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All meetings held via Zoom videoconference; meetings from July 28, 2022, forward, recorded for secretarial purposes only. (Note: December 8th Holiday Awards Gala held in-person at the Temescal Gateway Park dining hall, with no business meeting.)


Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, David Kaplan, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Joanna Spak, Steve Cron, Sue Kohl, Karen Ridgley, Haldis Toppel, John Padden, Brenda Theveny, Kevin Niles, Janet Anderson, Beth Holden-Garland, Jenny Li, Matt Quiat

Voting Alternates:  Mary Mueller

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Jack Coleman, Jackson Walter, Nancy Niles, Michael Edlen, Melanie Bouer, Cathy Russell, Kimberly Bloom, Rick Mills, Don Scott, Richard Blumenberg, Rick McGeagh, Andrew Wolfberg, Pam McGranahan, Kasey Kokenda

1.    Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  David Kaplan read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of November 18, 2021 and December 9, 2021 were approved.  Upcoming meetings:  January 27, 2022: LAPD presentation on public safety and community/police engagement (1st in a series); February 10, 2022: LAPD presentation on public safety and community/police engagement (2nd in a series); February 24, 2022: LAPD presentation on public safety and community/police engagement (3rd in a series).

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC balance is $58,823.71.  Since his last report PPCC hosted the Awards Dinner at the Bel Air Bay Club to honor our Citizen of the Year and the Spark Plug honorees.  Due to COVID and unlike prior years, attendance was limited to just over 40 persons and we did not raise funds from sponsors.  As a consequence of that and other factors the event was costly.  Revenue amounted to $2,320.  Costs totaled $6,323 for a loss of $4,003.  All significant transactions since the Treasurer’s last report relate to the Awards Dinner.

7.     General Public Comment  None.

8.     Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    December meeting/Awards presentation recap.  The Chair announced that the event was successful and described how it was held, split between an in-person gathering of awardees, their invited guests and the Awards Committee at the Bel Air Bay Club, and the Zoom portion of the meeting with presentation of the awards, attended by additional board members and the public.  He thanked the venue host Jimmy Dunne; Kevin Niles, Joanna Curtis and Alex Ponting for handling the complex technical aspects of the hybrid event;  singer/songwriter Matty Ridge, daughter of Mary Mueller, who provided special entertainment; and all the Awards Committee members.  A special message from Congressman Ted Lieu was given by Janet Turner.  Certificates were presented to the awardees from Senator Allen, Assemblymember Bloom, Supervisor Kuehl, Mayor Garcetti, City Attorney Feuer and Congressman Lieu.  He also noted that he had acknowledged and read the names of past awardees, that Sharon Kilbride and David Kaplan assisted in presenting the awardee plaques, and that the awardees each gave impromptu remarks indicating gratitude for being honored.  He hopes that the event can be conducted again next year entirely in person.

8.1.2.    Redistricting update (City, County and State).  The Chair explained the various redistricting changes.  The Palisades will lose Ted Lieu as our congressman since his district has been shortened; we will be in a district that includes the Palisades, Brentwood, Bel Air and much of the San Fernando Valley, but does not include Santa Monica or points south. Our congressman may be Brad Sherman.  Our Senate district will remain virtually the same.  The Assembly district will also be changed, similar to the Congressional district; our Assemblymember will likely be Jacki Irwin, who currently represents Assembly District 44.  The Supervisorial district will also be changed; it will include the Palisades, Bel Air, Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Malibu and most of the Valley.  City Council District 11 will remain in almost the same configuration as it now is.  The Palisades will not be split in half as had originally been proposed for some districts.

8.1.3.    Pacific Palisades Centennial 2022 – event postponed to Spring 2022.  The Chair announced that Friday January 14th is the 100th birthday of Pacific Palisades, which was founded on January 14, 1922.  The event to celebrate the founding has been postponed to spring.  He called on resident Jimmy Dunne to explain his idea for a community celebration on Friday evening.  Mr. Dunne: Tomorrow night at 6pm folks will go out on front lawns and patios and bang pots and pans to celebrate the birthday.  Churches will be ringing bells and LAFD will have sirens going at 6pm.  News crews from Fox LA and KTTV will come out in morning to film citizens talking about the event and they will return at 6pm to film the activities.

8.1.4.    PPCC position letter re vehicle dwelling motion (CF 14-1057-S9):  The Chair noted that PPCC’s support letter has been sent.

8.1.6 [no 8.1.5]    PPCC advisors – status update: 1) New Homelessness Advisor appointments: Sharon Kilbride, Sharon Browning and Pam McGranahan; officers of PPTFH.  2)  New Education Advisor appointment: Kasey Kokenda.   The Chair announced all the new advisors and welcomed Pam McGranahan and Kasey Kokenda, who were both in attendance.  He explained that all three of the homelessness advisors are key officers of PPTFH and one of them will be attending PPCC meetings going forward to report on homelessness matters.  He also noted that Kasey Kokenda is replacing Allison Polhill as PPCC’s education advisor since Ms. Polhill is running for the Council seat.  Ms. Kokenda is LAUSD Board member Nick Melvoin’s community engagement and policy advisor. The Chair invited both Ms. McGranahan and Ms. Kokenda to give advisor reports (see items 8.6.1 and 8.6.2 below).

8.2.    From Officers – None.

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives.

8.3.1.    Rick McGeagh (Area 7 Alternate):  report on mudslide/public safety hazard on Will Rogers State Park Rd.   Mr. McGeagh explained that during the last big rainstorm large trees slid down the hill on Will Rogers Stat Park Rd., causing two wooden barriers on the street to give way and a 70-year-old water main pipe to break, which in turn caused a huge mud slide that threatened to reach Sunset Blvd.  CD 11 was called and Palisades Deputy Noah Fleishman assisted in arranging for City workers to address the immediate situation and clear the mud.  Mr. McGeagh understands that the pipe has been patched but he does not know if a new sleeve has been installed which would be required with this very old pipe.  (See item 8.5.2 below.)

8.3.2.    Jenny Li (Area 7 Representative).   Ms. Li reported that at a recent SMCCA meeting, an issue arose regarding the Metropolis parking app, now used in the Palisades Bank of America parking lot in and also at Starbucks and Whole Foods on Montana.  There are privacy concerns about data use.  In addition, some people do not have cell phones and many aren’t tech savvy.  Several PPCC Board members indicated agreement with these concerns and also raised questions about penalties for non-payment and enforcement.  Ms. Li will inquire about inviting a Metropolis representative to attend a future PPCC meeting to answer our questions about the app.

8.3.3.    Reza Akef (Area 8 Representative).  Mr. Akef advised that there were also slides on Sunset between Amalfi and Chautauqua during recent rain events and nothing was done to mitigate them.  There were three different slides on New Year’s Day.  He asked for help from CD 11 Deputy Noah Fleishman.  Mr. Fleishman:  The Transportation Dept. came and closed down one lane and Bureau of Street Services removed the slides.  He would need more clarification to determine who is responsible for shoring up the hillside along Sunset.    The Chair noted that slides are safety hazards and potentially dangerous.  Mr. Akef also stated that he wants to invite Genesis Open representatives to a meeting.  Paul Revere Middle School isn’t offering parking on the school grounds and the Tiger Woods Foundation wants to close off streets in the neighborhoods.  Mr. Fleishman:  He understands that residents want to get notice of street closures and he will look into this.  Karen Ridgely (Area 4 Representative):  Area 4 experienced a similar incident in the El Medio area when streets were shut down for a charity race with insufficient prior notice; there must be a way to funnel these requests through the Council office so that anyone who tries to shut down streets will know in advance that they need permitting.

8.3.4.    Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative). Ms. Toppel announced that recently, berms supporting Enchanted Way gave way during rain storms; residents are concerned that the next storm could wipe out the street.  She will contact Mr. Fleishman about the best way to correct the condition.

8.4.     From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.    John Padden (PRIDE):  update on STAP (street furniture program).  Mr. Padden did not have an update, but Joanna Spak (Area 1 Representative) stated that the City was unable to get their Initial Study completed for the MND; the existing contract has been extended for twelve months.

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.    Len Nguyen, Senior Planning Deputy, CD 11:  update on Riviera County Club/Longworth maintenance gate – Mr. Nguyen not in attendance.  The Chair noted that there are ongoing problems with people using the Longworth maintenance gate to access the Club; we are told that the problem is getting worse.  Current questions include:  Did the club apply for an application to be able to use the gate for non-maintenance entry; will the City take enforcement action if the Club does not have permission; will there be a hearing of the matter?  Mr. Fleishman:  He has seen the cars on Longworth; Mr. Nguyen advised that the Club hasn’t yet filed the papers required by the City Planning Dept.  CD 11 is trying to figure out enforcement.  Lorie Kraus (resident):  She communicated directly with the Planning Dept.  The Club is not planning to apply for a variance; it is just doing what it wants to do.  She explained the history of the matter and asked where is the enforcement for violation of the applicable zoning rule.  Mr. Fleishman:  The Club, like other institutions, predates zoning and falls into a different category.  Mr. Akef then explained that there are two aspects to enforcement:  LADBS would first would come out to observe the violations and then issue an order to comply; if they don’t comply then the City Attorney could file charges.

8.5.2.    Noah Fleishman, Palisades Deputy, CD 11.   Mr. Fleishman reported that Bureau of Engineering is working on the issue of the spill and water main issue in different phases.  He described steps to be taken in the next couple of weeks and months.   He suggests using 311 after large storms to report slides and other events, such as downed palm fronds and pot holes, and to make service requests.  There is an app, phone line and website for 311.  He also noted that LA Sanitation has been having staff shortages for bin pick-up, especially blue bins.  Call the hotline to report any problems.  We should expect pick-up delays in January.  Regarding the Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project:  there will be a third scoping meeting on January 22 at 10am.  Residents should let the Metro board and Caltrans know their opinions about how this might affect Sunset. The Chair spoke about positions PPCC had previously submitted.  Mr. Fleishman also remarked that there have been safety improvements on Sunset:  raised pavement markers have been installed along bends on Sunset (these are reflective dots that are elevated off the ground).

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors. 

8.6.1.    Pam McGranahan (Homelessness):  2022 Homeless County/Kim Clary and David Moreno.  Ms. McGranahan introduced herself and described her background and many volunteer activities in the Palisades; she is now Vice-President of PPTFH.  She introduced Kim Clary, Chair of the PPTFH volunteer committee, who had led the homeless count in the Palisades with her husband David Moreno every year except during COVID.

Ms. Clary announced that the homeless count will take place this year on January 26 at 5:30 am at Corpus Christi Church, with volunteers gathering on the terrace outside.  The count is required by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).  Los Angeles conducts the count under the LAHSA auspices every year; it will be very important this year as the count wasn’t done last year due to COVID.  The count tells us what type of people are in the area.  It cannot take place without the help of volunteers.  We need 50 volunteers for the count in the Palisades.   Volunteers should sign up in advance with Ms. Clary and Mr. Moreno (her husband, also in attendance).  They must form the teams ahead of time in the Palisades, who will go out in cars with their “pods” to various locations.  This information is not on the LAHSA website.  Contact for more information and to volunteer.  PPTFH will send out a link to a training video to the volunteers.  It is safer to do the count at first light.  LAPD will be there to help everyone.  Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative):  Is there a vaccination requirement and a limit on the number of people in cars?  Ms. Clary:  LAHSA is not requiring vaccines; masks are required; volunteers will use an app on their phone to conduct the count (less contact, no paper).  They are trying to have people sign up in their own pods and ride in their own cars.  Those going out as “singles” in cars will be assigned to areas of the Palisades where traditionally there have not been any homeless individuals, to verify that is still the case.

8.6.2.    Kasey Kokenda (Education):  Ms. Kokenda reported that LAUSD students are returning to school after a three-week break.  There is required testing for all students and staff, which will continue throughout January.  Current positivity rates are about 16 % for students and 14% for staff.  She explained the LAUSD quarantine policy. LAUSD also has a new Superintendent, Alerto Carvalho (formerly with the Miami-Dade school district in Florida).  She also announced that no schools in the Palisades complex are changing in the  redistricting.

9.     Reports from Committees.

9.1.    Land Use Committee (LUC:  Howard Robinson, Chair).  Report on LUC meeting 11/1/22; (tentative) recommendation to the Board and/or motion by the Committee regarding possible changes in zoning regulations applicable to R1/non-hillside/coastal areas of Pacific Palisades.

Mr. Robinson explained that the LUC held a public meeting on January 11 on the issue of out of scale development; an exemplar case is the large home under construction at Marquez & Ida.  A group of residents has been concerned since 2016 when a Coastal Development permit was applied for.  For whatever reason, construction did not start until 2020.  When neighbors saw the physical reality of what was being built, they were shocked; the building is 41 ft. in height, looming over other homes.

The LUC was asked to look into the matter and reported to PPCC previously on March 19 and October 29. Information about the LUC’s findings is on the website.  The home is completely legal.  The applicable zoning allows homes up to 45 ft. in height and with a 3:1 FAR.  Mr. Robinson has reviewed zoning codes going back to 1977 and this was the zoning in the R1 zone throughout the City at that time (and might even go back earlier than that).  The City has since passed a series of ordinances restricting what can be built.  In 2008, it first passed the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance (BMO) applicable to non-hillside, single family homes throughout the City (excluding the coastal zone).  In 2011, the City passed the Baseline Hillside Ordinance (applicable to all hillside single family homes).  In 2017, the City passed a second iteration of the BMO, and again excluded the coastal zone.  We believe that is because City Planners felt that areas in the coastal zone would update their Community Plans and/or there would soon be Local Coastal Plans approved for these areas.  As a result, we have an inadvertent donut hole affecting certain areas of the Palisades which are in the R1/non-hillside/coastal zone, and which allows for these large buildings.  In the Alphabet Streets, by contrast, the maximum height is 30 ft., with an FAR of 55%-65% of the lot.  For decades, this has not been a problem because owners/developers have simply not built homes as large as what is allowed.  But now the land has become so valuable we see people building these large homes in our R1/non-hillside/coastal areas. Mr. Robinson and LUC member Richard Blumenberg prepared a Zoning Chart which is posted on PPCC website.  If you know your lot’s zoning you can check the Zoning Chart and see what the development standards are for your lot.  We also have maps of different zoning areas prepared by the Planning Dept. and will get these posted as soon as possible.  These have been prepared as informational tools for the public.

Now, the question to be asked is: What are we going to do about this situation?  The purpose of the 1/11/22 LUC meeting was to take input from the public.  Fifty people attended and were first asked to participate in a straw poll.  The result:  50 votes (unanimous) in favor of more zoning restrictions.  Additional comments at the meeting as well as numerous email messages sent to the Chair and outreach by Area reps in affected areas (3, 4 and 6) confirmed that the public overwhelmingly wishes to see more restrictive zoning.  Mr. Robinson then explained that the LUC has submitted its final report to the Board [see:] and is making the following recommendation:

“The PPCC Land Use Committee recommends that the PPCC Board pursue action by the City to close, as quickly as possible, the current zoning loophole which allows incompatible homes (up to 45′ tall and 3:1 FAR) in certain areas of Pacific Palisades by promptly implementing Council File 10-1058-S4. The subject areas are those with all three of the following zoning characteristics: R1 zone, non-hillside area and coastal zone. The implementation of the above-referenced Council File should be an interim program, in place until the adoption of an updated Brentwood-Pacific Palisades Community Plan and/or a Local Coastal Program.”

Mr. Robinson then explained the motion by CM Bonin that is the subject of the Council File. Should the Board approve of this recommendation we can ask for extension of the Council File (which expires in March, 2022).  A motion to approve the LUC recommendation was placed on the table for a Board vote (no second was necessary as the motion was made by a committee of more than one voting member).  Discussion then ensued.  Reza Akef (Area 8 Representative):  The Council office could have Planning write an Interim Control Ordinance (ICO) until this ordinance is adopted.  We could also ask that the R1V1 variation zone (now applicable to the Alphabet Streets) be applied for consistency.  Mr. Akef noted that the reason for the BMO not extending into the coastal zone was probably because the City would have had to get permission from the Coastal Commission for any zoning change. Mr. Robinson replied:  That makes sense; he has discussed the possibility of an ICO with staff and was told getting an ICO adopted can take as long as a Community Plan update or a zone change.  This is not off the table for future discussion and we can look into this again as we push forward. He also noted that the LUC did not have a substantive discussion about requesting application of the R1V1 variation zone. It was felt that procedurally, this would require a zone change in all these areas.  The issue is not off the table (asking to apply the R1V1 variation zone at a later date is not excluded by this motion), but for now, neighbors made it clear that they want to do whatever can be done the fastest to obtain better protection for these areas.  A vote on the motion to approve the LUC recommendation was then called.  Result:  Unanimous in favor of the motion.

10.    Old Business – None.

11.    New Business.

11.1.    See item 9.1 above.

11.2.    (As time allows) WRAC-recommended motions, sponsored by the Executive Committee:

A) Support for CF 21-1115 (Buscaino); motion calling for drafting of an ordinance to ban bicycle “chop shops” on public property and in the public-right-of-way. Background information:  Buscaino motion:  The Secretary described the motion and noted that no second was necessary as the motion was being made by a committee of more than one voting Board member.  Discussion was called but there was none.  A voted was then called.  Result:  Unanimous in favor of the motion.

B) Support for CF 21-0002-S186 (Koretz); resolution calling for the City to support (as a state legislative policy) including SB 9 sites as an addendum to the Housing Element, so that these sites could in turn be added to the City’s “adequate housing sites” inventory – Postponed to next meeting due to time constraints.

12.    Adjournment.   The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 pm.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, David Kaplan, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Sue Kohl, Karen Ridgley, Haldis Toppel, Reza Akef, Beth Holden-Garland, Jenny Li, Alan Goldsmith, John Padden, Brenda Theveny, Fay Vahdani, Andy Frew

Voting Alternates:  Greg Heidt, Don Scott, Karyn Weber, Melanie Bouer, Judy Orsini

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Jack Coleman, Jackson Walter, Sharon Kilbride, Kimberly Bloom, Jessica Rogers, Mary Mueller, Michael Edlen

1.    Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  David Kaplan read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of January 27, 2022 were approved as corrected.  Upcoming meetings:  February 24, 2022: (1) LAPD presentation on public safety and community/police engagement (3rd in a series); (2) Presentation on Metropolis parking app.   March 10, 2022:  Topics to be announced.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $58,771.38.  There have been no significant transactions since the Treasurer’s last report.

7.    General Public Comment – None.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    Update re Palisades zoning/request to extend BMO to R1/non-hillside/coastal areas.

The PPCC position letter was sent to CD 11 and from there it was sent to the Planning Dept.  CD 11 Sr. Planning Deputy Jason Douglas has advised that CD 11 will be seeking an extension of the Council File which otherwise expires at the beginning of March.  He will also be speaking with the Planning Dept. about this matter and has been in contact with PPCC LUC Chair Howard Robinson. We are urging action as soon as possible on PPCC’s request to extend the BMO to the areas of the Palisades that have all three characteristics (R1/non-hillside/coastal).  In addition, Mr. Robinson is working with CD 11 to obtain an additional map that will eventually be posted on the PPCC website and that we believe will be helpful to the community in ascertaining relevant development rules for residential properties in the Palisades.

8.1.2.    New:  CD 11 Candidates Forum/ad hoc committee.   There are many candidates for the CD 11 position and the deadline to file is coming up in the next few days.  The primary election is in June. The Chair has spoken with Brentwood Community Council Chair Carolyn Jordan about tentatively holding a joint PPCC/BCC Candidates Forum for all CD 11 candidates who wish to join in the forum.  Brentwood and the Palisades are communities of interest that share designated Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone status and have common experience with wildfires and evacuations due to our location in the Santa Monica Mountains.  BCC is creating a Candidates Forum committee and is tentatively interested in joining with PPCC. One of BCC’s board members is an experienced debate moderator. The Chair asked for volunteers from PPCC to work on a committee together with BCC to put together a CD 11 Candidates Forum and possibly other fora for elected positions.  Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Jenny Li, Kimberly Bloom and the Secretary volunteered.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    Chris Spitz (PPCC Secretary).  The Secretary explained that right before the meeting tonight she received a message from the Planning Dept. that an “SB 9 implementation memo” has been prepared.  She explained the memo briefly, noting that she has not had time to review the contents thoroughly.  It appears that some restrictions on SB 9 development may be applied to hillside properties that are identified as being in sensitive habitat areas.

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives.

8.3.1.    Alan Goldsmith (At-large Representative).  He has visited the new Angelini restaurant in Palisades Village and reports that there is a high level of enthusiasm for the restaurant.

8.3.2.    Sue Kohl (Area 5 Representative) expressed concerns relative to a letter to the editor that was in the Palisadian Post about matters involving Potrero Canyon. Ms. Kohl indicated that she was unaware of some of the elements under construction and requested that this be agendized for a presentation and explanation by City officials to PPCC.  Karen Ridgley (Area 4 Representative), the Treasurer and the Secretary also expressed concerns and asked for such a presentation by City officials.  The Secretary advised that Matt Quiat (Area 6 Representative; the area where Potrero Canyon is located) could not attend the meeting tonight but is aware of residents’ concerns and also requests that the matter be agendized.  The Chair indicated that this would be considered.

8.3.2.    Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative).  She believes more time should be allowed on the agenda for area representatives to speak as they are elected to be the voices of the community.

8.4.     From Organizational Representatives

8.4.1.    Don Scott (PP Optimists Club). The Optimists Club meets every Tuesday at 10am via Zoom; there are interesting speakers and presentations at each meeting.

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.    LAPD Capt. Jonathan Tom (Commanding Officer, West LA Division), other LAPD officers/personnel: presentation on public safety and community-police engagement (2nd in a series).

LAPD Sgt. Scott Alpert attended, along with SLO Brian Espin.  Sgt. Alpert explained that Capt. Tom was unable to attend as he was assigned to Super Bowl duty, and that the Sgt. Alpert and SLO Espin would be the presenters. They then presented a slide show focusing on West Bureau and West Los Angeles Division operations and structure.  Topics covered during the presentation included extra police deployment and monitoring that will occur over the weekend to ensure safety during the Super Bowl; the communities that are within the WLA division; LAPD short staffing; the size of the WLA area relative to the number of basic cars (7 basic cars in an area of 65 sq. miles); the importance of  having a line of communications with community members, including via emails and phone calls; the types of LAPD operations and resources available to LAPD; the locations where violent crimes most often occur in WLA (according to statistics); comparisons with crimes statistics in other divisions; the locations where property crimes most often occur in the Palisades (along the Sunset corridor, Temescal Canyon Blvd. and W. Channel/Entrada); the status of homeless encampments and the transitory status of most homeless individuals found in the Palisades; and LAPD’s relationship with private security.  They emphasized that LAPD relies on communications with community members and private security companies for information-sharing about crimes.

During Q&A, Sgt. Alpert and SLO Espin responded to a variety of questions and comments, including the length of time callers are on hold when reporting incidents; the extra protection that will be provided to our area during the Super Bowl weekend; and the inaccessibility of the Via de las Olas bluff area due to damage to service roads after recent slides in the area (concern raised by Sharon Kilbride, PPCC Homelessness Advisor and PPTFH co-President).  Ms. Kilbride explained that homeless individuals camp in the restricted bluff area and regular monitoring by the beach patrol is necessary to protect the community; she also explained that this area, including service roads, is within the jurisdiction of the City Recreation and Parks Dept.  SLO Espin confirmed that he has been unable to access the area due to damage to the service roads from recent slides, that Recreation and Parks staff needs to go up and maintain the roads, and that the Potrero Canyon project manager is aware of the slides.  In response to a question from Karen Ridgley as to whether park rangers will be assigned to Potrero Canyon, Sgt. Alpert stated that LAPD Chief Moore will attempt to arrange for more park rangers. The Chair thanked Sgt. Alpert and SLO Espin for their presentation.

8.5.2.    Noah Fleishman (Palisades Deputy, CM Mike Bonin).  The Councilmember’s motion in Council file 21-1071, to increase public access and diversity to the coastal zone, has passed in City Council.  The Councilmember also submitted a motion yesterday asking for the City Attorney to report back on litigation related to the Temescal Ridge trail head. There is an effort to maintain public access to the trail.

Additional announcements:  Chief Terrazas will step down from LAFD.  He has nominated Deputy Fire Chief Kristin Crowley to become the first female chief of LAFD.  The beach clean-up with the WLA Boy Scout troop last Sunday was successful.  LADOT has been informed about an incident involving a jogger who was struck by car on Sunset at Bienveneda. LADOT is studying what measures can be taken that might make the location safer. The golf tournament at Riviera CC is next week.  A map with parking restrictions will be posted.  Residents should call LADOT if any problems are observed.  There will be traffic around the Super Bowl and Mr. Fleishman advises everyone to avoid the area in Inglewood unless attending the game.  He does not have an update on the issue involving the Riviera CC’s use of the Longworth gate for non-maintenance purposes.  Reza and another resident have been in contact about this with Len Nguyen of CD 11.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors.  None.

9.      Reports from Committees.

9.1.    See Item 10.1 below.

10.    Old Business.

10.1.  (As time allows) WRAC-recommended motion, sponsored by the Executive Committee: Support for CF 21- 0002-S186 (Koretz); resolution calling for the City to support (as a state legislative policy) including SB 9 sites as an addendum to the Housing Element. resolution:

The Secretary and Chair introduced and explained the motion on behalf of the Executive Committee.  No second was necessary as the motion was made by a committee of more than one voting member.  Discussion was called but there was none. A vote was then taken; result:  unanimous in favor of the motion. 

11.    New Business.

11.1.    See item 8.5.1 above (discussion only).

12.    Adjournment.    The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, David Kaplan, Richard Cohen, Sue Kohl, Joanna Spak, Jenny Li, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Alan Goldsmith, Fay Vahdani, Andy Frew, Janet Anderson, Brenda Theveny

Voting Alternates:  Rick Mills, Jessica Rogers, Karyn Weber, Barbara Kohn, Richard Blumenberg

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Pam McGranahan, Jackson Walter, Rick McGeagh, Marilyn Wexler, Cindy Kirven, Lee Anne Sanderson, Gil Dembo, Michael Edlen

1.    Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  The Chair read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of February 24, 2022 were approved.  Upcoming meetings:  March 24, 2022(1) LAFD brush clearance presentation; (2) Motion to add Resilient Palisades to Appendix A to the Bylaws (“Organizations Eligible to Send Representatives”); (3) First distribution of proposed Bylaws Amendments; (4) (As time allows) WRAC-recommended motion re “cool asphalt” paving.  April 14, 2022: (1) Disaster preparedness update by K.C. Soll, CERT coordinator; (2) Second distribution and vote on proposed Bylaws Amendments.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $58,435.05.  There have been no significant transactions since the Treasurer’s last report.

7.    General Public Comment.

7.1.    Trina Saltzman (resident) expressed concerns about problems with the Metropolis parking app at the Bank of America lot.  She has a smart phone but due to the problems she no longer uses the lot and instead parks on the street when visiting Starbucks or the Bank; she sometimes visits the Bank of America on 26th Street in Brentwood where there is a big parking lot, to avoid having to deal with parking problems at the branch in the Palisades.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon: (1) Link to download landscaping plans on PPCC website; (2) Update on PPCC request for a City presentation.  A link to download the plans was received and has been posted on the PPCC website [see:]. Noah Fleishman had said he would provide an update during government reports but he was unable to attend.

8.1.2.    [New] There will be a closure of one lane of PCH northbound between Chautauqua and Temescal Canyon Blvd. to replace a 30” water main.  The closure will begin on March 21st, with a target end date in June.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    Richard Cohen (Treasurer).  The Executive Committee submitted a letter to City officials on March 7, 2022, requesting written answers to questions, which will be included in the minutes [].

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives.

8.3.1.    Jenny Li (Area 7 Representative) reported on a follow up by the Metropolis Parking App representative to questions at the February 24, 2022 PPCC board meeting.  A memo with answers from Corey Owens of Metropolis has been forwarded to the PPCC board. [See:] Ms. Li further explained that a 10-minute grace period is provided; that Metropolis enforces restrictions on handicap parking spots but that everyone must pay to park, including those with ADA placards; that phone validations with the QR code work for two hours; that those who do not pay will be billed for the $70.25 penalty.  There was no explanation as to how Metropolis finds persons who do not pay.  The daily maximum charge is $20 regardless of whether you sign up in advance but run over.  We may invite the landlord to attend a PPCC meeting to address concerns at a later date.  Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative):   She was at Bank of America today and there was no enforcement; the attendant says that is the case.

8.3.2.    Alan Goldsmith (At-large Representative) suggested that board members add their titles to their “squares” during Zoom board meetings.

8.3.3.    Sue Kohl (Area 5 Representative) asked whether PPCC may return to in-person meetings.  The Treasurer explained that the community room at the library is needed for storage and the hours are limited.  We may revisit this in a few months.

8.4.     From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.    Andy Frew (Theatre Palisades) reported that the Theatre is returning with live performances of Neil Simon’s “The Prisoner of Second Avenue,” beginning on March 25th through May 1st.

8.4.2.    Rick McGeagh (PPBA) announced that the PPBA baseball season begins this Saturday at 7:30am – a very happy day in the Palisades.  Sue Kohl (Area 5 Representative) added that there will also be the traditional PPBA pancake breakfast.

8.4.3.   Barbara Kohn (PP Historical Society) advised that the Centennial celebration will take place on May 3 and there is a sign-up on the Society’s website [].  A commemorative blanket is also being sold on the website.  Please re-register in order to ensure a seat at the event.

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.    LAPD presentation on public safety and community-police engagement (3rd in a series) – Capt. Jonathan Tom (Commanding Officer, West LA Division), SLO Brian Espin, Sgt. Scott Alpert.

SLO Espin presented a slide show focusing on community involvement with LAPD/West LA Division.  He discussed opportunities for involvement such as the Volunteer Community Police and the Reserves.  He stressed that the West LA station is available for calls, both emergency and otherwise.  The front desk is open for business between 7am and 11pm daily.

The West LA Division will be sending out postcards to Westside residents with contact instructions as to all crimes and other problems tha citizens encounter.  There is an anti-terrorism app available.  Contact  SLO Espin also noted that there will be a “Coffee with West LA Division Detectives” on March 24th from 7-9am at the West LA station.  The Chair thanked SLO Espin for the presentation.

Various questions and comments were then raised by board and community members and additional information was provided by Capt. Tom.  Topics included how to follow LAPD; the agencies participating in hillside sweeps which will occur on May 18 and June 15; the importance of watching out for misinformation on Nextdoor; and LAPD’s enforcement of no overnight parking on PCH.  The Chair thanked Capt. Tom.  Additional information was provided about the postcard which the American Legion is working on and will pay to mail to all Palisades residents. Jim Cragg (Commander, American Legion Palisades Post 283) explained that the postcard will include phone numbers to call in various situations.  Mr. Cragg also announced that on April 2 in the Palisades Park, the Legion will offer CPR and Stop the Bleed training for Legion members and the community.

8.5.2.    Janet Turner (Deputy District Director, U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu).  Ms. Turner explained that Congressman Lieu and Senator Padilla have introduced comprehensive legislation in the House and Senate, called the “Housing for All Act of 2022,” that would invest in proven solutions to address critical affordable housing shortages in California and across the country.  A USPS reform bill has finally passed in Congress which will hopefully be a big shot in the arm for postal service on the Westside.

With regard to community project funding (previously called “earmarks”), Ms. Turner reported that 10 projects had been approved for a total of $11 million last year.  They are now racing to put in a list of projects for this year.  She has reached out to PRIDE for beautification projects and also suggested a possible upgrade to the Recreation Center for ADA accessibility.  PPCC as a 501(c)(3) or the City could submit a request.  The deadline for applying for project funding is March 18th.  The Chair:  He has forwarded the Community Project funding program information to CD11 and Recreation & Parks Department suggesting possible ideas for funding, including an upgrade to ADA for the children’s playground at the Recreation Center and for a trail connecting the mouths of Potrero and Temescal Canyons.  Sue Kohl:  The bathrooms at the Recreation Center also badly need work.  Leslie Campbell (resident/dog park group founder):  She hopes that some of the funding can go toward the Palisades dog park project.  The dog park group could apply as a 501(c)(3).  Ms. Turner will forward the information to Ms. Campbell.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors.

8.6.1.    Pam McGranahan (Homelessness Advisor) gave an update on the recent Point in Time Homeless Count, sponsored by the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness.  She reported that the Count went well; the preliminary number of homeless is the same as in the 2020 Count, but cannot be officially reported until approved.  More people were found in RVs and in cars because of the limits on enforcement during COVID, especially on PCH south of Sunset. The Beach Patrol is checking the hillsides once a week and so far this winter no one has been found in these fire areas.  Ms. McGranahan is concerned that this may change as the weather improves.  The Via de las Olas bluff areas must be patrolled by foot now, as the “Mule” (utility vehicle) cannot get up the washed-out trail. A special hillside blitz is being planned for May 18th in a multi-agency effort on the same day to find any encampments in the entire hillside area.

