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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, David Kaplan, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Joanna Spak, Sue Kohl, Karen Ridgley, Haldis Toppel, Reza Akef, Kevin Niles, Janet Anderson, Beth Holden-Garland, Jenny Li, Matt Quiat, Cliff Roberts, Alan Goldsmith

Voting Alternates:  Bob Benton, Melanie Bouer

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Jack Coleman, Sharon Kilbride, Nancy Niles, Kimberly Bloom, Jessica Rogers, Karyn Weber, Mary Mueller, Rick McGeagh, Cindy Kirven

1.  Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  The Chair read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of January 13, 2022 were approved as corrected.  Upcoming meetings:  February 10, 2022: LAPD presentation on public safety and community/police engagement (2nd in a series); February 24, 2022: LAPD presentation on public safety and community/police engagement (3rd in a series).

5.     Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.     Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $58,771.38.  There have been no significant transactions since the Treasurer’s last report.

7.     General Public CommentNone.

8.     Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    PPCC position letter re Palisades zoning (CF 10-1058-S4):

The Chair explained that PPCC’s position letter has been sent to Councilmember Bonin.

8.1.2.    Palisades Centennial – tree planting.  The Chair related that on January 14, 2022, small group of representatives from the PPCC Board and from the Pacific Palisades Historical Society, along with a few other interested Palisadians, participated in a ceremony at Founders Oak Island on Haverford across from Aldersgate and Theatre Palisades.  The ceremony marked the exact day 100 years ago that the community was founded by Methodists who gathered under the oak tree at that same spot and drew lots from a hat to learn the sites where they could build their homes.  He noted that the earliest settlers had been indigenous people, followed by settlers from Spain and Mexico.  There will be a much bigger celebration in the spring (the large ceremony originally planned for January was postponed due to COVID).  The PPCC Palisades Forestry Committee (PFC) picked out the centennial oak tree that was planted, with Historian Randy Young and Ed Lowe handling the initial shoveling and other attendees participating in the tree planting.  Also announced at the ceremony:  the fact that PPCC has approved the PFC effort to plant 100 trees for the first 100 years of the Palisades’ founding.  More information about this effort will come from the PFC.

8.1.3.    PCH Task Force.  The Chair announced that he attended the Task Force meeting on January 19, 2022.  Regarding the Chautauqua/Entrada/PCH intersection improvements:  Caltrans representative “Abdi” stated that Caltrans will be doing a traffic study in the next 3-4 weeks because they saw a problem in the LADOT proposal for changes in the intersection.  Caltrans rejected the proposal but will conduct further study and provide an opinion.  Patti Post has helped to push this issue; she also sat in on the Task Force meeting.  In addition, Katrina Forbes of the City Bureau of Engineering (BOE) related that she has been assigned to work on the BOE’s initial predesign study of a pedestrian overcrossing that will connect the park at Potrero Canyon to the beach.  BOE is making preparations for the predesign study which will start on July 1. With regard to the $11 million allocated in the state budget for the overcrossing:  Ms. Forbes explained that the funds don’t transfer to a City account; instead, the City will invoice the state and the state will pay invoices from the designated amount in the budget.

8.1.4.    Board of Recreation and Parks (RAP) Commissioners meeting on January 20th.  The Chair reported that at the RAP Commissioners’ meeting, it was announced that Randy Young made a significant donation to RAP specifically for laying down a much-needed new floor at the City-run nursery school in the Rustic Canyon Recreation Center.  Thanks are due to Mr. Young for making and shepherding through the donation.

8.2.    From OfficersNone.

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives.

8.3.1.    Reza Akef (Area 8 Representative). He is awaiting an update on the Riviera County Club (RCC) maintenance gate situation. The Genesis Open will be happening in two weeks.  Neighbors are reporting that RCC is continuing to violate past agreements and allowing the maintenance gates in the neighborhood to be used by visitors other than for maintenance purposes.  They would like to see enforcement by the City.

8.4.    From Organizational RepresentativesNone.

8.5.    From Government Offices / RepresentativesContact information available at:

8.5.1.    LAPD Capt. Jonathan Tom (Commanding Officer, West LA Division), other LAPD officers/ personnel: presentation on public safety and community-police engagement (1st in a series).

The Chair explained that Capt. Tom and his LAPD colleagues will be giving the first of a series of presentations which were originally presented as a “pilot” or test presentation to the American Legion and were well-received. We are breaking the presentation up into three sessions at successive PPCC meetings.   More sessions may be added if there is interest.

