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1.   Call to Order and Reading of the Community Council’s Mission.

The meeting was convened at 6:03 pm.  The Mission Statement was read by incoming President and current Vice-President Sue Kohl.

2.   Rollcall of Board Members and Certification of Quorum.

The President called the roll and certified quorum.

Voting members present:  Maryam Zar, Sue Kohl, Jenny Li, Beth Holden-Garland, Murray Levy, Steve Cron, Michael Edlen, Karen Ridgley, Kimberly Bloom, Quentin Fleming, Julie Silliman, Mary Mueller, Aileen Haugh, Alisa Wolfson, Janet Anderson, Valeria Serna, Courtney Macker

Non-voting members present:  Cindi Young, Joanna Spak, Diana Daniele, Lee Anne Sanderson, Daphne Gronich, Alan Goldsmith, James Alexakis

3.   Introduction of attendees.  The Honorable Councilwoman Traci Park joined us and discussed issues in CD11 and in Pacific Palisades.  She thanked Maryam Zar for her outstanding leadership during her two years as Chair/President of PPCC and congratulated incoming President Sue Kohl, and Vice President Quentin Fleming, and she commended all that serve here on behalf of the PPCC.  She summarized her last 18 months in office.  She oversees several committees, including an important one that oversees trade, travel, and tourism for Los Angeles.  She said the city is working on getting ready for hosting the 2028 Olympics and there is a lot of work to be done; she traveled with Mayor Karen Bass, Paul Krekorian, and Katy Yaroslavsky to Paris to see what they have done to prepare for this year’s Olympic games and have learned so much as to what can be done in Los Angeles.  She has been appointed vice chair of the Transportation Committee, as well as the commission that oversees our iconic coastline, and she takes those duties to heart in protecting wildlife, and being an environmental caretaker of our beautiful California coast.  She has also enabled getting city services to work together on behalf of homeless services so more people can be moved off the streets and into shelter.

President Maryam Zar brought up the Malibu Camera Initiative to monitor speed levels on PCH, and
asked Councilwoman Park if she would support same cameras from McClure Tunnel west into the Palisades and up to Malibu.   Councilwoman Park said that she would support that initiative.

She also mentioned how she will support coastal protections when it comes to housing density and natural resources, and understands the risk of the VHFHSZ to the Palisades and how perilous risk of fire can be in Pacific Palisades.

The Councilwoman supports obtaining remediation of the Castellammare slope that is falling onto PCH, and understands the importance of making the hillside safe.

Area Five Representative Kimberly Bloom thanked the Councilwoman for all her diligent work and setting the bar for what is possible by leadership in Los Angeles.  Lee Anne Sanderson, Area Four 1st Alternate, asked about the new level of brazenness by criminals, and it was discussed that other cities like Beverly Hills use camera license plate readers in real time as well as drones to be able to gather information on those committing crimes.

KCRW reporter Caleigh Wells also attended and asked Palisadians to connect with her to talk about Insurance and the State Fair Plan, which may soon become the only option for many residents in areas like Pacific Palisades.  Contact to make your voice heard.

4.   Approval of Minutes.   The minutes of June 13, 2024, were approved as distributed.

5.   Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings.

July 25, 2024, will be the first meeting of the incoming officers’ term.   Candidates for PPCC Area and At- large Representative positions will be announced at that time.

August 8, 2024, will feature a Candidates forum, if needed.  Areas One, Three and Seven will not have incumbents running.  See also Item 8.1.1 below.

6.  Treasurer’s Report.  Treasurer Jenny Li provided detail about the balance and expenses of the PPCC funds.  As of May 31st, the balance of funds was $52,944.76.  She reviewed the income and expenses for the year and projected what can be expected in the coming year.  The Treasurer cautioned that fundraising must continue in the coming years in order to sustain PPCC’s well-being.  She also noted that PPCC election years will see a spike in technology costs as we continue to run Area and At-large elections online (digital voting) and there would be a cost associated with both the platform as well as the tech support (though she noted it would be less than 2022 since we are more familiar with the Zoho online election platform that we adopted for the elections that year).  The Treasurer presented a written report:  See also the Attachment below.

7.  General Public Comment.

7.1.  Kathrin Werner with the Miramar HOA asked for support with regard to having zone changes for safety concerns in the Castellammare area.  Discussions with Jeff Khau, Sr. Planning Deputy in the Councilwoman’s office, have been taking place about enacting restrictions on development on smaller parcels of land, and to take into consideration the narrow ingress and egress in the area for the community’s safety.  The community is trying to get the word out to around 275 households in the area to make them aware and gather input.  See also Item 11.1 below.

7.2.   Palisades resident Waldemar Kalinowski, who was injured by a reckless teen driver on the Asilomar Bluffs on May 31st, reported that he’s been helped by Area Four Representative Karen Ridgley in getting the incident reported to the correct police authorities.  They have been able to read 4 digits of the license plate, and he is still working on getting better and enhanced images.  He was grateful for the outreach and support of the Palisades community.

