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1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.
The meeting was called to order at 8:02pm, and Steve Cron read the PPCC Mission.

2.   Roll Call of Board members and Certification of Quorum.
Voting board members present: Maryam Zar, Jenny Li, Randy Young, Beth Holden-Garland, David Card, Murray Levy, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Leeanne Sanderson, Kimberly Bloom, Cindy Simon, Reza Akef, Julie Silliman, Andrew Wolfberg, John Padden, Nina Kidd, Barbara Kohn, Richard Blumenberg, Genevieve Bostik, Shirley Haggstrom, Courtney Macker.

Non-voting board members present: Cindy Young, Joanna Spak, Michael Edlen, Nancy Niles, Sue Kohl, Kathy Russell, Kevin Niles, Ryan Craig.

The President certified there was quorum.

3.   Introduction of attendees.
LA Department of Public Works, Streets LA gave some remarks and answered some board questions and fielded concerns. Guests included Robert (Rob) Sewell, Head of Construction
Michael Cox, Danny Cordova, James Hawkins, Street Maintenance Division and Dan Halden External relations Team. Marisol Rodriguez was not present.

They announced a new website in the coming months and said they want to increase ease of access to basic services and streamline requests made. Their effort is to improve external relations and community interface. Dan gave a shout out to Councilmember Traci Park and her staff (specifically Gaby Medina, with whom he had worked before) and commended them on the work they’re doing alongside this, and other agencies.

Michael Edlen, Alternate for Area 3, thanked street services for filling in many potholes through these months of rain. He mentioned the sink hole that was recently repaired on Jacon and wondered what would happen if that might be collapsing. “Is there prevention, or do we wait for the site to give, and then fill in a 311 request?”  Dan said he’d send someone out to take a look, but a 311 request can be made with an urgent commentary, so that the service request is received, and crews will come out to assess/inspect. He will follow up with a status update.

Cindy Simon mentioned a construction trailer in Area 6 (Corona Del Mar area) that has long been parked there with nothing seemingly going on. Street Services guests said they’d make sure they send their Investigation and Enforcement Division to take a look. Reza Akef brought up code enforcement as someone who does construction in the neighborhood, because he thinks they enforce/cite selectively. He was assured that enforcement and investigation is handled fairly and to report any infraction he sees.

The board thanked our guests and acknowledged the work of CD11. Street Services reminded the board that contact details included in the service request can be very helpful if there is a question as to the service request.  Dan Halden also confirmed that there would be no STAP roll-out in the Palisades within the first year of the Tranzito Vector contract. More outreach is planned this summer. (See more under President’s report below.) Dan said there would be a website as well as a map and a dashboard for better community outreach, that will be made available to communities.  The President thanked Dan and encouraged the outreach. She also thanked them all for the re-repaving of Temescal Canyon.

4.   Approval of Minutes:  April 13, 2023, were approved as distributed (

5.   Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings:
The agenda was considered as presented.

6.   Treasurer’s Report. 
The Treasurer thanked Vice President, Jenny Li, for her assistance and reported in his stead at the last meeting, where his connection audio was unstable (from Houston).  He reported that the PPCC bank balance is $43,977.11. He also reported that he has delivered to Johnson, Foster, Fitzgerald & Darling our documentation for tax returns.

7.   General Public Comment.
7.1.   Betsy Collins from The Village Green announced that their 50th anniversary celebration is coming up on August 13th, with balloons and food and music. Please mark your calendars and send ideas.

8.   Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   The President announced that the PCOC is posting information on our website, under the “Potrero” tab, as it becomes available to us. She, along with Cindy Simon and Dave Card, met with Waste Unlimited and Robert Buenrostro (RAP Maintenance supervisor) to review weeding, trash cans, repairs and more. She announced that repairs continue to be made across Potrero Canyon and thanked RAP & BOE. She reported that new trash cans would be placed along trails and that doggie bag dispensers would be added. The PCOC sign committee was working on choosing the signs from the options presented to us. The community will be responsible for providing doggie bags. She announced that on May 10th, the PCOC will be holding a meeting with Kristen Ly (Project Manager from BOE) and will report back.

