Return to Index of 2014 Minutes
Voting Members in Attendance: Chris Spitz, Andrew Wolfberg, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn, Joyce Brunelle, Maryam Zar, Janet Turner, Gil Dembo, Carol Pfannkuche, Paul Glasgall, Amy Kalp, George Wolfberg, Cathy Russell, Donna Vaccarino, Stuart Muller, Sue Kohl, Rick Mills, Greg Sinaiko, Kelly Comras, Reza Akef and Andrew Wolfberg.
Voting Alternates: Haldis Toppel and Eric Dugdale.
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Schuyler Dietz, Bruce Schwartz, Barbara Marinacci and Brenda Theveny.
Start of Business Meeting
1. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Richard Cohen read the Mission Statement.
2. Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience. Chris Spitz called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.
3. Certification of Quorum. Chris certified that a quorum was present at 7:02 pm.
4. Adoption of Minutes. Adoption of the September 11, 2014 minutes. Next Meetings: October 23, 2014 (presentation/Q&A on 5 Steps to Neighborhood Preparedness Program (disaster preparedness; www.5steps.LA; presentation/Q&A on proposed liquor license and valet parking for Il Piccolo Ritrovo); November 13, 2014 (presentation/Q&A on LADWP recycled water use program;; December 11, 2014 (holiday party and presentation of Community Service Award; see Item 7.1.6 below). January 8, 2015. January 22, 2015 (forum on Pacific Palisades Design Review Board Proposed Design Guidelines for the Palisades Village/Specific Plan area (in the planning stage)).
5. Consideration of Agenda. The President considered the agenda.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Richard Cohen reported the financial status as of October 9, 2014. The total account balances equal $37,591.19. The last newsletter is still approximately -$1,330 in the red.
7. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
7.1. Announcements from the President, Chris Spitz.
7.1.1. Executive Committee for 2014/2015. Members are the 4 Officers and President Emeritus – Chris Spitz, Andrew Wolfberg, Jennifer Malaret, Richard Cohen, Barbara Kohn (“automatic” members) – plus 2 members selected by the “automatic” members: Paul Glasgall (Area Representative – Area 2) and Janet Anderson (Organizational Representative – AYSO). PPCC Bylaws V.3.A. The Executive Committee’s express function is to take action on behalf of the Board “only on matters which require immediate PPCC action that cannot otherwise be completed in the usual course of PPCC business”; secondarily, the President from time to time relies on the Executive Committee for advice and counsel and to assist in making recommendations as appropriate to the Board. Any action by the Committee on behalf of the Board is publicly reported at the next Board meeting. PPCC Bylaws V.3.B.
7.1.2. Organizational Representatives for 2014/2015. Term runs from October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015 (one year). See list below and PPCC website for contact information. We welcome new Organizational Representatives Susan Payne (Chamber of Commerce alternate); Barbara Marinacci (Garden Club); Maryam Zar (Paul Revere); Brian Weitman (Village School); Janet Anderson (AYSO); and Haldis Toppel (Woman’s Club).
7.1.3. New Area Representatives 2014-2016. Term runs from October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2016 (two years). We welcome newly elected Area Representatives Greg Sinaiko (Area 3), Rick Mills (Area 4) and Sue Kohl (Area 5). See PPCC website for contact information.
7.1.4. PPCC Board Election/Approval of Alternate Area and At-Large Representatives. See Report of Three Chairs Committee, Item 8.1 below.
7.1.5. Orientation Seminar for New Representatives (including all primary and alternate Area, At-Large and Organizational Representatives). October 14, 2014, 3-4:30pm in the Palisades branch library community meeting room. PPCC “veterans” and interested community members are also invited and encouraged to attend (meeting open to the public).
7.1.6. Community Service Award Committee: Sue Kohl, chair; Paul Glasgall; Gil Dembo. See guidelines below. Award given for long-term, continuing voluntary service to the Palisades. The public is invited to submit nominations consistent with the guidelines by October 25, 2014 to
7.1.7. PPCC Online Survey. 322 Palisadians participated in the Survey, which ended September 30, 2014. The results are being analyzed and a summary will be presented at the October 23, 2014 meeting (tentative).