8.   Reports, Announcements, and Concerns.

8.1.   From the Chair / Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   The President thanked the officers and all Board members for their service during her tenure.  She discussed that election of new Area and At-large Representatives will be upon us soon and a Notice of Election Nominations will be sent out timely.  Incumbents will NOT be running in Areas One, Three, and Seven.  Incumbents WILL be running in Areas Two, Four, Five, Six, Eight, and the At-large position.  The President remarked that she will miss working with everyone, but will remain connected in her next position as Chair Emeritus.

8.1.2.   In the new term, look for information on how to become a candidate which will be distributed throughout July, with elections to take place and held through the month of August, and closing at theend of Labor Day weekend.

8.1.3.   The President greeted Senator Ben Allen to the PPCC Zoom meeting and he congratulated the President/Chair on her leadership and great work on behalf of the community.  He recently welcomed a daughter, Ena, to his family, for which the Palisades had congratulated him with a letter of celebration.

8.1.4.   July Meeting Date – The next PPCC meeting will be held on July 25th, 2024.

8.1.5.  Update regarding AB 2560 (from the Senate Natural Resources & Water Committee) – Report was deferred.

8.1.6.   The President mentioned that she has had discussions with the Palisades Library about finding a wall to display various scrolls, plaques, flags, and awards that the PPCC has been awarded throughout the years.  She noted that Councilwoman Park’s Chief of Staff, Star Parsamyan, has been very helpful in reaching out to LA Library upper management and making the case for PPCC.

8.1.7.   The President with the concurrence of the incoming President and current VP has appointed the following members to the Election Committee:  Quentin Fleming, Lee Anne Sanderson, Courtney Macker and Cindy Kirven.  Once the President transitions to the Chair Emeritus role on July 1, she may be appointed by the incoming President to join the Committee and serve as its chair.

8.1.8.   The President also discussed the upcoming 4th of July Parade and drivers, cars, and honorees that will be representing the PPCC at the event.  Board members are encouraged to walk along with the cars at the parade event as well.

8.2.   From the Officers / Chair Emeritus.

8.2.1.   Vice-President and incoming President Sue Kohl read a statement by At-large Representative Chris Spitz, congratulating President Zar on her past two-year term and acknowledging her leadership with the 50th Anniversary celebration, with the opening of Potrero Canyon Park, and with crime and public safety matters.  The Vice-President went on to present President Zar with a commemorative gift for the two years she has served:  a beautiful crystal vase engraved with the PPCC logo and her name and term.  The Vice-President also reflected on her own many years on the Board, first as an organizational rep for PPBA, then as the elected primary Rep for Area Five, later as an Alternate and most recently as Vice-President.

8.2.2.   Treasurer Jenny Li – See Item 6 above.

8.2.3.   Secretary Beth Holden-Garland – No new items to discuss.

8.2.4.   Chair Emeritus David Card.  In the Chair Emeritus’ absence, the President stated that Dave Card reports the following regarding a recent PCH Task Force meeting that he and PPCC Transportation Advisor Lou Kamer attended:  There was discussion of a decision to mount a camera campaign on PCH in Malibu, which is being funded by the State.  Card asked for an update on any PCH projects in Pacific Palisades.  Lee Haber of Caltrans mentioned the “Getty slide” (Tramonto), the moving of the lanes onto the beach side shoulder and the addition of K-rails.  A meeting attendee (Scott Myklebust) asked for the K-rails to be moved a bit more toward the bluff to give cyclists more room; he said the same for radar feedback.  Card and Kamer both asked about shoulder parking on southbound PCH just before Chautauqua, which is dangerous and should have signs prohibiting.  Answer:  this should be an issue for LADOT and LAPD (in LA City).

8.3.   From At-large and Area Representatives.

8.3.1.   Area Four Representative Karen Ridgley asked about how to get rumble strips possibly installed at the end of the Asilomar Bluffs to try and help prevent drivers from driving recklessly where pedestrians walk and enjoy the bluff area.

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.   Valeria Serna, Environmental Representative (Resilient Palisades), discussed the proposed use of Astroturf at the “Field of Dreams” at Pacific Palisades Rec. Center, and how Resilient Palisades is still trying to persuade the proponents not to go in that direction.  A motion is pending in City Council for the City to reconsider the use of Astroturf in the City and to seek alternative drought-tolerant landscaping, with a committee to hear the motion on June 28, 2024.

8.4.2.   Daphne Gronich, Area Four 2nd Alternate, reported on behalf of PAPA on the upcoming 4th of July festivities.  She discussed that PAPA needs to vet drivers with insurance requirements of the City, and emphasized the fact that a lot of time-consuming work is needed to get everything vetted before the event.

