Return to Index of 2014 Minutes
Voting Members in Attendance: Barbara Kohn, Chris Spitz, Jennifer Malaret, Ted Mackie, Janet Turner, Joyce Brunelle, Richard Wulliger, Kelly Comras, Harry Sondheim, Brenda Theveny, Stuart Muller, George Wolfberg, Andrew Wolfberg, Jack Allen, Paul Glasgall, Donna Vaccarino and Cathy Russell.
Voting Alternates: Carol Pfannkuche, Carol Bruch and Richard Cohen.
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Bruce Schwartz, Reza Akef, Quentin Fleming and Steve Boyers.
Start of Business Meeting
1. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Donna Vaccarino read the Mission Statement.
2. Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience. Barbara Kohn called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.
3. Certification of Quorum. The President certified that a quorum was present at 7:08 pm.
4. Adoption of Minutes. The President deemed the May 8, 2014 minutes adopted as corrected. Next Meetings: June 12 (PPCC officer elections) and June 26, 2014.
5. Consideration of Agenda. The President considered the agenda.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Ted Mackie reported the financial status as of May 22, 2014. The total account balances equal $40,963. The Tribute Book netted $16,947.
7. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
7.1. Announcements from the President, Barbara Kohn.
7.1.1. PPCC Officer Elections. Barbara announced that nominations for the four officer positions serving from July 1, 2014 to June 20, 2015 may be made by any board member prior to 15 minutes before adjournment this meeting (8:45 PM). At present, the following nominations have been received: Chris Spitz (Chair), Andrew Wolfberg (Vice Chair), Jennifer Malaret (Secretary) and Richard Cohen (Treasurer).
7.1.2. Area Representative Election Committee. Barbara referred to Item 10.2 below.
7.1.3. The Outreach/Election Committee is an ad-hoc committee appointed by the President to talk and brainstorm about improvement in outreach, awareness of PPCC, expansion of PPCC’s “base” and changes in the future to election procedures. The first meeting will be Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at 3 PM at the Highlands Starbucks for any board member who is interested in joining the committee. This committee is different than that established for the purposes of the 2014 election (see 7.1.2 and 10.2).
7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives.
7.2.1. Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”) – SLO Officer Moore.
(1) LAPD will follow-up with procedure regarding local CERT personnel when they arrive on the scene of an active fire. (2) Jack Allen asked about incidents involving drugs. Reza Akef observed related incidents including activity in Potrero Canyon.
SLO Moore suggested that students or administration follow-up with LAPD and LAFD to report the incidents they observe. (2) Carol Bruch asked about enforcement against drivers who smoke and flick cigarette embers onto Sunset. SLO Moore suggested contacting LAFD for their advice.
7.2.2. Los Angeles City Council, District 11; Councilmember Mike Bonin’s Office.
Norman Kulla reported that (1) the Highlands Fire brought up questions about access to Palisades Drive and to the Fire Road. Norman said that the Fire Road is only for LAFD’s use and it is not for people to return to their homes. If an evacuation is needed, then LAFD will post personnel and advise residents accordingly. George Wolfberg suggested signage and Carol Pfannkuche asked that this information be given to the community. (2) Norman thanked Donna Vaccarino for her leadership in creating a garden within Temescal Canyon. Plans are preliminary and proceeding. (3) Jennifer Malaret asked about the City of LA Budget Meetings. Norman said that the talks about the transportation budget were aggressive regarding services at the district level (repairing signals, road paving, etc.). Budget talks regarding labor are scheduled and upcoming. (4) Norman reported that there are going to be municipal elections reform commission community input meetings to address low voter turnout during the recent Mayoral city elections. The public is welcome to attend at CD-11’s offices on May 27th, 6 PM – 8 PM. Other area meetings are scheduled and information is available on CD11’s website. (5) Jack Allen stated that the synchronization of lights on Sunset is still not working effectively. Norman reported that the Will Rogers light is functioning as intended. (6) Reza Akef and Andrew Wolfberg thanked CD-11 for their efforts for traffic and street improvements and suggested that residents contact My311. (either “utilize the City’s My311 app” or “call 3-1-1.”
7.2.3. Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Daniel Tamm Westside Area Representative, Mayor’s Interfaith Liaison (*attending on the 4th Thursday of each month). Mayor’s Website: City Services webpage: MyLA Phone App: [– Not in attendance.]