9.    Reports from Committees.

9.1.    PPCC Candidates Forum Committee (Jenny Li, Committee Chair). Update on BCC-PPCC Forum.

Ms. Li announced that the CD 11 Candidates Forum will be held via Zoom webinar on Tuesday, May 3 at 7pm.   Confirmed candidates include Erin DarlingGreg Good, Jim Murez, Mike Newhouse, Traci Park and Allison Polhill.  Candidates’ website links will be sent out to the community.


The Committee is inviting input from the community on forum topics and questions for the candidates.  Please submit suggestions for topics or questions to:

9.2.    PPCC Palisades Forestry Committee (PFC/Cindy Kirven, Chair). Update on PFC tree-planting projects; request for Board approval of possible press release.

Ms. Kirven announced the upcoming planting of street trees along Hartzell St. on March 24.  The next effort will involve planting of street trees along Via de la Paz from Bestor to Via de las Olas.  These installations continue the aim of planting “100 Trees for 100 Years, honoring the Palisades’ Centennial celebration.   A Coast Live Oak was planted at Founders Oak island on January 14th, in conjunction with the Historical Society; this was the first of many trees that are expected to be planted along more residential streets and in public park areas such as the park at Palisades Recreation Center.  Additional trees are aimed to be planted at the Veterans Gardens and the tennis center.

Ms. Kirven requested the Board’s approval of a press release announcing these events, which has been forwarded to the board. The press release was also posted on the screen [see:].

The Chair then asked if any board members objected to the press release.  There were no objections or abstentions.  The Chair stated that the press release was therefore approved.

10.    Old Business  None.

11.    New Business.

11.1.    See Item 8.5.1 above.

11.2.    Update on the Pali Micro Grid and other projects – Ryan Craig, Resilient Palisades.

Mr. Craig, a member of the Resilient Palisades’ Clean Energy Resilience Team, provided an update on the status of the Pali Micro Grid program.  He related that 80 residents have requested proposals for roof top solar installation.  The first phase involves screening four contractors to offer solar panels and battery programs.  With one request you can get four quotes. Resilient Palisades wants to get the word out to Palisadians to go solar.

Mr. Craig also provided information about other Resilient Palisades projects, including the Gas Free Gardens campaign to educate residents and gardeners in order to eliminate gas-powered blowers and other equipment, and the Zero Waste program to encourage the use of reusable produce bags. They are also planning an Earth Day event, possibly at Will Rogers, on April 16th.  Residents are invited to visit the Resilient Palisades website for more information [].

12.    Adjournment.    The meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, David Kaplan, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Sue Kohl, Joanna Spak, Jenny Li, Matt Quiat* (*partial attendance), Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Alan Goldsmith, Reza Akef, Fay Vahdani, Eric Dugdale, Janet Anderson, Brenda Theveny, Beth Holden-Garland

Voting Alternates:  Nina Kidd, Cindy Kirven* (*upon Matt Quiat’s departure)

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Jackson Walter, Mary Mueller, Kimberly Bloom, Gil Dembo, Michael Edlen

1.    Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  Sue Kohl read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of March 10, 2022 were approved.  Upcoming meetings:  April 14, 2022:  (1) Disaster preparedness update by K.C. Soll, CERT coordinator; (2) Second distribution and vote on proposed Bylaws Amendments; (3) Appointment of Nominating Committee (to nominate candidates for the election of PPCC officers, 2022-23 term; Bylaws Art. VII.1).  April 28, 2022:  Topics to be announced (meeting will start early at 5:45pm, with hard adjournment at 6:30pm, to accommodate attendance at the City Attorney Candidates Forum hosted by the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils, beginning at 6:30pm on 4/28).

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $56,529.36.  Since the last report we have renewed both our D&O liability policy (on March 7) and our General Corporate Liability insurance policy.  Both policies were renewed at approximately the same premiums as last year – $659 for the D&O and $974 for the General Liability. We also renewed our annual P.O. box rental renewal fee for $216.  There have been no other significant transactions since the Treasurer’s last report.

7.    General Public Comment – None.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon:  Updates; see Executive Committee 3/15/22 letter to RAP Commissioners:

The Chair noted that the letter was sent as indicated. There were two Recreation and Parks (RAP) Commission meetings last week, one of a committee and the other of the full board.  The Chair briefly summarized those meetings.  The landscape contract is reported to be 35% complete.  Planting will start next month. According to the project manager, change orders due to rain storms will total $630K. The agenda for last week’s RAP committee meeting shows pictures of the damage.  There was severe devastation to the bottom dam and other damage to the access road.  The City will run out of money from the proceeds of sales of rim lots which are in a trust fund.  There may be future change orders and the contingency fund may have to be increased.  RAP and the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) are both looking for additional funds.  Noah Fleishman, CD 11 Deputy District Director, has submitted a report  to PPCC in which he says that the City is confident it will find the money to complete the project.  At the RAP Commission meetings last week, a City Attorney who was present said that he and RAP Planning Supervisor Darryl Ford would look into whether ten rim lots on Friends St. (now included as part of the park) are in fact dedicated parkland.  If they determine the lots are not dedicated, the sale of those lots may be a possible source of funds to complete the project.  The Chair then spoke about the pedestrian bridge/PCH overcrossing and the trail running from the mouth of Potrero Canyon to Temescal Canyon Road.  The state has funded $11M for the bridge, based on the original estimate for design and construction, but the funding may be insufficient due to inflation.  A BOE staffer has been assigned to begin working on plans for the bridge, starting July 1, 2022. With respect to the trail running from the mouth of Potrero Canyon to Temescal Canyon Road, there are ongoing negotiations with Caltrans regarding the status of the right of way along PCH.  BOE has prepared a map that is being fine-tuned to show where the trail would be located.

The Chair then described a draft letter that the Executive Committee proposes to send, stating support for improvement of the trail to Temescal Canyon Road and asking for the City to request federal funding for the trail under the program that Congressman Lieu’s Deputy District Director Janet Turner has described to us.  The letter was shown on screen [see:].  Because the application for federal funding will be due in mid-April (before the next Board meeting can take place), the Chair explained that the Executive Committee will take a straw poll (permitted under the Bylaws) as to whether the Board approves the Executive Committee sending the letter.  Discussion:  Nina Kidd (Friends of the Library) asked whether anyone had communicated with PPTFH regarding homeless encampments and signage in the area of the trail.  The Chair doesn’t know if PPTFH has been contacted but he noted that this is an attempt to get one of our government agencies to apply for funding.  The trail proposal has been in the works for many years and is needed in order to complete the park.  Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative) feels that having a trail there is wonderful and a great idea, but she noted that the area is used for Caltrans storage and questions realistically who is going to walk a mile from Potrero Canyon to Temescal Canyon.  The Chair stated that he has measured the distance and it is .6 miles as the crow flies.  Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative) asked whether the trail is a substitute for the bridge or whether both are being proposed. The Chair and the Secretary explained that the trail and the bridge are both proposed as alternate ways for pedestrians to safely cross PCH in order to access the beach. The Chair noted that the bridge will likely take five years to build whereas the trail, if funded, could be completed much sooner. The Secretary added that the trail was recommended by the Potrero Canyon Community Advisory Committee in its report in 2008 which has not changed since the report was issued; the trail has been discussed and contemplated for many years, it is depicted in maps shown to the public and it is a requirement of the Coastal Development Permit.

Noah Fleishman (CD 11 Deputy District Director) then explained that the City is actively looking for sources of funding in order to complete the park and build the trail and the bridge. He does not know the status of negotiations with Caltrans about a right of way along PCH over Caltrans property. Beth Holden-Garland (PPRA) asked about possibly instituting a shuttle bus service from the beach parking lot to Potrero Canyon.  The Chair stated that he hasn’t heard that idea before, but it might be worth considering.  Eric Dugdale (PP Historical Society) thinks the proposed trail is a really good idea and that the draft letter is a good one.  LAPD SLO Brian Espin opined that until a bridge is established there should be signage indicating no beach access unless there’s fencing bordering the trail along PCH.  He strongly recommends this for public safety reasons. The Chair noted that there is a sign in the landscape plan stating no coastal access. The Secretary cautioned that the Coastal Commission requires coastal access although public safety is also a consideration. The Chair indicated that there have been some discussions with BOE about installing fencing along PCH to prevent unsafe crossing.  A straw poll of Board members was then taken.  Result: unanimous support for the Executive Committee to submit the letter and request that the City apply for federal funding for the trail.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    Chris Spitz (Secretary).  On April 25th, The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC) will host a CD 11 Candidates Forum (at 6:30pm), and on April 28th, WRAC will host a City Attorney Candidates Forum (at 6:30pm), followed by a County Supervisor District 3 Candidates Forum (at 8pm).  All of these events will be via Zoom webinar.  We will provide links to register as soon as they are available.  All are invited.  PPCC will adjust its meeting time on 4/28 to allow for attendance at the WRAC forum.  The PPCC board meeting will start at 5:45pm and end at 6:30pm.

In addition, the PPCC Executive Committee submitted a letter to City officials on March 23, 2022, asking for additional information from knowledgeable City officials regarding Potrero Canyon matters.  The letter has been forwarded to the Board and is posted on the website [].

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives – None.

8.4.    From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.    Nina Kidd (Friends of the Library) announced that by May 2022, it may be possible for PPCC and other groups to use the Library’s community room for meetings.

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.    LAPD SLO Brian Espin.  SLO Espin reported that the Palisades is looking well in terms of crime.  There were 21 burglaries by this time last year; this year there were 12; last year there were 63 car thefts; now there were 43.  He cautioned that although we are doing well, residents should always be vigilant and aware of their surroundings.

8.5.2.    Noah Fleishman (CD 11 Deputy District Director).  Mr. Fleishman submitted a written report which the Secretary noted has been sent to the Board and will be linked in the meeting recap message.  He reported that Potrero Canyon is coming along nicely and it is hoped that the park will open in the fall of 2022; the City is also hoping to find additional funding.  Congratulations to Resilient Palisades for becoming a member of PPCC.  Resilient Palisades will host an Earth Day festival on April 16th, to be co-sponsored by CD 11 and the Mayor’s office.  Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative) expressed thanks for the City’s inspection of a sinkhole-type condition on Enchanted Way.  Mr. Fleishman explained that a BOE inspector came out and wrote a report, which described short-term interventions and long-term solutions.  He will arrange to get this report to Ms. Toppel.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors – None.

9.    Reports from Committees.

9.1.    PPCC Candidates Forum Committee (Jenny Li, Committee Chair). Update on BCC-PPCC Forum. Ms. Li explained that the Committee met yesterday with their BCC counterpart.  The PPCC Committee members are herself, Chris Spitz, Kimberly Bloom, Karen Ridgley, Haldis Toppel and the PPCC Chair (ex officio).  The forum will take place on May 3 at 7pm via Zoom webinar.  The same six candidates as announced at the last meeting are confirmed to attend.  PPCC Youth Advisor Jack Coleman will help plan the webinar.  A former BCC Vice-Chair, Daniel Abramson, will be the moderator.  Mr. Abramson is Assistant General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer at RAND; he has experience with election law and has moderated other debates/fora; he also resides in PPCC Area 8 (the Polo Fields).  A flyer will be coming out in the next week or two which will contain details on how to register.  Kimberly Bloom is working on the flyer.  Ms. Li encouraged the community to submit topics and questions for the forum.  Direct suggestions and questions to

9.2.    Executive Committee (David Card, Chair). Committee recommendation and motion for Board approval to add Resilient Palisades to Appendix A to the Bylaws (“Organizations Eligible to Send Representatives”; Bylaws, Art. VIII.1.A(4)). See completed RP organization certification form:

The Chair presented the motion on behalf of the Executive Committee.  No second was necessary as the motion was made by a committee of more than one voting member. The Chair described Resilient Palisades’ many contributions to the community.  PPCC awarded Golden Sparkplug recognition last year to the organization’s leader Ingrid Steinberg.  Ryan Craig, who is spearheading the microgrid project and spoke at the last PPCC board meeting, was in attendance.  Resilient Palisades has applied to become a member of the Board and has submitted a completed certification form which was linked in the agenda.  The Executive Committee approves Resilient Palisades’ application to become an organizational member of PPCC and now moves for the Board’s approval.  The Bylaws require a 2/3 vote of the entire Board for the motion to pass (i.e., at least 15 members must vote in the affirmative).

Mr. Craig was invited to say a few words.  He stated that it is an honor to be considered for PPCC Board membership.  Resilient Palisades has been operating for two years.  They have four active community teams and 500 registered members, 50 of whom are quite active.  They want to become a rotating member and act as a liaison to make sure we’re aware of everything Resilient Palisades is doing so that we can help each other.

Discussion:  Richard Cohen (PPCC Treasurer and Bylaws Committee Chair): The standard under the PPCC Bylaws to add an organization is whether or not their interests are already reflected by other organizations on the Council. In this case, Resilient Palisades’ interests aren’t adequately represented on the Council.  The issues they focus on are important and deserve to be considered.  Resilient Palisades is a 501(c)(3), as is PPCC.  They fit within the parameters of the PPCC Bylaws.  In addition, they have young members who are committed to these issues; bringing in younger members is essential for PPCC.  The Secretary:  She is fully supportive.  Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative):  He is fully supportive.  An individual voice vote of Board members was then taken.  Result:  Motion passed unanimously by all members voting (18-0-1), i.e., more than 2/3 of the Board membership.

9.3.    PPCC Bylaws Committee (Richard Cohen, Chair). First distribution of proposed bylaws amendments. Bylaws Committee motion for Board adoption of amendments (Second Distribution and Board vote on motion to take place on April 14, 2022). See the following documents distributed concurrently with the meeting agenda via PPCC email and posted on the PPCC website:

1) Committee Report:

2) Amendments “Redline”:

3) Amendments “Clean”:

Mr. Cohen explained that there will be a Second Distribution with a full discussion and vote at the next meeting; he then briefly described the proposed amendments. The first category of amendments is to replace the  old map, depicted in Appendix B to the Bylaws, with the digital map on the website, as the official map to define the boundaries of the Council and each of the Areas.  He noted that the map in Appendix B is a page from the former Thomas Guide, with boundaries marked by a Sharpie that are not clearly delineated. PPCC’s esteemed past Chair, the late George Wolfberg, with Heather Cohen (Mr. Cohen’s daughter), were responsible for creating the online map and worked meticulously to make sure that it is accurate.  The online map is much more accurate than the old map in the Bylaws.

A few proposed amendments involve minor “housekeeping” and clarification of language.  Another amendment would clean up the Bylaws language involving appointment of alternates in situations when a category has two rotating organizations and one of the positions is vacant. Other amendments deal with situations when elected Area representatives no longer live in the Area they were elected to represent, or when an elected At-large representative no longer lives or operates a business or owns property within the Palisades’ boundaries.  In the past we had a situation when an elected representative moved to Beverly Hills and didn’t let us know that he no longer lived in the Palisades.  The proposed amendments provide that an Area representative cannot be gone for more than 30 days from the Area where he or she lives (or more than 30 days from the Palisades, in the case of an At-large representative), unless they obtain dispensation from the Chair.

Mr. Cohen then showed onscreen the redline page of Appendix A to the Bylaws (list of organizational members).  He described the proposed changes to Appendix A:  The Business & Commerce category would now have two members, P.R.I.D.E. and the Chamber of Commerce (which is in the process of transition).  The Civic Organizations category would consist of the Civic League and Resilient Palisades.  If the amendments are passed, then during this term P.R.I.D.E. and the Civic League would be the primaries in their respective categories and the Chamber and Resilient Palisades would be the respective alternates in their categories. He noted that all of the affected organizations seem to be fine with the changes. There is a need to have nine categories of organizational members to balance the nine elected representatives; the decisions on placement of organizations in Appendix A were made in order to maintain that balance.

Discussion:  Steve Cron:  He is unclear about the positions of the organizations and the sharing of votes in a category with rotating members. Mr. Cohen and the Secretary explained how the rotating organizational membership worked and how votes occur in those categories: There is one vote by the primary member representative; if he or she cannot attend, the next organization in line is the alternate and its representative may vote in place of the primary. The organizations rotate annually, with terms beginning on October 1 each year; in the case of categories with only two organizations, in any given year each organization will be either the primary or the alternate member in that category; in cases with more than two organizations, the positions change annually and the member that was the primary prior to October 1 will be replaced by the former alternate, with the next organization in line becoming the new alternate. Reza Akef (Area 8 Representative):  Both P.R.I.D.E. and Resilient Palisades are organizations focused on environmental matters.  Why is P.R.I.D.E. placed in the Business category and Resilient Palisades in the Civic Organizations category instead of the Environment category?   Mr. Cohen:  P.R.I.D.E.’s focus is on improving the commercial areas of the Palisades and its board includes members of the business community. The Committee felt that it is appropriate to include them in the Business & Commerce category and P.R.I.D.E. is fine with that designation.  Many Palisades organizations say that they are committed to the environment and improving the community but for various reasons aren’t included in the Environment category. The Committee used its best judgment in determining the placement of organizations in the Appendix A categories.  There will be an opportunity for more discussion at the April 14th meeting.

9.4.    (New) PPCC Palisades Forestry Committee (PFC/Cindy Kirven, Chair).  Today was the street tree planting day as announced in the recent PPCC/PFC press release.  The PFC expected that 13 trees would be planted on Hartzell St. but ten ended up being planted because of issues that arose (utility infrastructure interference, inadequate space or a homeowner’s change of mind). Ms. Kirven showed photos of the tree-planting on screen and described the tree species that were planted. The PFC did the tree selection which was approved by Urban Forestry. City Plants and the LA Conservancy Corps did the actual planting and did a nice job.  The PFC will next move to planting street trees on Via de la Paz.

10.    Old Business – None.

11.    New Business.

11.1.    See item 9.2. above.

11.2.   Brush Clearance Presentation – LAFD Brush Clearance Unit.

The Chair introduced LAFD Capt. Bryan Nassour and Inspector Warren Sutton of the Brush Clearance Unit.  Capt. Nassour explained that Inspector Sutton oversees all of the Palisades and he (Capt. Nassour) supervises 14 LAFD inspectors who oversee and maintain their areas to make sure the Fire Code is followed in the VHFHSZ.  This includes oversight of private properties and public properties maintained by city and state agencies.  All Palisades parcel owners should have received a brush clearance notice.  LAFD no longer allows for a self-inspection waiver.  LAFD inspectors will be coming out and inspecting all properties on May 1; clearances are subject to the Fire Code.  The inspectors can come out multiple times to a property as a result of complaints, prior failures of inspection and the like.  If a notice to comply is issued, the owner is given 30 days to become compliant.  If they fail to comply, they will receive a $31 fee.  If after a second time the condition still has not been abated, the fee will increase to $638.  After a third time, the fee increases to $1308.  At that point LAFD contractors will come out and abate the hazard but the owner will still have to pay the fee.  There is an option to appeal with 3rd party appeal officers.  The City has the right to put a lien on the property if the appeal is lost and the owner doesn’t pay the fee.

Capt. Nassour explained that LAFD just wants compliance.  They do write multiple notices although they don’t want to have to do so.  They just want to keep the community safe from brush fires.  Owners can hire the LAFD contractors to do private work.  Visit for more information on fire prevention and brush clearance.  He highly encourages everyone to register within the VMS system.  This allows you to see information on your parcel and the status of your property.  Visit:  Read the information notice which has details on how to register.  Parcel owners can only see information about their own parcel on the system.  If you are applying for fire insurance renewal, you can print out your own document via the VMS system to show you have passed inspection; if you are not part of the system LAFD can print out the document and email it to you to show you are in compliance.

Capt. Nassour next introduced Inspector Sutton, who has been in the district for more than two years and knows our area well.  Inspector Sutton indicated that residents may reach out to him with any questions:

Joanna Spak (Area 1 Representative):  How do you ensure access to yards and do you let owners know in advance when you will be coming out to inspect?  Insp. Sutton:  He can’t give advance notice because there are too many parcels being inspected.  He sometimes knocks on doors or hikes around properties to see conditions; he can also see the conditions on parcels next door to ones he is inspecting.  Capt. Nassour: If the gate is locked and the inspectors need to hop a fence, they are required to knock on the door first; if no one is home they will then try to hop fence if it’s not too tall.  If they do get in the back yard, they will put a tag on the door indicating whether the owner has passed or failed the inspection.

Beth Holden-Garland (PPRA):  She has had positive experiences with LAFD inspections. She has noticed many pine needles and dry brush on Sunset Blvd., which are potential fire hazards.  Who takes care of clearing these conditions?  Capt. Nassour:  If the conditions fall on government property, LAFD will send out crews to clear and abate all hazards.  Pali High maintains and handles brush hazards themselves.  They try to eliminate lateral growth on pine trees. If hazards are in the street, LA Street Services should be called to come out and clear the conditions with a street sweeper. LAFD works with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to get clearance to clear and abate areas off of Sunset near Will Rogers.

Eric Dugdale (PP Historical Society):  Fires are often started by power poles/lines.  Who inspects the areas around power poles?  Capt. Nassour:  LAFD handles inspection of all power poles in LA City.  An exception is when the pole is in deep brush within MRCA areas, such as Camp Josepho.  LAFD lets nearby property owners and LADWP know of any hazards involving power poles/lines.  LADWP goes out to trim trees around wires, especially high voltage lines (they trim at least ten feet away from the lines).  LAFD will cite LADWP if there is a hazard involving transmission lines too close to homes.

Janet Anderson (AYSO):  How is inspection done with HOAs up in the Highlands?  Capt. Nassour:  LAFD requires each individual property owner to be inspected and registered.  If there is commonly-owned/HOA property, LAFD will write up the inspection to the HOA’s board of directors.

Capt. Nassour also explained that residents may stop by any LAFD station, such as Stations 69 and 23 in the Palisades, with basic brush questions.  Station staff have the Captain’s direct line and can forward questions to him.  He tries to respond within 24 hours.  The stations also have pamphlets on brush clearance.  Capt. Nassour’s email is but he suggests reaching out to Inspector Sutton first.

The Chair thanked Capt. Nassour and Inspector Sutton for the presentation and for their work in keeping us safe.

11.3.   Motion to Support WRAC-recommended Motion: Request Use of “Cool Asphalt” for Paving (sponsored in PPCC by the PPCC Executive Committee). See attachment, following, for motion text and background information.

The Secretary presented the motion on behalf of the Executive Committee.  No second was necessary as the motion was made by a committee of more than one voting member.  She noted that the motion had arisen from a recommendation of the WRAC Transportation Committee and briefly explained the purpose of the motion.   Discussion was called but there was none.  A vote was then taken.  Result:  Unanimous in support of the motion.

12.    Adjournment.   The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 pm.

ATTACHMENT – Item 11.3:

Motion to Support WRAC-recommended Motion: Request Use of “Cool Asphalt” for paving.

Background information:

Motion text:

WRAC requests that the City Bureau of Engineering uses “cool asphalt” for paving with the following recommendations:

  1. Request that StreetsLA prioritizes its program for cooling, including that the Bureau of Engineering coat roads and sidewalks with “cool asphalt.”
  2. Request that Council Districts allocate discretionary funding to StreetsLA to expand coating with cool asphalt in their areas.
  3. Request that the City prioritize and implement the program by allocating sufficient funding.
  4. Request that the City publicize the streets that are scheduled to be coated.
  5. Request that the City prioritize implementation based on areas with high heat temperatures, low tree canopy cover, high use transit stops and high pedestrian traffic areas.
  6. Request that the City study the feasibility and cost of producing, installing and maintaining its own product (the cool street coating).
  7. Request that the City plant street trees where coating is applied, to increase the effectiveness of the coating and provide a holistic approach.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, David Kaplan, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Jenny Li,* Joanna Spak, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Alan Goldsmith, John Padden,* Reza Akef,* Janet Anderson, Kevin Niles, Brenda Theveny, Fay Vahdani, Ryan Craig (after vote on Item 9.2) (*partial attendance)

Voting Alternates:  Cathy Russell* (*after Li’s departure), Richard Blumenberg* (*before Padden’s arrival)

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Jack Coleman, Jackson Walter, Nancy Niles, Michael Edlen

1.    Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  The Chair read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of March 24, 2022 were approved.  Upcoming meetings:  April 28, 2022:  Topics to be announced (meeting time 5:45pm – 6:45pm, to allow attendance at the WRAC City Attorney candidates forum beginning at 7pm that evening).  May 12, 2022: (1) Nominating Committee announcement of nominations for PPCC officer candidates; (2) other topics to be announced.   May 26, 2022:  Topics to be announced.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $55,922.51.  Since the last report we paid $370 for a Zoom upgrade so we can co-host the candidates’ forum, half of which will be reimbursed by BCC.  As a reminder, in the past few weeks the Treasurer paid the renewal premiums for our D&O and general liability insurance policies ($660 and $975 respectively).

7.     General Public Comment – None.

8.     Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.     From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon – Updates/letters written since 3/24 PPCC meeting:

3/25/22 (RAP):

3/28/22 (BOE):

3/28/22 (CD11):

The Chair noted that the letters were sent as indicated.  There has been no response but he hopes we will hear from Noah Fleishman later in the meeting. He also reported that the turning circle at the Recreation Center has now been fully planted and he encouraged everyone to visit.

8.1.2.    Appointment of Nominating Committee (to nominate candidates for the election of PPCC officers, 2022-23 term; Bylaws Art. VII.1). Schedule: May 12 – Committee nominations announced and Board nominations of officer candidates open; May 26 – Board nominations close (15 minutes before scheduled end of meeting); June 9 – officer candidates forum held (if needed) and Board elects officers; July 1 – new officers’ term begins.

The Chair announced the members of the Nominating Committee and reiterated the officers’ nomination and election schedule as set forth above.  The members are:  Steve Cron (Committee Chair); Beth Holden-Garland, Mary Mueller, Nancy Niles, Joanna Spak; Rob Weber (Legal Advisor, ex officio/nonvoting).

8.1.3.    (New agenda item) Hannah Safaie-Kia (Pali High Ambassadors).  The Chair introduced Ms. Safaie-Kia, President of the Pali High Ambassadors and sister of Eli Safaie-Kia, a former PPCC Youth Advisor.  She introduced her Cabinet and explained that the Ambassadors comprise a diverse group of students from a variety of backgrounds who are committed to creating a better school environment and empowering future leaders.  Several members of the Ambassadors’ Cabinet then described their efforts and protocols in working with organizations and groups off campus, and in leading school tours and helping students on campus. They will assist at the Historical Society Centennial event in May. They emphasized that the Pali Ambassadors are always there to help.  Visit for more information.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    Chris Spitz (Secretary).  Updated WRAC candidates forum schedule (all at 7pm via Zoom webinar): 4/25/22 – CD 11 candidates; 4/27/22 – County Supervisor candidates; 4/28/22 – City Attorney candidates. More details at  The Secretary reiterated the WRAC forum series schedule and encouraged everyone’s attendance at these Zoom events, noting that Board members and the community may be interested in particular in the County Supervisor and City Attorney forums as these may be the only such forums on the Westside for these important elected offices.

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives

8.3.1.    Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative).  He has received an announcement that in May the LADWP will be letting water out of the Santa Inez Reservoir in the Highlands as part of maintenance; there may be run-off on Palisades Dr.  He is trying to arrange for City workers to clean out the drains on Palisades Dr. before the work on the Reservoir.  The Secretary will include a notice about the Reservoir draining in the next meeting recap email.

8.4.    From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.    Ryan Craig (Resilient Palisades). Earth Day Festival, Saturday, 4/16/22 at Will Rogers State Historic Park (Polo Field), 10am-3pm.  This is the first annual Earth Day Festival sponsored by Resilient Palisades in collaboration with CD 11 and the Mayor’s office.  Mr. Craig described the event and all of the activities that will take place.  They expect many attendees.  He asked PPCC members to spread the word about the festival.  The Secretary noted that PPCC has included information about the event in emails and on social media and will include another notice in the next meeting recap email. The Chair also announced that the PPCC Palisades Forestry Committee will have a table at the event, which he and Bruce Schwartz will head up. 

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.    Noah Fleishman (CD 11 Deputy District Director).   Mr. Fleishman discussed two LADWP projects: 1) water will be released from the Santa Inez Reservoir as part of maintenance.  He is unsure if the water will make it all the way down to the cache basins on Palisades Dr.  He will follow up with Steve Cron.  2). There will be underground work at Arno and Montoya near the residential area entrance to the Bel Air Bay Club.

Regarding the trail from Potrero Canyon to Temescal Canyon Road: The Councilmember has submitted a request to the Mayor to allocate $1.5M for the trail in the proposed City budget.  The request will have to go through the budget approval process.  Mr. Fleishman will also personally submit an application to Congressman Lieu’s office tomorrow for a federal funding grant for the trail.  The LA Parks Foundation has submitted an application for federal funding to improve the playground at the Recreation Center, which the Councilmember supports.

Mr. Fleishman also described a number of events that CD 11 has recently participated in or is hosting: a town hall on renters’ rights assistance; a food distribution event in the Oakwood neighborhood of Venice; and a Homelessness Connect Day at the West LA office.   LA Sanitation is holding a free bulky item drop-off event on Saturday at the Stoner Ave. Sanitation Yard in West LA.  Residents can also call Sanitation for a bulky item pick-up.  The Councilmember is introducing legislation for approval to use CD 11 discretionary funds for grants for housing and homelessness prevention.  Finally, applications are due on April 15 for EWDD “micro enterprise” recovery grants for small enterprises.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors – None.

9.    Reports from Committees.

9.1.    PPCC Candidates Forum Committee (Jenny Li, Committee Chair). Update on the BCC/PPCC-hosted forum: May 3, 2022, 7pm, via Zoom webinar.

Ms. Li reiterated the forum date and format and recognized all the committee members.  She thanked Youth Advisor Jack Coleman for setting up the Zoom webinar and committee member Kimberly Bloom (Area 5 1st Alternate) for producing the flyer which contains links to the webinar and to a page to submit suggested questions for the candidates.  She noted that two additional candidates have been invited and Mat Smith has accepted.  As of now, seven candidates will attend the forum.  The Committee is waiting to hear back from Soni Lloyd, the other additional candidate.  Everyone is encouraged to submit questions for the candidates (link to submit questions in the flyer).

9.2.    PPCC Bylaws Committee (Richard Cohen, Chair). Second distribution of proposed bylaws amendments. See the following documents distributed concurrently with the meeting agenda via PPCC email and posted on the PPCC website:

1) Committee Report:

2) Amendments “Redline”:

3) Amendments “Clean”:

Motion by the Bylaws Committee for Board adoption of Amendments (parts A, B, C, D and E below).  The Secretary noted that the Bylaws Committee was moving to amend the PPCC Bylaws as indicated in the agenda and that since this was a motion made by a committee of more than one voting member, no second was necessary.

Bylaws Committee Chair Richard Cohen then described the various categories of proposed amendments as described in the motion parts A-D below.  He explained that certain minor clarifying amendments are needed essentially to correct typos [part A].  The Committee recommends replacing references to the old “print” map (from the now-obsolete Thomas Brothers Guide, with boundaries marked by a Sharpie), which had long been in the Bylaws as part of Appendix B, with digital maps on the PPCC website that were created by the late PPCC Chair George Wolfberg and Heather Cohen after a great deal of careful work. The online maps have been used successfully by PPCC for the last 6-7 years and are much more accurate than the old Thomas Brothers map [part B].  The Committee also proposes clarifying changes involving the status of organizations in categories on Appendix A with two organization members; he explained the recommended changes, specifically as to the status of the remaining organization if a vacancy occurs with one of the two organizations [part C]. In addition, Mr. Cohen explained the proposed provisions that would apply if an elected Area representative moves away and is no longer living full time in the area (as has occurred in the past), or if the elected At-large representative no longer owns property, resides or operates a business in the Palisades [part D].

Following Mr. Cohen’s explanatory remarks, the Chair called for discussion as to parts A-D.  Fay Vahdani (Chamber of Commerce) asked Mr. Cohen to explain again the part C changes.  Mr. Cohen provided a further explanation and she stated that she was satisfied with the explanation.  An individual voice vote was then called as to each of parts A-D in order.  The vote results for each of parts A-D are indicated below (Ryan Craig, Resilient Palisades, ineligible to vote; Reza Akef, Area 8 Representative, not present for vote):

A.   Minor revisions for consistency/clarity (add word “PPCC”– Bylaws, Art. VII.3; delete word “and”– Bylaws Art. IX.1.B) [voting requirement: 2/3 of members present (abstentions counted as No votes)].

Vote result:  Motion passed by unanimous vote (15-0-0).