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives (as available).

8.5.1.   Brian Espin, Senior Lead Officer – No new update.

8.5.2.   Michael Amster, CD11 Field Deputy, attended during the Councilwoman’s discussion.

8.5.3.   Allison Holdorff, Senior Advisor, LAUSD District 4 Board Member Nick Melvoin, did not attend.

8.5.4.   Radmehr Nowroozi, SD 24 (Sen. Ben Allen) Field Representative, attended and coordinated Senator Allen participating in our Zoom meeting.

8.5.5.   AD 42 (office of Asm. Jacqui Irwin), did not attend.

8.5.6.   Marian Ensley, West Area Field Deputy, Mayor Karen Bass, did not attend.

8.5.7.   Zac Gaidzik, Coastal & Westside Deputy, Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, did not attend.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors.

8.6.1.   Sharon Kilbride (Homelessness Advisor) reported on the great work that was being done by the Homeless Task Force to uncover encampments, one particularly threatening a private property in the Marquez Canyon area (between Dulce Inez Lane, Sunset Blvd. and the LADWP lot), which was in a very dense and dry area that could pose a severe fire risk. The homeless individual who was taken away from the encampment had an illegal loaded pistol in his backpack.  Officer Margin was the police officer involved.  The Homelessness Advisor added that the owner(s) of the property have long avoided contact or fines imposed by the brush clearance unit. The LAFD Brush Captain and Inspector Sutton have been alerted and they have advised that they will continue to notice and cite the property owner, clear the brush if the owner fails to do so, and fine/invoice the owner for the associated clearance fees. The President also reported that she has connected LA County Constituent Advocate and the Assessor’s office special investigations unit staff to help with ownership contact.

9.   Reports from PPCC Committees – None.

10.   Old Business – None.

11.   New Business.

11.1.   Motion re Hillside Construction Regulation (HCR) Designation (PPCC support for request to initiate process to designate the hillside communities of Castellammare and Paseo Miramar as HCR Districts). The Executive Committee sponsored the following motion (no second was required because the motion was made by a committee of more than one voting member):

“PPCC supports the Castellammare Mesa HOA and the Miramar HOA in requesting that the process be initiated for possible designation of the Castellammare and Paseo Miramar areas of Pacific Palisades as Hillside Construction Regulation Supplemental Use Districts (HCR Districts), provided that the process includes robust and comprehensive outreach and education to all residents of these areas as well as an opportunity for residents to comment on whether or not they support such designation.”

During discussion of the motion, CD 11 Sr. Planning Deputy Jeff Khau (in attendance) explained that this designation will require a series of hearings and comment opportunities, to ensure that the community is aware of the advantages and limitations of the HCR designation.  He noted that Councilwoman Park is eager to initiate the process as part of the response to concerns about hillside construction in landslide and other areas of the Palisades with delicate topography.  The process would entail hearings at the Dept. of City Planning, the City Council Planning & Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee, and, if recommended, a final hearing at the full LA City Council.

There was also discussion of ongoing outreach to residents via the HOAs in Castellammare and Paseo Miramar.  Area One 1st Alternate Cindi Young mentioned that the HOAs are planning to go door-to-door with flyers during the weekend of June 30 – July 1, 2024.  See also Item 7.1. above. A vote on the motion
(text quoted above) was then taken; the motion passed unanimously.

[Related matters: PPCC letters sent regarding HCR designation and hillside construction: and]


12.   Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

ATTACHMENT – Item 6:  PPCC Income and expenses (5/31/24 – 6/1/24)                      

                           PPCC Treasurer’s Report May 31, 2023 – June 1, 2024

Beginning balance 5/31/2023:                                                     $42,642.11

Ending balance 6/1/24:                                                                 $52,944.76

Total Increase in funds:                                                                 $10,302.65

Special donations earmarked for public safety project:          $5,050.00

Net increase in general PPCC funds:                                                       

(Total increase minus special donations)                                  $5,252.65

50 Year Anniversary Jubilee and Community Celebration

Donations (not including in-kind):                                            $12,196.89

Expenses:                                                                                         $9,024.28

Net:                                                                                                   $3,172.61

2023 Holiday Dinner and Citizen Awards Gala

Donations, auction items, tributes:                                          $17,999.91

Expenses:                                                                                       $10,041.07

Net:                                                                                                 $7,958.84

General donations                                                                  $789.92

Ordinary expenses

Zoom:                                                                                                $299.80

Mailchimp:                                                                                       $418.00

Insurance:                                                                                       $1473.00

P.O. Box rental:                                                                               $236.00

Accounting/gov’t filings:                                                             $1825.00

Internet services and tech support:                                           $1971.25

Miscellaneous (bank fees, 2023 PAPA banner, etc.)               $201.78

Total ordinary expenses:                                                  $5,707.03

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