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Voting Members in Attendance:  Maryam Zar, George Wolfberg, Richard Cohen, Allison Holdorff Polhill, Chris Spitz, Peter Culhane, David Kaplan, Sue Kohl, Cathy Russell, Reza Akef, Rick Mills, Lou Kamer, Gil Dembo, David Card, Bruce Schwartz, Rick Lemmo, Janet Anderson, Margarita Pagliai, Richard Wulliger, Sarah Conner

Voting Alternates:  Doug McCormick, Brian Deming, Sandra Eddy

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Steve Boyers, Brenda Theveny, Lindsay Conner, Richard Blumenberg, Kelly Comras, Barbara Kohn

1.    Certification of Quorum.  Chair Maryam Zar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and certified that a quorum was present.

2.    Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Chair read the Council’s Mission.

3.    Introduction of the Board and Audience.  The board and audience were introduced.

4.    Approval of Minutes & Upcoming Meetings.  1) Approval of Minutes – The minutes of May 24, 2018 were approved as corrected. 2) Upcoming Meetings – 6/28/18 (thanks to Chair and outgoing officers, as applicable; presentation on Measure A & K and Prop 68 by RAP supervisors); 7/26/18 (area and at-large representative candidates announced); 8/9/18 (possible candidates forum). Additional topics to be announced.  Note: there is one PPCC meeting only in the months of July and August.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Chair announced that the agenda was as distributed.

6.    Treasurer’s Report – Deferred due to time constraints.

7.    General Public Comment on local issues – Deferred due to time constraints.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair.

8.1.1.    Elected Representatives Election, Summer 2018.

A Notice of Election has been distributed and posted as of June 9, 2018 (60 days before commencement of the election). See:  Candidates for area and at-large representative seats are encouraged to submit applications prior to or at the July 26, 2018 PPCC meeting. All candidates will be announced at that time. The election will commence after the meeting on August 9. Look for further details in the coming weeks.

8.1.2.    There may be a discussion about bridge housing at an upcoming PPCC meeting.

8.1.3.    A letter has been written and posted clarifying PPCC’s position on the Marquette project (none taken).  See:

8.1.4.    The next LUC meeting will be on June 26th, at 6pm in the library meeting room. Special Guest: Krista Kline, Planning Director, CD11.

8.2.    From Officers – Deferred due to time constraints.

8.3.    From At-large and Area Reps – Deferred due to time constraints.

8.4.    From Organizational Reps – Deferred due to time constraints (except for TCA announcement below).

8.4.1.    Gilbert Dembo (TCA) briefly reported on the microwave antenna in the State park.

8.5.    From Government Offices/Representatives – Deferred due to time constraints.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors.

8.6.1.     Legal Advisor Lindsay Conner – No announcement.

9.    Reports from Committees – Deferred due to time constraints.

10.    Old Business – Deferred due to time constraints.

11.    New Business.

11.1.    Election of Officers for the 2018-2019 Term.

Chair explained the procedures for the Candidates Forum and Election.  Moderator: Ron Dean. Candidates: Chair – Lou Kamer, George Wolfberg. Vice-Chair – Peter Culhane, Rick Mills. Treasurer – Joann Barry, Richard Cohen. Secretary – Catherine Ruddy, Chris Spitz.   The Moderator would read the candidates’ bios; candidates for each office would give opening statements; the Moderator would conduct Q&A with questions submitted in advance by board members via email or question cards filled out at the forum; the candidates would then give closing statements. The election would follow, with voting members filling out written (secret) ballots to be collected and then counted by two non-voting board members appointed by the Chair: Steve Boyers and Brenda Theveny. PPCC’s outside accountant Jay Foster would be present during the vote count and the results would then be announced.

11.1.1.   Candidates Forum.

Moderator Ron Dean read bios previously submitted by all the candidates.  See attached. Each candidate gave an opening statement. Following opening statements for each office, Q&A ensued, which was conducted by the Moderator as per the procedure outlined by the Chair. Following Q&A, each candidate gave a closing statement. The forum concluded.

11.1.2.   Election by the Board.

Written (secret) ballots were distributed to all voting board members and the vote was taken. The two counters, Steve Boyers and Brenda Theveny, collected the ballots, left the room and counted the votes. PPCC’s outside accountant Jay Foster was present during the vote count. The results were first announced privately to the Chair, who then asked Jay Foster to announce the results publicly. Results: Chair – Wolfberg 15 votes, Kamer 8 votes; Vice-Chair – Culhane 14 votes, Mills 9 votes; Treasurer – Cohen 14 votes, Barry 9 votes; Secretary – Spitz 13 votes, Ruddy 10 votes. 23 voting members were present and voted; election was by more than the required majority vote in each case. Wolfberg, Culhane, Cohen and Spitz were elected to their respective offices.