B.   Revisions related to Area Maps (clarify that the website Area Maps govern Area descriptions; remove former map in Appendix B; change text to replace references to the Appendix B map with references to the website Area Maps) (Bylaws, Art. III.G; Art. VIII.B.1; Appendix B; Attach. A., Sec. 3.B.1-2) [voting requirement, Bylaws and Appendix B: 2/3 of members present (abstentions counted as No votes; voting requirement, Attachment A: majority of members voting (abstentions not counted as votes)].

Vote result: Motion passed by unanimous vote (15-0-0).

C.   Addition of full-time “residency” and “property-ownership/business operation” rules for Area and/or At-large Representatives and Alternates (as applicable) (Bylaws, Art. XIII.1.B.2-3 and Art. XIII.1.C.2, D.2 and D.5) [voting requirement: 2/3 of members present (abstentions counted as No votes)].

Vote result:  Motion passed by unanimous vote (15-0-0).

D.   Addition of provision to clarify status of the listed Member Organization in the case of Categories with positions for two organizations when one position is vacant (Bylaws, Art. VIII.1.A.1) [voting requirement: 2/3 of members present (abstentions counted as No votes)].

Vote result:  Motion passed by unanimous vote (15-0-0).

Reza Akef, Area 8 Representative, arrived after the vote on parts A-D.  An explanation and discussion of the proposed changes to Appendix A (part E, subsections (i) – (ii) of the motion below) then ensued.

Mr. Cohen explained that the Civic League is fine with the change in the Civic Organizations category and wants Resilient Palisades to serve out the remainder of PRIDE’s term as primary (as it would have if remaining in that category).  Mr. Cohen then shared a copy of the redline version of p. 21 of Appendix A on the screen and explained the proposed changes.  PRIDE is being moved from the Civic Organizations category to the Business & Commerce category, with the Chamber of Commerce becoming the second organization in that category, while Resilient Palisades is added to Civic Organizations, sharing the category with the Civic League.  If the Chamber eventually merges with the Malibu Chamber as expected, at that point we will consider admitting the joint Malibu-Palisades Chamber, a different entity from the current Chamber, to the position on Exhibit A occupied by the current Chamber.  PRIDE brings business-oriented perspective to the Board and for that reason is proposed to be added to the Business & Commerce category.  The new arrangement of organizations, with the Civic Organizations and Business & Commerce categories each containing only two organizations that rotate each year between the primary and alternate positions, ensures that all organizations in these categories always have a seat at the table.

Kevin Niles (American Legion):  He questions why the American Legion is in the Service Clubs category; he does not feel that the Legion is a service club like the Rotary or Optimists.  The PPCC Chair:  The motion before the Board only deals with the rearrangement of organizations in the two categories and the addition of Resilient Palisades.  Mr. Cohen:  He agrees that the American Legion effectively stands alone, but he explained that the placement of organizations in Appendix A is more of an art than a science; for example, many organizations claim that they deal with the environment, but it is difficult to place all such organizations in the Environment category which has long had one standing member (Temescal Canyon Association).  He also explained that the Bylaws Committee does not wish to add another category of organizations.  According to longstanding tradition and policy originally developed by the organization’s founders, PPCC has maintained an equal balance between the elected representatives (9) and the organizations (9) as voting members of the Board.

Jenny Li (Area 7 Representative):  She would like to understand why it is better to have two organizations in a category rather than one.  Mr. Cohen:  While an individual organization may wish to be the only one in a category, it is better for PPCC as an organization to have categories with rotating organizations. The Bylaws Committee has long felt that having multiple organizations in as many categories as possible is best because the rotations allow more organizations to be involved.  He explained that in 2015, the Bylaws Committee proposed to eliminate all single or standing member organization categories.  The motion passed by a majority of Board members but did not carry the required 2/3 vote.  PPRA and the Historical Society, both standing organizational members, actively advocated against the proposal at the time.  The Bylaws Committee does not wish to revisit that argument but at the same time is attempting to avoid creating any more standing organization categories.

Reza Akef:  He was on the Bylaws Committee in 2015 and agreed with the proposal then.  He is now concerned about the new proposal to place the Chamber in a two-organization category.  He is a member of the Chamber.  The Chamber has deep roots on the PPCC Board and is now at its lowest point since the pandemic.  He feels that the Chamber wasn’t given a choice in the matter. The PPCC Chair:  The Chamber is not losing anything and will still be on the Board.  It is just losing its standing status and would now be rotating with PRIDE.  That is the only real change.  He spoke with the Chamber’s Chair Sarah Knauer and she was in favor of the changes.  The Secretary noted that she supports the business community, but disagrees that the Chamber wasn’t given a choice; the proposed Bylaws Amendments have gone through two distributions as required by the Bylaws and the Chamber and all Board members have had an opportunity to discuss this fully before voting on the matter.  The amendments are not decided until the Board votes.

Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative): She is concerned about retaining some standing organizations while creating another two-organization category. She would like to review all the standing organization categories.  She does not want this change in status to affect only the Chamber.  More time needs to be devoted to considering the issue of standing member categories.  The Secretary: The situation with other standing organization members such as PPRA is different; they are not dissolving or merging with another entity as is the Chamber.

Mr. Cohen:  No one has the appetite to hunt down the standing members. The Bylaws Committee decided as a principle at this time not to create more standing member categories.  But that does not mean we should table this proposal and come up with a new plan now. We must find a spot for Resilient Palisades on Exhibit A.  The affected organizations are only PRIDE, the Chamber, Resilient Palisades and the Civic League.  Resilient Palisades cannot be added with Temescal Canyon Association (a standing member) as that would result in an unnecessary fight. Again, many organizations claim to be involved with environmental issues but are not included in that category. The Civic League is good with this proposal as is Resilient Palisades.  The Civic League is not disadvantaged; they are serving out the rest of their term as expected.  PRIDE is also good with the proposal.  The only organization that can claim any disadvantage is the Chamber, but it is inactive and doesn’t really exist anymore; the Chamber’s website doesn’t function and an “Error 404” message appears when you click on three of the four tabs.  However, they are still not being thrown off the Board and will remain in the second position in the Business & Commerce category.  If and when the Chamber merges with the Malibu Chamber and the new entity seeks to be added as a new member, we will need to know what the Malibu and Palisades businesses think and they will need to explain their status so that we can make a decision as to how to deal with the new entity.  For now, we are leaving the Chamber on the Board whether it is defunct or not; this creates a placeholder for the new organization if and when the Board decides to admit them in the future.

Jenny Li:  She understands the history and current proposal now and thinks that the Bylaws Committee has done a good job of balancing the interests of the organizations.  Fay Vahdani:  She thanked Mr. Cohen for his explanation.  She explained that the Chamber has been working with three lawyers and achieving the merger is a long process.  The Chamber wishes not to continue as rotating with PRIDE when the new organizational term begins in October.  They would like to have the same level of responsibility and have a vote after October. They will be back.  Richard Blumenberg (Civic League):  The Civic League had an individual seat for many years but the Board later voted to change that status and the Civic League then shared the Civic Organizations category with PRIDE.  He sees no reason why it should be any different for the Chamber.

Discussion ended and a vote on the motion (Item 9.2, part E, subsections (i) – (ii)) took place as follows (Ryan Craig ineligible to vote):

E.   Changes in Appendix A (rearrange the list in respect of two categories ((subsections (i) and (ii) below)) and create a placeholder in those categories as needed):

(i) “Business & Commerce” category:  Move P.R.I.D.E. from the “Civic Organizations” category to the 1st position in the “Business & Commerce” category; remove the Chamber of Commerce as a sole Organization in that category and move the Chamber to the 2nd position; P.R.I.D.E. to serve as the primary member through the term ending September 30, 2022 [voting requirement: 2/3 of members present (abstentions counted as No votes)].

(ii) “Civic Organizations” category: Add Resilient Palisades to the 2nd position in the “Civic Organizations” category with the Civic League remaining in the 1st position; Resilient Palisades to serve as the primary member through the term ending September 30, 2022 [voting requirement: 2/3 of members present (abstentions counted as No votes)].

Vote result:  Motion passed by vote of more than 2/3 of voting members present (14-1-1) (Yes: all voting members present other than Akef and Vahdani; No: Akef; Abstain: Vahdani).  The Secretary asked Ms. Vahdani if she understood that her abstention counted as a No vote; Ms. Vahdani replied that she understood.

10.    Old Business – None.

11.    New Business.

11.1.    Emergency Preparedness Presentation – K. C. Soll, CERT Coordinator.

The Chair introduced Ms. Soll, who is a CERT Coordinator.  She explained that the important watch words are Preparation and Communication.  The Palisades has 25,000 residents and at any one time we have only 30 resident firefighters.  She is very concerned that there is going to be insufficient emergency support when there is a significant disaster, whether a wildfire or an earthquake.  She works with the City’s RYLAN program and urges everyone visit the website,  The Secretary noted that she will add the website link to the PPCC Disaster Readiness webpage.

Ms. Soll’s plan going forward:  She will be organizing and working with eight areas of Pacific Palisades that she believes need to coalesce and help each other.  They will identify the persons in each area who have medical and CERT training.  Ms. Soll wants to start an area group that will meet two times a month in the next six months and will focus on who can help whom in a disaster.  This will include the Huntington, the Alphabet Streets, Marquez Knolls, Castellammare and Sunset Mesa.  She reiterated the importance of Planning and Communication.  She also described and showed “Family Radio Service” devices which she explained will be very important for families to have in a disaster.  The devices can be placed in backpacks and can allow for communication between family members if Sunset Blvd. is blocked in a disaster and parents cannot get to their children. She will host eight programs in the next six months and is looking for a place to hold the meetings.  They will focus on residents aiding one another in a disaster, especially when there are few police or firefighters.  We need to be more in focus and better planned.  For more information Ms. Soll can be contacted at

Mr. Cron:  What about the Highlands?  Ms. Soll:  The Highlands is an important area for her since she lives there; she is working already with certain units on RYLAN methods.  She expects 30-40 people in each area to come together for the training programs.  Ms. Toppel: This is wonderful information.  In Marquez Knolls several groups have been operating under the MYN program (similar to RYLAN), which is sponsored by the Red Cross.

Ms. Soll wrapped up her remarks by emphasizing:  Our main evacuation route, Sunset Blvd., is going to be very hard to negotiate after a disaster.  The Palisades’ only escape routes are Sunset Blvd., Temescal Canyon Rd. to PCH, and Chautauqua to PCH.  The Family Radio Service devices which she displayed will be critical in an emergency.   The Chair thanked K.C. Soll for her presentation.

11.2.    (As time allows) Motion to Support Modified Version of WRAC-recommended Motion re CF 22-0158 (sponsored in PPCC by the Executive Committee). See attachment, following, for motion text and background information.  Motion postponed to the next Board meeting due to lack of time.

12.    Adjournment.    The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 pm.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, David Kaplan, Richard Cohen,* Chris Spitz, Jenny Li, Joanna Spak, Karen Ridgley, Sue Kohl, Matt Quiat,* Alan Goldsmith, Reza Akef,* John Padden, Janet Anderson, Beth Holden-Garland, Kevin Niles, Brenda Theveny, Ryan Craig (*partial attendance)  

Voting Alternates:  Melanie Bouer, Nancy Niles, Barbara Kohn, Nina Kidd

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Jackson Walter, Michael Edlen, Bob Benton, Lee Anne Sanderson

1.    Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  The Chair read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of April 14, 2022 were approved. [See Item 8.1.6.] Upcoming meetings: May 12, 2022: (1) Nominating Committee announcement of nominations for PPCC officer candidates; nominations from Board open; (2) other topics to be announced.   May 26, 2022:  (1) Officer candidate nominations from Board close 15 mins. before scheduled meeting close; (2) other topics to be announced.  June 9, 2022: Officers candidate forum (if needed) and Board election of officers (2022-23 term beginning July 1, 2022).

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $56,051.18.  Since the Treasurer’s last report we have received reimbursement from the Brentwood Community Council for their fifty percent of the extra cost of hosting the candidates’ forum using Zoom webinar. 

7.    General Public Comment – None.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    WRAC City Attorney Candidate Forum following PPCC meeting, 7pm 4/28 via Zoom webinar. Link to webinar at www.westsidecouncils.comThe Chair encouraged everyone to attend.

8.1.2.    George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon – Updates re trail to Temescal Canyon Rd.  The Bureau of Engineering (BOE) has supplied a map of the trail to Caltrans and is awaiting a response. Since our last meeting Noah Fleishman, CD 11 Deputy District Director,  confirmed to the Chair that he did apply for federal funding for trail improvements.

8.1.3.    PP Historical Society Palisades Centennial Celebration, May 7, 1:00-3:00pm. The event is sold out, but interested persons may register to be added to the waiting list at:  Following the Celebration will be other events, including an open house at the Woman’s Club and at Aldersgate (Seven Arrows). The PPCC Palisades Forestry Committee will be in the Aldersgate garden with other conservation tables from 3:00-5:00pm.   [See also Item 8.4.1.]

8.1.4.    (New agenda item) The new Chamber of Commerce representative to PPCC is Bob Benton, replacing Fay Vahdani, who has resigned.  The Chamber is now the alternate to PRIDE in the Business & Commerce category of organizational members.  The Chair and Secretary have both thanked Ms. Vahdani and the Chair noted that we appreciate everything she has done in representing the Chamber on PPCC’s Board and in the community.

8.1.5.    (New agenda item) The pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Bienveneda Ave. and Sunset Blvd. (where a jogger was struck by a car) has been improved by the installation of a continental crosswalk.  We have also learned from LADOT that an additional safety measure will be added to this intersection: a Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI), which gives pedestrians a few seconds head start in crossing the street during drivers’ red light phase.

8.1.6.    (New agenda item) As explained to Area 8 Representative Reza Akef, the Chair regrets not giving Mr. Akef a second opportunity to respond to remarks by Bylaws Committee Chair Richard Cohen during discussion of part E of the Bylaws amendments motion at the April 14th Board meeting.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    Chris Spitz (Secretary).  Successful WRAC candidate forums took place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week for CD 5 and County Supervisor (District 3) candidates.  For those who weren’t able to listen in, recordings are available on Facebook at WRACforLA.  The link will be included in our meeting recap Mailchimp message tomorrow.

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives

8.3.1.  Karen Ridgley (Area 4 Representative).  A resident’s son was almost hit several days ago at the intersection of Sunset Blvd. and El Medio.  This is a dangerous intersection with vehicle traffic on Sunset and pedestrian traffic to and from Pali High.  Safety measures, such as those in place at the Sunset & Bienveneda intersection, are needed.  Ms. Ridgley will speak with Noah Fleishman to investigate what can be done to make the intersection safer.  LeeAnn Sanderson (Area 4 2nd Alternate) agreed with Ms. Ridgley and explained that visibility is the issue at that intersection.  Beth Holden-Garland (PPRA) advised that she has also noticed the same problems and concurs that the intersection is very dangerous.

8.4.     From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.    Barbara Kohn (PP Historical Society).  The Palisades Centennial Celebration will take place on May 7 at 1pm in the big white tent at Simon Meadow.  Those who have already signed up are encouraged to arrive early.  The event is overbooked and some attendees may have to sit on the grass outside the tent.  Centennial blankets are for sale and can be ordered online at the Historical Society website or purchased at the event.  She provided further details of the festivities that are planned.  Nina Kidd (Friends of the Library) asked about the status of the mailer.  Ms. Kohn explained that it will be mailed to every address in 90272 within two weeks after the event and will include coverage of the event.  The Chair provided additional details about the open houses after the event.  [See Item 8.1.3.]

8.4.2.    Ryan Craig (Resilient Palisades).  The Earth Day Celebration at Will Rogers State Historic Park was wonderful.  The Pali Microgrid project is underway; a mailer about the project is going out this week to every household in 90272.  A new team has been formed oriented on sustainable banking institutions; more information about this initiative will be forthcoming.

8.4.3.    John Padden (PRIDE).  Last week, PRIDE was able to do another installation of donor bricks on Sunset, representing the old tiles on Swarthmore.  About 50 bricks were installed (new donor bricks and replacement bricks for some that were misspelled).  PRIDE will open the window again for new donors in three or four months.  They need to work with Caruso and the City.  There will be an ad in the newspaper and they will notify PPCC.  After much delay PRIDE received an “adopt a median” permit to start work on upgrading and planting the median to the west of the intersection of Sunset Blvd. and Temescal Canyon Rd.  PRIDE hopes to complete the project by May 7 and they are looking at other sites as well.

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.    Noah Fleishman (CD 11 Deputy District Director).   Mr. Fleishman reported that the City’s Urban Forestry Division (UFD) has been engaged in a project of cataloguing every street tree in Los Angeles.  There will be an interactive map of all trees by address, in which a viewer can click on a specific tree and will be given detailed statistics about the tree.  UFD has already finished cataloguing all street trees in CD 11 south of Wilshire Blvd.  They expect to complete the areas north of Wilshire, which includes the Palisades, by the end of next month.  This will be presented to the public when all trees are catalogued.  UFD staff can come to a future meeting to answer questions.  Tree People sponsors an educational program to increase young people’s awareness of the importance of trees.  Tree People is a non-profit volunteer organization and one of the “planting partners” of City Plants (which in turn is a non-profit that works in a private/public partnership with the City to plant trees). The educational program, called “Generation Earth,” brings students from throughout the City on bus rides to Tree People headquarters off of Mulholland Dr. to learn about the organization’s work and to educate them about trees.  He can connect interested parents and educators of middle and high-school students to the program.

Further announcements:  LADWP will be doing underground construction at the northwest corner of Arno and Nantua (the northern access to the Bel Air Bay Club).  Mr. Fleishman was alerted by a resident to the fact that there are a number of broken parking meters in the Village. The City is now working to replace them, but there is a supply chain issue. The Secretary noted that former Area 3 Representative Danielle Samulon had alerted the City to the problem, and Mr. Fleishman thanked Ms. Samulon for letting him know.  He emphasized that if anyone sees any City infrastructure that is broken or isn’t working, call 3-1-1 or contact Mr. Fleishman. He also confirmed that the LPI will be installed at the intersection of Bienveneda and Sunset.

The Chair:    Regarding the news that the Metropolitan Water District will restrict the amount of water that can be used for irrigation, we would like to be alerted to any information that may be coming from LADWP regarding watering restrictions.  Mr. Fleishman:  He has contacted LADWP for an informational sheet about this matter.  We might request a guest speaker from LADWP to answer our questions.  The Secretary:  She and the Chair can try and work with LADWP’s community liaison Deborah Hong about this.  Karen Ridgley:  Has Mr. Fleishman been able to get a commitment from a group that is supposed to pick up dead tree trunks on the sidewalks along Temescal Canyon Rd.?  We need someone to pick up the debris and clean the area at least two times a month.  Mr. Fleishman: The Dept. of Sanitation is responsible for public right of way (PROW) areas.  Some of the debris is in the PROW.  He is waiting to see if they are able to do this on an ongoing basis or as-needed.  There are signs that say “No dumping.”  He can ask for street sweeping on an as-needed basis.  Ms. Ridgley:  This is a fire hazard; the area needs sweeping at least two times per month.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors.

8.6.1.    Jackson Walter (Youth Advisor).  He is familiar with conditions at the El Medio & Sunset intersection and he agrees that it is very dangerous.  He believes more signage is needed and he will also reach out to Noah Fleishman.

9.    Reports from Committees.

9.1.    PPCC Candidates Forum Committee (Jenny Li, Committee Chair). Update on the BCC/PPCC-hosted forum: May 3, 2022, 7pm, via Zoom webinar.  [Item not called.] 

10.    Old Business.

10.1.    Motion to Support Modified Version of WRAC-recommended Motion re CF 22-0158 (sponsored in PPCC by the Executive Committee), postponed from 4/14 Board meeting).  See attachment, following, for motion text and background information.

The Secretary introduced the motion on behalf of the Executive Committee.  No second was necessary as the motion was made by a committee of more than one voting member.  The Secretary explained that PPCC and five other WRAC member councils have passed motions expressly opposing the motion in CF 22-0158.  Some have also passed this WRAC-recommended motion, which arose from the WRAC homelessness committee and is supported by the WRAC board.  Several WRAC leaders, including the Secretary, have heard from knowledgeable sources that the City Council is not listening to the Westside because of a perception that our neighborhoods mainly consist of wealthy NIMBYs who oppose all homeless shelter proposals.  This motion is an attempt to present our concerns in a less oppositional way that the City Council might be willing to hear.  The Executive Committee is recommending a modified version of the WRAC motion which continues to stress our opposition and also includes language requesting that, if the motion in CF 22-0158 moves forward in Council, City officials consider adverse consequences.

Discussion then ensued.  Nina Kidd asked if PPTFH had an opinion on the motion.  The Secretary replied that she cannot speak for PPTFH and their representatives were not present, but we believe that they support protection of our sensitive areas and consideration of appropriate sites, such as City-owned property, for homeless shelters.  She noted that PPTFH has a different main focus; PPCC’s concerns are related to adherence to existing planning and zoning laws, as expressed in our Guiding Principles.  Barbara Kohn asked if WRAC had considered what the position will be if the CF 22-0158 motion passes.  The Secretary indicated that this had not been considered yet; the CF 22-0158 motion is still pending in the PLUM Committee; it may never be heard in Council.  If that motion passes and there is a “report back” as requested, WRAC and its member councils can then determine whether a new position should be taken.  Jenny Li asked for the language of the original WRAC motion; the Secretary explained that the text had been included in the link in the background information provided in the agenda and summarized the differences between the original WRAC motion and the modified version proposed by the Executive Committee [see Attachment, Item 10.1 below].

A vote was then taken.  Result: Unanimous in favor of the motion by all members voting (two abstentions). 

11.    New Business.

11.1.    (As time allows) Motion to Support WRAC-recommended Motion Requesting Dwelling Unit Capacity Calculations/Modified (sponsored in PPCC by the Executive Committee). Postponed to the next meeting due to time constraints.

12.    Adjournment.    The meeting was adjourned at 6:51pm.


Item 10.1:  Motion to Support Modified Version of WRAC-recommended Motion Re CF 22-0158

Background Information:

WRAC motion:

PPCC original position letter:

Motion text:

“Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) agrees that there is and has been for many years a crisis of homelessness in Los Angeles.  We support reasonable and effective measures and policies to address the crisis, including the successful measures and policies adopted by the respected Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness: [new]. We believe that City-owned property (but not sensitive sites such as parks, libraries, schools or daycares) should be the first priority for placement of temporary homeless shelters, and that if any property, including property owned by faith-based institutions, is to be utilized for this purpose, this should only occur after an appropriate review, advance notice to and opportunity for comment by the relevant, affected community.  We strongly believe that current zoning protections, including State-mandated reviews and studies, should not be relaxed or overridden, or, if for “emergency” reasons relaxation of these protections is contemplated, a specific time frame should be imposed for any temporary shelters, with clear provisions for removal of such shelters after the time frame expires.

“PPCC opposes the motion in CF 22-0158, for the reasons stated in our letter of February 21, 2022:   However, should the motion move forward in City Council, we support consideration by City officials, including full consideration of any adverse consequences, of the following:

–   Consideration of automatically including LAMC 41.18 protections on any location providing  a homeless shelter and authorized pursuant to a declared shelter emergency, including full consideration of adverse consequences if such protections are not included.

–   Consideration of mandatory CEQA compliance, including full consideration of adverse consequences if CEQA compliance is not required;

–   Consideration of consequences, including full consideration of adverse consequences, of  “Cutting red tape” by removing the public’s right to a transparent approval process including right to notification and the opportunity for public comment, including early notification to NCs and recognized CCs;

–   Consideration of the differences and effects of allowing shelters in R1 zones as proposed versus the existing ordinances allowing them in R2 & R3 zones, including full consideration of adverse consequences of such differences and effects;

–   Consideration of the effects of limiting shelters within a reasonable radius of sensitive sites  such as parks, libraries, schools and daycares, including full consideration of adverse consequences if such limits are not imposed.”


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Jenny Li, Joanna Spak, Karen Ridgley, Sue Kohl, Reza Akef, Haldis Toppel, Steve Cron, Maryam Zar, John Padden, Beth Holden-Garland, Kevin Niles, Brenda Theveny, Cliff Roberts, Ryan Craig, Andy Frew

Voting Alternates:  Mary Muller, Barbara Kohn, Rick McGeagh

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Rob Weber, Nina Kidd, Kimberly Bloom, Nancy Niles, Richard Blumenberg, Marilyn Wexler, Michael Edlen

1.   Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  The Secretary Chris Spitz read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of April 28, 2022 were approved. Upcoming meetings:  May 26, 2022:  (1) Officer candidate nominations from Board close 15 mins. before scheduled meeting close; (2) other topics to be announced.  June 9, 2022: Officers candidate forum (if needed) and Board election of officers (2022-23 term beginning July 1, 2022).

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $56,290.54.  Since the last report the Treasurer has transferred about $240 of miscellaneous small donations to our U.S. Bank account.

7.    General Public Comment – None.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    Highlands Trailhead matter – 5/2 letter to the California Coastal Commission (CCC):

CCC hearing on May 11, 2022. See Agenda: (scroll down to Items 11-14).   The Chair explained the background involving the disrepair of the bathrooms and prevention of access to the nearby trailhead and confirmed the letter was sent prior to the CCC hearing as indicated.  Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative) indicated that at the CCC meeting this week, one of the items was taken off calendar, to be rescheduled.  He has asked for an explanation from CCC staff but has not heard back.  [See further comments in Item 8.5.1 below.]

8.1.2.    George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon – trail to Temescal Canyon Rd.; 4/29 letter to Rep. Lieu:   The Chair confirmed that the letter was sent as indicated and explained the need for funding of the trail from the canyon to Temescal Canyon to ensure safe pedestrian crossing from the park to the beach. Janet Turner of Rep. Lieu’s office has called and asked for more information about the project, including numbers of beach visitors, expected park users, PCH jaywalking counts and the like, in order to bolster the funding request.  Members are requested to send any information they have about these matters to the Chair and he will forward it along to Ms. Turner.  The Secretary will look for data on the beach and PCH in our prior submissions last year in opposition to the beach shelter motion.

8.1.3.    PP Historical Society Palisades Centennial Celebration: recap.  The Chair and Barbara Kohn (Historical Society) recounted the activities at the Centennial event which took place at Simon Meadow last Saturday and was attended by 400-450 people.  A commemorative button was available; those who did not attend may contact Ms. Kohn to obtain a button.  Among the outstanding speakers and presentations were a Native American prayer for the community, Master of Ceremonies Eugene Levy, the children who danced and sang, a photo presentation by Randy Young, a speech about community service by Cindy Simon, reminiscences about growing up in the Palisades by Sam Lagana and remarks from Bill Bruns about the Clearwater family who founded the Palisadian Post.  The Historical Society and the PPCC Palisades Forestry Committee planted a Sycamore tree at Simon Meadow.

8.1.4.    MWD/LADWP watering restrictions. PPCC soliciting questions from the community for LADWP. See agency statements below:

MWD: (scroll down to “in the News, Metropolitan Cuts Outdoor Watering” and click on “Read more”)

LADWP: (scroll down for statements about the MWD declaration and rapid snowmelt)

The Chair explained some of the conservation measures.  Watering will be restricted to two days a week (the days depending on whether the address is odd or even) and will be capped at 8 minutes per valve.  There will be exceptions for drip irrigation and hand-watering but overall volume restrictions will still apply.

8.1.5.    (New agenda item) The Chair announced that Maryam Zar wishes to resume her position as Chair Emeritus after having decided not to run for the Assembly seat or another office in the upcoming general election. Accordingly, as the next in line after George Wolfberg’s passing she is restored as PPCC Chair Emeritus until July 1, when the current Chair will become Chair Emeritus per the Bylaws.

8.1.6.    (New agenda item) The Chair reported that there was a recent ceremony at the Recreation Center, organized by Joe Halper, to honor Mike Shull.  Mr. Shull is retiring as General Manager of the Recreation and Parks Dept. and has done a lot for the Palisades. The Chair, representing PPCC and PPCC’s Palisades Forestry Committee, presented Mr. Shull with two small Australian Eucalyptus trees as a token of appreciation for his service.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    Chris Spitz (Secretary).

The Secretary reported that she attended two hearings this week on matters of interest to PPCC:  the City Council Planning & Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee meeting on May 10 and the Board of Public Works (PPW) Commissioners meeting on May 11.  The PLUM Committee voted to approve the motion by CM Bonin in Council File 22-0158, which calls for a “report back” on a proposal to place homeless shelters by-right on property of religious institutions and non-profits in all zones, including single-family zones, in the City.  That motion will now go to the City Council for a vote and we will continue to monitor.  The PPCC Executive Committee recently submitted a letter explaining PPCC’s position on the matter which we have forwarded to the Board.

And on May 11, the BPW voted to approve the new City bus bench and street furniture program, otherwise known as STAP, or the Sidewalk and Transit Amenities Program, including the proposed contract with the vendor and revised Municipal Code provisions.  This matter will be returned to City Council Committees for further approval and we’ll continue to monitor.  Again, the Executive Committee submitted a letter in opposition based on our prior positions on this matter, which we have forwarded to the Board.

Links to both letters will be added to the minutes [see below] and will be included in the Mailchimp recap message going out tomorrow.[;]

John Padden (PRIDE) reported that a few months ago, he asked directly of the STAP project manager, Lance Oishi of Streets LA, if we could keep our street furniture.  Mr. Oishi told Mr. Padden at that time that we could bypass or opt out of the program.  However, this is in question now.  Mr. Padden will attempt to follow up with Mr. Oishi.  PRIDE’s goal is to keep our street furniture.  The Treasurer explained that things had changed since the situation years ago (when we were able to obtain an exception) and we cannot rely on being able to obtain an exception this time around.  It would be better to have the City write an ordinance in a way that respects our Specific Plan.

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives

8.3.1.    Karen Ridgley (Area 4 Representative).  She wishes to speak about dumping on Temescal but will defer to Noah Fleishman’s presentation.

8.4.     From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.    Nina Kidd (Friends of the Library).  The Palisades Branch Library has been open since Dec. 27th and the official open house will take place on May 21st from 12pm-3pm.  There will be refreshments and activities.  The Engine 69 fire truck will also be there from 12pm – 1pm. The Secretary will post a notice in the meeting recap to go out the next day.

8.4.2.    Ryan Craig (Resilient Palisades). The organization has formed a “Green Banking Team,” which will inform and advise Palisadians who wish to move funds to institutions that prioritize green investments.  Resilient Palisades is also getting the word out about phase one of the Pali Microgrid pilot project, involving installation of rooftop solar for the Microgrid; they are honing in on particular neighborhoods.

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.    Noah Fleishman (CD 11 Deputy District Director).   Mr. Fleishman gave several updates, including: (1) the Los Angeles Dept. of Aging free meal program for eligible seniors 60 years and older (for details visit the Department’s website); (2) funding of permanent supportive housing for veterans at the VA in Brentwood (3 buildings for veterans’ housing being funded with Prop. HHH money); (3) the  June 7th primary election: get out and vote; (4) removal of a tree on Sunset west of Temescal Canyon that was severely leaning over into traffic and an immediate danger to pedestrians and vehicles; (5) a drunk driving incident on Bowdoin where the driver clipped a sign (LADOT will remove the debris); (6)  regarding the Highlands trailhead matter, the CCC had 2 items on the agenda with respect to 2 separate lawsuits against the owner of the property and the Highlands developer; the matter against the lot owner was removed because there was positive information/movement on a resolution; enforcement continues with the 2nd matter against the developer for improperly handling the transfer of the property; (7) CM Bonin dislikes illuminated signage and the office is monitoring the STAP matter closely; (8) Mr. Fleishman is meeting next week with the head of the Illegal Dumping division regarding the Temescal dumping matter, and will work with Sanitation to establish a routine to pick up the wood before the piles becomes too large; (9) Saturday is Fire Service Day and LAFD Station 69 will be open; (10) he is hopeful we will see federal funding for the Palisades pedestrian trail from Potrero Canyon to Temescal Canyon (also known as the “lateral trail”).

Questions regarding the above matters ensued.  The Chair:  Where was the tree taken out on Sunset?  John Padden:  It was a Eucalyptus growing in the median area west of Temescal, which area had been newly planted by PRIDE.  None of the new plantings were disturbed.  PRIDE can look into possibly replacing the tree.  Karen Ridgley:  There was a huge pile of wood today on Temescal Canyon just along the curb; it is covering the sidewalk and the debris is completely blocking the drains.  Could there be a barrier on the curb to prevent dumping?  We need street sweepers along the curb occasionally.  Mr. Fleishman:  He will

look into street sweeping.  This may be difficult since the closest street sweeping route is away from the Palisades; Temescal Canyon is not a posted route.  There would have to be “no parking” signs posted, which may result in hefty fines for Pali High students who routinely park there.  Maryam Zar:  Is there any word on the encroachment on Sunset Blvd. near Mandeville Canyon, where overgrown shrubs are blocking the sidewalk?  Mr. Fleishman:  Vegetation from private properties adjacent to Sunset has been blocking the sidewalk across from Paul Revere, preventing safe crossing for Revere students.  The Bureau of Street Services has sent compliance letters to the private property owners; one complied and one said that the vegetation was on City property.  A 12” wide area has been cleared and is walkable, but this is still an ongoing issue.  Maryam Zar:  Questioned why Prop. HHH money is going to the project at the VA rather than funding from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.  Mr. Fleishman:  He explained the circumstances and why Prop. HHH is one of the funding streams for the project; among other things, the veterans who will be housed are homeless individuals from City of Los Angeles.  Haldis Toppel:  Thanks for the repair of the crumbling side of Enchanted Way.

