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Voting Members in Attendance:   Sue Kohl, Quentin Fleming, Chris Spitz, Murray Levy, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Rick McGeagh, Andrew Wolfberg, John Padden,  Barbara Kohn, Genevieve Bostic, Kevin Niles, Valeria Serna, Courtney Macker

Non-voting Members and Advisors:  James Alexakis, Richard Blumenberg, Michael Edlen, Mary Mueller, Alan Goldsmith, Daphne Gronich, Cindi Young, Joanna Spak, Ella Nozar

1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.  Chris Spitz read the Mission Statement.

2.   Introductions / Roll Call.  The President called the roll of Board members and advisors in attendance.

3.   Certification of Quorum.  The President certified quorum.

4.   Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of August 8, 2024, were approved as distributed.

5.   Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings.  The agenda was as distributed.  The President described the upcoming meetings: September 26, 2024 (last meeting of the term for current Area, At-large and organizational reps); October 1, 2024 (special PPCC meeting/Councilwoman Park presentation on the Tramonto Slide and the related development); October 10, 2024 (welcome new Area, At-large and organizational reps; election of Alternate Area and At-large reps).

6.   Treasurer’s Report.  The President read the report from the Treasurer, who was unable to attend:   The Council’s bank balance is $53,861.91.  Donations since the last report:  $71.85.  Expenses paid since the last report: $10.00 Zoom; $535.00 Miracle Data (tech services for the election); $54 Mailchimp.

7.   General Public Comment.

7.1.   Krishna Thangavelu (resident) expressed the serious concern that she and Tahitian Terrace residents have about the recent absence of LAPD beach detail officers to look for and clear homeless encampments, which are increasing in the bluff areas of the Palisades and pose a risk to public health and safety.  She remarked that this is a dangerous condition and that it is critical for the beach detail to be maintained.  LAPD Capt. III Richard Gabaldon responded and extensive discussion ensued. (See items 8.5.1 and 8.3.3 below.)

8.   Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   The President congratulated the following newly elected representatives and noted that the official Election Committee report would be presented later in the meeting (see item 9.1 below):

Area One:        JoAnna Rodriguez

Area Two:       Steve Cron

Area Three:     Julia Nilson

Area Four:       Karen Ridgley

Area Five:        Kimberly Bloom

Area Six:          Lorie Cudzil

Area Seven:     Sharon Kilbride

Area Eight:      Andrew Wolfberg

At-large:          Chris Spitz

8.1.2.   The President appointed the following members of the Three Chairs Committee (committee of three former PPCC Chairs, required under the bylaws, to review candidates for Alternate Area and At-large representative positions and recommend nominees for election by the Board):  Maryam Zar, Chair; Randy Young, David Card.  She noted that David Card would later explain the Area and At-large Alternates application process (see Item 9.2. below).

8.1.3.   The President congratulated the Palisadians who had participated in the 2024 Paris Olympics: Nick Itkin (Bronze Medal, Fencing/Individual Foil; Miles Partain (Quarter Finals, Men’s Beach Volleyball); Steve Kerr (Coach, Gold Medal-winning Men’s USA Basketball Team); and also Johnny Hooper (Bronze Medal, Men’s USA Team Water Polo – name first announced during the meeting).   She recommended the recent PP Historical Society newsletter article by Patrick Healy, “Olympic Success”: https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/PPHS-Article-KerrsOlympics.pdf.

8.1.4.   The President reported on the “Open Forum” meeting about the Pacific Palisades Pedestrian Trail (lateral trail) on 8/21/24, and the letter about the trail sent after the meeting:  https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/PPCC-Letter-Lat-Trail-2024.pdf.

8.1.5.   The President reported on two letters sent regarding AB 1082 (regulation of RV parking / dwelling) and noted that the bill was ordered to the inactive file and did not pass in the legislature, (although there is a possibility that it may return in the next session). The letters:
To City & State Officials:   https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/PPCC-Letter-AB-1082-F.pdf.
To the Governor:   https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/AB1082-Letter-to-Governor-PDF.pdf.

8.1.6.  The President announced that PPCC will hold a special meeting from 6-7:30pm via Zoom on October 1, 2024, for Councilwoman Traci Park to provide information on the status of the Tramonto Slide and the related residential development project.

8.1.7.   Regarding public safety and crime prevention, the President reported:
a)  Public meetings on crime prevention were recently held in Brentwood, and Crime Prevention Tips were distributed to the community.  Brentwood CC and Brentwood HOA have graciously shared the tips with PPCC, which are adapted for the Palisades community and posted on PPCC’s website:  https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Crime-Prevention-Tips.pdf.
b)  A possible presentation and discussion on public safety / crime prevention (specifically, Neighborhood Watch) is being planned tentatively for the October 24, 2024, PPCC meeting.

