Return to Index of 2017 Minutes
Voting Members in Attendance: Maryam Zar, George Wolfberg, Allison Holdorff Polhill, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, David Kaplan, Sue Kohl, Rick Mills, Katie Braude, Peter Culhane, Cathy Russell, Danielle Samulon, Lou Kamer, Rick Mills, Dick Wulliger, Sarah Conner, Janet Anderson, Margarita Pagliai
Voting Alternates: Susan Payne, Jody Margulies, Brenda Theveny, Sandra Eddy
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Leah Cox, Amir Ebtehadj, Lindsay Conner
1. Certification of Quorum. Chair Maryam Zar called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm and certified that a quorum was present.
2. Reading of Community Council’s Mission. Chair read the Mission Statement.
3. Introduction of the Board and Audience. The board and audience were introduced.
4. Approval of Minutes & Upcoming Meetings. 1) Approval of Minutes: Chair deemed the minutes of September 28, 2017 approved as distributed. 2) Upcoming meetings: 10/26/17. 1) PTFH enforcement and results report; 2) Proposed Bylaws amendments, 2nd distribution and motion; 3) (Tentative) 1525 Palisades Dr. 11/9/17. 1) Announcement of Citizen of the Year and Golden Sparkplug Honorees. 12/14/17. Annual Holiday Meeting and Awards Gala at Gladstone’s.
5. Consideration of Agenda. Chair announced that the agenda was as distributed.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Richard Cohen (Treasurer) reported that PPCC has a bank account balance of $37,819.40. There were no significant transactions since the last meeting.
7. General Public Comment on local issues – None.
8. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
8.1. From the Chair.
8.1.1. New Elected Representative member of the Executive Committee (Bylaws Art. V.3.A). Chair announced that at her request the PPCC officers have elected Danielle Samulon as the Elected Representative member of the Executive Committee, replacing David Kaplan. Chair thanked David for his service.
8.1.2. Appointing new Advisors with consent of the board (Bylaws Art. V.I.B and XIV):
1) Youth Advisors: The board unanimously consented to the appointment of Amir Ebtehadj (public school – Palisades Charter High School; Youth Advisor the previous term) and Harris Patrick Culhane (private school – Brentwood School) as PPCC’s Youth Advisors. Harris will attend an upcoming meeting to be introduced to the board. Amir will help us conduct a search at Pali High for a new Youth Advisor, and in the process, establish a mechanism by which following PPCC Chairs can seek applications and find Youth Advisors. Amir and Patrick will, together, help write a road-map for future Advisors representing the voice of Palisadian youth.
2) Legal Advisor: Chair introduced Lindsay Conner, who summarized his professional background and extensive legal experience and confirmed that he is married to board member Sarah Conner. Regarding potential conflicts of interest, Lindsay assured the board that he would recuse himself on any matters in which his spouse is involved. Regarding past situations involving board members who individually sought advice from the Legal Advisor, Lindsay confirmed he would be Advisor only to the Chair and the board as a whole, not to individual board members. With this information the board unanimously reconfirmed their consent to Lindsay’s appointment as PPCC Legal Advisor.
8.1.3. Chair welcomed new Organizational Representatives rotating onto the board for the term beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018. See attachment below for list of new Organizational members.
8.1.4. New member of Awards Selection Committee. Chair announced that the Awards Selection Committee members are now: Chair George Wolfberg, Daphne Gronich, Andy Frew, Steve Boyers and Sylvia Boyd (Marie Steckmest, previously appointed, is unable to serve but gives her blessings to Sylvia). Awards nomination process:
8.2. From Officers.
8.2.1. Chris Spitz (Chair/President Emeritus) provided an SB 649 update; deadline for Governor to sign or veto bill – Oct. 15, 2017. She and the opposition coalitions are still waiting for an update. No action has taken place to date.
8.2.2. George Wolfberg (Vice Chair) gave an update on the Beach Curfew Ordinance (LAMC 66.34) CDP hearing.
A determination was not made at the hearing and the deadline to submit comments was extended to October 11. George spoke at the hearing in support of PPCC’s letter submitted on September 28, 2017: He explained that the City did not get approval of the beach access restriction initially and is going through the approval process now because of a legal challenge by some Venice residents. Beach closure from midnight to 5am will continue during the CDP process but could eventually be lifted or subject to conditions. It is important for community voices to be heard on the record.