8.5.2.    LAPD SLO Brian Espin.  Officer Espin explained that he has been working currently on crime analysis for the Palisades.  Crime overall in the Palisades is doing better than other areas in West Los Angeles.  We have gotten better with car break-ins but must still be vigilant.  He described the drunk driving incident involving the sign that was clipped on Bowdoin; the driver was arrested for DUI.  Regarding wood dumping on Temescal:  He has an idea that an area on the grass away from the sidewalk could possibly be roped off for use for wood dumping instead of the sidewalk.  He suggests that residents take pictures of trucks doing the dumping and email the photos to Officer Espin.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors – None.

9.    Reports from Committees.

9.1.    PPCC Candidates Forum Committee (Jenny Li, Committee Chair).  Forum recap.

The Committee Chair related that the forum was well-publicized and was successful, with over 140 attendees.  Everyone on the Committees did a great job.  Daniel Abramson, the moderator, was excellent.  She thanked Jack Coleman (Youth Advisor) for his technical assistance.  The link to the YouTube recording of the forum is on the PPCC website.

9.2.   Nominating Committee (Steve Cron, Chair). (1) Committee Chair’s announcement: Committee nominations for PPCC officer candidates; (2) PPCC Chair’s announcement: Officer nominations from Board open.

The Committee Chair announced the Committee’s nominations:   Chair:  Maryam Zar;  Vice-Chair: Jenny Li; Secretary: Beth Holden Garland; Treasurer: Randy Young.   He noted that the Committee had many meetings and discussions before reaching their decisions which they are pleased to announce.  He briefly summarized the nominees’ backgrounds:  Ms. Zar is a former PPCC Chair who started PPTFH; she has served on the Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women and is a member of several community boards and organizations.  Ms. Li, currently Area 7 Representative, is an attorney and has been a partner at Mitchell Silverberg as well as a Vice-President of Sony Pictures.  Ms. Holden-Garland has been in the entertainment business for many years and has also been PPRA’s representative to PPCC for several years.  Mr. Young is a past PPCC Chair, Citizen of the Year and notable historian of the Palisades.

The Chair thanked the Committee and noted that he did not participate as he was not allowed to do so under the Bylaws.  The PPCC Chair also announced that officer nominations from the Board are now open.  There were no nominations at that time.  Nominations from the Board will be open until 15 minutes before the 7:30pm scheduled close of the March 26th PPCC meeting.

10.    Old Business.

10.1.    Motion to Support WRAC-recommended Motion Requesting Dwelling Unit Capacity Calculations/Modified (sponsored in PPCC by the Executive Committee). See attachment, following, for motion text (modified) and background information.

The Secretary introduced the motion on behalf of the Executive Committee.  No second was necessary as the motion was made by a committee of more than one voting member.  The Secretary explained the motion background and the reasons why it was being made.  Discussion was then called but there were no questions or comments.  A vote was then taken:  Result:  Unanimous in favor of the motion.

11.    New Business – None.

12.    Adjournment.    The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 pm.

ATTACHMENT:  Item 10.1
 (Motion to Support WRAC-recommended Motion Requesting Dwelling Unit Capacity Calculations/Modified).

Background information:

Motion text (modified):

“WRAC requests from Department of City Planning the Dwelling Unit Capacity calculations for all WRAC community plans in process (Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, Venice, Westchester/Playa, West Los Angeles).

“Pacific Palisades Community Council also requests that Dwelling Unit Capacity calculations be provided for the future Brentwood-Pacific Palisades Community Plan update.”


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, Chris Spitz, Jenny Li, Joanna Spak, Karen Ridgley, Sue Kohl, Haldis Toppel, Steve Cron, Alan Goldsmith, Maryam Zar, John Padden, Kevin Niles, Brenda Theveny, Cliff Roberts, Ryan Craig, Andy Frew, Janet Anderson

Voting Alternates:  Barbara Kohn

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Kimberly Bloom, Nancy Niles, Marilyn Wexler, Michael Edlen, Melanie Bouer   

1.    Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair David Card called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.  The Chair read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of May 12, 2022 were approved. Upcoming meetings:  June 9, 2022: Officers candidate forum (if needed) and Board election of officers (2022-23 term beginning July 1, 2022).  June 23, 2022:  1) Appointment of Election Committee for the PPCC Area & At-large Representatives Election; 2) Chair to announce incumbent Area & At-large Representatives running for re-election. July 28, 2022: 1) First meeting of new officers’ term; 2) Chair to announce membership of PPCC committees, liaisons & advisors; 3) Chair to announce names of candidates in the election of Area & At-large Representatives. Other topics to be announced.  There is one PPCC meeting only in each of the months of July and August.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Chair gave the report in the absence Treasurer Richard Cohen, who was on vacation. The Treasurer reports that PPCC’s balance is $56,024.21.  Since the last report the only payments were for Mailchimp, Zoom and our technical engineer Alex Ponting.

7.    General Public Comment.

7.1.    Sue Pascoe:  Has PPCC ever asked for parking restrictions on Asilomar?  The Chair: He is not aware of any official Board motion or letter on this subject; the Area 4 Representatives have been aware of various problems in this area for some time, as reported at past PPCC meetings, and we support the efforts of the Area 4 Representative to find solutions.

8.     Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   Board nominations of officer candidates. Nominations accepted until 15 minutes before scheduled close of meeting (7:15pm; Bylaws, Art. VII.2).   The Chair called for nominations from the Board.  There were no nominations.

8.1.2.    PPCC Area & At-large Representatives Election. Deadline for incumbents’ written notification to Chair of intent to run for re-election: one hour before the scheduled start of the June 23rd meeting; incumbents who do not timely submit written notification are deemed conclusively not to be running (see Attachment A to Bylaws, Sec. 3.D.2).  The Chair explained the process and reminded incumbent Area and At-large Representatives of the deadline to submit written notice of intent to run for re-election (to be submitted to the Chair, preferably by email, no later than one hour before the scheduled start of the June 23rd meeting).

8.1.3.    Update on George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon – trail to Temescal Canyon Rd.  The Chair explained that Janet Turner of Congressman Lieu’s office has advised that the application for funding for the trail is being considered.  The office asked for more information so the Chair has provided more information to Ms. Turner.   Planting in the park has begun which can been seen through the fence on Friends St.  There is a complicated underground sprinkler system for irrigation that is temporary until the plants are established.  The Secretary:  How will the new City watering restrictions affect the planting?  The Chair:  He asked this question of General Manager Mike Shull but Mr. Shull did not have an answer. The Coastal permit requires that for five years the City is under an obligation to maintain the plants and the riparian restoration upon completion of the landscaping.  The sprinklers are now working. Irrigation water is not recycled water.

8.1.4.    (New agenda item) North Topanga Canyon Fire Safe Council (NTCFSC) webinar.  The Chair attended and thought the webinar was excellent.  He related many valuable tips for fire safety which he learned at the webinar, including cleaning out gutters; covering gutters and openings with metal mesh rather than plastic; removing all bird’s nests; sealing around garage doors; creating a five foot buffer zone around the home with no flammable materials, including mulch; caulking all openings greater than 1/8 in.; if a fire is approaching removing all outdoor mats, brooms, implements and furniture that might catch fire; closing fireplace vents when not in use; having gardeners place blown leaves and garden debris in bags to go in bins; replacing wooden fences leading up to the home with metal fencing.  The Secretary noted that more information about the NTCFSC is on the PPCC Disaster Readiness webpage.

8.1.5    (New agenda item) Housing Element amendments.  These were approved but the changes will likely not significantly impact the Palisades. Joanna Spak (Area 1 Representative) attended the hearing and gave a brief summary.   Environmentally sensitive areas such as flood and fire zones remain excluded from rezoning.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    Chris Spitz (Secretary).  [See item 8.6 below.]

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives

8.3.1.    Karen Ridgley (Area 4 Representative) thanked Noah Fleishman for his persistence in working with City Sanitation which has recently picked up the logs and debris on the sidewalk and in the street on Temescal Canyon Blvd.

8.3.2.    Alan Goldsmith (At-large Representative) thanked Noah Fleishman for arranging for the catch basins along Palisades Dr. in the Highlands to be cleaned out.

8.3.3.     Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative) reiterated thanks to Mr. Fleishman for having Sanitation come out with trucks to clean out the culverts along Palisades Dr.  He also reported on the Coastal Commission hearing regarding the Highlands trailhead and bathroom saga which he attended; the matter was postponed.  The Secretary inquired about the report in the Los Angeles Times about a $6 million penalty being assessed against the Highlands developer, but Mr. Cron stated that he has no information on this since the agenda item was postponed at the hearing he attended.  He has inquired but hasn’t received a response.

8.4.    From Organizational Representatives – None.

8.5.    From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.    Noah Fleishman (CD 11 Deputy District Director).

Mr. Fleishman reported on several items: (1) The fencing surrounding a portion of the parking lot in the Palisades Recreation Center (part of the Potrero Canyon project) is technically completed, but there are a couple of curb ramps which will have to be redone since the grade of the ramps did not meet code requirements; this is scheduled for completion in a week or two.  The parking lot should be open by July 4th.  (2) As to using CD 11 discretionary funds for possible extra officers for the Beach Detail this summer, Mr. Fleishman will bring this up with his supervisors and will attempt to see what more may be needed; he will follow up and get back to us when he has more information.  (3) The 405 Transit Corridor plan will have another public comment meeting on June 1st (Mr. Fleishman included a link in the chat).  (4) As to Temescal Canyon dumping, he participated in an inspection and determined that the best way to handle the problem is with periodic inspections early in the morning; he suggested that residents file 311 reports if they see dumping; let Karen Ridgley know and she can interface with Mr. Fleishman.  (5) The City Council has approved going into Phase 3 of watering restrictions; outdoor automated watering is now limited to two days a week; he described the various restrictions.  The Chair:  We would like LADWP representatives to come to an upcoming PPCC meeting to answer questions about the watering restrictions; he asked Mr. Fleishman to please contact LADWP community liaison Deborah Hong and encourage LADWP’s attendance.

Questions from the Board and audience:  Sue Pascoe:  Is the repaving on Temescal Canyon still scheduled for June?  Mr. Fleishman:  He has to check with Street Services as to the schedule, but this may be rolled over; he will get back to us.  Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative):  A cougar was killed on her property in Marquez Knolls.  Residents called Animal Control and they were told they had to drag the animal out to the street for pickup.  Could Mr. Fleishman please look into this requirement?  Mr. Fleishman:  This probably had to do with the animal being on private property; he can look into it and see if that is the policy of Animal Services.  Alan Goldsmith: What is the status of waterpipe construction along PCH?  He has not seen any digging since April 21st.  Mr. Fleishman:  This may be a County project to extend waterpipes to Malibu; he will look into it.  The Chair: A Eucalyptus tree near LAFD Station 23 needs pruning; he requested that Mr. Fleishman follow up.

Mr. Fleishman then noted that voting in the Citywide election is now open; he described the process.  He also reminded everyone that this is a three-day Memorial Day holiday weekend and there are temporary parking restrictions in place on Asilomar.  Lastly, Mr. Fleishman thanked the Area and At-large Representatives for giving him a shout-out, and he explained that his last day as Deputy District Director is tomorrow (Friday); after that he will become District Director for CD 11 (official as of Monday).  The office is looking for a new Palisades Field Deputy and he’ll let us know the status. He remains interested and involved in the Palisades.  Anais Gonzales (CD 11 Constituent Advocate) can be contacted with specific issues.  Karen Ridgley:  How can I contact Anais Gonzales?  Mr. Fleishman:  He will put her information in the chat.  The Secretary:  Ms. Gonzales’ contact information is on the PPCC website under Government Contacts; the link to the Government Contacts webpage is included in every agenda.  Board members again thanked Mr. Fleishman and congratulated him on his promotion.

8.5.2.    LAPD SLO Brian Espin.  The Chair first complimented SLO Espin and LAPD on the coordinated/multi-agency task force event last week, which involved looking for homeless encampments in the bluff and canyon areas and on the beach.  It was a full day exercise which included LAPD officers, LAPD motorcycle units, our LAPD Beach Detail, MRCA, CHP, PPTFH volunteers, outreach workers from The People Concern, our Neighborhood Prosecutor and City and State park rangers.

SLO Espin explained that this was the 2nd annual task force. He described the participants and noted that it was a big success. Seven different areas were checked for homeless encampments. The participants were broken up into teams and went to areas where the encampments might be located.  One citation was issued for smoking in a fire zone area; they had one contact with a homeless individual in an area of Temescal Canyon Park.  Five abandoned encampments were found and cleaned up by volunteers. There were no arrests.  They did not find anyone camping.  The effort was good for team building and strengthening collaboration.  They intend to continue holding these task force events periodically.

Regarding our LAPD Beach Detail:  There was some miscommunication about the status which occurred at a C-PAB meeting this past week. During the summer, beach areas such as Venice typically are assigned LAPD “loanees” for extra patrols.  This was also done for the Palisades last summer.  This year the same request for “loanees” was made, but because of staffing issues they aren’t available here this summer.  Officers Bermudez and Margin will still be assigned to our Beach Detail this summer.  We will just not have an extra set of officers coming from the outside.  However, there is the possibility of obtaining separate funding from the Council office to cover overtime hours for additional “loanee” officers for our area.  The Chair:  We have learned from our Homelessness Advisor and PPTFH Co-President Sharon Kilbride that it is critical for public safety to have at least two additional officers assigned to the Beach Detail in the summer months because we have an uptick in the number of homeless individuals who are attracted to the beach during the summer, many of whom increasingly suffer from mental illness or addiction. We also have more beach visitors in the summer, including families and children participating in summer camps.  We know that the Council office has discretionary funds which might be used to fund overtime for more officers.  He asked Mr. Fleishman to look into whether additional funding from CD 11 might be available for this purpose.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors – None. 

Chris Spitz (Secretary) thanked outgoing Youth Advisor Jack Coleman, who is graduating from high school, for his outstanding services to PPCC, including his work last year on the video which was used in connection with our opposition to the motion to place homeless housing on Will Rogers State Beach, as well as his technical assistance with the recent PPCC-BCC CD 11 Candidates Forum.

9.     Reports from Committees – None.

10.     Old Business – None.

11.     New Business

11.1.    StreetsLA – Sidewalk and Transit Amenities Program (STAP) presentation.  StreetsLA presenters: Shirley Lau, Assistant Director & Chief Technical Officer; Lance Oishi, STAP project manager.

The Chair welcomed Ms. Lau and Mr. Oishi.  Ms. Lau introduced herself and provided a synopsis of what has occurred with the STAP program and what will happen in the future.  The StreetsLA report on the program went to the Board of Public Works (BPW) for hearing on May 11th.  Three items were part of the report:  1) adoption of the Initial Study/MND (CEQA requirements); 2) approval of the proposed contract for the STAP program with the vendor, Tranzito-Vector; and 3) approval of revised LA Municipal Code provisions to assist in implementing the program.  She provided a link in the chat to a large file with documents related to the matter.    The three items in the report were approved by BPW and now require review by the Mayor’s office and the City Administrative Officer (CAO).  The matter will move forward to the Council Public Works and Budget & Finance Committees and then to the full City Council by the latter part of June.   Her colleague Lance Oishi of StreetsLA is managing this program.  He has been the contract administrator of the City’s street furniture program for many years.

Mr. Oishi:   He has been working on the street furniture program for 20 years and has attended PPCC meetings in the past.  He presented an overview of the new proposed contract.  The goals are to provide shade, safety and comfort for transit patrons.  StreetsLA wants 75% of all bus riders in each Council District to be able to board a bus from a stop that has shade and shelter.  The request for proposal (RFP) process began in November 2020.  After review of the proposals, StreetsLA selected the top proposal, from Tranzito-Vector, in August of 2021; the proposed contract then moved forward to the BPW for the first approval.  The contract contains various goals for the transit shelters.  Tranzito-Vector is a mobility company; they are proposing a suite of functions for shelter locations.  These include emergency call features, free Wi Fi, charging devices for cell phones and other digital devices.  Lockers, hydration and hand sanitizing stations will be included at some locations. Less than 100 of the new shelters will have scooter docks.  Digital elements on the shelters will be managed by a content management system which will be in “real time.”  Content and brightness of information panels can be changed remotely, immediately.   The City is investing funds to build out this program; it will be self-funded from advertising income.  They looked at five factors to determine where the shelters should first be located: 1) bus ridership counts (highest ridership areas); 2) heat exposure/heat index; 3) equity – low-income communities; 4) proximity to trip generators such as work areas, schools, shopping; and 5) stops where riders must wait a long time for bus arrivals.  StreetsLA has mapped out where they want to put shelters in preparation for this contract.  Shelters will not be located adjacent to single family homes.  They will comply with all local zoning code and Specific Plan restrictions.  The contract is for 10 years with possible extensions for 2-5-year periods that are “performance-based,” with a potential total of an all-inclusive 20-year contract.

Q&A then ensued.  Marilyn Wexler (At-large 2nd Alternate):  What is a transit shelter?  Mr. Oishi:  It is a bus shelter located outdoors, typically a structure of about 10’x15’x5’ with a roof, a bench and a litter receptacle.  John Padden (PRIDE):  We have explained to Mr. Oishi that we want to keep our current street furniture.  Mr. Oishi has told Mr. Padden that he will work with PPCC and PRIDE to keep our furniture.  Mr. Oishi sent a map to Mr. Padden who is still unclear what the map represents.  Going forward, can we work together to look at each location and can we be confident that we can keep our current furniture?  In addition, what about the bus shelters that are not part of the PRIDE street furniture?   Which shelters will be in our area?   Mr. Oishi:  He believes there are three existing shelters in Palisades – two at the intersection of Temescal Canyon & Sunset Blvd. and one at PCH & Sunset.  Mr. Padden:  Isn’t there a shelter at the intersection of Carey & Sunset?  Mr. Oishi:  He will take a look. There was another one on Temescal Canyon in front of Palisades High School at one point, but this was removed in connection with renovation of the school entrance. The intent of StreetsLA is to replace existing shelters, but not all sites will be replaced with brand new shelters. They are planning on renewing/revamping 400-500 of the shelters.  The timing of replacement will be based on the five factors.  In the Palisades, most of the bus stops don’t have a high level of ridership and they are not exposed to the same heat factors. Other areas will be first in line to receive new furniture and shelters.  StreetsLA has already achieved its 75% goal in all areas west of the 405.  They will eventually upgrade all shelters so that all will match aesthetically.  StreetsLA does not have plans to replace our current street furniture.  There is no plan to replace anything other than existing bus shelters.  Mr. Padden:  Will the new shelters have digital displays?  We are concerned about visual blight.  Mr. Oishi:  We haven’t made that determination yet.  More than 75% of all shelters will not have digital displays.  There are some prohibitions on placing shelters in front of single-family homes and along scenic corridors.

Ms. Lau:  Once we have an approved contract with Tranzito-Vector, we will work with the community on keeping the existing street furniture and also on the transit shelter replacements.  Mr. Padden:  The most important thing for us is that there is advance communication and opportunity for input.  Ms. Lau:  We will absolutely provide this. She doesn’t see a lot of transit shelters in the Palisades; there may only be three.  Mr. Padden:  He is happy to meet with Ms. Lau and Mr. Oishi and go out and look at where the shelters are located.  The Chair:  Following up on the two shelters at the intersection of Sunset & Temescal Canyon and the issue of whether there should be digital displays at this location: There is a great deal of pedestrian usage with the nearby school and park and drivers can be distracted with digital signage.  Ms. Lau: Less than 25%, or roughly 700 of the 3000 shelters in the City, will have digital signage.  These will be on heavily travelled corridors.  We will come out and do outreach with the community before installing any new shelters.  The Chair: Sunset Blvd. is a scenic corridor.  Ms. Lau:  We will be consistent with whatever the City requires in this regard.

The Secretary:  Most of the transit shelters here are in the Coastal zone; will you apply for Coastal permits for these shelters?  Ms. Lau:  We will apply for Coastal permits; we will have to get all required permits for these shelters.  The Secretary:  She is concerned as well about the proposed changes to the LA Municipal Code, which are vague and appear to allow expanded advertising in the public right of way (PROW), not just in transit shelters, but for any unspecified advertising activities that are approved by the BPW; approval by the City Council would not be required.  How do we know what advertising would be allowed and how can we be assured that we will have an opportunity to provide input?  We would not wish to see additional advertising structures placed in our medians or other PROW locations, especially along scenic corridors such as Sunset Blvd. and in our Specific Plan areas.  Ms. Lau: The revisions would allow other advertising elements, not just in transit shelters.  Mr. Oishi:  The proposed code revisions are separate from the STAP program.  The City Council is considering other types of advertising programs in the PROW, not simply advertising in transit shelters; the code revisions were added to the Council File for the STAP program because that was an existing file which also dealt with a program in the PROW.  He explained that historically, there had been prohibitions against allowing any advertising in the PROW other than through the current street furniture contractor, Decaux. The City Council is now pursuing other programs and instructed the City Attorney to draft ordinance provisions that would allow other advertising structures to be placed in the PROW, not limited specifically to transit shelters under the STAP program.  These other advertising programs may come about in the future.  One that is under consideration now is the Metro bike share program; Metro wants to place advertising on bike stations in the PROW to offset operational costs.  Another is a program known as “IKE,” being advanced by the Los Angeles Convention and Tourism Board, to place informational kiosks with advertising in various PROW areas of the City. These new proposed code provisions impact the STAP program and therefore were mentioned and discussed in the CEQA process for STAP.   Mr. Fleishman:  The BPW is a Brown-Acted body and we can subscribe to obtain 72-hour advance notice of its hearings; in that way residents can learn about and potentially attend hearings and provide verbal comments on any proposed programs.  Mr. Oishi:  Any new program for advertising in the PROW will need approval by the BPW after a Brown-Acted public hearing.  The programs must also go through a CEQA process and there will be opportunity for the public to weigh in on that process; the processes will be public.

Steve Cron:  He is concerned with safety at the intersection of Temescal Canyon & Sunset.  Adding digital signage in shelters is asking for trouble with all the pedestrians and traffic at that location.  Mr. Oishi:  2300+ of the 3000 total proposed transit shelters in the City will have static signage; it is most likely that signage in our bus shelters will be replaced with static signage.  The shelters will come with the upgraded features like cell phone chargers and a smaller digital screen or panel containing real time bus arrival information and public messaging for bus riders.  This will be akin to a Kindle reader and will not necessarily contain digital advertising. Ms. Lau: We will not put in a new shelter without outreach to the community.

Alan Goldsmith:  He would like more details about the plans for outreach to the community.  Ms. Lau:  StreetsLA will always be involved with the contractor as set forth in the contract; Tranzito-Vector staff would go out and reach out to the community along with City staff and will bring forward any proposed changes for the transit shelters in our area.  They will not switch out any shelters without outreach to us.  Mr. Goldsmith: What measures will you take to prevent these structures from becoming homeless shelters?  Mr. Oishi:  Our tool kit for this purpose is limited.  StreetsLA reaches out to homeless agencies and has had some success.  One thing they can do is to temporarily remove some of the furniture, which they have done on occasion.  Mr. Goldsmith:  Is it considered inhospitable to install bumps on the benches to prevent sleeping?  Mr. Oishi:  Some segments of the population during outreach meetings have called this possible solution “hostile architecture;” one thing that StreetsLA has at its disposal is the ability to remove parts of the shelters that might make the location hospitable. Sometimes that is done with piece-by-piece removal of any part that is an attractive nuisance.  This method has worked in many situations.  Mr. Oishi also suggests the possibility of constructing some shelter benches with different levels of seating heights which would help Seniors and others with mobility issues; this may also inhibit homeless sleeping in the shelters. Regarding the community engagement process: Tranzito-Vector is required under the contract to engage with communities to make sure the shelters will be tailored to the aesthetics of the community.  This can be pursued by the Palisades community.

The Chair thanked Ms. Lau and Mr. Oishi for attending and answering our questions.

12.    Adjournment.   At 7:15pm, the Chair called for any further Board nominations of officer candidates.  There were none.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 pm.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, Chris Spitz, David Kaplan, Jenny Li, Joanna Spak, Sue Kohl, Haldis Toppel, Steve Cron, Reza Akef, Maryam Zar, Brenda Theveny, Cliff Roberts, Ryan Craig, Beth-Holden Garland, Andy Frew, Janet Anderson

Voting Alternates:  Bob Benton, Mary Mueller, Rick Mills

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Sharon Kilbride, Jackson Walter, Rick McGeagh, Kimberly Bloom, Lee Anne Sanderson, Nancy Niles, Michael Edlen, Melanie Bouer

1.    Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:01pm.  The Chair read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of May 26, 2022 were approved. Upcoming meetings:  June 23, 2022:  1) Appointment of Election Committee for the PPCC Area & At-large Representatives Election; 2) Chair to announce incumbent Area & At-large Representatives running for re-election; 3) Introduction to new LAFD West Bureau command (Asst. Chief Dean Zipperman and Deputy Chief/West Bureau Commander Richard Fields IV).  July 28, 2022: 1) First meeting of new officers’ term; 2) Chair to announce membership of PPCC committees, liaisons & advisors; 3) Chair to announce names of candidates in the election of Area & At-large Representatives. August 11, 2022: Area & At-large Representative Candidates Forum (if needed); other topics to be announced.  There is one PPCC meeting only in each of the months of July and August.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.  Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.  The Chair explained that Treasurer Richard Cohen was unable to attend the meeting. The Chair then gave the Treasurer’s report: PPCC’s balance is $56,048.00. The only transactions since the last report involve routine monthly payments to Mailchimp and Zoom as well as a small donation received through PayPal.  The Treasurer will provide an extended year-end Treasurer’s Report at the June 23rd meeting, as required by PPCC bylaws.

7.     General Public Comment – None.

8.     Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    PPCC Area & At-large Representatives Election. Deadline for incumbents’ written notification to Chair of intent to run for re-election: one hour before the scheduled start of the June 23rd meeting; incumbents who do not timely submit written notification are deemed conclusively not to be running (see Attachment A to Bylaws, Sec. 3.D.2).

The Chair reiterated the deadline for Area and At-large incumbents to notify the Chair in writing of their intention to run for re-election: they must do so no later than one hour before the scheduled start of the meeting on June 23rd, i.e., by 5pm (the scheduled meeting start will be 6pm).  Otherwise, incumbents who do not meet the deadline will be deemed conclusively not to be running.

8.1.2.   Topanga Canyon Fire Safe Council webinar update. YouTube video available at:  The Chair noted that a link to the webinar is available on the PPCC website.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.  Chris Spitz (Secretary).  STAP and LAMC revisions update. Letter re scenic highway advertising prohibition, 5/31/22:

The Secretary confirmed that the letter linked in the agenda was sent to City officials and has been distributed to the Board and the PPCC email list.  The letter reflects new information that we’ve learned about, specifically, that the Mobility Element of the General Plan prohibits all off-site advertising in the public-right-of-way within 500 ft. of the center line of all Scenic Highways.  In the Palisades that includes Sunset Blvd., Temescal Canyon Blvd., Palisades Dr. and PCH.  We argue in the letter that the proposed amendment to the Los Angeles Municipal Code – which would broadly allow any advertising that is approved by the Board of Public Works – conflicts with the General Plan as it contains no exemption for Scenic Highways.  Under controlling case law, a local ordinance that conflicts with the General Plan is invalid.  So far, we haven’t had any response and the matter hasn’t been taken up yet by either the City Planning Commission or any of the City Committees. As far as we know the Mayor and CAO are still reviewing.  We will continue to monitor.

Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative) asked how this affects banners on poles such as those along Temescal Canyon Blvd.   The Secretary:  The current banners contain public information messages from institutions such as schools and museums and as such are allowed; banners containing commercial advertising in the public-right-of-way of Scenic Highways would be disallowed under the Mobility Element of the General Plan.  Our concern is that the broad language of the proposed Code amendments might allow such commercial advertising, which would be in conflict with the General Plan.

Rick Mills (Area 4 First Alternate) commended the Secretary for the letter and asked whether the commercial ads inside bus shelters, which we now have, are actually prohibited.  The Secretary:  She does not know what the law was or what arrangements may have been made in negotiations with the City ten years ago as to the PRIDE street furniture, i.e., if advertising in bus shelters was ever agreed to as a compromise or was allowed at the time, but going forward with new replacement shelters it appears that off-site advertising (including digital) along Scenic Highways in the Palisades would not be allowed under the current General Plan provisions.  As noted in PPCC’s letter, StreetsLA representatives advised us at our last meeting that the contractor will be required to abide by all zoning requirements. The General Plan restrictions should be kept in mind in any future discussions with the City about street furniture, bus shelters or plans for off-site advertising in the public-right-of-way along our Scenic Highways.

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives.

8.3.1.   Sue Kohl (Area 5 Representative): She was recently with PPTFH Co-President Sharon Kilbride when Ms. Kilbride received a call from Beach Detail officers who had in turn been informed by a resident about a tent with homeless persons located on Temescal Canyon Blvd. in between PCH and Sunset Blvd.  Ms. Kohl and Ms. Kilbride went to the scene where Officers Margin and Bermudez had found a man, his wife and four daughters living in a tent.  The man had previously been living in a tunnel and had called for his family to join him.  The individuals were told they could not camp there and had to leave, but they had nowhere to go.  Officer Margin then booked the family a motel room out of his own pocket so that they would have a place to stay while waiting for help.  Ms. Kilbride was able to get them help the following day from outreach workers.  Ms. Kohl noted that Officers Margin and Bermudez showed empathy for the family and she was very impressed with the way they handled the situation. She commended the officers and Ms. Kilbride for their compassion and dedication to helping the homeless and the entire community.

8.3.2.   Haldis Toppel (Area 3 Representative):  A rattlesnake on residential property in Area 3 was recently captured by an Animal Control officer, who responded within ½ an hour of being called.  After capturing the snake, the officer spent time giving residents valuable information about rattlesnakes and how to avoid them.  Ms. Toppel commended the officer. She noted that the information he provided was very interesting and educational.  She does not have the officer’s name but would be willing to assist should PPCC or other organizations wish to invite Animal Control to speak at a meeting on this subject.

8.4.    From Organizational Representatives – None.

 8.5.  From Government Offices / Representatives – Contact information available at:

8.5.1.   Veronica de la Cruz-Robles (Deputy City Attorney/Neighborhood Prosecutor).

The Chair introduced Ms. de la Cruz.   He explained that residents have expressed concerns about a homeless person in the Palisades who was arrested for suspected felony criminal activity and booked, but the District Attorney reduced the charge from a felony to a misdemeanor; the individual was then released on his “own recognizance” (OR) and he returned to the community.  Ms. de la Cruz cannot go into the details of that case but has been invited to explain the criminal justice process in general.

Ms. de la Cruz advised that she has been working as an assigned Neighborhood Prosecutor at the LAPD West LA station for twenty years.  She is one of many prosecutors assigned to the station and works with the whole team at West LA Division.  She is the community’s liaison when there are special circumstances and she brings community concerns to her office when they prosecute cases.  She spoke generally about how criminal cases are handled. The County District Attorney (D.A.) handles felonies and juvenile matters. The City Attorney’s office prosecutes misdemeanors.  The D.A. has the option to file a case as a felony, or reject it outright, or refer it to the City Attorney’s office – in the latter case, City prosecutors can then review and determine whether to file charges as a misdemeanor.  If charges are filed, the judge then decides whether to grant bail and/or release the defendant on OR. The City Attorney argues as to what the appropriate bail should be, considering factors such as prior criminal history and whether there is continuing danger to the public. In the Palisades case mentioned earlier, the City Attorney did receive a misdemeanor referral from the D.A. While the defendant was in custody and was being arraigned, his attorney asked for an OR release.  City prosecutors objected strenuously.  The judge decided to grant OR release over the City Attorney’s objection and the defendant has another court date.  Throughout all of this process, Capt. Tom (West LA Division Commander) and SLO Espin filled-in prosecutors in West LA and they in turn relayed community concerns to the prosecutors in court.  As this is an ongoing case, Ms. de la Cruz cannot comment further.

Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative):  He understands that the community is upset about the homeless individual being released on OR, but as a long-time criminal defense attorney he notes that our system works with the judge making the decision as to whether there should be an OR release based on factors considered by the judge. If the person is released and then commits a crime while out on OR, this increases the penalties he will face in the subsequent case; there will be consequences.  Ms. de la Cruz:  The judge can grant OR with or without conditions.  This happens every day in criminal courts. In West LA, we have the advantage of a connection between the prosecutors, the community and the police; the prosecutors know what the judge’s conditions are and can relay and discuss them with our law enforcement partners.

