Voting Members in Attendance: David Card, David Kaplan, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Joanna Spak, Steve Cron, Karen Ridgley, Jenny Li, Matthew Quiat, Haldis Toppel, Alan Goldsmith, Brenda Theveny, Kevin Niles, Fay Vahdani, Beth Holden-Garland
Voting Alternates: Rick McGeagh, Richard Blumenberg, Kimberly Bloom
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Cindy Kirven, Nancy Niles, Michael Edlen, Don Scott, Bruce Schwartz
1. Call to order and reading of Mission Statement. The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Kevin Niles read the Mission Statement.
2. Introduction of Zoom engineer. Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.
3. Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum. The Chair certified that there was a quorum.
4. Approval of Minutes. November 18, 2021 – Deferred to 1/13/22. Upcoming board meetings: January 13, 2022: (1) Tentative) discussion and possible action regarding Palisades zoning regulations; (2) WRAC-recommended motions. January 27, 2022: (Tentative) LAPD presentation on public safety and community-police engagement (first in a 3-part series); additional topics to be announced. Next LUC meeting: January 11, 2022: Zoning regulations in R1 / non-hillside / coastal areas of the Palisades.
5. Consideration of Agenda. The agenda was as distributed.
6. Treasurer’s Report – Deferred to 1/13/22.
7. General Public Comment – Deferred to 1/13/22.
8. Reports, Announcements and Concerns – All reports and announcements deferred to 1/13/22.
9. Reports from Committees – Deferred to 1/13/22.
10. Old Business – None.
11. New Business.
11.1. Presentation of 2021 Citizen of the Year and Golden Sparkplug Awards. Citizen of the Year – Christina Spitz. Golden Sparkplugs – Scott Cullen, Rick McGeagh, Matthew Rodman, Ingrid Steinberg & Krishna Thangavelu. See information about the awardees’ accomplishments at: https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/PPCC-2021-Awards-Honorees-Information.pdf.
The Chair welcomed the Honorees and event attendees and introduced Palisadian singer, songwriter and producer Madi Rindge, who entertained the attendees with a special musical performance. The Chair next thanked Awards Committee Chair Kevin Niles and Committee members David Kaplan, Sharon Kilbride, Sue Kohl and Mary Mueller; Secretary Chris Spitz and Treasurer Richard Cohen for organizational efforts which contributed to the success of the event; and Jimmy Dunne, Nancy Niles, and the technical engineers Alex Ponting and Joanna Curtis.
The Chair also remarked on the history of the community awards and presented a slide show with the names of all past Citizens of the Years, Golden Sparkplugs, Community Service and Pride of the Palisades awardees as well as the names of all past PPCC Chairs.
The Chair then called on Janet Turner, Field Supervisor for Congressman Ted Lieu, who paid tribute to the 2021 Honorees and virtually presented certificates of commendation from the Congressman. Additional certificates of commendation were presented to the Honorees throughout the evening, from State Senator Ben Allen, Assemblymember Richard Bloom, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, Mayor Eric Garcetti and City Attorney Mike Feuer.
The Chair and Committee members then presented the Awards and spoke about the Honorees’ achievements, as follows:
Golden Sparkplug Scott Cullen: presented by Committee member Sharon Kilbride.
Golden Sparkplug Rick McGeagh: presented by the Chair.
Golden Sparkplug Matthew Rodman: presented by Committee member David Kaplan.
Golden Sparkplug Ingrid Steinberg: presented by the Chair.
Golden Sparkplug Krishna Thangavelu: presented by Committee member Sharon Kilbride.
Citizen of the Year Christina Spitz: presented by Committee member David Kaplan and the Chair.
The Honorees all expressed thanks to PPCC and appreciation for the community’s recognition of their service.
12. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18pm.