7.2.4. California State Senator Ted Lieu, ((Janet Turner; District Representative Office: (310) 318-6994).
Janet reported that (1) the Senator authored SB 1155 that supports earthquake safety such that buildings are not built on active earthquake faults. Before a permit may be given in these areas an earthquake safety investigation must be done. (2) SB 1388 is a bill regarding human trafficking and a victim’s fund has been passed and the Senator is very proud of this bill. The minors who had been trafficked were being arrested and treated as criminals; rather this bill characterizes these children as victims such that they can be helped and given services. (3) the “Rainy Day” fund that was passed unanimously by the Legislature and budget negotiations are still continuing. (4) George Wolfberg asked about the unfunded liability for the teacher’s pensions and how that gap will be closed. Janet stated that there is a push for excess revenues to go towards those pensions but to also have the schools pay for those pensions.
7.2.5. California State Assembly, Office of Assemblymember Richard Bloom’s Office. (Stephanie Cohen, Field Rep) — Not in attendance.
7.3. Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.
7.3.1. Officers/Area Representatives.
(1) Kelly Comras (Area 1) reported that (a) construction of Chabad’s wall has been stopped for financial reasons but is still moving along. Donna Vaccarino and Brenda Theveny questioned how this wall could be placed on a public right of way. Norman Kulla stated that CD-11 did not have notice and that the permit was granted as a result of Chabad having obtained a federal homeland security grant to construct the wall. (b) the Water Shunt in Los Liones is a concept within a larger regional water plan, and (c) the DRB has been fully reconstituted and includes Barbara Kohn, Donna Vaccarino, Sarah Griffin and a stand-by person for Rick Mills who will be leaving within several months.
(2) Stuart made a personal statement to bring to the board’s attention two issues of significant concern to Area 6 neighborhoods, and to the greater community as well. Stuart stated that he and others feel it is critical that the PPCC continue our traditional function of hosting open, ongoing forums, to discuss all important Pacific Palisades issues. The first issue Stuart brought up concerns the Palisades Park and Recreation Center. Community members, present board members, and 4 past PPCC chairpersons have expressed concern to him regarding their lack of understanding of the Work In Progress plan for the Recreation Center. In particular, there is growing concern expressed to him about the proposed “tear-down” of our small gymnasium. The second issue is a familiar one…noise invading our neighborhoods, specifically what some residents perceive to be the tremendous increase in noise generated by expanded activities taking place on the campus of Palisades Charter High School. Stuart indicated that Patrick Hart has reported to Barbara Kohn that he is slowly making headway with noise mitigation plans, working with school personnel. Stuart believes that there remains a fundamental accountability need that the process be formalized and documented, and that the meetings and agreements be comprehensively detailed in the PPCC minutes… especially as we currently no longer have access to the expanded public record archive that was previously accessible on the Palisadian-Post website.
(3) Andrew Wolfberg (Area 8) reported that the Northern Trust tournament dates may be changing and that the organizers are working with the community to communicate relative to their future event.
(4) Reza Akef reported that there was a Murphy Ranch graffiti clean up this past Friday and thanked CD-11, LAPD and LAFD for their support.
(5) Cathy Russell (Area 7) reported that Santa Monica Canyon had their civic association annual meeting that addressed the closure of the California Incline this fall expected to take eighteen months of construction. Also plans for refurbishment of the historic clubhouse are beginning.
(6) For Area 3: Barbara announced that a memorial service will be held for former PPCC Board Member John Glasgow on Wednesday, June 18th at 11:00 at Aldersgate Retreat, 925 Haverford Ave., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. A reception will follow at the same location. Anyone who plans on being there is asked to please RSVP by sending an email indicating the number of people attending to
(7) Paul Glasgall (Area 3) reported that community residents met with LAFD and LAPD regarding the recent Palisades Highlands fire and thanked CD-11 and these entities for their concern and involvement.
(8) George Wolfberg (At-Large) stated that the Rustic Canyon Park Grove Dedication would be taking place on May 29, 2014 at 9:30 AM. The public is invited to attend, Councilmember Mike Bonin will be there and the event is free.
7.3.2. Organizational Representatives – Report on Behalf of Organizations.
(1) Dick Wulliger, Historical Society, encouraged the public to attend the Rustic Canyon Park Grove Dedication event.
(2) Donna Vaccarino reported Palisades Beautiful and CPIPP would be hosting a lecture on Tuesday July 15, 2014 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in the Community Room Palisades Library. The topic will be “The High Cost of Free Parking” whereby the author will be speaking to the Palisades community.
8. Reports from Committees.
8.1. Land Use Committee (“LUC”) – Chris Spitz, Chair.
Written LUC Report: The Land Use Committee did not meet in May 2014. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday June 5, 2014 12:45 – 2:45 PM in the Library’s Community Room. All board members and the public are welcome to attend.
