Return to Index of 2014 Minutes
MINUTES FOR MARCH 13th 2014Voting Members in Attendance: Barbara Kohn, Chris Spitz, Jennifer Malaret, Ted Mackie, Janet Turner, Kelly Comras [left meeting early], Andrew Frew, Dick Wulliger, Brenda Theveny, Harry Sondheim, Sue Kohl, George Wolfberg, Donna Vaccarino, Jim Rea and Cathy Russell. Voting Alternates: Jennifer Zeller, Richard Cohen, Jack Allen, Paul Glasgall, Reza Akef and Marc Lasky. Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Flo Elfant, John Glasgow and Carol Bruch (Carol Bruch became a voting member when Kelly Comras left the meeting early). Start of Business Meeting 1. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Donna Vaccarino read the Mission Statement. 2. Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience. Barbara Kohn called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience. 3. Certification of Quorum. The President certified that a quorum was present at 7:06 pm. 4. Adoption of Minutes. The President deemed the February 27, 2014 minutes adopted as corrected. Next Meetings: March 27, 2014 and April 10, 2014. 5. Consideration of Agenda. The President considered the agenda. 6. Treasurer’s Report. Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of, 2014. The total account balances equal $27,826.05. Newsletter contributions have reimbursed the council for approximately 50% of the cost of the newsletter. Citizen of the Year and Sparkplug Gala funds now total $13,185.85. 7. Reports, Announcements and Concerns. 7.1. Announcements from the President, Barbara Kohn. 7.1.1. PPCC Membership/Citizen of the Year Flyer – Look for it in Your Mailbox!!!! 7.1.2. Citizen of the Year and Sparkplug Gala Dinner Event, Thursday, April 24, 2014 at the Riviera Country Club. The 2013 Citizen of the Year Award will be given to Rob Weber, President of the Pacific Palisades Parade Association (“PAPA”) 4TH of July Parade & Concert 2013. In addition, a special honor, “Pride of the Palisades” will be given to Bill Bruns. Gala Dinner Committee Chair Janet Turner; Program Chair Jim Rea. Jim Rea reported that they are preparing a Tribute Book for our upcoming Citizen of the Year / Sparkplug Gala. It would be nice to have a section with a statement from each member of the PPCC in the Tribute Book. If you would like your statement included please fill out the following and return to: the deadline is Friday, March 21, 2014. Information should respond to: I think the PPCC is important because: (75 words maximum) and include current position on PPCC: and member of the PPCC since (year). Alternatively Jim stated that a sentence format would be acceptable. 7.1.3. PPCC’s Sparkplug Awards – Susan Corwin and Bob Harter. Susan is the founder and parent advisor for Vista Inspired Teens, which in 2013 grew to a group of 50 teens who meet monthly in Susan’s home and raised funds to support children, adolescents and their families living with autism and other special needs. Susan’s nominator wrote: “Her accomplishments with her Vista Inspired Teens has helped make the Palisades a better, more compassionate and accepting place to live, and has made a difference for the Palisades youth lucky enough to have gotten involved in this wonderful program.” Bob is Vice Chair of the Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board; after receiving input from the community Bob sought to form a subcommittee to launch a master planning process and develop a public model whereby our local park could be maintained, repaired and improved. In 2013 he served as Chair of the Palisades Recreation Center Master Plan Committee (PREMAP) and initiated a “Work in Progress Report.” Bob’s nominator states: “His vision and leadership as PREMAP Chair resulted in a local, Brown Acted public planning process for the city park and the 2013 Work in Progress Report that will continue to guide the project in the years to come.” 7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives. 7.2.1. Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”) – SLO Officer Moore. SLO Moore reported that crime has been relatively down in the Palisades. (1) Jack Allen stated that PPCC and its members are not getting the LAPD Crime Report. SLO Moore promised to follow-up. 7.2.2. Los Angeles City Council, District 11; Councilmember Mike Bonin’s Office. (1) Mike Bonin will be at the Mar Vista’s Farmers Market from 10 am to noon this Sunday. (2) 17315 Sunset – there has been an A permit issued for construction of a 12 foot wall funded by a Homeland Facility grant of some kind because there is a religious facility there. No City entity has reviewed this project in any way for aesthetics or otherwise. The Bureau of Engineering will be evaluating the project to see if any other proceedings are in order. The wall will be sited entirely in the public right of way and no permits have been granted for anything inside of the private property. The permit is entirely for work to be done in the public right of way. Chris Spitz asked if a coastal permit would be required. Kelly stated that in order to build the wall adjacent property is needed to be excavated; the wall is at the entry to a public park; Sunset is a scenic highway and there are many other concerns in the community that have been communicated to CD-11. 7.2.3. Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Daniel Tamm Westside Area Representative, Mayor’s Interfaith Liaison (*attending on the 4th Thursday of each month). Mayor’s Website: City Services webpage: MyLA Phone App: Claudia Martin, LA City Attorney’s Office attending. Claudia reported that a battery relative to the punching of the face and a second battery for grabbing of the buttocks in the recent crime in the Palisades. The LA City Attorney’s Office investigated and found that the perpetrator should have been registered as a sex offender based on a prior crime or crimes. In coordination with Santa Monica it was discovered that there have been prior records and a file with law enforcement. The DA’s office has now filed three counts in violation of Penal Code 390, each of which is a felony and the DA has taken over the City misdemeanor case. As a result, the perpetrator is facing serious jail time rather than a likely 12-month misdemeanor sentence. Claudia stated that the LAPD, Palisades Patrol, the City Attorney’s Office and the DA’s office all coordinated to enable a felony filing to be made quickly in this case. Claudia urged that any victim of a crime needs to come forward and make a report. 