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1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.  David Card read the PPCC Mission Statement.

2.   Roll Call of Board members and Certification of Quorum.
The Vice-President (presiding in the absence of the President) certified quorum.

Voting members present:  Sue Kohl, Beth Holden-Garland, Dave Card, Murray Levy, Michael Edlen, Karen Ridgley, Kimberly Bloom, Julie Silliman, Andrew Wolfberg, Chris Spitz, John Padden, Ryan Craig, Rick McGeagh.

Non-voting members present:  Alan Goldsmith, Joanna Spak, Cindi Young, Leeanne Sanderson, James Alexakis, JoAnna Rodriguez.

3.   Introduction of attendees – There were no guest speakers.

4.   Approval of Minutes – The draft minutes of March 7, 2024, were approved as presented.

5.   Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings.

The Presiding Officer indicated that the agenda was as distributed and provided the following information about upcoming PPCC meetings:

April 11, 2024: Zoom meeting; President to announce the appointment of a Nominating Committee to nominate PPCC officers for the 2024-25 term. Frank Renfro, Palisadian and private security consultant familiar with current community issues, to present the option of mobile security trailers which may be a possibility for the park and other locations.

May 23, 2024: Expected in-person (hybrid) meeting with a presentation by Doug McAllister, VP of External Affairs (CA) from Frontier, regarding fiber optic lines and the cycling out of copper land lines in our community.

6.   Treasurer’s Report — The Treasurer was not present but had submitted a report which will be given at the next PPCC meeting on April 11, 2024.

7.   General Public Comment – None.

8.   Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.  The Presiding Officer explained the upcoming PPCC officers’ election schedule (Bylaws Art VII): April 11: appointment of Nominating Committee (first PPCC meeting in April); May 9: Committee nominations announced & nominations open from board members (first PPCC meeting in May); May 23: board nominations remain open until 15 minutes before scheduled close of meeting (second PPCC meeting in May); June 13: officer candidates forum (if needed) and election of officers (first PPCC meeting in June); new officers’ term begins July 1, 2024.

8.1.2.  The Presiding Officer noted that the recent LAPD Zoom Town Hall to address park matters has been uploaded to the PPCC YouTube site and can be seen here:

8.1.3.  The Presiding Officer read aloud the following statement from the President (included in the meeting agenda)

“I continue to work with RAP to re-engage their technology team to come out to the Palisades Recreation Center and reassess the existing buildings and electric infrastructure for a handful of cameras trained on hotspots, in order to assist park staff and LAPD in monitoring, deterrence and law enforcement.

“I thank SLO Espin, Sgt Alpert, and Capt. Gabaldon for the very informative community meeting regarding park matters last Wednesday. It was important for the community to learn that arrests of juveniles are not likely to take place (but for the most egregious offenses) and that we can expect to see other remedies applied to the current issues that concern the community regarding dangerous conduct at our local park. I note that it is exceedingly important for the community to be made aware when steps are taken to deter this conduct or efforts are made to approach the people who can address the conduct – whether families or schools – and for the community to know that due attention is being paid to ongoing conduct that is a source of concern.

“Toward that end, I have asked RAP to engage a certified vendor of theirs to provide this community with weekend foot patrols at the Rec Center. While I have received a quote for monthly service for two patrolmen, I do not have the specific parameters of service, and hope to bring that to the PPCC when I do. I have a call scheduled now with the RAP GM on April 9th, and hope to report back at our first April meeting. I must admit that it has been difficult getting the City’s attention on this matter and having them work with 3 us toward solutions. I thank the Council Office and RAP GM, Jimmy Kim along with Chinyere Stoneham in his office and Sonya Young-Jimenez for their attention. I commend the Capt. and SLO for their recognition that something needs to be done, and for the dedication of resources (deferred from other needs) to weekend task forces in the Palisades in order to address out ongoing concerns at the park, until RAP and the City confer to formulate a plan that substantively addresses the issues at stake (fire, vandalism, violence).”