8.1.8.   The President announced that the annual Palisades Lutheran Church Oktoberfest 5K run in the El Medio bluffs will take place on Saturday, October 19, from 8 – 11 a.m.  The race will begin and end on Janaluska Way; a map of the race route will be distributed.

8.2.   From Officers/Chair Emeritus – None.

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives.

8.3.1.   Murray Levy (Area One Representative) reported that the Equinox gym is reopening and is offering special Equinox reduced membership rates in connection with the reopening.

8.3.2.   Haldis Toppel (Area Three Representative) announced that the Marquez Knolls annual Block Party will take place on Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 11am – 3pm on Marquez Ave. near Sunset. She also expressed her appreciation for having been able to serve for many years on PPCC; she is pleased that new young Area representatives are coming on to the Board!  Board members in turn thanked Haldis for her service.

8.3.3.   Chris Spitz (At-large Representative) noted that she and others have written to Capt. Gabaldon and LAPD officers, raising concerns about maintaining the beach detail, enforcing LAMC 41.18, and reducing the risk of wildfires from the influx of homeless individuals and encampments in our bluff and beach areas – similar to the concerns expressed during Public Comment by Krishna Thangavelu.  Sharon Kilbride (past PPTFH co-president) followed up with information about the status of homelessness in the Palisades; the increase in numbers of transients and unhoused individuals migrating here and setting up dangerous encampments in the bluffs; and the work of PPTFH volunteers and the outreach team to offer housing and services and to clear encampments.  She reported that in July, PPTFH engaged 53 new unhoused individuals; in August, 82 new individuals were engaged.  In terms of encampments, recently PPTFH has found and cleared encampments in the Via bluffs area (7 abandoned and 2 live); in the Corona del Mar/Huntington bluffs area (2 abandoned and 1 live); and along Temescal Canyon Rd. (3 abandoned).  Evidence of fires in 11 locations was also found and cleared in August.  Sharon stressed the vital importance of maintaining the LAPD beach detail 7 days a week (which she noted had been lacking in the past several days due to factors cited by Capt. Gabaldon) — and of LAPD providing critical backup for PPTFH’s efforts, including by enforcing 41.18 and all applicable laws. The Board thanked Sharon and all the volunteers for their important work on behalf of the community.

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.   Barbara Kohn (PP Historical Society) reported that the Historical Society will present a special lecture on Historic Route 66 at Pierson Playhouse, 7pm on September 18, 2024.  The event is free and open to all, but she suggested arriving early as parking and seating are limited.

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives (as available). Contact information for government representatives: https://pacpalicc.org/index.php/government-contacts/.

8.5.1.   Capt. III Richard Gabaldon, Commanding Officer, LAPD WLA Division, and Brian Espin, LAPD Senior Lead Officer (SLO), Pacific Palisades.   Responding to substantial questions and concerns expressed by residents and Board members — about the absence of beach detail officers, the increasing numbers of homeless encampments, the perceived lack of enforcement and public safety risks — Capt. Gabaldon and SLO Espin provided information about the status of the beach detail, LAMC 41.18 / anti-camping enforcement, and crime in the Palisades.

Capt. Gabaldon stated that he wished to dispel rumors about the beach detail, assuring us that the detail is still in place — although there have been temporary absences (some officers have been away on leave or for required training; others were assigned to staff other events in the City; two officers were promoted; their replacements are in process and are expected soon).

Capt. Gabaldon emphasized that LAPD’s goal is always to have the beach detail in place with at least one unit of 4 officers, 7 days a week.  He acknowledged that there has been an influx of unhoused individuals and transients migrating to the Palisades from other cities and areas (where stricter anti-camping enforcement may have occurred).  He indicated that LAPD does enforce LAMC 41.18 (the Los Angeles ordinance that bans camping on sidewalks within 500 ft. of sensitive uses, i.e., parks, libraries, schools and day care centers).  Recognizing the need for protection, Capt. Gabaldon has asked for the Palisades units to be the last in line when officers are called on to staff other City events.  He is also coordinating the quarterly Task Force to inspect and clean up encampments in our bluff and hillside areas in the near future.

