Return to Index of 2014 Minutes
Voting Members in Attendance: Barbara Kohn, Andrew Wolfberg [acting President in the absence of the President], Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Ted Mackie, Andy Frew, Cathy Russell, Richard Wulliger, Harry Sondheim, Janet Turner, Bill Snyder, Jim Rea, Donna Vaccarino, Gil Dembo, Paul Glasgall, Jack Allen, George Wolfberg, Stuart Muller, Reza Akef and Bruce Schwartz.
Voting Alternates: Carol Pfannukche.
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Brenda Theveny, Jennifer Zeller, Laura Mack, Steve Boyers, Adam Wolman, Patti Post, Amy Kalp, Quentin Fleming and Ted Mackie.
Start of Business Meeting
1. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Andrew Wolfberg [acting President] read the Mission Statement.
2. Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience. Andrew Wolfberg, [acting President] presiding for Chris Spitz, called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.
3. Certification of Quorum. Andrew certified that a quorum was present at 7:04 pm.
4. Adoption of Minutes. The June 26, 2014 minutes were deemed adopted as corrected.
NOTE: Next PPCC Meetings are August 14, 2014, and September 11, 2012. The election results for Area and At-Large Representatives will be announced at the September 11, 2014 meeting. The meeting previously set for September 25, 2014 will not be held due to the holidays.
5. Consideration of Agenda. The [acting] President, Andrew Wolfberg presiding, considered the agenda.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Richard Cohen reported that the process of transferring signature authority is pending and that no significant transactions have taken place since the last meeting.
7. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
7.1. Announcements from the [acting] President, Andrew Wolfberg Presiding.
7.1.1. Announcement of Election Candidates for Areas 1-8 and At-Large Representative Seats.
Elected members shall serve a two-year term beginning on October 1, 2014. Andrew stated that the by laws (Attachment A, page 24) state/s that the list of candidates is to be announced at the first meeting in July. By custom and practice this was always done by the President early in the meeting and the list wasn’t announced or made public to anyone beforehand. Some candidates may withdraw right up to the time of the meeting so the list isn’t “final” until the meeting. The by laws/attachment A language suggests to the Executive Committee that we cannot announce the list to anyone before the public announcement at the meeting. Andrew made the following announcement of candidates by area and alphabetic order:
List of Candidates – PPCC Representative Election 2014
Area 1: Kelly Comras
Area 2: Paul Glasgall
Area 3: Jim Rea and Greg Sinaiko
Area 4: John Holcomb, Amy Kalp, Jennifer Lee, Rick Mills, and Harry Sondheim
Area 5: Jack Allen, Kathleen Jensen, Sue Kohl, and Ted Weitz
Area 6: Rachel Davis, Sharon Hays, David Kaplan, Stuart Muller, David Peterson, Michael Soneff, and David Wolf
Area 7: Cathy Russell
Area 8: Reza Akef
At-Large: Patti Detroit and George Wolfberg
7.1.2. Residency Requirements for PPCC Officers and Organizational Representatives.
Andrew stated that there has been some confusion or misinformation about the residency requirements for board members and officers under the PPCC by laws. The Executive Committee and the Chair of the By Laws Committee wish to clarify the requirements as follows: The PPCC By Laws require candidates for area representative to be residents of the area in which they are running. Candidates for at-large representative are required to be either a resident, a property owner, or the operator of a business in the Palisades. All candidates in the current election were required to supply their residence address to the PPCC President and/or President Emeritus and did so. This is private information that PPCC will not release publicly unless authorized by the individual candidates. There is no residency requirement for organizational representatives or any of the PPCC officers. Their residence addresses are likewise private information that PPCC will not release unless authorized. Specific questions or concerns about residency or other board member or officer requirements should be directed to PPCC President Chris Spitz at
7.1.3. PPCC Executive Committee 2014/2015.
Chris Spitz, Andrew Wolfberg, Richard Cohen, Jennifer Malaret, and Barbara Kohn. Per the Bylaws, “The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Board, the Chair Emeritus, an Elected Representative and a member of an organization who is a voting member. The latter two shall be selected by a majority vote of the officers and the Chair Emeritus” (to take place post-election September, 2014).