8.2.3. Allison Holdorff Polhill (Secretary) provided an update on LAUSD District 4, Office of Nick Melvoin. 10/14/17 UC App Day – Fairfax High; 10/23rd Paul Revere Charter Middle School 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm- Parent Forum Regarding Board Member Nick Melvoin’s TECH App October 30th Orville Wright Middle School 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Parent Forum Regarding Board Member Nick Melvoin’s Resolution for a TECH App; 11/13/17 Parent Facilities Forum with LAUSD’s Chief of Facilities.
8.3. From At-Large and Area Reps.
8.3.1. Lou Kamer (At-Large Rep) reported on speeding drivers in the Alphabets. He also announced that on October 14th volunteers with the Homeless Task Force will clean up abandoned camps in lower Temescal Canyon.
8.3.2. Rick Mills (Area 4 Rep) reported on the scoping meeting on October 10th regarding the Asilomar Blvd. slope repair project draft EIR. The City will be conducting a new test called “deep soil mixing.” Responses to all public comments must be in the draft EIR.
8.4. From Organizational Reps.
8.4.1. Dick Wulliger (Historical Society) announced that Laura Rosenzweig, author of “Hollywood’s Spies,” will be the featured speaker at an event sponsored by PPHS at Theatre Palisades on October 25th. There is no charge for admission.
8.4.2. Susan Payne (Chamber of Commerce) reported that the Chamber is having a networking breakfast on October 25th at Taste. $10 per person. On November 7th there will be a holiday mixer at the Luxe Brentwood Hotel; Tiger Wood’s organization Genesis Open is sponsoring and will provide the food. A motor coach can take 50 people to this event. $25 per person. December 1st is the date for the annual Chamber holiday “Ho Ho Ho” event, featuring Santa Claus.
8.5. From Government Offices/Representatives.
8.5.1. Sgt. Danny Eun (LAPD Traffic) reported on traffic and enforcement efforts.
He explained that the investigation regarding the fatality that occurred on Sunset and Chautauqua is still pending to determine the speed of all the parties involved. Regarding the “Ruthless Ryderz” problem – this requires an ongoing effort to work on a long-term solution. Continuous enforcement is difficult to maintain. LAPD will continue to enforce speeding along Sunset. Some bikes have been tricked out. The motorcycle task force focuses on Wednesday nights on average once or twice a month. The community has been providing input that this enforcement has been effective. Public education is critical to decrease speed. George Wolfberg informed the board that a portion of the police budget is funded by fees, fines and forfeitures. There is a contractor doing speed studies in the district now, and may be studying Sunset Blvd at some point in the near future. Sgt Eun will keep us posted. Sgt Eun informed the Board that Captain Valencia Thomas had assumed the role of Capt III at the West LA LAPD Bureau Office. She would be the commanding officer now for West LAPD. Officer Wendling is her 2nd in command. The Traffic Division also has a new Captain: Gary Walters. Sgt. Eun will be sending an intro between the Chair and his new Commanding Officer.
Traffic Officer Clifford introduced himself as the new evening traffic enforcement officer serving the Palisades. He will be staking out Temescal Canyon and Palisades Drive, and has already conducted his work on several Sundays, where he has cited Palisadians as well as others.
Palisades Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore (LAPD) reported that crime is down 16%. He also introduced Officer Maria Gray, who was in attendance and is the Brentwood SLO covering a portion of the Riviera.
Karen Ridgely (audience) described ongoing problems with youth congregating and parking illegally at night in the cul-de-sac at the east end of Asilomar. She was advised that concerned neighbors should work with Officer Moore and also consider engaging a security firm with knowledge of the problem, such as Palisades Patrol, to regularly patrol the area.
8.5.2. Stephanie Cohen (District Director, West Metro-LA Field Office, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl).
Stephanie reported on County and housing updates. Supervisor Kuehl has opened a West LA Office in WLA City Hall. The region is vast. Regarding homelessness – Measure HHH has for six months been the subject of a Supervisors’ working group. Funding will be spent in seven categories including 21 strategies. Money has been collected starting on October 1st. RFPs will come out on a rolling basis. The Supervisors approved of funding to keep an Armory in the Valley open exclusively for homeless women.
