Upcoming meeting:  July 25, 2024 at 6PM, via ZOOM

Upcoming PPCC Area and At-large Representatives Election:  August-September, 2024.  Deadline to apply for candidacy:  5pm on July 25.  For details on how to apply, see Notice of Election Nominations.

Dear Pacific Palisades,

Please join us at our upcoming PPCC meeting on Thursday, July 25, 2024 — the first Board meeting of the 2024-25 term of new PPCC officers: Sue Kohl, President; Quentin Fleming, Vice-President; Jenny Li, Treasurer; Beth Holden Garland, Secretary.  The candidates for PPCC Area and At-large Representatives in the upcoming election will be announced on July 25.

Palisades Recreation Center Playground Survey:
One of the most important things we will try to accomplish will be to offer the Palisades community three different designs, proposed by RAP and CD11, for the revamp and upgrade of the Palisades Recreation Center. The three designs can be seen here: Option 1 (ocean and meadow), Option 2 (Forest), Option 3 (Desert).

Option #3 (image only. PDF above contains more info)

Option #1 (image only. PDF above contains more info)

Option #2 (image only. PDF above contains more info)

We encourage everyone to take a look a these and send your feedback by email to PPCC. We will share the feedback with the PAB, which will consider this matter at their July 18th meeting, when the input from the community could inform their decision. The Council Office has pledged Quimby funds to this project to upgrade the playground and bathrooms and bring them to compliance with current regulations. They believe they can accomplish this, if they begin timely. We encourage everyone to take a look and share your preference, if you have one!

This year, PPCC set out its priorities and worked toward achieving them with the help of a thoughtful and proactive board, as well as a slate of officers who have deep ties within the community and important credibility among our elected officials and agencies, which often assist us in achieving our goals.

We hope you will join us and follow our work. Your voice, your perspective and your engagement informs our direction and makes our advocacy stronger. Join us!

Best, Maryam Zar

PPCC Chair/President; Chair Emeritus as of July 1, 2024


Past messages from the President, 2023:

See a recap of the 2023 Awards Gala here.

Past messages from the President, 2023:

PPCC celebrated our the outstanding 2023 Awards Honorees at the Draycott on December 6th

It was a sold out event full of merriment and community joy. The celebrations were enjoyed by all!

Look for pictures, statements and updates as they become available!

  • Citizen of the Year:  Cindy Kirven
  • Golden Sparkplugs:  Laura Schneider, John Dwight, Sara Marti and Steve Cron
  • Pride of the Palisades:  Palisades PRIDE
See information about their accomplishments here.


Area One Representatives showed a video to the board in order to make us aware of the perils of hillside construction in their narrow streets, as a large proposed project is winding its way through the permitting process. While our LUC has their eye on the project, we wish to share this video widely with the community sine we are in the VHFHSZ and narrow hillside streets characterize many of our Palisades areas.

See the video here


On October 12th, PPCC held a Special meeting to discuss the bridge project.

See the video of the October 12th Special Meeting regarding the bridge project for Potrero Canyon Park, HERE.

See our letter to City and State officials, here.

On December 5th, CD11 held an informational meeting, jointly with the Office of Senator Ben Allen, to give the latest set of updates about the Potrero Canyon Bridge Project to the community, and take questions and comments.  A video of that meeting exists but is not currently available to the public; contact CD 11 to see the video.


Our 50th Anniversary Jubilee & Community Celebration was a great success!

With more than 30 local organizations celebrating . . .

Public officials and elected representatives and Palisades community leaders from almost every local organizations were present for a wonderful day of community and a celebration of the volunteer spirit that helps make the Palisades wonderful.

There were booths, music, food, presentations, balloons and crafts for kids, awards, speeches, recognition and even a grant made to our host location!

Glad so many people joined us for this historic day celebrating community. . . not to have been missed!

See our 5oth Anniversary Jubilee & Community Celebration recap page here


Link to the PPCC board meeting (begins at 6pm):

Join Zoom Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Looking forward to seeing you then.

Maryam Zar
PPCC President

See all our recent meeting Agendi and Minutes, here.  All Minutes from 2001 to the present can also be found by clicking on the Documents/Minutes of Previous Meetings tab, above.

