Return to Index of 2018 Minutes
Voting Members in Attendance: Maryam Zar, Allison Holdorff Polhill, Richard Cohen, David Kaplan, Sue Kohl, Rick Mills, Danielle Samulon, Richard Wulliger, Janet Anderson, Gil Dembo, David Card, Reza Akef, Bruce Schwartz, Cathy Russell, Sarah Conner
Voting Alternates: Susan Payne, Quentin Fleming, Doug McCormick
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Brenda Theveny, Jim Kirtley, Jody Margulies
1. Certification of Quorum. Chair Maryam Zar called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm and certified that a quorum was present.
2. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. The Council’s Mission was read.
3. Introduction of the Board and Audience. The board and audience were introduced.
4. Approval of Minutes & Upcoming Meetings. 1) Approval of Minutes: Chair deemed the minutes of January 25, 2018 approved as distributed. 2) Upcoming meetings: February 22, 2018 (topics to be announced).
5. Consideration of Agenda. Chair announced that the agenda was as distributed.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Richard Cohen (Treasurer) reported that our bank balance is $42,006.18 and that there were no significant transactions since the last meeting.
7. General Public Comment on local issues.
Marc Jackson spoke in opposition to the PPCC position with respect to the eldercare project on Palisades Dr. in the Highlands. The Chair allowed him to complete his remarks, and after a few follow up questions, thanked him.
8. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
8.1. From the Chair.
8.1.1. The Chair reported on SB 946 — a new bill re state regulation of sidewalk vending/further encroachment on local control; a WRAC-LUPC recommended motion to oppose will tentatively be considered at PPCC’s 2/22/18 meeting. Eric Marshal (audience) remarked that the bill may be a necessary move by the State to prompt serious consideration of a legalizing ordinance on the part of LA City Council, which has dragged its feet on the issue. There was a brief back and forth about local control and the interest of the City, and organizations like PPCC, to retain the ability to have a say in how communities grow and shape over time.
8.1.2. The Chair announced that PPCC’s motion in opposition to SB 827, the state mandate of increased density along transit corridors, has been sent to Mike Bonin as well as relevant public officials, including bill’s author and Senate Transportation and Housing Committee. [See both letters at, scroll down to Planning & Density.]
8.1.3. The Chair gave a recap of the Bel Air Fire and Safety meeting held the week prior. She asked if members thought it would be a good idea for PPCC to hold a similar Community Safety Meeting, to talk about security in light of recent break-ins and fire safety, as well as other community safety or enforcement concerns. The Board overwhelmingly indicated they would. The Chair inquired whether they’d like to see a separate event or one that is held during our regular meeting time. The Chair pledged to work on it.
8.2. From Officers.
8.2.1. Allison Holdorff Polhill (Secretary) gave an update on LAUSD Board District 4 efforts.
8.3. From At-Large and Area Reps.
8.3.1. Rick Mills (Area 4) stated that the sidewalk vending bill issue is: people want to maintain local control.
8.3.2. Reza Akef (Area 8) expressed concerns about the upcoming golf tournament and its impact on traffic; he urged people to be careful. He observed that more people are sleeping in their cars and most are Uber drivers. He also reported that a Paul Revere parent got into a fight with a local resident.
8.4. From Organizational Reps.
8.4.1. Jim Kirtley (YMCA) gave an update with two flyers: The Y is partnering with the SMC Art Department Valentine’s Day Art Glass Sale to be held on the Village Green Sunday February 11, 10am-4pm. The Y will also be participating in the “Yarn Bomb” of the Village Green in support of Women’s History.
8.4.2. David Card (American Legion) gave an update on the American Legion Post 283 High School Oratorical Contest. The students have done well so far.
8.5. From Government Offices/Representatives.
8.5.1. LAPD Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore gave an update on crime. He was joined by Officer John Redican, who explained the situation on the ground and gave some details about how to protect property. Each remarked about the recent spate of crime, but did not see a trend. Officer Moore reported that vehicle burglaries have increased in the Palisades. He requested that individuals who have camera systems that have captured license plates, please report it to the police. Chair asked if the Board would like to have a dedicated safety forum meeting in the near future. The Board agreed they would. Tentative date March 6, 2018.
8.6. From PPCC Advisors – None.
9. Reports from Committees – None.
10. Old Business – Deferred.
11. New Business – Deferred.
12. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm due to an exceptional library request to end early.