Dave Card reported on drainage being fixed at Potrero, and said he observed during our walk-through that soil slippage was also being addressed. He also mentioned the Library Zoom meeting where Richard Fisher was the speaker guest, was recorded and Richard reported on planting and weeding. Encouraged all to see the recording.

He reported that, at the behest of Cindy Simon, Richard said he would be willing to work with/train Palisadian volunteers to help with the weeding. There is a five-year project underway to ensure that at least 80% of the planting at Potrero Canyon Park is native plant (not weed). In June weed whacking will be done with machines, on the upper side of the Canyon (in the Fire Modification Zone). The president reported that a new contractor named Marina, which would be addressing watering/sprinklers and irrigation, has been introduced to us. Watering will be reduced in Spring, increased in the summer. Homeowners along the rim are encouraged only to clear brush on their property (not into the park property), which is under the control of BOE and will be separately instructed to clear brush by LAFD.

8.1.2.   The President announced the appointment of the PPCC Nominating Committee, 2023, co-Chaired by Steve Cron and Sue Kohl, alongside Haldis Topple, Nancy Niles and Ryan Craig serving as committee members. She said the committee had been formed prior to the last meeting (held on 4/13) and they’ve begun their work to find a slate of officers to nominate at the final May meeting of 2023.  The President reminded the board that Officers all enjoy a one-year term and must be re-elected or newly elected each year, in June. The Nominating Committee will bring their slate of nominees to the board on May 25th.  A Candidate forum, if needed will be on June 8th. Election will be held on June 22nd.

8.1.3.   The President announced that she met with members of Area Seven and Transp. Advisor at PCH and West Channel to discuss safety and forming a task force, following a fatal crash last weekend. She said CalTrans has made plans for a revamp of the intersection, which has been met with city approval, and would soon be implemented. She has asked CalTrans to remain open to community input even after changes are implemented (possible Pole Top cameras were discussed for information gathering not just enforcement). Expect an update soon. She also spoke about a crosswalk planned for Channel Rd. and Stassi Lane, which may be ill-advised. Expect more information/discussion agendized. She has also sent email to jump start the PCH Taskforce meetings (see more below under LAPD update).

8.1.4.   The President announced the PPCC 50th Anniversary and a meeting/call with CD11 and other organizations for a big community celebration. She encouraged everyone to send in their ideas and announced the formation of a new Outreach Committee. Among the celebrations that might be rolled into one big community gathering in recognition of community are the Historical Society (50 years), The Uplifters (Rustic Canyon – 100 years), The Village Green (50 years), and PPCC (50 yrs)! Look for plans for a big bash to celebrate community (perhaps at Simon Meadow). Randy said he has put together some historic papers, including a letter from President Ronald Regan, congratulating the Community Council. The President suggested a display of history, some street closures, perhaps a survey sent to people for ideas and to use this big moment for the community to celebrate our unique community and to go out and figure out how we can – yes monitor policy – but also to bring people together and celebrate community. She asked people to sign up for the PPCC Outreach Committee, send ideas and expect a report from meeting with CD11 on May 4th.  She also reported on the June 10th Safety Fair at Simon Meadow, in partnership with CD11.

8.1.5.   The President announced that Jeff Khau will be joining us on May 11th to discuss issues including long tern excavation and development. She said Jeff has been very responsive to some of our issues and has been in touch with the LUC on matters of out of out of scale in the Coastal Zone as well as Area One issues (referred to Murray to say more). Jeff will join us on May 11. Traci Park will join us on June 22, and that may be an in-person meeting. Tbd.