Reza Akef (Area 8 Representative):  He related an incident he experienced with a transient who broke into a construction site and threatened to kill Mr. Akef and burn the house down. It took police three hours to show up; the police refused to arrest the transient and then escorted him off the property. Mr. Akef was told he would have to press charges on his own, and even if he did, the person would be fingerprinted and then released.  How is the system working to keep us safe?  How can this be handled better if it happens again?  Ms. de la Cruz:  In order to make an arrest the officers have to observe the crime occurring in their presence and then do a misdemeanor filing.  Otherwise, it would have to be a private person’s arrest.  There is a difference between a criminal threat and a civil threat.  In this case a civil restraining order could be requested, or a private person’s arrest could be made.  If that happened, evidence would be submitted and there would be follow up.  This can be discussed with the sergeant at West LA Division.

The Chair:  Our Senior Lead Officers have always told us that we need to file complaints if we want to see more officers in our area.  He also explained that SLO Espin had a scheduled vacation and was called up for duty at the Summit of the Americas event this week, so he could not be at tonight’s meeting.

Kimberly Bloom (Area 5 First Alternate):  When a person is released on OR and has a future court appearance, what percentage don’t show up at their court hearing and what is the procedure if they don’t appear; is there a follow-up and how are they tracked down?  Ms. de la Cruz:  Courts have been setting low or no bail and more people are not returning for their court hearings.  More leverage is needed in order to keep people in custody.  If a person doesn’t show for a hearing a warrant for their arrest will issue.  The prosecutors relay that information to local police officers to make sure the warrant is in their system.  Officers can then try and pick that person up based on the warrant.

Mr. Cron:  One other factor is that the defendant is required to fill out an OR release form with personal information as to how they can be located. Law enforcement is directed to pick up the defendant if a warrant is issued; the information in the OR release form can be used to try and locate the individual.  This is more difficult with the homeless who do not have a street address.  Ms. de la Cruz:  A priority is placed on warrant arrests depending on the type of crime initially charged.

The Chair thanked Ms. de la Cruz for speaking with us and for her service.  Ms. de la Cruz explained that she follows our community and has attended many PPCC meetings listening in as an audience member in order to hear what our concerns are.  She also stressed the importance of voting and urged us to vote for candidates who in our individual estimation will do the right thing in terms of criminal enforcement. She noted that as a City Attorney who prosecutes misdemeanors, enforcement of misdemeanor crimes is important to her.  Maryam Zar (Chair Emeritus) also noted that Ms. de la Cruz helped launch PPTFH.  The Secretary explained that she knows that Ms. de la Cruz is interested in the community as she always opens PPCC emails, reads our agendas and frequently attends our meetings. She also thanked Ms. de la Cruz for her service to the community.

8.5.2.    Janet Turner (District Director – Outreach, Congressman Ted Lieu).

Ms. Turner reported that Congress has been busy.  The House of Representatives has passed the “Protecting our Children” Act – the first of several bills countering the gun violence epidemic. She discussed this and other legislation that the Congressman is working on, addressing issues such as inflation, fuel price gouging and anticompetitive practices by meat packing companies. A bill that has passed both houses and is on the President’s desk for signature is the “America Competes” Act, which invests in chip production, addresses supply chain issues and bolsters research to ensure more items are built in America.  The Secretary:  What is the status of Congressman Lieu’s bill that would extend the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA) south of Will Rogers State Beach and Pacific Palisades along the coast?  Ms. Turner:  This was a bill to study the issue of extending the Area; it has been stalled in Congress. Another bill that would extend the SMMNRA to the “Rim of the Valley” corridor in Los Angeles is pending.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors.

8.6.1.    Sharon Kilbride (Homelessness).  With regard to the motion on the agenda [Item 11.1 below], Ms. Kilbride emphasized that we need additional officers to be assigned this summer to the LAPD Beach Detail.  There are many reasons why, as detailed in the proposed letter which the Secretary has written.  She thanked the Secretary for drafting the letter and bringing this motion. She explained that the Palisades has two Beach Detail officers, currently Officers Margin and Bermudez.  Normally in the summer months we are assigned more officers; last summer four additional officers were assigned to the Beach Detail, for a total of six officers.  This summer we also need additional officers – at least two but hopefully four more officers – to be assigned to the Beach Detail, in addition to Officers Margin and Bermudez. We have been told, however, that due to budget issues only the two current Beach Detail officers will be assigned to the Palisades.

Ms. Kilbride explained that during summer months, we have an influx of homeless individuals coming into our beach, bluff and hillside areas. It is too dangerous for volunteers to go into the hillsides to check on encampments; the key to maintaining fire safety is for the community to have a sufficient number of officers checking the hillsides for campfires and other illegal activities.  There are also multiple children’s beach camps in the summer.  The Beach Detail goes out early in the morning each day and clears the beaches of homeless persons sleeping on the beach.  Regarding the uptick in homeless in our area:  People are being driven into our beach community from other areas where encampments are being removed.  Today, seven new homeless individuals were encountered in our beach area; normally, there are only two or three a day.  Our current Beach Detail officers usually provide coverage for only four days a week as each has two or three days off; that is insufficient coverage for our community during the summer.  Ms. Kilbride noted that Councilmember Koretz recently authorized the use of CD 5 discretionary funds to pay for overtime for additional officers to be assigned to certain areas of that District. She hopes and prays that Councilmember Bonin will also provide necessary funding from the CD 11 discretionary fund so that much-needed additional LAPD officers can be assigned to the Palisades this summer.

9.      Reports from Committees – None.

10.    Old Business – None.  

11.     New Business

11.1.    Election of Officers (2022-23 term beginning July 1, 2022). Nominees: (a) Chair – Maryam Zar; (b) Vice-Chair – Jenny Li; (c) Secretary – Beth Holden-Garland; (d) Treasurer – Randy Young.

The Chair thanked the Nominating Committee for their hard work and the officer nominees for agreeing to serve. He announced that since the nominations were all uncontested, the officer nominees should be elected by acclamation and they were so elected.  The outgoing officers will be thanked at the next meeting.  Ms. Turner: Congressman Lieu congratulates the newly elected officers.

11.2.    LAPD Palisades Beach Detail Funding — Motion for Board approval of letter requesting CD 11 discretionary funds to support overtime to allow assignment of additional LAPD officers this summer (motion sponsored by Secretary Chris Spitz). See Attachment below for proposed letter. Background/prior PPCC position supporting Beach Detail funding:

The Secretary introduced the motion and explained that the motion seeks the Board’s approval of language for a letter to CD 11, as set forth in the agenda attachment.  Second by Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative).  The Secretary noted that in the Advisor’s Report [Item 8.6.1 above], Sharon Kilbride had given an excellent explanation of the motion’s background and the reasons why it was being made. The Chair provided further explanation. Ms. Zar suggested that other organizations also submit letters to CD 11 requesting additional funding for more officers. There were no further comments.

A vote was then taken:  Result:  Unanimous in favor of the motion.

12.    Adjournment.   The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 pm.

ATTACHMENT – Item 11.2: Proposed letter re Beach Detail Funding

Dear Councilmember Bonin:

Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) has been advised that due to LAPD staffing

issues, no additional officers will be assigned to the Palisades Beach Detail this summer. This is a matter of immediate and grave concern.

As you know, an influx of visitors to our beach and hillside areas regularly occurs during the summer months. Families flock to the beaches and many children and young adults participate in summer camps and the Junior Lifeguards program at Will Rogers State Beach. At the same time, the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness (PPTFH) informs us that many more persons experiencing homelessness (PEH) traditionally come here in the summer and are already beginning to arrive in greater numbers this year.

The Palisades consists of 26 square miles, much of the area made up of rugged hillside terrain where PEH often set up illegal encampments. Moreover, PPTFH volunteers and outreach workers see increased evidence of severe mental illness and drug addiction among the PEH who are attracted to our beach, bluffs and canyons. Dangerous, violent conduct directed against volunteers and outreach workers by PEH is becoming a frequent occurrence. The risk of fire in our hillsides is always present (fires are frequently started by PEH and/or arsonists) and there is a greatly increased risk with the conditions that PPTFH volunteers, outreach workers and our current Beach Detail officers (Officers Margin and Bermudez) are now regularly observing and experiencing. All of these conditions put the safety of our entire community at heightened risk.

The efforts of our Beach Detail are critical to maintaining public safety, but will be stretched thin with the increased numbers of PEH and other visitors expected during the coming months. Last summer, we were fortunate to have four additional officers assigned to the Beach Detail – for a total of six officers. We need the same number of officers assigned this summer. Their efforts are critical to ensure and maintain public safety for everyone – community members, beach visitors, PPTFH volunteers, outreach workers and PEH alike.

We understand that CD11 has discretionary funds which may be used to fund overtime for additional officers to be assigned to the Palisades Beach Detail. We’re also told that Councilmember Koretz has authorized the use of CD 5 discretionary funds for overtime for additional LAPD West Division patrol officers in Westwood and other areas of that District. We urge you to: 1) confer immediately with West Division Commander Captain Jonathan Tom and other LAPD leadership to ascertain the level of funding needed to allow for as many additional officers as possible to be assigned to the Beach Detail this summer (ideally at least four but no fewer than two more officers, in addition to Officers Margin and Bermudez); and 2) authorize the transfer of a sufficient amount from CD 11 discretionary funds for this purpose without delay.

Thank you for your consideration and anticipated cooperation with this request.

Please note: The text of this letter was [unanimously] approved by the PPCC Board at the June 9, 2022 public Board meeting.


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Voting Members in Attendance:  David Card, Richard Cohen, Chris Spitz, Joanna Spak, Sue Kohl, Steve Cron, Maryam Zar,* Alan Goldsmith, Karen Ridgley, Brenda Theveny, Cliff Roberts, Ryan Craig, Beth-Holden Garland, Andy Frew, Janet Anderson, Matt Quiat  (*Partial attendance/late arrival)

Voting Alternates:  Rick McGeagh, Michael Edlen, Andrew Wolfberg

Non-voting Advisors and Alternates:  Jack Coleman, Mary Mueller, Marilyn Wexler, Kimberly Bloom, Lee Anne Sanderson, Cathy Russell, Richard Blumenberg

1.   Call to order and reading of Mission Statement.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.  The Chair read the Mission Statement.

2.    Introduction of Zoom engineer.  Zoom engineer Alex Ponting was introduced.

3.    Roll call of voting members and certification of quorum.  The Chair called the roll of voting members and certified that there was a quorum.

4.    Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of June 9, 2022 were approved. Upcoming meetings:  July 28, 2022: 1) First meeting of new officers’ term; 2) Chair to announce membership of PPCC committees, liaisons & advisors; 3) Chair to announce names of candidates in the election of Area & At-large Representatives.  August 11, 2022: Area & At-large Representative Candidates Forum (if needed); other topics to be announced.  There is one PPCC meeting only in each of the months of July and August.

5.    Consideration of Agenda.Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the Chair.

6.    Treasurer’s Report.The Treasurer Richard Cohen reported that PPCC’s balance is $55,226.25.  In the past two weeks on behalf of PPCC he has paid PAPA (the Fourth of July Parade people) $750, so that the Citizen of the Year and a Spark Plug awardee can ride in the parade, as is customary.

The Treasurer explained that this was his final report as Treasurer of PPCC.  It was also the meeting at which the Treasurer is required to provide a year-end recap of financial performance.  Technical advisor Alex Ponting displayed the report on screen and the Treasurer noted that it will be appended to the minutes.


He further explained:  PPCC ended the year with $16,442 more than we started.  This was entirely due to the fact that we raised over $26,000 for legal costs associated with fighting against locating homeless accommodations at Will Rogers State Beach.  However, we only spent $1,744 in legal costs.

The Citizen of the Year event, rather than being a fundraising event, had a net cost of about $4,000.  In contrast to all prior years there was no attempt to sell sponsorships or otherwise solicit donations and the food and beverage at the Bel Air Bay Club was costly.

Ordinary operating expenses amounted to $4,473 which is typical.  Our largest cost was insurance.

The summary of our year in finance was that PPCC raised $24,000 more than was required for legal costs, spent $4,000 on the Citizen of the Year event and another $4,000 on ordinary costs – thus leaving us with $16,000 more than we started the year with.  The balance as of June 1 is approximately $56,000.  This reporting is required by the bylaws as of June 1.  Since June 1, the Treasurer paid the $750 to PAPA so that is the reason why PPCC’s current balance is slightly less than $56,000.

The Chair thanked the Treasurer for his excellent report.

7.    General Public CommentNone.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.    Announcement of incumbent Area & At-large Representatives running for reelection. Deadline for incumbents’ written notification to Chair of intent to run for re-election: one hour before the scheduled start of the June 23rd meeting (i.e., by 5pm on 6/23); per PPCC bylaws, incumbents who do not timely submit written notification are deemed conclusively not to be running.

The Chair announced that the incumbent Representatives running for re-election are:  Steve Cron (Area 2); Haldis Toppel (Area 3); Karen Ridgley (Area 4); Reza Akef (Area 8); and Alan Goldsmith (At-large).  Incumbent Representatives in the following areas are not running:  Areas 1, 5, 6 and 7.   He thanked all who are running and those who will be leaving at the end of their terms:  Sue Kohl, Matt Quiat & Joanna Spak.  All seats are open for anyone who wants to run. The election will be held in August.  More information will be distributed in the next few weeks.

8.1.2.    Appointment of Election Committee for the PPCC Area & At-large Representatives Election.  Election information (Notice of Election Nominations to be distributed 7/7).

In consultation with Maryam Zar (Chair Emeritus and President-Elect), the Chair has appointed the following members of the Election Committee to oversee the election this summer: Jenny Li (Committee Chair); David Card, Ryan Craig, Michael Edlen and Joanna Spak.  The President-Elect and Legal Advisor will be ex officio, non-voting members, per the bylaws.

A Notice of Election Nominations, with information about how to become a candidate in the Elected Representatives Election, will be distributed to the public and posted on the PPCC website on or before July 7th. The Chair encourages Palisadians to run in the election.

8.1.3.    LAPD Beach Detail update:

The letter linked in the agenda was sent to CD 11.  We have learned that our request was declined.  However, LAPD West LA Division Commanding Officer, Capt. Jonathan Tom, has advised PPTFH that he has been able to make administrative changes and is assigning two additional officers to the Palisades Beach Detail this summer.  There will be a total of four Beach Detail officers this summer.

8.1.4.   July 4th Palisades Parade & Fireworks update.

The 5K/10K Run, Parade and Fireworks are all returning this year.  PPCC will participate in the Parade, with our Citizen of the Year Chris Spitz and Golden Sparkplug Krishna Thangavelu both riding in a car driven by Vice-Chair David Kaplan. The Chair acknowledged and thanked all the award winners.  We hope to see everyone at the parade.

8.1.5.   (New agenda item) Emergency Card.  The American Legion Palisades Post 283 has produced an Emergency Card, with contact information for use in emergency situations, which has been distributed to all Palisades households. This was spearheaded by Commander Jim Craig. A copy can also be downloaded from the Legion’s website: [].

8.1.6.   (New agenda item) Thanks to outgoing board members.  The Chair expressed thanks to all the officers and Executive Committee members who are leaving these positions for their service to PPCC: David Kaplan, Chris Spitz, Richard Cohen, John Padden and Joanna Spak (who will not be running again for Area 1 Representative).  The Secretary also thanked the Chair for his service over the last two+ years and stated that it has been her privilege and honor to serve PPCC and the community for the past 14 years.  She also expressed personal thanks to the Vice-Chair and Treasurer for their service and invaluable support and guidance over the years.

8.2.    From Officers.

8.2.1.    Chris Spitz (Secretary).  STAP and LAMC revisions, other legislation update. See report:

The Secretary summarized her report and provided current updates for several of the items:

STAP/LAMC revisions:  This matter has not yet been scheduled for hearing in any of the committees to which it was assigned.  Meanwhile, today a representative of the street furniture vendor (Tranzito-Vector) contacted the WRAC Chair and the Secretary (as Vice-Chair of WRAC) and proposed to give a presentation at a WRAC meeting; this has not yet been scheduled, but the representative indicated that he would also like to present at an upcoming PPCC meeting. The Secretary advised the representative that she would introduce him to the Chair and President-Elect so that a possible presentation could be arranged.  She also advised him of PPCC’s position against digital advertising and our insistence that all applicable zoning restrictions be followed (Coastal permitting requirements and the Mobility Element’s prohibition on advertising in the PROW on or near Scenic Highways).

BMO Extension: The Planning Dept. has not yet acted as we have requested, but today, Jason Douglas (CD 11 Planning Director) provided maps prepared by the Planning Dept. to PPCC LUC Chair Howard Robinson (which he had been requesting for months).  These maps show the areas where the so-called “donut hole” applies in the Palisades (properties in coastal, non-hillside, single-family zones where very tall homes are allowed under current zoning rules). Mr. Robinson will review the maps which may eventually be made available to the public via posting on the PPCC website.

Ban on bicycle chop shops:  The ordinance passed in City Council on 6/21/22.

Ban on camping near schools:  The Council Homelessness & Poverty Committee today passed the proposed ordinance; it will now go to the City Council for a vote.
The Secretary also brought attention to her supplemental report on the proposed Wildlife District Ordinance which had been distributed to the board prior to the meeting.  [See:].

The Secretary encouraged board members to continue to monitor this ordinance as well as the other legislation and motions referenced in her report.

Joanna Spak (Area 1 Representative) reminded everyone of an additional piece of legislation to monitor.  Namely, a motion by CM Koretz that was approved in City Council in February 2022 and that pertains to the drafting of an ordinance for the rollout of SB 9  (two residential units per lot/lot splits in single-family zones) in the City of Los Angeles (CF 21-1414). In the motion, CM Koretz calls for, among other things, consideration for fire zones. City Council requested that LA City Planning deliver a memorandum in 90 days  and a draft ordinance in 20 days. These two items are still outstanding.

8.3.    From Area and At-large Representatives.

8.3.1.    Steve Cron (Area 2 Representative) reported on an article in the Palisadian-Post regarding penalties recently assessed by the Coastal Commission against the Highlands developer, arising from the deplorable conditions at the trailhead.  The article was shown on the screen.  The Chair noted the letters that PPCC had written regarding this matter. The Secretary recommended that board members read the staff report in the Coastal Commission agenda for the May meeting, which provides an interesting history of the Highlands project and the complicated situation involving the trailhead.  The President-Elect (remarks after late arrival) noted that this matter had been on PPCC’s radar for a long time.

8.3.2.    Alan Goldsmith (At-large Representative) brought up an issue involving the inability to obtain liability insurance for property in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone.  He also announced that Izzy’s Deli in Santa Monica has closed; the proprietor Izzy is a resident of the Palisades and has retired.

8.4.    From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.    Brenda Theveny (TCA) announced that James Alexakis is the new President of TCA and Gil Dembo is President Emeritus. TCA’s new representatives to PPCC as of July 1 will be Shirley Haggstrom (primary) and Richard Cohen (alternate). Both are past PPCC Chairs.  The Secretary thanked Ms. Theveny for her many years of service to PPCC.

8.5.    From Government Offices / RepresentativesContact information available at:

8.5.1.    LAFD Assistant Chief Dean Zipperman and Deputy Chief/West Bureau Commander Richard Fields IV. See Item 11.1 below.

The Chair welcomed the Chiefs.  Chief Zipperman spoke first and stated that he and Chief Richards will work together to make sure this group gets what we need.  He has been assigned to West Bureau for the past two and a half years; he worked with former West Bureau Chief Armando Hogan and is familiar with the Palisades’ homeowner and community groups.  The goal is to continue working in collaboration with Palisadians and LAPD to make sure our safety remains protected.  Chief Zimmerman was an incident commander during the Palisades Fire and is familiar with our area.  He wishes to move forward and prepare for future evacuation drills and other interactive events. He noted that Battalion 9 oversees all of our areas and that the firefighters in Stations 69 and 23 are amazing.  His biggest concern is the danger to wildland based on weather and anticipated weather factors.  He attended a meeting with members of NOAH and all fire chiefs in our local areas; they were given a grim outlook based on expected future weather.  We’re in a La Nina season and will be in it for quite some time, going into the next winter.  There will be little or no rainfall and we’ll need to be concerned about brush and the overall dryness of fuel.

Chief Zimmerman is working with Battalion 9 and LAPD West LA Division to establish protocols for public safety.  They are looking at threats and trying to identify risks.  They are also looking at maintenance of our fire roads.  He is working with Recreation & Parks and the LAFD wildland fuel unit on fire roads.  He also worked with LAPD last year in preparing for evacuation of the Palisades and Brentwood, and is working on training exercises with LAPD.  This is great collaboration and training for both agencies.  He is also working with the LA County Fire Department to establish operational procedures and process.  They are looking at hazards within the area and infrastructure along the corridor, such as Mount St. Mary’s and the Getty. They are also looking at the homeless population that may be residing in the area.  He was at the command post recently at Will Rogers State Beach for the joint task force exercise; he commended everyone who participated in the event and thanked the homeless task force for its work.  He will be working with Chief Fields to determine what they can do to support us in terms of evacuation drills.

Chief Fields:  He is just starting to get his feet wet in West Bureau. He is a native Angeleno and is honored to be a part of LAFD.  He takes to heart the value of community partnership and respects engaged Angelenos. He also commended residents for our resilience in emergencies and wants to partner with us on fire safety matters.  He then took questions.

The Chair:  What is the status of brush clearance inspections?  Can we get an evacuation drill here (as had been planned before COVID)?  Why shouldn’t we be firing off fireworks?   Chief Fields:  The fireworks answer is obvious – it is like striking a match.  It has never been legal in the City to set off fireworks.  Everyone knows this.  A lot of time is spent in sharing that message with the public.  Detection and reporting are important to minimize the damage from fireworks.  As to an evacuation drill:  He is open to getting those conversations going again.  He wants to know what we hope to get out of it and what the objectives are.  A lot of what LAFD does is education about fire behavior.  He wants to explore all avenues to make sure the main objective is met, that is, making people safe.  Evacuation may create even greater issue with clogged streets, vehicles rushing to leave, firefighters attempting to come into the area, and other conditions. As to brush clearance:  LAFD’s primary objective is to inspect; it does not clear brush.  LAFD gives information to homeowners as to how to clear brush.  The enforcement responsibility is growing but the number of people available to do enforcement work is slightly reduced. LAFD has a pretty extensive drone program and is starting to use drones in inspections, especially areas that difficult to access such as hillsides.  The brush task force is behind in coming out to address problem conditions but he’ll make contact with the head of the brush clearance unit to get updates on where this work stands.  If there are problematic areas around you, let LAFD know so that it can focus attention on those areas.

Rick McGeagh (Area 7 1st Alternate):  He has been working to clear brush that grows along Sunset Blvd. between Will Rogers Road and the switch back road.  Former West Bureau Chief Hogan oversaw brush clearance of that area two years ago.  The brush has overgrown again and is now of serious concern.  Mr. McGeagh sees evidence of discarded cigarettes from cars speeding by on Sunset. He requested that Chief Zimmerman come out and look at the situation.  Chief Zimmerman:  He will look into it and see if we can get brush clearance expedited.

Steve Cron:  The Highlands area is unique.  It is completely surrounded by forest and we are up against fresh firewood.  Chief Hogan previously came out and looked at the area and the available escape routes.  There is one main road in and out of the Highlands.  He would like to show Chief Fields around the area.  Chief Fields:  He has been assigned to Battalion 9 during his career; he knows the Highlands and also the brush area on Sunset Blvd. near Will Rogers State Park but will take up Mr. Cron on the offer for a tour.  The Chair:  The Chiefs should come and see the work of the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness, which frequently sees evidence of fires from homeless activities.

Michael Edlen (Area 3 2nd Alternate):  He suggests that the Chiefs should also take a tour of Santa Inez Canyon, a portion of which is located near Marquez Elementary School.

The chair thanked both of the Chiefs for the introduction and for speaking with PPCC.

8.5.2.    Jasmine Dowlatshahi (Park Director, Palisades Recreation Center).  The Chair welcomed Ms. Dowlatshahi, who reported that all was going great at the Recreation Center.  She has been there since March 22 and has worked to improve the inside and outside of the facility, including putting in many work orders.  A new volleyball league will start in the Fall and basketball is year-round. There will be a tea party next week for children six years old and under, and ballet classes are back at the Center.  There will also be new score boards and equipment.  This is her 22nd year with the City of Los Angeles.  The Chair thanked Ms. Dowlatshahi and noted how pleased the community is with the new Director. The President-Elect (remarks after late arrival) also thanked Ms. Dowlatshahi for her update and noted that she has put in dozens of work orders to improve the facility.

8.5.3.    Isabella Dennis (CD 11 Brentwood-Palisades Deputy) and Noah Fleishman (CD 11 District Director).

The Chair welcomed Ms. Dennis.  She provided a brief background of her education and experience in Southern California, and explained that she has been working at CD 11 since November 2021.  She is looking forward to working with us.   Noah Fleishman then gave an area report which he noted will be his last report to PPCC:  There is a new stop sign at Almar and Miami Way.  Fireworks are illegal in Los Angeles.  There is a hotline to report fireworks.  He thanked all the outgoing board members. The Chair:  Thank you to Jason Douglas (CD 11 Planning Director) for providing maps showing the “donut hole” in the zoning for coastal, non-hillside, single-family areas.  The unpermitted public use of the Longworth maintenance gate at the Riviera Country Club is still a problem for the neighborhood and is getting worse.  This is a public safety issue.  The Club has refused to respond to the letter from the Planning Dept. of July 9, 2021, directing the Club to file a plan approval application.  How can we obtain enforcement?  Mr. Fleishman:  He will have to get back to Jason Douglas as to what the next step will be regarding enforcement.  Andrew Wolfberg (Area 8 1st Alternate):  It is a sad state of affairs that the City hasn’t stepped forward and there is no enforcement.  The City Attorney should be doing something about enforcement.  The Secretary:  She agrees with Mr. Wolfberg. PPCC has been expressing concerns about this situation for several years and noted that if the City won’t enforce the rules then neighbors may have to consider legal action. Veronica de la Cruz (Deputy City Attorney/Neighborhood Prosecutor: Has this matter been referred to her office for prosecution?  Mr. Fleishman:  It has not been referred to the City Attorney. A Code violation has not yet occurred.  If an inspector goes out and cites the owner for a violation then enforcement can be requested.   Further discussion ensued about the Planning Dept.’s directive, the Club’s refusal to comply, whether a violation has occurred and the lack of enforcement. The President-Elect (remarks after late arrival) also explained that PPCC has a long history of expressing concern about the public use of the maintenance gate. As past Chair she participated in discussions with Club management about the situation.  PPCC will continue to monitor.

The Secretary:   At the last meeting the At-large Representative asked a question about the work being done on the Caltrans area along PCH between Potrero Canyon and Temescal Canyon Blvd.  Mr. Fleishman had said he would look into it.  Has he done so and does he know what this work is about?  Mr. Fleishman:  He hasn’t done so and doesn’t know what the work is about; he suggests that since it is not work being done by the City we should speak with staff of either State Senator Allen or Assemblymember Bloom.  Karen Ridgley (Area 4 Representative):  What is Ms. Dennis’ phone number?  Ms. Dennis: 310-387-8267.  The Secretary: She will also post the number on the PPCC website.  Ms. Ridgley:  What are the differences between the Constituent Advocate (Anais Gonzalez) and the Palisades Field Deputy (Ms. Dennis)?  Mr. Fleishman:  Ms. Gonzalez handles specific projects whereas Ms. Dennis deals with broader community issues.

8.5.4.    LAPD SLO Brian Espin.  SLO Espin related that the community is still doing well crime-wise; we are below average in crimes from last year.  Property crimes are in the negative (-25% from last year). Violent crime is up over last year; there was a recent robbery at one of the gas stations.  There were two robberies last year, this year we have had four robberies.  Fireworks are illegal.  Call the non-emergency number or 9-1-1 to report illegal use of fireworks.  He wished everyone a happy 4th of July.  SLO Espin will participate in all three events: he will be in the Run, at the Parade and at the Fireworks.

8.5.5.    Zac Gaidzik (West-Metro LA Field Deputy, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl).  Mr. Gaidzik described various motions and actions taken by the County Supervisors, including motions by Supervisor Kuehl to make the PLACE program permanent and to establish gender-affirming healthcare in the County; the Board’s adoption of the LA River Master Plan; and the ongoing work on the West LA Commons project, which Mr. Gaidzik explained is in the initial EIR scoping phase.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors.

8.6.1.    Jack Coleman (Youth).  The Chair thanked the Youth Advisor for all of his help.  Jack Coleman noted that this is his last meeting and it has been rewarding and fulfilling to serve on PPCC for the last two years, especially his work on the Candidates Forum and the video related to the proposal for housing the homeless on Will Rogers State Beach.  He thanked the Chair and Secretary for their support and for giving him college recommendations.  He will be attending Dartmouth College and is still available via email.  The President-Elect thanked the outgoing Youth Advisor and asked him to submit a review of his work and tasks so as to serve as a roadmap/guide for future youth advisors. The Secretary also thanked him for his service.

8.6.2.    Patti Post (Transportation).  Update on Gladstones project. See report:

The Chair summarized the report as Ms. Post was unable to attend. He emphasized the importance of having a bus turnaround service at the parking lot in this location. The developer’s representative has confirmed that the chosen plan does provide for a bus turnaround.

9.     Reports from Committees – None.

10.    Old Business – None.

11.    New Business.

11.1.    Introduction to new LAFD West Bureau command:  Assistant Chief Dean Zipperman and Deputy Chief/West Bureau Commander Richard Fields IV.  See Item 8.5.1 above.

11.2.    Motion to support Council File 20-1376-S3 (Buscaino)/proposed ban on camping near libraries, sponsored by the Executive Committee. See Attachment (background & motion text).

The Chair introduced and read the motion.  No second was necessary as the motion was made by a committee of more than one voting member.  The Secretary briefly summarized the background for the motion.  Discussion was called.  Andrew Wolfberg (Area 8 1st Alternate):  Will there be any problem with the consent decree?  The Secretary:  This motion calls for the City Attorney to draft an ordinance; the City Attorney did so in connection with a similar motion to ban camping in the PROW near schools and has issued a report which she understands addressed any issues involving consent decrees, the Boise case and/or compliance with all legal requirements. If the motion passes the City Attorney will draft an ordinance and prepare a similar report in this case as well.

Quorum was then re-established and a vote was taken:  Result:  Unanimous in favor of the motion.

12.    Adjournment.   The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.


PPCC Treasurer’s Report May 31, 2021 – June 1, 2022

Beginning Balance 5/31/2021



Ending Balance 6/1/2022                                    $56,024

Increase in Funds




Contributions – Legal



Legal Expenses Related to Homeless at Beach   $1,744
Surplus Legal Donations                                    $24,453

Contributions – Other




Citizen of the Year Revenue



Citizen of the Year Expenses $6,323
Loss on Citizen Dinner                                     -$4,003

Ordinary Expenses:

Zoom                                         $583
Insurance                                      $1,633
Mailchimp                                         $448
P.O. Box Rental                                         $216
Web Services and Tech Support                                      $1,593

Total Ordinary Expenses




Legal Donations Less Legal Expense, Plus Misc Donations,

Less CoY Loss, Less Ordinary Expenses = Increase in Funds for the Year  


 ATTACHMENT – Item 11.2:

Motion Background:

Motion text:
Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) strongly supports the motion in Council File 20-1376-S3 (Buscaino) for an ordinance amending LAMC Sections 41.18 and 56.01 to prohibit sitting, lying, sleeping, and storing personal property in or upon any street, sidewalk or other public-right-of-way within 500 ft. of a library.


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1.   Call to Order: The President called the meeting to order and read the Community Council mission.

2.   Roll Call and Quorum: The President called roll and certified quorum.
Voting Board member attendance: Maryam Zar, Jenny Li, Beth Holden-Garland, Randy Young, Dave Card, Joanna Spak, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Kimberly Bloom, Reza Akef, Alan Goldsmith, Nina Kidd, Barbara Kohn, Ryan Craig, Shirley Haggstrom,

Non Voting Board members/Alternates in attendance: Michael Edlen, Mary Mueller, Richard Cohen.

3.   Attendees: Attendees were asked to introduce themselves.
Attendees: Sue Pascoe, Barbara Bruderlin, Sarah Shmerling, Peter Duke, Paul Kudney, Aileen Hahn, Chris Spitz, Krishna Thangavelu, K.C. Soll, Rob Weber.

