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Voting Members in Attendance:  Chris Spitz, Andrew Wolfberg, Jennifer Malaret, Barbara Kohn, Rick Mills, Stuart Muller, Haldis Toppel, Paul Glasgall, Joyce Brunelle, Cathy Russell, Gil Dembo, Sue Kohl, Reza Akef, George Wolfberg, Kelly Comras, Carol Pfannkuche, Barbara Marinacci, Donna Vaccarino and Dick Wulliger.

Voting Alternates:  Brian Deming and Brenda Theveny.

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Flo Elfant, David Peterson, David Kaplan, Ted Mackie, Eric Dugdale, Steve Boyers and Doug McCormick.

Start of Business Meeting

1.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Chris Spitz read the Mission Statement.

2.    Call to Order and Introduction of the Board and Audience.  Chris Spitz called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. Introduction of the Board and audience.

3.    Certification of Quorum.  Chris certified that a quorum was present at 7:10 pm.

4.    Adoption of Minutes.  The November 13, 2014 minutes were deemed adopted as corrected. Next Meetings: January 8: DWP Recycled Water Use Program, PPCC public board meeting. Presentation/Q&A with LADWP officials. January 22: Proposed New Design Guidelines for the Palisades commercial and Village areas; presentation/discussion with the Pacific Palisades Design Review Board (PPDRB) members. Early 2015: Hillside Fire Safety and Preparedness Community Meeting, co-sponsored by PPCC and Brentwood Community Council (date tbd). Presentations by LAFD and the California Fire Safe Council.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  The President considered the agenda.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  In the absence of Richard Cohen, the President deferred the Treasurer’s Report until the next PPCC meeting on January 8, 2014.

7.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

7.1.    Announcements from the President, Chris Spitz.

7.1.1.    Alternate PPCC Area Rep Application Deadline – January 4, 2014. Chris stated that interested persons should submit statements (any length) indicating which position are being applied for (2nd position Areas 1, 7 and 8; 1st position Area 3) to

7.1.2.    Palisades Village “Ad-Hoc LUC” Committee – Appointment of Members. Chris announced the committee comprised of David Kaplan (Chair), Rick Mills, Sue Kohl, Cathy Russell, George Wolfberg, Greg Sinaiko and Chris Spitz (ex-officio). Chris stated that the purpose of this Ad Hoc LUC Committee will be to interface with Caruso Affiliated on details of their applications, to review, vet and analyze relevant documents, plans, applications and as warranted to make recommendations to the full board. Since the Pacific Palisades Design Review Board (PPDRB) is the City of Los Angeles, Brown-Acted agency established to review details of the proposed development within their jurisdiction, Chris reported that those PPCC board members sitting on the PPDRB will not be included on this particular PPCC committee. Public input will be and is encouraged and welcome. Further organizational details/procedures will be determined by the committee.

7.1.3.    January 29, 2015: Palisades Homeless Count (early morning/location tbd).  Chris stated that volunteers are needed for this critical effort to understand the extent of homelessness in our community and to obtain necessary assistance. To participate, interested persons should contact the Pacific Palisades Committee on Homelessness at For further information on how you can participate, go to

7.2.    Announcements from Governmental Representatives — All but emergency reports were deferred to the January 8, 2015 PPCC meeting.

7.2.1.    Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”) – SLO Officer Moore — Not in attendance.

7.2.2.    Los Angeles City Council, District 11; Councilmember Mike Bonin’s Office. [Norman Kulla in attendance; see below].

7.2.3.    Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Daniel Tamm Westside Area Representative, Mayor’s Interfaith Liaison (*attending on the 4th Thursday of each month). Mayor’s Website: City Services webpage: MyLA Phone App: [Daniel Tamm in attendance; see below].

7.2.4.    California State Assembly, Office of Assemblymember Richard Bloom’s Office, Stephanie Cohen Field Representative. Website: Email: Office: (310) 450-0041 [Tim Walker in attendance; see below].

7.2.5.    California State Senator Ted Lieu (Janet Turner; District Representative Office: (310) 318-6994) [Janet Turner in attendance; see below.]

7.3.    Announcements from Board Members and Advisors.

7.3.1.    Board Members, Other Reports.
(1) Jennifer Malaret, Pacific Palisades Park Advisory Board (PP-PAB). Applications are being taken from persons interested in joining the 2014/2015 PP-PAB. Contact Park Director Erich Haas,; 310-454-1412.

