetings, to recap the recent Haul Route Hearing and approval of application(s), and to clarify facts relative to hauling dirt from the site.


CA had asked the City to approve a variety of haul route options because they were not sure where the dirt would ultimately be destined and also to have flexibility as related to changing traffic conditions. All routes were approved.


The Haul Route Application submitted by CA to LADBS was approved in its entirety, with the added provisions recommended by CD11, as delivered by Tricia Keane, and incorporated into the approval: “…we ask that crossing guards be required at the intersections of Sunset/Monument, Sunset/Swarthmore, Sunset/Via de la Paz, and Temescal/Bowdoin during the hours of 7-9 am and 1-3 pm on school days when hauling is taking place.”

The preferred route, at present, provided the destination for the dirt is Potrero Canyon, is to have approximately 9 trucks per hour travel down Chautauqua, take a right onto PCH, and another right onto Potrero Canyon access road. Trucks will deliver/dump the dirt, and head back out on to PCH with a right turn out of Potrero Canyon, a right turn up Temescal, and a right back onto Sunset, for a clean loop route.

There will be no left turn light placed on PCH to allow trucks to turn into Potrero Canyon “Haul Rd.”. The temporary traffic light at Potrero Canyon previously used by the City for the Potrero project allowed only right turns in and left turns out. Caltrans has not indicated they will allow this turn for the Village Project. They have thus far declined to re-install the left turn light at Haul road, objecting to the traffic consequences of the left turn across PCH to Potrero. CA has discussed the possibility of increasing the time to make the turns onto PCH from Chautauqua with Caltrans and will continue to work with them to see if this option can be made possible.

Scope of Hauling:

We estimate a maximum capacity of 100 truckloads a day, about 9 trucks per hour from 7 am to 6 pm, six days a week (no holidays). There will be times during the day or week when, because of traffic, there may be fewer trucks. Hauling will begin sometime in November and last an estimated 12 weeks. The Winter Holidays will fall within that time period when schools will not be in session, thus reducing the impact of the hauling phase on Palisadian quality of life and Village pedestrian safety.

Two kinds of trucks will be used. One is an “end dump” truck, which is a single long unit, and the other is the “bottom dump” truck which is a two unit extension that is more flexible on the road.

Safety: At the direction of the Commissioners, in response to a request by Councilmember Bonin, crossing guards will be in place to ensure pedestrian safety on school days when hauling is taking place during the hours of 7-9 am and 1-3 pm, at the following four intersections: Sunset/Monument, Sunset/Swarthmore, Sunset/Via de la Paz and Temescal/Bowdoin.

The developer has open lines of communication with community members, schools and the PPCC. Palisades Charter High School in particular, which may be impacted by the haul route, is in direct communications with CA, who believe that using Temescal eastbound with only empty trucks will greatly diminish impact upon PCHS traffic.


Dirt being taken to Potrero is fill from the excavation of land that was formerly removed to create Sunset Blvd. It is Palisadian dirt being displaced from one location to another. The dirt is clean and devoid of toxins or waste from either the dry cleaner (remediated and removed last year) or the gas station. The soil being removed has been tested and approved by DTSC for unrestricted use (report publicly available on DTSC’s website.)


The developer will communicate with the community through social media, keeping us abreast of the progress of the Project and milestones reached. They will continue to keep the VPCLC informed of accomplishment and impediments that they either foresee or have encountered. The VPCLC will attempt to address those and keep the community aware and offer discussion as necessary at our bi-weekly meetings of the PPCC.

The VPCLC is not a complaint board and any specific or personal issues with the development should be directed to the developer. The public may contact CA directly by telephone, 310-744-2301, or by email to Rick Lemmo:

Goals/Committee Conclusion:

The VPCLC will continue to meet regularly and update the community on the Project’s status and potential impacts, and attempt to ensure the safety of the community. Our goal is to enable this project to move expediently along, while mitigating any adverse effects on Palisadian quality of life.

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