Potrero Canyon — City and State Updates


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8/23/24:  See entries for 8/9/24 and 8/23/24 on the Coastal Access page, for information about a community “Open Forum” on the Pedestrian Trail (aka the “lateral trail”) project, hosted by BOE and Geosyntec (project consultant) on August 21, 2024.

6/13/24:  See entry for 6/13/24 on the  Coastal Access page, for information about a BOE presentation to PPCC on the status of the lateral trail (now named the “Pacific Palisades Pedestrian Trail” by BOE).

5/22/24:  Park Progress Report submitted to the CCC by BOE (required by the CDP). Cost estimate for the lateral trail:  $1,258,000.

4/1/24:  See entry for 4/1/24 on the Coastal Access page, for information about the status of the lateral trail, which is required by the governing CDP for the Park project.

3/24/24:  See entries for 3/18/24 and 3/24/24 on the Coastal Access page, for information about the bridge outreach meeting on 3/14/24 (including a link to the meeting recording) and contact information to submit comments on the project.  See also a message from PPCC’s President about the project at  3/18/24 PPCC Bulletin (scroll down to Potrero Canyon Bridge Project & PPCC).

2/26/24:  An  outreach meeting about the pedestrian bridge project, hosted by BOE and CD 11, will take place on March 14, 2024 from 6:00 – 7:30pm via Zoom.  Register to attend here.  For more information contact CD 11.

1/12/24:  CD 11 has advised that a “Notice to Proceed” was issued to the consultant, Jacobs Engineering, Inc., shortly after the community bridge meeting on December 5, 2023.  The bridge consulting phase has now begun.  The PCOC* will reach out to the consultant to learn more about what we can expect with the required community outreach.

1/4/24:  The community bridge meeting hosted by CD 11 took place on December 5, 2023 and was well-attended.  A recording of the meeting exists but is not currently available to the public; contact CD 11 for more information.

11/22/23:  See the CD 11 flyer announcing the December 5th community bridge meeting here.

11/22/23:  Park Progress Report submitted to the CCC by BOE (required by the CDP).

11/19/23:  CD 11 has begun outreach to notify the community about the bridge meeting, with a flyer in the Councilmember’s newsletter emailed to constituents, announcing that the meeting will take place via Zoom from 6-7:30pm on December 5, 2023.  PPCC has followed by sharing the CD 11 flyer and announcement in a newsletter to its email list (see PPCC Newsletter).  Additional outreach by both CD 11 and PPCC will also take place, as described below.

11/11/23:  CD 11 advises that the public community meeting regarding the pedestrian bridge project will now take place online on December 5, 2023, at 6pm.  Details about the meeting will be widely distributed and publicized in advance by CD 11, through notices to all Palisades HOAs and other community organizations (list provided by PPCC); through emailed newsletters and posts in print and social media; and through letters to residents (via mail and possible hand-delivery to certain addresses).  PPCC will assist in providing notice of the meeting through its website, email list and social media.

10/23/23:  On October 13, 2023, the Board of Public Works approved the contract with the consultant for design and outreach on the bridge project, Jacobs Engineering.  The consultant’s work will commence after a required Notice to Proceed (“Notice”) is issued.  We are advised that before the Notice is issued, CD 11 will host a community meeting that will be widely-noticed and is intended to serve as a well-attended meeting where the City can provide information about the project and its expected timeline.  PPCC will work with CD 11 to ensure that ample advance notice of the meeting will be provided.  The tentative date for the meeting is set for 11/13 (to be confirmed). Issuance of the Notice will be paused until after the community meeting takes place.

10/23/23:  After public discussion at a special PPCC meeting on October 12, 2023, the PPCC board voted to advance to the next phase of the project, passing a motion to allow the consultant hired by BOE to conduct meaningful outreach in order to garner the community’s feedback through the process of the predesign phase, and implement the results of the feedback in a substantive way that will address the items of common concern and incorporate community sentiment into the final bridge design, including its public safety elements.  PPCC’s letter more fully explaining its position can be read here.

9/14/23:  We have been told that BOE’s report regarding the consultant for the bridge project (see entry below) is expected to be finalized and submitted to the Board of Public Works (BPW) for a hearing in mid-October.  At that point, the consultant, if approved, would be engaged to begin work on design and evaluation of the bridge project, including community outreach.  Whether to retain one consultant or separate consultants to design and evaluate the bridge project and the required lateral trail project is under consideration by BOE.

8/11/23:  CD 11 District Director Gaby Medina has advised that a report is being prepared for  review by the City’s Board of Public Works (BPW), regarding the selection of a consultant for design and evaluation of the bridge project and outreach to the community.  The report is expected to be considered by the BPW in September 2023.  If approved, the new consultant may begin work as early as October 2023.  CD 11 has prepared a list with names and contact information for all Palisades community organizations, based on the list we had previously provided.  This information will be given to the eventual consultant for use in connection with the required community outreach.  PPCC continues to insist on robust and comprehensive outreach to the entire community.

7/14/23:  The PCOC* recently met for the second time with Gaby Medina, CD11 District Director and our liaison to BOE on the Potrero project, to discuss Potrero Canyon and new developments on all fronts, including Coastal Access. The next step:  We expect to be informed as to which consultant was chosen by BOE to manage the pre-design phase of the bridge, which will include extensive outreach (either by the awarded consultant or a specialized outreach subcontractor which the consultant will hire). We have made clear that we expect that outreach process to be robust and comprehensive. Toward that end, we have furnished the Council Office with this list of Palisades organizations that should be part of the broad community outreach we expect the consultant to conduct.  If community members notice that an organization is missing from the list which should be added, please email us at info@pacpalicc.org.

6/9/23:  See the entry for 6/09/23 in Coastal Access for a further update from CD 11 about the lateral trail and bridge over-crossing project status.

5/24/23:  See Coastal Access for further information/status updates about the feasibility study for the bridge over-crossing (required by the CCC as a specific condition of the CDP), as well as the estimated one-year City project related to design and evaluation of the bridge (as described in the link below and at the 5/11/23 PPCC board meeting).

5/22/23:  Park Progress Report submitted to the CCC by BOE (required by the CDP).

5/11/23:  Please see detailed information from the office of State Senator Ben Allen and additional information from PPCC concerning the current status of the lateral trail and bridge over-crossing, at Potrero Trail-Bridge Updates.

4/10/23:  See entries for 4/10/23 on the Coastal Access page, for information about the status of the bridge over-crossing and the lateral trail required by the governing CDP for the Park project.

*Note: the prior PPCC Potrero Canyon Oversight Committee (PCOC) is no longer active as of July 2024; matters involving Potrero Canyon are regularly monitored by PPCC members.

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