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Voting Members in Attendance:  Maryam Zar, George Wolfberg, Allison Holdorff Polhill, Peter Culhane, David Kaplan, Sue Kohl, Cathy Russell, Rick Mills, Reza Akef, Danielle Samulon, Lou Kamer, David Card, Richard Wulliger

Voting Alternates:  Kelly Comras.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  None.

1.   Certification of Quorum.  Chair Maryam Zar called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm and certified that a quorum was present.

2.     Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Allison Holdorff read the Council’s Mission.

3.    Introduction of the Board and Audience.  The board and audience were introduced.

4.    Approval of Minutes & Upcoming Meetings.  1) Approval of Minutes – Approval of 6/14/18 minutes was deferred. 2) Upcoming Meetings – 7/26/18 (area and at-large representative candidates announced); 8/9/18 (possible candidates forum). Additional topics to be announced. Note: there is one PPCC meeting only in the months of July and August.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Chair announced that the agenda was as distributed.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  Chair reported that the Treasurer had submitted his Treasurer’s Report for the period June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018 (with significant transactions since June 1 indicated) and that this would be attached to the minutes. See attached report.

7.    General Public Comment.

7.1.   Marge Gold (resident) announced there is a new organization named Spruce Up the Neighborhood. The goal is to help spruce up the area adjacent to the Caruso “Palisades Village” project in time for the planned opening in September. She announced that Lou Kamer had taken a leading role in helping interested stakeholders come together and make a plan to get things done in time for a congruent unveiling.

7.2.  Erich Haas, Palisades Recreation Center Park Director, reported that both of the gyms are undergoing renovations and will re-open in July and August 2018. He also announced that the Pacific Palisades Park Board meeting would be held at the Library on July 18 at 6pm, since the small gym at the Palisades Recreation Center (the usual location) would be closed.

8.     Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair.

8.1.1.    Candidates for area and at-large representative seats in the upcoming PPCC elected representatives election are encouraged to submit applications prior to or at the July 26, 2018 PPCC meeting, when all candidates will be announced. The incumbents running are Rick Mills, Area 4; Sue Kohl, Area 5; David Kaplan, Area 6; Reza Akef, Area 8 and Lou Kamer, At-large. She also announced that the decision to have a candidate’s forum would be made at the July 26th meeting, by the Board.

8.1.2.   The Chair announced the formation of a Pacific Palisades Housing working Group, with the intention of starting the conversation about housing in Pacific Palisades, and convening community meetings to see how Palisadians want to tackle the issue. Councilmember Mike Bonin, who was on hand to present the outgoing Chair with a City certificate of appreciation, supported the idea. The Chair announced that she had discussed forming the working group on housing with incoming Chair George Wolfberg and PPTFH President Doug McCormick, and both had indicated interest in joining the group. The working group was being formed in the same way as the task force on homelessness had been formed by the previous PPCC Chair, as an independent committee to seek best practices and solutions to the issue at hand.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    George Wolfberg (Vice-Chair) reported that the PPCC board unanimously supported funding for the Ocean Front boardwalk extension years ago. The walk will be extended to provide safety for pedestrians. He also thanked the outgoing Chair with his own words of praise and read a statement from Chris Spitz thanking Chair Maryam Zar for her service. The statement applauded her efforts as Chair and thanked her for admirable work on behalf of the community.

8.2.2.    Alison Holdorff Polhill (Secretary) reported that LAUSD Board member Nick Melvoin and Supt. Austin Beutner will be in the Pacific Palisades 4th of July parade. Canyon Charter Elementary School in Santa Monica Canyon will undergo renovations to provide handicap access and replace bungalows that are not approved for school use.

8.3.     From At-large and Area Reps.

8.3.1.    Lou Kamer (At-large) reported that Norris Hardware would be going out of business, and that he and some community minded people were trying to set up a fund or a program whereby caring community members could chip in to help the employees land on their feet as they transition away from stable jobs at Norris.

8.4.    From Organizational Reps.

8.4.1.   David Card (American Legion) wished everyone a safe and sane 4th of July and announced that there would be an Open House for the community at the American Legion Post from 3:30-5:30pm on the 4th with BBQ chicken and drinks (no-host bar).

8.5.    From Government Offices/Representatives.

8.5.1.    LAPD Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore reported that there are more car break-ins at the trail heads. LAPD is working on hanging signs up warning hikers not to leave valuables in their cars. There is an increase in robberies. A guard was sprayed with pepper sprayed at Elyse Walker. At the top of Lachman Lane, three kids had their valuables stolen from five other individuals.