7.1.8. December 11, 2014 Board Meeting/Holiday Party. Volunteers are requested for the Holiday Party Committee.
7.1.9. Response to statements in local news media regarding PPCC.
(1) Charges in the Palisadian Post concerning PPCC’s motivation in passing a WRAC-recommended motion requesting notice of People St projects: see attached letter to the editor from PPCC’s President (also posted on ). (2) Recent American Legion 238 Post piece concerning PPCC’s election process: inaccurate, misleading and/or false in several respects; the author was provided with extensive and accurate information about the process and none of her inquiries went unanswered; the participating committee members acted ethically and in accordance with the PPCC bylaws; the reported results are accurate; the ballots were safeguarded at all times; there were no challenges by any candidate. PPCC conducted extensive election outreach and the President invited anyone with questions to email her; she continues to stand ready to answer all questions about PPCC process and activities. Contact Chris at
7.1.10. 16990-17000 Sunset Blvd./Case No. ZA-2012-130CDP – proposed 49-unit/98,900 sq. ft. condominium project (developer M&A Gabee LP). PPCC had been monitoring this project and coastal process. The Coastal permit was recently approved by a Zoning Administrator. Contact Barbara Kohn for a copy of the staff report. In the event of an appeal the Board will be updated.
7.2. Announcements from Governmental Representatives – All reports deferred either to October 23 or to Item 10.1 below, if related (forum on homeless/transients/crime).
7.3. Announcements from Board Members and Advisors Advisors – No oral reports. See attached written report from the Secretary. [Reports solicited from all members but no others received.]
8. Reports from Committees.
8.1. Three Chairs Committee (Barbara Kohn, chair; Richard Cohen; Shirley Haggstrom).
Committee nominations for 1st and 2nd Alternate Area and At-Large representative positions. Election/Approval of Alternates by the Board. PPCC Bylaws VIII.1.C and D. Barbara Kohn explained (in sum) that the Committee of Three Chairs personally met to consider the many qualified volunteers who submitted statements to serve in alternate positions. We were at the same time delighted, grateful and a bit overwhelmed by the number of volunteers who submitted statements expressing their willingness and interest in serving the Community. It was a difficult task and making choices was difficult. The committee considered the comments received from the elected representatives, the committee took a broad view of the interest of the Council; the committee looked to the future; the committee tried to respond to verbal comments about the personnel makeup of the Council; – with that in mind the committee will be putting forth the following as nominees for both First Alternate and Second Alternate for the full board’s consideration and the committee will be asking PPCC to seek opportunities to engage those not selected in some capacity for PPCC. Per the bylaws Article VIII Section 1(c), the Committee of Three chairs nominates the following:
Area 1 – Doug McCormick
Area 2 – 1st Peter Culhane
2nd Diane Bleak
Area 3 1st Jim Rea
2nd Brian Deming
Area 4 – 1st Jennifer Lee
2nd Carol Bruch
Area 5 1st Sash Ramaswami
2nd Robin Meyers
Area 6 1st David Kaplan
2nd David Peterson
Area 7 Steve Boyers
Area 8 Andrew Sachs
At Large 1st Quentin Fleming
2nd Michael Soneff
Area First Alternates: Barbara read the names of the persons recommended by the Three Chairs Committee to serve as Area Representative, First Alternate for each of the eight areas. Jennifer Malaret seconded the committee’s recommendations. Greg Sinaiko objected to Area 3, Jim Rea. Barbara called for a vote on the First Alternates for Areas 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (McCormick, Culhane, Lee, Ramaswami, Kaplan, Boyers and Sachs). The motion/vote passed unanimously. Area 3 discussion: Greg Sinaiko spoke of the election excitement and felt his first responsibility was to select his alternates. Greg’s concern is that his picks were not chosen and he wants people who support his ideas and beliefs in the seats rather than his recent opponent in the election. Greg feels Jim’s appointment as the first alternate creates a conflict and is not what the constituents vote for because Jim Rea’s positions are opposite of his own. Greg told the board he would like to re-submit Mr. Zussman’s appointment. Chris communicated Ron Dean’s opinion that Greg cannot resubmit or amend the committee’s recommendation, particularly from the floor. Richard Cohen spoke about the process of the Three Chairs Committee’s selection and the interpretation/precedent regarding ‘input’ from the elected representatives (not choosing) and spoke in favor of the committee’s recommendation report. George Wolfberg moved to table the vote. Joyce Brunelle seconded the motion. The motion to table passed with a majority.