7.1.4. PPCC On-Line Survey.
7.1.5. PPCC Correspondence. AGF Ordinance and Sylmar Ground Project. See attached letters. Andrew announced that Chris and Barbara would be meeting with Councilmember Buscaino relative to the AGF ordinance. Chris and Barbara will meet with Councilmember Buscaino’s policy deputy John Gleason on July 14, along with other members of the Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Working Group, to encourage him to refer the AGF ordinance revisions directly to the full City Council for a vote. Mr. Gleason is meeting separately with industry representatives who requested a meeting. It is unknown whether the industry is pressing for further revisions to the ordinance.
7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives.
7.2.1. Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”), SLO Officer Moore — Not in attendance.
7.2.2. Los Angeles City Council, District 11; Councilmember Mike Bonin’s Office. Norman Kulla gave a report on: the proposed bike path modification/motion and efforts to procure funding.
7.2.3. Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Daniel Tamm Westside Area Representative, Mayor’s Interfaith Liaison (*attending on the 4th Thursday of each month). Mayor’s Website: City Services webpage: MyLA Phone App: — No representative in attendance.
7.2.4. California State Assembly, Office of Assemblymember Richard Bloom’s Office. — No representative in attendance.
7.2.5. California State Senator Ted Lieu, ((Janet Turner; District Representative Office: (310) 318-6994).
Janet Turner gave a report on (1) the proposed bike path modification/motion and efforts to procure funding, (2) monies that have been procured for the funding of the arts, (3) AB1767 whereby fines are going up for dumping, defacement and not following signs for anything other than photo enforcement to help support MRCA’s $7K deficit, (4) AB2222 to correct a deficiency in SB1818 relative to the tear down of affordable housing units.
7.3. Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.
7.3.1. Area Representatives – Report on Behalf of Areas.
(1) Jennifer Malaret gave a report on the latest draft of the Community Care Facilities Ordinance (relative to group housing and R1 rentals), the draft Citywide Sign Ordinance (digital billboards) and the Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board, Recreation Center meeting relative to parking issues taking place on July 23, 2014. (2) Jim Rea (Area 3) reported on a homeless situation on the Bernheimer Gardens property. (3) Laura Mack (At-Large Alternate) reported on the drought and DWP rebates and programs.
7.3.2. Organizational Representatives – Report on Behalf of Organizations — None.
7.3.3. PPCC Advisors — None.
7.3.4. B oard Members, Other Reports. (1) Donna Vaccarino announced the Donald Shoup July 15th parking lecture.
8. Reports from Committees.
8.1. Outreach Committee — Andrew Wolfberg.
Volunteers are needed for the PPCC Farmers Market events on 7/20 and 8/3. Participants are encouraged to positively engage with market-goers in order to promote awareness, confidence and participation in PPCC. If you can volunteer (and are not a current candidate for area or at-large representative) please let Chris or Andrew know.
8.2. Area and At-Large Representative Election Committee — Jennifer Malaret. Tentative PPCC Newsletter and Area and At-Large Representative Election Ballot mailing August 15, 2014. Tentative “In-Person” Voting, Saturday September 6, 2014 (Palisades Recreation Center) and Sunday September 7, 2014 (Farmer’s Market). Barbara Kohn reported on newsletter preparation and explained that the appearance and spacing of candidate statements would be formatted equally.