9. Old Business — None.
10. New Business.
10.1. Caruso Affiliated (“CA”) — Guest Speakers Rick Lemmo and Michael Gazzano.
Presentation/Discussion: Rick stated that the design team is gathering information and the company is striving to learn every day about the Pacific Palisades community. The main design team is in-house and there are one to three outside groups hired to work with Caruso Affiliated as well. The design team includes building architects and likely will include one landscape architect. Currently the design is being based on community input and the Specific Plan will be evaluated as well. The terms of the existing CUP for the Oak Room are being met and the 1983 terms will remain. CA has been meeting and receiving input from residents supporting improvements and change to the Village Area. By fall, CA is hopeful that escrow will be closing and the first thing that needs to take place is remediation of the toxics. Barbara reported that the regulating state agency will at some point (2014, summer) be holding a public meeting regarding the process they know that residents are interested in.
10.2. PPCC Area Representative 2014 Elections — Barbara Kohn, Chris Spitz. Reference: Bylaws Article VIII, Sec.1(B)(2) and Attachment A. “Area Representatives shall be elected by the residents of each area. Candidates must be residents of the area in which the candidate is running for office. The PPCC newsletter prior to the election newsletter shall set forth the manner in which a resident can become a candidate. ”
*Announcement of Area Representative Election Committee. Jennifer Malaret (Chair); Barbara Kohn, Quentin Fleming, Andy Frew and Dick Wulliger.
*The process is now open for candidates to come forward. Incumbent Area Representatives and all candidates must declare their intentions in writing by June 1, 2014. See attached below.
*July 10, 2014 – PPCC’s President will announce all candidates for Area Representatives eligible to run for election.
*Newsletter/ballots mailed to area residents.
11. General Public Comment.
11.1. The Women’s Club (901 Haverford) will be having a birthday celebration for residents 90 years old and older on Saturday June 7, 2014 at noon. Please RSVP by May 25, 2014.
11.2. Matt Miller, Candidate for U.S. Congress. Matt is a resident of the Marquez Knolls, has an extensive public service and business resume and is a candidate along with 16 others for Henry Waxman’s seat. Key issues: (1) security and economic risks associated with changing technology, (2) education where US math and science rankings are now at the middle and towards the bottom internationally and our teaching caliber needs to be elevated, (3) the US economy and jobs need to be moving particularly for the folks who are not doing well in the present economy, and (4) health care costs where the US is spending twice per person in health care than other international countries without notably better results.
11.3. Patrick Verrone, Candidate for California State Senate. Patrick has been a resident of the Palisades for eighteen years, raised three daughters here and has a lengthy resume in the entertainment field and negotiations associated with the 2007/2008 strike against the studios whereby writers and actors fought for their pensions and fair wages. Information can be found at . Patrick’s goals are to fight for the middle class in this election. The exodus of business from California is a serious concern and while tax incentives are a start they need to be further developed. Building on the California education system needs to take into account that future jobs are going to be high tech and high wage so our children need to be able to perform those tasks. Environmental concerns include clean water, clean air and protection of coastal resources.
12. Adjournment. Barbara Kohn asked the board if any member had additional nominations for the PPCC Officer elections. No nominations were made and the nominations were closed. Barbara adjourned the meeting at 8:54 PM.
For Immediate Release
Pacific Palisades Community Council Announces Election
Positions for Eight Area Representatives at At-Large Representative Now Open
(Pacific Palisades, CA)—The Pacific Palisades Community Council is pleased to announce nominations are now open for residents interested in serving as an area representative or At-Large representative.
There are currently eight positions open for area representatives and one position for At-Large representative to serve a two-year term on the PPCC board of Directors. The Palisades is divided into eight neighborhoods in which the area representative is responsible for serving. The candidate must live within the specified boundaries that are detailed on the PPCC Web site,
The At-Large representative serves the entire community on the PPCC board and must live, own property or run a business within Pacific Palisades.
“As an At-Large representative or area representative, you will be the voice or your neighborhood or the entire community, bringing issues to the PPCC, voting on community-wide matters,” as well as hearing first-hand about policy and land-use subjects affecting Pacific Palisades” according to Barbara Kohn, President.
All interested parties must submit a candidate’s statement (100 words or less) and a current photograph for inclusion in the next PPCC newsletter. It is suggested that each Candidate’s Statement include the number of years residing in Pacific Palisades, the number of years at the current address, position on issues the candidate believes are of importance to the Community or the candidate’s area, and a few biographical facts including any skills that the candidate would bring to PPCC.
Statements should be submitted by Tuesday, July 1.
E-mail: (preferred method)
Mail: PPCC Candidate Statement
P.O. Box 1131
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
For specific nomination requirements and procedures, please refer to the PPCC Web site at, or email any questions to