At-Large First Alternate – The Three Chairs Committee nominated Quentin Fleming. Cathy Russell seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Area Second Alternates and At-Large Second Alternate – [no time, adjourned].
8.2. Outreach Committee.
(1) PPCC to maintain a monthly Farmers Market table (tentatively the second Sunday of every month) and a table at other locations (Highlands Plaza, Rustic Canyon Park, area supermarkets). (Tentative) Farmers Market events: October 12 and November 9, 2014, 9 am -12 n. Volunteers are requested. (2) Andrew Wolfberg is continuing to investigate options to drive more traffic to the PPCC website and improve user experience at the website. The PPCC website will potentially be integrated with other digital communication platforms, including blog postings, email, Facebook and other social media (tentative Board report October 23). Andrew has submitted a grant application to the Woman’s Club for $2,500, which is half of the anticipated expense.
9. Old Business.
9.1. La Cruz Parklet.
See attached September 12 and 13, 2014 PPCC letters and October 2, 2014 Bruce Schwartz email. Other than the referenced email, as of agenda distribution PPCC has not received responses to either of its letters. Bruce Schwartz stated that the project is on hold subject to community input and evaluation of safety concerns.
10. New Business.
10.1. Forum on Homeless/Transients/Crime.
Presentations and Question & Answer. Homeless Forum Official Attendees/Presenters: Captain Evangelyn Nathan, Area Commanding Officer, LAPD WLA Division (; Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore, LAPD WLA Division (; Norman Kulla, Senior Counsel, Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin (CD11);;; Daniel Tamm, Westside Area Representative and Interfaith Liaison, Mayor Eric Garcetti (;; Claudia Martin, Deputy Los Angeles City Attorney, WLA and Pacific Division Neighborhood Prosecutor (; Steven Pedersen, Chief Environmental Compliance Inspector, Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation (; Jeanette Rowe, Director of Homeless Services, LAHSA (, Jennie Arevalo (, Grace Guerrero, Gary Mitchell, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (; Hon. Richard Bloom, Member, California State Assembly (tentative) and Stephanie Cohen, Field Representative, ASM Bloom (;
Presentation (note: the audience was standing room only, the room filled to capacity with officials and concerned residents): Chris Spitz gave background on the concerns expressed by the community: fire, squatting on private, beaches/canyons/public property and persons within the commercial areas of town engaging in inappropriate and unlawful behavior.
LAPD Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore: SLO Moore spoke about the limitations of encampments meaning that they cannot be swept away any more.
Claudia Martin, Neighborhood Prosecutor with the City Attorney’s Office: Claudia explained her background and that she works to address quality of life issues with other city, state and county agencies. Her office evaluates the requirements for criminal charges to be made in cases involving the homeless. When a case is filed and gets a conviction the city will always ask for a ‘stay away’ from the area. This is how the City Attorney works together with LAPD.
Norman Kulla, CD-11: Norman stated that outreach to the homeless in efforts to provide permanent housing which is agreeable to the homeless person is the subject of an enormous amount of effort within the City of LA now. Norman stated that more people are needed to help assist homeless people into becoming housed.
Darch Niva, Director Westside Shelter and Hunger Coalition. Darcy also works with a Los Angeles Country program to provide universal assessments of homeless individuals such that the most troubled individuals can be targeted towards the scant resources available. 95% of the persons we are talking about are mentally ill, that is the first problem. The second problem is that there is a shortage of vouchers for food and housing for those who need permanent solutions. It is estimated that only 10% of the chronic homeless have these resources available. Darcy suggested that residents provide more money and more support into permanent solutions for the homeless.
Jeanette Rowe, Jennie Arevalo, Grace Guerrero, Gary Mitchell – Homeless Services, LAHSA (Los Angeles Homeless Authority). Jennie spoke about the contact and photographs and accounting they have made of homeless residents in the Palisades along PCH. Jennie expressed the difficulty of making contact with the homeless and then to encourage them to receive help. LASHA communicates the concern with trash, fire risk and sanitation. The overgrowth of the brush is a great inhibitor of the efforts of people trying to make contact. Gary talked about substance abuse, alcoholism, medical needs and environmental circumstances that contribute to the homeless problem that is not a problem with an overnight solution. LASHA has a team of coordinators that cover most of Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles including the bluff areas of Pacific Palisades.