9. Old Business.
9.1. Extension of Ocean Front Walk (bike path) to Temescal Parking Lot.
Presentation/Guest Speaker Barry Kurtz, consulting traffic engineer with the County Department of Beaches and Harbors. See motion below (George Wolfberg). Presentation: Barry Kurtz gave a report. Issue is the mutli-use county path between Temescal Canyon to the southern border of Pacific Palisades as well as in Santa Monica from near California Ave. to LA City border. Maintenance of the bike path and support of the project to provide a pedestrian walk way adjacent to the bike path is multi-jurisdictional and would cost in excess of $2MM. Grant funding was addressed at the last PCH Task Force Meeting (such as the Active Transportation Program, “ATP” [not a likely fund source as these monies are targeted for disadvantaged areas], the Recreational Trails Program, “RTP”) given that funding via Metro has not succeeded in the past. Discussion: A discussion was held. Action: George Wolfberg stated that he used the widest possible wording in the motion regarding use by bikes and pedestrians. Action: George Wolfberg read the motion and sponsored the language. Gil Dembo seconded the motion. A subsequent discussion was held. The motion passed unanimously.
9.2. Motion by Chris Spitz and George Wolfberg.
Action: George Wolfberg MOVED to further amend By Laws Attachment A, Sec. 5.B in regard to in-person voting, for the purpose of giving the Election Committee maximum flexibility to meet its charge to increase transparency and voting opportunity for this election, by providing for the addition of amended language to Sec. 5.B, as follows: “For the September 2014 election only, the Election Committee also may provide for in-person voting procedures which shall be announced in the same newsletter as contains the ballot for that election.” Barbara Kohn seconded the motion. Discussion: a discussion took place. Action: the Motion passed unanimously with Jack Allen abstaining.
10. New Business.
10.1. Approved Pop-Up Parklet at 15231 La Cruz Drive.
Presentation/Invited Speakers: (1) Norman Kulla, Senior Counsel for Councilmember Bonin. Norm gave a presentation and reported that the Pop-Up Parklet is a DOT program that does not involve any outreach to NCs or CCs. The further process in this will be a City notice asking for comments from the public during a ten (10) day period. There will be no public hearing. LADOT will discuss that input with the applicant PRIDE. PRIDE has informed CD-11 that they wish to hold their own public forum. Norm stated that the project has been approved and it is up to PRIDE whether or not the project is to be implemented. (2) Valerie Watson, Assistant Pedestrian Coordinator LADOT People Streets Program [invited but did not attend], (3) Geoff Shelden for PRIDE [LADOT People Street Approved Community Partner, sponsor of the Parklet Application]. Presentation: Geoff gave a report in support of the project. Bruce Schwartz reported concerns regarding traffic and the LADOT process. (4) Chamber of Commerce, Joyce Brunelle and Mark Lasky [did not attend] and (5) Elliott Zorensky, UDO. Elliott spoke in support of the project. (6) Don Scott, the applicant spoke in favor of the project and asked for PPCC’s endorsement and assistance with fundraising. PRIDE does not have control over when the ten (10) day notice will be posted. Don committed to give PPCC notice when the ten (10) day notice is posted. Discussion: Board members and the public expressed concerns regarding traffic, safety, funding, alternate locations, maintenance and allocation of City resources. Board members expressed support for pedestrians and the placement of park lets in the community. Norman stated that DOT issued an exemption relative to CEQA, i.e., that there are no traffic or safety impacts with this project. LADOT found a financial impact on the City that was $14,000 in lost revenue from the loss of parking spaces. Don stated that the Garden Café owner does not have to reimburse the City for the lost revenue of the one parking space to be taken. Rick Mills stated that the DRB was not involved in this project. Rick asked if design elements could still be interchanged/chosen. Don said yes.
10.2. Taste at the Palisades, 538 Palisades Drive.
April 21, 2014 CUB application (full liquor) to upgrade from existing 2004 beer and wine permit. Presentation/Guest Speaker: Manny Diaz, FE Design. Presentation: Taste has been an established restaurant with no history of citations and has been a good operator. Highlands Plaza has 109 parking stalls. Hours of operations are 10 am – 11 pm. There will be no live entertainment, live dancing, and no expansion of the physical bar. Taste will remain a restaurant and this modification is just an additional amenity that the restaurant owner seeks to offer. Notice has not yet been posted; likely that will take place within several months and FE Design committed to give PPCC notice of any posting. Standard conditions are anticipated such as having to order food in order to get a drink, having the full kitchen open while alcohol is being served, 50/50 food to alcohol sales, etc. Discussion: Area 2 Representative Paul Glasgall reported that he had outreached to the Highlands Council and residents and no one has objected. A discussion was held relative to operating hours and conditions.