SLO Espin additionally provided a crime report, explaining that while Part 1 crime is slightly down, burglaries have increased throughout the Westside, which are detailed in his most recent Palisades Crime Map.  He reported that LAMC 41.18 was recently enforced in connection with a transient / homeless individual who had been camping in the public right of way in various locations near Palisades schools and parks (most recently near Sunset & PCH) and frightening passersby; it was found that the individual had an outstanding warrant; he was arrested and taken into custody.

SLO Espin also noted that security cameras do help in deterring crime.  Extensive Q&A ensued about the use of cameras such as the FLOCK and Vigilant types. Courtney Macker, Pacific Palisades Residents Association (PPRA) rep, explained that PPRA is continuing to support a FLOCK security camera program in Palisades neighborhoods.  Contact courtneymacker@gmail.com for more information about the cameras and how to participate in the program.

Concerns were also raised about illegal and unsafe parking along PCH near Chautauqua and Channel Rd. (beach side of the highway), particularly by beachgoers on weekends.  There is currently only one “No Parking” sign in the area, although parking is not allowed along that entire stretch of PCH.  Questions were asked as to which agency has jurisdiction for enforcement, why illegally parked cars are not being cited, and whether more signs are needed and/or would be installed.  SLO Espin explained that the signs must be visible (in close proximity to parked cars) in order for LAPD traffic officers to issue citations; the one sign is too far away from most parked cars in that stretch of PCH to allow for enforcement.  CD 11 Deputy Michael Amster stated that Caltrans has advised that the City must apply for a permit to install more signs; he is following up.

8.5.2.   Michael Amster, Palisades & Brentwood Field Deputy, CD11 (Councilwoman Traci Park), reported on several matters:

  • The Councilwoman’s recent motions regarding RV dwelling and towing operations have both passed in City Council.
  • After more than a decade of effort, a dog park is coming to Pacific Palisades!  $1.5 million in County funding has been secured.  The dog park will be located in the park area near the playground on Temescal Canyon Road.  The City Recreation & Parks Dept. requires two community meetings before construction can begin; CD 11 is attempting to arrange for the 1st meeting ASAP.  Leslie Campbell — spearheading the effort along with other Dog Park Task Force volunteers — thanked PPCC and CD 11 for their support.  The Board in turn expressed appreciation for Leslie’s and the Task Force’s tenacity and sustained effort to make this much-needed resource a reality.
  • Michael is working on bringing the CD 11 Beautification Team to the Palisades again, this time to clean up sidewalk areas along Los Leones.
  • It has been a priority for CW Park to secure crossing guards for all our elementary schools.  The good news is that a guard was added to the crossing at Marquez Ave. and Edgar St.  Unfortunately, despite parents’ pleas and CD 11’s request, a crossing guard will NOT be added to support Canyon Charter School.

8.5.3.   Marian Ensley, West Area Field Deputy, Mayor Karen Bass – Not present.

8.5.4.   Zac Gaidzik, Coastal & Westside Field Deputy, County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath – Not present.

8.5.5.   Samantha Gallegos, Field Representative, SD 24 (Sen. Ben Allen) – Not present.

8.5.6.   Anthony Avila, Field Representative, AD 42 (Asm. Jacqui Irwin) – Not present.

8.5.7.   Allison Holdoff, Senior Advisor, LAUSD Dist. 4 (Member Nick Melvoin) – Not present.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and Liaisons.

8.6.1.   Ella Nozar (Youth Advisor) brought to the Board’s attention her concern that there is an increase in the number of teens who openly engage in illegal smoking and vaping in public areas of the Village, near families and young children.  This is not permitted on campus at Pali High, and students are asked to maintain appropriate conduct in public as representatives of the school.  At this point, it’s unclear whether anything effective can be done to prevent this behavior.

9.   Reports from PPCC Committees.

9.1.   Election Committee (Maryam Zar, Chair):  Report on the PPCC Election of Area and At-large Representatives.  PPCC VP and Committee member Quentin Fleming explained that 610 ballots were cast in all races; that the Committee members met to confirm the accuracy of the results; that the ballots were counted twice in the contested races; and that Ken Kohn of Miracle Data served as tech advisor.  The brief report and full report of the results will be posted on the PPCC website.  He again congratulated the winners and thanked the outgoing Area reps (serving until 9/30/24):  Murray Levy (Area 1); Julie Silliman (Area 7), Cindy Simon (Area 6) and Haldis Toppel (Area 3).  The newly elected reps will take their seats at the PPCC meetings in October and will serve two-year terms (10/1/26 through 9/30/26).  (The brief Election Committee report and full results report are linked here:


9.2.   Three Chairs Committee (Maryam Zar, Chair):  Report on Alternates Application process. Alternates Application Notice:  https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/PPCC_Alts._App._Notice_2024.01.pdf.  Past Chair David Card provided information about the process, and invited interested and eligible persons to apply — reminding all that current Alternates must also apply should they wish to continue serving as an Alternate rep.  Details on how to apply to become an Alternate Area or At-large rep on the PPCC board can be found in the Alternates Application Notice, posted on the website. Deadline to submit applications:  5pm on October 6, 2024.  The 3 Chairs Committee will review the candidates and recommend nominees to the Board, who may elect the Alternates at the October 10th PPCC meeting.