Stephanie Cohen, Assemblymember Bloom’s Office: homelessness is a long-term problem. Stephanie offered volunteer opportunities to establish a task force where members can interface with Bloom’s office and other governmental agencies. At the last task force not one resident volunteered so Stephanie extended the invitation again. Barbara Kohn asked interested persons to contact her and stated that mental health professionals get involved and work with any community task force that is established. Stephanie suggested considering the efforts of Santa Monica, a much smaller city albeit, as a model to get people housed.
Daniel Tamm, Westside Representative for Mayor Garcetti: Daniel spoke of the mental health issues that are pervasive and profound such that comprehensive solutions have not been formed yet. There are not enough case workers, enough people at LASHA who are caseworkers, not enough people at the LA County Department of Mental Health and summed up there is not enough money. LASHA is not mandated to end homelessness. Mayor Garcetti has begun working with LASHA and attempting to bring agencies and personnel closer together: policy and housing components need to have a culture change, i.e., you get persons into housing and then you surround them with services. The homeless are our ‘neighbors’, persons who are experiencing homelessness. If a crime is being committed, they need to be handled by the LAPD. If they are experiencing mental health problems, they need to be handled by mental health workers which requires more people and more money. The Mayor’s priority is homeless among U.S. military veterans. The Mayor is working to get federal funding. The model the Mayor’s office is using is the United Way’s Home for Good for veteran’s homelessness with a focus on fundraising in the short term for supportive housing.
Discussion: (1) last forum there were 20 permanent homeless known, SLO Moore stated that today he contacted twelve persons. Janet Turner asked if PPCC should speak with LAPD about prioritizing resources to this problem. SLO Moore explained that there has been a real increase in residential burglaries that has taken resources away from the homeless issue. (2) the owner of the 76 talked about drug dealing, pan handling, drinking and fondling girls at the bus stop. He feels that many of the homeless are well aware of the rules, laws and they are here because residents give them money. He suggested that pressure be put on Vons not to sell liquor and residents to stop giving them money. (3) Sue Pascoe spoke to 2 women who had housing vouchers and was aware of couples who could not get vouchers. Darcy responded that housing vouchers are for other areas and acknowledged that homeless persons do not want to relocate. LASHA does a count every year – if the Palisades community steps up to do an accurate count and ID of our homeless then outreach teams can do a better job. Darcy stressed not giving money to panhandlers. (4) when residents call LAPD to complain about problems and crimes of the homeless the response times are too slow. Witnessing homeless urinating, defecating, and intimidating children in a sexual way is not acceptable. (5) the City Attorney needs witnesses to prosecute homeless crimes. Suggested help from residents is to take photos and video with their phones to be used as evidence. (6) the situation in the bluffs is a public health and safety issue and the fire marshal has a plan in other areas of the city to remove homeless persons from the bluffs. LAFD John Novela, Fire Inspector assigned to the Fire Marshal’s office spoke. The bluff area is a high fire severity zone so cooking and open fires can be addressed. The Palisades bluffs are within the Department of Recreation and Parks. Captain Granado, Supervisor Valdez are others to contact relative to our local brush clearance. Officer Al Torres, Park Ranger is another contact. The City of Los Angeles adopted the state park code in January 2014 so there is a new fire code. Signs are being updated and funding is needed. Once signs are posted then LAPD and park rangers can go in and enforce – DOT needs to put in the signs and signage needs to be approved via the City Council. Norm said that the community can get together and pay for signs like Hollywood is doing and then LAPD would be required to enforce. (7) outreach to encampments should focus on criminal history and finding out initially if there are sex offenders registered or not. (8) a suggestion was made to use helicopters with infrared be used to locate individuals living in the bluffs who are lighting fires?