4.   Minutes: The minutes of 6/23/22 were approved with two amendments.

5.   Agenda:  The agenda was considered as presented.

6.   Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer thanked the outgoing treasurer, Richard Cohen, for providing a very professional and very organized view of PPCC finances. He reported that he is in the process of organizing banking matters, credit cards, payments and would give monthly budgetary reports. Mail Chimp and Zoom accounts have been renewed for the new term.

7.   General Public Comment: The President called for the general public comment. The At-Large representative, Alan Goldsmith, said he thought SLO Espin should be able to give his report and be excused. The President explained that Officer Espin is welcome to connect a few minutes later than 6 pm knowing that we have some administrative tasks to take care of early in the meeting, but that we like our government office reps to stay for the meeting and hear/listen to our board conversations so they are familiar with the issues that concern us or hear our priorities looking ahead. Officer Espin agreed and said he has blocked off the time.

8.   Reports:

8.1.   President’s Report:

8.1.1.  The President announced Candidates for the Area and At-large elections coming up in August / September.   Those candidates are:

Area 1:  Murray Levy

Area 2:  Steve Cron

Area 3:  Haldis Toppel

Area 4:  Karen Ridgley and Reza Ronaghi

Area 5:  Kimberly Bloom and Allison Holdorff-Polhill

Area 6:  Cindy Simon

Area 7:  Julie Silliman

Area 8:  Reza Akef

At-large:  Alan Goldsmith and Chris Spitz

8.1.2.    The President went on to announce that she has appointed, or re-appointed, Committees and Advisors as follows. She advised that these appointments can also be seen online where the website has already been updated.

Two appointments were affirmed with the advice and consent of the board:

Rob Weber:  Legal Advisor

Dillon Khoubian:  Youth Advisor

The President said a word about both, noted there may be another youth advisor, and called for objections to their affirmation as Advisors. There were no objections.

Other appointments are below:

Executive Committee:  Joanna Spak, John Padden, David Card, Randy Young, Beth Holden-Garland, Jenny Li, Maryam Zar

Bylaws Committee:  David Card (Committee Chair), Andrew Frew, Haldis Toppel, Andrew Wolfberg, Randy Young

Land-Use Committee (LUC):  Steve Cron (Committee Chair), Howard Robinson (Committee Chair Emeritus), Richard Blumenberg, Joanna Spak, Danielle Samulon, David Card, Ryan Craig, Michael Edlen.  (Two members pending).

Palisades Forestry Committee (PFC): David Card (Committee Chair), Marilyn Wexler, Bruce Schwartz, Nancy Niles, Bill Bruns, Cindy Kirven, Jo Ann Bright, Mary Schultz, and Lisa V. (see committee Advisors on our website).

Community Plan Committee (CPC):  Randy Young (Committee Co-Chair), Barbara Kohn (Committee Co-Chair), David Card, Richard Blumenberg, Joanna Spak (additional members pending as the work of this committee gets underway in conjunction with LA City Planning calendar of community updates).


  • Recreation & Park Advisor:Joe Halper
  • Homelessness Advisors:Sharon Kilbride, Sharon Browning, Pam McGranahan
  • Transportation Advisor:Lou Kamer
  • PCH Taskforce representative:David Card
  • West LA CPAB representative:Maryam Zar
  • Emergency Preparedness:K.C. Soll
  • Wildfire Prevention:Miriam Schulman
  • WRAC:

Board representatives: Maryam Zar (primary), Jessica Rogers (alternate)

Homelessness Committee:  Barbara Kohn (primary)

LUPC:  Joanna Spak (alternate)

Mobility and Transportation (MTC):  Steve Lantz (primary), Lou Kamer (alternate)

(see website for all updates posted).

8.1.3.   The President noted that a position letter was sent on 6/24, per the 6/23 meeting and motion to support the Buscaino City Council motion regarding camping near libraries:

Nina Kidd informed the Board that the Friends of the Library (FOL) would be having a meeting soon and might support this letter as well. The President reminded FOL that they will have the primary seat in the category next year and would need to a reappoint a representative.

8.1.4.   The President announced that a Letter of Condolences was sent to the Optimist Club for the passing of PPCC board member, Don Scott (current Alternate in the Service Clubs category).

8.1.5 & 6.   The President reviewed EC approvals including creating two new email accounts (President@ and in addition to in an attempt to create an archive for future officers/leadership and keep communication centralized. She had also gotten EC approval to use Zoho, a year-round survey subscription, for electronic voting in Area and At-large elections. She also noted that both the Notice of Election Nomination and the Statement to Candidates were sent timely.

The President also said that the EC had renewed their annual approval to continue Zoom meetings for the time being.

8.1.7.   The President reported that she and other Area reps had a preliminary meeting with Chief Richard Fields of the LAFD Brush unit and discussed evacuation matters. This was a preliminary meeting to discuss emergency and evacuation preparedness. [See President’s report]. The President said she will form an ad-hoc committee on fire and evacuation preparedness and communications and would invite board members to join that committee to begin a collaboration with Chief Fields and LAFD to establish an effective communication/awareness plan to assist in case of emergency.

Barbara Bruderlin from the newly formed Pacific Palisades/Malibu Chamber of Commerce introduced herself and discussed a Facebook group she started after Woolsey fire with the acronym HEART and said that worked well for information sharing. She suggests that Facebook’s check-in system is one tool the Palisades could investigate using as a means of emergency communication.

8.2.   Reports From Officers:

8.2.1.   Board Secretary, Beth Holden-Garland attended two Wildlife Ordinance Information Sessions and filed this report:

After attending two meetings on the Wildlife Ordinance on both June 28th and July 13th, on behalf of the PPCC, she shared more information about the proposed Wildlife Ordinance draft.  The Secretary gave a visual presentation of the suggested changes for hillside development that will affect the areas east of the 405 freeway through to where it meets the 101 freeway.  Impacted cities/locales will include Bel Air, Beverly Crest, parts of Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Laurel Canyon, and Sherman Oaks.  She explained that if the ordinance passes, it may be implemented city-wide at some later date.   Most attendees of the July 13th meeting who made public comment were favorable to the Wildlife Ordinance.

The Secretary further recommended that residents inform themselves using these links to for further information and detail about the ordinance, and understand how it might affect their property with new construction, major remodels (beyond 500 feet), and pre-existing home rebuilds, in the case of emergencies such as earthquake or fire.

More to learn at:   Comments to the City Planning Commission need to be submitted by August 22nd at 5 pm at:

Links to learn more about the Wildlife Ordinance:

Chris Spitz said Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (BABCNC) is also monitoring the Wildlife Ordinance status and said she would connect us with their board members to follow progress.

8.3.   Reports from Area and At-Large Representatives:

8.3.1.   Area 2: Steve Cron reported that in recent weeks the city did a great deal of work along both sides of Palisades Drive.  City workers pulled out dead trees and bushes and cleared away truckloads of debris that had accumulated for decades in the culverts along Palisades Drive. Those culverts were designed to divert runoff water away from Palisades Drive, but because they have not been cleaned out for a long time they were completely overgrown and nonfunctional.  He and Willie Midgely, the Executive Director of the Santa Ynez Rec Center, had been lobbying Mike Bonin’s office for years, and with the help of Bonin’s District Director, Noah Fleishman, the work has finally started, and will be completed soon.

8.3.2.   Area 4: Karen Ridgley reported that there is some overgrown shrub along the bluffs area at Area 4 which needs to be cleaned up.  She asked if it is in City or Fire department jurisdiction.  Various members said those lands are divided among City and private property, and Cal Trans at the bottom of the hillside. The President said she would start email communication to see who can address the issues.

Karen Ridgley also said Area 4 was in need of street cleaning and maintenance.  The President said that according to the CD11 Deputy’s report, some of street cleaning was being done in the Palisades, so it is possible to get this kind of work done, and we must press to get more of this kind of resource allocated to our neighborhoods.  Chris Spitz noted that in Area 6, where she is a resident, there is also a need and to her recollection, street cleaning has not been done there in the recent past. The President said, she would press our council office for more sanitation resources and noted that according to Steve Lantz’s report, WRAC MTC had also looked at the issue. Chris Spitz said she would alert WRAC MTC to the issue, as regional matter.

8.4.   Reports from Organizations:

8.4.1.   Friends of the Library representative, Nina Kidd, announced that the FOL would be meeting soon.

8.5.   Reports from Government Offices / Representatives:

8.5.1.   LAPD SLO Brian Espin.  Officer Espin said year to date, crime in Pacific Palisades is down.  The community, as a whole, has been proactive and that has been helpful. He reminded everyone to remain vigilant, and not to leave belongings in cars, or in any visible place that might tempt bad actors. If anyone would like to be on the crime report circulation list, send an email to

He mentioned past and upcoming events hosted by LAPD, including “Hike with a Cop”,  “National Night Out” which will be a BBQ event on Tuesday, August 2nd, at Stoner Park from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. There will also be “Coffee with A Cop” on Sunday, August 7th at 9 am at Estate Coffee, where the community can meet SLO Espin and ask questions.

8.5.2.   CD11 Council OfficeSee report from Isabella Dennis, CD11 Pacific Palisades Field Deputy

8.6.   Reports from PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives:

8.6.1.   Steve Lantz, PPCC WRAC Transportation and Mobility Advisor, could not attend the meeting, but sent this report:  WRAC Mobility and Transportation Committee

8.6.2.   Joanna Spak, WRAC LUPC representative, gave the following report:  See report

WRAC LUPC – Joanna provided highlights from a presentation and discussion held at the July WRAC LUPC meeting regarding the impact of the newly certified Housing Element on the Community Plan process.  Her summary noted recent proposals from City Planning to in-process Community Plans that include rezoning in high resourced areas and transit corridors, as well as expansions to incentive programs, like density bonus.  She also noted a wish list of LAMC code changes proposed by one WRAC LUPC member that will likely be presented as a motion at a future WRAC LUPC meeting.  Her report, outlining the rezoning proposals and the LAMC wish list, are attached, and PPCC committees and board members are encouraged to review.

Joanna also brought up a City Council motion related to the rollout of SB 9 in the City of Los Angeles, and mentioned that a memorandum and an ordinance requested in the motion were still outstanding from City Planning. It has been brought to her attention that the memorandum was issued and can be found on the LA City Planning website under Development Services / Senate Bill 9. The ordinance, assuming one will eventually be drafted, is still outstanding.

8.6.3.   Barbara Kohn, WRAC Homelessness Committee representative reported that the Committee Chaired by Jay Handel met via Zoom July 21, 2022.  The Homeless Committee moved to ask WRAC leadership to write a letter to:  Bonin, Koretz, Garcetti, Feuer, Bass, Caruso, Park, Darling, Yaroslavsky, Yebri, Feldstein, Gill after noting that many calls and emails have gone unanswered by numerous councils.  Therefore, WRAC is asking for clarification of enforcement regarding encampments, overnight parking, living in vehicles, and unregulated RV encampments.

8.6.4.   K.C. Soll, Emergency Preparedness RYLAN and Cert Training advisor gave her email address for Cert Training:  The dates and location of the CERT training are as follows.  Location:  701 Palisades Drive; at the Calvary Christian School, in room 138.  Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 9 pm from October 12th to November 16th, 2022.  Missed classes can be made up.

She cautioned that there are only 33 On-Duty First Responders in Pacific Palisades at any one time for an estimated 23,000 residents.  Her cautionary take was that your neighbors may be your first responders.   As such, CERT Training and RYLAN (Ready Your LA Neighborhood) are potential life savers.

9.   Reports from Committees.

9.1.   Bylaws Committee.

Report by Committee Chair, David Card.

David Card, Committee Chair, reported that the Bylaws committee had met, and was taking up a few issues, including adding a Parliamentarian, reviewing organizational categories, adding a co-secretarial role and authorizing some small expenditures in the routine course of administrative business.

9.2.   LUC Committee.

Report by Committee Chair, Steve Cron

Steve Cron, Committee Chair, reported that the LUC has met to discuss the “doughnut hole” issue that allows builders to build out of scale homes in the areas of the Palisades zoned single family residential, non-hillside, and in the coastal zone where builders find loopholes to build large scale homes.  We have drafted language for a community plan amendment and have asked Palisadian Mark Armbruster to help. Full report forthcoming.

Haldis Toppel, Area 3 Rep commented that an out-of-scale home has gone up at Marquez and Ida and brought up another troubling build at 1026 Enchanted Way.   Reza Akef said this should be reviewed by our LUC.  The President said Howard Robinson and Steve Cron are aware and are looking into whether or not there is grounds for the LUC to review this private home construction.

9.3.   Election Committee

Report by Committee Chair, Jenny Li.

Li reported that the election committee is planning for election via on-line voting and paper ballot to be printed in the Palisadian Post. Candidates were announced just now at meeting by President Maryam Zar. All candidates have been sent the Message to Candidates document, per the bylaws, which includes SR9 and our elections code of conduct for campaigning.  Basic rules are that candidates cannot link directly to the ballot from their websites (must link back to the PPCC website), posters cannot be posted on public property.  Campaigning may begin at close of meeting.  Voting will begin August 19th and will close September 2nd. Winners will be announced on September 8th. Watch for PPCC website reminders, email campaign, etc., for updates and reminders to vote.

10.   Old Business – None.

11.   New Business.

11.1.   PPCC took up two new motions from WRAC.

11.1.1.   Support for Speed Limit Reduction (WRAC website).

Refers to City Council file 21-1223

PPCC supports the following position in regard to the recent adoption of Ordinance 187427 regarding speed limit reductions:

i     PPCC supports the action taken by the LA City Council on March 7, 2022 in passing Council File 21-1223 regarding Speed Limit Reductions.

ii    PPCC supports the efforts to reduce the speed limit by 5 MPH on streets that were recently identified for 5 MPH speed limit increases.

iii   Moving forward, it is the suggestion of PPCC that City Council open a Council File to consider that future speed limit reductions be discussed and planned as neighborhood or regional traffic improvements rather than individual street improvements. These improvements should be coupled with measures to minimize vehicle traffic being redirected onto adjacent neighborhood streets. For example, we would like to see LADOT incorporate traffic calming measures and active transportation elements. Traffic calming measures might include compact traffic circles/mini roundabouts, restricted turns, curb extensions/bulb-outs, speed humps and tables, and diagonal diverters, half closures, full closures, and median barriers to reduce cut-through traffic.

iv    In addition, PPCC requests that the Council Offices engage the local Westside Councils in ongoing discussions about what additional streets should be considered for speed limit reductions as well as establish a method whereby Council and stakeholder feedback on this issue can be submitted directly to LADOT.

— Motion passed unanimously.

11.1.2.   Support for automated speed enforcement program (WRAC Motions).

Refers to City Council file 22-0002-S58

PPCC supports CF 22-0002-S58, which in turn supports AB 2336 which allows the City of Los Angeles to create a pilot automated speed enforcement program which includes fine alternatives for low-income drivers and privacy data protections.

— Motion failed for lack of a second.

12.  Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 PM.


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MINUTES FROM August 11th 2022

1.   The President called the meeting to order and read the Community Council mission.

2.   The President called roll and certified quorum:

Voting members present: Maryam Zar, Randy Young, Jenny Li, Beth Holden-Garland, Joanna Spak, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Sue Kohl, Rick MgGeagh, Reza Akef, Andrew Frew, Cliff Roberts, Ryan Craig, Shirley Haggstrom, John Padden.
Voting Alternates: Barbara Kohn.

Non-voting Alternates and Advisors: Courtney Macker, Janet Anderson, K.C. Soll, Miriam Schulman, Krishna Tanghavelu, Lou Kamer, Michael Edlen, Kimberly Bloom, Andrew Wolfberg, Nina Kidd, Richard Blumenberg, Richard Cohen.

3.   Attendees were introduced and Zoom meeting rules announced, including that the meeting would be recorded for secretarial purposes only.

4.   The minutes of 7/28/22 were approved with amendments: moved comments of Barbara Bruderlin from the newly formed Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce from Organization Rep comments to Public Comment. Amended minutes approved.

5.   The agenda was considered as presented.

6.   Treasurer reported issues with the PPCC bank account as it was opened as an individual account in 1978. The bank will require it to be changed to an organizational account in order to carry forward. US Bank has asked for Articles of Incorporation and a set of approved minutes citing the names of the new PPCC Officers. The President has asked our legal officer to read those names into the record at this meeting.

7.   Public comment – Barbara Bruderlin from the Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce thanked everyone very much for the welcoming her to the meetings (this being her second time attending) and said the Chamber plans on having a breakfast in early September to invite people to mix outdoors, and have the community and businesses meet between the Palisades and Malibu. Haldis Toppel, Area 3 Rep and longtime board member, thanked Barbara for supporting the Palisades local theater.

8.   Reports & Announcements –

8.1.   From the President

8.1.1.   The President provided an update on Area and At-large elections, stating that there is now only one contested race. Allison Holdorff-Polhill has withdrawn her candidacy for Area 5, which leaves only Area 4 contested. The President read the statement from Holdorff-Polhill announcing her withdrawal and supporting Kimberly Bloom. Alan Goldsmith also withdrew following the July meeting. The President read a statement from him supporting Chris Spitz and acknowledging her valuable contributions to PPCC in previous years.

8.1.2.   Rob Weber, Legal Advisor, affirmed the duly elected officers for the 2022/2023 term. He read for the record “I, as the Legal Advisor to the Pacific Palisades Community Council, hereby affirm for the record that the duly elected officers of the PPCC for the 2022–2023 term, which began on July 1, 2022 and will terminate on June 30, 2023, are as follows: Maryam Zar, President; Jenny Li, Vice President; Beth Holden Dash Garland, Secretary; Thomas Randall Young, Treasurer.”

8.1.3.   The President also announced the appointment of two more advisors: Sabrina Messiha, who will be the Special Advisor on Communications and Social Media, and Allison Holdorff-Polhill who will serve as Education Advisor to PPCC

8.1.4.   The President said a new WRAC committee has been launched and she has appointed a PPCC Rep to the newly formed Committee. The new PPCC Rep to the Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee will be Krishna Thanghavelu, who won a Golden Spark Plug Award this last year for her efforts on public safety.

8.1.5.   The Notice of Ballot Availability has been posted timely, online and via email campaign. In light of a mostly uncontested race, the election committee has determined to use only electronic ballots for the election. Electronic voting will begin at 8 am on August 19th and close at 9pm on September 2nd.

8.1.6.   The president announced that there have been preliminary meetings with LAPD Captain Tom about a stop-in center for LAPD in the Palisades, and she will update as discussions continue. Captain Tom will join PPCC for a presentation in September.

8.1.7.   The President announced that she will be forming a new Policy Advisory Committee of sorts, tasked with getting ahead of policy narratives we’d like to shape, rather than to be in reactive posture as they are handed down by our city, county and state elected reps. This is borne of conversation with LAPD Captains, LAPD leaders and our Neighborhood Prosecutor(s) from the City Attorney’s office who believe the voice of communities should be better reflected in policies, as they are written.

8.2.   From Officers: None

8.3.   From Area and At-large Representatives

8.3.1.   Haldis Toppel, Area 3 Rep, reported her enduring concern about housing developments that are out of scale, particularly as she monitors at least two private home developments in the area she represents. She cautioned that an oversized build on Enchanted Way, which might not merit review since there are no variances applied for, might still obstruct access to a fire road that would impact nearly 200 homes and endanger residents in Area 3.

8.3.2.   Rick McGeagh, Acting Area 7 Primary Rep, said Hundred Acre Park and Santa Monica Canyon are analyzing trees for risk of fire threats to determine which might need clearing. Randy Young shared information about reforestation that will occur by the end of the year. They discussed having Chief Fields analyze Will Rogers State Park and the switchback areas that block residents in a hazardous area. They are hoping to get some progress on brush clearance again. The Forestry Committee is coming out this week. Both Randy Young and Rick McGeagh will be copied on correspondence in the future.

Jenny Li (former Area 7 Primary Rep) said the Forestry Committee, including Marilyn Wexler and David Card went to spot tress that are missing from the parkway on Kingman, Mesita, San Lorenzo, Attila and East Channel. They are discussing planting a few varieties of trees that will be beautiful in the area. Jenny also brought up “Canyon Square” which has a new coffee place that is very enjoyable and available to locals. There was also mention of advertising billboards on the construction site on Channel Road and Entrada. The President said from her days in the DRB, she can report that the developer is on notice about advertising and over construction. Julie Silliman said she also filed a complaint about the construction project, and wondered if they are incentivized to go slow, and advertise the posting of ads.

8.4.   From Organizational Reps:

8.4.1.   Friends of the Library Representative, Nina Kidd, announced a recent “Friends of the Library” Meeting where six specialists, including our Neighborhood Prosecutor, Veronica de la Cruz Robles, spoke about issues of homelessness and other enforcement matters. It was a productive meeting. She will have more updates the next time we meet.

8.4.2.   Chris Spitz mentioned a motion that passed at City Council. It involves the anti-camping 41.18 law to prohibit camping in the PROW within 500 feet of schools. It was noted that our library is within 500 feet of at least one school, Corpus Christi, if not others, so that should protect enforcement of no camping in the PROW at the library as well. There will need to be signage placed to deter camping and allow for law enforcement. There was a discussion to give a list of schools and day-care facilities in the Palisades to both LADOT and LAPD, so that enforcement agencies know where our schools are and in what locations enforcement can be carried out.

8.5.   From Government Officials/Representatives

8.5.1.   The President read from a report sent in from Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s West LA Field Deputy, Zach Gaidzik: Kuehl has launched a new program to address “hate”, called LA vs. Hate. She co-authored the motion with Supervisor Hilda Solis and is looking forward to ongoing success with that campaign. There is also rising concern about Monkeypox. As of August 8th, there have been 600 cases in LA County. The County is looking into State and Federal Aid to protect Los Angeles. See report.

8.5.2.   The President read from a report sent in by Isabella Dennis, Councilmember Mike Bonin’s Office – CD11 Palisades/Brentwood Field Deputy, addressing illegal dumping, the use of MyLA311 service and Greek Theater events for the summer. See report.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives:

8.6.1.   Joanna Spak – WRAC / LUC Meeting. Not a lot new. The WRAC LUPC discussed and approved a template for use by NCs/CCs in approaching City Planning for information on dwelling unit capacity for use in Community Plan discussions. But the template will need approval by the WRAC Executive Team. Other motions were continued to next month.

8.6.2.   Krishna Thangavelu – reported on the first WRAC Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness meeting – they had a wonderful initial first meeting where people came in from across the westside with ideas. Members have been tasked with thinking of key project ideas to bring to the table. Krishna is considering a few ideas she will share with the President. Cert training is a priority for her as is getting the word out about emergency preparedness and public safety issues through a social media campaign.

8.6.3.   K.C. Soll – Reminder that CERT Training is starting on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 9 pm on October 12th to November 16th at Calvary Christian School. If interested, email her at

8.6.4.   Mariam Schulman – She attended Senator Ben Allen’s Emergency Preparedness meeting. A lot to learn about wildfire and how to harden your home. The seminar will be available to watch on Senator Allen’s website and covers many things residents need to do to make their homes safe(r). Embers are the reason that most homes burn down. Prevention is key. Firemen can only cover so much, and embers can fly many miles, and still be dangerous. Vent covers that don’t allow direct access to your home (i.e., that include inner baffles) are more effective. Pine needles can get into gutters and become a problem. Lush green trees like citrus trees can be proactive in helping prevent fires. Mariam has offered her availability to come out and inspect homes and is certified for fire protection and discussing vulnerabilities. Many Area Reps, including 7 and 4, were interested and said they’d reach out.

9.   Reports From Committees:

9.1.   Election Committee Chair, Jenny Li, led the Candidates Forum (see below) and urged everyone to remember to vote. She reiterated that voting will be online, and that reminders will be sent to the community via Mailchimp, website and social media as well as local media coverage. There will be a two-week voting period. Voting starts August 19th and closes September 2nd. Election winners will be announced on September 8th.

10.   [Old Business] None.

11.   New Business:

11.1.   Candidates Forum led by Election Committee Chair and PPCC VP, Jenny Li. Jenny thanked all the candidates for running and everyone for attending.

The format for the forum will be that the candidates will introduce themselves for one minute. Then the committee has two prepared questions to ask the candidates, who will have 1 minute to respond to each question. The candidates were called to introduce themselves:

Area 1 – Candidate Murray Levy – He has lived on Castellammare Drive for 49 years. He walks his dog every day in the neighborhood and he knows many of the neighbors because of that and because of his longtime residence. He spent 13 years on the Design Review Board, learned much from that experience, and believes that ordinary people can have an impact on their community.

Area 2 – Candidate Steve Cron – Steve Cron has served two terms that he found to be a rewarding and exciting experience. He mentioned that before the pandemic members of the community would meet at Starbucks on Sunday mornings to discuss community concerns. They would do clean ups and pick up trash with 15 to 20 people and haul out trash in the area as well. He has been working on dealing with the Highland bathrooms, with the Coastal Commission in getting them cleaned up from graffiti and trash. He also worked with CD11 to get Palisades Drive made safer by removing debris out of the culverts that have been a hazard for some time, to the relief of many neighbors.

Area 3 – Candidate Haldis Toppel – Haldis has served two terms in Area 3. She was a representative in earlier years, and her husband was President of PPCC in 2006. Her main concern is quality of life in our community. In her area, they have a very diverse community, large homes, up in Marquez there is a business community on Marquez Avenue, and they have the Bel Air Bay Club on the lower portion down towards PCH. Haldis is glad to represent her constituents in the Marquez area, and the greater area of the Palisades.

Area 4 – Candidate Reza Ronaghi – Reza is relatively new to the Palisades and has lived in this area for a little under two years. He would be new to the council but welcomes working with everyone. He is passionate about safety in our neighborhoods for our children and family members. He is a lung cancer specialist and would like to bring lung cancer awareness to the area, and tele-medicine awareness so we can offer health care coverage to those who may not be able to leave their homes.

Area 4 – Candidate Karen Ridgley – Karen is a 46-year-resident, she knows the community and its issues well. She has served two years representing Area 4 and is an effective advocate for her constituents. She is responsive in securing the information and CD11’s services that are needed to resolve individual and community problems, and to maintain the community’s quality of life. She has coordinated the neighborhood crime watch for seven years, and organized meetings for residents with our chief park ranger, West LA Police Captain, and SLO to address the many disruptive violations we have experienced at Asilomar View Park adjacent to our residential community. She is committed to enhancing our parks and common areas, and she supports Palisades Beautiful, PPTFH, and Palisades Pride. Her key concerns are fire safety, reducing crime, homelessness in the Palisades, and repair of unsafe and broken sidewalks.

Area 5 – Candidate Kimberly Bloom – She began renting in the Palisades in 1981 in the Highlands area and bought a home on Fiske Avenue in the Alphabet community in 1993 and has lived there since. She was born in a small town, and loves the small town feel here of the Palisades. She has served as an alternate for the last two years with Sue Kohl. It was a terrific experience, and she feels very prepared to assume this seat.

Area 6 – Candidate Cindy Simon –The President read her written statement because she was not present. Cindy Simon said thank you for the opportunity for the PPCC seat to represent the Huntington Area where her family has lived since 1990. She feels the PPCC provides a vital service to the Palisades by confronting and considering issues that affect our community. She hopes to be part of this “backbone” of the Palisades organization and will do her best to serve the concerns of fellow neighbors.

Area 7 – Candidate Julie Silliman – She has served in varying positions in the public sector in various areas of government. She moved to Santa Monica Canyon and her children attended Canyon Elementary School starting in kindergarten, for about 12 years. She first lived in the upper canyon next to the historic Marquez cemetery which was a wonderful introduction to the Palisades and its history. Then they lived in the Riviera, and now live in the lower canyon. She has participated locally from the very beginning of living in the area. She was very involved with Canyon School and elected parent rep to the governing council and has been on the park advisory for Rustic Canyon as well.

Area 8 – Candidate Reza Akef – Reza has been involved in the PPCC for the last 20 years. He has lived in the Polo Fields in the Riviera, in different parts of Area 8. He has a background in government and law, and he is a builder. He builds in our community, mostly in Area 6, and has built in Area 8. He is passionate about maintaining a certain quality of life.

At-large – Candidate Chris Spitz – This is a new experience for Chris, and she is excited to be running for this seat. She is very interested in a lot of the new candidates and hearing about their backgrounds. Most know her, as she’s a 31-year resident of the bluffs, a retired litigation attorney, and longtime PPCC Board Member – including serving as past Chair and Secretary, and numerous PPCC Committees. She has handled PPCC administration, and been extensively involved with analyzing and presenting on policy issues including homelessness, housing density, land use and zoning, fire safety & evacuation, signage, and police protection issues. She was honored to be recognized as Citizen of the Year for her efforts to defeat the disastrous homeless housing motion. For more information, please take a look at her candidate statement and her candidate website at

Two previously noticed questions were asked to all candidates by the Elections Committee Chair and one question from the Zoom Chat. All were answered. The Committee Chair thanked all the candidates and reminded people to begin voting on August 19th.

12.   Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 7:48PM.


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1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.
PPCC President, Maryam Zar, called the meeting to order at 6:02PM, and Area 4 Primary Representative, Karen Ridgley, read the Community Council Mission Statement.

2.   Roll-call of Board members and Certification of Quorum.
The President called roll and certified quorum

3.   Introduction of attendees.

Voting Members in Attendance: Maryam Zar, Jenny Li, Randy Young, Joanna Spak, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Sue Kohl, John Padden, Andrew Wolfberg, Rick McGeagh, Alan Goldsmith, Nina Kidd, Cliff Roberts, Barbara Kohn, Ryan Craig, Janet Anderson, Shirley Haggstrom, Kevin Niles.

Non-voting Board Members in Attendance: Nancy Niles, Lee Anne Sanderson, Kimberly Bloom, Bob Benton, Marilyn Wexler, Richard Blumenberg.

Attendees: Chris Spitz, Sarah Shmerling, Courtney Macker, Robert Trinkkeller, Murray Levy, Veronica de la Cruz Robles, Sabrina Messiha, Brian Espin.

4.   Approval of Minutes – Approval of MinutesAugust 11, 2022.

Minutes were reviewed and roll call was added and corrected. Motion to approve minutes was approved without objection. Recording of calls for secretarial purposes was announced.

5.   Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings.

September 22, 2022: 2nd distribution of the proposed Bylaws amendment and vote. Report from Rep Ted Lieu’s office. Traci Park & Erin Darling to attend.

  • Planned attendance from 6-6:45 p.m.
  • Questions will be asked of them and sent in advance
  • Marilyn Wexler asked about SMCCA’s being told not to host candidate forums. Maryam Zar stated that SMCCA is allowed to host a candidate forum for Traci Park.

October 13:  Introduction of new Board. Rotation of Organizational members. West LAPD, Captain Tom intro and presentation.

October 27:  Tranzito Vector presentation – Q/A (possibly with city STAP team)

Topics are only a partial list and may be amended.

6.   Treasurer’s Report.  

Randy Young stated that the last document which the bank required to effectuate the transition from the last administration to the current was approved just a few minutes ago (at around 6pm, Sept 8), and he will be submitting that to US Bank this week in order to complete that handover of the PPCC account. He will have a report for us in October.

7.   General Public Comment.  This time is reserved for non-Board members to speak on any item of interest to the public that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the PPCC. Speakers will be limited to one minute.  Chair retains discretion to extend. 

8.   Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   2022 PPCC Area and At-large Election results have been posted to the website and will be announced in the Election Committee report. See reports here:

8.1.2.   The Committee of the Three Chairs has been appointed – Chaired by David Card as Chair Emeritus (tradition), Barbara Kohn and Steve Boyers, committee members. The Alternate Selection Process is now underway. There will be more announcements made and information posted, but the deadline for applicants will be Friday, September 30th, and the three Chairs Committee will review and interview candidates as needed, contact the primary elected reps and solicit their feedback, and make their determinations before the first October meeting (Oct 13), at which time they will present their Alternate nominees to the board for our consent.

8.1.3.   Attended the CPAB meeting last night, where Area 4 rep, Karen Ridgley and her 2nd Alt, Lee Anne Sanderson, were also present. Some stats shared by Capt. Tom:

Current Response times (with staff shortages):

Code 3: WLA 7.8 mins, Bureau 6.6 mins, City 6.4 mins

Code 2: WLA 27.6 mins, Bureau 25.5 mins, City 24.9 mins

Non-Coded: WLA 61.5 mins, Bureau 64.7 mins, City 59.4 mins

Department Staffing:

2022 Funded: 9752, Actual 9297 (short)

2021 Funded: 9752, Actual 9495 (short)

2020 Funded: 10103, Actual 9796

2019 Funded: 10033, Actual 10036 (last normal year)


2022 YTD City: 277, WLA 1

2021 City: 402, WLA 0

8.1.4.   LUC will meet and have an update next meeting regarding a plan to propose an amendment to the Pacific Palisades Specific Plan as a stopgap measure to prevent the kind of allowable but out-of-scale building that is now possible in the “loopholes” found in the Zoning Code which affect lots located in the Coastal Zone, zoned R1 and located outside of the Hillside Area.