8.2.   From the Officers/Chair Emeritus.

8.2.1.   Vice-President Sue Kohl – None (except for reports as Presiding Officer, above).

8.2.2.   Treasurer Jenny LI – Not present (see item 6 above).

8.2.3.   Secretary Beth Holden-Garden reported that the PPCC Instagram has grown to nearly 400 followers in the past year that it has been launched, and we have 1,000 followers on Facebook.  She also reminded everyone to please send her information about upcoming events or announcements to post on our social media.

8.2.4.   Chair Emeritus David Card – None.

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives.

8.3.1.   Karen Ridgley, Area 4 Rep, reported on the status of the Asilomar bluff stabilization project.  She also related concerns about unstable geologic conditions (fissures that may lead to landslides) on the cul de sac end of Asilomar (not in the area of the stabilization project); this area has now been fenced off with warning tape.  During SLO Espin’s report (item 8.5.1), she noted concerns from residents of Puerto del Mar, who have noticed that teens or other persons have been entering the nearby bluff area through a broken fence at the dead end and engaging in unsafe and/or illegal activities such as lighting fireworks, smoking, doing drugs, etc.  She asked for additional police presence by way of periodic patrols.  LAPD SLO Brian Espin stated that he would attempt to arrange for additional patrols of the area.  She also spoke about the need for a property line map on Puerto del Mar showing what is city property, what is park property and what is private property; she will follow up with Michael Amster to obtain a map.  Finally, she noted that a stop sign had suddenly gone up on Miami Way and wondered if the City or LADOT gives advance notice when traffic signs are to be installed.  There was some discussion about the fact that this may have been at the request of neighbors due to speeding or “donuts” happening in the area, but no one had an answer as to the process in terms of giving notice of traffic sign installations.

8.3.2.  Murray Levy, Area 1 Rep, noted that a slide in the Castellammare area (below the large proposed project on Tramonto) had spilled onto PCH and has been blocking one lane completely for about a month, resulting in traffic back-ups on PCH and Sunset Blvd. (from Palisades Dr.), and many drivers using Tramonto and Porto Marina as alternate routes (a shortcut) to PCH between 4-6pm.  He has seen almost head-on collisions and there are no sidewalks.  He asked if a patrol car can sit in the area at those times until the debris is cleared up.  SLO Espin stated that he would see about having LAPD Traffic assign officers to the area to help monitor the traffic situation.

8.3.3.   Chris Spitz, At-large Rep, reported on several items:

a) The LA City Attorney, Hydee Feldstein Soto, has created a new division in the C.A.’s office, the “Community Law Corps,” which consists of Deputy City Attorneys who are tasked with answering questions from constituents citywide about civil matters of all kinds. This new program has replaced the former Neighborhood Prosecutor program, which involved criminal matters.  Our former Neighborhood Prosecutor, Deputy C.A. Veronica de la Cruz, is now assigned to the Community Law Corps for our district.  Palisadians can send emails with their questions regarding civil (not criminal) matters to:  Questions about these matters can also still be directed to CD 11/Michael Amster.

b) LAMC 41.18 (an ordinance which PPCC and WRAC support) was a topic on a recent LAHSA Commission meeting agenda.  The At-large Rep explained that LAHSA is the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority – the regional planning body that coordinates housing and services for homeless / unhoused persons in Los Angeles County (including in the City of Los Angeles).  She also noted that PPCC has a Glossary of terms related to homelessness on the website, under Resources/reports & summaries, that she recommends to anyone interested.  She reminded everyone that PPCC supports the use of 41.18, the City’s so-called “anti-camping” ordinance, which regulates dwelling in the public right of way, including our sidewalks and public spaces, for public safety and accessibility. The At-large Rep and Brentwood CC Chair Carolyn Jordan both attended the LAHSA meeting and gave public comment on behalf of our respective councils, in support of 41.18.  The At-large Rep also commented, in her capacity as Vice-Chair of WRAC, in support of the ordinance.  There were many speakers both pro and con and the meeting lasted over 3 hours.  It was unusual for that Commission to be hearing this topic since neither LAHSA nor the County Supervisors has authority or jurisdiction over this City of LA regulation, but Sup. Horvath, who chairs the Commission and is critical of 41.18, directed that the agenda include this topic.  Councilwoman Traci Park’s staff has thanked us for our comments in support.  In addition, Carolyn Jordan authored an op ed which was published in the Westside Current on the efficacy and use of 41.18 in her community; the At-large Rep commended the op ed to everyone and noted that it can be found on the Westside Current website, [title: “41.18 Serves Its Purpose”].