12.    Adjournment.  Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:50 pm.

ATTACHMENT:   ITEM 11.1.1 – Candidates’ Bios

Chair Candidates:

Lou Kamer – Lou is passionate about bringing together our community and acting to effectively bridge our rich heritage with change. He has worked extensively with residents, Businesses, LA City, County and State Personnel. He is the current PPCC At-Large Representative, Founder of PaliWorks; PPDPWG (dog park) and PPRA Board Member; Founder of the local WAZE Connected Citizens Program; Member of the Alphabet Streets/Caruso Liaison team, former PAPA Secretary (and float builder); and volunteer to numerous community organizations and causes. An Alphabet Streets resident since 2003, he attended Sarah Lawrence College and owns a global technology and cybersecurity firm.

George Wolfberg – Wolfberg has lived in Pacific Palisades since 1972. George worked in LA city government for 37 years. He prepared the city’s 1984 Olympics bid, administered the City’s anti-apartheid program, co-authored its administrative code and served as City Charter Commission Research Director. He helped devise our Community Plan and its implementation. He is SMCCA president-emeritus and chairs the Potrero Canyon Community Advisory Committee. Since 2002, he has served as PPCC Chair, Chair Emeritus, and Vice Chair and received numerous awards for his volunteer work including 2011 Citizen of the Year. He is an AYSO National Referee.

Vice Chair Candidates:

Peter Culhane – Peter Culhane was born in Waterbury, CT. After college, he worked in the NYC office of Taylor/Woodrow General Contractors for several years before opening his privately owned real estate development firm. Culhane has volunteered with a few ventures including the board chair of Heritage Bank, which he founded, currently a member of the LA chapter of the American Ireland Fund & the No One Dies Alone Foundation. Upon retiring & moving to Pacific Palisades in 1999, Culhane has been involved in and currently serves as President of the Summit at Palisades Highlands HOA, he is the treasurer of the PDRA & member of the Highlands Presidents Council. In March of 2012, he became the PPCC Area #2 alternate and is the sitting PPCC rep for the past 3 years.

Rick Mills – Mills is a Stanford economics/urban studies graduate who earned a master’s degree in city planning at UC Berkeley. He spent 10 years working in the planning departments in Simi Valley, Pasadena and Santa Monica. In the Palisades he served as chair of the DRB for 8 years. He has been employed at a local real estate law firm for 30 years as a land use and condominium specialist, and has been a licensed Realtor for 18 years. His wife, Ruth, teaches at Palisades Charter High School. Mills is a 2-term Area Rep for the extended El Medio Bluffs neighborhood. He wants to increase the PPCC‘s focus on truly local needs and hold more locally-relevant community events such as the recent safety meeting at Pali High.

Treasurer candidates:

Joann Barry – I moved to Pacific Palisades in 2010 and felt at home immediately. This community has the same charms as the Midwestern town in which I was raised, where neighbors become friends and evolve into a broad support system. I want to join the committed volunteers working to ensure thoughtful advocacy for issues that matter to us all. In running for Treasurer, I offer 25 years of investment management experience. I hold BA & MBA degrees, and am a CFA. I am currently an equity market specialist at Bloomberg-LP. I pledge diligence and prudence in all financial matters relating to PPCC. I also promise to listen, learn and consider all sides of issues before the Council.

Richard Cohen – As a licensed California CPA since 1979 and former CFO/Treasurer of a $2 billion not-for-profit I am highly qualified for the position. During the past four years as PPCC treasurer I have accomplished a great deal. I have been responsible for compliance with tax and regulatory laws and managed our insurance program. I managed the financial aspects of the holiday gala each year as well as the tracking of RSVPs. I served on the LAPD CPAB for 10 years and successfully advocated for guaranteeing LAPD resources for the Palisades. I am Senior Vice-President and portfolio manager at Morgan Stanley. 

Candidates for Secretary:

Chris Spitz – An 11-year PPCC board member, Chris has been honored to serve in numerous capacities, including LUC Chair, Vice-Chair, Chair and Chair Emeritus. She has spent thousands of hours and extensively assisted with PPCC’s administration for several years, serving as acting secretary for 1/3+ of all meetings during 2016-18, managing most website postings and regularly undertaking numerous tasks to keep the organization running effectively. As a business litigation attorney, Chris uses her research and analytical skills to assist with complex legislation and policy initiatives, and has drafted many reports and summaries about diverse topics affecting the board and community (see

Cathi Ruddy – A resident of the Palisades since 2004, Catherine Ruddy is the immediate past President of the Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club. She is responsible for organizing the annual PPWC Home Tour on multiple occasions, and has raised over $200,000 for community grants. She served one year as PPWC Rep to PPCC. She has practiced law for 35+ years, focusing on commercial litigation. In 1990 she was certified by L.A. County Bar Association as a mediator. She has served as volunteer arbitrator for the L.A. County Bar and judge pro-tempore for L.A. Superior Court. She is eager to use her skills in collaboration/mediation to promote respectful communication on important community issues.

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