10.2. WRAC Recommended LAFD Hiring Motion; sponsored by PPCC’s Executive Committee (for PPCC Board consideration). Suggested Motion: “The Pacific Palisades Community Council urges the City of Los Angeles to resume and adequately fund the recruitment, hiring, and training of new firefighters by April 1, 2015. The strength of the Los Angeles Fire Department is reduced by over 100 firefighters per year due to retirement, injury, or death. The Los Angeles Fire Department has not hired new firefighters since 2008, and the current force is stretched to a point that places both its health and the safety of Angelenos at risk. Furthermore, the reduced strength of the force contributes substantially to the LAFD’s overtime budget to adequately staff each shift, especially on “red flag” days. The current evaluation and reconfiguration of LAFD recruitment and hiring practices should be completed without delay. The structural deficit in personnel cannot be easily overcome without a substantial effort placed on accelerated hiring to address the foreseeable and increasing shortfall in staffing. Hiring must occur at a faster rate than attrition to overcome the force’s structural personnel deficit.” Motion seconded by Donna Vaccarino.
Discussion: LAFD personnel in attendance suggested support. Norman Kulla stated that Mike Bonin is in favor of the motion and is grateful for the council’s support. Action: the motion passed unanimously.
10.3. WRAC Recommended Housing Unit Audits Motion; sponsored by PPCC’s Executive Committee (for PPCC Board consideration): Chris Spitz read the Suggested Motion: “The Pacific Palisades Community Council supports WRAC in its requests to the City Controller, the Housing Department and the City Council to audit all income restricted units built under SB 1818 and all RSO units and buildings that replace pre 1978 buildings.”
Discussion: Chris Spitz summarized SB1818 and asked for support of the other WRAC members who believe that violations of SB1818 are occurring in their areas (although the PPCC does not have any information that there are any violations of SB1818 within the Palisades). Reza Akef expressed concerns about the motion, stating that it was a code enforcement issue and there are no specific claims relative to this motion that makes it difficult to understand. Norman Kulla reported that the City Council has already acted on this relative to the ability of persons to build projects larger than what would be allowed under state law. The issue in the City of LA is that there is no tracking within the City after the density bonuses have been awarded. The ordinance would direct City enforcement to go out and check to see if low-income people are actually living in the units as required. CD-11 stated that it supported action at the state level regarding similar accountability such that when buildings have affordable housing and are torn down replacement buildings have at least the same amount of low income housing whether it is rental or investment property. Barbara Kohn reported that the Palmer project being built does have SB1818 requirements for four of those units to be low income. Stuart Muller suggested that the City organize a database of low-income housing availability. Norman Kulla stated that having such a database is hoped for as an outcome. Gilbert Dembo supported the motion and spoke in favor of increased government oversight of development agreements entered into with the City in exchange for development rights. Andrew Wolfberg seconded the motion. Action: the motion passed with one abstention.
11. General Public Comment.
11.1. Stuart Muller expressed concern that large trucks frequently turn right onto Haverford Ave. from Temescal Canyon Road. Many are unable to pass around Founders Oaks Island, then stop, blocking the vehicles following them. All vehicles must then back up around a blind curve onto busy Temescal Canyon Road, without assistance or traffic control.
12. Adjournment. Chris Spitz adjourned the meeting at 9:02 PM.
Business and Commerce
Chamber of Commerce — Joyce Brunelle
(Alt) – Susan Payne
Cultural, Ethics and Aesthetics
Friends of the Library – Amy Kalp
(Alt) Garden Club – Barbara Marinacci
Paul Revere – Maryam Zar
(Alt) Village School – Brian Weitman
Historical Society – Dick Wulliger
(Alt) Eric Dugdale
Civic Organizations
Civic League – Donna Vaccarino
(Alt) PRIDE – Bruce Schwartz
YMCA – Carol Pfannkuche
(Alt) AYSO – Janet Anderson
Temescal Canyon Association – Gilbert Dembo
(Alt) – Ted Mackie
Service Clubs
Optimists Club – Wally Hastings
(Alt) Woman’s Club – Haldis Toppel
Residents Association
PPRA – Janet Turner
(Alt) – Brenda Theveny
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Community Service Award is to honor long term and continuing outstanding volunteer service by an individual to a Pacific Palisades neighborhood or to the community-at-large.