10.   Old Business – None.

11.   New Business.

11.1.   Fire Safety Programs Presentation:  Dante Cornejo, EMT / Wildfire Specialist, MySafe:LA.  See https://www.mysafela.org/(Discussion item only).  Dante Cornejo and Gabriel Albarian, a volunteer with Firewise USA  (https://www.nfpa.org/education-and-research/wildfire/firewise-usa — a program of the National Fire Protection Association), gave an informative presentation on wild fire safety and prevention.

Dante explained that MySafe:LA is a non-profit partner of LAFD and the LA Co. Fire Dept. He presented a Power Point on the important “Ready, Set, Go!” program developed by County Fire (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/), emphasizing key details of each element of the program, including these three critical steps: 1) make a plan; 2) harden your home; and 3) defend your property.  He also advised that MySafe:LA does free home inspections for fire danger, and he encouraged residents to contact him to arrange for an inspection:  dante.cornejo@mysafela.org.  Gabriel provided additional details about the “Firewise USA” program that may result in potential fire insurance savings for communities that are designated under the program.  (See
https://www.nfpa.org/Education-and-Research/Wildfire/Firewise-USA/Firewise-Insurance-Discounts-for-California-Residents.)   In order to be so-designated, a community must consist of anywhere between 8 and 2,500 homes; must undergo an on-site assessment by a fire official to determine resiliency conditions; and must create a 3-year plan on how to increase resiliency.

Homeowner associations and other residents’ groups in the Palisades are strongly encouraged to contact Gabriel for more information on how to get started with designating their community or neighborhood under the Firewise USA program.  To reach Gabriel, contact Dante (email address linked above).

11.2.   Motion re RV Parking on State Land/along PCH:  Support the 8/5/24 letter from CW Park to the Governor and Caltrans, requesting that the state address encampments on state land in CD 11, including RVs along PCH; request prompt response, effective action and accountability by state authorities (sponsors Chris Spitz and Maryam Zar).  See proposed motion text & background at:
https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Motions-proposed-for-PPCC-9-12-1.pdf.   The President explained that this motion was being made by two voting Board members, Chris Spitz and Maryam Zar, and therefore a second was not needed.  She asked Chris Spitz to introduce the motion.  Chris read the motion text (below) and explained the background and purpose of the motion.  Board members had no questions and there was no discussion.  A vote was then called.  Result: Unanimous in favor of the motion.  Motion text:

“ Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) strongly supports the letter dated August 5, 2024, from Councilwoman Traci Park to Governor Newsom and Caltrans, requesting that state authorities coordinate with CD 11 in addressing encampments on state property within the district, pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order # N-1-24 – in particular the RV encampments along PCH in Pacific Palisades, as identified in the letter, which form a substantial risk to public health, safety and welfare.  PPCC further requests a prompt response, effective action and accountability by state authorities.”

11.3.   Motion Requesting Central Homeless Reporting Dashboard:  Request that the City of LA establish a new central Homeless Reporting Dashboard, mirroring the Culver City Homeless Reporting Dashboard, that is clear, open, honest, transparent and accessible (sponsors Chris Spitz and Maryam Zar).  See proposed motion text & background at:
https://pacpalicc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Motions-proposed-for-PPCC-9-12-1.pdf.  The President explained again that because this motion was being made by two voting Board members, Chris Spitz and Maryam Zar, a second was not needed.  She asked Chris Spitz to introduce the motion.  Chris read the motion text (below) and explained the background and purpose of the motion.  Board members had no questions and there was no discussion.  A vote was then called.  Result: Unanimous in favor of the motion.

Motion text:“Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) urges the City of Los Angeles to promptly establish a new central Homeless Reporting Dashboard on the City’s website, mirroring the Culver City Homeless Reporting Dashboard, that is clear, open, honest, transparent and easily accessible by the public.  PPCC further requests that Councilwoman Park take appropriate action to effectuate establishment of such a new central Homeless Reporting Dashboard in Los Angeles.”

12.   Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.

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