c) In regard to the second Via de las Olas slide and unstable geologic conditions, Michael Amster has recently advised that the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) Geotechnical division would investigate the conditions; it was believed that the investigation would happen last week, but we haven’t heard back; hopefully an update will be provided soon.

d) Residents continue to contact the At-large Rep and ask questions about the status of the bridge and lateral trail. Regarding the bridge, a recording of the 3/14 bridge outreach meeting is posted on PPCC’s Potrero Canyon webpage [] and on the BOE webpage about the project []. The next outreach meeting will occur in Fall 2024.  As to the Lateral Trail status:  The trail, which PPCC supports, is a required element of the overall park project, called for in the current Coastal Development Permit.  In a recent message to Michael Amster that was conveyed to the At-large Rep, BOE explained that it is working on a preliminary layout of the trail, which would lead to a consultant then being hired to work on alternate routes, to obtain community input, to conduct any necessary reviews and produce a final design; this is all necessary for Caltrans, which must eventually give permission for the City to locate the trail on Caltrans property  We don’t have a timeline yet and there are apparently still funding issues. The At-large Rep has asked for the BOE project manager to come to PPCC and explain the status further; so far there hasn’t been a response

e) Regarding the Planning Dept.’s proposed change in the Construction Noise Threshold (which PPCC has opposed): the Planner in charge has advised that the Planning Director still hasn’t made a determination on the Noise Threshold changes, but they will let us know if and when that occurs.

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.   The Presiding Officer reported in the absence of Genevieve Bostic (YMCA rep) that the Palisades-Malibu YMCA will now be holding its Spring Festival and Egg Hunt at Simon Meadow on Saturday, March 30 [now changed to April 6], 2024, from 9:30am to 1pm.  There are sponsorship opportunities.

8.4.2.   Ryan Craig (Resilient Palisades Rep) reported again that Resilient Palisades will hold the organization’s traditional annual Earth Day Event on the Village Green on Sunday, April 14, 2024, from 9 am to 1pm.  He noted that PPCC, the Palisades Forestry Committee and other Palisades and other LA groups will be joining and will have tables at the event.  He invited everyone to attend.

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives (as available)

8.5.1.   Brian Espin, Senior Lead Officer (SLO), Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), reported on crime in general and said that although burglaries were up one from last year, the number was lower than he expected in the Palisades.  Theft was up due to the online reporting system (10 more thefts this year than last year).  He spoke about the multiple areas far and wide being targeted by the South American gangs.  He also acknowledged the receipt of emails from many Palisades residents regarding teenage crimes; talked about the limitations for LAPD when victims do not file police reports; and said he still is not receiving many filed reports about juvenile activities, although CVS had filed a few in the past.  SLO Espin hosted the Community Safety Town Hall on March 20th to discuss issues the community has been experiencing.  He believed it was successful and he appreciated the large turnout.  The Presiding Officer and other board members thanked SLO Espin for holding the informative Town Hall (see item 8.1.2 above for the recording link).

8.5.2.   Michael Amster, CD11 Field Deputy, Pacific Palisades & Brentwood – Not present.

8.5.3.   Allison Holdoff, LAUSD Dist. 4 board Member, Nick Melvoin, Senior Advisor – Not present.

8.5.4.   Radmehr Nowroozi, SD 24, Field Representative, Palisades, Brentwood, Westwood and Westside – Not present.

8.5.5.   Skylar Payab, AD 42, Field Deputy, Pacific Palisades & Brentwood – Not present.

8.5.6.   Marian Ensley, West Area Field Deputy, Mayor Karen Bass – Not present.

8.5.7.   Zac Gaidzik, Coastal and Westside Field Deputy, County Supervisor, Lindsey Horvath, attended and provided an extended report on the activities of Supervisor Horvath and the County Board of Supervisors.  On homelessness in the County, he stated that since the emergency was declared LA County has helped transition 38,000 people into interim housing and 23,600 into permanent housing.  He also stated that outreach teams have doubled and 11,000 at-risk people were prevented from becoming homeless.