Any organization or individual in the community may nominate a candidate. There is no limit on the number of nominations an individual/organization may submit. Only nominations submitted specifically for this award are eligible for consideration, although the nomination may be supported by materials written for other awards. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Pacific Palisades Community Council at PO Box 1131 or by email to the Chair of the PPCC by October 25, 2014 (
The recipient must be an individual. Each recipient’s service should be of a voluntary nature and not merely the beneficial outcome of official or business-related work that the recipient is engaged in.
The Award:
The award shall be chosen and prepared by the Community Service Award Committee and presented to the Recipient(s) at the Pacific Palisades Community Council December Meeting/Holiday Party. The Recipient(s) and their family members shall be guests of the PPCC.
Letter to the Editor
In light of recent charges in the Post questioning the motivations for a motion calling for advance notice of People St projects, a clarification is in order: the motion in question was a regional motion, recommended unanimously by the leadership of all 13 member councils of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC), none of whom (other than PPCC) know anything about PRIDE and all of whom were motivated by a significant concern that the most broadly-based community organizations (the neighborhood and community councils) are being kept out of the loop in terms of notice and comment regarding these new People St projects.
The fact that this was a WRAC-recommended motion was referenced in the 9/11 PPCC meeting agenda (provided in advance to the public) as well as in my public remarks at the 9/11 meeting.
Moreover, Councilmember Bonin specifically supports providing advance notice to neighborhood and community councils, as related at the 9/11 meeting by his senior counsel Norman Kulla.
The position taken by PPCC is a reasonable one shared by other councils throughout the Westside of Los Angeles and is not motivated by “pique” or a desire to meddle in any particular local group’s actions.
PRIDE is a long-standing member of the PPCC board. It is free to choose its representative to PPCC as are all member organizations. PPCC has long-supported PRIDE’s worthy activities on behalf of the community. As examples, PPCC participated with PRIDE a few years ago in the siting of bicycle racks throughout the Village and we took action in pushing back against a City proposal which might have otherwise replaced the beautiful PRIDE benches in our commercial areas.
I regret that the parklet controversy has obscured relevant facts. PPCC is an open organization which includes area representatives elected by the public. All of our board meetings are open to all. I invite Palisadians to our meeting on October 9, 7-9pm in the public library, when we will hold a forum on homeless/transient/crime issues. I also invite interested community members to visit us on October 14, 3-4:30pm in the public library, when we will be holding an open orientation seminar for all new representatives. Come on by and learn something about PPCC process and activities! Please don’t hesitate to email me with your questions and comments at
Chris Spitz
PPCC President
Jennifer Malaret, PP-PAB Liaison/Secretary: the last PP-PAB 2014 regular quarterly meeting is October 15th at 7 PM in the small gym. New business is a presentation by Brad Thorton of Shane’s Inspiration and PP-PAB board members regarding the proposed installation of a Universally Accessible Playground to upgrade the existing children’s playground area. Additional topics are the Halloween Spooktacular on October 25, 2014, 2015 PP-PAB Board Membership, recommended Alma Real lot parking spaces, implementation of the modified Alma Real lot parking hours, a possible ‘Pay-by-Plate’ Parking System installed by RAP and offered by the Cale Company, bocce court installation and picnic area upgrade, and status of requests for confirmation by RAP of user agreements affecting the Recreation Center.
September 12, 2014
To: Los Angeles Department of Transportation; Councilmember Mike Bonin; Palisades PRIDE
Re: People St Project/Parklet at Intersection of La Cruz and Alma Real in Pacific Palisades, California (the La Cruz Parklet)
I write on behalf of Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC), the most broadly-based community organization and the voice of the Palisades community since 1973. PPCC board members represent all constituencies of Pacific Palisades, including business, recreation, education, arts and culture, history, environment, service, civic and residential categories. PPCC’s 23 voting members include both appointed organizational representatives and elected Area and At-Large representatives.
At its public board meeting on September 11, 2014, the PPCC board passed the following motion regarding the La Cruz parklet:
“The Pacific Palisades Community Council finds a consensus in favor of park lets in
general but is opposed to the specific parklet proposed for the Alma Real and La Cruz intersection. Accordingly, PPCC requests that PRIDE withdraw its application and/or that the City reject or rescind its approval.”