8.    Reports from Committees.

8.1.    Bylaws Committee, Jennifer Malaret Chair).

Jennifer reported that the committee met in December 2014 and discussed organization and procedure including monthly 2015 meetings. The Committee members adopted the general goal: “to evaluate topical sections of the existing bylaws and, if agreed by four out of the five voting members (Malaret, Akef, Bruch, Kaplan, Wolfberg; Spitz and Dean ex-officio members not voting), to make recommendations to the full board for amendments by process of periodic reporting, twice reading and submission for vote.” The committee discussed Articles III-VII. In January 2015 the committee intends to present recommendations to the full board to amend Article VII, “Election of Officers.” Policy changes/considerations in the interest of transparency supported by the committee are to amend Article VII to include: (1) officers having to comply with Article IV, Membership requirements, (2) no persons currently serving as elected Officers may be appointed by the Chair to the Nominating Committee, (3) attendance by a third party, aka outside accountant, during the vote count, and (4) public announcement of the vote count for all elected Officers. The issue of adding language for Conflicts of Interest rules (officers and/or all board members) was discussed and will be the subject of on-going discussion along with many other topics. In the interest of time during regularly scheduled 2015 PPCC meetings, and to facilitate board member exchange, please direct all questions, comments and input to PPCC and/or Jennifer Malaret, Chair, at

9.    Old Business — None.

10.    New Business.

10.1.    2014 Community Service Award (“CSA”) Recipient – Judi Watson.

Chris Spitz stated that she was proud to announce Judi Watson as the recipient of the award. Chris displayed a photograph created by Stuart Muller of the new Gladstone’s fencing along PCH and congratulated Judi for the CSA award for the many years of unsung service to the community.

*Tim Walker on behalf of State Assemblymember Richard Bloom stated he was happy to recognize Judi for her dedication to volunteerism and safety for the residents of Pacific Palisades.

*Daniel Tamm on behalf of Mayor Garcetti congratulated Judi and presented her with a certificate on behalf of the City of Los Angeles for the constant care of the City and for her enthusiasm in getting things done.

*Norman Kulla on behalf of Councilmember Mike Bonin stated that he appreciated Judi’s involvement with the Beaches & Agency Harbor and is pleased to recognize her on the receipt of this award.

*Barbara Kohn on behalf of Senator-elect Ted Lieu – spoke in appreciation of Judi’s achievements and positive contributions to the community and Palisades at-large.

10.2.    2014 PPCC Board Member Emeritus Awards.

Presented by Chris Spitz to the 2014 recipients.  Janet Turner thanked each of the award recipients.

*John Glasgow (posthumously) – Paul Glasgall spoke on behalf of John with regrets to be speaking in a past tense to a board member who touched so many.

*Jack Allen, Esq. – Randy Young and George Wolfberg spoke on behalf of Jack Allen. George noted that Jack has been a resident of the Palisades for more than 70 years and the recipient of several awards along with being on the PPCC Board for many decades, including serving as legal counsel during Harry Sondheim’s tenure as Chair. George commended Jack for his dedication to the community and his willingness to fight for what he felt was right for the community. George recalled that Jack did a great deal of research on the Specific Plan, the idea of the PPCC becoming a neighborhood council and fought against the stop sign enforcement within Temescal Canyon. Randy Young expressed his appreciation to Jack for seeking to preserve and protect Pacific Palisades from the impact of development in neighborhood communities (Barrington Plaza). Steve Boyers expressed his sincere appreciation for Jack and the expertise he gave to the council and community for many years. Chris Spitz thanked Jack Allen for his many years of service to PPCC. Jack Allen thanked his wife for her support.

*Jim Rea – Steve Boyers thanked Jim for being an admirable leader on the PPCC and for his many contributions to the community. Steve stated that Jim is a remarkable businessman and commended Jim for his many ways in demonstrating pride and civic commitment to the Pacific Palisades community. Jim thanked the council for their support and expressed his hope to be of service in some capacity to the community in the future.

*Harry Sondheim, Esq. – Steve Boyers thanked Harry for his support during his tenure as Chair. Gil Dembo thanked Harry, a resident of more than 50 years, for his years of service to the community council. Gil noted Harry’s credentials as an attorney and his work on state legislation and work on behalf of county government. Gil expressed appreciation for his work relative to preventing signs on Sunset Boulevard. Shirley Haggstrom spoke and included comments of Patti Post and Richard Cohen in support of Harry and his service as Chair of the Community Council. Shirley commended Harry on his collaborative work with area businesses and groups, along with his contribution to the Bylaws Committee and other various PPCC committees. Harry was recognized for his work along with Shirley as her legal counsel while she was Chair. Shirley applauded Harry for his thought process, advice relative to council process and bylaw reform. Harry thanked those who spoke on his behalf and the PPCC for his nineteen years spent on the council with other volunteers. Harry said he as grateful to give back to the community the wonderful benefits he had received.

11.    General Public Comment – None.

12.    Adjournment.  Chris Spitz adjourned the meeting at 8:09 PM.

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