11. General Public Comment – None.
12. Adjournment. Andrew Wolfberg adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM.
June 30, 2014
Hon. Joe Buscaino, Council District 15
Chair, Public Works & Gang Reduction Committee
200 N. Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90272Via email
Re: CF 09-2645 – City Attorney Report and Revised Above Ground Facilities Ordinance;
SUPPORT the Revised Ordinance and Request Immediate Forwarding to City Council;
Request For Filing in CF 09-2645 by Legislative Assistant Michael Espinosa
Dear Councilmember Buscaino:
I write on behalf of Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC); Pacific Palisades Residents Association (PPRA); and the Los Angeles Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Working Group (WTF Working Group) – each of which has long supported revision of the Above Ground Facilities (AGF) Ordinance.
We urge you as Chair of the Public Works & Gang Reduction Committee to facilitate the immediate forwarding of the revised AGF Ordinance directly to the full City Council. Residents and community leaders throughout Los Angeles have long awaited these revisions. I and my colleague Barbara Kohn (outgoing PPCC President and former PPRA President) have been working on this issue extensively since late 2008. PPCC and PPRA both took positions supporting revision of the AGF Ordinance in 2009. At the request of the City Attorney, in 2010 Ms. Kohn and I co-founded the WTF Working Group to work with the City Attorney on cell tower regulation issues. The WTF Working Group, which consists of respected community leaders from throughout Los Angeles, supports revision of the AGF Ordinance, as do scores of other community organizations and coalitions Citywide, including the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils and the Hillside Federation (as reflected in the many communications on file in CF 09-2645).
As you may recall, last fall the Public Works & Gang Reduction and PLUM committees (in joint session) directed the City Attorney to make final revisions to the AGF Ordinance and further directed that the completed revisions be sent to the full Council. We strongly agree with this prior directive. It is my understanding – having previously met with Deputy City Attorney Ted Jordan along with Norman Kulla, Senior Counsel to Councilmember Bonin –
that Mr. Jordan has already received input on the revisions from industry representatives as well as relevant City departments. If for some reason you determine that a further interim meeting or consultation is needed with the industry and/or the City Attorney, we request that 1) the meeting be scheduled as soon as possible, and 2) knowledgeable community leaders and concerned members of the public be included in any such meeting. Any of the
WTF Working Group members (listed below) would be appropriate to include; numerous other community leaders and/or residents would also be appropriate and I would be happy to suggest additional names if requested.
Thank you for your courtesy and anticipated cooperation.
Christina Spitz
Incoming President, PPCC
Board member and past Vice-President, PPRA
Co-founder, WTF Working Group
cc (all via email):
Michael Espinosa, Legislative Assistant, Public Works & Gang Reduction Committee
Councilmember Mike Bonin, CD 11
Michael Feuer, City Attorney
Ted Jordan, Deputy City Attorney
Daniel Tamm, Westside Area Representative, Mayor Eric Garcetti
Dennis Gleason, Policy Deputy, CD 15
John Larson, Legislative Deputy, CD 15
Norman Kulla, Senior Counsel, CD11
Barbara Kohn, Outgoing PPCC President; past PPRA President; co-founder, WTF
Working Group
Cindy Cleghorn, Sunland-Tujunga/STNC; WTF Working Group
Jerry Askew, Granada Hills/GHSNC; WTF Working Group
Alexander von Wechmar, Hollywood Hills/the Oaks Homeowners Association; WTF
Working Group
June 30, 2014
Mr. Charles C. Holloway
Manager of Environmental Planning and Assessment
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Re: Pacific Palisades Community Council Comments
Sylmar Ground Return Project EIR (the “Project”)
Dear Mr. Holloway,
Thank you for attending the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) meeting on June 26, 2014. We appreciate receiving an update on the Project and, as you heard, PPCC Board Members and public attendees raised some serious concerns about the Project. Our community requests these comments on the environmental impact report be addressed before the DWP finalizes the Project planning and timing. Please note that although PPCC has not passed a motion opposing the Project, PPCC has significant concerns we request be addressed as set forth below.