Please see recent meeting recaps here and at Recaps & News


See recordings of important speakers or issues at our YouTube channel


Past messages from the President, 2022:

The board of the Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) congratulates our community recognition awards recipients this year.  We are proud to be able to recognize, honor and thank so many wonderful people in the community year after year, who lend their time and talent so freely to the betterment of this wonderful community.  We are lucky to have such remarkable honorees receiving the Citizen of the Year, the Golden Sparkplug and the Pride of the Palisades awards.

The Holiday Dinner & Gala event was a lovely evening celebrating community. We recognized Michael Lanning as Citizen of the Year, James Cragg, Tracey Price, Cindy Simon and Hazel Tate as Golden Sparkplug honorees, and The Pacific Palisades Historical Society Centennial Celebration Committee as Pride of the Palisades. See some photographs and join us in 2023!
Happy Holidays to all!
Best, Maryam Zar
PPCC President

See the Potrero Canyon Community meeting video at:  VIDEO

See the George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon signs at: INTERPRETIVE SIGNS


At our 10/27 meeting, we heard from Lindsay Horvath and Bob Hertzberg, candidates for LA County Supervisor, District 3.  See the Meet & Greet here:

We also heard from Gene Oh, the founder of Tranzito Vector, the company that has been contracted by the City of LA rebuild transit bus shelters across the city. The board was not impressed with the design of the new bus shelters but are still discovering how many will be placed in Pacific Palisades and what specs can be adjusted for our community. We have been given assurances that digital advertising will not be posted on the shelters in our community, and that any electronic component will be for information purposes only (such as route timings and bus information). Look for more information as we receive it.

We had an extended conversation with SLO Brian Espin about the state of Palisades crime, and with Commander Tom joining us next month at our November 10th meeting, we will agendas a longer conversation of strategy with LAPD, to keep the community safe.

SLO Espin shared the following CRIME UPDATE and CRIME MAP with the community.

Here is the Meeting Recap.


At our September 22, 2022, we heard from Traci Park and Erin Darling, the two candidates for LA City Council for District 11.  See the recording  here.


At the regularly scheduled 10/13 meeting, we approved these minutes.

And amended the bylaws in the following ways:

  • Added a Parliamentarian as a non-voting advisor, who may be appointed by the Chair with the consent of the Board. The same person may serve as Parliamentarian and Legal Advisor or may be two different people. (Bylaws, Art. V.1.D. and E.)
  • Split the office of Secretary into a Recording Secretary (a voting officer, on the Executive Committee) and a Corresponding Secretary (a non-voting Board Member, appointed by the Executive Committee with the consent of the Board – not an officer and not on the Executive Committee) (Article VI, Sec. 3. A., B., and C., and in other miscellaneous places). The purpose is to lighten the load of the Secretary, by having the Recording Secretary do the internal work of the organization, and the Corresponding Secretary do the outward communications work and media messaging.
  • Clarified that the term of all PPCC officers is for one year (Article VII, Sec. 4.C.).
  • Lifted the requirement that meetings be in-person, allowing the Board to decide between in-person and alternate remote means, and eliminating the determination of exigent circumstances in order to meet by Zoom (Art. VII, Sec. 5; Art. IX, Sec. 1).
  • Made a change to the organizational line-up in Appendix A, adding Resilient Palisades to the Environment category, to be shared with Temescal Canyon Association and moving the American Legion from the Service Club category to the Civic Organization category to share a seat with The Civic League.

Our next meeting will be on October 13th, with installation of a new board, a report from PPTFH on the results of the latest Point in Time Homeless Count, and a meet and greet with State Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (AD44) and Lori Mills who is a candidate for AD42, our new Assembly District that has a runoff election coming up between Jacqui Irwin (D) and Lori Mills (R). 

Please mark your calendars and join us!

Maryam Zar
PPCC President

Public Safety
Extensive materials on public safety and disaster readiness, compiled by PPCC, can be found HERE.

Watering Restrictions
Click HERE for information from LADWP on the new watering restrictions.