This motion is based on significant outreach and efforts to obtain information and to ascertain community opinion about the parklet. PPCC board members heard from representatives of PRIDE and CD11 on at least 3 occasions (July 10, 2014, August 7, 2014 and September 11, 2014) and from LADOT representative Valerie Watson on August 7 and September 11. PPCC heard from community members throughout the months of July – September, including in emails and letters, Facebook and Nextdoor postings, comments in person at community events, comments at the PRIDE-sponsored open house, comments from candidates for the PPCC election at the public candidates forum on 8/14, and comments at the PPCC public board meeting/forum on the parklet on 9/11. In keeping with their representative responsibilities, PPCC board members reached out to their respective constituencies to ascertain their positions. The resulting motion in fact reflects community consensus on the matter.
PRIDE had previously assured Councilmember Bonin and PPCC that it will not move forward with the project without community support. In an email message to Norman Kulla of Councilmember Bonin’s office dated July 24, 2014, Don Scott (the La Cruz Parklet Project Leader) stated: “We [PRIDE] will not move forward unless we have the support of the community and want to hear from everyone.”
PPCC calls upon PRIDE to withdraw its application in accordance with its assurances.
Similarly, Valerie Watson of LADOT assured the community at the August 7 public meeting that LADOT would not give final approval to the parklet in the absence of community support. Accordingly, we call upon Councilmember Bonin and/or LADOT to reject or rescind the City’s approval of the La Cruz parklet.
In his message regarding the People St program, Mayor Garcetti states: “Fundamental to People St is its bottom-up, community-based approach. I am proud of our city’s transportation and planning experts, but no one knows more about our neighborhoods than you.” PPCC has reached out and learned that the Palisades community supports parklets in general but does not support one at the intersection of La Cruz and Alma Real Drive. Taking Mayor Garcetti at his word, no one knows more about this neighborhood than the people who live there and travel the streets daily. Based on community consensus against the parklet in this location, the application should be withdrawn, rejected or rescinded.
Thank you.
Christina Spitz
Pacific Palisades Community Council
September 13, 2014
To: Los Angeles Department of Transportation Officials; Councilmember Mike Bonin; Mayor Eric Garcetti
Re: L.A. People St Projects
I write on behalf of Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC), the most broadly-based community organization and the voice of the Palisades community since 1973. PPCC board members represent all constituencies of Pacific Palisades, including business, recreation, education, arts and culture, history, environment, service, civic and residential categories. PPCC’s 23 voting members include both appointed organizational representatives and elected Area and At-Large representatives.
At its public board meeting on September 11, 2014, the PPCC board passed the following motion recommended by leadership of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (coalition of all 13 Neighborhood and Community Councils on the Westside of Los Angeles, of which PPCC is a member):
“WRAC urges the Mayor, LADOT and the City Council to amend the process for consideration of design and location of L.A. People St projects (including Plazas,
Parklets and Bicycle Corrals) to include a requirement for advance notice to and
consultation with Neighborhood and Community Councils. To the extent applicable, designs and locations should comply with local Specific Plans. We also urge the program to comply with CEQA as necessary.”
PPCC appreciates that Councilmember Mike Bonin has advised that he supports a requirement of advance notice to and consultation with Neighborhood and Community Councils. We hope and trust that going forward, the City will include such a requirement, at a minimum, for all People St projects.
Thank you.
Christina Spitz
Pacific Palisades Community Council
October 2, 2014 email to from Bruce Schwartz, PRIDE’s representative on PPCC:
As Don Scott said at the PPCC meeting Sept 11, PRIDE is absolutely dedicated to making this as safe as possible. We are actively working with DOT and others to do this. This is still a work in progress and I will keep the council updated as this progresses. In the meanwhile here is a more formal statement we have prepared.
In conjunction with Councilmember Mike Bonin’s office PRIDE has asked the Department of Transportation to work with us on ways we can make the parklet we have proposed for the intersection of La Cruz and Alma Real as safe as possible. In a meeting on September 24 at the council’s West LA office we agreed to delay the implementation of the parklet until we have had time to consider ways to improve the safety and livability of the intersection. In addition, the traffic engineers offered a number of very interesting ideas included improved crosswalks and signage.
PRIDE would like to thank the entire community for the interest you have shown in the parklet. We have been listening carefully to your comments and are working hard to improve the final design.