COMMENT NO. 1: No Overlapping Construction and No Multiple Concurrent Projects. The Timing of the Sylmar Project Must Mitigate Negative Timing Effects on Traffic in the Pacific Palisades Community. PPCC is concerned that if the Project begins in June 2016 as current proposed there might be overlap between the Project and California Incline Bridge project. PPCC requests that the Project not begin actual construction until the California Incline Bridge project is completed .
COMMENT NO. 2: DWP Must Control Traffic Impacts Where and When Possible. PPCC understands that it is too early to see a Traffic Management Plan, however decisions made by DWP now regarding traffic plans must be appropriately mitigated later. PPCC believes that the Project would severely affect traffic on Entrada Drive and West Channel Road and have less serious impacts on San Vicente Boulevard traffic. Entrada Drive and West Channel Road are essential access routes to Pacific Palisades. Furthermore, these streets are narrow and are already overburdened with traffic. Pacific Coast Highway, the California Incline, West Channel and Entrada all operate at or above full capacity in the best of conditions. When any construction project or incident impinges upon the free-flow of traffic, Pacific Palisades residents and visitors as well as other area travelers are more than inconvenienced; we are all at risk. In an emergency situation, fire, police and ambulances could be delayed jeopardizing health and property.
COMMENT NO. 3: All Roadways must be Restored to As-New Condition When Trenching and Lines are Completed.
Finally, PPCC hereby requests that timelines for the Project schedule be provided before and during construction such that PPCC and the Pacific Palisades community may remain informed.
Thank you for consideration.
Barbara Kohn
Pacific Palisades Community Council
Cc Mike Bonin, Los Angeles City Councilmember
Marvin Braude Pedestrian Walkway Gap Closure project -The project would install a walkway next to the Marvin Braude Bike trail to close a gap between the existing walkways in Pacific Palisades and Santa Monica and enhance pedestrian safety and bike travel.
At the present time there are two separate paths along the beachfront from Redondo Beach / Torrance to the Bel Air Bay Club. The Marvin Braude Bike Trail provides a path for bicycle travel. In addition there are pedestrian walkways such as Ocean Front Walk and the Promenade in Santa Monica that provide a continuous path for walkers and joggers thus avoiding conflicts with cyclists. Unfortunately, the Promenade ends near California Ave in Santa Monica. State Law gives joggers and strollers equal access to the bicycle path from the end of the existing Promenade to the Temescal Canyon parking lot. The opening of the popular Annenberg Beach House in Santa Monica has also increased pedestrian traffic along the bike path. This creates a challenge as there are unavoidable conflicts between the pedestrians, many of whom are tourists and walk three and four abreast, and cyclists who may be forced off the path into the sand.
Funding for beach pathways is handled through the Metro Call for Projects. Several years ago Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky signaled his support for constructing a separate pedestrian path where none currently exists. However the deck was stacked against such improvements by Metro’s bias against so-called “recreational” projects. Recently a new funding source (ATP) was created which is friendlier to these types of projects and this is a good time for the PPCC to go on record as supporting this “gap closure.” (PPCC already is on record in support of extending the bike path to Coastline Drive where the City envisions a combined path with separation for cyclists and pedestrians. This project faces its own funding challenges).
The Santa Monica Canyon Civic Association wrote a letter to Supervisor Yaroslavsky, Councilman Bonin and elected officials in Santa Monica and at the State level. Santa Monica is very supportive.
This project will be on a State Beach maintained by LA County and travels through two cities, so support by all jurisdictions is vital.
It is hereby moved that: (a) PPCC hereby expresses its support for the Marvin Braude Pedestrian Walkway Gap Closure project and requests the County of Los Angeles, as lead agency, seek funding for this project and (b) that the PPCC President inform the various jurisdictions and involved elected officials of PPCC’s strong support for this project.