8.5.2.    Deputy City Attorney Veronica de la Cruz Robles, Neighborhood Prosecutor, reported she is here to support crime prevention. Kelly Comras asked about building code violation prosecutions.

8.5.3.    Councilmember Mike Bonin, CD11. See Item 11.2 below.

8.5.4.   Daniel Tamm, Westside Area Representative for Mayor Eric Garcetti, reported about A Bridge Home, to provide emergency temporary housing. Tamm also announced that Chief Michael Moore is the new Chief of Police for LAPD. Chief Moore desires to bring LAPD into the 21st Century with improvements in technology. He has worked in every area of LAPD.

8.5.5.    Shannon Louis, West/Metro Field Deputy for LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, presented a County Certificate of Appreciation to outgoing Chair Maryam Zar on behalf of Supervisor Kuehl, for her role as PPCC Chair.

8.5.6.    Janet Turner, Field Supervisor for U.S. Congressman Ted Lieu, thanked Chair Maryam Zar on behalf of the Congressman for her leadership.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors – None.

9.    Reports from Committees – None.

10.    Old Business – None.

11.    New Business.

11.1. Recreation & Parks Discussion.

Guest presenters: Cathie Santo Domingo, Dept. of Rec & Parks (RAP) Superintendent of Planning and Construction; Bill Jones, RAP Chief Management Analyst; Neil Drucker, Bureau of Engineering, Dept. of Public Works; and Darryl Ford, Management Analyst, RAP Planning and Development Division. They reported:

Measure A

  • Measure A expected to receive $19.35M.
  • Measure A appears on annual property tax bill.
  • Measure A passed by 75% of the voters in 2016.
  • Measure A has 5 categories, along with funds available for maintenance and other specified projects awarded by the County.

Prop 68

  • Guidelines are still in process.
  • SMMC has requested comments on proposed guidelines.
  • Prop K – LA for Kids Program
    It’s an assessment. On property tax bills.
  • Prop K funds must be spent equitably.
  • Potrero Canyon received $5M from Prop K funds; sold lots for $30M; Second phase (Grading) was approved for $13.7 M with work on this 14 month project to begin in few weeks. Third phase will be the final development and landscaping of the park.
  • Use school property.
  • Monies remain for Youth School Recreation Projects $10M.

QUIMBY – Darryl Ford

  • Anyone developing a project must pay a fee that goes to RAP.
  • Fees can only be used for parks under the control of the City. 2 mile radius, 5 mile radius or 10 mile radius. Funds paid for RAP. There is an expiration date. City must commit funds to a project within five years.

Chair asked whether a dog park would qualify for Measure A funds. Jones confirmed that a dog park would qualify. Jones also confirmed that 30% of the funds provided must be applied to high-need areas. Jones cautioned that while the dog park is a priority, there are not a lot of funds to cover all of the park.

11.2.    Housing Discussion with Councilmember Mike Bonin.

Mike Bonin addressed the board regarding the issue of homelessness. He reported there is a growing movement to get each community to address homelessness. Mel Tillekeratne started a grassroots effort on behalf of women who are homeless called She Does. There is a need to shelter women immediately. Mayor Garcetti has proposed a Bridge Home initiative. We need immediate solutions so that people are not living on the streets. Bridge housing is a pathway to permanent residency. There are proposed housing units in Venice with 1000 homeless. Because of changes in the federal budget, the City has been forced to fund housing for homeless women. Harvest Home in Venice – houses nine pregnant women. Bonin supports a new working group, formed by Maryam Zar, to address women and housing.

Chelsea Byers of United Way reported that there is a movement called Every One In, which is bringing communities together to find housing for the homeless. They are creating big and small events to address homelessness.

Mel Tillekeratne reported that he started She Does to help women get off the streets and prevent physical abuse. Domestic violence and increasing housing costs are the root cause of homelessness.

12.    Adjournment. Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:07 pm.

ATTACHMENT:   ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report

PPCC Treasurer’s Report June 1, 2017 – May 31, 2018
Balance 6/1/2017 39,447
Balance 5/31/2018 – 6/1/2018 38,825
Decrease in Funds -622
Regular Contributions 253
PAPA Donation 1,150
Rent 972
Insurance 1,593
Mailchimp 255
Chamber Event Tickets 300
Safety Event 97
Misc (data services, copies, P.O. Box, etc.) 1,186
Total Operating Expenses 5,553
Operating Loss -5,300
Dinner & Tribute Revenue 13,320
Event Costs 8,642
Event Profit 4,678
Decrease in Funds -622

Balance as of June 28, 2018                                      $37,592

Significant transaction since 6/1/2018:

Payment to P.A.P.A. for Parade Costs of $1,000 plus $125 of Gala auction proceeds

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