8.1.5.   We are trying to digitize and upload a series of historic documents to the website, including Articles of Incorporation and original bylaws in order to create as complete a record as we can for the PPCC, and its history from 1973 to now.

8.1.6.   New youth Advisor (2nd of 2), representing private school issues/matters, Josh Weber, was appointed with the consent of the board and welcomed.

8.1.7.   The Palisades Lutheran Church has shared their 5K Run map with us for public input and specifically to ensure that Area 4 is not adversely impacted. I will share that map and information with the Area Reps and the Palisades community.

8.2.   From Officers. [None.]

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives.

8.3.1.   Karen Ridgley, Area 4 (CPAB & Car Wash).

CPAB – Looking for clarity on length of dispatch time on the LAPD non-urgent call line. Captain Tom told us the response time can be up to an hour. That doesn’t help when the offense is one which needs a citation while the act is ongoing. This becomes impossible when response time is one hour or more.

Reported an illegal Car Wash being operated in a residential area between Muskingum and Las Lomas, using 2×4 foot posters and banners, with no permits, implementing loud tools and music; has not been shut down, police “non-urgent” calls took 60 minutes, eventually called 911 and nobody arrived, told that wait time was 1.5 hours on non-urgent line. What can be done?

There are also ongoing noise disturbances by youth gathering later in the evening in park near homes around the bluffs parks ground.

Haldis Toppel asked about where the water and chemicals go after the car wash, referring to health issues. Karen Ridgley responded that this was a problem and there are ongoing issues with allergies due to the smell of the chemicals.

Veronica de la Cruz Robles said that she and SLO Espin had been watching the issue and thinking of ways to enforce. They had recently consulted with additional law enforcement partners about the investigation on this that continues to be ongoing and have reached out to other law enforcement partners to bring relief to this issue and to devise a plan of action.

8.3.2.   Richard McGeagh – Area 7 Report.

Brush clearance occurred in the area.  Very thankful to city agencies who stepped up.

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives.

8.4.1.   Nina Kidd, Friends of the Library (41.18 discussion & possible motion).

Friends of the Library had a meeting that took place last week. Issues of masks and harassment of homeless people were addressed. The FOL will be donating $10,000 to PPTFH, for the hiring of a new clinical caseworker for service resistant homeless. Nina noted that landscapers around the library had complained about debris and hazardous waste in the area; they will be informing the FOL of these issues in the future.

Barbara Kohn thanked the Friends of the Library for supporting PPTFH in hiring the clinical caseworker.

Nancy Niles asked about 41.18 and its application to the library in light of Corpus Christi school within 500 feet.

The President passed this question to Veronica de la Cruz (West LA Neighborhood Prosecutor). Cruz stated that this motion was limited to sidewalks, public roadways, and schools (added as section E in the new motion). Officers have discretion as to what they would like to do. This new motion does not have a sign requirement, so signs do not need to be put up before enforcement. Advisements need to be made because an opportunity to comply is necessary. Enforceable as of September 18th. (see more below, under Government Offices/Representatives Reports)

8.4.2.   Ryan Craig, Resilient Palisades (leaf blower campaign),

Clean Air and Water Campaign has been working to ban gas leaf blowers. Educating Palisadians and gardeners about the harmful environmental effects of gas blowers. Now, they are becoming more proactive about this matter, and harnessing a grass roots awareness and fundraising campaign to raise money to purchase electric blowers for gardeners. These will be given to Palisadian gardeners, along with a package to distribute to clients. There is a suggested $50-60 donation and RP is asking all Palisadians to contribute. Donations are flowing in and reaction has been great. Community organizing for environmental good – one gardener at a time until the Palisades is gas free.

Karen Ridgley asked about the backpack and comfortability. Craig confirmed that they are just as easy to carry.

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives.

8.5.1.   Veronica de la Cruz Robles, Office of L.A. City Attorney, West LA Neighborhood Prosecutor spoke about the newly amended LAMC 41.18, Section E, which LA City Council passed last week. The previous version of 41.18 limited the enforcement within “Special Enforcement Zones”, which had to be designated and CM Bonin had not put forth any special enforcement zones for the Palisades. This law goes into effect on September 18 and adds schools and daycare centers as protected zones within 500 feet (preventing sitting, lying, sleeping, or storing personal property on public property). Under the new law, these are now misdemeanor violations. Officers have discretion to warn/advise and then have the option to infract, release, or book. There is no sign requirement (previously there was a requirement for signs to be posted before enforcement could be effectuated). LAPD does not need to wait for the city to install signs before enforcement begins but will be giving notice to offenders for an opportunity to comply, and then will be able to charge with willful refusal to comply (required by the code).

Enforcement does not apply to state property or LAUSD private property.

Q: if there is no personal property or encampment being stored, is this law enforceable, or is it aimed at limiting encampments?

A: City will be focusing on enforcing this law against people keeping larger encampments and personal property on public property. 41.18 is an access section, so it’s about obstruction and access to public property. Waiting for LAPD Special Order, which is “direction” for officers on how to proceed with enforcement of this code. They will begin to enforce after those orders are received. The Prosecutor’s office is also working on guidance to inform LAPD about what prosecutors will need for charges.

Q: What is the enforcement process of personal property storage on library property?

A: Rules in the municipal code that apply to various public spaces have a hierarchy and rules for each of those supersede the chronology of enforcement. Library rules for library enforcement come first, similarly at Park, city park regulations those charges will come first. 41.18 would then be “a backup.” But on the public right of way, 41.18 comes into play immediately.

Q: Does the 500-foot rule apply to the location of the encampment or is it measured from the property line of the public property in question?

A: CAO is putting out an interactive map to help with this.

8.5.2.   Brian Espin. LAPD Senior Lead Officer for Pacific Palisades

Crime in the Palisades is down by 17%. Cautions: Don’t leave keys on tires or under the wheel well – those are obvious places and would-be wrongdoers know to look in those spots. Get a magnetized lock box with a code and stick it to the bottom of your car when you walk away and leave keys. Do not leave keys hidden anywhere around the car – those are obvious places to look. We are doing well and crime statistics for Palisades look great in relation to the rest of West LA.

Issues about a man at Marquez Elementary were investigated. The man was under the influence of narcotics and was told to stay away from all schools and all children. He drove to the school and walked along the fence and began engaging in conversation with the students in the yard. Teachers/staff called LAPD. LAPD was enroute when LAUSD School Police said they were responding. LAPD turned around but was called again (school police response time too long), so LAPD came back. The offender was arrested. Prosecutor’s office booked the suspect. Veronica confirms that he has been charged and the judge has ordered him to stay away from all schools and children.

A marijuana dispensary is opening on San Vicente and 26th street, just down the road from Paul Revere Middle School. They have proper permits and business licenses. Sr. Lead Officer for Brentwood, Matt Kirk, has talked to them and confirmed they have security in place. The retail dispensary is out of the protected school zone (800 feet), but LAPD will keep an eye on the location.

8.5.3.   Zach Gaidzik, West LA/Metro Field Deputy, County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl (not present)

8.5.4.   Isabella Dennis, P. Palisades Field Deputy, City Councilmember, Mike Bonin (not present). PPCC President announced that Isabella will be leaving the office of CM Bonin on Sept 16th.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives.

8.6.1.   K.C. Soll, Emergency Preparedness Advisor, water insecurity after a disaster and foreword preparedness.

Recommended an App called Pulse Point which announces when someone needs CPR, as well as other information that comes down the pipe as far as explosions, electrical situations, water main leaks, gas leaks, etc. We do not know what would happen in the Palisades if a significant event would affect water to homes, traffic on Sunset or other important emergency factors.

She suggests going online and figuring out if you can have a 55-gallon drum at home to store water to keep for 5 years for emergency safety storage. Recommends https://www.sosproducts.comwhich has a great deal of information about disaster preparedness as well as classes. She suggests everyone think about how they’d react to an emergency – get your neighbors to do the same so the area is protected.

Submitted report: The infrastructure underneath Sunset Blvd., from Mandeville Canyon to PCH, is deteriorating and could collapse during a significant earthquake causing water insecurity and sewer line issues (related to our water lines).

I believe there is an urgent need to store a 3-week water supply for each household member, including pets. For a family of two adults, a 55 GAL barrel may suffice. There are also smaller storage containers available.

Also, learn how to turn off your house-proximate water input valve.  Nearby sewer lines could contaminate your water.

Very important: Please NOTIFY constituents, clients, and friends in your areas that local CERT training is again available at 701 Palisades Drive, Pacific Palisades (Calvary Christian School), with a reservation through LAFD CERT

CERT training: October 12 – November 16; Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM-9 PM  Any missed classes are available locally. See:
K.C. Soll:  | 310.245.6161

9.   Reports from Committees.

9.1.   Election Committee.

Report by Committee Chair, Jenny Li

Thanked the Election Committee: Joanna Spak, Michael Edlen, Ryan Craig, David Card and Ben Kohn, Tech Advisor.

Announced winners from elections for term beginning Oct 1, 2022:
Area 1: Murray Levy

Area 2: Steve Cron

Area 3: Haldis Toppel

Area 4: Karen Ridgley

Area 5: Kimberly Bloom

Area 6: Cindy Simon

Area 7: Julie Silliman

Area 8: Reza Akef

At-large: Chris Spitz

Counted every vote and inspected every ballot in accordance with PPPC Bylaws.

Election Committee Report and raw tally have been posted online.

The new term for Area and At-large Representatives begins on October 1, 2022.

426 total ballots cast.

Congratulated all the newly elected candidates.

9.2.   Bylaws Committee report.

Delivered by Andrew Wolfberg, Committee Vice-Chair.

Committee: David Card (Committee Chair), Andy Frew, Haldis Toppel, Randy Young.

Andrew Wolfberg, Committee Vice-Chair thanked the Bylaws Committee, and presented and reviewed the first distribution of proposed Bylaws amendments put forth by the Bylaws Committee.

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Bylaws, no amendment or new bylaws can be voted upon until the entire text has been distributed with the agenda and considered at two consecutive meetings. We distributed the proposed amendments with this agenda and are conducting a presentation of that distribution today. There will be a second distribution with full discussion and vote at the next meeting, on September 22, 2022.  Asked all board members to look at the distributed material, and reviewed the proposed amendments:

  1. Adding a Parliamentarian as a non-voting advisor on bylaws and procedural matters
  2. Splitting the office of Secretary into two positions: A Recording Secretary (member of the EC and voting board member) and a Corresponding Secretary, a non-voting position that assists with the outward facing communications of the Council.
  3. Requiring the Treasurer to render an accounting of the PPCC finances at least monthly.
  4. Deleting the requirement for adoption of a standing rule for check signing and reporting policies.
  5. Clarifying in the text of the Bylaws that all officers are elected for a one year term.
  6. Eliminating the exigency requirement for meeting remotely (using digital platforms) and allowing the board to determine whether to meet in person, remotely or in a hybrid manner.
  7. Adding a provision for the procedure of removing an organization from the Bylaws.
  8. Amending Appendix A by moving Resilient Palisades to the Environment category, where they belong, making that category a two-member category with a constant presence on the board; and moving the American Legion from Service Clubs to the Civic Organizations, where they will share the category with the Civic League and the two organizations will maintain a constant presence on the board.

Andrew Wolfberg noted that each impacted organization has been informed and while the American legion and Resilient Palisades have no objection to the proposed change, TCA has advised that they’ll be discussing the proposed amendment with their board at their upcoming meeting. Andrew looks forward to hearing from those organizations at the next meeting.

Shirley Haggstrom, Primary Representative from the TCA, said she has contacted the TCA President, James Alexakis, to place this item on the next TCA Board meeting agenda on Sept 19th. She stated that she cannot explain to the TCA board why the Community Council is suddenly looking to TCA to share this standing seat, which they have held alone since the inception of the Council, with a new environmental organization. She is appalled and will have a presentation at the next PPCC meeting about the work of TCA.

The President clarified that discussion will take place at the next meeting, after the first 45 minutes of that regularly scheduled meeting which will feature the two CD11 candidates making remarks and taking limited questions.

Comment: Chris Spitz reminded the board that five months ago the Bylaws Committee worked to find a way to put them in the appropriate category. The Bylaws Committee at the time did not wish to remove TCA as a standing member and recommended that Resilient Palisades be placed in the Civic category. She suggested that people look at the April 14, 2022 meeting minutes which explain why the category designation was made as it was.

PPCC VP, Jenny Li, says she attended the meetings leading up to the vote and that the discussion was quite controversial. She recalled that members, especially newer ones, had a lot of questions about why Resilient Palisades was being placed into the Civic category and not Environment. In the end, members wanted Resilient Palisades to be a member, and voted to fit them in as suggested.

Presented Redline (

Presented clean copy (

Presented Bylaws Report (

10.   Old Business – None.

11.   New Business.

11.1.  [Malibu-Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce.]  Presentation, discussion and possible vote of Malibu-Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce to be accepted as an Organizational member of the PPCC, and inserted into the Bylaws.

Barbara Bruderlin updated that a filing for an official name change has been submitted to the office of the CA AG, and they have already signed the merger agreement, but the official CA name change is forthcoming. Website revamp is in the works, a new logo is being considered and board members have been added to the new Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber roster. You can see some at has also been purchased. “MPPC” will reroute to the website. Have set up plans for a monthly breakfast in the Palisades and are hosting a “Grand Reception” at The Draycott for Palisades members on Sept 20. Also working on Women’s Leadership Awards recognizing women leaders in both communities. Getting networking going. Bob Benton will remain on the board, and will show the new Palisades Malibu Chamber our traditions.

Bob Benton says he is excited about getting going – new magazine in the works for Malibu/Palisades Viewing Guide. Working on a “beautiful” PaliBu logo. Working on a specific Palisades website visitors center link.

Q: Traditions that were meaningful to the Palisades. Do you know what they are, and do you plan to continue them?

A: Continuing Christmas walk, monthly breakfast and evening mixers as well as Hon. Mayor installment.

Q: Do you have Palisades businesses that have signed up to be members?

A: Yes, we’ve brought all the old members over and extended them a two-month complimentary membership (will extend if need be). Also planning a “walk-about” (have done a few already) to meet and engage Palisades businesses. Hoping the mixer will bring more Palisades businesses.

Q: Seems like we are just putting Malibu onto the PPCC board – the overwhelming majority of these businesses (listed on the website) are Malibu, not PP.

A: 150 Pacific Palisades businesses on our roster.

Q: There are other communities represented (Manhattan Beach, Calabasas, SM etc…) with 75 Palisades located businesses out of 737. How many are members paying dues, not just listings?

A: Bob Benton: At its best, the Palisades Chamber had 225-250 members. The merger happened because they lost 30-40% of members. They are trying to get those remaining 150 members to enroll into membership. Bob says he was the President of the Palisades Chamber for two years and will remain on the Exec. Committee on the merged chamber and represents the Palisades Baseball Association.

Barbara: Trying to build one inclusive organization. Their website gets 5000 hits a month and this helps all the listed businesses, but they’ll be reviewing their complimentary members.

Q: What about the Los Angeles City regulations that we consider here at PPCC, and what would the position of Malibu be on those? Wouldn’t there be a conflict?

President moves to another question along the same lines.

Q: Will you be appointing a Palisades business member as your representative to the PPCC, and how will your rep determine their vote on LA city issues that are discussed and contemplated at PPCC, which impact Angelenos and not Malibu residents/businesses.

A: Would possibly appoint Bob Blumenberg or Ryan (?) from Porta Via.

Response regarding LA City issues: Barbara says she’s the Treasurer of Westside Council of Chambers (15 chambers representing businesses all over So Cal) which works with Biz Fed. They discuss and vote together on advocacy issues and determine what is best for everyone. Doesn’t think there would be a “giant” conflict between Malibu and Palisades business interests.

Comment: Chris Spitz, noting she is not a voting member at present, said the newly formed chamber seems like it may not be ready for PPCC inclusion just yet. Also questioned the process (directed at PPCC President) as to whether or not this recommendation comes from the EC. President clarified, as she did at the start when she set up the item for discussion, that she has taken the information provided by Barbara Bruderlin (and the newly merged Chamber) to the EC, and the EC has affirmed that the matter should be referred to the Board for discussion. Perhaps not ready for a motion today.

The President said the new Chamber has submitted their form and she’d like to get a sense of the board, after a few more questions, as to whether or not the board has enough information tonight to take a vote.

Q: How much is a membership for a business?

A: Nonprofit price: $250. Establishing a young professionals and seniors group with a lower rate. Events also have a fee.

Q: How many of the businesses that are members are not part of the Caruso facility, but the rest of the Palisades (including the other three business districts)?

A: Around 100-120. Not that many businesses in the Caruso Village are members.

Q: Do these hundreds of businesses you cite attend your meetings?

A: No, not yet. We are just beginning outreach (e.g. mixer event on the 20th)

The President took a ‘sense of the board’ straw poll to see if we could make a decision on whether or not the MPCC can be part of the PPCC organizational rotations. Her determination was that there is not yet enough information imparted to the board in order for a vote to be taken.

Comment: Sue Kohl says she’s been part of the PP Chamber for a long time and joining with Malibu has “really saved us.”  This is a good thing and it is “all we’ve got.” Notes that we will be seeing more and more businesses joining the board and going to the mixers. She recommends people embrace this new chamber.

The President explained again that this item was taken by her to the EC, and the EC unanimously recommended the discussion be brought to the board. She notes that discussion has just been had but she sees equivocation and recognizes no need to take a vote as members seem unprepared to make an informed decision, based on the information we have. The vote is tabled pending more information. President said she will share the form from the MPPC and ask board members to send any questions they have to the MPPC on to her so she can forward them and have them answered. She will take that information to the EC, and agendize this matter for a later meeting. PPCC VP, Jenny Li, reiterated that board members should send their outstanding questions to the President, for forwarding and response gathering.

12.   Adjournment.  Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. on September 8th.


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1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and read the Mission Statement.

2.   Roll-call of Board members and Certification of Quorum.
The President called roll and certified quorum.

Voting Board Members Present: Maryam Zar, David Card, Jenny Li, Randy Young, Beth Holden-Garland, Joanna Spak, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Sue Kohl, Karyn Weber, Cathy Russel, Reza Akef, Mary Mueller, John Padden, Shirley Haggstrom, Eric Dugdale, Courtney Macker, Andy Frew, Ryan Craig, Kevin Niles, Cliff Roberts, Janet Anderson.

Non-voting Alternates Present: Andrew Wolfberg, Cindy Kirven, Kimberly Bloom, Barbara Kohn, Jessica Rogers, Richard Blumenberg, Bob Benton, Nina Kidd.

3.   Introduction of attendees.
Candidates present for the Council District 11 candidate meet & greet were introduced.

4.   Approval of Minutes – Approval of Minutes September 8, 2022.
Amended minutes, as sent, were approved without objection.

5.   Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings.
The Agenda was considered as presented.

6.   Treasurer’s Report.
Randy Young announced that the new PPCC bank account had been successfully created for nonprofit that can easily be transferred from leadership to leadership. Our bank balance remains at $55,022.54.

7.   General Public Comment.  None

8.   Reports, Announcements and Concerns. 

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   Applications for Area and At-large Alternates are underway, with Sept 30 deadline. Current Alternates also need to apply by the deadline in order to be considered by the Three Chairs Committee of Card, Kohn and Boyers. There is no automatic re-appointment.

8.1.2.   Look for Awards and Events Committee appointments next time and be thinking about awardees. We will have a holiday gala this year.

8.1.3.   We are putting up historic PPCC documents as we receive them. Please take a look at the new tab on our website. []

8.1.4.   Deferring Chamber discussion until Oct 13 or Nov. 10, time permitting. See item 8.1.6 below.

8.1.5.   The President has reached out to all newly elected reps and welcomed them. Per the Bylaws, sent them a link (modern-day copy) to Bylaws and Standing Rules, and informed them about the upcoming orientation they can expect to be part of.

8.1.6.   The Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber item, per last meeting, will be addressed at a later date. The President has recently received some substantive answers from Chamber presenter (Barbara Bruderlin) and will share with the EC. A recommendation (or not, as they determine after review of the new information) will be forthcoming for discussion and vote.

8.2.   From Officers

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives

8.3.1.   Karen Ridgley, Area 4 – Thanked Noah Fleishman from CD11 for his help in cleaning up the dumping site along Temescal Canyon Road over the weekend. But today (Thursday) there is dumping left there again. Seems to be an ongoing problem, from 2017. We need a solution!

8.3.2.   Sue Kohl, Area 5 – Wanted to tell us all how thankful and grateful she’s been to be on the Council for several years, grateful for the friends she’s made on the Board, specifically George Wolfberg. Lamented the meetings in person at the library. Has enjoyed her time on the Board during challenging and good times – she will miss her involvement but hopes to stay involved as an Alternate. The Board thanks Sue for her service.

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives

8.4.1.   Ryan Craig, Resilient Palisades – Tomorrow, Friday, in concert with the Global Youth Climate Strike, Resilient Palisades has organized a demonstration, the Palisades Climate Strike, on Swarthmore to include speeches and music. Students with the Human Rights Task Force will be present to sign up people to vote, and encourage people showing up to speak up on behalf of the climate.

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives

8.5.1.   Janet Turner, Office of Congressman Ted Lieu – The Congressman was honored to vote for the Presidential Election Reform Act. Reminder that the Congressional App Challenge is on, with a deadline of Nov 1st Go to Also, for applications to receive letters of Recommendation for the Military Academy, the deadline is October 14th. Finally, solar credits up to 30% rebate are still available for 2022. Batteries will be reimbursed in 2023. Contact office of Janet Turner to discuss. (see contact details for government offices on our website under the Resources tab.)

8.5.2.   Brian Espin. LAPD Senior Lead Officer for Pacific Palisades – We are doing well as a community. Crime and burglaries are down. The only category that is up is the rape category (total of 6 this year versus 3 last year). Usually alcohol or narcotics are involved, and none were Palisades residents. Some car theft was up along PCH, but still lower, year to date. The Area 2 Rep asked about a “burglary hot prowl” in the Highlands. SLO Espin explained that someone was home and the burglar entered the home. No confrontation or physical altercation took place. LAPD responded and took the suspect into custody while he was in the process of fleeing.

8.5.3.   Noah Fleishman, CD11 District Director, City Councilmember, Mike Bonin – Not Present

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives

8.6.1.   Krishna Tanghavelu, WRAC PSEPC representative – The PSEPC met and considered a number of priorities that the members brought to the table. Krishna also contributed to that list of ideas. She will keep us posted on projects that they prioritize. Communication and awareness building in communities is a focal point.

8.6.2.   Jessica Rogers, WRAC Board Alternate representative – WRAC Exec meeting had Officer elections: Robin Greenberg, President; Chris Spitz, Vice President; Secretary, Tyler Laferriere-Holloway. No other business was conducted at the meeting.

9.   Reports from Committees.

9.1.  Bylaws Committee.

PPCC Bylaws Committee (David Card, Chair) presented the second distribution of proposed Bylaws Amendments and explained that four of the eight amendments originally proposed had been withdrawn, while the other four remained unchanged. An amended redline as well as a clean copy were distributed. The following documents were presented and reviewed: (linked and distributed via PPCC email and posted on the PPCC website):

1) Committee Report:

2) Amendments “Redline”:

 3) Amendments “Clean”:

Since the first distribution, the Bylaws Committee has withdrawn the following proposed amendments to the Bylaws described in the Committee Report of September 2022 (see link above):

  • 3rd bullet point in the Report: the timing of the Treasurer’s reports to the PPCC Board.
  • 4th bullet point: deleting a standing rule requirement regarding check signing.
  • 7th bullet point: adding a procedure for removing an Organization from the Board.
  • 9th bullet point: amending Attachment A to allow voting by mail.

The remaining proposed amendments were described and presented to the Board as four (4) separate motions for consideration and discussion, per below.

Shirley Haggstrom, the Primary Representative for TCA called for a postponement of the vote in order to confer with her organization. After some discussion and several appeals for her to withdraw the request as it applied to the three motions which do not impact her organization — including an appeal from the Historical Society Alternate, Barbara Kohn, the PRIDE Primary Representative, John Padden and the Council President, Maryam Zar (all of whom acknowledged Shirley’s objective to challenge the motion that would impact TCA but not these administrative motions that were intended to clarify roles and processes) — Shirley agreed to withdraw her request to postpone all four votes, and retained the prerogative to object to the motion which would impact TCA’s seat as the only member of the Environment category.

A.   Changes in Appendix A: Reorganize the list with respect to the following organizations’ places in the categories described below:

(i) Civic Organizations: Move Resilient Palisades from the Civic Organizations category to the Environment category and move American Legion from Service Clubs category to the 2nd position of the Civic Organizations category.  American Legion to serve as the primary member through the term ending September 30, 2022.  The Civic League remains in the 1st position of this category, and serves as primary member starting October 1, 2022. They become rotating members in this category.
(ii) Environment: Resilient Palisades moves to the 2nd position of this category, serving as the primary member through the term ending September 30, 2022.  Temescal Canyon Association remains in the 1st position of this category, and serves as primary member starting October 1, 2022.  They become rotating members in this category.
(iii) Service Clubs: American Legion moves out of this category, leaving the Optimist Club, Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club and Rotary Club as the remaining members, in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions, respectively.  Rotary Club serves as primary member through the term ending September 30, 2022.  The Optimist Club becomes the primary member starting October 1, 2022.  After considerable discussion and presentations made by the TCA President, James Alexakis, and Primary TCA Representative, Shirley Haggstrom, the TCA Primary Representative withdrew her request for postponement, and a vote was taken. The motion passed with 19 votes in favor, three abstentions and one nay.

B.  Splitting the office of Secretary into a Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary. The Recording Secretary will serve as a voting officer on the Board and on the Executive Committee. The Corresponding Secretary will be a non-voting Board Member, appointed by the Executive Committee with the consent of the Board, but not an officer and not on the Executive Committee (Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 3. A., B., and C and other miscellaneous places).  The roles of each and their coordination is described in the amendments.This motion passed unanimously with one “friendly” amendment which clarified the definition of a “Member” in the Bylaws, with the addition of the words, “”MEMBER” shall mean a voting Member of the Board as described in Article V.1.A and the non-voting Corresponding Secretary as described in Article VI, Section 3.B.”

C.  Parliamentarian.  The Chair may appoint a Parliamentarian with the consent of the Board, as a non-voting advisor. The same person may serve as Parliamentarian and Legal Advisor or may be two different people. (Bylaws Article V, 1. D. and E.)This motion passed unanimously with one “friendly” amendment which clarified that the Parliamentarian may or may not be the same person as the Legal Advisor, with the addition of the following language in Article XIII, Section F: the Legal Advisor shall: “Serve as acting Parliamentarian for the PPCC unless and until a Parliamentarian is appointed by the Chair pursuant to Article V, Section 1.D.”

D.  Minor revisions, regarding officers’ terms and how the Board meets.

(i) Clarifying that all officers are elected for a one-year term (Article VII, Sec. 4.C.)
(ii) Not requiring that Board and certain other meetings be in-person, allowing the Board to decide between in-person and alternate remote means of meeting, and eliminating the determination of exigent circumstances (Article VII, Sec. 5; Article IX, Sec. 1).After considerable discussion, this motion passed unanimously.

10.   Old BusinessNone.

11.   Informal New Business (from 6-6:45)

11.1.   CD11 Candidates Meet and Greet (remarks and some Q/A).
The candidates for the Council District 11 race for City Council were present for a 45-minute presentation and question and answer period from our Board and audience. At least 100 people tuned in and were in attendance for the event. The candidates presented their points of view clearly and succinctly, within the allotted time and took 10 questions curated from the Board and Palisades community. See the forum recording here:

12.   Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.


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1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  Maryam Zar read the Community Council Mission

2.   Roll-call of Board members and Certification of Quorum
The President called roll and certified quorum.Voting Board members in attendance: Maryam Zar, Randy Young, David Card, Beth Holden-Garland, Murray Levy, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Kimberly Bloom, Cindy Simon, Julie Silliman, Chris Spitz, John Padden, Nina Kidd, Greg Heidt, Eric Dugdale, Richard Blumenberg, Rick McGeagh, Shirley Haggstrom, Gabrielle Gottlieb, Jessica Rogers.

Non-voting Alternates in attendance: Mary Schultz, Kevin Niles, Genevieve Bostik, Ryan Craig.

3.   Introduction of attendees
The President introduced Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (AD44) and Lori Mills, both candidates for AD42. They each gave remarks that lasted 20 minutes and took a series of questions that board members and the audience submitted to the chat. The President thanked them both and wished them well in upcoming elections on November 8, 2022.

4.   Approval of Minutes – the September 22, 2022 minutes were approved as distributed.

5.   Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings – the agenda was considered as presented.

6.   Treasurer’s Report the Treasurer reported that he has finally obtained a credit card and checks from the proper account and that there is $55,022.54 in the PPCC bank account at US Bank.

7.   General Public Comment.  None

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   The President welcomed all new members!

8.1.2.   The President noted that Area and At-large 1st and 2nd Alternates will be nominated tonight, per the determination of Committee of Three Chairs. Those nominees will be introduced today under Committee Reports for board affirmation.

8.1.3.   The President announced that the 2022 Awards Selection Committee has been appointed. Committee co-Chairs are Nancy and Kevin Niles. Committee members are Daphne Gronich (former COTY, per Bylaws), Barbara Kohn and Andy Frew. They have met and begun the call for nominees by putting out the linked press release

8.1.4.   The President announced that the 2022 Holiday Gala and Awards Event Committee has been appointed. Committee Chair: Haldis Toppel. Committee members: Cindy Simon, Sue Kohl, Karen Ridgley (and one more member pending). They will be working to hold an in-person event this year on December 8th,  at Temescal Gateway event halls.

8.1.5.   The President shared that the Malibu/Palisades Chamber of Commerce has announced their call for nominations for the Women’s Business Leadership Awards.  We are all welcome to nominate businesses we know.

8.1.6.   The President informed that board that she and others had held a productive and informative Orientation for all new elected reps and al new organizational reps and their alternates.  See shared FAQ ( There will be a similar orientation held for Area and At-large Alternates as well as anyone else who’d like to attend.

8.1.7.   The President said she had been in touch with the Brentwood Community Council regarding the Cookies dispensary that recently opened on San Vicente Boulevard and 26th Street. The location had one break in before it opened (delaying its opening) and another not long after it opened. The location of the business coupled with the break-ins have raised some alarm in Brentwood and the BCC has taken up the matter. She noted that our board will discuss the matter as new business below and consider a motion supporting BCC.

8.1.8.   The President noted that per our last meeting and approval of a number of amendments to the Bylaws, we will no longer be meeting by remote means as a function of an emergency (covid) but as a normal means of convening. We have left it to the board to decide how that will be, so she will ask the board to vote to approve meeting remotely for now, until such time when there is a consensus or a need to meet again in person. In the meantime, she has secured our ability to meet in the meeting room of the Palisades Library and is planning the Awards Gala on December 8th, at Temescal gateway Park, in person.

8.1.9.  The President reminded the board that on October 27th we will host the two candidates for County supervisor. Please submit questions for the candidates to . She will curate the questions and send them to the candidates in advance, just as with the CD11 forum.

8.2.   From Officers

8.2.1.   Dave Card announced that The Lutheran Church is doing a fundraiser run on Saturday, October 15th that will close some roads.  The closures will be south of Sunset, east of Muskingum, west of El Medio, and include Asilomar along the bluff.  Please see the church’s website under Events to see a map of which roads will be closed:

The race starts at 9:00AM on Saturday, so the closure barricades will go up before then.  Residents along closed roads should not leave their cars in the street.  The race should be over by 10:30AM, and the roads will begin to open as barricades are lifted. This is a much tighter course, which should inconvenience fewer people.

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives – none

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives

8.4.1.   Rick McGeagh, PPBA, reported that the Spooktacular at the Palisades Rec Center on Saturday October 29th, and PAB meeting on October 19th.  Meeting link pending.

8.4.2.   Ryan Craig, Resilient Palisades, reported that the Leaf Blower program (buying Husqvarna battery blowers), seeking applications from gardeners in the Palisades to be awarded a free blower. 25 blowers to give away. Email: with nominees. Next Wed, Resilient Palisades will host a presentation by Julieanna Heaver, a plant-based dietician, on health benefits and myths about a vegan diet, by Vegan Solutions team. And next Sunday, they will have a potluck for all their volunteers, and anyone interested in getting involved. Email RP with interest.

8.4.3.   Shirley Haggstrom, TCA, reported that TCA is started hiking again. First hike will be next Sunday, departing at 9am and will go up to the Waterfall.  Go to to sign up/rsvp and see more programs.

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives

8.5.1.   Noah Fleishman, CD11 District Director from the Office of Mike Bonin

Recommended use MYLA 311 app or website or call 311 to create service requests.
Announced the re-paving of Temescal Canyon Rd over the course of two weekends in November:  Bureau of Street services will be working on Nov 5 and 6th as well as Nov. 12 and 13th to repave Temescal Cyn Rd. There will be more information coming and alternate routes will be introduced to mitigate traffic impact during re-pavement, but this is a necessary upgrade of a failing road.

