Voting Members in Attendance: David Card, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Joanna Spak, Steve Cron, Karen Ridgley, Haldis Toppel, Sue Kohl, Jenny Li, Matthew Quiat, Alan Goldsmith, Craig Natvig, Beth Holden-Garland, Richard Blumenberg, Brenda Theveny, Fay Vahdani, Peter Powell
Voting Alternates: Kevin Niles
Non-voting Advisors and Alternates: Sharon Kilbride, Jack Coleman, Mary Mueller, Cindy Kirven, Nancy Niles
1. Call to order and reading of Mission Statement. The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 5:44 pm. The Chair read the Mission Statement.
2. Introduction of Zoom engineer. Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.
3. Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum. The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.
4. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of September 9, 2021 were approved. Upcoming meetings: October 14, 2021: (1) Beginning of PPCC fiscal year and welcome to new organizational representatives; (tentative) LUC report on zoning in the Palisades. October 28, 2021: Welcome new organizational representatives; (tentative) LUC report on zoning in the Palisades.
5. Consideration of Agenda. Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.
6. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer Richard G. Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $63,373.32. There were no significant transactions since the last report.
7. General Public Comment – None.
8. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
8.1. From the Chair/Presiding Officer.
8.1.1. Emergency Preparedness Town Hall with Brentwood Community Council, 9/23/21, 6:30pm – 8:30pm via Zoom (log-in link to be distributed prior to 9/23). The Chair encouraged everyone to attend this informative Town Hall immediately following the PPCC meeting; a login link will be posted in the chat and is available at 90049.INFO.
8.1.2. PPCC organizational representatives. Welcome new PP Historical Society alternate as of 9/3/21: Barbara Kohn. Farewell to outgoing representatives as of 9/30/21: rotating organizations – Craig Natvig (Palisades Beautiful), Peter Powell (Corpus Christi School), Jim Kirtley (YMCA), Trish Bowe (Rotary Club); standing organization – Bobbi Thompson (PPRA alternate). The Chair welcomed Ms. Kohn and thanked all the outgoing organizational representatives for their service to PPCC.
8.1.3. November meeting date: change from November 11 (Veterans Day) to November 18. The Chair announced that the November meeting will take place on November 18 rather than the regular date of November 11, due to the Veterans Day holiday.
8.1.4. PPCC letters re anti-camping ordinance (per motions passed by the Board on 9/9/21). Letter to CM Bonin: https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/PPCC-Letter-Bonin-re-41.18.pdf.
Letter Supporting CF 21-0929:
https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/PPCC-Letter-re-CF-21-0929-11.pdf. (Note: last letter also forwarded via email to members of the Council Public Works Committee.) The Chair reported that these letters have been sent. We have not received a response from Councilmember Bonin.
8.1.5. PPCC 2021 Awards Update/Information. The Chair announced that PPCC will resume awarding Citizen of the Year and Golden Sparkplug honors this year. There probably won’t be a gala party but the December board meeting will be an awards celebration. Information about nominations and requirements for the awards will be distributed on October 1. The Chair summarized the qualifications for each award and explained that he will appoint the Awards Selection Committee which will make decisions on the nominees. The deadline to submit nominations is October 31, 9pm.
8.1.6. [NEW] City Redistricting. The Chair explained that the redistricting process is ongoing. We have looked at the alternate draft maps for CD 11 that have now been made public. It does not appear that the district has been changed for the most part. One of the maps shows a change in a portion of Brentwood being moved to CD 5; Brentwood Community Council is responding to this. On September 29 at 6pm the Commission will meet and adopt draft district maps. There will be meetings on October 6, 9, 13 and 16 on the draft maps. They will meet again on October 21 at 6pm to adopt final district maps. The Commission will adopt a final report at a meeting on October 28.
8.1.7. [NEW] Ernest Marquez Book Launch. The Chair announced that Ernest Marquez [descendent of Marquez family recipient of the original 1839 Mexican land grant to the mouth of Santa Monica Canyon (Rancho Boca de Santa Monica); noted Santa Monica Canyon historian; recipient of the PPCC 2013 Community Service Award; and cousin of our Homelessness Advisor and 2015 Citizen of the Year, Sharon Kilbride], has written a new book on the history of Rancho Boca de Santa Monica. There will be a book launch this Saturday from 9am-12n at the Pasqual Marquez Family Cemetery, 635 San Lorenzo, in Santa Monica Canyon. All are invited.
8.2. From Officers.
8.2.1. Secretary Chris Spitz. SB 9 and 10 update (the Governor has signed the bills). The Secretary reiterated that the Governor has signed the bills, which will go into effect on January 1, 2021. We will work with Brentwood Community Council and public officials to investigate whether local regulations or other measures may be enacted to better protect areas in the VHFHSZ.
8.3. From Area and At-large Representatives.
8.3.1. Sue Kohl (Area 2 Representative). There will be a special community clean up event this Saturday. Meet at the Village Green at 8am. Supplies will be provided and volunteers are encouraged.
8.4. From Organizational Representatives – None.
8.5. From Government Offices / Representatives. Contact information available at: https://pacpalicc.org/index.php/government-contacts/
8.5.1. Officer John “Rusty” Redican, LAPD Beach Detail. Thank you to Officer Redican. See also Item 11.1 below.
The Chair gave extended remarks about Officer Redican’s excellent service to the Palisades for the past six years. He emphasized how Officer Redican successfully brought empathy and experience to his work and how effective the teamwork has been between all of the beach detail officers and PPTFH. He explained that Officer Redican’s new position will be as a firearms instructor at the Police Academy, and that our beach detail will continue with two officers. A slide show of photographs of Officer Redican (prepared by Sharon Kilbride) was shown, and he was presented with a plaque from PPCC, honoring him as a “Permanent Friend of the Palisades.”
Officer Redican expressed his thanks to all in the community. He stated that he holds the Palisades in the highest possible regard, and he specifically thanked PPTFH and PPCC for their support. The Chair, joined by all meeting attendees, expressed sincere thanks to Officer Redican and wished him all the best as he takes up his new position. We will miss him!
8.6. From PPCC Advisors – None.
9. Reports from Committees.
9.1. Executive Committee.
A) Motion by the Committee for PPCC to request that Metro evaluate possible effects on traffic including Sunset Blvd and PCH that may result from any of the proposed project alternatives under consideration as part of the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Express Lanes Project.
Background information: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/88d93c10a2164de89349bbcd30bcf6b2.
The Chair introduced the motion on behalf of the Executive Committee. No second was necessary since the motion was brought by more than one voting board member. The Chair read and briefly explained the motion as set forth in the attachment below, and asked for discussion. There were no questions or comments.
A vote was then taken. Result: Unanimous in support of the motion.
B) Draft Housing Element 2021-2029 Update. See new revised draft and Appendix 4.7 (spread sheet listing specific properties in Los Angeles, including Pacific Palisades): https://planning.lacity.org/plans-policies/housing-element-update#draft-plan https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LKGkaGjH73MzD8Ly0-yYfMtZ2uq6b48e/view
Deadline for comments: September 22 (the Committee may submit comments prior to the meeting). The Chair explained that members of the Executive Committee have now reviewed Appendix 4.7 and determined that no properties in the Palisades zip code of 90272 are listed for rezoning. The Executive Committee has determined that we do not need to write another comment letter at this time.
10. Old Business – See Item 9.1 above.
11. New Business.
11.1. Farewell and thank you to Officer John “Rusty” Redican. See Item 8.5.1. above.
12. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.