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1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  The President called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM.   Sue Kohl read the PPCC Mission Statement.

2.   Roll Call of Board Members and Certification of Quorum.
The President certified quorum.

Voting members present:  Maryam Zar, Sue Kohl, Jenny Li, Beth Holden-Garland, Dave Card, Murray Levy, Steve Cron, Nancy Niles, Karen Ridgley, Kimberly Bloom, Quentin Fleming, Rick McGeagh, Andrew Wolfberg, Chris Spitz, John Padden, Aileen Haugh, Kevin Niles, Valeria Serna, Courtney Macker

Non-voting members present:  Joanna Spak, Cindi Young, Michael Edlen, Lee Anne Sanderson, Daphne Gronich, Betsy Handler, James Alexakis, Jessica Rogers

3.   Introduction of attendees.  Michaela Fritzche, CA for Safer Communities, provided information and answered questions about the status of the effort to place on the November ballot the “Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act,” which would make targeted reforms to Proposition 47.  For more information and to support the effort, visit

4.   Approval of Minutes. The draft minutes of April 25, 2024, were approved as corrected.

5.  Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings.

The Presiding Officer indicated that the agenda was as distributed and provided the following information about upcoming PPCC meetings:

May 23, 2024: In-person (hybrid) meeting at the Palisades Branch Library and online, with a presentation by Doug McAllister, VP of External Affairs (CA) from Frontier, regarding fiber optic lines and the cycling out of copper land lines in our community.

6.   Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer reported that PPCC’s bank balance is $48,022.01, with the regular monthly Mailchimp expense paid ($54) and a couple of PayPal donations received since the last meeting. The President also announced that a payment will be made to PAPA (approved by the Executive Committee) in the amount of $750.  This is the annual payment that PPCC regularly makes for our participation in the 4th of July Parade (toward use of a truck or other vehicle to carry the 2024 Awards Honorees who are invited to ride in the Parade). We will also march with the PPCC 50th Anniversary Banner (Board members are welcome to participate).

7.   General Public Comment – None.

8.   Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.  The President reported on discussions with LAPD regarding new problem spots in the Palisades. She reiterated that work is continuing on funding sources, which include a generous donation from one of PPCC’s board members, Michael Edlen, and may include CD 11 discretionary funds, to support additional police presence and/or security measures in problem areas.

8.1.2.  The President noted that the Area One Rep will update us on the Tramonto Slide and PCH lane closure during Area reports [see item 8.3.1, report from Murray Levy].

8.1.3. The President has followed-up with Supervisor Horvath’s Deputy Zac Gaidzik regarding sweeping the sand that accumulated on the Marvin Braude Beach Bicycle Path.

8.1.4.  [Items misnumbered on the agenda; no item 8.1.4]

8.1.5.  The President announced that City officials are working on a possible evacuation drill for the Palisades.

8.1.6.  The President is drafting a letter to be sent regarding geological problem spots throughout the Palisades. [See also item 8.5.2, report from CD 11 Deputy Michael Amster.]

8.1.7.  A letter was recently sent regarding proposed Potrero Canyon rim construction 351 Alma Real Dr. (per past position and EC affirmation):

8.2.   From the Officers/Chair Emeritus.

8.2.1.   Vice-President Sue Kohl reported on the problem of teens shooting air guns or BB guns near the Village Green at Sunset & Swathmore.  She also noted that there were reports that day on the “Citizen app” of gun shots at Bowdoin and Temescal Canyon Rd.  SLO Brian Espin explained that teens have been shooting “Orbi” guns (legal/non-lethal “gel ball blaster” game guns) in various areas of the Palisades.  Businesses have engaged private security in the privately-owned portions of the parking lot near Chase Bank, which has helped to curb this nuisance activity to some extent. SLO Espin had not seen a report about any actual gun shots in the Palisades, and he noted that the Citizen app is not always reliable or accurate.

8.2.2.   Treasurer Jenny LI – See Treasurer’s report, item 6 above.

8.2.3.   Secretary Beth Holden-Garden announced that she attended the recent Historical Society meeting at which the late Ernest Marquez and Sharon Kilbride (descendants of Pascual Marquez, recipient of the original land grant for the “Rancho Boca de Santa Monica” area) were commended.  She noted that Randy Young gave an excellent presentation on Palisades history, including the history of Santa Monica Canyon, and that donations are being taken for repair of the Marquez Family Cemetery, a designated historical site which was damaged in recent storms.