Regarding Hepatitis A – the County has been providing free vaccinations, with a focus on Venice, Skid Row and parts of the Valley. The Supervisor is attempting to get the City to address this public health crisis.
Regarding water/environmental matters – there is a plan to capture storm drain water. There is also an initiative to support construction of “cool roofs.” As temperatures rise there is a need for cool roofs.
The County has also asked the Office of Public Guardian to prepare a report regarding guardianships/conservatorship.
8.5.3. Debbie Dyner Harris (District Director, Office of Councilmember Mike Bonin) reported on Great Streets, mobility measures and more.
Regarding trash – business owners (buildings with three units or larger) have a new trash franchise system. Our District was assigned Athens Trash Service. In some capacity it has been messy – missed pick-ups and price increases. Councilmember Bonin has been concerned about this system and has been writing many letters and making calls. Trucks must be zero emissions; only one truck can come into a franchise area instead of many trucks in the past. Multi-family buildings and restaurants will now recycle.
Regarding the Great Streets Program – each Council district identified a street to participate. Councilmember Bonin identified Venice Blvd. in Council District 11. Debbie reaffirmed there will be no “road diets” in the Palisades.
Regarding Fire Roads and emergency access roads, Debbie said CD11 had asked local LFD to survey those roads and ensure that they are unencumbered and usable in the event of an emergency.
Regarding street resurfacing – resurfacing of Chautauqua from Sunset to PCH will take place this fiscal year. Completion of the resurfacing of Palisades Drive is expected to be scheduled soon.
Randy Plaskoff (audience) introduced himself as a nine-year Palisades resident with a traffic plan for the entire Westside. He will be conducting a survey in the near future.
8.6. From PPCC Advisors.
8.6.1. Youth Advisor (Amir Ebtehadj, Palisades Charter High School).
Amir reported that his service on the board has been an amazing opportunity for learning from PPCC. Announcements: there is a big homecoming game at Stadium by the Sea on October 20, 2017. The school’s donor brick campaign to fund the new running track is ongoing. There will be a large volunteer food drive event on November 4 at Pali High, sponsored by Palisades Lutheran Church, the Chamber of Commerce and the Pali High student body and administration. Palisades Ambassadors from Pali High are available and eager to come and assist at community events. Because Amir is a senior he will assist the Chair in the process of finding a new Youth Advisor from Pali High (the public school Youth Advisor).
9. Reports from Committees.
9.1. Bylaws Committee (George Wolfberg and Richard Cohen, Co-Chairs).
First Distribution of proposed amendments to the PPCC Bylaws, Standing Rules and Attachment A (Election Procedures). See 1) Committee Report ( and 2) draft of proposed amendments, distributed concurrently with the meeting agenda via PPCC email (“Clean” draft plus “Redline”). George read from the Committee Report and provided additional detail on some of the amendments. He also explained that motions by the Bylaws Committee for Board approval of the proposed Redline amendments will be discussed and voted on at the October 26, 2017 meeting, at the time of the required Second Distribution. Daphne Gronich (audience) asked a question regarding the “agenda setting process” amendments, which the Co-Chairs explained.
9.2. Awards Selection Committee (George Wolfberg, Chair). Report not given due to time constraints.
10. Old Business – None.
11. New Business – None.
12. Adjournment. Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm.
Business & Commerce
Chamber of Commerce, Rick Lemmo
Alternate: Susan Payne
Culture, Ethics & Aesthetics
Theatre Palisades, Andy Frew
Alternate: Friends of the Library, Sandy Eddy
Seven Arrows Elementary School, Margarita Pagliai
Alternate: Marquez Charter School, Jenny Hope Cote
Historical Society, Dick Wulliger
Alternate: Eric Dugdale
Civic Organizations
PRIDE, Bruce Schwartz
Alternate: Civic League, Richard Blumenberg
AYSO, Janet Anderson
Alternate: YMCA, Jim Kirtley
Temescal Canyon Association, Gil Dembo
Alternate: Brenda Theveny
Service Clubs
American Legion, David Card
Alternate: Optimist Club, Jody Margulies
Residents Association
Pacific Palisades Residents Association, Sarah Rena Conner
Alternate: Barbara Kohn