Next PPCC Board Meeting:  March 27, 2025, 6pm via Zoom (agenda pending).  See direct Zoom meeting link HERE.

Message from the President:

At our recent board meeting on March 13, 2025, we had an informative presentation by MySafe LA: LA Fire Council.  A recording of the presentation is available HERE.  We also considered and passed unanimously two motions from the PPCC LUC, involving a bill in the state legislature that would allow increased housing density, as well as enforcement of our Specific Plan.  In addition, the Rebuild Committee provided an update, including its adoption of a Statement of Rebuilding Goals and Guiding Principles.

Our March 27th meeting will feature guest speakers from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and possibly LADWP.  All are invited!

Fire Recovery Positions:
See all positions taken by PPCC on fire recovery at:  Fire Recovery Positions

Wildfire Resources & Information:
See more information about fire recovery, resources and updates at:  Palisades Fire Information / Updates.

Palisades Strong!

Sue Kohl


Emergency PreparednessSee a wealth of additional information about how to prepare for wildfires, earthquakes and other disasters (including info. about landscaping & creating defensible space) on PPCC’s Disaster Readiness page.


Speakers at PPCCVisit Presentations (scroll down by topic) or our YouTube Channel for recordings of past important speakers / presentations.