8.1.6.   The President reported on a call with Lance Oishi, Audrey Netsawang and Daniel Halden at Streets LA about our bus furniture concerns. The meeting was set up by Gaby at CD11 and included Chris Spitz, John Padden among others.  STAP pledged that there would be no roll out of new bus furniture for Pacific Palisades in the first year of implementation of the new city contract with Tranzito Vector. Even though three locations were on the list of first-year roll-out, we were told that was an error and no new shelters would be placed in our community in the next year. Thereafter, we were assured that we could customize some factors in order to make the furniture more suitable for our environs. We were further assured that no digital advertising would be featured on Palisadian street furniture and that our coastal zone/scenic route considerations would be duly noted.

8.1.7.   The President reported upon a meeting with CD11 and Carolyn Jordan, Chair of BCC, about Cannabis dispensaries and community review from our two Community Councils. She announced that CD11 staff, including Gaby Median and Jeff Khau, were responsive to our request for community review, in general, and specific review of Cookies Cannabis Dispensary’s “Provisional Permit” which will be up for renewal this summer, and we have requested community review prior to permanent approval. Jeff Khau will do some research and get back to us. The two communities are also discussing fire (VHFHSZ) and construction on narrow hillside streets.

8.1.8.   The President reported that the Community Safety meeting was informative, and a recording is on our YouTube sight.

8.1.9.   The President invited discussion around a community app, to push out information (not just a community safety/public safety app) that becomes available to us and the only tools we have right now are either the (cumbersome) mass email or (limited reach) social media. She suggested a discussion of funding (community/crowd source/other organizations), stakeholders (not just PPCC but all the organizations that are on our board (or active in the community).

The President gave the floor to Cindi Young and her husband, Bart, to talk about the Wissle (app) which is an app that was introduced to her by LAPD, and currently operates in Area One (and can be expanded to other areas). Cindi announced that her own home had been burglarized twice and so her husband decided to create a structure of neighborhood support – Wissle – operable through HOAs. People within any private community can sign up for an alert system to be able to sign up for alerts and receive information that is made available through the app.

Bart shared a one-minute video about the Wissle app and explained how it operates. (It is an app, a website and a system of cameras: (

The President said she wanted the community to consider an app that helps push out information, not just about crime, but about all the aspects of Palisades life, where information is available to people with specific interests and concerns (hikes, celebrations, events, networking opportunities, crime information, alerts of all sorts…).

Board members said they’d like a mechanism that would aggregate all the info now coming into inboxes in an overwhelming way. The President said that was her objective, to aggregate info that people wish to opt in for (receive push notifications across categories). Wissle is growing one community at a time but might not be the all-encompassing app we/she are looking for – something that builds community and not just putting out info/false or incendiary info about crime or alarmist matters that can be compromising to people. Some examples were shared by board members.

The board decided it would be generally valuable to look into an app. The President said she’d continue to look for the right combination and a developer that can help. Bart and Cindi explained that Wissle is growing slowly and finds moderators for each community…discussion continues. The President suggested that Wissle might be a component of our community app (that is not police centric but information centric). She suggested information such as, for example, Erath Day at the Village Green, hike at Temescal Canyon, closures at Potrero Canyon, paving or road closures that are noticed to us and we need to get back out to the community… or other such information (dogs off a leash, log dumping etc…). We need a unique voice.

Genevieve seconded the need for a community app (events to street colures to exercise classes) to push out community-based events and information. Seconded the idea that we need a centralized communication mode (even though some issues will be hot button), and there is a real need for this. For example, as Y Rep, she’d like to get information out to the community, but doesn’t know how. The President shared that she had information from LADWP regarding pole-tops that she would have liked to push out, but only had cumbersome tools. Haldis Topple talked about a common calendar. The President said an app would populate a calendar straight into smart phon.

Steve Cron echoed the need for this discussion (and mode of communication). He noted that the Pali Post is becoming a bi-monthly and he believes we need a go-to place for information people can opt into. Seconded the thoughts about the perils of unmonitored commentary and the spectacle of Nextdoor (type) app or space. The President confirmed that there would be no chat or community-room feature. We would simply be putting out info (not monitoring incoming info).