8.2.4.   Chair Emeritus David Card reported on three matters:  1) the letter to the hearing officer regarding 351 Alma Real and PPCC’s support for the ZI Bulletin guidelines for Potrero Canyon rim construction; 2) ongoing efforts to ascertain who was responsible for the severe pruning of the street tree on Sunset Blvd. near Pearl Dragon, as well as the installation of bricks and artificial turf around the tree wells in the public right of way (PROW) in that location; John Padden, PRIDE rep, also noted that PRIDE will look into the PROW installations in that area and whether or not they were permitted; and 3) recent potentially toxic chemical herbicide spraying in Potrero Canyon by a landscape subcontractor to kill weeds in the park, without advance notice to the public. The spraying killed large portions of brush and other landscaping and may have been harmful to park visitors and/or wildlife; Valeria Serna, Resilient Palisades rep, noted her concerns about the use of the herbicide “Cheetah Pro,” and believes that it has been banned for use in California; the President and/or Chair Emeritus will follow up with Recreation & Parks (RAP) and the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) to obtain answers as to why this chemical herbicide was used and whether it was authorized.  [See also item 8.5.2, report from CD 11 Deputy Michael Amster.]

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives.

8.3.1.   Murray Levy, Area One Rep, announced that the City Council PLUM committee hearing of the Castellammare/Tramonto development project (the Tramonto project) was postponed to May 21 [this was at the request of CD 11; see item 8.5.2, report from CD 11 Deputy Michael Amster].  Murray gave an extensive Power Point presentation on the recent Tramonto slide which has resulted in closure of one lane on PCH, as well as damage to other roadways in the Castellammare area, and again explained why he and other residents are extremely concerned about public safety and oppose the Tramonto project.  The President announced that in light of recent developments with this major slide – including official acknowledgement of the active slide, which is within the City’s jurisdiction, and the need for the City to remediate the unstable conditions before the PCH lane closure can effectively be addressed by Caltrans – she will convene a special PPCC Board meeting on May 16 to discuss the Tramonto project and the slide conditions (in advance of the May 21 PLUM meeting), and to see if the Board wishes to take a new or enhanced position on the Tramonto project.  She noted that the Executive Committee has approved of this action and she has discussed this as well with Steve Cron (past PPCC Land Use Committee Chair / current LUC member) and Chris Spitz (current PPCC LUC Chair).  She will invite project opponents from the Castellammare area as well as the developer to attend. LUC Chair Spitz stated that she supported such a meeting but also believed that a strong letter could be sent now, based on PPCC’s express position, highlighting the need for an independent EIR focusing on geologic instability in light recent developments with the slide. The President also noted that our Community Plan contains language providing for limitations on hillside construction. An agenda for the special May 16 meeting will be distributed in advance.

8.3.2.  Karen Ridgley, Area Four Rep, explained that she has four questions for Michael Amster, involving 1) dangerous/unsafe activity involving use of an old concrete slab placed in the Asilomar bluff cul de sac area ; 2) extensive overgrown brush in the bluff park area; 3) a dead tree in the bluff park area; and 4) Tahitian Terrace residents’ request that a walkway be created along PCH for improved coastal access.  Michael Amster provided responses [see remarks in item 8.5.2 below].

8.3.3.  Kimberly Bloom, Area Five Rep, announced that the annual Fire Service Day open house will take place at LAFD Station 69 from 10am-4pm on Saturday, May 11.  There will be an In-N-Out truck courtesy of an Area Five resident’s law firm.  Look for notices posted on social media.

8.3.3.   Chris Spitz, At-large Rep, did not have an At-large report, but noted that on May 20, the WRAC board will host Congressman Ted Lieu as guest speaker at its board meeting.  WRAC board meetings are open to the public and all interested persons are invited; for information about the meeting visit

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives – None.

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives (as available).

8.5.1.   Brian Espin, Senior Lead Officer (SLO), Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), mentioned that there were 4 or 5 recent burglaries in the Palisades.  He emphasized that residents should be mindful of back windows, and possibly give thought to installing security film.  These occurrences are still happening via criminals coming in through the back windows of residences, 2nd story windows and doors.   Do not leave ladders outside and available to access.  He cautioned residents to continue to implement measures to deter criminals and to be aware of “theft by trickery” (phone call scams).  He also discussed ways to prevent theft of catalytic converters.

Regarding the tagging in Potrero Canyon, SLO Espin reached out to a law enforcement colleague in Ventura County who said the monikers used here were not the same as those used by Thousand Oaks gangs.  SLO Espin now believes that local teen “crews” rather than gangs are doing the tagging.  Jessica Rogers (PPRA alternate) stated that she took a photo of PCH bollards that had been tagged, which seemed to show the same moniker as those in the Canyon; she will forward the photo to SLO Espin.