The George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon will be opening to the public on December 3rd. There will be an opening ceremony at 10 am (more info to come). This is an important passive park that the community has worked hard to make possible, and the council office is happy to announce this grand opening.

8.5.2.   Brian Espin. LAPD Senior Lead Officer for Pacific Palisades

Reported that all crime in the Palisades is trending lower. We are doing well. Best deterrent is eyes out on the street, walking dogs, talking to neighbors, being neighborly – this deters would be criminals. SLO Espin reports er are negative 20% in burglaries and auto thefts. Down even in Los Liones, where there had been an uptick.

Cookies (retail dispensary in Brentwood) – was burglarized again after their soft opening after having postponed their grand opening (note: the shop had been burglarized prior to their grand opening which did not take place). The business selling cannabis has all the necessary permits, and is situated outside the 700 foot sensitive zone from Paul Revere Middle School (an LAUSD public middle school). Right now, LAPD is keeping an eye on the operation — if they see an uptick in crime in the surrounding area they will document it, and if they can associate the uptick with Cookies, then they will take measures to shut it down (this is just LAPD).

Question: Katie O’Neil Art store in the village was robbed. SLO Espin said camera security footage from surroundings businesses and fingerprints from a frame were pulled and detectives are investigating. Updates will be forthcoming.

8.5.3.   Janet Turner, Office of Rep. Ted Lieu informed us that Congressman Ted Lieu joins President Joe Biden, Supervisor Hilda Solis, Mayoral candidate Karen Bass, Mayor Garcetti and Senator Alex Padilla to celebrate the metro stop at West LA VA.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives.

8.6.1    Sharon Kilbride, PPTFH presentation & update (PIT homeless count results).

Homeless count led by PPTFH (Kim Clary and David Morena) was done on February 23rd. Not an easy year since LAHSA introduced at app this year that seemed unreliable. PPTFH brought their own strategy to the table with Morena and Clary taking the lead, and feel confident in their numbers. The results show that we in the Palisades are “holding the line” with numbers consistent with what was counted the last year the PIT count was conducted in 2020 (there was no count in 2021).

Homeless count Results (2022):
LA County: 4/1% increase in homelessness
SPA 5: 23% decrease
CD11: 38% decrease
Pacific Palisades: 0% increase of homeless individuals form 2020
Encampments: increase of 5 encampments since 2020 (all since cleared)
Vehicles: 38 vehicles found being used for dwelling in Pacific Palisades. This is an increase of 15 from 2020.

Officers assisting PPTFH:
Currently we have officers Bermudez, Fletes and Muhammed. More are being trained by Officer Bermudez. We may be losing Fletes and Muhammed.

2022 Activity Recap:
2022 the PPTFH “Volunteer Response Team” engaged 452 new individuals (January 1 – Dec 31)

Cleaned up 262 camps (mostly on the beach). Working with LAPD and Beaches and Harbors. They believe there is very little fire threat on the hillsides, at this point.

They’ve found 95 vehicle dwellers this year. We’ve had one homeless related fire, which was on the beach.

PPTFH now has two outreach workers and a resume out for a new clinical case manager. They have the funds, but the job market is competitive and they now have 6 new applicants to interview and choose from. They are losing one for their outreach workers.  Glanda Sherman will be alone until the positions are filled. The team has gotten 162 people off the street and 102 permanently housed.

Next community meeting (webinar) will be November 14th. Presentation from outreach workers will include sharing success stories (with clients sharing their experience) and answer community questions.

Q: why are vehicle dwellers up from 69 to 95?  LAPD comes in before 5am to enforce the no-parking regulation but if they can’t get out there during the hours of midnight to 5am, then the numbers begin the grow. Commended the PPTF partnership with LAPD.

Looking for a volunteer in the village area (to work with Nancy Klopper and Lou Kamer) as part of the volunteer response team, talking to homeless people and offering them services, pass out hygiene kits and outreach cards (which will be changing – no more meetups at the library).

The board thanked Sharon Kilbride and the PPTFH for their excellent work.

9.   Reports from Committees.

9.1.    Committee of the Three Chairs (Card, Kohn, Boyers):

Committee Chair, David Card, thanked his fellow committee members and all 28 applicants for Area and At-large alternates and announced the 18 chosen for those roles. The suggested nominees are a mix of half newcomers and the other half comprised of people who have served in alternate or board roles previously.

Card proceeded to announce the slate of 1st and 2nd Area and At-large Alternates nominated by the committee (see attached) with a brief introduction of their qualifications and interests.

The President called for discussion. There was none.

The President called for a vote. The slate was approved unanimously.

9.2.    Awards Selection Committee

Nancy Niles, co-Chair, announced that the committee of Niles, Niles, Gronich, Kohn and Frew, had met and put out a press release (see below) as a broad community call for nominations. They have already begun to have some nominations rolling in and they are very excited to be able to award the Citizen of the Year, several Golden Sparkplug awards as well as the discretionary, Pride of the Palisades Award. See announcement of open nominations and guidelines below.

10.   Old Business – None

11.    New Business

11.1.   The board approved remote meeting for the duration of the 2022-2023 term (though June 2023), unanimously.

11.2.    Chris Spitz introduced the motion to support BCC, per below [see attachment]. The motion was seconded by Beth Holden-Garland. The President gave some additional background and asked for discussion and questions. The President called for the vote. The vote passed with one abstention.

12.    AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 7;53pm.

[ATTACHMENT — Item 11.1:  List of Alternate Nominees attached to draft minutes:]

[ATTACHMENT — Item 11.2:]

Draft motion re BCC letter

Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) shares the serious concerns expressed by Brentwood Community Council (BCC) in its Open Letter approved on October 12, 2022 pertaining to the cannabis retail dispensary named “Cookies” located at 13030 San Vicente Blvd., as well as the licensing process for cannabis retailers under current Los Angeles Municipal Code (“Code”) provisions.

PPCC is particularly concerned that:

• BCC did not receive any outreach or advance notice that a permit was being requested for this establishment before a permit was issued; there appear to be no available consequences or recourse for this significant omission.

• BCC and the Brentwood community were given no opportunity to provide input as to community concerns or to propose reasonable conditions on operations prior to licensing, in light of the establishment’s proximity to Paul Revere Charter Middle School (“Revere”);

• Although it is technically outside of the restricted radius from Revere (a “sensitive use” under applicable Code provisions), “Cookies” is located very near Revere and adjacent to the family-oriented Brentwood Country Mart – a centralized school bus pick-up and drop-off location for students from numerous local schools, including from Brentwood and Pacific Palisades, and where youth in grades 6-8 from Revere and young students from other local schools often congregate;

• At least two break-ins have occurred at “Cookies” within a month of operations (prior to and after opening of the establishment);

• Unlike numerous other cities in California (including San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento, Pasadena, Long Beach and Santa Monica), Los Angeles does not require issuance of a conditional use permit in order for cannabis retailers to operate; indeed, current Code provisions prevent Planning Dept. review in these cases, i.e., there is no discretionary review, public hearing before a zoning administrator or right of appeal as is otherwise required with most other businesses in Los Angeles, which are in turn in regulated under applicable conditional use/conditional use “beverage” permit requirements under the Code.

PPCC accordingly fully supports the eight “Action Items” (bullet points following the Open Letter) proposed by BCC for Code amendments and other actions to be taken with respect to cannabis retailer licensing and operations in Los Angeles. PPCC specifically supports an amendment that would require cannabis retailers to obtain a conditional use permit, similar to conditional use “beverage” permits required for retail liquor stores (with appropriate notice and public hearing, NOT an over-the-counter/streamlined or “by right” process) under the Code.

PPCC stresses that its position pertains only to concerns related to the licensing process, the lack of notice, the location near a school and the inability of the community to weigh in meaningfully (or at all) on operations and location of cannabis retailers. PPCC takes no position on the use of cannabis under applicable California law.


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1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  The Community Council mission was read by Maryam Zar.

2.   Roll-call of Board members and Certification of Quorum.
Voting members present: David Card, Maryam Zar, Beth Holden-Garland, Randy Young, Jenny Li, Murray Levy, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Cindy Simon, Rick McGeagh, Chris Spitz, John Padden, Nina Kidd, Greg Heidt, Eric Dugdale, Kevin Niles, Shirley Haggstrom.

Non-voting board members present: Cindi Young, Joanna Spak, Diana Daniele, Nancy Niles, Michael Edlen, Lee Anne Sanderson, Daphne Gronich, Quentin Fleming, Harlan Hogue, Cathy Russell, Mary Mueller, Alisa Wolfson, Genevieve Bostic.

3.    Introduction of attendees.
PPCC hosted Lindsay Horvath and Bob Hertzberg for an introduction of themselves as candidates for LA County Supervisor and community Q & A. A recording has been made available online. (

4.   Approval of Minutes – Approval of Minutes October 13, 2022 was deferred [approved on 11/10/22]

5.   Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meeting.  The agenda was considered as submitted.

6.   Treasurer’s Report.  The Treasurer announced that there had been one transaction since the last meeting for 500 dollars sent to the Palisadian Post. The PPCC account balance stands at $54,522.54. The new Treasurer now has checks and a credit card with which to transact PPCC business.

7.    General Public Comment.  None

8.   Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.   From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   The President announced that pursuant to motion passed at the last meeting regarding the Cookies dispensary in Brentwood, this letter was sent: .

8.1.2.   The President announced that Captain Tom, Commanding Officer at LAPD West Division, has been promoted to Commander and will be moving to Operation West Bureau headquarters this week. The incoming Commanding Officer at LAPD West will be Captain Craig Heredia.

8.1.3.   The President affirmed that a New member orientation for newly affirmed Area and At-large Alternates has successfully been held.

8.1.4.   The President reminded the board that the 2022 Awards Selection Committee is still accepting nominees until 9pm on October 31st. See: To nominate someone, email with details.

8.1.5.   The President announced that she had appointed one more person to the 2022 Holiday Gala and Awards Event Committee. The committee, chaired by Haldis Toppel, will now include Genevieve Bostic, PPCC Alternate in the Recreation category representing YMCA.

8.1.6.   The President informed the board that WRAC had not elected to send a motion similar to ours and BCC’s, requesting a conditional use permit process for cannabis dispensaries, to WRAC member councils. The WRAC board had instead decided to form an ad hoc committee to examine alternative processes which did not make sense for PPCC to join at the moment.  PPCC may form a committee jointly with BCC to discuss and strategize best ways to achieve our goals (e.g. establishing a conditional use review process for any dispensary seeking to operate in our communities).

8.1.7.    The President reminded the board that on November 10th, we will host outgoing LAPD West Operations Commanding Officer, Captain Tom, who will give us a report and take questions as he moves on to his new role as West Bureau Operations Commander.

8.2.   From Officers

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives

8.3.1.   Karen Ridgley – made note that the gate along Temescal Canyon road which blocks off park access from the street has been unlocked (the lock has been broken) and tree trunks have been dumped in the park. Karen has sent in a 311 report and also let Noah Fleishman (CD11) know to ask Sanitation to repair and strengthen the lock. Reiterates, this is an ongoing problem that urgently needs to be resolved.

8.3.2.   Murray Levy, racing cars and noisy motorcycles are becoming an issue and wants us to keep an eye on traffic violations and increasing traffic enforcement.

8.3.3.   Cindy Simon commented on crime and the home break-in Hartzell. Huntington HOA is working with the Alphabet Streets but they are at wits end as to what to do with the “worrisome increase in crime”. What can the PPCC do?

The President said she’d been in touch with LAPD and the residents and also spoke of a community safety meeting she had organized some years ago where all public safety stakeholders came together for a well attended community meeting to discuss policing and public safety as well as the role of all agencies and the community.

She said she intended to hold discussions with this board and LAPD, as well as Commander Tom and new Captain of West LA, Craig Heredia, to strategize what we can do with community involvement to make this community safter. The November meeting presents us with an opportunity to speak about these challenges with both Commandeer and Captain and begin to strategize how the community can collaborate with LAPD and other public safety agencies to develop a set of guidelines and strategies to help make the neighborhoods in our community safer.

8.4.   From Organizational RepresentativesNone

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives

8.5.1.   Janet Turner, Office of Congressman Ted Lieu

Anti sematic flyers are very disturbing to the Congressman. He has written to FBI Director, Wray and he is following up on that. As co-Chair of the bipartisan Anti Semitism task force, he is calling on Fed law enforcement officials to address these incidents on not only the Westside of LA, but nationwide.

He also stands in solidarity with Iranians protesting the terrible treatment of women and prisoners in Iran. Cosponsored HR9075 supporting Iranian Political Prisoners and co-sponsored a resolution commending the bravery of Iranian protesters.

Sun Nov 13th:  Conversation with military families. Look for the Flyer.

8.5.2.  Brian Espin. LAPD Senior Lead Officer for Pacific Palisades

Please see attached report and crime map from SLO Brian Espin. Espin reported that crime was on an uptick (still down 13% from last year, same time) and explained that when the Hartzell break-in on October 17th took place, the one Palisades LAPD car was sent out of the area on another call and for that reason, took 14 minutes to get back to the Palisades. This response time seems alarming but was fast, given how far the car had to travel. There was discussion about the length of the response time and the need to advocate for either more LAPD presence in the Palisades, or an assurance that our car will remain in the area, at all times. The two teenage girls who had faced the break-in at their home spoke about the challenge of waiting nearly 20 minutes. They also mentioned that many of Officer Espin’s suggestions for safety, such as remote cameras, dogs present, and other measures were in play at the scene of the break-in and they did not deter the three suspects who broke in from the back door and gained entry to the house. Once they realized someone was in the house (“hot prowl”), they ran out. Best deterrent is eyes out on the street with perhaps a text chain with neighbors where each alerts others when they see something amiss. The more visible and alert the community is, the less attractive the neighborhood becomes to would be wrongdoers. Officers patrolling the Palisades are looking for teams of young people who are driving in “nicer” rented cars that are in the prowl in our neighborhoods. It helps when neighbors are also on the lookout.

As the suspects were running out, one suspect dropped a knife and LAPD is using that tool to find fingerprints. The President reassured the board and the family whose home had been broken into that we understand the challenges and worry that has set into the community, and we will form a collaborative approach to strategize solutions, in partnership with LAPD and other public safety stakeholders.

8.6.    From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives.  None

9.   Reports from Committees

9.1.   Awards Selection Committee.  Committee co-Chairs, Nancy and Kevin Niles announced that nominations were still being accepted for PPCC Awards through October 31st and that good nominations had already been made.

10.   Old Business.  None  

11.    New Business

11.1.   The PPCC board heard a presentation by Gene Oh, the Founder of Tranzito Vector, on STAP program and contract for street furniture. Helped start the Metro Bike Hub program and now helping LADOT with their mobility Hub program.

This project has traditionally been an advertising contract (a concessioner model), where the concessioner takes over the program and gives a share of the profits to the city, but the accountability isn’t there on the part of the city. The current contract is a different program where the city pays for the capital and hiring TV as consultant operators. This is ultimately a mobility project where advertising revenue is a means to an end, not the main goal. The main goal is improved mobility.

Looking at bus stops today and tomorrow’s mobility hubs – central hub for mobility for anyone not driving a car. Streets LA wanted more shelter, shade, safety and comfort. Want to build 3000 bus shelters now (versus 660 that were built in the last 20 years) and have to make this economically feasible, while recognizing that the 3000 shelters will change the aesthetic of the city. So they want to make sure a shelter that exemplifies LA, but gives enough creativity where different neighborhoods can have their own customization.

Other concerns, data security when it comes to digital hubs that will provide real time bus info., real time alerts and city messaging. Can add additional tech sensors, but data privacy is at the forefront of any of these add ons and would have to go to City Council for approval. Wants very much to be collaborative.

Focusing on areas with high ridership, they want to provide better bus shelters to the most disadvantaged areas of the city, and areas where there is a lot of concrete (few trees) and a measurably high heat index. This new bus stop is intended to be at the center of ‘smart cities”, based on equity and environment.

Mobility Hubs: turning the bus shelter into an “infrastructure node”.  Emergency city messaging and real time bus info made available through Amazon digital technology. In PP they won’t have digital screens (very little if any) but want to have real time bus and emergency information. Health and safety and public safety is also a priority. Vulnerable riders are also in mind with bilingual messaging.

Design: “California modernism:” A simple, modern look that looks good now as well as 20/30 years from now. They also wanted aesthetically pleasing but minimal. The minimalist look reduces the backing for more public safety and more air flow, as well as increased movement (including for people for disabilities). Lots of light for way finding as well as well-lit shelters that discourage improper use of shelters (like homelessness). They can measure and adjust the light. The smart shelters also can monitor its own good working order. They’ll be installing 5 times as many shelters than in the next 20 years. Big ask – so they plan thoughtful locations – 650 of the shelters will be digital (about 25%) with safeguards like a light max regulation in the contract, refresh rate in 10 seconds, no motion on the digital adds – to reduce digital negative effects but highlight the positive effects to pay for the additional 2241 shelters with standard paper add screens. 100 will have large format static paper ads (mostly downtown and Hollywood). 450 locations will have no adds at all.


Q; Zar — Community transparency and open communications: how open are you to interfacing with the community as these fold into the community – for example: adjustments to lighting and material?

Q2: Is Pacific Palisades on your radar (ridership goals as a priority)?

A: Material: perforated metal which is better for air flow and cleanliness – these are functional reasons for the perf-metal. There is no “changeability” on the material, but is its very important to PP, you should bring it up to TV and Streets LA, who is the ultimate arbiter. Color can be changed. The lighting can be minimized. Each location will have “tunability”, so light cam be adjusted, and the marquee will be capped off so light emanates less. Every Council District will get 300 shelters each, in the first year, but where in the district is something that can be discussed with the Council Member.

Brian Stedge: Streets LA and your CM are the key people during the outreach phase, will be the deciding arbiter of where these locations will go. Direct your advocacy there.

Q: Cron – is the seating area conducive to sleeping/lying:

A: Passengers thought the bars were too aggressive, so they designed a seat design that has no rails but have different heights on each bench for accessibility (even the mobility challenged) to sit down.

Q: Spitz – Is PP unlikely to have digital signage at our bus shelters?

A: TV does not have control of that list, based on various “scores”, including heat factor, ridership, equity score and ‘trip generator’ locations, Pacific Palisades does not rank very high on the priority list for digital screens. But this is not our decision, but a decision made in conjunction with Streets LA and the Council District.

Comment: consistency with the mobility element of the specific Plan.

Response: An issue of interpretation and reiterates to take up advocacy with the Council office.

The President thanks the TV team and reiterates that she appreciates the transparency and the willingness to come to PPCC and answer questions. Gene reiterates that he’s happy to come back.

12.   AdjournmentMeeting was adjourned at 8:04pm


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1.   Call to Order and Reading of Community Council’s Mission.  The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm. The Community Council mission was read by Karen Ridgley, Area 4 Primary Rep.  See PPCC Bylaws:

2.   Roll-call of Board members and Certification of Quorum.
Voting Board members present: Jenny Li, Beth Holden Garland, Randy Young, Murray Levy, Steve Cron, Haldis Toppel, Karen Ridgley, Kimberly Bloom, Julie Silliman, Chris Spitz, Shirley Haggstrom, Eric Dugdale, Courtney Macker, Richard Blumenberg, Nina Kidd, Bill Skinner, Greg Heidt.

Non-voting Board members present: Cindi Young, Joanna Spak, Michael Edlen, Daphne Gronich, Cathy Russell, David Taubman, Ryan Craig, Barbara Kohn, Genevieve Bostic.

3.   Introduction of attendees — see Item 8.5.1, below.

4.   Approval of Minutes – The October 13, 2022 and October 27, 2022 minutes were approved.

5.    Consideration of Agenda & Upcoming Meetings,

The Agenda was considered as presented.

Upcoming meetings noted:
December 8: PPCC Awards Gala and Holiday Party

January 12: a presentation by Donna Arrechea on the city’s 311 App and call center and STAP matters, perhaps IKE Motion

January 26: a presentation by Alex Helou, Assistant Director at LA Sanitation and Deborah Hong of LADWP

February 9: a presentation by Brian Hale, LADOT Chief of Parking Enforcement and Tim Fremaux, Sr. Transportation Engineer, LADOT – to discuss sidewalk and intersection/sidewalk policies and management.

Topics are only a partial list and may be amended.

6.   Treasurer’s Report. 

The Treasurer reported a $37.36 sundry expense. The PPCC bank balance is  $54,485.16.

7.   General Public Comment – none.

8.    Reports, Announcements and Concerns.

8.1.    From the Chair/Presiding Officer.

8.1.1.   The President announced that the 2022 Honorees have been chosen by the ASC and will be announced later in this meeting, and congratulates them all.

8.1.2.  The President announced she is appointing a Transportation Committee to act as an advocate for repairs, improvements and the study of mobility issues that impact our community and the surrounding areas.

8.1.3.   The President announced she is appointing members to a joint committee with BCC to address cannabis dispensary notice to Community Councils (per motion passed by both Councils in October.)

8.1.4.  The President announced she is appointing a Public Safety Task Force to work in collaboration with LAPD and LAFD on public communication and safety strategies.

8.1.5.   The President announced that the anticipated LUC item for today’s meeting is being deferred.

8.1.6.   The President announced that the Holiday party is on track and asked members to SAVE THE DATE: Dec 8th, from 6-8pm.

8.1.7.   The President gave an update regarding the GW Park at Potrero Canyon opening which is expected to take place on December 3rd at 10am, per CM Bonin’s team.

8.1.8.   The President announced the appointed of a new Business Matters Advisor: Alan Goldsmith.

8.2.   From Officers – none.

8.3.   From At-Large and Area Representatives – none.

8.4.   From Organizational Representatives – none.

8.5.   From Government Offices / Representatives.

8.5.1.   LAPD Presentation by Commander Jonathan Tom and Captain Craig Heredia.

Captain Craig Heredia introduced himself (over 27 years as a police officer) and made a presentation along with Brian Espin and Sgt. Scott Alpert. See presentation (

Commander Jonathan Tom explained that his recent promotion to Commander happened quickly, so he bid us farewell as Captain and introduced Captain Heredia as the new Area Commanding Officer for West LA. He is proud of Captain Heredia and knows he will do well in this role. Commander Tom thanked the PP community and remarked at how much we are a close-knit community with a strong identity that effectively advocates for its environs. He said that, while he is moving into the Commander role, he will always be a friend to the Palisades and is happy to address issues that come to his attention in his new role. “It was the honor of my career to serve on the Westside.” He has faith that Captain Heredia will be engaged with the community and will be an accessible Commander, as he was. Commander Tom also introduced Sgt Alpert as SLO Brian Espin’s direct supervisor and the Supervisor of the community engagement team.

Commander Tom now serves as Assistant Commanding Officer of Operations – West Bureau, which includes: Hollywood, Wilshire, Olympic, West LA, Pacific and Pacific LAX. Deputy Chief Chow is the Commanding Officer of the Bureau. Commander Jonathan Pinto is the other Commander in the Bureau. Commander Tom is also in charge of the ATF Gun Violence Task Force at the Bureau.

PPCC President thanked Commander Tom for his years of service and formally welcomed Captain Heredia. The President asked if we should come to Commander Tom or to Captain Heredia if we were to, for example, want to advocate for a patrol car to stay in the Palisades (i.e. not be called away, as it was last month when it took 18 minutes to get back). Commander Tom said we should advocate to Capt. Heredia, and that request would make its way through internal channels to Commander Tom and his supervisors. Commander Tom said he will always be an ally who is familiar with the Palisades, and will do his best to advocate for our resources to remain intact.

8.5.2.   Brian Espin. LAPD Senior Lead Officer for Pacific Palisades took part in LAPD presentation and announced that the beach detail was reallocated back to the Palisades with an extra car secured for our community. Asked for people to sign up to receive his weekly crime reports. When he gets the new crime maps, he will send to the community.

Saw reports of two burglaries – both were cases where suspects got into unlocked vehicles. Garage door openers were in the car, and so suspects got into garage and took items. He said please make sure vehicles are secured and locked, and find a hiding spot for the garage door opener – this concerns him that suspects can get into unlocked cars and then into homes though the garage.

Kimberly Bloom asked about the Hartzell incident: SLO Espin said there were no updates or arrests on the investigative side. Residents said the same vehicle was seen on Chautauqua, but no calls were recorded, even though there is a post on a social media platform. LAPD has not determined that the same car/same suspects were back in town. Zar asked about fingerprints which he had said might be gleaned from the knife recovered on the scene. SLO Espin said there had been no prints recovered from the knife, as yet.

Karen Ridgley:  Raised the idea of an office for the police in the Palisades. Zar said the idea is in the works, and updates are forthcoming. Ridgley asked about response times – noted only urgent 911 calls are getting quick responses. Nonviolent response times are terribly slow and that impacts the quality-of-life offenses we deal with. Asks, how can we keep our police in the Palisades area – looking to enhance the response time and keep our resources local.

Captain Heredia said they are looking at ways to keep LAPD officers in the Palisades. Said they are short staffed on the sworn side and the non-sworn side.

Murray Levy, Area 1 Rep asked about traffic infractions. Captain Heredia said West LA Traffic is stepping up enforcement per updates received from SLOs.

8.5.3.   Zac Gaidzik, Field Deputy, County Supervisor, Sheila Kuehl – not present.

8.5.4.   Noah Fleishman, CD11 District Director, Office of CM Bonin – not present.

8.6.   From PPCC Advisors and WRAC Representatives.

8.6.1.   Lou Kamer, PPCC Transportation Advisor, PCH Taskforce meeting – not present

8.6.2.   Sharon Kilbride, PPCC Homelessness Advisor, Winter Shelters

As there has been a lot of rain and cold, Ms. Kilbride asked about westside winter shelters run by the County of LA. There are none in our area. After emailing City and County Field Reps, she founds that four new winter shelters opened on November 4th, but the closest ones are in downtown LA (Westside Armory was closed in 2020). “Very bleak and very sad.” Something needs to be done on this forefront. There are a lot of “warming fires” where unhoused individuals are creating fires to stay warm because there are no winter shelters nearby. LAFD has come out to respond recently, and this is something that is concerning; the city and county need to provide more winter shelters during the cold months. Ms. Kiibride informed the Board that Sue Pascoe got some assurances from candidates Traci Park and Erin Darling after writing an article, but for now, the problem remains that people are out on our streets and in our hillsides, creating fires to stay warm at night.  The President clarified that there are no winter shelters in all of SPA 5.

8.6.3.   Allison Holdorff-Polhill, PPCC Education Advisor, Education update – not present.

9.   Reports from Committees.

9.1.   Awards Selection Committee Report, made by Committee member, Daphne Gronich who thanked the community for all the nominations. She announced the selection of the Citizen of the Year, Golden Sparkplug and Pride of the Palisades Selection of 2022 Awardees. Following consideration by the 2022 Selection and Awards Committee the following have been chosen to receive the Citizen of the Year Award, the Spark Plug Awards and the Pride of the Palisades Award:

Citizen of the Year Award: Michael Lanning

Sparkplug Awards: Cindy Simon & Tracey Price, James Cragg, Hazel Tate

Pride of the Palisades: Pacific Palisades Historical Society Centennial Celebration Committee.

Ms. Gronich briefly described the awardees’ accomplishments and noted that Selection Committee member Barbara Kohn, who was also a member of the PPHS Centennial Selection Committee, did not participate in the vote on the Pride of the Palisades award.

The President thanked Ms. Gronich and the Awards Selection Committee, chaired by Nancy and Kevin Niles, and the Board congratulated all the honorees.

9.2.    Awards Event Committee:  Karen Ridgley, committee Co-Chair, reported that the Event Committee is on track for event planning and has already met and distributed tasks.

10.   Old Business none.

11.   New Business.

11.1.   The Board took up a WRAC recommended motion to call upon Gil Cedillo and Kevin de Leon to resign from Los Angeles City Council. The motion calling on Kevin de Leon and Gil Cedillo to resign was made by At-large Rep, Chris Spitz, seconded by Steve Cron and passed unanimously.

11.2.   The Board tabled discussion of a possible motion to urge LAPD to keep “the Palisades car” here in the Palisades at all times, since we learned from LAPD/Capt. Heredia that a beach patrol car has been (re)secured for the Palisades.

11.3.   Discussion and possible motion on city bus shelters – are they suitable for Pacific Palisades – was tabled pending more info from new Council Office staff. The President opened the floor to hear from members regarding their impressions/reservations about the new proposed transit shelters.

Julie Silliman, Area 7 Primary Rep, said she had investigated the statistics on bus ridership, and the numbers attributable to our community are fairly low (4/5 up to 10 people). A couple of our stops represent 40-50% of our ridership at certain times. They are not constant and only peak at certain times. She looked at the material and didn’t think they would be durable or attractive.

Eric Dugdale, PPHS Rep, said he drove by and thought the digital back-lit screen signage would be very distracting. Unclear what is being proposed and where they would be placed.

Courtney Macker, PPRA Representative, concurred that there’s little need for these shelters, as far as she can tell, as she lives close to one of the high ridership locations.

There was concern about scooter docks at the shelters and there was not much support for that (safety hazard and eyesore). All agreed that these shelters would be inappropriate for us, given ridership, coastal/scenic highway placement of shelters.

Chris Spitz reminded us that all reps from Streets LA and Tranzito Vector have assured us that there will be more outreach before anything is implemented in PP. She notes IKE – the digital Kiosk advertising program which was heard in Council today, was put on hold for more review.

K.C. Soll, resident/Palisades CERT coordinator) says Sunset Blvd is more dangerous than ever, with high speeds and traffic and these shelters (with lights and screens) will be a distraction.

11.4.   Discussion and motion regarding George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon (GWPPC) signs, which the City is to print and install in time for the opening of the park.

Language of motion below, sponsored by Chris Spitz, was seconded by Area 6 1st  Alternate, Quentin Fleming, passed unanimously with a friendly amendment (seconded by Karen Ridgley, which also passed unanimously).  The friendly amendment was made by the President to include the requirement that the park opening hours remain and be codified/noticed as “Open from Sunrise to Sunset.”  The motion passed unanimously. [See attachment, “Proposed motion requesting signage,” below.]

The President noted that the Wolfberg family has asked for an informative black and white sign in three locations throughout the park (this has been approved), and invited Diane Wolfberg to address signage and park opening, as she wishes.  A conversation ensued regarding the No Bicycling code section.  The consensus was that pedal bicycling would be allowed and the signage should be worded to allow pedal bicycling but not motorized bicycling. The board agreed we should monitor the evolution of signage on this matter.

12.   AdjournmentMeeting adjourned at 8:05PM.

For additional information see or e-mail

[Attachment:  Item 11.4]

Proposed motion requesting signage – George Wolfberg Park in Potrero Canyon

Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) urges the City of Los Angeles (City) and the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) to expedite preparation and installation of signs in George Wolfberg Park in Potrero Canyon (GW Park) containing the following rules and regulations:

  • No smoking
  • No open flames
  • No fireworks
  • No camping, no campfires
  • No tents or other bulky items
  • Specific reference to applicable Code section/s (including LAMC Sec. 63.44)
  • Hours of park operation (i.e., closed from dusk to dawn)

The preparation and installation of such signs should be expedited in order for the signs to be in place at all park entrances and in other potential strategic locations, in time for the publicly-announced GW Park opening on December 3, 2022.

PPCC further urges City and RAP officials to meet and confer on site as soon as possible with LAPD officers who are thoroughly familiar with conditions in our bluff and canyon areas, to determine the most strategic and effective locations for placement of such signs within GW Park (in addition to locating signs at all park entrances) in order to deter camping, fires and other real and potential risks to community safety. These officers should include Senior Lead Officer Brian Espin and lead Beach Detail Officer Jose Bermudez.

This motion is made with reference to the following facts and concerns:

  • LAMC Sec. 63.44 prohibits the above-referenced unsafe and dangerous activities in all City parks, including GW Park, and expressly requires “No smoking” and “No open flames” signs to be posted in “conspicuous” locations.
  • The Coastal Commission permit for GW Park also specifically requires signage to be posted at the “Friends St. Trailhead,” indicating “hours of operation of the park, park rules and regulations, and amenities available.”
  • GW Park – as is the entirety of Pacific Palisades – is located in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ).
  • Based on long community experience, PPCC reasonably expects that illegal, unsafe and dangerous activities (including lighting fires and homeless camping/erecting tents or makeshift shelters in brush areas) will occur or be attempted in GW Park, just as such activities often occur in other nearby restricted bluff and canyon areas of Pacific Palisades.
  • Posting of park rules and regulations is not only required but is necessary for LAPD and LAFD enforcement and thus is critical for the safety and security of park users, of the residential neighborhoods surrounding the canyon, and of the entire Palisades community.


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