7.2.4. California State Assembly, Office of Assemblymember Richard Bloom’s Office. Stephanie Cohen attending. (I) Follow-Up to Homeless Encampment Meeting – signs on PCH comparable to Santa Moncia. CalTrans is agreeable to putting signs up and has asked for locations where the PPCC would like ‘no camping’ or ‘no loitering’ signs such that CalTrans can evaluate their necessity and legality. George Wolfberg volunteered to designate locations for the signs. (2) Jennifer Malaret asked about the impact of the signs and what it would mean for the people living along PCH and in the tunnels; would the people be relocated or would it be a code that would not be enforced as others. Stephanie Cohen responded that people would be ticketed, not arrested; however LAPD cannot do any enforcement without the signs. With the signs LAPD has the right to remove people from the area. (3) Richard suggested that CalTrans put the signs at periodic intervals along the highway absent at the mouth of Potrero Canyon where the park is intended to be beautified. (4) Steve Cron asked whether the impact would be that homeless would move up Temescal Canyon or into the city park(s) if the signs go up on CalTrans property along PCH. Jack Allen responded that then the City could remove the homeless under existing municipal laws. (5) Barbara Kohn asked about the area near Sunset & PCH. (II) AB 2140 is an Orca Health and Safety act, popular world-wide, which would outlaw the use of Orca’s statewide in California. (III) AB1535 would expand the access to the overdose reversal drug. Pharmacists would be able to distribute this drug like the morning after pill. (IV) AB1699 is a ban of micro-beads in personal care products because they skip through filtration processes and hurt the animals and environments. (V) AB1720 is a per axle weight increase for busses to comply with current regulations. Reza Akef stated that this bill was not a good idea because heavier trucks destroy the streets. 7.3. Announcements from Board Members and Advisors. 7.3.1. Area Representatives – Report on Behalf of Areas. (1) Jack Allen commented on the Galloway tree and frustration with the inability of the City to intervene and save the tree. There is no discretionary review or requirement for notice such that trees are lost that Jack doesn’t think we should be losing noting that the trees do damage the sidewalk. Jack advocates that notice be given for all permits issued to any neighbor within 200 (in context he must/should have said feet, not square feet as no ordinance for notification that I can recall refers to “square” feet) square feet of the subject property. 7.3.2. Organizational Representatives – Report on Behalf of Organizations. (1) Palisades Beautiful; CPIPP announcement regarding the final presentation of UCLA’s student work relative to the commercial area of the village that will be presented on March 16, 2014. There will be three plans presented. The event is free, Sunday 10:30 – 1 PM at the empty U.S. Bank Building. 8. Reports from Committees. 8.1. Land Use Committee (“LUC”) – Chris Spitz, Chair. LUC report: Potrero Canyon rim development: questions and concerns continue with regard to measurement of grade in connection with 15225 DePauw and other rim lots (including 7 lots remaining to be sold by the City); the LUC emphasized to CD 11 representatives Norman Kulla and Chris Robertson PPCC’s position that the City must take steps to ensure that all rim development conform with the ZI Bulletin and Coastal Commission guidelines such that the view shed from the canyon park trails is protected; appeal regarding 15225 DePauw to be heard by the WLA APC on 4/2/14 at 4:30pm; 9. Old Business — None. 9.1. Bylaws Committee – George Wolfberg, Chair. Second reading of the revised Bylaws. See Bylaws Committee Report below with Documents circulated before the January 23, 2014 PPCC Meeting. Presentation: George Wolfberg read the motion; Richard Cohen seconded. Topics of Discussion: Action: George Wolfberg moved for adoption of the motion including accepted friendly amendments, which included restricting the discussion to the Bylaws Committee recommendations. Richard Cohen seconded the motion. The motion was adopted with one abstention. 10. New Business – None. 11. General Public Comment – None. 12. Adjournment. Barbara Kohn adjourned the meeting at 9:02 PM. ATTACHMENT: ITEM 9.1 – BYLAWS COMMITTEE MOTION/ REPORT RECOMMENDATION: I move that the Board approve on second reading the revised PPCC Bylaws submitted for first reading at the meeting of January 23, 2014, with the deletion of “Club Volleyball” and “Club Soccer” from Appendix “A,” deletion of the last two words in Article III B. (a definition), correction of Article reference in SR-1 and authorize the Bylaws Committee to correct any spelling, punctuation or formatting errors found prior to posting on the web site. BACKGROUND: President Kohn appointed a Bylaws Committee on August 9, 2012. The members are: Jack Allen, Richard Cohen, Jennifer Malaret, Stuart Muller, Harry Sondheim and George Wolfberg. Our Legal Counsel Ron Dean is advisor and Barbara Kohn and Chris Spitz also participated in some meetings, as did Carol Bruch. Numerous meetings were held and unanimous agreement reached on nearly all the issues discussed. The Bylaws must be “read” twice prior to vote. The first reading occurred on January 23. SUMMARY OF CHANGES: The following documents were distributed to the PPCC board and mailing list prior to the meeting of January 23: Highlights of proposed Bylaws revisions Art. III Definitions: Add new definitions (and change elsewhere in text as necessary): |