1. Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission. The President called the meeting to order at 8:03p.m. and Nina Kidd read the PPCC Mission Statement.
2. Roll-call of Board members and Certification of Quorum. The President called roll and certified that we have quorum:
Maryam Zar, Jenny Li, Randy Young, Beth Holden-Garland, Dave Card, Murray Levy, Steve Cron, Bruce Schwartz, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Greg Heidt, Kimberly Bloom, Cindy Simon, Julie Silliman, Rick McGeagh, Chris Spitz, Nina Kidd, Richard Blumenberg, Shirley Haggstrom, Courtney Macker.
Joanna Spak, Nancy Niles, Michael Edlen, LeeAnne Sanderson, Daphne Gronich, Sue Kohl, Harlan Hogue, Kevin Niles, Genevieve Bostik, Ryan Craig.
3. Introduction of Attendees
Donna Arrechea, Director, MYLA 311 App. See her report at:
4. Approval of Minutes: The meeting minutes from February 23, 2023 were approved as distributed.
5. Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings:
The Agenda was considered as presented.
6. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that our bank balance stands at $52.201.57.
7. General Public Comment. None.
8. Reports, Announcements and Concerns.
8.1. From the Chair/Presiding Officer.
8.1.1. The President announced that she had met with LA City Fire Brush Clearance unit and learned that they are beginning to send letters to all residents around the rim for brush clearance, they also sent letter to RAP and all city agencies, and expect them to also do their brush clearance. If they don’t, they’ll get cited like anyone else, and if they still don’t comply, LAFD will send a brush until out to clear and then invoice them. At present, there is brush clearance being done (by a private contractor, Waste Unlimited) at Potrero Canyon. (See her report posted on the website)
8.1.2. The President announced that the 2nd Meeting of the Potrero Canyon Oversight Committee has taken place and that committees for communication, signage and coastal access were being created. We also got more information from state and city offices, with Gabriella median on a call with the committee. See more details below.
8.1.3. The President shared that two homeless individuals are using the Post office vestibule area to sleep. LAPD is aware and Congressman Sherman’s office has been alerted. LAPD Capt. Heredia suggests residents call these matters in to the 9-1-1 non-emergency line so that a radio call is generated and statistics are recorded.
8.1.4. The President announced that unprecedented progress on Potrero is being made between the city and state for the required lateral trail that would provide coastal access from Potrero Canyon Park to the coast. The shortfall between the amount secured by Congressman Ted Lieu through the Omnibus bill and the current City estimate for the construction of the trail has been requested from the Mayor’s annual City budget. We have been asked to write in support of that request. The President asked for approval based on previous positions. The Board affirmed that she should write that letter. She thanked staff for Sen. Allen and Asm. Irwin (Rad Nowroozi and Syklar Payab) for getting so much done.
8.1.5. The President reported that she had held a discussion with new CD11 Planning Deputy, Jeff Khau, following the last meeting. They discussed the following:
i Out of scale building on streets within the coastal zone but not hillside – remedy planned,
ii Fire access roads encumbered by private homeowners. Jeff Khau told the President that CD11 staff are working to unearth information about these encumbrances,
iii Excavation and building sites that outlast reasonable time. Jeff Khau has pledged to reach out to Frank Lara of LADBS for some answers and will look to see if anything can be done with existing City Council motions to require completion bonds, etc. He will report back.
8.1.6. CD11 assures us that the two Palisades locations that had been on the first rollout list of new shelters by Tranzito Vector are off the table. No new shelters are planned in the Palisades in the first year of roll out. While we await the meeting CD11 has offered to set between PPCC and Streets LA, we will join WRAC Councils asking for an audit, and may also want to bring our own motion asking for a carve out.
8.1.7. Community Safety meeting set for Thursday, April 6th at 5:30 pm at the American Legion. Main points of discussion shall be public safety including LAPD, Fire safety and evacuations, emergency preparedness, communication. Participants beyond LAPD and LAFD — TBD.
8.1.8. First meeting of the joint PPCC/BCC committee to take place on 3/22. Possible areas of joint discussion:
a. Cannabis Dispensaries
b. Al fresco dining
c. A drone fire safety program pilot for our hillside streets
d. The street furniture and bus shelter matter
8.2. From Officers and Chair Emeritus.
8.2.1. Jenny Li – None.
8.2.2. David Card – None.
8.2.3. Beth Holden-Garland – None.
8.3. From At-Large and Area Representatives.
8.3.1. Kimberly Bloom, Area 5 Representative.
Reported that she has video of a prowler and wants to know if SLO Espin knows anything and can help her make a report.