Kimberly said she liked the idea of getting information out, but believes we must communicate better, and people might sign on to the app, but only as long as we can get our word out. She loves the idea, but how?

The President wrapped up discussion by establishing that the need is there, but the perils must be guarded. She called again for Outreach Committee volunteers (Kimberly, Nina, Steve, Diana, Beth, Leeanne, Michael, Murray… and others signed up), and said she hears everyone agreeing that we need something like this but must guard against the pitfalls that can create an unsafe place. She pledged to continue the conversation and find some resources to develop this, using reliable technology.

8.1.10,   The President pointed out the letters and positions sent, and asked board members to refer to the agenda and read/be informed about them.

i.   First letter of the joint BCC/PPCC sent:

ii.   Letter asking for EIR and community safety in Area One, per last meeting:

iii.   Letter opposing unpermitted concrete structure at 15245 W. De Pauw St.:

iv.   Letter in opposition to AB1287:

8.2.   From Officers and Chair Emeritus – None.

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives,

8.3.1.   Steve Cron, Area Two Rep announced a “Canyon Clean-up” on Sunday. Open to all. Meet at Starbucks at 10am. Bring trash bags. They will walk up the canyon and collect trash. Bruce and Steve will then pick them up the bags and dispose of them.

8.3.2.   Murray Levy reported about the West LA APC meeting on April 19th, regarding a huge development in Area One. (See PPCC letter: It was a good meeting. An EIR, which we had asked for, was mentioned briefly by commissioners, but not much concern. They hit on a few issues that Murray would like us to concern ourselves with. These include:

a.   Grading (30 cubic yards).

b.   Height limits (how to measure heights on hillside areas).

c.   Compatibility with Brentwood/Palisades Community Plan (which calls for reducing grading and density).

Murray suggested that we develop a position on these issues, and suggested the LUC take this up.

The President put Murray and Steve in touch to discuss the above and the involvement of our PPCC LUC.

She also reminded the board that Jeff Khau will be here at the next meeting, so let us bring this up with him.

She also pointed to the letters written by PPCC in the last two weeks (see above). One asked for the EIR, and another was advocating for less density (not more). She urged everyone to take a look, and asked Steve and board to come up with a position to cover the concerns raised by Murray, above.

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives

8.4.1.   Andrew Wolfberg, At-large 2nd Alternate [correction:  1st Alternate], announced Canyon School Fiesta on Sunday April 30th. This is a fundraiser, so he invited all to attend.

8.4.2.   Shirley Haggstrom, TCA Rep, announced a hike to Chicken Ridge on Sunday May 28th at 8:45 am. No Dogs. Please bring water and good shoes. Visit TCA website: (to get info and rsvp).

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives.

8.5.1.   Brian Espin, LAPD Pacific Palisades SLO.
Senior Lead Officer (SLO), Brian Espin, reported that there were 2 burglaries listed in the crime listing, but he thinks it was only one burglary, mapped twice. We also still have some car breaks-ins. Area Eight had reported two men “door checking”. Espin reminded everyone to lock their car doors and keep valuables/belongings off the front seats so as not to tempt a break-in. Car break-ins continue to be the biggest challenge in the Palisades. The President shared the Crime report on-screen. Espin reported a robbery at a convenience store at PCH. An arrest has been made – the suspect is involved in several robberies across other divisions. The Robbery/Homicide division has taken over the case. Reports regarding tagging appear to be the work of local people/kids – not gang affiliated. Most gang tagging will have a moniker and some sort of symbol of gang. This has not yet been identified here in the Palisades.  He encouraged residents to continue reporting tagging to the city, which he said would “clean it up pretty quickly.”

SLO Espin reported on recent vandalism involving teens (explosion/fireworks). He reported that in a recent video made available to him, he had been able to identify the Palisadian family of a young person involved in the incident and has spoken to the parents who have taken responsibility.