A few questions were also asked about a new vending stand positioned on the sidewalk adjacent to the 76 station on Sunset in the Village, which apparently sells political-related merchandise (not food).  SLO Espin has cited the vendor for not having a city permit, but enforcement is otherwise limited.  Discussion ensued about the state and city laws pertaining to sidewalk vending, which in general favor vending. Chris Spitz noted that the City’s rules require a 5 ft. setback for pedestrian passage. She is also attempting to get clarification about the applicable city restrictions. [See also item 8.5.2, report from CD 11 Michael Amster.]

8.5.2.   Michael Amster, CD11 (CM Traci Park) Field Deputy, Pacific Palisades & Brentwood, reported on several matters.  First, he announced that the Councilwoman has brought a resolution in City Council to designate six specific areas of CD 11 as “Special Enforcement Zones” where homeless camping is prohibited under LAMC sec. 41.18, including George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon.  If the resolution passes in Council, additional signage will then be placed around the park notifying the public of the 41.18 prohibition.  He noted that CM Park has used the “Inside Safe” program to clear a large encampment under the 10 Freeway on Centinela at Pico Blvd. in West Los Angeles.

Michael recently attended a meeting of the Upper Riviera Homeowners Association, which was focused on homelessness and public safety.

He also spoke about the rules pertaining to sidewalk vending in Los Angeles, explaining that the City of

LA requires permits and regulates the location (placement) of vending stands and carts in the public right of way, whereas the County Public Health Dept. has sole authority over health concerns involving the handling of food.

Regarding the herbicide spraying in in Potrero Canyon [see item 8.2.3], Michael noted that he has read a label for the herbicide “Cheetah Pro,” which said that it is banned for use on certain crops (i.e., it may not be completely banned); he will attempt to get clarification about this issue and will reach out to RAP and/or BOE.

As to the questions posed by Area Four Rep Karen Ridgley [in item 8.3.4]:  Michael will contact RAP to see what can be done to address the concrete slab in the cul de sac area and the overgrown brush and dead tree problems (since these are located in the City park area of the Asilomar bluffs).  Regarding the Tahitian Terrace request for a walkway along PCH to allow for better coastal access, he noted that this area on PCH is under the jurisdiction of Caltrans (the state), but he will see if he can connect with Caltrans on the issue.

Jenny Li (Treasurer) asked if anything could be done about a portion of Entrada Rd. in Santa Monica Canyon – where dirt and debris from the adjacent hillside has slipped down to the public right of way – to clear the area and prevent further slippage; it is unclear whether a sidewalk exists in that location that is now covered by existing debris and/or if it could be cleared.  Michael noted that the hillside may be private property, but he will look into what might be done about the problem.  The President will discuss with Jenny whether to add this issue to the list of geologic problem spots that will be included in the letter being drafted [item 8.1.6].

Michael Amster also acknowledged that the PLUM hearing of the Tramonto project had been postponed at the request of CD 11.  He did not indicate the reason, i.e., whether this was because of the landslide and PCH lane closure.

8.5.3.   Allison Holdoff, Senior Advisor, LAUSD Dist. 4 Board Member, Nick Melvoin – Not present.

8.5.4.   Radmehr Nowroozi, SD 24 (Sen. Ben Allen) Field Representative, Palisades, Brentwood, Westwood and Westside – Not present.

8.5.5.   Skylar Payab, AD 42 (Asm. Jacqui Irwin) Field Deputy, Pacific Palisades & Brentwood – Not present.

8.5.6.   Marian Ensley, West Area Field Deputy, Mayor Karen Bass – Not present.

8.5.7.   Zac Gaidzik, Coastal and Westside Field Deputy, County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath – Not present.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives – None.

9.   Reports from PPCC Committees.

9.1.   Nominating Committee Report (Steve Cron: Committee Chair; Lee Anne Sanderson, Mary Mueller, Andrew Wolfberg, Quentin Fleming:  Members; Danielle Samulon: Committee advisor and Board Parliamentarian/non-voting).

The Nominating Committee nominated the following candidates for PPCC officers for the 2024-25 PPCC term (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025):  Sue Kohl, President; Quentin Fleming, Vice-President; Jenny Li, Treasurer; Beth Holden Garland, Recording Secretary.  The Committee Chair noted that Quentin Fleming left the meeting as soon as discussions included reference to the possibility that he might be considered for nomination, and he was not present during discussion about nominations for Vice-President and did not participate in any further Committee deliberations.

The President thanked the Committee for their efforts and announced that other nominations from the Board (including those who wish to self-nominate) can be made up to 15 minutes before the scheduled close of the second regular Board meeting in May (May 23, 2024). The scheduled close of PPCC meetings is 8pm, therefore nominations for officer roles will be accepted until 7:45PM at the 2nd May meeting of PPCC.

10.   Old Business – None.

11.   New Business – None.

12.   Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 PM.

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