8.3.2. Murray Levy, Area One Representative.
Mr. Levy invited homeowners from Paseo Miramar to speak about how difficult it is for neighbors to deal with rogue developers. Lorraine Totino (resident) spoke. The President said she had spoken to Jeff Khau and he would speak with Frank Lara, LADBS Government and Community Relations Director, and bring his thoughts back to us. She also suggested that PPCC discuss what we’d like to see the Council Office do to help the situation; the Office will be happy to consider all remedies. Ms. Totino stated that no matter how many times residents call, they are deferred to 3-1-1 and no one ever comes out. One time, residents stood in front of the developer and stopped them from cutting the toe out of the hillside. Inspectors and police came, but they all said, we can’t help you, just call 3-1-1. So, nothing happens. Another developer is trying to shore up the road to his property. The developer did not have a permit. The developer cut trees and then went and pulled an over-the-counter permit after the fact. This was not ok. Paseo Miramar residents have met with Michael Amster of CD 11 since that incident and shared their concerns.
The President suggested that residents tell the Council Office about the illegal activity.
Mr. Levy suggested that PPCC press, as a Community Council, to figure out what people should be doing and ask who should community members contact and what are the consequences for rogue developers when they do not follow regulations? The President agreed. The Treasurer Randy Young suggested that we have a hearing on this matter and urged that we do this alongside the Council Office. Ms. Totino added that the neighbors have followed all the right instructions for people to call. They are told to call Tree Services when there is a tree at stake. But then they are sent back over to 3-1-1, and it seems to be an unending loop for getting nothing done. Mr. Levy affirmed. The LADBS website lists all complaints, but then just lists them as “Resolved” without anyone knowing how. The President said that she has sent the addresses to the Council Office and expects them to help the community reach those homeowners. The Vice Chair Jenny Li suggested we also reach out to the City Attorney’s office and/or ask our Neighborhood Prosecutor what can be done.
8.4. From Organizational Representatives.
8.4.1. Barbara Kohn, Historical Society Alternate. Not present. [See flyer for announcement details about a hike on April 1 at Los Liones Park: https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/PPHS-Los-Liones.pdf.] Shirley Haggstrom (TCA Representative) advised to RSVP at https://www.pacificpalisadeshistory.org. There will be a historical presentation after the hike, led by PPCC Treasurer Randy Young and Ms. Haggstrom.
8.4.2. Shirley Haggstrom, TCA, announced that on Sunday, March 19th, there will be a hike up to Chicken Ridge with an overview. Start at 8:45am with cars to Will Rogers State Park. Please sign up at https://temcanyon.org (you can drive yourself but there’s a fee for parking). No dogs – 2 hours – bring good shoes.
8.5. From Government Offices / Representatives
8.5.1. Brian Espin. LAPD Senior Lead Officer for Pacific Palisades.
SLO Espin asked Kimberly Bloom (Area 5 Representative) to email him for help with an online report. We’ve had a few pick pocket incidents in grocery stores. Please be mindful of your surroundings, and keep your purse closed. March 19 is the LA Marathon. There have been some car break-ins at Los Liones, but he has been making additional rounds to try and nab them. He said he is aware of the Post Office matter. He has spoken to the Post Master. If the community wishes to close the vestibule area, they should reach out to the Post Master. The Beach Detail found an encampment at Temescal Canyon and asked the PPTFH volunteer corps to come clear it out. He commented this was nice work.
Courtney Macker (PPRA Representative) asked for SLO Espin to translate some of the acronyms of the police report (perhaps with a key).
Karen Ridgley asked what was happening with the rapid communication plan that was discussed earlier. Officer Espin said discussions are being had and they are beginning to put systems in place so that notifications go out more efficiently, and not be reliant on one person being present. The President said there will be an April 6th Community Safety Meeting with many agencies present. She hopes LAPD will have a plan to announce then.
8.5.2. Zac Gaidzik, (temporary) Deputy, County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, District 3.
Not present.
8.5.3. Michael Amster, CD11 Field Deputy, Councilmember Traci Park.
Mr. Amster reported that Waste Unlimited is out at Potrero Canyon Park with irrigation and tree trimming. A BOE landscape architect is also on site. He met with the Miramar Homeowners Association as well as some homeowners along the bluffs. He is working to recruit new members to the Design Review Board. He is also beginning the process of investigating the obstruction along the fire road between Enchanted Way and Lachman Lane. The Temescal Canyon Road (TCR) re-pavement has been set back by rain delays. No time frame for completion yet. The President noted that this part of TCR had been repaved a few months ago and was “problematic” enough to have to be done again.