As to the recent LAHSA Commission meeting and positions regarding LAMC 41.18:  He explained that Supervisor Horvath had included the ordinance as an agenda item in the interest of transparency, because of recent reports concerning LAHSA’s analysis of 41.18.  He stated that he believes people are aware of the Supervisor’s position on the ordinance, and reiterated that neither LAHSA nor the County has jurisdiction over City regulations and no action was taken.

Zac also thanked the PPCC members and others from the Palisades who had questioned why PPTFH Count volunteers were told by LAHSA not to count our beach areas and who had inquired about the extent to which beach areas in Los Angeles had actually been counted.  In addition, he thanked the PPTFH volunteers for going ahead and counting the areas and submitting the numbers to LAHSA, so that the Count could include an accurate number for Pacific Palisades. As to the Supervisors’ recent directive calling for an audit of LAHSA operations, he was unable to answer a question from At-large Rep Chris Spitz as to how this audit would differ from the comprehensive audit of City homeless initiatives ordered by U.S. Judge Carter in the LA Alliance case (which according to news reports would also include an audit of LAHSA operations).  Zac stated that he would investigate the audit situation and get back to us with an answer.

Zac also announced that new Covid vaccines are available; he encouraged everyone to get them.

In response to questions from board members (including Area 7 Rep Julie Silliman and At-large 1st Alternate Alan Goldsmith) regarding the collapsed bridge portion of the bike path (whether better signage and fencing would be installed) and about sand build-up on the path from recent storms (completely covering portions of the path), Zac indicated that he would attempt to obtain answers as to the timing of work on the collapsed bridge portion and he agrees better signage is needed.  Chair Emeritus Dave Card noted that at a recent PCH Task Force meeting, it was mentioned that Rachel Fox of the Supervisor’s office was assessing the bike path bridge repairs.  Zac said he would speak with Rachel.  As to the sand build-up, Zac agreed that this is an ongoing issue and that he has learned that the City is working to periodically clean up the sand.  He will attempt to obtain more information.  The Presiding Officer also noted that sand had built up in the tunnel under PCH due to the storms, and that Sharon Kilbride and her team of volunteers had worked to remove the sand and clear the tunnel.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives.

8.6.1.   Chris Spitz (PPCC rep to WRAC and WRAC Vice-Chair) reported as follows:

She explained the WRAC process and noted that two WRAC motions supported by PPCC – one to support CM Park’s motion in Council regarding regulation of RV park, and the other to request amendment of LAMC 41.18 to include dwelling in vehicles of all sizes as restricted near sensitive uses – were recently passed by a majority or more of member councils; as a result, these have become adopted WRAC positions and letters have now been sent to elected officials.  In addition, last night, a motion that originated from PPCC and Resilient Palisades – to support the Council File calling for a report back on enforcement of the ban on gas powered leaf blowers – also passed by a majority of member councils; a WRAC position letter will be sent shortly.

She also provided information about the three WRAC committees on which PPCC participates and which are actively involved in reviewing regional matters and in recommending motions to the WRAC board that may eventually come to PPCC for consideration:  1) the WRAC Land Use & Planning Committee (Maryam Zar, Committee Chair & PPCC primary rep; Joanna Spak, PPCC alternate); 2) the WRAC Mobility & Transportation Committee (Steve Lantz, PPCC primary rep; Lou Kamer, PPCC alternate); 3) the WRAC Homelessness Committee (Cindi Young, PPCC primary rep; Maryam Zar, PPCC alternate; Chris Spitz, Committee Vice-Chair (non-voting)).  Matters that may be coming to the PPCC board in the future include two land use-related motions (to be reviewed initially by the PPCC LUC) and a motion to oppose proposed congestion pricing on the 405 (in the Sepulveda Pass) and the I-10 (west of the 405) unless transit options are in place.

9.   Reports from PPCC Committees – None.

10.   Old Business – None.

11.   New Business – None.

12.   Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 PM.

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