With respect to illegal dumping, recent video and photographs (from Cindy Kirven) have helped lead to citations. Street Sanitation will investigate (as well as LAPD), and issue citations “after the fact.”  LA SAN are able to issue a citation after the fact, whereas LAPD can only cite while the offense (dumping) is taking place. The President thanked Brian (as well as Gaby Medina at the Council Office) for their proactive work on this matter and reported that she is aware that the office of the City Attorney/Neighborhood Prosecutors are now involved and looking to warn/cite corporate actors in order to stem this activity.

The President asked about narcotics activity in the Palisades. Brian said he checked with NARC unit and reported that there are no ongoing investigations in the Palisades, but if residents have any information, please pass on to Brian Espin. Allison Holdoff said all Pali High teachers are trained in the use of Narcan and kids are also allowed to carry it as well.

Murray Levy asked about the 3rd fatal accident on PCH in as many weeks. Urged SLO Espin to get some traffic and parking enforcement on PCH to “reduce the carnage”.  Brian said PCH is on the radar of traffic and collision enforcement. He has relayed that he’d like more patrol officers further North on PCH. The reality is, once they come and do enforcement (speed or parking), the bad behavior (including parking) does come back quickly.

The President said she had surveyed some of the fatality locations with others and reported that pole top cameras are among the discussion points that have arisen as far as solutions to monitoring bad behavior, and enforcement after the fact (and even as a deterrent). She also reported that she has sent email to jump-start the PCH task force meetings again (formerly spearheaded by ASM Richard Bloom) and believes that once those are up and running again, they will offer an opportunity to speak in earnest about traffic improvements and safety along PCH from SM, through the Palisades, Topanga and Malibu.

8.5.2.   Zac Gaidzik, District Rep, Supervisor Lindsey Horvath – Not present.

8.5.3.   Michael Amster, Field Deputy, Councilmember Traci Park – Not called on (no report).

8.5.4.   Rad Norouzi, Field Staff, Senator Ben Allen – Not present.

8.5.5.   Allison Holdorf-Polhill, Sr. Advisor, LAUSD Board Member, Nick Melvoin.
Allison said Nick sends his regards. Marquez Elementary is looking for a librarian and undertaking two “incredible” greening projects. Pali Elementary is replacing their grass with turf and were able to secure a crossing guard. Allison is working on securing more Crossing Guards for our schools, alongside CD11.

Revere is having a beautification Day on Sunday. Pali High Graduation will be held on June 8th and Paul Revere graduation will be held on June 9th. Tom Safran has donated money for a Pali High renovation to their quad (approved by Nick). Canyon Elementary’s fundraising event called “Fiesta” is coming up. A bungalow upgrade there and replacement project will be in August (working on a Coastal Commission permit). More detail coming.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives – None present.

9.   Reports from CommitteesNone.

10.   Old Business.

10.1.   Bylaws Discussion & Vote.
Andrew Wolfberg, Bylaws Committee Vice-Chair, presented the second distribution of proposed bylaws amendments, to instate the Palisades Forestry Committee (PFC) as a rotational member of the Culture and Aesthetics category, replacing Palisades Beautiful) and to instate Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA) as a rotational member of the Service Clubs Category (creating two categories of four). The President made a friendly amendment to combine the three recommendations made by the Bylaws Committee into one motion. That friendly amendment was concurrently seconded by Haldis Toppel, Courtney Macker and Barbara Kohn, and passed unanimously. The motion to approve the Bylaws Committee recommendations was unanimously approved by the board.

The President said she was happy to welcome both organizations to the board of the PPCC as they were both important and proactive Palisadian organizations. She thinks they are well placed on our board. She further noted that both Andy Frew and Dave Card, Bylaws Committee members, recused themselves from all deliberations since they each had board roles with one of the two organizations at issue in this Committee recommendation and vote.

The following documents were distributed concurrently with the meeting agenda via PPCC email and posted on the PPCC website:

1)  Committee Report: (and see below)

2)  Amendments “Redline”:

3)  Amendments “Clean”:

11.   New Business – None.

12.   Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.

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