8.5.4. Skylar Payab, Field Representative, Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin. Not present.
8.5.5. Rad Nowroozi, Field Representative, State Senator Ben Allen, SD24.
Mr. Nowroozi reported that there is new legislation that may interest the community: SB571, involving wildfire evacuation planning in HR and the VHFSZ – if the bill passes, any community in those severity zones will have to plan and evaluate their wildfire evacuation program in a comprehensive way and submit it to the fire department. The President indicated that this will impact the Palisades in the future and we will keep an eye on it. Mr. Nowroozi will report on other bills next time. Chris Spitz (At-large Representative) suggested that PPCC may want to take up the bill and support it. Mr. Nowroozi will report on other bills next time.
He also reported that his office is working with CM Park and ASM Irwin on Potrero Canyon issues with great strides being made, and to expect an update as soon as everyone is ready to make a report. They will bring all agencies to the PPCC for a report. Cindy Simon (Area 6 Representative) asked for a comprehensive report sooner rather than later.
8.5.6. Taleen Keroughlian, Field Representative, Congressman Brad Sherman. Not present.
8.6. From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives.
8.6.1. Lou Kamer, PPCC Transportation Advisor.
Reported that a big storm is coming so please be careful driving. LADOT and Caltrans have been working on Chautauqua and PCH but it has passed the permitting process and work orders will be forthcoming to make those turns a little safer.
Once the storms are over we will see some progress on some of the plans we have made regarding safety and mobility in the Palisades.
8.6.2. K.C. Soll, Emergency Preparedness. Not called upon.
9. Reports from Committees. None.
10. Old Business. None.
11. New Business:
11.1. Discussion and possible motion on a PPCC LUC presentation on the matter of legal out-of-scale building in Palisades non-hillsides residential areas that are in the coastal zone but not regulated by the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance [see LUC proposal at: https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Proposed-Amendments-to-Pacific-Palisades-Commercial.pdf]: tabled until further information is made available from the Council Office (a preliminary discussion with Jeff Khau, CD11 Planning Deputy, was already had by the PPCC President and the LUC Chair), and until the community has had a chance to hear from the LUC in a separate community meeting focused on this issue.
11.2. Clint Kautsky, Civil Engineer with DWP, Water Operations Department, gave presentation regarding DWP access to the Mono Basin water resource. See the presentation at: https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/DWP-Mono-Presentation-20230309_update.pdf. This access is being proposed to be restricted by a Mono Lake environment committee, which has maintained to the California Water Resources Control Board that there is a water emergency and DWP access must be restrained. LADWP would like Los Angeles communities to understand the significant impact of this change on LA. Mr. Kautsky asked PPCC to support LADWP’s right to continue to retain their water rights to the Mono Basin. (Comments to be submitted to monolake@waterboards.ca.gov.)
Following discussion, a vote was taken and the Board passed the following motion:
“Los Angeles residents have a human right to safe, clean, affordable and reliable water. Water from the Los Angeles Aqueduct is the City’s most cost-effective water supply and is the backbone of the City’s water system. Revoking LADWP’s ability to utilize the Mono Basin water rights belonging to Angelenos will jeopardize our community’s access to water and further burden low-income Los Angeles ratepayers.
“The cost of sustainability in Los Angeles has long fallen on the backs of ratepayers – a cost we have taken in stride because it has meant creating a more water-resilient future for our families. However, no amount of conservation will allow our city to be fully independent of imported water supplies and losing supplies from the LA Aqueduct will only force us to receive water elsewhere. In fact, purchasing water to replace historic LA Aqueduct supplies from the Mono Basin could cost ratepayers up to $44 million. Many in our community are already struggling to meet their basic needs: with as many as 50% of Los Angeles residents living in disadvantaged communities, we cannot afford to shoulder an additional expense nor risk reliable access to clean water from our taps.”
Motion read by the President seconded by Richard Blumenberg, passed by a 2/3 majority of Board members voting.
11.3. The Board passed a motion recommended by WRAC, to request an audit of the City’s STAP program and the attendant contract with Tranzito Vector for a new roll-out of citywide bus shelters. (Council File No. 20-1536-S4):
“PPCC, a member of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils, is concerned about the current status and management of the STAP program under the new contractor Tranzito-Vector and requests an audit of the program by the City Controller and Chief Administration Officer’s (CAO) office of the revenues and expenditures for this new STAP program.”
Motion made by Chris Spitz (WRAC Vice Chair, PPCC Representative to WRAC and At-large Representative); second by Nina Kidd; passed unanimously after discussion.
12. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 8:21pm.