Capt. Tom, accompanied by SLO Brian Espin and Sergeant Scott Alpert, then presented a slide show focusing for the first session on LAPD operations and structure, with comparisons of the West Los Angeles Division and other LAPD divisions.  Of note:  West Los Angeles is the largest division in size with the fewest officers.  We are also the safest in terms of the number of crimes reported.

Extensive Q&A then ensued, dealing with issues such as the status and staffing of our dedicated patrol car, types and numbers of crimes, Officer Redican’s departure and the status of the beach detail.  It was noted that a recording of the presentation will be made available on the website after the meeting.

8.5.2.    Janet Turner (Dep. District Director, U.S. Representative Ted Lieu).  Ms. Turner reported on two dates coming up involving events for high school students.  Students who live or attend school in the district are invited to submit artwork for the Congressional Art Competition.  Artwork is due no later than Friday, February 18, 2022 at 5pm.  The deadline will be strictly enforced.  For more information visit In addition, the Congressman’s office is taking reservations for the annual Service Academy Day, Saturday, February 19, 1-4pm.  See:

8.5.3.    Noah Fleishman (Palisades Deputy, CM Mike Bonin).  Mr. Fleishman introduced a Boy Scout and 9th grader at Pali high, Rowan Cote, who has organized a beach clean-up for this Saturday.  Rowan explained that the Scouts are bringing trash bags and pointed sticks to be used by volunteers to pick up trash.  The event will be from 9-11am at Will Rogers State Beach, with volunteers meeting at the Beachside Café at the beach entrance at Temescal Canyon and PCH.  Parking will be in the beach parking lot or along Temescal Canyon Blvd.

Regarding landslide issues in the Palisades:  Mr. Fleishman explained that a City inspector will come out in February to determine what needs to be done to secure areas along Sunset between Amalfi and Will Rogers State Park Rd. that are privately owned.  He encourages owners of private property along that stretch to inspect their own property. Bureau of Street Services inspectors will also go out to Enchanted Way to see what needs to be done to secure the situation at that location.  He encourages everyone to report erosion.   The Secretary mentioned another large slide that occurred after recent rains on Via de las Olas.  Fencing was put up in the area and she does not know if the City is aware of the slide. Mr. Fleishman will alert an inspector to come out and see the situation.

Additional issues:  The Homeless Count has been rescheduled to February 23 in the Palisades.  Resilient Palisades has been asking about the new state composting law, SB 1383.  The City Bureau of Sanitation has created an FAQ about the law.  The Sunset & Allenford intersection has been repaved and restriped, with other improvements.  There is new left turn phasing at W. Channel Rd. and Mesa in Santa Monica Canyon.  Councilmember Bonin will be in office until December 2022.  Mr. Fleishman will continue to work with us throughout and greatly appreciates the Palisades’ support. The Chair asked Mr. Fleishman to thank the Councilmember for the things he has done to support the Palisades.  Regarding the RCC maintenance gates:  Mr. Akef expressed his disappointment and asked for an LADBS inspector to come out and verify what is happening and then to submit a code inspection violation which could then be enforced.   Mr. Fleishman indicated he does not have an answer for the situation at this time and that Len Nguyen, CD 11 Sr. Planning Deputy, should have more information.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors.

8.6.1.    Sharon Kilbride (Homelessness). Ms. Kilbride announced that the Palisades Homeless Count will now take place on February 23, 2022; the volunteer meet-up will be at Corpus Christi Church early in the morning.  More volunteers are needed and welcome.  The Count is very important.  Contact Count Coordinator Kim Clary at for more information.

9.    Reports from Committees.

9.1.    See Item 10.1 below.

10.    Old Business.

WRAC-recommended motion, sponsored by the Executive Committee: Support for CF 21- 0002-S186 (Koretz); resolution calling for the City to support (as a state legislative policy) including SB 9 sites as an addendum to the Housing Element, so that these sites could in turn be added to the City’s “adequate housing sites” inventory – Postponed indefinitely due to lack of time.

11.     New Business.

11.1.   See item 8.5.1 above (discussion only).

11.2.    (Tentative) Metropolis Parking App (Bank of America parking lot) – presentation/ discussion/possible action.  The Chair announced that Area 7 Representative Jenny Li had invited a Metropolis representative to attend but they have been non-responsive.  This item was also postponed indefinitely until we are able to get in touch with someone from Metropolis.

12.    Adjournment.    The meeting was adjourned at 7:56pm.

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